THIS CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23 1000. FACTS Id FEW LIS Hi M 10 FASHION PROFIT Heto I has a war pod with 3,000 China names. In India there are nearly 'J0,000,000 widows. Prince Edward island's annual eateli of lobsters amounts to L'O.OOO.OOO. A luniii of hard coal weljihinf? seven used In tin-in, which are so unusual, tons was recently mined in l'ennsyl- j Here, for instance, is a wrap of bronze vania. I colored nluon de sole (a silk muslin), There was a decrease In the nation's ! which is trlniuied with ruches of drink ex-nondituiv last vent- of over 1 tnll'etii ol the same color. It Is lined STHOOOOO i wllh the thinnest and palest bronze , Clinton taiiimsi Oovernmcrit Advice Vhish Will Oftno's cf Form. l.r v'r I'nuned lands in any of Hie t'nited States can be made t produce from to HZft an acre. ner 'dim; to ii recent forestry report the j;i.vern- the siiini.H-i. anil thi-i nut oul, because , num. of their leith and fullness, but ah,o . '" the report the Ititenvts of the ot the colors and materials ! fount iy in general are considered, and in tins limit tree urowers are advised Thin Summer Wraps. I'l in li, in, .- niietiiiies even transpar ent ui.iu.-i' wr.ips .tic the surprises of to keep their trees uncut until tiieynre of mature size. I'lanlatloiw of red i ymt,.s, 0n the contrary, I beloni; to Arrogance. "Mine at last!" he murmured, press ins her to his breast. "Ilow so?" she asked in wonder ment. "Have you not promised to marry meV" I have, but that does not make me 1 MlMMllftlnllllllr'v--m--"mmm"l.l.Tl'r''fc- i.vvw i r P I A recent earthquake shock at Toulon caused the sea In the docks to fall eighteen inches. v American farmers are buying auto mobiles of the btifw type in steadily lncreaslm; numbers. InirliiL.' a hailstorm in Ilonuiaiiia re cently some of the hailstones were as large ns n mail's list. In Chile are regions where there are so many Germans that the native servants learn their laiifiuaue. Lamp chimneys which will stand great and sudden changes of tempera ture are now made by a new process in Trance. a cream). Another wrap of tlie same material and color was given wide borders of jet spnn sles. Again, there ate long wraps of Nolly embroidered white batiste UMiu'iiiMcs worked wllh white, but as ni' i'-i with pastel or faded shades of Hi U hero Is a pronounced vogue for un lined muslin or cloth wraps, luo.e draped garments In pastel shades trim med Willi black satin borders. These have a single bla-:l; cabochoii as a fas tening or a long single cord and jet tassel. Vlmt all 1'aiis is talking about in t',-.e new cloth calkd cote de clleral a cedar tweuty-llve years old," says oiu report, "have nellcd Jf'JOO.ul an acre. Kuropcan larch, used for telephone or fence posts, will net from "J":i to an aero at the age of I weniy-tlve years. three bridge clubs and to the Uaugh- tors of the devolution. I nm owned I body and soul by my dressmaker and j my milliner. Europe claims mo once a year. In summer I'm an integral White pine al the ripe aw of forty , p.,rl of SPVl.ri slimmer resorts. The The Japanese cabinet recently re- , eioth which roNOiuhUw the glossy, well pealed an ordinance enacted in 1STS , brushed lioro'n coat and which molds lirohibillng tlie use of foreign inks on ' tl.e form, they ny. n Utile more per ollleial documents. l' than any of the !reIoiis weaves The l lilnese assumption that a of late years, l'.roii'.e, old gold and woman must not be heard of outside iiowm r bine are Use three new favorite tlie door of lier own house is now be- colors. ing trltlciscd liy iii tp date Chinese editors. lllitlsh postolllce clerks have Just been admonished to lie polite. They say it is hard to be polite to Ameri cans, "the majority of whom are ex tremely rude." Marriage in India is contracted in very early life, but there is nothing to bear out the assumption that the olf sprhig of such marriages are mentally defective. Idiots are rare. Of ISO females who tried to commit suicide in Moscow last year only thirty-live succeeded. Most of them were under twenty years old. Of 501 men who attempted to take their own lives V.H succeeded. A large majority of them were from twenty-seven to thirty-two years old. Vnrter existing laws there Is no pos sibility of Hour from the United Slates or from any other country entering Tight Cellars Dnnsrrous One of the most common causes of hot .-.wither discomfort and danger, too, for that matter -Is tin- il!,i neck band. Passing up and down the sides of the i-'iiw arc tw very Important arteries, tlie carotids, and two large veins, the jugular veins. The carotid arteries cany blood up to the head, while the jugular veins convey it hack to the heart. .'.a elsewlurc in the body, the arte ries are situated under the muscles and so are partly protected from pres sure, says a writer in Outing. Tlie jugular veins, however, are ipiile near the surface, and a slight degree of pressure upon them is enough to im pede the How of blood away from the head. This retention of blood in tlie head is a frequent cause of that headache peculiar to hot weather where the year:! will prndu--e an acre as tin cut timber." while other weeds more than twi-ity .rears of ace bring prices that coin are favorably wl'h these. lint to t'ie tain who is expecting that Pi ten or ili'ieen years his tree crop will reach a salable value the llgures of the na'ional lorest service area bit out of reach. Yet to that individual hope l oiVcr-d in the announcement that there are uses and even good pr! os o.t'd for trees which range from :he tender age of six years up and that 111- demand for these slender Htrlpting. is growing greater each year. An ovimplo of tills lies In the match Indirfv alone. This line of Hire h nearly all ben niercd into a great trust which annually purt bases at a good figure thousands of acres of ul.iie pine trees anywhere I'iom Maine to ralll'orni'i. It buys these as uncut til :l er In size from six Inches up and n ft r clearing the tract moves on to its oet lorest. in the manufacture of church owns a small proprietary in terest in iiu and a few of my sliares are distributed lielwooii a woman's club and a settlement workers' society. I am the slave of fashion and the serv ant of form. Inconsistency possesses mo almost altogether, and golf, tennis and motoring are equal partners in my state of health. Several specialists de rive their iiuoines from me. The state ; controls mo and depends upon me for ' a large pari of its revenue. All the ele- ! ments are my masters, and little loves and sentiments and passions and whims make nie do their bidding. Yours: 1 like that! Why, little man, if you lived to be a thousand years old and made love to me day and night you wouldn't own a millionth part of me. Avaunt!" T. L. M. in Life. Tho Kind You Hnvo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has homo tho sijrnatnro- of and has been mado under his ncr- &-7y?-hs sonal supervision since its infancy. y4 CttCSUK. Allow no mm to dnnnivn von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" arc hufc Experiments that triile with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience u gainst Experiment. What Is CAJ Castoria is a harmless sulistituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, HFoi-pliino nor other Narcotic (substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fcveviwlinos. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE Bears ilxo Signature of ALWAYS Not In the Pool Class. Sliinick There is one remarkable thing alinm my friend .Ilbkins lie I ,rrel staves and hoops trees of almost ( ,.., Ull0W ,, ,!l!n, at,(mt Sllln? u i'iy touyh. UCKline wood nrenseu noiu i,0., rrance for consumption in the country, lllfnilnt.,K. ls .MWxur.m by Hushed except in the event of a crop shortage, Only two years of lnsulllcicnt homo sii pi dies occurred in the last twenty years once In lfe'Jl and again in 1S0S. Tlie little town of Eaenza, In the north of Italy, whence comes that deli cate pottery known as faience, was the birthplace of Torrieelli. the in ventor of the barometer, and its cit izens recently celebrated the tercen tenary of the famous mathematician's birth. Torrieelli was a pupil of Gall-lei. face and feeling of fullness, often with buzzing in the ears. This condition is always present, lu heat prostration. Now, the tight neckband and tlie tight collar make pressure just over the jugular veins and so by prevent ing free escape of blood from the head often produce heat headaches and oth er discomforts, as well as add to the risk of heat prostration. the aires of four to llft"eii years, while : uy straight young trees of ten years will make salable Hag or tent poles. Young alders, poplars and willows of trom ten to iiftecti years serve man kind in the manufacture of gunpowder, while the prolllic beech and maple, from six Inches In diameter upward. an be used in the manufacture of wood alcohol, for which there is an enormously Increasing demand all over the country. Furniture manufacturers, elways on tlie out look- for wood with a line grain, will take hhvh, cherry, walnut, etc.. net large enough to bo used in making parts of house furnish incs for mo as veneer. Never before In the history of tl.e T'nited States lias pinch wood been used in tlie manu facture of ornaments and toys as Is now helm; used for that purpose, and thousands of feet of spruce are em ployed by manufacturers of sleighs and wasons. In some parts of New York and lli.mioi..nn!.i l.iirr. ititnntlttn Climll i . ........ ........... o ., Vov! timber are used In wood distillation t,1" ics- plants for the production of acid, while all over the country small timber is Miunick Don't see anything remark able about that. Slnulck And lie never insists on go ing out in rough weather and doing it. IJrowning's Magazine. An Opinion. "I must say," said Farmer Corntos sol, "thai 1 can't take no fancy what ever to them dialect pieces." "Neither can I," answered his wife. "Anybody can talk that way. It seems to mo thct glttin' tlie grammar an' pernunciatlon right is where an au thor shows his smartness." Washing ton Star. The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUn COMPANV, 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Disbarred. First Lawyer 1 hear Coake has been expelled from the bar association for not paying ids dues. Second Lawyer What lar associa tion? First Lawyer Tlie one that meets every evening In Casey's saloon. Chi- Tho Helen Taft Collar. The Helen Taft collar is a low tum- usod for tho manufacture of charcoal. Small sizes of timber, particularly the Exhibiting. Mudge is doing well. He came In and asked me for change for a twen ty dollar bill half an hour ago." spruce of .New England, Is used in tho ,lT,,l . mt. ,,., OI, t,, ICxperiments are now being made la over of ..,. niier wide and edged pulp mills where paper and other wood h( tam'0 JllU) my 1)lace auJ got smaU southern California to acclimate the Uruguayan fruit Known as guayba (not to be confounded with tho guara). This fruit resembles a fig in shape. Tlie interior is lllled with a most lus cious red, white or blue sweet pulp, the llavor resembling that of the musk melon. The largest cheese ever manufactur ed in the Mohawk valley was shipped from Ftica, N. Y.. to a Chicago linn recently. The cheese was built in tho usual shape, but it measured 152 inches high and 4T inches in diameter and weighed 1,!)50 pounds. It took about ten tons of milk to produce it, and It was pressed into shape by a specially constructed press. Marconi denies the assertion recent ly made to tho effect that wireless telegraph waves are dangerous to the health of the operators. lie says that he has been in the busiuess twelve years without injury and adds that his health was never better than during periods when ho was exposed for many hours a day to the conditions which have been challenged. Berlin has a shorthand writer with a unloue specialty. He attends all fu- with a plain or plaited mllle and a Hat i'ulp products are nianuiacturc.i. men . . chUl d Into Uvuuty dollai. bui for tho manufacture of toothpicks, wiille in the mining country of Penn sylvania and other coal producing states thousands of "sprass" are pur chased to serve their peculiar purpose -Indianapolis Journal. His Fatal Oversight, lie proposed to her by mall, and by letter she replied. He rend her brief Tliis is to check the speed of tlie mule refusal, then committed suicide. Alas, carts as tliev go rapidlv down the steep "'d " ve today and she a happy grade of the mines by being thrown hriih had lie but lead the postscript beneath the wheels. ' penned on Hie oilier side. St. Louis These are onlv a few of the hundreds Post-Dispatch. II. C. I1.NI, PiiKMprxT. W. l'. HOLMES. Yicr. 1'i:i. II. S. SALMON, CAsmr.i! W. J. WAlil), Ass't Cashier We; want you to understand the reasons for tlie A1JSOIXTK SECURITY in this Dank. -XM-r-El- HONE SD ALB, PA., HAS A CAPITAL UK A3 D SURPLUS AN D PROFITS OF - MAKING! ALTOGETHER K KltY I t LLA 1! of which must be loss before any depositor can to-'e a Y It has conducted a growing and succvfUil business' for. over JJ5 jears, serving an incicasing number of customers with tidclitv ari .'aiisfaotlMii. Its cash funds are protected by MODKltN "STEF.1. VAULTS. All of tliee tlnnsrs, collided with lonserviitlvu inanaetujcnt. Injured by tlie I'AliKKl'I. PKIJSO VA1. ATTUXTLUX consta:Ui vlvfu Hie Dunk'- a Hairs by a notulilv tilile Hoard of Directors assure 'he out mi is of Hint 1IJ KM t-: SATli'V whirl) Is tho ni'inie esselrtlul of u sood Sl()(),(lUI).(ll -1 .-;. llUO.Oll Hank. Total Assets, $2,733ooo.oo U. ('. ii wt. A. T.SKAW.K. t. O I. A ii i DEPOSITS MAY 1513 MADEFY MAIL, "tti DIRECTORS ('HAS.. I. SMITH. ii. j. coNiiKi;. V K. SI' Y DAM. vV. I!. HOLMES. I-M". KIM 111.1' II. S. M.W.MUN- in Two Discouraging Letters. Hoax Ilow are you getting alon; your wooing of Miss Ooldrox? .Ions Well, she wrote me two let wonN nv rural ic,.nts jjauuhter. plaited jabot in front, over which there is sometimes a small bow of blacU velvet. Fob For College Girl. Girls who are tho proud possessors of fraternity plus or who are collect ing plus of any sort can make a stun ning show of them to wear In tho form nerals of prominent persons and takes of a watch fob. Take a heavy piece down verbatim tho addresses of the ! of watered ribbon about two inches officiating clergymen. Then he pre- wide and, it you can afford It, have pares highly ornamental copies of the one end of it linislied with a little gold addresses and sells them to the friends clasp by a jeweler, so that it will look of the euloclzed dead. His business Is as the manufactured fobs do. Uut if of uses to which young timber may bo put If It is near enough to a market to bo sold. Prairies of a New Country. By way of contrast in a new country ters today, we give a picture showing the break- , "You don't say so." lug up of virgin soil at Cordova. South 1 "Yes; they were 'n' and 'I.' " rhila America. A large part of the Argeu- , delphla Iteeord. tine Itepublic. including practically the whole of the rich and fertile prov- Retort Courteous. luces of Cordova. San Luis aud Santa ' Mrs. Saddensole When I'm dead I'o. is iu its virgin state of little use j you will think of all the cruel things for grazing, being sparsely covered i you've said to me. with coarse, bitter grasses of bt little Mr. Saddensole And it will be just rvr" n Daily nutriment. These lauds, although hav ing such a poor natural covering, re quire only the hand of man to turn so good that he has taken one assist ant and has ndvcrtlsed for auother. London has a now chief of the fire brigade, Lieutenant Sampson Slnden, It. N., having recently been elected to you do not wisli to make any expense of tlie matter you can fasten the watch I on yourself by making a slipknot In the ribbon where the watch Is attach ed. Then on tlie ribbon itself, which the place bv the London county couu- I should not be more than four inches til. The salary of the office is $ 1,500 a ! ln?f. put your pins hi one or two rows. according to tne uuuiuer you possess. This fob may hang fn the belt or from the tiny breast pket of your coat, the latter place being by far the most effective for bhowing it off. year, less than half what New York pays Chief Croker, whoso compensa- tloti was raised awhile ago to $10,000 a year. Lieutenant Sladen is not now to the Are fighting business, having , been a divisional officer of tho brigade since 1S0O. Tne effect of singing on a child's health is dealt with in a memorandum issued by the Scotch education depart ment on the teaching of music In Scot tish primary schools. "There is no more health giving form of physical exercise than singing." says the mem orandum. "It develops, strengthens nnd maintains in good condition tho lungs and the other vocal organs nnd through them exerts a corresponding influence upon the whole body," it de clares. General Sir Ian Hamilton has been appointed adjutant general of the Brit ish army and second military mem ber of the army council. Sir lan join cd the army In 1S7.'!. and most of his service was with tlie Gordon high landers. About seventeen years ago he created a sensation by declaring publicly that not one British soldier In a hundred knew how to shoot, hut since then tho war olllce has come round to his way of thinking, and the lircsent musketry training Is based on his suggestions. iiur.AKiNu vi' viroin son. is botttii AiiuiacA. them into tho finest pasturage iu the world. Often as many as ten three furrow disk plows may be seen fol lowing one another up and down, breaking up the laud preparatory to sowlug alfalfa (luceni). Tho plows. as shown in the picture, are drawn by like you to go aud die In order to give me a chance to think of them. Boston Transcript. ; An Easy Method, Miss Fuzzle I want to break; my en ' gagenient with Mr. Sapple, but I don't know how to do it without driving 1 the poor fellow to suicide. Little Brother Why don't you let him see you in curl papers just ouce? ! Exchange. Both Appropriate. I "Sweets to the sweet" ls the line on the car attached to tho box of candy I he sent her. J "Sticks to tlie stick" is tlie line on tho card attached to the cane she sent him. Chicago Tost. A Dainty Apron. A fancy little sewing anron seen lately struck the keynote of newness eight criollo (native) horses tied four and could be easily copied by the clover lingers of any one so Inclined. I It was made of a fine muslin in a I deep cream shade, and the lower end j was turned up about four inches. An I inch wide hem at the top of tills pock ' et and auollier at the top of tho apron I were run with leaf green ribbons and , tied nt the ends In soft rosettes. The nocket that extended across the anron and tho tiny "hand" pockets above were decorated with brilliant cretonne roses, and a leaf or two were appll quod to tho material by buttonholing In green embroidery silk. He's Been There. "Pa, what ls a sehcmeV" "I can't deilne it, my son. something that will fall But it is through wheeler. Witli two chnnges of horses one plow will break up as much as live acres of virgin soli a day. Some ranchers sow with lucent 5,000 acres a year. This In its virgin state would carry some '-'uO head of cattle, but once down in luccrn would support 2,000 head. Romedy For Plant Lice. One of the best methods of destroy ing plwit lice on roses and shrubs ls by the use of tobacco stem solution. 1'our n gallon of boiling water on a pound of tobacco stems and about Empire Girdles In Vogue. twelve or ilfteon hours later add four L'mpire girdles continue to be very moro gallons of water. Apply with a much worn, made of Hue soft corded pprnyer or sprinkling pot. fillk or satin. They nre carried under tho nrms and across the bust. The The Curl In tho Pig's Tail, band Is arranged of the silk or satin In The cur: In a plg'n tall Is nn Indicn bo ft folds on a slmped foundation, the tlnn of good health. When the curl he two sash ends of uneven length, with gins to straliiiteii out look for disease a deep silk fringe nt tlie end. and give mcdlt'Ino or a chango of feed, abreast, the plowman riding tho near j l1j!,:kt.1,au """"'K eIsi! 0,1 A Matter of Aim. Tho Maid Whose fault is it If wom en lead aimless existences? Tlio Man Women's, of course. They ought to practice throwing. New York American. A Poet's Warning. I'm not ti very fussy man, Nor nm I prone to bluff: I do not kick when peojilo call My dally writing "stuff;" I do not tlilnlt to talco offense Should sonio ono term them "Rrlnd," And when they cull them "rot" or "punk" E'en then I do not mind. Hut there Is ono plnco I rebel, Ono term I will not stand, And ho who uses It must meet My doubled nood rlsht hand. To clnss my work as "stuff" or "rot" Won't net mo on u rope, But heaven help the man unarmed Who calls my verses "dope!" Joo Cone In Boston Herald. TEN CENTS SAVED every 'day will, in fifty Jyoars, grow to 9,504. TWENTY CENTS SAVED daily would inlfifty years, amount, to $19,006. , Tlie way to accumulate niwiey is to save small sums, system atically, and with regularity. At 3 per cent. compound interest moneyjloubles ltielfin 2." years and 104 days. Atliper c-nt. money doubles itself in 11 years land 3: u-ays. If vou would save r0 cents a day, in 50 years yon would have 547,520. If vou would save $1.00 a day, at the 'end years you would have $95,042. Begin NOW a Savings Account nt the Honesdale Dime Bank THREE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID Moncv loaned to all Wayne countean s furnP-h-imr s'ood security. Note discounted, l-irst inortwisc on real estate taken, safest and cheap est way to send money to foreign count lies Is by drafts, to lie at this bank. 4 8 JIOr.SUHOI.B UAXKS KlUSK. Telephone Announcement This company is preparing to do extensive construction work in the Honesdale Exchange District which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the system. Patronize the Independent Telephone Company which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any other service without conferring with our Contract Department Tel. No. 300. CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. Foster Building. CITIZEN PRINT COUNTS First- Last and All the time for the Best