TIIE WEATHER Wednesday fair to partly overcast weather will prevail, with slowly rising temperatures and light to fresh southerly winds. Cttoit p Scml-Wcekly Founded i 1908 i Wayne Coi j REPUBLK Organ 3 I Weekly Founded. 1844 p r A DTV k U " 66th YEAR. HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, 'AUGUST 25, 1909. I NO. 67 IHTf SU 0 LI lU liS iL II 80 LU ' r r. . Ke-enrorcemonts of oiate Ti"ftM Ml'Kf'P.v Knr.lfS ! roups di ivibftuea iiuouo, . flRDFR.H ARF TO SHOOT TO KILL , i Governor of Pennsylvania Offers to j 1 Send Militia as Soon as the , Sheriff Hakes Fonaal Rcqiiest. ! 111. Belmont's at livity and u' lu-n Hy. I "This Is no f.iit o!' nihil1." -.aid Mrs Pittsburg. Aug. 21.--one hundred i Itclii'ont. "I believe llnnly and have' stale troopers, inountril on their horses, long belieVcd that women should have well armed, tinder eoiamaliil of Lieu- mi equal part in making and enforcing tenant Wealherly. arrived here Inlay i our laws. As far as this eanse is con- 1 I'roni their barracks at Wyoming and ccri'cd. J sometimes re;:ret tliat I have , left al once lor MeKees Rucks, i inoney. For ninny persons think 1 lint ' Their arrival Increases Ihe force of to give money to a cause em's all In- j troopers at and around Ihe Pressed tcrcsf of the donor In the cause. They j Steel Car company's works to -It mi. think it Is like throwing a hone to a ' Martial law lias practically hcen de-1 strange doc one can's nothing for the 1 flared in tiie strike zone, and the riot-1 hone and less perhaps for the dog. ors are overawed. "Not so with ine in tills caun. I i Every one within the strike district happen to have money to spend, and I i today Is stopped by the police and i have a right to spend It as I please. 1 thoroughly searched. Rut only to spend money In such a I The possession of a revolver causes' enui-e is unworthy of it a half hearted ' detention in the box car Jails, while effort. Contributions of money arc i those carrying lame sized penknives good very good. Hut we must have j are. relieved of them and escorted out- workers, and those who believe in fe side tiie strike zone. male suffrage and arc able to work for Governor Stuart wired Sheriff (!um- it must do so. hurt from Philadelphia that lie would "Women of society, women of educa- order state militia to MeKees Rocks ji,m, women of brains, women of the. Immediately upon receipt of formal re-1 so called middle classes are all joining quest, (iumhert said he would call for our ranks. ' troops at the llrst Indication of lurther trouble. j Eight jiersons have been olllclally re-, ported killed in the riots, aiming theni two troopers and a deputy sheriff.! Four victims In the hospital will cer-.i talnly die, and others are likely to sue,' cunil) to their injuries. All saloons In the town have been ordered closed. Strikers threaten to resort to 1 lie wholesale use of dynamite If- the nil--tlomvi giuiidsnicn- are summoned. Leniency heretofore displayed by tlid constabulary toward the strikers Is ab sent today. Stringent measures are be ing used, and the least overt net com mitted by the strikers Is met with a riot stick or the hoofs of a policeman's horse. Attempts are being mado to prevent the holding of a mass meeting at the historic Indian mound, where up to this time the meetings of the idle men have been held daily. Thousands ot strikers began their journey to the mound today, hut many of them were forcibly ami abruptly halted and start ; ed in an opposite direction. ! Orders have been issued to the con- stahulary. deputv sheriffs and special 1 DO co to shoot nt the first kIimi nf trouble. The practice of the past sev eral weeks of tiring Into the air lias been abolished, and from now on "Shoot to kill" Is the order. FASTEST TORPEDO BOAT. The Flusser Makes 31.03 Knots an Hour on Trial Trip. Washington, Aug. '2i. Remarkably high speed was made by the torpedo boat destroyer Flusser In her con tractors' preliminary trial In a run off the Rockland course. The vessel scor ed ,"1.(K5 knots per hour, her contract requirements contemplating but liS knots. This is the fastest speed ever made by an American naval torpedo boat de stroyer. Tiie Flusser was constructed at the Ruth (Maine) Iron works. FRANK J. GOULD DIVORCED. Young Wife Gets Final Decree From New York Supremo Court, New York, Aug. LM. At the request of Herbert C. Smyth, counsel fur Mrs. Helen Kelly Gould, Justice Glegerich In special term of the supreme court today granted her application for a llmtl decree of absolute divorce from her husband, Frank .1. Gould. Mr. Smyth said that there was no opposition to the final decree and that it was In terms Identical with the in terlocutory decree signed by Justice Gerard on May 1!0 last after Referee Edward G. Whltaker had recommend ed a divorce iu favor of Mrs. Gould. Thu final decree authorizes Mrs. Gould to resume her maiden name. It permits her to marry as though Gould were actually dead, but it for bids Gould to marry any other woman during the lifetime of thu plaintiff. It provides Unit Mrs. Gould shall have the custody of the two children, Helen and Dorothy, from December to April each year, while Mr. Gould Is to have them from May to and Including No vember each year. During eaih of tho stated periods the parent i.ot having the children shall have tlimu for short intervals each week. Neither parent Rliull have the right to remove the children to a greater distance than JOO miles with out tho written consent of the other. SUFFRAGISTS IN OPEN ATR. Rsv- Dr- Anna H- s,1!,w Speaks at Mrs. uuimoiiis meeting. ;' Newport, It. i.. Aug. 21.-Mrs Oliver 'II.!'. l!olmont threw open her Marble i ""- t-i.v t.. ti. gcc-ai ,,..i,u-. and Wtov.iN bought tltkels at S." cult t'i !MM' treasures of her palace anil at- j(t,ll0 lhl, nvM in. hw Ull,1ltl,lf! !n ,,. half oi' woman suffrage. Among those preoit were (inventor I ""' " Mrs. .mi. Ward Ilnwo. I iiu Iiev, Anna Howard Shaw. Ida IIusUil Harper. Professor . ( y-w n.lcago u.ilvor.shy and Mayor Patrick Boyle of Newport. Tlii proceed oi- tin lecture will m i In iiialnl iln tlp Tci'i'ial headquarters I for Mii'i'raw chilis. whMi lias li-en e ! tuhlMicd in New York largely llifon;;li '-The presidents of men's colleges as well as of women's colleges are sup- porting our cause, and I am confident it will lie ultimately successful." The Rev. Anna II. Slinw. president of the National Woman's Suffrage as- soelatlon, made the principal address. She snld women of nil classes iu Eng land were joining the movement, and she spoke warmly of the aid given to woman suffrage by the Duchess of r i t . .. .... i. T -l ..i.-. .JlllllLiuiuuu, .ma. jriniuiii iiauii- . ter. MAYOR STOY IN CONTEMPT. i Atlantic City's Mayor Refuses to Re- ' ceive Saloon Closing Order. . Atlantic City. N. .1., Aug. 24. Inter est in the reform movement in this city has been Intensitleil by the action , of Mayor F. P. Sloy, who refused to receive a notice from Attorney General Wilson ordering him to close Atlantic i City saloons on Sunday. The notice was served upon him in !1,s ""tee by David .Tolinson, a mettl U1 uie icioiuiers orgamzuuon. 11,0 ""'J'01: art knew the C0Ilt'"ts of tll( otlw?. whleh gives the lllltll..,! mill mill n 41. I - . . t 4 "" "l inn i.i -ciiu hotel proprietors who are alleged to have sold liquor on three Sundays ot the present month, and lie refused to accept service even after the contents of the paper and the signature of tin attorney general had been read to hi m Under the state law the refusal t( act within ten days on an order issued by the attorney general makes a eitj ollleiul liable to Indictment for a mis demeanor. The heads f the reform movement declare that they will eaust the arrest of the mayor. Reform lawyers claim that the open refusal of the mayor to receive a docu ment signed by the attorney general lays him open to charges of contempt of state courts. Attorney General Wll son's action follows au appeal made to him in Trenton by the reformers who have secured ids co-operation In the attempt to close the saloons here on Sunday. CHINESE STUDENTS MEET. Conference at Utlca Under Auspices of .Colgate University. Utlca, N. V., Aug. One hundred and thirty Chinese students from col leges In all parts of tho country ar rived here today to attend a confer ence of tiie Chinese Students' alliance to be opened hero tonight under the auspices of Colgate university. The object of the conference is to enable the Chinese students to ex change ideas regarding the work to be taken up by them upon their return to China, Wu Ting Fang, Chinese ambassador, had arranged to address the confer ence, but ns he has been recalled to Fekin tho Chinese socretnry of lega tion will speak in his place. John W. Foster, former American secretary of state, nnd Professor J, W. Jcuks of Cornell university will also make ad dresses. The conference will lie followed by a conference of Christianized Chinese students occupying several days. George Gould Buys Island. Norfolk, Va Aug, 1M. George J. Gould has purchased Cedar island, which Is considered tho best grounds for canvasback duck hunting in this section. CURT1SS SSV1CTI American Aviator Makes a New Record at Biieims. fUES TRACK AT 43 MIL!: CLIP Eleriot Had Just Previously 'Lov cred lefebvre's Record by Six teen Seconds In His' Pow erful Monoplane Rhelms, France. Aug. 1M. Glenn 11. iJuiiiss, the American aviator, and M. Paulham, repiv-enthig France, divided the honors of the second day of avia tion week, the former with a thrilling lllghl at the rale of fortj -three miles an hour. In which lit) lowered the speed record for the course, which measures six and oiie-iifili miles, to s minutes ",." -."i seconds, the latter making two impressive hl::h altitude lllghts of forty-nine and ouo-lmir and tifty-slx kilo meters respectively in the endurance test for the Prix do la Champagne. Curtiss' performance began just as the time limit for the start of the Prix de la Champagne was expiring, when ihe American enthusiasts had aban doned hope of seeing their representa tive take the Held. Amid the unbound ed Jubilation of the French spectators Itlerlot only a few minutes before hail clipped sixteen seconds off Lefebvre's record with his powerful eighty horse power monoplane. Suddenly at one end of the Held n cry went up. "The American is atari bur." All eves were Mtr.-ilmxl to Hint particular point where Cortiandt Field Hishop. president of tho Aero Club of America, and a crowd of other ad mirers surrounded Curtiss. With a preliminary run along the ground of a hundred yards the ma chine rose lightly and shot by the trib unes ut a height of sixty feet. It was going at a terrific pace, with the wing level as a plain. Curtiss made tho last turn under the mistaken Impression that the finish line was closer. He de scended so close to earth that many thought lie touched; but. perceiving Ills error, he mounted quickly and eas ily, crossing the line majestically. An instant later the siunal was llolsted that lie had made a record. Curtiss said that he had not pushed his machine to the limit of its speed and laughingly declined to say more, adding that the most interesting lncl dent of ills llight was the view he "ot of his fallen rivals strewn around tho course. It is the intention of tho American aviator now to await patiently the in ternational event for the Gordon Ren nett cup on Saturday, for which lie is again the favorite, after which in. win try for the Prix de la Vitesse, the final or which wilt be contested on Sunday. Paulham alone made a record in tiie endurance test, but Lofobvre, Sointner, Sunehls-Pesa, P.Ieriot. Delagrauge, Lambert, Cockburn, Runau - Varilla, Gobron, Latham, Tissandier and Fnr- niun qualified with lllghts varying ironi -oil meters to twenty-five kilo meters, the niajorltv contenting tliom selves with covering sulllcient distance to get within the limit. During Paullmm's long night chance races took nlace between lit 111 nrwl Rlerlot and Lefebvrc, the two latter outspeedlng the high Hying Pauiliam. Rlerlot appeared while Paulham was eoinnletimr his fourth liis olfrhty horsepower monoplane Mwiuy ovonmuied ami passed under the hiplane, loaviu- It far behind. . 'T"" ll'Ull ILIL UUL ) of commission by a slight accident In tunning, Latham succeeded in making his best tlight with an untried ma chine with an aluminium propeller. Until Saturday, when tho interna tional event will be decided, the Hying Is likely to be less interesting than 'dur ing the llrst two days, but popular as well as seientllle and expert enthu siasm over aviation week shows no sign of abatement, The policing of the course by French soldiers and mounted dragoons Is the subject of general satisfaction. Squad rons of dragoons inside the Held are often compelled to escape on the gal lap from some low Hying machine. Among the hundreds of Americans hero are Mr. and Mrs. George Gould, Mrs. W. K. Vanderbllt. Jr.; Mr. ami Mrs. Nat Goodwin, William II. Crane and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kittrldge of Cleveland. The Lungs, There are 175,1)00,000 cells iu lungs of a human being. tho The Stars, The smallest things visible to tho eye are the stars, Great as many of tho stars are la actual size, their dis tance is so inconceivably great that their angular diameters became insen sible and approatli to the condition of a geometrical point. BOSTON'S MAYOR ACCUSED. Finance Commission Charges Him With Extravagance r.nd Favoritism. Rosloii. Aug. 2-1. Tiie Mm distinct , niTulyunieiil of the executive and le Islative branches of the municipal gov eminent of Roston during the present Wednesday the -'th inni. The fi adininis! rat ion is made in a report is- lieinl was held at the Chupmaiitown sued by the finance commission, which Christian church, Rev. HoiYmrn, 1 charges the ollice of Mayor George A. nriotliin preacher from Madison-1 lllhhard wllli "extravagance." with 1 vllle preaching the funeral sermon. J "lesM iiliig executive vigilance" and . -Miv.. Pctiilck was con. cried in No-i "placing fuMircd Individuals upon the payrolls of the city. Coin,arlug the condition of the city's , Ilnances villi other years, the couinils sion says: "In Ihe present year, owing to tin disregard by the city council of tin tiiiiU'i ial condition of the citv. the ex- tr.n auiince of certain department heads and the failure of the mayor to 1 continue the work of reform, thi re has been a retrogression. I "The Invest lull Inns of the coiniuis- slon have shown that the mayor lias sought to procure positions for fa-i vorcil Individuals In nrious depart-1 incuts. Such interference Increases the ' expenses of the city and tends to de- moralize the entire service." , The commission Iu general charges that "the responsibility for unueccs-1 sary expenditures as distinguished i from appropriations rests primarily with the mayor; dial the facts show ii lessoning of executive vigilance and a corresponding growth of extravagance, ( that In many cases reductions In com- pcnsallons have been followed by res- (orations and discharges by reinstate- incuts; that new and unnecessary ap- polntniouts have been made and unjns. tittaiile Increases in compensation granted." LEACH CROSS WINS FIGHT. Cy Smith Severely Punished In Ten Fast Rounds. New York, Aug. i!4.Leuch Cross of New York defeated Cy Smith of Jer sey City in ten fust rounds of lighting been seen here since his defeat In the forty-first round at San Francisco by "Fighting Dick" Hyland. Roth i man were admittedly above th.v. ,-cleht limit of i3!i ,i 'l lightweight limit of 13a pounds as they took their corners. At the tap of the bell Smith carried the litrl.t to Cross with a rush. He was both clever and lugged and for Ave rounds kept Ids man covering up. In the sixth round Cross let out a series of long range left jabs and short arm jolts that puffed Smith's eyes, cracked Ills Hps and flattened his nose. more. In the ninth he outfought Smltli ; l'"ntin"ed t0. 1,0 husl until 1897 at every point and ended the round I whon h" retlred trom aU active busi wlth a heavy knockdown. ! "ff8', lle ,wn,B n IIliln of "r and de- Smith rose groggy but game for the 1 clded co"Vietions, backed by a vigor last round. He blundered through ous, , ment? ity and physicque continued heavy punishment nnd was glad to get the bell. It was clearly Cross' light. LAWYERS IN CONFERENCE. American Bar Association Begins Its Annual Meeting at Detroit. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 24.-Ono nun-1 also survived by one son, Benjamin dred and flfty of America's leading ' l. Tyler, D. S., Damascus, Pa. lawyers attended the annual meeting , of the American Bar association which ; Resolutions of Respect, opened houo today At a regular meeting of the dl- I' rederick A . Lchmann of Missouri rectors of the Wayne County Sav dellvered the president's address, in lngs Dank lleUJ on August 1B 1909 which lie reviewed the most note- i, ,.,nc. .,nim..i., worthy changes in statute law on points of general Interest that have been made during the year. Among the distinguished visitors at the convention are Secretary of War Dickinson. Georges Rurbey of France and Sir Frederick Pollock, tho great English jurist. Tiie secretary's report shows a j healthy growth of the organization, the , membership now being more than j 3,0.10. ! Georges Barboy read a paper on I .1.',-....l. l.,,,,fl,. 1 ., .,.,1 l,wt,Tn T(, Cook county. 111., read one on "Juvenile Courts," EVANGELIST IN AUTO CRASH. Billy Sunday and His Wife Thrown Into Ditch and Injured. La port e, Intl., Aug. 24. In a collision between two automobiles near Yellow Creek lake Rllly Sunday, baseball evan- gellst and his wife were injured. Their car turned over, and they were thrown into a ditch. Sunday was driving at high speed nna struck another car in attempting t0 l'ass , . . , women lliiea oy metric i ram. Camden, N. J., Aug. 24. Mrs. Jane Frazier of Westville, N. J nnd Miss (Jrlswell of Philadelphia were Instant ly killed by an electric train bound for Atlantic City at Westville, They were walking to the station when tho train struck them at a crossing. Five Killed by Gas Explosion. Geneva Switzerland Aug "I -Five persons were killed and twelve dan - gerously injured by an explosion at tho city gas works here. OHITUARV. (Contributed.) PIITHK'K .Mrs. Llllle Augusta Petliick died nt her homo at Pink August Kith. Shi! 1" sai'vlved by her husband and five iliildren. l-be was burled at Cluipmuutown on veaiher. I SSL, and was baptized in January, 'SSI!, and joined the Chribthiii ihureh al v l-a-.innntown. The dei eated lived a Rood Christian life and was a good, K.ithfttl mother. Her ago war, -2 years. !) months, and days. Tiie mother's voice that was om e heaid is stilled God nnth called her Home to meet i.er loved ones eono before. She was the yoi!ii;re.'t daughter ot Re. William Siiaugcuherg, who, with his wife, are deceasu'.. She leave,! four brothers and two sisters. (Jod hath called our mother to po with Hint on high ft r u hal cam e we do not know, lie knowith best. Let His will be done, not ourr,. lor ko know it Is i eace, i-v.ect piv.o, to he witli Jesus. He s:iy,4 "tome unto me and I will ghe you rent"; whoro sorrow never ionics nor tetus ever shed, God bless our mother. TAFT .Mrs. iOunice K Tuft mother oi Roval Tatt, died at her home in llawlev .Monday, after an iii,1L!..- 0r !-00 months', following a fall which resulted in a fractured hip. GILLESPIE Mrs. Joseph Gillespie, formerly .Margaret Keefer, of this place, died at her home in Scranton on Sunday night. Funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock in Scranton. TYLER Abraham Tyler, aged Si! years, 4 months and 6 days, died August 17, 1901), at his homo in Damascus, of diarrhoea. Ho was 1 v, J T , 1 innrt , 1 Tn t , ,1 wlwl. J' n ?' Webster Sut iff and Catherine '"7, , ",a B "a ved in Damascus village. He was 1 X, "l "u"Jiln , 1 Charlt3: omas. Ho learned the corpenter's trade In early life, and helped to build the Damascus Acad emy in 1S49, and the Cochecton bridge in 185S-I). Later he became a millright and built a number of saw mills in the Delaware Valley, the last one being erected In Elk county. About 1874 ho opened a retail store at Damascus, where he nuit" euuuieu aim 10 maintain whatever position he took. He was the last and oldest in years of a family of seven brothers and two sisters, whose ages at death ranged from SO to 83 years. He was buried at Damascus, August 20th, Rev. J. M. Coleman, officiating, assisted by Revs. M. D. Fuller and Bell. He is Resolved, That in the death of Horace C. Hand, Honesdale loses one of her foremost citizens, up right, honest and honorable. His word was true and never doubted; he hated a lie, cunning and deceit; right, with him, was always before might. He was Intensely patriotic and loyal to his country, state, coun ty and borough, and ever ready to lend his aid In deeds of good citizen ship. In the bank, he was alwavs a number of years his physical In-1 vine shaft, as it was about to pull lirmlties prevented him from taking into tho Providonco station Tuesday actlvo part in Its management, we j afternoon. were always glad to have him with ; The derailed cars, ploughed near us, and It is a source of gratification ! IJ' a hundred yards after leaving the to us all that he remained, until his j tracks, ripping up tho ties and death, the President of the bank he i smashing the windows in tho coaches. loved so well and for which he had done so much In he past. Wo shall miss his visits to us and shall, long cherish his cheerful and sunnv ! ways, hlirh character and wise conn - gei. jQ was an ideal Christian gentle - nian, and our recollections of him , win always be like a benediction in i years to come. His good wife will i loso a true and loyal husband; his nhlldron. n tender, nntlent. ami lnv. ing father, to whom ills leaves a precious legacy of character, to be prized nbovo riches and worthy of emulation by all Kesoivetl, That tills mlnuto bo spread upon tho records of the Wayne County Savings Bank, and "f"1; f. t,, Bn!" 'i 8Bnt to ',ls I 1 1 inK family, to whom sympathy ' ls cxe"dod ' their borcavemont. . ,, , 11 ,' CNGL?' Secretary Board of Directors, Wayne County Savings Bank, WE ALMOST WON THAT GREAT GAME OF BALL ! ., Vm h Clo'e Score, but What of It, We Wire Reaten. EiOXESnALF, ) RUNS. ST. .iOIINS, ; RUNS. On Saturday afternoon the Old iioiuo Week baseball team was de feated by the strong St. John's team of hcranton. llesling was in tho box for the locals and pitched a good game. The home team se cured sixteen hits off of Hopkins nnd had tho 'game won until the ninth inning when the visitors made live run-. J.iiiicii Moran. whoso Home is in llinusuaie, piayeu wuu the isltom. ills stick work was a feature of tho game. Si'hucrholz. and .Murphy led the locals in hat ting. On Labor Day the same teams will play two games at Athletic Park. The scoie follows: ST. JOHN'S. R. 11. O. A. .McCabe. cf I I) -1 U K. Kelly. If ,0 H 0 .Marion, :b, lib. .. '. '.0 I !! f. Thomas, ss 1 (I - E. 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 liarrett, lb i Soft. 3b 0 .Mullln, b . Roach, rf. . F. Kelly, rf. .Moran, e. . . Hopkins, p. i: 1 Lllijequlst out, bunt third strike. w. Murphy out, did not touch first base. HONEKIlAliK. R. II. O. A. E. .Monaghan, ss 0 " 1 '. 0 Rrader, ah. ...... 1 1! 1 1 Sehuerholz, cf. .... 1 I! 1 u 0 Tuman, If 0 1 1 0 0 Wenders, '2b 0 - 1 i 0 Lilljequist, c 0 I !) 0 Murphy, 1b 1 II 12 '2 1 Murray, rf 0 '1 0 0. 0 Hesling, p 1 0 0 4 0 4 16 27 14 2 Honesdale .002 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 St. John's .00000000 G 5 Earned runs, Honesdale; three base hits, Moran; two base hits, Rrader, Monaghan, Sehuerholz, Moran, and Barrett; stolen bases, Honesdale, 4; St. John's, 3; struck out, by Hesling, 9; by Hopkins, 5; bases on balls, off Hesling, 0. "Three Twins." "Three Twins" which comes to the Lyric Theatre during Old Home Week, Wednesday evening, Sept. 8th, is positively one of the best musical comedies that has ever been produced. It ran for ten months at the Herald Square Thea tre In New York. "Three Twins" Is a musical comedy with a plot and many novel features. The music titillates and tantalizes, and the witty lines and adept clowning excites one to laughter. Mr. Jos. M. Gaites has so lavishly costumed the beautiful show girls that they are pleasing to the eye. In the second act there are eight of the handsomest Paris ian Dlrectolre gowns worn by beau tiful and shapely girls. The elec trical effects are marvelous, the faceograph being a distinct novelty, the electrical aerial swing being an amazon structure of steel, illumi nated with over 1,000 electric L lights revolving at a rapid rate with six girls In the baskets sing ing "The Cuddle Song" is said to be one of the most beautiful finales ever staged. 1). &. II. Passenger Train Accident. The passenger train on the Dela ware and Hudson railroad from Car bondale to Scranton, was derailed at a switch nearly opposite the Mar- There was a caboose standing on tho middle track, but, fortunately, , the loremost car of the two derailed did not touch It, or the accident ' might have been much more serious. Tho baggage car and the first coach 1 remained on the tracks, as did the ' engine. Woodmen of (ho World, On Sunday he Maplo City Camp of Woodmen of tho World was or ganized at this placo with n mem bership of sixteen. Tho following officers were elected: Commander, i Thomas McGinnis: vice commander. Emmett Hurley; clerk, Tlieo. Rried; I managers, Nicholas Hesling and 1 John Crosby. ' , There is overy indication that an Immense number of people will ' bo l)losellt ""ring Old Homo Week and arrangements are being mado to take good care of them.