The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 25, 1909, Image 5

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Policy's, Scolyvlllo. C5t4
tsiiJlOO itUVS a houso and lot on
the corner of West nnd 13th street.
Inquire at the office.
MAUD WOOD, for stoves and
grates, for s-nle at Frank llollen
beck's, l'ronipton. - CFt4
l-'OH SALH or exchange for
stock, one pair good work horses.
Cash price for pair, $G0. Forrest
A. Taylor, Torrey, la. Got:!
THE Peck-Alexander reunion will
be hold at Carpenter's Grove, Union
dale, Friday, Aug. 27, l'JO!). 2t
POU SALK The Philip Monaghan
property on West street. Large lot,
good house, small barn. Inquire of
W. T. Moore. C4t4
IJHA.MAX has some splendid na
tive and western horses for sale, all
In excellent condition at Allen House
barn. 25tf.
SPECIAL attention given to chil
dren at Charlesworth's Studio. 28
FOB SALE Uay house, on East
Extension street. Large lot with
Bixty feet front. M. E. Simons.
There are 1,301,406 school
children in this state and a grand
total of ?6, 970, 144. 25 is now being
distributed to the schools by the
Department of Public Instruction.
The All-Honesdale base ball
team went to Ariel on Saturday and
was defeated by the team of that
place by the score of 12 to 0.
Crago, the local's pitcher, was not
in his usual good form and was hit
Scranton papers Intimate that
the death of Bruce Keeney at Orson,
this county, might not have been ac
cidental, and claim that a much
closer Investigation should be had,
than that which the coroner jury
made. Mr. Kcnney was buried on
The Athletic committee of the
Old Home Week celebration has
arranged the following games for
that week . Monday, Sept. (5th. St.
John's of ' Scranton, two games;
Tuesday and Wednesday, the strong
Milford team will be the attraction;
and on Thursday Port Jervis will
be here.
Excursion rates on the Hrie
two cents a mile from any station
as far north as liinghamton ami
south to Middletown; also on all sta
tions on Erie and Wyomin.; Division
from Scranton to llawley. Special
train will arrive in lionesdalo at 11
a. m. and one leave at G p. m. each
Excursion rates for Old Home
Week on the D. & H. from Wilkes
Dane and all stations to and in
cluding Yatesville ?1.2." for the
round trip; from Pittston and all
stations to, nnd including Archbald
51 (JO; from .lerniyn and Mayfleld
and Cnrbondale, 7.1 cents. Special
Main leaves lionesdalo at 9:15 p.
m. on Sept. 7, S, and U.
-The Carbondale Leader of last
Saturday states that a boy named
Floyd Roberts of Varden, Wayne
county, was found on the streets of
Carbondale in a destitute condition
by Olllcor McAndrews, a good heart
ed policeman, who furnished the
boy with a good square meal, In
troduced him to Foreman Barrett of
the D. it II. shops, who furnished him
with a job whore he can earn his
X. !. Hause, chief clerk of the
Auditor General's department at
Harrlsburg, has been selected by
Governor Stuart to represent this
state at the third International Tax
Conference to be held at Louisville,
Ky., September 21-24. The mem
bership of the conference is com
posed of a delegate from each state
in the Union. They meet each year
and consider questions respecting
The members of the Hawley
Fire department have accepted the
Invitation extended to them by Alert
Fire company of Honesdale to be
their guests on Firemen's Day dur
ing Old Homo Week celebration.
The local lire laddies will leave there
about forty strong on a special train
Wednesday morning, Sept. S, to
take part in the parade on that date.
They will be accompanied by scores
of friends and ono of the best bands
The Privilege committee for the
"Old Home Week" celebration held
a meeting on Friday afternoon,
Aug. 20th, at which time the mat
ter of privilege for the selling of
refreshments, etc., was discussed.
The committee decided to give
lionesdalo dealers llrst preference
for location. All persons wishing to
secure space for tho sale of refresh
ments, etc., can address Martin Cau
fleld, Chairman of tho Privllego
t ommittee.
Congressman Pratt is homo, since
Congress adjourned. Ho has pur
chased a largo new touring car, and
next winter it will be seen on tho
avenues at Washington, Our repre
sentative was very fortunate in be
ing placed on two very important
committees committee on Agricul
ture and on Expenditure in tho de
partment of Commerce and Labor.
The place on tho commltteo on Ag
riculture Is one of the most sought
for assignments in the gift of the
Speaker, and wo congratulate Mr.
Henry Knoor was taken to the
Danville asylum on Saturday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Pethlck, of Eight street, on Monday,
a son.
J. UenJ. DImmick Is expected to
be ono of tho speakers Home Com
ing Week.
T.c 1 Patterson won both races
at Coitland In which his horses were
Cliniies Taft, cousin of Presi
dent Taft, was killed by lightning at
Prior, Colorado.
Impressive services were held at
the funeral of Col. F. .T. Kit.siuimons
on Friday, at Carbondale.
Tho Olrdland and Hileyvillo
postolfico will be discontinued after
August Jilst, and the patrons will be
served by Honesdale Rural Free De
livery No. ;!.
The Wayne County convention
of tho W. C. T. U. will be held at
Hamllnton Sept. 7th and 8th. Miss
Lillian Phelps will be the speaker.
The Honesdale Methodist Sun
day school will hold its annual pic
nic at Olver'8 Grove next Saturday.
We are going to have a Vacuum
cleaning machine. Charles E.
Thomas is the owner, and machine is
expected in a few days.
The new concrete bridge at
East Honesdale was opened for traf
fic "on Wednesday. The work Is In
charge of contractor P. J. Varcoe.
Cyrus Barnes, 5 years old, son of
Wallace Barnes of Beach Lake, fell
from an apple and broke his
arm on Thursday last. He was
brought to Honesdale for treatment.
The Munich Bros. Fife, Drum
and Bugle Corps, of Port Jervis,
will accompany Excelsior Hose Co.
No. 5, on their visit here to attend
Firemen's Day of Old Home Com
ing Week.
The Scranton Tribune man had
Mr. Ed. Bader married to Miss Ruth
Lord, but Ed. says he married Miss
Mary Jayne, and Miss Lord corro
barates this statement by announc
ing she is still single.
T5ie Youns People's Christian
Endeavor Society of Calkins will
hold an ice cream social Wednesday
evening, August 25, on Mrs. H. E.
Decker's lawn. Proceeds for he
benefit of the church at Calkins.
Tho Erie Railroad has over
one hundred men at work on their
Jefferson branch between Carbon
dale and Lanesboio, placing the
track and roadbed in good condi
tion for the heavy coal traffic which
they expect this fall.
The vault of the National Union
Hank at Monticello was opened !nt
Wednesday ;fter nearly a week of
labor by mechanics and experts. '
All tlic contents were found iiuci i
having withstood the intente !:c:;t
of the conflagration.
Amos Olver and wife, while at
tending t1e Olver leunion, met with
a mishap, and were very fortunate
in not being dangerously injured; as
it was their buggy was upset and
Mrs. Olver injured severely, Mr. Olver
escaping with some slight bruises.
The decorating committee of
the Old Homo Week celebration is
making extensive preparations for
a carnival on Park lake two even
ings during the celebration. The
town will also bo artistically deco
rated during the week.
Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ainos Ward, of Bethany, was
severely bitten by a dog Monday
afternoon. The boy was walking
along the street when a neighbor
called to him. He went into the
yard, and as he was approaching
the house a large dog fastened its
teeth into ills arm. Mr. Ward
brought his son to this place and
Dr. Searles gave tho case proper
Tho State Highway Commis
sion has sent to the supervisor and
county commissioners tho cost of
roads In Texas township. The pre
paration of the plans for this work
has gone forward as rapidly as
possible from the time the work
was taken up by the department.
This piece of road extends from the
borough line to the Cherry Ridge
township. An effort Is being made
to have the state build the road.
On Thursday evening about ten
o'clock Miss Gertrude Roegner, of
West street, nnd cousin, Miss Dora
Roegner, of Williamstiort, had an
exciting experience. The young
ladles were returning home. Near
the house some person, dressed In
white, ran from tho yard and across
the street. The young ladles became
frightened and ran down the street
screaming. The people of the
neighborhood came from their homes
but tho ghost could not be found.
Late In the evening a young lady
hearing of the trouble she had caus
ed, called at the Roegner home nnd
explained matters. It appears that
she was spending the evening with
a friend and upon hearing the young
ladies approaching she ran across the
Raymond Greeley anu his
mother, Mrs. I. L. Greeley, of Chi
cago, hut formerly of Scranton, who
have been visiting the Alaska-Yu-kon-PacIllc
exposition, going from
thonco to California, have decided
to spend tho winter in Los Angeles.
It is quito possible they will make
Hint city their permanent home, as
ho is already csabllshed In a very
desirable position. The week In
which they reached there waa that
In which tho meetings of the State
Pharmaceutical society and the
National Pharmaceutical association
succeeded each other, at both of
which he was registered.
Miss Kate Bracey and Rose Flynn
spent several days with relatives In
.Mrs. Fred Keen and daughter,
Rena, have returned home after a
visit In Scranton.
Miss Cora Robinson, of Fortena,
will teach at the Autumn Leaves
John T. Watklns and George P..
Brandon were visltois in town on
Mrs. Josephine D. Whitney nnd
Miss Antoinette Dnrland are at As
bury Park.
Misses Gertrude Duff and Susie
Mcfiraw are spending the week In
Port Jervis.
Misses Margaret Welsh and Bea
trice Ford, of Scranton, were visitors
In town Mondny.
Charles Huck Is confined to his
home on Green street with an at
tack of typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schupper and
daughter, Anna, were visitors In
Scranton on Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Swift are
at Minnlwnska Lake for the remaind
er of their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. William Krletner
left Friday for a trip to Chicago and
other western cities.
Miss Cora Sears has returned
from Tyler Hill where she has been
the guest of Mrs. Tyler.
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Teeple, of
Lookout, was In Honesdale, on Fri
day and made us a visit.
James A. Robinson started his
large woolen factory in the Liberty
Hall building on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Eberhardt, of
Upper Main street, are entertaining
Miss Lizzie H. Keefer, of Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Varcoe, of
iQnesdale, spent Sunday in town with
their son, E. P. Varcoe and family.
Miss Gertrude Murrman, of High
street Is going to teach at the
Fairmont school, Scott Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .Martin at
tended the funeral of Horace Chap
man Hand at Honesdale on Thurs
day. Miss Florence Gran of Boston,
Mass., is being entertained at tho
home of Mrs. S. Mathey on Ridge
Mrs. C. 10. Decker, of Berkley.
Cal., is spending a month at the home
of .Mr. G. W. Decker, on Fifteenth
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Schenck, of
Terrace street, are eiitertuininc; Mrs.
Mead Schenck and brother, of West
Miss Annie Drew, of Meridan,
Conn., is tho guest of her relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kelly, of Wood
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ilanlon at
tended the reunion of tho Mans
field Alumni at Luna Park, Scran
ton, on Friday.
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Webster
Meats, of Scranton, and party passed
through Honesdale in their touring
car on Saturday. Alice Donohue and Helen
Judge, of Wilkes-Barre, are the
quests of the former's brother, Win.
Donohue, of this place.
Miss Bertha Gibbons of New
York City, has returned to her home
after a visit with .Mrs. John M.
Lyons on Park street.
Miss Bertha Lane and Ella Sharp
steel), both of whom are employed at
the Wayne County Savings Bank,
are otf on their vacations.
Mr. Win. II. Gregory and family,
and Mr. S. Gregory and family, all
of Brooklyn, N. Y., were viewing the
beauties of Honesdale on Friday.
Miss Helen Purdy, of llaverstraw-on-the-IIudson,
returned home Fri
day after a visit of two weeks with
her friend, Miss Mollie Menner.
Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Weston, of
Cnrbondale, made their usual week
end visit at their Honesdale homo,
coming over Saturday of last week.
Misses Anna Brown, Ruth and
Gladys Ruppert and Miss Florence
Moore, of Carbondale, left yesterday
to spend the week at Twin Lake.
Orville Wright claims that his next
flying machine will fly 1000 miles
without stopping, maintaining a
speed of 40 miles per hour.
Mrs. William Sluman, Misses .Mary
Coleman, Anna Seaman and Edith
Swift left Monday to spend the week
at the Menner cottage at Elk lake.
Misses Jennie and Elizabeth Court-
right and Miss Lizzie Bassett returned
home Mondny from a pleasant visit
at tho Brown cottage at Elk Lake.
Miss Sadie Coleman has returned
to Philadelphia, after a three weeks'
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Coleman, of South Church
Hon. and Mrs. W. T. Creasy, of
Catawissa, Pa., returned homo Fri
day, after spending some days in
town, tho guests of Hon. and Mrs.
Leopold Fuerth.
Harry Potter, who has been em
ployed In ono of Honesdalo's meat
shops for several weeks, has re
signed his position, and returned to
Mr. Frank Stelnman and family
went to Liberty and Monticello, N.
Y., for Saturday and Sunday last,
returning Sunday night. The run
was made in their touring car.
Mrs, Andrew Thompson, accom
panied by her granddaughters, Emily
and Frances, went to New York on
Friday, where the children were met
by their fatlmr, Mr. Augustus P.
Thompson, of Andover, Mass.
John Brown is spending his vaca
tion In Scranton.
Miss Madge Monnghan Is visiting
relatives at this place.
Raymond Bodte, of Scranton, was
a visitor 'n town Friday.
.M'.f ? Margaret GrllUn was a visi
tor in Scranton on Thursday.
William Mathey, of Scranton, was
a visitor in town on Sundny.
Miss Adelaide Place, of Tunkhnn
nock, Is visiting friends In town.
Mi-ss Mario Uracey is spending two
weeks with relatives In Scranton.
L. L. ".'oodley, of Scranton, was
a burner. , cnllt r in town on Monday.
Misses Anglo and May Flnnerty
spent Sunday with friends In Seran
oon. Mli43 Agatha Sweeney is visiting
at the home of her parents on
Fouith street.
Edward Passhauer, of Carbon
dale, spent Sunday at his homo in
this place.
Thomas Kelly and Chris. Buerk
ert spent Sunday at Lake Hunting
don. Miss Lucy Delaney, of Port Jer
vis, is the guest of Miss Mary Ennis,
of Ridge street.
Miss Edna Cheesman has return
ed to her home in Flushing after a
visit with relatives In Bethany.
Misses Florence and Josephine
Allen, of Elkin, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buerk
ert, of Main street.
Misses Jennie and Gertrude Galla
gher have returned to their home
In New York city after a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. James Ennis, of Main
W. T. Mitchell will have charge of
the wood work in George Rickert's
new concrete dwelling on Court
street. The foundation of the build
ing is being laid.
Joseph Gerrity has returned to
Scranton after spending the past
two weeks in Honesdale nnd vicin
ity in the interest of the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools.
Mrs. Thomas C. Key and daughter
Bessie, after an extended visit with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank B. Hawken, returned to their
home at Wllkes-Barre.
Hugh Gallagher of Carbondale,
was a visitor in town Sunday. Mr.
Gallagher was formerly express
messenger on tho Honesdale branch
of the Delaware & Hudson railroad.
Miss ina T. Babbitt, stenographer
for ttie Scranton Loan Co., is spend-
In-; a two weeks' vacation at her
home here. She lias as her guet'ts
Misses Katherine Mullen, of Wilkes
Parre. and Zeta Murray, of Scran
ton. .Mrs. Emma J. Martin, of Marion,
Ohio, who has been visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Geo. S. Spettigue, for several
weeks, left Saturday last for a visit
with another sister, Mrs. W. I!. Cole
man, at Nyack, N. Y.
Miss Mabel G. Secor had a very
delightful trip with Carbondale
friends on the excursion to Albany,
Saratoga Springs and Lake George;
also going down the Hudson for a lew-
days to .-: w York, returning Monday
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Connor,
and children, Emerson and Foster,
returned to their home in New
York on .Monday morning, after
spending a week at the home of
Mrs. Connor's parents, .Mr. and Mrs.
David llodie on Main street.
Janiars A. N. Williams, of Ben
nington, Vermont, was a caller at
Tho C!ti:xn office Friday. Mr. Wil
liams was born in Honesdale seven
ty years ago, and was a member of
the famous Vermont Brigade of tho
Sixth Army Corps. He was on his
way home after attending the Seven
County Veteran reunion at Scranton.
Mrs. Sara Dills and son, Duane
Dille, of Scranton, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Gray on West
street last week. Mr. Dills is sup
erintendent of the Boys' Industrial
Association of Scranton. This is an
organization of Saint Luke's church,
destined to make self-respecting men
out of the city waif, and Is unde
The New York World of August
21, devotes a column to a foreclosure
proceeding in which Mrs. Philip
Hone, the widow of Philip Hone's
garndson, is the defendant and Mrs.
Russell Sage is tho plaintiff. Mrs.
Hone, who is long past the ago of
active work, lives witli her married
(laugher on a squab farm near
Ozono Park. Her solo income Is
?00 per month, paid to her from a
trust fund by Joseph S. Anerbnch, a
lawyer of 34 Nassau street. The
property to be sold Is a houso and
lot on Locust avenue and Broadway,
lederhurst. Long Island, worth $20,
000, and as Mrs. Sage's lien is only
?G,000, it Is expected that a sum
sufficient to more than cover the lien
will be obtained. .Mrs. Hone owned
tho lot and was persuaded by a
neighbor to permit him to move his
house on the lot and thus Improve
tho property so as to sell same at
a good price, but while moving the
houso, tho neighbor got in financial
difficulties and obained a loan of
?0,000 from Mrs. Sage. Failure to
pay Interest brought on the fore
closure suit. The grandfather of
Mrs. Hono's husband was the first
.Mayor of New York City, and Hones
dale was named after him.
Geo. Schwenker has taken the
contract to furnish the guests of
Protection Engine Co. No. 3, with
dinner nnd lunch on Firemen's
Old Home I
Coming Week
Reception and Labor Day; baseball games morning
and afternoon. ::
Grand Civic and Military parade with numerous ft
lloats, representing local industries: addresses by speakers H
of national reputation. 8
Firemen's Day. Stupendous parade with firemen and
bands from neighboring cities and towns.
Dedication of the new High School building; address
by State Superintendent N. C. Sehaefter, and speeches by
former principals of the school.
One continuous round of pleasure. Band concerts,
carnival companies, fireworks, base ball, etc., etc.
Excursion rates on D. & H. Railroad from YVilkes
Barre to Yatesville inclusive, $1.25; Pittston to Archbald
inclusive, $1.00; Jermyn to Carbondale inclusive, 75 cents.
Tickets good on all trains. Special train leaves on Sept.
7th, 8th, and 9th at 9:15 p. in.
Excursion rates on the Erie Railroad: Two cents per
mile from any station from Binghamton down and from
Middletown up; also on the Erie and Wyoming Division
from Scranton and all stations to Hawley. Special, train
will arrive in Honesdale at 11 a. m. each day. Special
train will leave at 6 p. m. each day.
'I!!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!" 1111
for Flags,
all kinds of
for Old Home Week.
Augustj28th Only
FAMILY SCALES to weigh 24 lbs. by oz.
Regular PriceiSI. Sale Price, 70c.
Henry Snyder & Son,
602 &I604 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Lambs, Calvesand Live Stock.
Apples in Season
Old Phone 588 li
Bunting and$
New Phono llUit