The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 20, 1909, Image 8

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Doings in Rural Wayne.
Interesting Items Picked Up by Our
Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents
I church will serve supper at the
ho nl o of Air. and Mrs). Charles Webb,
Miss .Myrtle James, on Monday,
accompanied her Bister, .Mrs. D. A.
Smith, to her homo at Schenectady,
N. Y., the latter having spent three
weeks with relathcs here.
.Miss Ada .Morris, of Sugar Notch,
Is tho guest of her louslii, Ward
Haney, of this place.
James Sheeley left on Sunday,
the 14th. for Seianton, where he
lias employment.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Alerrlgan who have
Wednesday, August 2 Tub. A con
veyance will be nt the store to take
anyone desiring to attend.
TIih Woodmen will hold an ice
I "nil' soi ial on tho Square on Wed
ik I i - "-'(.ning Aug. Eiith. The
bni '. wi'l be in attondancu.
ii. .. W. B. lienor is on his vaca
tur, .ii there will not be any service
S i,i . h.oi'iihig in the .Methodist
cuuivii. Praye- meeting and Sun-
, .i i i .i i
been spending their summer vaca-1 ". m... u uhi .u.
lion of two weeks at the "Reusu-i Mr. Hovtense Watt. daughter,
returned to their home at
V nil TllPStlaV UI lllw .-iun . iiie waning ill liu'
Brooklyn, N
Jack' Hawker leturned to his home ix'ni'-' of .Mr. and .Mrs. Kdgar Ross,
at llonesd.He last week, alter spend- j Th T. I. C. girls retunu-d on
ing a week at A. Gobies. Saturday fiom Beach Lake, and
finoiire Cortright. a well-known
voting man, who died at the Hillside
ilome. was brought to this place for
burial on Saturday. Tho relatives
have the sympathy of the entire com
111 11 ii It v.
n,.,,,.,. .inmost lel'i on Tuesday forlu',v
i i ,., ,,t kiil'mv Notch, after Jli'- l MM' '
ii,,,- month with relatives at Charles, wive iimmig tin
rl" li,,nr, , , , ....I.. ..i MM.1...1 1 .
i in me ini'itir in i nun i wim uirti
eir many friends were glad to se
them back. They spent a very
pleasant ten days' and were nicely
located I.i Airs. Wheeler's lomfort-
.I'f.'K' 1,(111)1'.
The tiui'c days of lain has been
11. Pant and son,
Sunday evening, at the Tyler Hill A party of young men left to-day
school house. j Ior Rot;l Lake, where they will
Thos. Grlmth has a sulky plow 1 camp for two weeks,
which tips tho beam at Just 400 Mr- Nelson Hucklns was a guest
pounds, several days last week, at Vm.
Milk Is now three cento a quart, ' Glover's,
the highest It has ever been for ! M. G. X. Bonham, Airs. E. W.
August. Better times are coming r Squires, Mrs. H. W. White, Mr. and
for the farmers. ! Mrs. Charles Bonham, Mr. and Mrs.
H L. Fisher, son Mark and daugh-
ALDENVILLE. i tee. Clara, Air. and Mrs. Gall E.
Air. and Airs. James Stranahau White, Allss May Glover, Mrs. Nel
and son, Darwin, and Mr. and Airs, s-on Hutchlns, Miss Helen Odell,
George Wulff, spent Sunday at Lake -Messrs. Fred' and Harold White, Air.
Lodore. iim' Mrs. Henry CHft, and their
Air. and .Mrs. Frank Turner, .Mr. guests spent Saturday fishing, and
Bunnell, of Pleasant Mount, and i enjoyed supper on the bank of the
.Mrs. Carl Guiumoe, of Peckville, ! Miller reservoir,
were guests at the home of John: Rev. Nelson Crowsmnn recently
Derrick, last Sunday. vihlted his parents, Air. and Aim.
.Mr. and Airs. J. Stanton, of Way- s- Grossman,
mart, were guests at the home ofj Miss Josephine Barthomew, of
their son, S3. .1. Stanton, last Sun-' Mnpta Groe. has returned home.
(tUy. after visiting at Mls Anna .May
.Mrs. Dora JUichman and son, Mauser's.
Adolph, of 1'hiladelphla, are guests i Mr. K. Al. Horton is ill at present
at the home of Airs. Bachman's I writing.
dam, liter, Airs, .lames Stranahan. I H. W. While undo a business trip
Al.1. and Alvw. AI. D. Fltso and ! 10 Scranton last week.
family r.pcnt fuindny in Bethany. I A medicine show will be given
Grace Wilmarth. who has been!1" tho lin11 t'10. liroseiit week and
this place.
Aug. 1"
I '.Mill.
George Cortright died on Wednes
day, August Uth, at the Hillside1
lliime. Ills mother, Airs. John,
lluoscher, of Uswlek, and daughter,
Lulu, of llonesdale, went to Scran
ton on Thursday morning, where
thev were met by another daughter,
Mrs. Frank Hess, of Scranton. They
brought the remains to UswlcK on
The Presbyterian Sunday school
will hold Its annual picnic at Third
Pond, Friday, Aug. 27.
Aug. 17, 11)01).
We are now having a few show
ers and aie In hopes that we will
soon hae rain enough to 1111 the
springs which are very low.
On the I nth Rev. G. A. Warbur-
,ill also
irougni uie .."' - .7" ton nreached at Zion and w
-.11 1 i'i ...... !. i in riii
I'riuay luie.nuuu ,u """7 lecture on ".Marriage" on Tuesday
family plot, at a oVlock. Dec ease. 1 pven, Rev W!ll.hbllrton ,B n vel.y
was born at ITswick, about J.. e.u s , , , , sneaker -md we were
ago, where he lived until about eight 'i u Rev
years ago when he left home and , " K
worked at different places and final-. ,,,,,
lie was taken i ' ' , , , , ,
1 I1U k)llIHl(t M'lllMJI SUL'Ull lieill UU
the 14th passed off wry pleasantly
and a goodly number was present.
On the ISth the Ladles' Aid met
for dinner with .Mrs. Ray Stevens
and rcpoits say they had a very
good time. The next meeting will
be held at Airs. A. C. Howe's on the
lv wont to Scranton.
to Hillside Home about a year ago.
He Is survived by his mother, three
sisters, and two brothers, viz: Mrs.
Frank Hess, of Scranton, .Miss Alat
tie, of Hillside Home, and Aliss Lulu
of llonesdale, William, of Ariel, and
Frank, who lives nt Elwyn, Pa., at
1,1 . I'ZZ n,, M. 1 1st of September
E. church at this place on Sunday, j
on account of Quarterly meeting ser-!
vice at Paupac.
- ,!. .1.1 i. r'.n,w rf TTevlik. I
""1"",u7 lJ '" ""' ,, :;, tlo under the weather for the past
i .imi. luiMin ii'iim Scranton on eu- . . 1
tisitlng in llonesdale and Carbon
ihiie. home on Saturday.
Why don't you road the Citizen?
Subscribe nt once. It its belter
th;"i it tisod to bo.
T!.e .Misses .Miller, of New burg,
are is;ting at the home of Anna
Flt?.e. !
.hidson Fitze expects to take aj
trip north soon.
OrJiorm- Snedeker Is working at William Glover.
Aliilanioins. Aug. IS. 1 !U!.
The condition of C. II. Wilinartb.l
who was taken sick last Saturday
.jiplit. is much Improved.
We hear that Kverett Rainey has
i. cured a good position in New
York City.
Backer's Vaudeville Co. arrived In
town Tuesday. They played to a
good-sized audience In Fitze's hall
'uesdny evening.
A base ball game was played be
weon Aldenvllle and Bethany at
Uethany, last Saturday, and resulted
n favor of Bethany by a score of
10 to d. Two errors made In the
eighth Inning by Aldenvllle players
brought in six runs for Bethany
and lost the game. Our boys ex
pect to play at Indian Orchard next
Aug. IS, 1!I01.
members of the company will be
entertained at "The Stone."
.Mrs. Laura Coyne left Thursday
to hut relatives in Susquehanna and
Air. and Airs. G. K. White are
ri'estv. nt "The .Maples."
.Mrs. Olive Bryant and two girl
friends, of ICquiuunl;. recently visited
the former's parents. Air. and .Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chumard, of
Olyphant, have returned to Hamlln
ton, and it Is said they will reside
In the Stone house near the camp
On Thursday evening, August 12,
Air. Wheelock very pleasantly enter
tained the young people of tho
place In the parish house. Games
were Indulged in after which re
freshments wore served. The com
pany dispersed highly pleased with
the program of the evening.
The Salem Grange will hold a
picnic on the camp ground, on
Thursday, Aug. 20th. A speaker
from n distance Is expected.
Airs. Boyce provided an evening's
Norwegian Expert Reports Finding
Dacillus In Patient's Skin.
Bergen, Norway, Aug. 10. During
the session of the International confer
ence on leprosy Dr. G. A. Hansen,
head of tho Leprosy hospital here,
who Is said to have been tho discov
erer of the leprosy bacillus, informed
Dr. Shlvcley of New York, a delegate
to the conference, that despite the
claims of Dr. L. Duncan Bulkley of
the New York Skin and Cancer hospi
tal that John Early, Uie former Amer
ican soldier, was not suffering from
leprosy, ho had found leprosy bacillus
pleasure for the members of ller In action of Early's skin which he
Sunday school class, when she enter- lmu 1 l,,"K-
talned them at tho parsonage on 1
.Monday evening last. About twenty ! Lightning Kills President's Cousin.
were present, and enjoyed to this I Tri'illnl. Colo.. Aug. 1!. - Charles
full the games and refreshments i 'N- Sl,,,,ml '''l to President Tuft,
provided by the kindness of tholvl v-'nt! killed at Prior. Colo., by light-
mg Week
The I. O. O. F. and the P. O. S.
of A. expect to picnic on the 27th.
.Mrs. J. A. Gilpin improves slowly,
John M. Catterson has been a llt-
nesday ot last week and returned
week and Dr. Simons
I tendance. His son, Dr.
was in at
lO BTlumni "I- - "-,,.. ,1,,.51 0 l,, f,..
has seemed a good position as ami - - -
..... ... ,i... m t a', w Cr, lie s I1!Um count.
" ..l . ";.. '!. now .. Wo were pleased to see Abrnm
r'rV".,, ",,., : vprv out to church again on Sun-
,. i i... 1,1., i',.,,,lc IIk.:"'1'-
,.,.. ... lU -V - , Mlsges Ienoni IoUUa cnff
wick and Lakeille. i f Hn,.nfrin ,, ,,. nurt
0 ui i-..i.ciuuii...ti, uie iiesis 01 tne
Aliss Helen Crane
ifleanor Waterson, returned
Brooklyn, N. Y on Sunday.
Wo are pleased to hear that Airs.
H. W. Clark, of Paupac, Is a little
better. She has been quite ill.
There was a dance at the pleas
.Misses Cliffs this week.
J. E. Cross is paying 110 cents
per dozen, cash, for eggs, which, we
think, Is a remarkable price for this
time of year; also 18 cents per
,,notw1 l'i nl,!i,
...... , M.. n,1 Alro Tnlin . I'""""
UUL IIUIIIU Ul .'... A,.,.l,l,l.l ,,
Reer, of Arlington, Saturday even
ing. .Mrs. .Miller, of Dunmore, visited
her sister. Airs. John .Mains, of Us
wlek, last week.
Mrs. John .Mains and sister, Mrs.
Miller, .islted another sister, Airs.
Frank Sheek. of Pink, on Thurs
Alany friends of Air. and
Casper Unger
invited to spend Sunday at their
pleasant home. They report having
had an enjoyable time.
guest of .Myrtle Cross.
Prof. J. Creveling, ot East
Stroudsburg, is spending a few days
at P. W. Glllner's.
Aug. 11. 1 POO.
Bain has reached us at last. The
.Mrs. dust ol the past few days has beaten
of Bon'j Ridge, were , all past recollections.
Air. and Airs. Baldwin and son
Robert, ot New York City, are
guests of the Tyler Hill House. Air,
and Airs. Custer, who have been
staying at the same place, returned
home on Sunday.
E. C. Olver's guests were Increased
Sunday by the arrival of two new
Air. and Airs. Kennedy Johnston
spent Sunday at Lake Huntington
whore they went to visit their son
Joseph, who Is employed at Richard
There will be a musical held in
the Presbyterian church on Wednes
day evening. Proceeds are to be
applied to fund for fixing the church.
Mrs. U. U. Plerson is entertaining from New Jersey.
W. J. Doyle spent Sunday In
Alerle Danque has returned homo ' Schwabe's of that place
after spending the past six weeks
with her aunt at Stillwater.
Wandah Schaffer, a trained nurse
from Carbondale, has returned after
There was a picnic and dance In
Jacob Welsh's grove on Tuesday
Cora Ellison, who has been teach-
spending her vacation with her par- "B at Cold Springs, on the Hudson,
onts here. is vIsltinS llei" brother. Perry 13111-
Rev. George Merrill and family. son; of th's !laee' , ,
of Now Jersey, are visiting at Dr. F. , wnrd Welsh had a barn rals
Corson's lng 011 Saturday. Peter Griffith and
Genevieve and Hunting Lord are Charles Alitchell are doing the car
spending several days at Lake Cha-' !,on,t01' wo,rk' ,. ,
tauqua NY ! A number ol this vicinity were
Tho Wa'ymart baseball association i ni'WeberryIng nt Beach Lake on
will hold an Ice cream social on the
Tho main theme of conversation
among the pleasure seekers of Haw-
ley, Just now, Is a trip up the Pan-
pack. There are several gasoline
lunches kept at the landing here
ready at any time to carry passen
gers to Tafton, Down's Landing,
Sommer's, Lynn's, and Rowan's.
The prices range from 10 to 30
cents tor a trip up and back. Special
rates made to families and parties.
Nearly every day in the week can
be seen plcnicers traveling to
wards Wilsonvlllo with bundles and
baskets of provisions, to spend a day
of quietude and rest under the beau
tiful trees on the bank of this
stream, many remaining over night,
sleeping in tents which they carry
with them.
One of the picnic grounds is at
"Down's Landing," under the hem
locks, a very beautiful place indeed.
We understand the Paupack boat
ing club and others are negotiating
for the purchase of this lot. which
contains about three acres. If the
deal is consummated it will he di-1 j
vlded into small lots and several j Jjj
bungalows will be built along the I f
river, which will greatly enhance
the charms of the stream. The Red
.Men of Hawley held their picnic at
the above place on Wednesday.
Airs. Wm. Alasten and son. Ed
ward and James, passed Alouday last
with Pike county relatives.
Byron Tuttle and David Hopkins
of Ashley, arrived on Sunday morn
ing to pass a few days with their
wives, who have spent the summer
as occupants of the Spinner cottage.
Air. Tuttle will move his family to
the above named place this week.
Airs. Gelbart, an esteemed elderly
lady of about 82 years of age, who
passed the greater part of her life
at this place, died at the home of
her son-in-law, George Atkinson,
at Hawley, on Friday last. The
funeral will be held to-day at 1
o'clock at the house, Rev. B. P. Rip
ley officiating,
.Mrs. Kate Foss and son, of Aeh-
loy, were enicrtaiued by Mrs. Byron
Tuttle and Mrs. David Hopkins at
the Spinner cottage on Tuesday and
Aug. IS, 1900.
Airs. Joseph AlcKeo and family
haw returned to their home in
Philadelphia, after making an ex
tended visit witli Aliss D. P. Ham
lin, of this place.
Flossie Edwards, from tho State
Hospital, Scranton, visited her par
ents. Air. and Mrs. D. W. Edwards,
on Sunday.
Airs. Robert Spangenberg Is visit
ing friends in Honesdalo.
Airs. Ann Nash and granddaugh
ter, Airs, Blanche Allllor, of Scran
ton, are occupying Airs. Nash's rooms
for a couple of weeks.
on Tuesdny evening the young
people of the Pinochle Club spent
a few delightful hours at the home
of Allss Alice Hamlin.
Airs. William Weldon and two
children, of Connecticut, visited
.Mrs. Charles Loring, over Sunday.
.Mr. and Airs. Charles Andres of
Slmsburg, Connecticut, with their
little son, Butler, are visiting Airs
Andre's parents, Air. and Airs. John
Williams, of this place. Airs. An
dres will remain for some weeks.
8 F PA
SEPT. 6, 7,8, and 9
Watch This Space for
Everybody get busy and invite your friends.
The Proper Celebration of
will afford Iioiit'sdalo people a rare opportunity to test the as
sertion that the hest bargains are always to be found at home.
Nearly every family in town will have one or more guests
dniirg the coming celebration, and every household should be
prepared to entertain its visitors in a truly hospitable manner.
'ne of the necessities of the sideboard will be good Wines and
Linv.nis. and these the undersigned pledges himself to supply
:il pi it i s and quality not to he approached by outside dealers.
Look at These Figures
on coods PERSONALLY GUARANTEED to be in strict accordance
with the PURE FOOD LAWS :
school houso lawn In tho near fu
ture. Let there bo a largo crowd
to greet tho boys' first attempt.
Aug. 18, lOO'J.
Howard Johns, of Forest City, Is
visiting his grandparents, Air. and
Airs. James Johns.
Harry Pethlck and son, Harry,
of Hawley, spent Sunday with tho
former's mother, Airs, L. Pethlck.
Carrlo Cody has been olected
teacher of the Cold Springs school,
An ice cream social will bo held
Friday evening on tho lawn of the
Persbytorlan church.
Mrs. I. J. Alany. Airs. Kate (Memo,
nnd Airs. Amos Ward, left Monday
to attend the Boulah cnmpmeotlng
near Allentown.
Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Alethodist
.Monday, Aug. 9th. The berries nre
4 cents a quart In the Hold nnd 10
and 12 cents picked.
Oats are loading fairly well this
year but there is not a great deal
of straw. Buckwheat looks rather
slim In this section,- but perhaps this
rain will fetch it on.
Fred Greeley Is again working at
tho Laurel Lake House.
.Mrs. George Jarvls and daughter,
Emma, who have been visiting R. D.
Mlnch, returned homo to Camden
last week.
Airs, Thos, Clrlmth entertained a
number of Boyds Mills relatives at
supper on Friday night.
Alel Mitchell and Porter Ross are
painting tho D. and C. bridge across
tho Delaware.
Imolda Brown nnd Dorothy Welsh,
both of Blnghamton, are visiting
lricnds nt this place,
Rev. R. D. Alinch preached on t last Friday.
.Mrs. W. H. Fitze. son nnd dnuirli.
ter, of Newark, are visiting at O. C.U
Airs. IS. W. Squires, of Pockvlllo,
Is the guest of relatives and friends !
here. Airs. Squires, formerly Alary j
Kttn White, spent her childhood day's !
ui mo .wupics, now ownou y U, S
ij r iHiier. '
Airs. John Ronche, son Burton, ,
and daughter Romnlne, wero guests 1
at the former's home, Airs. AI. (j. '
Stark's last week.
Allss Florence Gardiner of Los-
tershiro, N. Y.. and Allss Allnnio 1
nilf'lfllli nt A 1,1ti..1Io 1nt,. I I
.. w..,tu., w. .tiuvitllliu, l. U UUlUg
entertained by Airs. Henry CHft. ,
Dr. and Airs. LeRoy Perkins and i
son Gordon, returned to Forest City j
alter spending several days at D.
E. Hacker's.
Fbild Day was a social and llnan-!
clal success. The treasury of tho i
Steward's Fund netted $122.
Allss Rena Stark is spending a
few days nt home.
Mr. and Airs. T. C. Leonard and
children returned to Now York city
Private Stock, Spring 1902, one of the finest Whis
kies that ever came down the Pike. . . .$3.50 gal.
King Leo, none better, i93 $3.50 gal.
Early Times, none purer, 1903, $3.50 gal.
Early Times, none purer, 1905, $3.00 gal.
Finch's Golden Wedding 1904, $3.50 gal.
Finch's Golden Wedding 1905, $3.25 gal.
Outerbridge Horsey 1904, $3.50 gal.
Oakland 1905, $3.00 gal.
El Bedford 1905, $3.00 gal.
Silverbrook 1905, $3.00 gal.
Automobile 1905, $3.00 gal.
Jackson Square 1905, $3.00 gal.
Cresent Club 1906, $2.50 gal.
Jockey Club $2.00 gal.
Ben Chance $2.00 gal.
Shooting Club $2.00 gal.
Red Rye $2.00 gal.
Shaw's Pure malt
Grand Imperial Sec. compar
ing favorable with the best
imported wines.
Sparkling Burgundy
Rhine Wine
Creme de Mint
Creme de Rose
Creme de Vanille
Creme de Violet
Hava Cocktails
Having in my stock 1000 gallons of California Port
and Sherry Wines, the regular price of which is roc
per quart, T will supply all customers up to Septem
ber 15th with these clioiee and pure goods at just
111 m k
Wholesale and Retail
dealer in
Wines and Liquors.