The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 20, 1909, Image 2

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Removed Commissioner At
tacks Mayor McClellan.
He Goes to Mattsrwan Afte,-
Makcs Vain Plea to Judco.
white riitiiw. x. y.. Aug. r -iinn-v (
IC. Thaw packed up liH grip- In tin
"Seized With Desire to Get Contra
of Tammany Hall" His "Lit
tle Game to Win Ministers."
IV. Minn m-KVU ll 1 1 hi-. fci;,- in mi p. i . j-,, . ft i
courty Jnll iu.n. t. ,1a, n.,1 ,m lake, j RG(J gjlje ClQSll
iim-u ii) .Miiticawan usyiiim. in1 mrew
In Mimic War.
New York, Auj;. 1. Theo
dore A. ltliiKlmni is out with uuolln'i
article tcllliiu' why ho win removed
from olllcc anil making Hie chaw that
llfleeii men who ran dive at Coney
Islam! "(jot to" Senator McCarren. who
was aide to iiitlueiice Mayor MH'ellan
to remove the police commissioner as
a scapegoat who hail acted in pursu
ance of plans made ly the mayor.
In niaklnu' these plans, the former
commissioner asserts, the purpose of
the mayor was to capture the Tam
many i ruMiiizatlon for himself, not
withstanding his assurances that he
luii! determined to ret I le from politics
al the end of Ids term.
(ieiieral lilncham charges that the
mayor cherished an ainliltioiis desiirii
to become the Xew York boss and that
in carrylm; out the des;'ii he stuiuht
to have the commissioner so run the
police department as to favor political
leaders who wished 'to protect unlaw
ful interests.
Taking up I lie recount case. General
Iiif,'hain criticises the attitude of the
mayor In that licht, addinir:
"The mayor's political instincts and
training made the plaudits of the
crowd most pleasant. To llntl himself
deserted suddenly was a shock to the
man who had more than his share of
vanity. McClellati shut himself up like
n cave man and refused to attend pub
lic functions where his olliclal pres
ence was desired.
"He could not be made to see that he
must pay the penalty of his own lack
of nerve in weleoinliit; a recount when
such proceedings became Inevitable.
"This light on McClellau's character
was u surprise to inc. Above all, 1
urged IiimVto show the people that he
was not afraid to lose his Job. That
lie did not have the nerve to do this
constantly was due to the fact that on
one or two of the liifroipient occasions
in which he did appear in public his
greeting by applause was well salted
with jeers and hisses."
The former commissioner says that
when he became police commissioner
it was with the promise of McClellan
that he would not be hampered by
"I was given lo understand that he
had made up his mind to quit politics.
AVhen his term of olllco expired he
would enter some other business," he
nays, but he soon learned that instead
of seeking to get out of politics the
mayor "did not possess strength of
character enough to keep his promise
and keep politics out of my end of Ids
administration. He became seized with
the great idea that in the four years
of otllco then liefore him he could ob
tain t lie control of Tammany Hall.
The light was to begin at once. Im
mediately contests to displace tdd dis
trict lenders were instituted in many
assembly districts."
The general indicates that the fight
began to fall because of his refusal to
lend the police department to the
schemes of the city hall.
"So bnd did his political scheme bo
come," he says, "In some of the dis
tricts of Manhattan nfter Mayor Mc
Clellan began his contests at the pri
maries for the leadership of Tammany
Hall thai I had to make radical
changes In the personnel of those districts.
"Many disreputable resorts had
started us If sure of the right kind of
protection, and saloon keepers had
ceased to take the police into their
"Not only," says the general, "was
the license bureau found to be doing
a land office business In graft, but It
often trebled the cost of show li
censes." Ho charges that McClellan in a
"spasm of wrath" ordered all moving
picture shows be closed on Sunday
notwithstanding that he had issued
seven day licenses to them and could
not legally make the order, which the
courts estopped by injunction.
General lilngham charges that Mc
Clellan said to him in response to n
question as to the meaning of this
wave of reform:
"I am playing a little game to win
the ministers."
out several hundred letters, most of
which were from cranks and women.
A visit made by Harry K. 'flaw's t .
sister to Judge Mills the Megan tic I
fish and game preserve FORCED TO RETIaP.
without the result lor which she had
hoped, for the Judge declined to grant
her request that her brother be nl
lowed to remain at White l'lalns be
yond today.
The former Countess of Yarmouth
went to MeL'antlc anil walked vcnrly
ten tulles through the wmtl- l'l her
!"!lo!y to reach .lust Ice Mi l at the
curliest possible moment. Ici.l an
bittrvlew with the Justice, bur he toid
her that It would be Impossible for
lilei to nint her petition.
The Thaw family will make an at- i
tempt now to have Thaw released
I'l'oni Mnltciw:in mid committed to the i
custody of his relatives. They will j Will' game, and a tierce battle began.
agree never to let him out unless ac- with I-.tldyvllle green, about ine mile
Artillery Duel Precedes General En
gagement, In Whicii Iuvailcn
Theoretically Annihilate
Massachusetts Troops.
Mlddlebi io. Mass., Aug. IS. General
Tasker 11 UINt threw the whole
i strength of his red army of Invasion
against 'he left wing of General W.
A. Pew's blue army of tlel'u-'e In the
conipanlcd by a member of the family i nnr!lient of Middleburo, as ts comer.
or a special attendant,
Thaw gave out the following state
ment before lealng for Matteawan:
"The slliiht ameliorations .Ttidg"
MIIN has i .deivd from the asylum
il i iors are nctly the same as win
lr. I.ainb aciorded me when 1 llrst
I The artlllciy was In advance of both
j armies, and as soon as the red army
, aita- Ucd an arlllloxj duel was in prog
tin the extreme left of the blue army
banallon composed of I -1 1 : eomi ,i
i -I. i.iiiui' in i i'iim ii im- ..lull . .
went there. Therefore the reports I llu's ''ic l.ighlh Massacti'-cits uu
from Albany aial Matteawan that this j d.-r command of Major V. II. Pen-...
could contllci with the discipline at ' who had two Driggs-Sehroedi r guns
Matteawan are incorrect, .ludge Mills , mounted on an auto truck, bail taken a
only mdei'cd a private room mid the i criiimaiidlug position on the summit of
same hours, etc. as Superintendent j a hill overlooking two roads and a
in-. I.ainb considered proper himself
when I llrst entered."
Brings Airship Out, but Postpones
Flight to North Pole.
Ilanunerfest, Xorway, Aug. 18. A
illspatch received from Walter Well
man's arctic expedition camp at Spits
bergen says:
"The north gale which had been
blowing for eight days dropped on the
l'Jth. and Mr. Welliiian made every
thing ready to start in search of the
north pole. The balloon was lnllated
i broad valley. The main body of the
I red army advanced toward this pusl-
tlon. The blues opened lire upon the
Invaders and brought their two amo
guns to boar upon the advancing col
umn. Preceding the general engagement
there was a rcdliot skirmish on Mld
dleboro green, In which the outposts
on the left wing of the blue nrmy of
defense were attacked and driven back
by a flying squadron of cavalry. The
engagement lasted for an hour and
was finally called off by the umpires,
who decided that the reds had driven
back tile hljios. liefore hostilities could
bo renewed the blue outposts at the
command of the umpires were forced
to retire half a mile to the north and
take up a new position.
The battle was fought on the green,
close by the railway station. The mil -
To Remove Stains. I
Blood. If fresh or recently dried,
soak iu cold or tepid water and rub; ,
when stain Is brown and nearly gone
use soap and warm water. If very
dry, soak and wash out; use Javcllo
water or peroxide of hydrogen. Kero- ,
seno In water will remove obstinate
Hrass. Hub with rancid lard or ollvu
oil before washing. Warm white wine j
vinegar Is a solvent for brass or cop- j
j per, but must not be used on colored
' Cocoa. Wash In cold water llrst,
(lien rinse and run boiling water
! through It. If resistant, try a bleach '
j agent.
Coffee. Pour boiling water through
It from a height. Ilorax or ammonia, ,
IC placed on the dampened spot, will
bleach the blemish. !
1'rtilt. Alcohol softens and dissolves ,
fruit stains. If the alcohol is warmed ,
ever hot water, It will be more efll
ftcnt; later use boiling water poured
from a height. IT resistant, try sul
phur fumes, dilute muriatic acid or ,
lavclle water. '
Buying Tablecloths.
ISefore buying tablecloths know ex
actly the width and length tif the din
ing table.
S-ollaiid furnishes most of the un
bleached medium priced linen. It
wears well, and many people purchase
It and bleach ll on the grass, as It Is
uu derate In price.
Gorman linen has a hard twisted
thread. This makes It look rather
coarse, but for common purposes It ,
tloes well. A good rule In buying linen
Is to go by the firmness 'of the weave
rather, than by the weight or the pat
tern. The snowdrop nud the check will be
found the most satisfactory for pat
terns. Largo designs require a longer
thread, which wear out sooner than
the smnller patterns.
A good damask should bo of fair
weight, not too fine, not too stiff, but
with a soft, pliable appearance.
It has been calculated that a table
two yards square will scat four per
sons and thnt every additional person
will take half n yard of spneo or one
more table leaf.
Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which Las boon
in nso for over 30 years, lias Iborno tho sigrnaturo of
- lias been made- under his pcr
SjP1 jCJiTr Bonal supervision since its infancy.
tu&r7r. Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good'aro bufc
Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Expericnco against Experiment
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, BEtti-phitio nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its giiarantec. It destroys "Worms
nud allays Fevcrishiiess. Jfc cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You to Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
11. C. HAM), PliKSIllEST.
W. 15. HOLMES, Vice 1'kks.
II. S. SALMON, Cashier
W. J. WAHD, Ass't Cashier
Wejwnnt you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
of this Bank.
Homemade Small Churn.
Many people Uvlnc In n stnnll town
posts were made up of four skeleton or j tilc. suburbs of n city own one
companies of I he Kluhth Massachu- ; cow that supplies the family table with
setts Companies C. E, A and V 1111
tier command of Major Cutler. They
bad taken a position on the north side
of the f-Tcen, with the center at the
highway bridge spanning the railway
tracks and extending for a mile In
milk and cream. Sometimes tho cream
will accumulate, but not In sufficient
(pinntitles to be made Into butter in a
largo churn.
The nccoinpauylng cut shows how a
fruit jar may be used as a churn. The
mid provisioned, and the motors were
working smoothly. The liith the wind
still was variable, but Mr. Welliiian
lit cided to get the airship out of the
"The tourist ship Thalia, which ar
rived about this time, stopped at Spits
bergen, and her passengers spent the
night ashore watching the prepara
tions for the flight. The officers and
crow of the Thalia assisted In swing
ing the airship out of tlie shed. The
wind, however, again freshened and
Mr. Welliiian ordered the airship back
Into the shed to wait for more propi
tious weather for starting."
! either direction. . device hns a driving wheel which Is
The cavalry of the red invaders rode turned with a crank and a driven
up to the south side ot the green,
where they dismounted and, acting n I
Infantry, opened lire upon tho blues.
The reds outnumbered the blues nl-
most two to one, and as they deployed j
in their nuvance they were able to
cover a much greater territory than
(he men of the Eighth Massachusetts.
At the same time the cavalrymen
were sent across the railroad tracks to
the eastward below the Nemasket sta-
Hon, prepared to execute a movement
against the left flnnk of the blue out-,
posts. It Is believed that If the lir.-e
had not been called by the umpires the I
blue left would havbeen theoretically '
anniunatcfi at that point
I 1
ion, out i. uu
KVKIIY DOLLAlt of which must be lost before any depositor can loseal'iiaAY
It lias conducted a growing and fii'esfiil business' for over years, serving
an increasing number of customers with lidelitv and satisfaction.
Its cash funds are protected by MODKHN "STEEL VAULTS.
All ot tlii"-e t liiiis;-. ( muileil with conservative iiiimiiirement. Insured
by the t'AKKlTI. PKIiMl.VAL ATTKXTION constantly alven the
Hank's iillnli-s by a nutalily alile Hoard of I llreelurs assures the natrons
of Unit M'l'ltK.MK SiAl'KfY whic h Is the primo essential of a good
Total Assets,
15. t'l.AK K
11. J. COXltKH.
l'.P. K1MHI.K
Postmaster General Hitchcti;k
Order For Its Issuance.
Washington, Aug. 1S. Postmaster
(Jeueral Hitchcock signed an order for
the b'suance o a new two cent stamp
in coinineinoratlon of the IIudson-Eiil-ton
centenary, which will be held In
New York Sept. 2." to (let. !).
I'Mfty million of these stamps will bo
Issued, and It Is hoped by the postmas
ter general to have them ready to
place on sale by Sept. 30. The design
for this new stamp Is considered one
of the most artistic ever Issued by the
Prohibition Party of New York State
Supports Governor Hughes' Plan.
Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 18. The Pro
hibition party iu the state of New
York will give Us untiualllled support
to (iovornor Hughes' plan for direct
primary nominations. In an open let
ter to (iovornor Hughes, Clarence E.
Pitts, chairman of the Prohibition
state committee, says:
"It will Interest you to know that
all the Prohibition county conventions
so far held in this state have adopted
resolutions favoring your fight for di
rect nominations and pledging their
candidates for the assembly in every
case to support it."
Forts Repel Invaders.
Hoston, Aug. IS. An attack on the
fortifications of Boston harbor by the
red army of Invasion wns gallantly
and successfully repulsed by the blue
army of defense, the attacking force
being totally annihilated, In the opin
ion of the umpire, Captain II. T. Pat
ten. Tlie attacking force consisted of
about UOO men. composed of troops
from Forts Tottcu and Hamilton, and
was completely destroyed by the de
fenders, who suffered a loss of only
eighteen men out of a force of 120.
The engagement occurred at Nnhant,
not far from the residence of United
States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge,
and followed an attack by tho Invaders
upon the secondary station at Naliaut.
Severe Earthquake In Lisbon,
Lisbon, Aug. IS. A severe earth
shock here threw the people of tho
city Into a condition of alarm nud dam
aged many buildings.
Wipod Out an Estate Because
Lik'od to See House Burn.
Trenton, N. J Aug. IS. Albert Eel
ter, twelve years of age, who set lire
to the house and other buildings on
the farm of Samuel Perrlne of Hlghts
town, N. .L, was sent to the State
Home For Boys nt Jninesburg by
Judge (Jnlchtel.
Ho was employed on the farm and
confessed that he was tho Instigator
of six different fires which recently
wiped out the Perrlne estate. When
asked by the court the reason for his
action the boy declared ho liked "to
see houses burn."
Cart Away a Ton and a Half of Dry
Goods In a Wagon.
New York, Aug. 18. Burglars who
used ropes of twisted velvet to lower
themselves through an elevator shaft
and to handle their loot got away with
a ton and a half of dry goods worth
.510,000 from the wholesale house of
Marks i!c Grouch.
The thieves forced an entrance Into
the building, made a thorough inspec
tion of the stock, helped themselves to
expensive velvets and worked unmo
lested. They made a clean getaway,
using a horse and wagon to carry off
their booty.
wheel attached to an axle having n
crank on the inner end. This crank Is
connected to a swinging cradle with a
wire pitman of such a size as to slight
ly bend or spring at each end of tho
stroke. The cradle Is made with it
cleat fastened lo each end. between
which is placed the fruit jar, partially
filled with cream. Tho jar is wedged
in between tho cleats and the churning
effected by turning the crunk. Popu
Inr Mechanics.
Tomato Catchup.
Wash ripe tomatoes, but do not npcl
them; cut Into thick slices and put
them In a preserving kettle with sis
peeled and silced white opinions. Boll
until so soft that they can be rubbed
through n colander. Strain through a
strainer nud return to the fire with
three bay leaves, a tablespoonful each
of powdered cloves, pepper, mace,
sugar,, salt, a half teaspoonful of papri
ka and one tablespoonful of eelory
seed tied Into n small cheesecloth bag.
Boll for nearly six hours, stirring
often. Take out the bag of celery seed
and stir In a pint of vinegar. Boll
up once more and remove from the
fire. When cold, bottle nud seal.
Heavy Snow In Johannesburg.
Johannesburg, Aug. 18. The henv
lest snowstorm in many years, the rec
ord fall being eight Inches, has crip
pled the telegraph and telephone serv
ices, and business has been almost
suspended. The members of the Stock
Exchange ceased business to engage
In n snowball battle.
Peru's Ultimatum to Bolivia.
La Paz, Bolivia. Aug. 18.-Senor Polo,
Mayor Draws Line on Cigarettes.
Wllkesbarre. Pa., Aug. 18. Mayor
Lewis P. Knlffen has forbidden mem
bers of the police force to smoko ciga
rettes, lie ordered an olllcer smelling
the Peruvian minister to Bolivia, has 0f cigarette smoke out of tho city hall.
given the Bolivian congress until to
morrow to decide whether it will ac-
i ept or reject Argentina's award in
the boundary dispute between Porn
nud Bolivia, which wos finorablo to
Boy Kino May Wed English Princess
Lisbon, Aug, IS. King Manuel's pro
posed visit to England Is said to mean
his betrothal to Princess Aloxnmlru,
flu utrli tui lt tlio lllllfu )f irjfu
Washing Made Easy.
Shave a bar of good laundry soap
Into a pan and add two tablespoonfuls
washing powder. Cover with water,
let boil until dissolved, after which stir
Into it two-thirds cupful of gasoline,
stirring constantly until thoroughly in
corporatcd. There is then no danger
of explosion. Sort clothes and for each
lot have vessel filled with cold water,
Add soap to water and place clothes
In vessels, being sure clothes are well
covered. Let como to boll and remain
In hot water overnight. In tho morn
lug place in tub, rubbing soiled spots
slightly, rinse In two waters, starch
and hang out,
To Remove Iron Rust.
Dissolve n five cent package of oxalic
acid In ono pint of warm water. Wet
the spot of Iron rust In this and dry
by placing It against the side of a tea
kettle filled with boiling water. Tho
npot of Iron rust will disappear like
Spiced Currants.
Four quarts stemmed currants, two
pounds grnuulated sugar, ono quart
Vinegar, ono teaspoonful cinnamon,
doves and nllsplce. Cook to a Jelly.
TEN CENTS SAVED every 'day will, in fifty jv.xm,
grow to $9,504.
TWENTY CENTS SAVED daily would in fifty years
amount to $19,006.
The way to accumulate money is to save small sums system
atically and with regularity.
At P per cent, compound interest money doubles itself in 23
years and 1(14 days.
At 0 per cent, money doubles itself in 11 years ;and 327
If vou would save 50 cents a day, in 50 years you would have
If vou would save $1.00 a day, at the end of 50 years you
would have $95,042.
Begin NOW a
Savings Account
at the
Honesdale Dime Bank
Money loaned to all Wayne counteiias furnish-in-
good security. Notes discounted, hirst
morti!i.'eon real estate taken. Satest and chean
est wav to send money to forcisncountries H by
drafts, to be had at this hank. S to
Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing to do extensivo construction
work in the
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve tho service and enlarge the
Patronize the Independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other service without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 300.
Foster Building.
First Last and All the time for the Best