The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 25, 1909, Image 4

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Ktitert'ilns scroml-olnss matter, at the post
olllce. Huneadiilc. l'a.
O. It. DOUn.lNOKH. M. II. AM.KN.
$1.50 per year
. Judge Robert Von Mosch.lskcr,
of Philadelphia.
of Ki le.
Jeremiah A. Stober,
of Lnncnster.
W. II. Htillock.
The September "Success" has an
article written by Adachl Kinnosuke
on Japan's govermental finances,
which ought to make the American
people sit up and think.
Japan spent in 1907 the sum of
5317,944,945 in conducting her gov
ernment affairs. It cost New York
City the sum of $328,160,046 dur
ing the same period to keep their
affairs moving. New York City has
a population of 4.422,685 people,
Japan over 32,000,000. The area
of New York City is 326 square miles
while Japan has 163,000 square
Japan has a standing army of
325,000 men, which cost her In
1905 the sum of $5,354,5S5; New
York city spent on her police force
in 1907, the sum of $13,901, 59S.
Japan paid for tne maintainence
of her navy during the war with
Russia in 1905, the sum of $0,100.-1
0GS. During the years tOOG and
1907 New York City spent $10,
400,3 10 for purchasing and conduct
ing her two municipal ferries.
New York City is governed by
Tammany Hall, while Japan has no
such luxury.
Japan Is just beginning to catch
on, and is rapidly acquiring our
western civilization in spots. They
have lately convicted twenty-three
(strange number) members of their
legislature of graft, and they have
all been sentenced to imprisonment.
This shows an awkward attempt to
imitate us. The grafters were well
up in western civilization ethics, but
the jury who convicted and the
judge who sentenced, seem to have
had a very crude conception of our
idea of justice.
All the virile nations of the world
have stood the test of adversity, but
history has yet to give us an ex
ample of oven the richest or most
intellectual race, which has stood
the test of prosperity well, without
falling down in the famous high
way, which is cumbered with the
white bones of Babylon, Rome and
other great empires.
The Wall Street Journal aptly
says: "The recovery of general
trade from the late depression has
now proceeded almost far enough
to warrant the expectation of an in
dustrial 'boom' similar to that of
1S9S-99, though less pronounced."
The Wright flying machines were
first, second and third in the contest
held on Aug. 22, at Rheims, France.
This contest was to determine who
would represent France in the in
ternational contest and resulted in
the selection of Lefebore with a
Wright machine, Bloriot and Latham
in machines of their own design.
According to official figures, the
cost of the recent special session of
congress was about $500,000, to
which must bo added another
amount of approximately $400,000
for Incidental expenses, such as
printing and the like. ' Altogether
then the actual direct cost to the
country was near to a million dol
lars. Whilo the anthracite shipments by
the leading coal roads for the first
quarter of the current calendar year
showed an increase to the extent of
1,203,719 tons, as compared with
1908, the gain was more than offset
by the falling off to the amount of
2,320,698 tons In th esecond quart
er; so that the half-year showed a
decrease of 1,177,699 tons aa com
pared with the corresponding hnlf
year in 1908.
The exportation of condensed i
milk from the United States ar re-
ported by customs officers Is ns fol
lows: Total value In 1S95,?219,
7S5; In 1S0S, $G71,G0; In 1900,
! $1,130,402; in 1D05, 52,150, GIG;
in 190S, 52, 455, ISC. This milk
goes to Cuba, Japan, Philippine
Islands, China, .Mexico, South Afri
ca and Asiatic Russia.
The Citizen's brevet war cor
respondent, in referring last week
to the recent military maneuvers
in Massachusetts, characterized them
as "the most monumental examples
of silly monkcyshines ever wit
nessed." Those best informed In
the premises, however, suggest that
thu critic either forgets himself, or
modestly waives the higher credit
to which Ills own examples of "silly
monkeyshines" justly entitle him.
Had this military expert given the
matter a sober second thought, he
might have grasped the idea that
the maneuvers which he condemns
as "idiotic business," and "unedu
cating yet expensive horseplay,"
were object lessons in tactical move
ments and Held operations, under
conditions closely approximating
those in actual war, of the kind
habitually practiced in other armies,
and which are regarded by the lead
ing military nations as of such edu
cational value that they are re
peated annually with large bodies
of troops, in the "autumn maneu
vers" of the principal armies of
In the holdup or a Lackawanna
railroad fast freight train at Sacau
cus on Saturday night all the feat
ures of a Wild West train robbery,
including the stopping of the train,
the breaking open of a car, the
firing on the train men from am
bush by ten armed robbers and the
shooting of two railroad employes
were a part. The injured men are
Mason Gillen, of fctroudsburg, a
railroad detective, who was shot
through the upper right leg, and II.
W. Brown, of Sacaucus, a tonnage
clerk, who rerelvod a bullet in uie
riUit arm. Ciillen was taken to a
hospital in Dover, X. .1., lor treat
ment. Ill own was rcmoed to his
For tne past year it has been the
custom of thieves in and litar I'at
crsou and Secaucus to stop freight
trains on lonely p.irts of the road,
by either jabbing a hole in the air, or turning one of the angle
cocks on the train, thereby releas
ing the air and bringing the train
to a standstill. In nearly every in
stance valuable freight, including
everything from bales of silk to
poultry and coal, were taken and
the thieves got away before any of
the company's detectives coulu reach
the place of the holdup. The rail
road company never gave the rob
beries any publicity, but they have
been common talk among the rail
road men, many of whom tell of
how their trains were stopped sud
denly, while they were going at a
rate of thirty to forty miles an
hour and the freight cars partially
looted. So bold have the thieves
become that instances are quoted of
coal trains being stopped within a
mile of Paterson, N. J., and five or
six tons of coal shoveled from the
cars to the tracks.
The train held up Saturday night
was fast freight No. 53, in charge
of Conductor A. L. Widener of West
Scranton, and Engineer May and
due in Scranton at 4:10 Sunday
morning. The train started west
from Secaucus at 8:45 o'clock and
was just leaving the yard, when
the turning off of an angle-cock
brought the cars to a dead stop.
Detective Gillen and Brown, who
were riding on the engine at the
time and when the train stopped,
went back to investigate. They
had about reached the middle of
the train when two men who were
breaking into a car loaded with
merchandise, ran into the bushes
along the tracks. Gillen shouted to
the men to stop. As soon as he
declared himself, a half dozen pis
tol shots rang out from the bushes
and Gillen fell to the ground with
a bullet in his leg. Brown was
shot a minute later as he ran to
ward the head of the train.
The shooting attracted a crowd of
railroad men, but the thieves got
away through the fields.
Within a half hour after the
shooting, a special train carrying
eight armed railroad police started
for the scene from New York and
have been looking for the thieves
since that tme. Chief Special
Agent J. E. Adnmson, of Scranton,
was notified of the shooting nnd
started for Secaucus late Saturday
night. Up to Monday night, no
trace of the robbers had been
found, though all the towns near
the scene of the holdup have been
searched and every train leaving
for the west is ridden with armed
detectives, with orders to get any
suspicious looking characters.
Millionaire Widow Engaged.
According to reports from Cowes,
Mrs. William Leeds, the millionaire
widow of the tin plate king, is en
gaged to James DeWolf Cutting,
nephew of Mrs. Townsend Burden.
Mrs. Leeds was, before marriage,
beautiful Nonnie Stewart Worthing-
, ton of Baltimore.
SUICIDE. Shortly before 0:30 o'clock last cause It to set (illicitly bo the toad-
When "Polly of the Circus" was Sunday night a mdb of men gather- way can bo used within twenty-four
played at the Lyric, the clever act- ed about the Schoenville cntrnnce hours. The treatment forms a hard
Ing of Miss Fay Wallace as "Polly" . to the Pressed Steel Car works and , crust several inches thick which It
and Lewis Dishop Hall as "Jim, the without warning made a concerted is claimed will last indefinitely, hold
Canvnsnian," was specially noticed I attack upon the big swinging gates lug the surface hard and smooth,
and called forth loud applause, ltjof the stockade. The attack was The section so treated looks finely,
was not generally known that they j resisted by statu troopers and dep- and so far appears to bear out all
were man and wife and that Mr. 1 uty shciiifs who used riot maces. 1 the claims of Mr. Sweeney, the in
Ilall was co devoted to his wife that ' In the melleo Harry Exler, a deputy ventor.
he could not bear the thought of her
being away from him lor any length
of time. His wife left a few days
ago for a six months' trip with the
"Polly of the Circus" troupe while
he remained in New York prepari -
tory to going out with another com-
pnny. The thought that he was not
to see his wife for six months or
more preyed upon his mind, until
in a fit of despondency lie committed
suicide by inhaling gas. When
found he had a tube leading trom
a gas Jet in his mouth, and still
clutched in his hand. On a chair
beside him was a picture of his wife.
His eyes stared in death straight at
A letter which Hall had started,
dated Aug. 16th, was found on the
table In the writing-room. It read:
"Fay Wallace, North Adams,
Mass.: Have just expressed to you,
prepaid, a little dress"
The "little dress" referred to Is
thought to have been an infant's
garment of sentimental Interest to
husband nnd wife. They are not
known to have had a child, though
married about four years.
A letter was found from Hall's
mother nnd was dated Norwood, his
and was dated Norwood, O., his
home town. It was addressed to
Hall and his wife and began, "My
dear children." Every little hap
pening of interest at the home was
recounted. It ended: "Be a good
boy and girl. Your loving mother."
Robert Evans and Percy Heath,
from the Thompson office, arrived at
the hotel soon after the body was
discovered. They thought Hall had
grown despondent because of his
wfe's absence. She is with the
third "Polly" company, which opened
its engagement in Asbury Park a
week ago. On Monday night she
appeared in Yonkers nnd Hall ran
up to see her. being in jovial spirits
when he returned to New York the
following morning.
On Tuesday night Hall told Henry
Atkins, telephone operator in the
house, to call him at S o'clock Wed
nesday morning. Atkins got no re
sponse to ills ring and Imagined Hall
had arisen. The actor was probably
dead at that time.
A lack of funds had nothing to do
with the suicide. Hall drew a check
for 5100 to pay bills on Tuesday,
and had ? 129.0; remaining in the
Greenwich Savings Hank.
Hall was about thirty-eight years
old and was known well in his pro
fession. Before ho joined the
Thompson forces he was stage mana
ger of "The Great Divide."
Mrs. Hall was informed in North
Adams of the death. She started
for Now York on the 5:15 train.
To Rival Until (intild anil Wostliifj
Iioum.' Types.
An Alden. Pa., despatch, says:
The Erie Railroad Company, to
gether with the New York Air
Brake Company is making a brake
and speed test west of the village on
the stretch of track between Mar
illa Station and Townline. The
brake is a new one in competition
with botli the Gould and Westing
house air brakes, and the results
thus far are very satisfactory.
The equipment is that of an 80
car train of large size gondolas,
each car being fitted with a new
triple valve automatic air brake. At
each end of the train and at two
points within the train are placed
box cars fitted with a telephone,
air pressure gauges and phono
graphs, and all connected with each
other. In the center of the 'train
is a dynometer car which meas
ures the impact at the center of the
train as the brakes are applied.
Different speeds are attained dur
ing which the brakes are applied
and various measurements and com
putations made.
Representatives of the leading
roads of the country are here get
ting data. One expert represents
a California road. The Erie road
itself has about thirty men In the
crew and is taking advantage of the
comparative let-up in freight busi
ness at this time of year for the
accommodation of the test train
among the tracks of the same line.
A long switch at Alden No. 2 tower
also proves of value.
The aggregate wealth that lie
produced during the year 190S bord
ers upon the uubolieveable.
The former turned out in dairy
products alone, Inst year nearly
?S00,000,000. Ills hens worked for
him to such an extent that eggs and
poultry were wortli as much as the
cotton crop or tho hay crop, or the
wheat crop, lie raised corn meal
to the value of $1,615,000,000 and
tho total products of Uncle Sam's
farmers during 1908 were ?7,778,
000,000 nnd it is expected that the
crops of 1909 will reach the eight
billion mark. This will help the
automobile business.
7or Infants and Children.
!iia Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
sheriff, aged fifty years was shot
and instantly Killed by a
I fired by an alleged strike
bullet '
i In an effort to arrest a man pick-
, ed out of the crowd as the man who
i did the shooting, State Tiooper
Williams was instantly killed by a
j revolver bullet. Two other troop -
i ers on foot were also shot and fa-
I tally wounded, tailing into tne arms
of their comrades.
For the Hist time since the incep-
tion of the strike the state troopers
then opened volley fire on the mob.
Six strikers fell at the first round.
Three ot them were killed nnd
others are reported fatally shot.
The members of the mob then
opened fire with rifles. Two
mounted troopers dropped from
their horses shot. They were tak
en to the Ohio Valley hospital in a
dying condition. As an ambulance
made its way from the car plant to
the hospital carrying wounded
troopers the vehicle was attacked
and the driver forced to llee for his
The frightened team of horses
attached to the ambulance plunged
wildly in and about the road. Two
men were trampled under he horses'
hoofs. The ambulance was finally
driven to the hospital by a de
tachment of troopers.
Sheriff Gumbert. at the county
jail, called for fifty men to serve
as deputies at the strike scene at
11:30. At 11 o'clock the sheriff
started in nn automobile for the
scene of the rioting. He took with
him ten riot guns nnd two boxes of
riot ammunition. The county mor
gue has sent for the bodies of the
dead troopers and deputy sheriff.
The Ohio Valley hospital has
treated ten injured, three of which
are reported as fatal.
The names of the dead and in
jured are as follows: Dead, Jno. L.
Williams, state trooper, Harry Es
ter, deputy sheriff, and three
foreigners; fatally injured, Jno. C.
Smith, state trooper; Lucelian
Jones, state trooper. '
Secretary Wilson in his last annual 1
report says:
"The fanner, in results ot' infor-l
mation. intelligence nnd industry, .
has thriven mightily. The progress !
that has been made is in the direc
tion leading to popular and national !
welfare, to the sustenance of any'
future population, as well as to a !
larger efficiency of the farmer in j
matters of wealth, production and
saving, and in establishing himself
and his family in more pleasant I
ways of living."
Furthermore, "in the matter ot
wages," says the secretary, "the1
farm laborer has fared better than
the working man employed in man- i
ufacturing industries." I
The report shows that the aver-1
age yield per acre of various ciops
has largely increased, as a result of !
more intelligent methods of culture, ,
and this alone has added greatly to i
the prosperity and independence of !
the farmer. I
The fact that in the past twelve !
years the agricultural "balance of I
trade" in the United States increas
ed from a yearly aerage of $234,
000,000 to $41 1,000,000, or 75.7
per cent, tells the story most elo
quently. REUNIONS.
The Olver family reunion was
held at the home of J. C. Olver. at
Elm place on Friday. There were I
about 250 people in attendance. !
The following clergymen were pres-!
ent: Rev. George Tamblyn, of Le-1
nio, N. J.j Rev. Albert T. Tamblyn,'
of New York city; Rev. J. A. j
Tamblyn, of Beach Lake; Rev. A.
C. Olver, of Honesdale. The fol
lowing was the program during the I
day: Meeting called to order by
President A. C. Olver; Invocation,
by Rev. J. Tamblyn; address of
welcome, Rev. A. C. Olver; music
by Olver quartette of Scranton; a
dress by Rev. William H. Hiller. Af
ter the meeting a business session
was held and officers for the ensuing
year were elected.
The Robinson family reunion was 1
held at the home of Frank Smith of
Dyberry on Wednesday. Forty-three j
people were in attendance, includ
ing the following: John Robinson, !
of Dyberry; Mrs. Sarah Stearnes and !
(laughers, Frances and May, of1
Philadelphia; Samuel R. Odgen, of I
Elizabeth, N. J.; J. 13, Robinson and
family, J, A, Robinson and wife, of
Honesdale; Mark Robinson and
family of Scranton; Mrs. Martin'
Kimble, of Dyberry; Mrs. Elizabeth !
minueii aim son, Mervln, of Dy
Tho Montgomery Standard says a
new idea in highway preservation
has been tried on a 300-sectlon of
the Newbttrgh-Montgomery State
road near the residence of George
W. Wait. The process is called tho
glue treatment, nnd consists of boil
ing two pounds of glue to a square
yard of road in a sprinkler of wa
ter, using steam from the road
roller; to this Is added a certain
proportion of formuldehyde and
gypsum, the first to hold the glue
solid after the water evaporates so
that future wettings from the weather
does not affect It. and the latter to
"Gentlemen." said the man who
had mounted a box on the shndy
, side of the postoffieo and gntliered
a little crowd mound him, "the oh-
Ject of this meeting Is to express our !
, dissatisfaction with Congress for its !
dilatory tactics regarding the new
inrnt rates, .mouliis nave gone past
i since the subject was taken up, and
it Is not settled yet. Meanwhile
. business is nt a standstill. The
' man here on my right must be among
' the sufferers. When 1 get through
with my talk I shall ask him to
, make a few remarks."
i "But 1 nm In the ice business nnd
have nothing to say," replied the
"Urn! I see. Then I will call on
the man on my left."
"Oh, I'm in the undertaking busi
ness, and It was never better," was
the answer.
"Um, um! Then I shall cull upon
the patriot who Is facing me. Some
thing tells me that this delay in the
tariff Is making him suffer."
"Not if I know it," responded the
man. "I'm In the milk business,
nnd when 1 can add 30 per cent, of
water without a customer kicking,
have I any reason to kick? I am
no hog, sir."
"I see. I was mistaken. There
is not a patriot In the crowd, nnd my
speech ends right her nnd Congress
can play the fool for the next five
years to come for all of mo. Good
afternoon and go to Texas!"
Lodges, associations and or
ganizations that intend to take part
in Civic Parade, notify W. F. Suy
dani and give estimate of number
who will parade.
I We Pay the Freight
No charge for
It is sold
at $4.5
This Bank wus Organized in December, 1836, and Nationalized
In December, I8G4.
Since its organization it has paid in Dividend
to its Stock holders,
The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR
ROLL, from the fact that Its Surplus Fund more than
equals Its capital stock.
What Class 9
are YOU ini
The world has always been divided into two classes thosrc who have
saved, thohe who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant.
It is the savers who have' built the houses, the mills, the bridges, the
railroads, the ships and all the other great works which stand for man's
advancement and happiness.
The spenders are slaves to the savers. It is the law of nature. Wo
want you to be a saver to open nn account in our Savings Department
and be independent.
One Dollar will Start an Account.
This Bank will be pleased to receive aif
or a portion of YOUR banking business.
Court House Sqtinrc,
The Scranton Business College,
II. D. Buck, proprietor, will begin
its sixteenth year on Tuesday, Sept.
7th. Monday will be enrollment
day. New teachers, new equip
ment. Graduates meeting with,
splendid success almost everywhere
Write for literature. II. D. Buck,
Principal. 63t8
General Stores, KeflS?e
Honesdale, Pa.
Sale of
I -AT-
tVery Low Prices
packing this chair
for CASH
o each