TIIE WEATIIEH On Friday fair weather, and on Saturday partly overcast weather, with slight temperature changes. Semi-Weekly Founded! 1908 I Weekly Founded, 1844 t ft y Wayne County Organ $ f of the H I REPUBLICAN PARTY! 66th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1909. NO. 66 HI UK iliTFUTRl UI.ULU ULI 11 I i LW Invaders Drive Boston's Army Ten fifties Back. b m m m m m it i DEFENDERS IN TIGHT POSITION. Red Scouts Watch Every Move of ' Opposing Forces, Enabling Gen- j eral Bliss to Effectually Block Their Flans. Uridgewntor, Mass., Aug. lii.-The red invading army, headed hy the Sev enth New York infimiry, with three compnnles of the Connecticut Infantry, administered the first decisive defeat the lilne Massachusetts defending forces have suffered since this cruel war began on Sunday. After au hour's lighting the defend ing army was forced to retreat. Not content with that victory, the .Seventh, joined by the Tenth cavalry, the negro regulars, attacked the camp of the de fense and compelled a retreat of ten miles. General Pew had the extreme left of his army, numbering ;t,0:iil. stretched from Tlticut to Brant Koek, a point which lias been the objective point of General Bliss wince Monday. General Tew was In a tight place. After a council with his officers lie changed his plans completely. , Ills second brigade of infantry, com prising the Fifth. F.ighth and Ninth Massachusetts regiments, and Battery B was without support, and his caval ry was six miles away from any of his forces. Unless he could gain a posi tion in the town of Wntervlllc it seem ed hardly possible that his army could win. General Bliss' northward movement was on n settled plan with which ev ery organization under his command was familiar. In addition it was clean ly executed with evidence that the reds had posted General Bliss on the advance of the blue. In the reds' ad vance there had been no sign of hesi tation, but the same cannot lie said of General Pew's forces. The latter had entered into every battle In a faint hearted manner. Reds Fall to Cut Cable. Nahant. Mass., Aug. .V detach ment of the red army of Invasion ,' which was dispatched to the vicinity of Boston harbor on board a military transport by order of General Bliss of the Invading forces failed In a daring attempt to cut the cable between Tort r.anks, Wlnthrop. and Bailey's hill. Xahant. The reds landed on the rocks ' at the foot of Bailey's hill, but were promptly discovered by the blue out posts and driven back. At Bailey's lilll a secondary station connected with the Fort Banks garri son has been established. To prevent communication between the secondary station, a place of great strategic im portance, and the fort was the object of the raid. He-enforcements from the Eighty-fourth and the Eighty-seventh companies of United States coast artil lery have been sent of Forts Banks and Strong. Big Gun Firing Annoys Newport, Xewpnrt, It. I., Aug. 10. At a meet ing of the Xewpnrt committee of thir ty in the casino complaints were re ceived from summer residents about the annoyance of big gun firing at the harbor forts, United States Senator ' George Peabody Wotmore was appoint- ! ed a committee lo see if an arrange- ! ment could not be made by which the : forts could have their big gun prac tice nt some other time of year than summer, when the houses near the forts are all occupied and the harbor Is tilled with yachts. Attell-Stone Fight a Draw. Saratoga, N. Y.. Aug. 10 Abe Attell, the featherweight champion, and Har ry Stone of New York fought ten rounds to a draw before the Saratoga Athletic club. LIVE WIRE KILLS TEN. Break Creates Short Circuit and Many Houses Are Set on Fire. Lecco, Italy. Aug. 10. Through the breaking of a highly charged electric light wire, which created a short cir cuit and set on fire the Insulation in all houses supplied with the current, ten persons were killed and twenty seriously Injured at Olgerate. The lire brigade was summoned to extinguish numerous fires that started ns a result of the short circuiting of the wire. British Dreadnought Stranded. Sheerness, England, Aug. ill. Tito British first class battleship Agamem non stranded on the Longsands range while engaged In target practice. BASEBALL RESULTS. Games Played In National, American and Eastern Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Philadelphia New Ytk. It: Phila delphia. 1. Hatterlos Wlllse nnd Meyers: Corrlil"n, Covelesklc, Scnulan, Koxen and Jacklltsch. Second game New York. 5: Philadel phia, I. Liatteiles Raymond ami fcjcl.lol; McQuillan and Dooln. At Boston Boston-Brooklyn garnet post poned liy wot grounds. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, fi; St. I.011K 3. I'nttei 'r.x Phlllppl and Olhson; IJai i.nv.n ill it Hii'ls. t- "in! game PlttHbtirg S; St. Louis, 1. ll.il t. H-s Cnmnltu und Clhsou; ltalelgli end : helps. At ClilruKo-Chlcago. 1; Cincinnati, 0. P.att lie.-- Itculhach and Nccilliam; Kwlng and Both. .STANDING OF THE CLUBS. w. I.. p.t. w. i,. i- Piitslmtg. .Til Phlla'plda 17 f.7 .' i'iii ifio... el T;."i .1.1,7 St. Louis. 4! til ;' oiki." llrnnklj n . "7 (Vi .:. I'r.Rlnnat! .V! ."ii1 .ru,", Lio.-tun.... 'M '') -lN AVfltlOAX LUAUl'K. At .Vow York llo'ton, :!; Now Yolk, 0. il.itloikh Woods and OjiTisan; Wilson, ICIcii.ow ami Sweeney. Second g-.itiie I'oston, 0: New York. 3. B-itteries Clcotte nud Carrlgan; Chesbro and Sweeney. At Dutiolt Chicago, 1!; Detroit, 0. Bat teries Walsh and Sullivan; Mullln and Schmidt. At WaslilnKton-Philadelphia. 2; Wash ington. 1. Jiattorlcs Plank and Living stone; CJrooino and Stieet. At Cleveland Cleveland, 3; St. Louis. 0 (11 Innings). Batteries LSerger and East erly; Bailey and Crlser. Second game Cleveland, 3: St. Louis. 2. liatteiles Falkenbeig and Lteinls; Petty find Stephens. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. r.c. w. L. P.C. Phlla'phla C7 12 MZ Chicago... 53 03 .491 Dostum... 07 41 .001 New York 40 SS .ds Detroit.... 1,3 43 .CDJ St. Louis, 2 .120 Cleveland. 37 G4 .313 Wash'ton. 22 77 .291 EASTEItN LEAC.I'E. At Jersey City Jersey City, 1; Balti more. 0. Second same Jersey City, 1; Baltimore, 0 (W innliiBs). At Providence Providence, fi; Newark. 2. Second earj-Newnrk, 2; Piovidence, 0. At Toronto l'oronto, lit; Montreal, 1. Second game Toronto, 0; Montreal, 4. At Itochester Rochester, li; Buffalo, 1. Second game Itochester, S; Buffalo, 7. STANDING OF THE CLUHS. w. L. r.c. w. I., p.o. Kochestcr. 02 4S .,',04 Jersey C'y 51 51 .4S'l Newark... 57 49 ,3:K Toronto... 52 53 .40 Provi'cnccSS 30 .5L.S Montreal.. 30 59 .439 Buffalo.... 53 57 .191 Halt I more. 49 00 . 430 PLNCH0T GETS OVATION. Chief Forester's Conservation Ideas Lustily Cheered at Denver. Denver, Aug. 10 Gilford Piuchot, chief forester of the United States de partment of agriculture, and Thomas F. YVnlsh, millionaire mine owner, ex changed compliments before the trims misslsslppl congress. As a concluding note In the harmony of the session the delegates- loudly cheered Mr. Piuchot's address. The "enemies of Plnchotism" said they were satisfied with the conserva tion ideas of the speaker and joined In the cheering as lustily as did the ad herents of tiie chief forester. Mr. Walsh In presenting Mr. Piuchot referred to the latter as a patriotic young American, who, rich In his own right, is devoting himself to the serv ice of his country and whose mistakes, if there are any. are those of the brad and not of the heart. In return Mr. Piuchot spoke of the mine owner as a "soldier of the com mon good" and wished for more of his kind. And In this mood the congress listened with evident satisfaction. Based on the "Hoosevelt policies," Mr. IMnchot's address dwelt on con servation as a practical business pol icy, lie said that the loss or injury of one great staple would not only injure that particular business, but would strike nt the heart of many allied In terests, John AY. Noble, formerly secretary of the Interior, also spoke on conserva tion. SAILOR RESCUED FROM RAFT. He Had Been Twenty-six Hours at Sea When Picked Up by Schooner. New York, Aug. 10. After being twenty-six hours at sea on a raft Mad den Pierson, the sailor of the sclmoner Arlington, which went ashore in the storm off Long Bench, has been saved. He was landed in this city by the schooner Irene May. Pierson sprang overboard In nu at tempt to reach shore to get help for his shipmates and was borne out to sea on a hatch cover and had been given up as lost, Drifting ten miles off Atlantic high lands he saw the sails of the Irene May and managed to signal the ship, A boat was lowered, and he was res- nnoil FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on cull was ll per cent; time money mul mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Closing prices ot stocks were; Amal. Copper... 81'i Norf. & West... Wi Atchison llO'i Northwestern ,. H. & 0 11S Penn. It. It 141 Brooklyn It. T. . 7!) Heading 1615ii Che.s. & Ohio,... kV,k Hock Island 40 C. .C..C.& St.L.. 77 ft. Paul 157 D. & II 1P3 Southern Pac... 135 Krle 3U Southern By.... 3J Clen. Kleetrle... ICS South. By. pf... TIM 111. Central 1S7'. Sugar 131 Int-JIct 11' i Texas Pacific... XU Louis. & Nash.. 150'i Union Pacific. ..UU Manhattan 113'i V. S. Steel 7t)'i Missouri Pao.... 74H V, 8. Steel pf...ia N. Y. Central,.. 14tT West. Union.... 71H THAW No Extra Privileges at the Mdtteawan Asylum. MUST GO TO COURT FOR THEM Superintendent Iamb Gives Kim a Small Boom, but Says ifTliaw Wants More He Can Appeal. I'ouglikecpsle. N. Y., Aug. 1!). Harry K. Thaw was brought back lo the Mat leawan Insane asylum from White Plains Jail under the personal escort of Dr. Baker, the assistant superin tendent, and two detectives. On ills arrival at the institution he was given a private room, but his ex pectations, based upon the remarks nade by Justice Mills that he would lie -'rallied many other privileges, were lndely dashed. Superintendent Lamb issued the fol lowing statement: "There will be no changes at all re gard lug Thaw's incarceration here. He will be subjected to the same rules as before he left to go to White Plains. He will have a special room not be cans" ' - V Harry K. Thaw, but for the reason that this hospital was built to accommodate .KM) patients, and we now have nearly SOO. YVo are very crowded, and some of the patients have small rooms, which were built for the attendants. Thaw has one. "I did not take It from Justice Mills' decision that Thaw was to have any special privileges. YVo will follow the court's orders, however, and If Thaw is not satisfied he can appeal to the courts. At present we will adhere to the old routine. "If Thaw should appeal for special privileges, then both sides would have a chance to be heard. Ills recent trial did not bring out anything specific along tills line. The judge Is away, and until he returns we will treat Thaw just as we did before he left for White Plains." Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, mother of Stanford White's slayer, has arrived at Mattcawan and has taken apart ments near the asylum. She will spend several hours every afternoon with her son. Mrs. Alice Copley Thaw, former Countess of Yarmouth, returned from her trip to the Megantic fish and game preserve in Maine, where Jus tice Mills Is enjoying a vacation and whore she walked ten miles through the woods to see him. She told Harry of the failure of her quest and Jus tice Mills' refusal to grant her per sonal appeal. .Mrs. Thaw denied that her daughter had offered on behalf of the Thaw family to furnish security to guaran tee Harry Thaw's good behavior, pro vided Justice Mills would liberate him in the custody of his family. She add ed: 'The only request made for my son was that he be transferred to the Bloomlngdale asylum, although ns a sane man he should have been liberat ed altogether. "There was no suggestion of bonds or any of the other fantastic features mentioned. It w,as simply the argu ment that an acquitted man ought not to be placed In a criminal institution." FORT ASKED FOR TROOPS. Atlantic City Reformers Appeal to Governor to Enforce Laws. j Trenton, N. J., Aug. 19. Atlantic City reformers who called on Governor Fort and urged him to help close the lid in that seaside city say that the governor will carry out his threat of last year to send a regiment of mili tia to Atlantic City to enforce the laws. Several of those iu the delega tion asked tiie governor to send a brigade of troops. Governor Fort told the reformers to consult Attorney General Wilson and Intimated he would take any action that oillclal suggested. They will con fer with Mr. Wilson tomorrow. Those la the delegation were the ltev. 10, S. Hudson, president; Itev, J, L. Surtees, secretary; Itev. Sherman G. Pitt, W. It. Winters and Charles E. I Shepherd of the Atlantic county branch of the Lord's Day alliance and S. II. Ilaliu. state secretary of the Now Jersey Law and Order league, BANKER DROPS DEAD. Samuel J. Seligman Succumbs to Apoplexy at His Summer Home. Deal, N. J.. Aug. lO.-Samuol J. Sellg man, a member of the family of well known bankers, dropped dead at his slimmer lunue here of apoplexy. He had been here with his family since early hi the Miinincr. ills daughter, Miss Coolie Seligman, ids only child, was at his side. BIG AUTOMOBILE MEET. Crack Drivers at Opening of Indian apolis Motor Speedway. Indianapolis, lud.. Aug. lb. The opening of the new Indianapolis motor speedway today wa m.-Mked by a great automobile nicetimr. The starter.-. Included the largest and most rep resentative Held of space annihilating racing machines ever brought together in a lngle carnival. The new speedway track is more than sixty feet wide and two and one hall miles In circumference, with a .straightaway course of more than a mile at the finish. oldlleld. Strang. Dewllt. Do Palmi. Chevrolet. Miller. Kyall. P.urinan. Mom sen. I.yttle, llelna, Allken. Boiirquo. IieiiUo'i mul two amateurs. Arthui Grelner and Kd Hearne of Chicago, are among the leading drivers that will compete In the three days of races. The L'."() mile race is the feature of the day, but the ten mile free for all handicap, which lias twenty-nine start ers, is expected to furnish enough thrills for the most blase spectator. Starter Fred G. Wagner of New York, who has had the honor of start ing all the big events in the automo bile world during the last few years, formally dedicated the rpoodway when he started the seven machines in the live mile stripped chassis race. The other events on the program are another live mile and a ten mile strip ped chassis race. HARRIMAN SAILS FOR HOME. Still a Sick Man and Has Lost Ten , Pounds Abroad. Cherbourg. Aug. 10. "I am going I home for an aftereitre. With the wa- tor treatment at P.ad Gassein I lost-' abont ten pounds. Home food Is bet- l ter than hotel food. I hope to gain weight there and recuperate more rap- idly than I would here. I do this by advice of physicians. I am very glad I am going to see the soil of America again." These words were spoken by E. II. . Harrlman. the American financier, in EDWARD II. IIAltUIMAN. reply to a question concerning Ids health as he was boarding a tender which conveyed him to the steamer Kaiser Wilhelm II., which sailed for New York. A rolling chair had been provided and was placed bslde the car as soon as Mr. Harrlmun's special train came to a stop. Soon Mr. Harrlman appear ed on the step. Dr. Lyle, Mr. Harrl mun's physician, ottered the financier Ids arm, hut although he was pale and appeared feeble he declined assistance and slowly descended to the platform of the station. He also declined to use the rolling chair and walked without assistance aboard the tender. He was protected from the strong wind by u big overcoat. GOV. HUGHES AT CENTENARY. He Helps Greenwich to Celebrate Its Hundredth Anniversary. Greenwich, N. Y.. Aug. P.). Governor Hughes helped Greenwich celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of Its birth as a village. He reviewed a civic, military and Industrial parade, was entertained at luncheon, shook bauds with scores of people and mi dressed a large assemblage at Mowry park. "This is God's outdoors," said the governor in his address, "and after traveling 7,000 miles I once more say, 'Tills is God's country.' " lteferrlng to his western trip, the governor said he had been met witlt Inquiries as to what he thought of the country nud had found himself read ing placard like this; "You'll Like This Town.'' Every one, he said, was an enthusiast for Ills city or town, an enthusiast not because of wliat had been done, but because of the future." "We want a great deal more of that right here In the state of New York than wo have had," ho said. "Wo want to boost our towns. Wo want to show Hint this state Is a place of op portunlty, for it is." AVIATORS GATHER IN FORCE. Aerodrome at Rbsims to Be the Scens of Great Contests. lihelms, Aug. !!. A vast, strange looking aerodrome city lias rl-eii on Bctheiiy plain, near tills city, in antic ipation of aviation week, which he uins next Sunday and runs ilinauli to the following Saturday and during which feats of skill and daring by aviators In heavier than elr machines and aeronauts In sphcri 'al and dirigi ble balloons will be witnessed. Six teen of the best known aviators In the world are now here. The aerodrome proper ! U,.-.uo me ters wide and extends :!.7."u meters on one side and l.."oo on the other, mak ing a circuit of about 10.(1' it) meters, or in re than six miles. Two grand stands, one accommodating -lD.ono per sons and the other having .1.000 seats, tower over the Held, while twocoru of aeroplane sheds and other large homes for the dirigibles dot the inclo sure. Among the machines here are Cap tain Ferber's biplane of the Yolsln type, Henry Itougler's Yolsln biplane, M. I'ernande.'s biplane and Georges B. Cockburn's biplane of the Far until type. Mr. Cockburn will represent England in the contests. His machine is practically a duplicate of Roger Soinmer's biplane. The Antoinette team of four ma chines Is now complete. They will bo piloted by Huliert Latham, M. Deuin rest, Captain Louis Bregeut nud M. Buohonnet. LAWN PARTY TO FIREMEN. Mrs. J. Borden Harrlman Welcomes Labor Men to Her Home. Mount Kiseo. N. Y.. Aug. 10. More than a hundred labor union men, del egates to the International convention of Stationary Firemen, now in session at Yonkers, dined on the lawns of Mrs. J. Borden Harrlman's summer home here and later listened to nd dressi's by Mrs. Harrlman. John Mitchell and Timothy llealy, presi dent of the firemen's organization. Mrs. Harrlman gave the dinner In her olllcial capacity as chairman of the committee on welfare work for In dustrial employees of the National Civic federation. Sirs. Harrlman told her guests that she and her fellow members of the committee, including Mrs. William Howard Taft, Mrs. John Hays Ham mond and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth. were trying to open the eyes of em ployers to present conditions and were meeting with great success. "I am firmly convinced," she con cluded, "that the universal brother hood of man will be a tangible splen did fact in the near future, and such gatherings as this are doing much to bring it about." , , CRAMPS LOWEST BIDDERS. Two New Battleships to Be Built at Philadelphia and Camden. Washington. Aug. 10. William Cramp & Sons, Philadelphia, were the lowest bidders to build the battleships Wyoming and Arkansas, bids for which were opened here. They submitted two bids, one at fl,4."0.000 and another nt ?4,47o,000. Only one ship can go, however, to any one firm. The New York Shipbuilding com pany of Camden, N. J., made the next lowest bid at $4,(17.",000. The speed promised generally wns 20VC. knots, but the New York Ship building company also offered to build a vessel at 20 loiots at ?4,7.iO,000 un der class 1 and at 94,870,000 under class 2. Another bid by the same com pany was for a 20Vi knot vessel at S4.7SO.000. LAW WILL STAND, SAYS TAFT. President Thinks Little of Attacks on New Corporation Tax. Beverly. Mass., Aug. 10. Reports from Washington and New York that the constitutionality of the new corpo ration tax is to be tested just as soon as an effort is made to collect it have not disturbed the president, ns lie told a number of callers at the Taft cot tage. The tests and the protests, the president declared, were all anticipat ed, and no threats of the corporation lawyers now cause him any alarm, Mr. Taft, who Is the father of the corporation tax Idea, Is thoroughly con vinced that the tax will stand any test that may be applied to It. Attor ney General Wlckershani and Senator Hoot collaborated on the corporation tax provision of the tariff bill, and the measure ns enacted, they believe, will survive any attempt to nullify It, Mr. Taft said that the test cases were but natural and that no unusual or new system of taxation over had been submitted to without some sort ot fight. Heney Wins Nomination. San Francis ug. 10. With but four prei lucts to bo heard from, the nomination of Francis J. Heney, spe cial prosecutor In the graft eases, as Democratic candidate for district at torney Is virtually conceded. ARS. SUTTON SAD jL'ays Vi d'.C: of Co;.; J !s Itoi.'estly Wrong. CASE WILL BE PUSHED FURTHER Her Counsel Declares That Recent Inquiry Is Only a "Curtain Raiser to the Main Per formance." Washington. Aug. 111. Mrs. Knsa It. Sutton, mother of Lieutenant James N. Sutton, is sad, sorry and indignant at the verdict of the naval court of lu qulry. She said today: "I consider the verdict that tny son was responsible for his own death and the action of the court In exonerating Lieutenants Adams, Utlcy and Oster rnan as manifestly unjust and wrong. Further action will be takeu you can rest assured. "There is still no question In my mind that my son did not commit sui cide, and the decision by the court ot Inquiry lias hy no means halted me in my determination to vindicate him." Henry K. Davis, attorney for Mrs. Sutton, said he was not satisfied with tiie decision of the court and will con tinue ids efforts to prove that Lieuten ant Sutton was murdered. Mr. Davis indicated that, he would take further steps hi the matter, but would not In dicate what bis future course would be. "The judge advocate's handling of the ease," Mr. Davis commented, "is fitly supplemented by the court's ac tion, which makes the Inquiry a mere curtain raiser to the main perform ance." Mr. Davis declined to make any further statement regarding the case at the present time. Arthur A. Birney, counsel for Lieu tenant George E. Adams, expressed his gratification over the decision, say ing there was no foundation for any statement that Lieutenant Adams and others will sue Mrs. Sutton for dam ages. "I understand," wild Mr. Birney, "that the Sutton side does not intend to let the case drop. But I can't see that they can do anything except stir up some congressional fuss. There la no evidence on which to build a case, and they will fall utterly In any of the regularly constituted avenues for bring ing about a prosecution." In Its decision the court censures Lieutenants I'tley. Bevan and Willing for not dlsaruilug Sutton or calling as sistance during the fight and finds as follows: t "That no iiosslble charge of criminal ity lies against any of the participants iu the fray except Lieutenant Sutton himself and that Lieutenant Sutton Is directly and solely responsible for his own death, which was self inflicted, either intentionally or in an effort to shoot one of the persons restraining him, and his death was not caused by any other Injury whatever. "That the charges of willful murder nud conspiracy to conceal It made by the complainant, Mrs. Sutton, mother of Lieutenant Sutton, are purely imag inary and unsupported by even a shad ow of evidence, truth or reason." There was a minority report of the court signed by Commander .1. Hood of the navy, president of the court. He says that Lieutenants I'tley, Ad ams, Oytermnu. Willing and Bevan should have been court martlaled nt the time and that Lieutenants Adams nud Osterman should have been pun ished. Captain E. II. Campbell, judge advo cate general of the navy, submitted the result of the court's deliberations to Acting Secretary of the N-ivy Wln throp. In acting on the ease Mr. Wln throp says: "The above reeommendntii ns of t he Judge advocate general are approved. "By Its concurrence In the opinion of the court and that expressed In the minority report the department Indi cates Its disapproval of the lax state of discipline shown by the evidence to have existed at the marine school of application prior to and at the time of the death of Lieutenant Sutton. "The result of this laxity has brought serious discredit not only on the offi cers directly responsible for the elll clency of the Institution, but unfortu nately on the marine corps as a whole." BIG BEQUEST TO PRINCETON. Banker Cuyler Established Fund In Memory of His Father. New York, Aug. lO.-TIm will of Cor nelius C. Cuyler, the banker, who was killed in an automobile accident in England, was tiled Iu the surrogate's oihee here. Tiie largest specific bequest Iu the i will Is one to Princeton university of .Sloo.ooo in memory of his father. Aft er the death of his wife the residuary estate, valued at !? 1,000.000, is to go to Prince -i