The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 18, 1909, Image 1

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    TIIE WEATHER On Wednesday fair weather nnd .lowly temperatures will prevail, and on Thursday fair weather.
p Semi-Weekly Founded
Wayne County Organ
' of the
Weekly Founded, 1844
- n .
66th YEAR.
NO. 65
Ei(jhteenyear-oid Boy Loses
Gallant Battle.
Before He Succumbs to Terrible
Current He Swims 100 Yards
Farther Than Bid the Fa
mous Captain Webb.
Niagara Falls, X. Y., Auk. 1 7.--August
Spore r. an eighteen-year-old hoy
or this city, went to his death hi the
whirlpool rapids alter a gallant battle
with the giant waves between tin low
er bridges and the pool.
With three companions Sporer went
for a swim in the river at the old
Maid of the Mist landing. He struck
out at once for the middle of the
stream and then turned toward the
His companions called to him to turn
back, for the current is very swift at
that point, but he kept on downstream
and Avas caught in the great sweep,
the first break from the smoother Ava
ters to the rapids.
The boy battled for n time against
the current, but to no wall. Then,
evidently realizing that he Avas be
yond human help and Avas to he car
ried through the rapids, Avhlch took
the life of Captain Webb and Avhidi
have resisted every unaided human
effort at passage, lie deliberately turn
ed doAvnstream and began a grim light
for life.
Not in all the history of the river
has such, a brave battle been Avltness
ed. Although but a frail boy, Sporer
Avent into the rapids SAvlinmhig strong
ly and heldt his own until he struck
the giant AvaA'e Avlileli curls up oppo
site the old battery elevator. Then he
went under and for a second Avas lost
to sight of the score of people Avho
stood on the lower anchorage.
Again and again he disappeared,
only to reappear, each time lighting
desperately against the terrible cur
rent, but Avhen Avlthln 300 yards of
the Avhlrlpool his strength gave out,
he sank and Avns lost to vIoav.
E'-en then he had swum perhaps 100
yards farther than did the great Eng
lishman, Captain Webb.
Disaster In Cleveland Caused by Nat
ural Gas $100,000 Damage.
Cleveland, O., Aug. 17. Seven nieu
and three Avomen Avere Injured Avhen
an explosion of natural gas Avrecked
the four story building occupied by
the Wlrick Moving and Stornge com
pany. The debris caught lire nnd was
almost entirely consumed.
The roof of the building Avas lifted
high in the air. On the north side the
falling Avail craehed In upon T. M.
deary's saloon, causing considerable
damage. The south Avail almost demol
ished J. C. Mclntyro's meat shop. Im
mediately after the explosion seA-en
buildings in the neighborhood caught
Pulls Out Clay Pipe ns She Applies
For License to Marry Man of 51.
Pittsburg, Aug. 17. Mrs. Evulina
Hall, a Avidow of eighty-one years, nnd
Robert R. Wright, aged lifty-ono years,
both of Turtle Creek, Pa., took out a
marriage license In the Allegheny
county license otllco here.
Mrs. Hall, Avho owns a large farm
nnd is quite rich, created excitement
ly nsklng Marriage License Clerk J. S
Wherry if he would object to her tak
ing a little smoke. Wherry told her to
"go as far as she liked," nnd she pro
duced a clay pipe.
Mrs. Hall litis ben a AvidoAV five
years. She offered to bet Clerk Wher
ry that she Avould live to be 100 years
Germs From Tainted Greenbacks
Cause Rash on Her Face.
Xoav Rrunswlck, X, J., Aug, 17.
That Etta White, cashier In a store
here, has been poisoned by money Is
declared by a physician Avho is treat
lug her for a pecullnr rash Avhlch has
broken out on the left side of her face.
Ho says her case should be a Avarn
lug to persons who havo to count
much money dally not to pause and
rest their chin In their hand In the
process, as that, he says, caused Miss
Willie's allllctlon.
A few days ago the left side of the
young Avonmn's face broke out in n
rash. Her physician is of the opinion
(hero was poisonous matter on some
of the banknotes site handled. She
probably rested her chin In her hand
In a spare moment and in this way
brought (he poisonous substance in
contact with her face.
Masked Men After Robbery Sot the
Houso on Fire.
Wllkesbarre, I'a., Aug. 17. Tour
masked men entered the home of'
Charles Rurlew, a storekeeper at West
l'ittston, near here, and, going to the
room occupied by the merchant and
Iii-j Avife, demanded of the former the
money he received from Ills sales.
Rurlew refused and was knocked In
sensible. The Intruders then bound
nnd gauged RurloAV and his avU'o nnd .
ransacked the room. After securing
$300 lroin under a mattress the men
set lire to the house and lied. i
Rurlew managed to Avork himself1
loose and after liberating his wife car-,
rhd her aird their one-year-old baby to
the roof to escape the (lames. Upon
the arrival of the firemen ladders Avere
run to the roof, and Rurlew and his
Avife and child Avere brought to thu
Mrs. Rurlew became unconscious as
the result of her experience and Is In a '
serious condition. i
Surgeon's Widow Loses Fight Foi
Whole Estate For Son. j
Xowport, R. I., Aug. 17. In spite of ,
opposition on thu part of the AvidoAV i
of Dr. William T. Rull of Xcav York
and the hitter's son, William Rull, Jr.,
the Avili of Congressman Melville Rull
Avas admitted to probate in Middle
town by the toAvn council acting as a
court of probate.
In the will the 100,000 estate is left
to the sister and three brothers of the
testator. One of the brothers Avas Dr.
William T. Rull, Avho has sluco died,
so that his son becomes heir to his
portion under the Aviil.
The opposition of Dr. Hull's Avidow
and son is based on the claim that an
other avIII Avhlch is now missing was
draAvn up in 1!K)S, by Avhicii all of Mel
ville's Hull's estate was to go to Wil
liam T. Rull. Jr. The matter will be
contested in the courts.
Germans In Black Republic Conduct
ing Violent Campaign.
I'ort au Prince. Haiti, Aug. 17. A
group of Germans avuo for years havo
monopolized the commerce of this
country are conducting a violent cam
paign against the American bankers
who are negotiating for a concession 1
for the construction of a railroad sys
tem in Haiti.
The Germans control the press of
the country, which prints strongly
Avoided articles against the Americans
and predicts the annexation of naiti
by the United Stales If the concession
ib granted.
Tile Germans fear that If the rail
road Is built It will end their monopoly
in the republic.
Certificates Granted to Foreigners Who
Had Little Experience.
Scranton, Pa., Aug. 17. Flagrant vi
olations of the miners' certificate law
Avere disclosed In the coroner's Inquest
into the death of Anthony Stemukas, a
miner, avIio Avas killed in the People's
The huv requires every holder of n j
certllicate to have tAA'o years' experl !
ence as a laborer before taking the ex-1
nnilnntlon. Stoniukas had been in this i
country less than tAvo years Wit
nesses testliled that newly arrived all
ens secured certificates from one ot
the three examiners after n mere for
mality. Oiliclais of the company admitted on
the stand that these Avere considered
valid pei'MOrnles In- fill, nnnmnnv nn1 '
that they had accepted such.
Committee at Canea Takes Oath ot
Allogiance to Preece.
Canea, Island of Crete. Aug. 17.
The provisional administrative com
mittee to Avhlch the administration of
the island Avns intrusted Avheu the
Cretan cabinet resigned has taken the
oath of allegiance to the king and
kingdom of Greece.
The action of the provisional admin
istrative committee in Crete in swear
ing allegiance to Greece apparently In
dicates that It Is not their Intention to
meet the demands of the protecting
powers and haul doAvn the Greek flag
and that therefore the powers aguln
avIII be forced to land troops to insure
the autonomy of the island.
Widow of Former Governor Will Ap
peal From Fine For Speeding.
Utlcn, X. Y., Aug. 17. Mrs. ICato C.
X. Higglns, Avidow of former Governor
Hlgglns, avIio Avns fined $15 In Vernon
for automobile speeding, will appeal,
saying that court avus held in the post
ollice and that the lino Avas Illegal.
The village constable had started to
take the chauffeur before Justice Row
ers when Mrs. Hlgglns Interfered, say
lug she owned the car. Then she Avas
arrested and lined. Shu denied that
die car aviis speeding.
, nrnnn imninTrn
MM lill tU.
Grand Jury Continues Probe
of Meinze Conspiracy.
Powerful Moneyed Interests Be
lieved to Be Behind the Men
Who Made Loans on
Copper Stock.
New York. Aug. 17. Two Indict
ments Avere voted by the grand Jury
in connection with the theft of $110,-i
(Hid worth of Ileinze Copper stock
while it was being held by the Wind-!
f.or Trust company.
The Indictments, which are against I
Donald L. Persch nnd A. D. F. Adams, j
u wealthy stockbroker of Roston, j
charge grand larceny In the llrst do-1
Itree. j
John 1'. Melntyre, attorney for
i 'el sell, stated that If his client could
ret out of the Tombs he would be able
u regain most of the missing securi
ties or the money realized on those
"This young man can go to those as
sociated with hiin In this nffair," said
Mr. Melntyre, "and get hack cash or
i-ocurlties, as no one else can do. As I
have before asserted, lie Aas a tool In
the hands of more poA;erful, more ex
perienced men."
Information has come into the pos
session of the district attorney thnt in
not a foAV banking institutions of high
standing In the community loans have
been made for rich bonuses on securi
ties which Avere thereupon used for
speculation. How far tills system of
tlnance is Avithin the hnv Is a question
which it is knoAvn that thu present
grand Jury Is very eager to learn.
The grand jury also purposes to in
quire if hi other loans from Avhlch
rich commissions Avere charged subor
dinate employees got tips for helping
put the deals .through. In the Helnze
loan It avus discovered thnt Sterling
Rirmlnghani got a fee of $2."0, for
Avhlch after exposure he was dismiss
ed. The grand Jury wants to knoAV
Iioav provident this "tipping" system
extends in the trust company's past
The district attorney's ollice has
learned that in addition to the so
ailed man higher up" there must
ha-o been lanverful moneyed interests
behind the transactions. It has been
admitted by several Avltnesses that the
$00,000 advanced to Joyce for his Cop
per stock Avas put up by Leonard J.
Field, a young curb broker and son ot
Jacob Field, a Stock Exchange broker.
That young Field was Avllllng to ad
vance the money without receiving
any security for it has puzzled the dis
trict attorney and has given rise to the
belief that some one else, with plenty
of means at his disposal, AA-as the real
Up to date the folloAVIng men have
been mentioned as connected with the
stock loan puzzle:
F. Augustus Helnze, Avho admits
that he oAvned almost all of the Davis-
Daly and Ohio copper stock, valued at
$110,000, placed as collateral In the
Windsor Trust company for a loan of
M. M. Joyce, broker of Helnze, who
put up the collateral Avlth the trust
John Alvln Young, president of the
Windsor, avIio says It acted merely as
an agent In the transaction.
Sterling Rlrmingham, loan clerk of
thu Windsor, avIio Is said to have re
ceived $250 for his services.
W. L. Clark, the broker avIio orig
inally approached Joyce Avlth the prop
osition to raise money and introduced
Jojco to the Windsor Trust people.
Donald L. Persch, the broker, avIio
shares ollice room with Clark.
A. I). F. Adams, stockbroker, of Ros
ton, avIio Is said to havo turned over
Kiojioo shares of stock to Leonard J.
John S. SherAVOod, broker, avIio, act
ing, ho says, as Persch's broker, got
Joyce's collateral Immediately after it
had been left Avlth the Windsor Trust
Leonard J. Field, Jacob Field's son,
avIio advanced $30,000 with Avhlch tho
collateral Avas bought. Field's com
mission Is said to have been $300.
Richard Kaufman, notebrokcr, Avho
introduced Sherwood to tho Windsor
Trust company, but snys ho was act
ing simply as a clenrlng ngeut for tho
Charles Katz, president of tho East
ern RrcAvlng company of Rrooklyn, de
scribed by some of thu Avltnesses ns
principal In thu loan niadu through
Kunfimui as clearing agent.
Millionaire Killed at Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo, Aug. 17. Xed Mar
shall, who Is described as an American
millionaire, was killed here by a hospi
tal uuard, Avho escaped.
Several Castro Partisans Appointed on
Government Council.
Caracas, Aug. 17. The new Vene
zuelan cabinet Is announced olllclally
us follows:
Minister of the Interior. Senor Li
nares Alcantara.
Minister of the exterior, General
Juan Pietri.
Minister of tlnance. Dr. Abel Santos.
.MiuKlcr of Avar, General Itcgulo Olt
vnrox. Minister of patronage, Senor Rafael
Minister of public Avorks, Dr. J. M.
Minister of public Instruction, Dr.
Secretary general, Senor Antonio HI-
'll-Mtl I.
Governor of Caracas, Dr. Carlos
President Gomez has appointed a
government council, as provided for
by the new constitution, consisting of
ten members. They Include a number
of prominent politicians and several of
the Castro leaders. Senor Ramon Aya
la Is president nnd Senor Xicholas Ro
lando and General Itelra flrst and sec
ond vice presidents of the council.
These oiliclais act ns vice presidents
of the republic in tlie order named.
American Aviator's Machine Slightly
Damaged In Last Landing.
Rheims, France, Aug. 17. Glenn M.
Curtlss, the American aviator, avIio avIII
take part in the "aviation AA-eek" con
tests, made two successful trips in his
aeroplane near here.
At the end of his third tlight, Avhlch
lasted four minutes, Mr. Curtlss made
an abrupt landing, and his machine
Avns slightly damaged. Undismayed,
ho at once set about repairing his tiler.
He declared that the machine needed
nothing but a little tuning to be In per
fect shape.
Curtlss' trial Avas vieAved by a large
croAvd. When hu brought out his aero
plane to the Retheny Held fifty mount
ed gendarmes Averu engaged In n prac
tice drill. Curtlss started up his mo
tor Avhen suddenly a dozen horses,
frightened by the AVhir of tho ma
chine, began plunging Avildly and gal
loped off almost beyond tho control of
their riders.
Remarking that the motor ran AA'ell
even If It did make a good denl of
noise, Curtlss took his position on the
machine and How away, making a turn
over the heads of the horses before he
Belgium's Heir Returns From Kongo
With Good Words For King.
Antwerp, Aug. 17. Prince Albert
Leopold, heir to the Relgian throne,
arrived here on his return from the
Kongo and aviis given an ovation.
He spoke In praise of Avhat King
Leopold had accomplished in tho Kon
go and said the resources and possi
bilities of deA'elopmcnt of tho country
had exceeded his expectations. Bel
glum, he declared, weuld work for the
moral nnd material AA-elfare of the na
tives in lessening their burdens, com
bating the sleeping sickness and in
creasing means of communication.
Master Charged With Diamond Rob
bery In Africa, but Later Freed.
Washington, Aug. 17. The state de
partment has received a telegram from
Mr. Handley, tho American consul at
Roma Kongo, stating thnt the creAV of
the cutter Hying the American flag
seized at Quissanga Argola, West Af
rica, were Americans and that the
vessel was American OAvned.
Tho master nnd one sailor were sent
to Loando, the former charged Avlth
diamond robbery In the neighboring
Germau colony. The charges Avere not
sustnlned, and the affair has been SGt
Quarantine Officer Says It Is Effective
In the Early Stages.
Washington, Aug. 17. Thu X-ray as
a cure for some cases of leprosy hns
been demonstrated by tho American
health authorities In the Philippines,
according to Dr. Victor G. Helsor,
cliluf quarantine olllcer In the Islands.
Dr. Helser In n report to Surgeon
General Weyman of the public health
and marine hospital service snys tho
X-ray Is suitable for specially select
ed cases and Is valuable In the early
Olliclal figures show that there are
2.440 lepers In tho Philippines.
Staffs and Packs of Missing Climbers
Found Near Crater.
Tncnina, Wash., Aug. 17. T. F. Cnl
laghan of West Seattle nnd Joseph W
Stevens of Trenton, X. J., are believed
to have lost their lives while endeavor
lug to ascend Mount Tyomn.
A ruscuu party fomfd tho Alplno
staffs nnd packs of tho missing men
ten feet from the crater.
A Rainy Ray, lint, Nevertheless,
Monday morning lloncsdnle dress
ed itself in gala attire, in honor of
tho Aisltlng .Maonnerchor societies,'
which were to spend that day with
the Mnennerchor of this place.
Flags and streamers Puttered pro
fusely nnd everything wore a holi
day . ail-. The llrst train arrhing
with visitors was a special from
Sirantou and bore the Scranton and
Ciirbondnle delegation which tilled
twelve card. They were met at the
depot b the rcccpt.on committee
and baud. Following these came
the j,iietts from llawley and Port
Jon Is. Too parade waTs lormed,
music being furnished by Halter's
band oi Si-rnnton and the lloncsdnle
comet band, i r.d brought up at the
ioi;ri house whoiv .Mayor John Kuh
bat h deliAcied an eloquent address
of welcome as follows:
"It alt'ords me pleasure and grati
fication to greet you, the J linger
Mnennerchor of bcrantou and their
friends here in the name nnu on
behalf of the citizens of Honesdale.
1 extend to you a cordial Avelcome
to tho Maplo City.
"It Is eminently proper that for
your annual outing you come to a
place teeming with historical asso
ciations. Pennsylvania, the grand
old Keystone state, of which Ave
are all residents, Avns colonized af
ter the most peaceable citizen Avho
ever left his native soil to find a
new home, William Ponn, Avhose life
and principles were in accordance
Avltli the Scriptural doctrine, peace
and good will to all.
"Wayne county is named after
the grand old Revolutionary Avar
rlor, General Anthony Wayne, one
of the most trusty generals of
Washington's stall", whose princi
ples of ambition and energy per
vade tho very atmosphere of our
i or.nty to this date.
"Honesdale is named alter a
Rumor president of the Dehnvare
and Hudson Canal company, one of
the most courtly, chevaliers and
scholarly mayors that Xew York
city ever had, Philip Hone, avIio
stood first, last and all the time for
law and order, Avhlch principles Ave
try to emulate.
"As the sun rises In the east to
open and rule the day it discloses
to us, Irving Cliff, which stands as
a grand sentinel, guarding the east
ern portals of Honesdale; it Avas
named in memory of Washington
Irving avIio visited this place more
than seventy years ago, and as he
stood upon the summit of Irving
Cliff and gazed upon the scenery re
vealed to him, he Avas inspired to
Avrite those beautiful Avords Avhlch
will be revered as long as the Eng
lish language is Avritten, sppken or
can bo translated.
"It Is customary to literally and
verbally give the president of the
visiting organization the keys to the
city. We are doing this, not in that
sense alone, but In a substantial man
ner. It is Avlth pleasure that I
present to you the key of the city
of Honesdale, the llrst of its kind
ever made in the United States and
perhaps in the Avorld; It is em
blematic of one of our greatest
Industries, It Avas manufactured,
cut and engraved by the original
and greatest glass firm in the world,
C. Dorllinger & Sons, of White
Mills, the senior member of Avhlch
Is not only the pioneer glass man
of this section of the country, but
he is one of the grand old men of
the commoiiAvealth of Pennsylvania.
"We regard Scranton as tne most
progressive, up-to-date hustling city
In the United States, therefore, it
is Justly named Electric, and with
pardonable pride Ave recall the fact
that a large portion of Its popula
tion originally came from Wayne
"We hope your stay here avIII be
pleasant and agreeable and that
when you return to your homes,
you will carry Avith you recollec
tions Avhlch will in the future re
call to you, If you are In doubt as
to Avhero to spend a pleasant day,
you will once more come to Hones
dale." That the remarks of Mayor Kuh
bach were appreciated Avas evi
denced by the hearty applause Avhlch
followed. The response Avas made
in a neat and appropriate manner,
by W. M. Runnell, of Scranton,
Avhlch Avas also Avell received.
Mr. Alex. Volgt, of Honesdale,
then made an address In German
In behalf of the llawley delegation.
Tho gathering then dispersed for
dinner, after Avhlch the entertainers
and guests marched, with tho bands,
to Ilellevuo Park whero tho after
noon was spent In music, vocal and
Instrumental. Tho famous Kaiser
cup song wns a feature of tho aftor
noon's music, nnd avub greatly ap
preciated. The rain, which, aftor a six
weeks' absence, had put In an ap
pearance tho previous evening, some
what dampened tho enthusiasm
and curtailed tho attendance, never
theless, It did not prevent tho visi
tors and untertalners from making
the ...olon one full of nnlnvmont
After supper the visitors wcro
entertained in town until tho time
tor departure, and all seemed to bo
well pleased with their visit in all
respects weather excepted, a lino
rain continuing to fall throughout
tho entire day,
Rusincss places in town closed at
r. o'clock p. in. In honor of the day
and the visitors.
Everybody hopes for a repetition
of the visit made by our neighbors
at a time Avhen the Aveather may
be more propitious for an out-door
A Pretty Game of Hiise Hall Seen
Here Last Saturday.
On Saturday afternoon tho re
cently organized Old Home Week
base ball team defeated tho Phoebe
Snow team of Scranton by tho score
of !) to o. Schuorholz Avas in the
box for tho locals and kept the
visitors' hits well scattered. Ho
Avas given brilliant support by the
other members of tho team, YVend
ors, LllJIqulst, Murphy, Tuman, of
White Mills, and Monaghan,' of Car
bondale, played Avlth the locals. The
feature of the game Avas Wender's
long three-base drive in tho llrst
The following Is the score:
R. H. O. A. E.
Monaghan, ss 2 0 0 1 1
Hrader, 3b 1 l l 2 1
Schuerholz, p o 0 4 0
Wonders, 2b 2 2 3 1 0
LllJIqulst, c 0 2 10 2 0
Murphy, lb 2 2 9 1 0
Murray, rf 0 0 1 0 0
Hauler, cf 1 2 1 0 1
Tuman, If 1 2 1 0 0
9 It 27 11 3
Phoebe Snow.
R. H. O. A. E.
Saville, 2b 0 2 5 2 0
Strunk, If 0 2 2 1 1
Morris, cf 0 1 0 0 0
Duffy, rf 1 0 2 0 0
Geahlm, c 0 1 4 3 0
Clarke, 3b 0 0 1 1 0
Decker, lb 1 1 8 0 1
O'Donnell, ss 0 0 1 3 2
Paul, p 1 1 1 2 2
3 8 24 12 6
Honesdale .2 3 0 0 2 0 2 0 x 9
Phoebe Sn'AV 000 0 1110 0 3
Rases on balls, off Schuerholz, 3;
off Paul, 1 ; struck out, by Schuer
holz, 9; by Paul 1; three base hits,
Wenders; tAvo base hits, Murphy;
sacrilice hits, Schuerholz, Llljiquist,
and Monaghan; stolen bases, Hones-
dale3, Phoebe Snow 3, hit by pitcher.
Monaghan; double plays, Schuerholz
to Wenders.
Tho Wayne Traction Co.
The regular session of the Hones
dale Ruslness Men's association was
held Thursday night at the town
hall. A goodly number Avere in at
tendance. H. H. Richards, general manager
of the Wayne Traction company,
Avas present and asked for the co
operation of the business men of
Honesdale in disposing of some of
the bonds of said company:
Mr. Richards said in part:
"Mr. President, and business men
of the city of Honesdale: I appear
before you to-night on the behalf of
the Wayne Traction company. Vice
President Riffert and Mr. Kelly,
representing the Rankers' Corpora
tion company, of Reading, are in
Honesdale for the purpose of selling
the bonds of the Wayne Traction
company. These gentlemen are not
asking the people of Honesaale to
inA'est in a construction bond, but
are selling them at, G per cent, col
lateral note of the Rankers' Cor
poration company, Indorsed by the
Union Trust company, of Harrls
burg, and further secured by the
St.. Louis Webster Valley Park
Ralhay company, of St. Louis, Mo.,
and the Warren County 'iraction
company. This gives each inA'estor
triple security for Ills investment
and they further agree to recall tho
collateral note at the expiration of
tAvo years and redeem same at 103
In the bonds of the Wayne County
Traction company or any other bond
of other properties Avhlch are In
their possession. Theso gentlemen
are endeavoring to secure certain
subscriptions on or near the pro
posed line for the purpose of easier
interesting foreign investors. The
new road will increase busluess and
every business man Is going to be
benefited Indirectly, nnd, gentlemen,
you can make, no bettor investment
than buying as many of these bonds
ns you can afford to carry."
President S. T. Ham and tho as
sociation then discussed tho proposi
tion nnd nppolnted a committee to
investigate, and report at tho next
regular meeting.
The Shoemakers of Honcsdalo
had a big crowd and a Jolly tlmo
at tholr picnic nt Lake Lodore on
Thursday. Everything passed off
umoothly nnd enjoynbly, as usual.