THE CITIZEN, Fill DAY, AUGUST 0, 1000. 1 CENT A WORD COLUMN freioieiomemeiaieieaai DINING Room Girl Wanted. Apply at Hotel Wayne. SALESMAN WANTED A com petent salesman to handle a splendid proposition as salesman in Hones dale and Wayne county. None but one with a large acquaintance neea apply. Call or write. 309 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. AUCTION SALE On the prem ises on Saturday, Aug. 7th, 1009, 1 will sell to the highest bidder my farm of 85 acres with house, barn, and all improvements, at Tallman vllle, Pa. Terms one-third cash, balance secured by G per cent, mortgage, length of time to suit purchaser. Sale to begin at 1 p. m. O. & W. train arrives at Win wood at 12:19 p. m. Carriages to Tallmanvllle. A. B. Tallman. 60t2 ItOAIU) WANTED Office man, neat and orderly, desires board and lodging with private family. Address XT., Citizen office. FOR SALE Lady's bicycle, Iver Johnson make; good order, cheap. Inquire Citizen office. 57tf. BRAMAX has some splendid na tive and western horses for sale, all in excellent condition at Allen House barn. 25tf. SPECIAL attention given to chil dren at Charlesworth's Studio. 2S FOR SALE Ray house, on East Extension street. Large lot with sixty feet front. M. E. Simons. 3Scoltf. LOCAL MENTION. The cold wave arrived as pre dicted. The weather bureau doesn't always miss. Partly cloudy weather, with local rains, and slowly rising tem perature, is what the Weather Bur eau predicts for to-day. Christopher Beurket, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beurket, of j South Main street, is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. ; Eighty thousand people are starving in Armenia. How much , will you contribute, in cash? , Sympathy won't buy corn. A bowling team from this place journeyed to Beach Lake on Wed-1 nesday evening and played a team of summer boarders at that place. ; James Crossley, little son of Thomas Crossloy, fell off the' porch rail on Wednesday eening' and broke an arm. He was attended by Drs. Nlckon and Burns. There will be no vespers at the j St. John's Lutheran church next ' Sunday, as the pastor will preach at j Hawley in the evening. The morn- I ing services will take place as usual. ' The White Mills base ball team j will play Archbald, on the White j Mills grounds, Aug. Sth, at 4 p. , m. Willie Dougher will do the twirling for Archbald, and W. Smith ' for the home team. j Saturday, Aug. 7, at Athletic ' Park, a ball game, Honesdale vs. 1 Carbondale, will occur. Game 1 called at 2 p. m. This will, un doubtedly, be one of the best games of the season. If you like base ball i don't fail to bo there. Deacon W. H. Hall will preach at the Sunday morning service in i the Honesdale Baptist church, Aug. S, 1909. The evening service at 7 j 111 i i ... . , e ! jj. in., win uu unuer me uirccuuu ui the V. P. S. of C. E. Subject: "Why War Should be Abolished." Henry J. Brennan, of Carbon- dale, well known in this place, was ' one of the fortunate ones who es caped with their lives when the earth j had a severe shiver in Mexico, last ! Friday. He was a guest of the , Iterbide Hotel, city of Mexico. Any man who is able to walk for a living, as the Weary Willies do, can usually muster enough energy to do a little work for the meal he calls for at the back door. If he isn't willing to do this, intro duce him to the dog and show him the highway. A lady of this place recently sent to a mail order house in New York ?3.00 for children's garments which amount included express charges. When she learned, a few days later, that she could have pur chased, right here, in Honesdale, better garments for fifty cents less than she had paid, she was some what disconcerted. Try your home dealers first, particularly those whose announcements appear in the home papers, and you will al most always save money. Mayor Kuhbach has appointed a Citizens Committee of 150 to receive the singing societies which are to visit Honesdale on the lGth inst. He has selected Honcsdale's most prominent men in every de partment of Art, Science, Literature, Medicine, Law, Politics, and Trade, omitting Inadvertently the Clergy, many of whom are away on their vacations. The list of names is so long and we are so cramped for room that wo have omitted printing the same, but if you, my dear Reader, have any doubt as to whether you are on the committee chase away the doubt and be on hand to serve. Mr. Alex. Volgtis chairman and will gladly Instruct committeemen as to their duties. Let everybody get the cobwebs out of- their throat, so as to help swell the sound that will hit us on the ICth. Fine now stone steps are be ing placed in front of St. John's Catholic church in this place. The seventy-fifth anniversary of the Susquehanna Association of Unlversallst churches will be held in Brooklyn, Susquehanna county, September 8 and 9. An interesting program has been prepared. The Maccabees will picnic at Beach Lake on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 7th. There will be a public dance in the evening. Honesdale members will start from the tent rooms at 1 p. m. "You have a famous appetite," remarked a thin, dyspeptic-looking individual to his corpulent neighbor, at the Wayne Hotel table yesterday. "Do you take anything for it?" "Yep vittles," was the laconic re sponse as the feeder stored away half a biscuit, in one motion. If you can find and return to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith, who reside at 150 Carey Ave., Wilkes-Barre, their son Don ald, aged ten years, you will receive a reward of ? 100. The lad has been missing since Saturday last, fright ened away from home by a neigh bor's threat to have him arrested for stealing apples. The chapel of the Mallingrndt convent, in Wilkes-Barre, was the scene of most Impressive services Tuesday morning, when forty-eight young women took vows renounc ing the world and devoting their lives to religion. Twenty-eight took their final vows and the other twen ty assumed the white veil. The borough council of Jermyn has decided that nlckle nmusements moving picture shows "cannot be conducted within three hundred feet of school houses, churches or other places of worship." The in tent is probably good, but possibly the Jermyn council has assumed powers that are not Intrusted to it by law. Mr. A. F. Voigt, one of Hones dale's popular business men, had a birthday, this week. It happened this year on August 4, and his many friends, of the Maenner chor gave him a serenade, and wished him another hundred years of happy existence. He responded in a happy vein at least we sup pose so, it was in German and a pleasant evening ensued. PERSONAL. James Long, of New York, is visiting his friend, C. Lowe, of this place. Mrs. II. II. Webb has gone to Buiiingore, Kansas, for a visit with friends. Miss Florence Bunnell is visiting friends in Scranton and Carbondale this week. Miss Barbara Weaver, of New York, is visiting friends and rela tives in this place. Mrs. J. Palmer and daughter, Mrs. C. Flanderback, are visiting in Ringhamton, X. Y. Mrs. Ann Wonnocott has returned to her home at this place, after a visit in Binghamton. Mrs. P. Havey and daughter, Miss Beatrice, are spending several days with Scranton relatives. Mary Stephens, who lias been suffering from nn attack of typhoid fever, is much improved. Mrs. Frank Ryan, of Scranton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Soete, of South Main street. Joseph Garrity, of the Inter national Correspondence Schools, Scranton, is spending a few days in town. The Misses Dorilinger, of White Mills, and Clara Torrey, of this place, are visiting friends in Mil ford, Pa. Miss Helen Thompson, of Bing hamton, Is a guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Burcher, of Main street. Miss Mignon Green has re turned to her home in Wilkes-Barre after a visit with the Misses Ward of Park street. Mrs. John L. Bauman and three children left on Wednesday after noon for a visit to the home of her father at Roxbury, Pa. They will remain about three weeks. Louis Milhauser and wife of New York who have been guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Fanny Roos on Pine street, Scranton, for the past two weeks, arrived here Tues day and will spend the next few weeks at the residence of Jonas Katz and wife on Church street. E. E. Belknap, formerly of Prompton, was a visitor in town Wednesday. He has just returned from Greenfield, Mass., where he has been visiting his sister, Mrs. M. V. Severance, whom he had not seen in twenty-eight years. Mr. Belknap Is in excellent health and greatly enjoyed his eastern trip. He will go from here to Wilkes-Barre. Trotting It aces at Wayno County Fair. The Wayno County Fair which beglnB nt Honcsdalo Monday, Oct. 4, 1909, will give a purse of ?200 to tho winners of each of the fol lowing raceB: Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2:40, 2:19. Wednesday, Oct. 0, 2:15 2:23. Thursday, Oct. 7, 2:27 free-for-all. These races are for either trotting or pacing horses. Advertised Letters. The following letters remain un called for at the Honesdale post office: Miss Lulu Brlgham, Miss, Minnie Dunlap, Mr. S. Major, Rev. T. Moneojuskl, Mr. J. Robert Stout, Miss Eliza Smith, and A. N. Way. Hand Crashed. At 11:50 yesterday forenoon, Earl Williams, an employe of tho Na tional Elevator Works here, had three fingers of his right hand crushed in a milling machine. Am putation of the third finger was performed by Dr. Burns. It is hoped that the others can bo saved. Old Home Week Committee Meeting On Wednesday evening the exe cutive committee on arrangements for Old Home Week celebration met at the City Hall. All chairmen were present except W. F. Suydam and A. T. Senrle. M. J. Kelly, chairman of the en tertainment committee, asked for more funds for that committee. The music during the three days, will be furnished by the Laurence Band, of Scranton, Honesdale band and Maple City Fife and Drum Corps. Sigmund Katz, chairman of the advertising committee, reported that the committee has started its work. It has secured rates on the Delaware and Hudson railroad, as follaws: From Scranton $1.00; from Wilkes Barre ?1.25. Mr. Lester Knapp, local agent for the Erie railroad, was in attendance. He is making an effort to have the company run a special train to Honesdale leaving here about six o'clock each evening. The Firemen's committee said the Protection Engine Company had in vited the Hendrick Hook and Lad der company, of Carbondale, and the Excelsior Hose Company, of Port Jervis. The latter company has accepted the invitation and will come to Honesdale with a company of sixty-five uniformed men. The Alert Hook and Ladder com pany has invited the Hnwley fire company. The Chemical company lias not sent an invitation to any company. The Alert and Texas No. 4 fire companies, will lie given fifty dol lars each to entertain their friends. The privilege, reception, and decorating committees are all active. Frank Schuerholz, chairman of the Athletic committee, reported that the committee would not need all of the money which was allowed them to defray expenses. Oli!) HOME WEEK. Everything Ijooks Itright For a ('rent Time Here. The following committees have been appointed to act during the celebration of Old Home Week to bo held here in September: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. J. D. Weston, Chairman, R. M. Salmon, Secretary. ENTERTAINMENT COM M ITTEE. M. J. Kelloy, Chairman, ('has. W. Dorfllnger, X. Frank Fralley, Dr. L. B. Xielsen, Wm. F. Hert, Secretary. ADVERTISING COMMITTEE. Sigamund Katz, Chairman, L. Blumentlial, I). F. Haines, W. W. Wood, X. J. Spencer, Dr ..McCon ville, Benjamin Dittrich, Thomas Finnerty, John Richnrt, Wm. J. Silverstone, A. M. Leine, F. Frailey, C. B. Callaway. RECEPTION. Hon. W. II. Dimmick, Chairman, H. S. Salmon, H. Z. Russell, E. C. Mumford, Myron Simons, Martin Galvin, John Weaver, Dr. C. R. Brady. William J. Reifler, O. M. Spettigue, W. J. Reif, Samuel Katz, M. B. Allen, C. J. Smith, Hon. Jas. C. Birdsall. DECORATION. II. H. Richards, Chairman, H. T. Weaver, A. J. Coleman, Charles Searles, A. J. Armburster, Leonard Burkett, J. Clyde Seeley. FINANCE. John Erk, Chnlrman, J. B. Neilson, S. T. Ham, William Road night, R. W. Penwarden, Edw. Deltzer, Herman Meyer, Edw. Calla way, Edmund Finerty, L. Swingle. SPEAKERS. F. P. Kimble, Chairman, Rev. T. M. Hnnly, Rev. William H. Swift, Hon. James C. Birdsall, An drew Thompson, W. B. Holmes. DEDICATION. A. T. Searle, Chairman. FIREMEX'S PARADE. W. J. Ferber, Chairman. CIVIC PARADE. W. F. Suydam, Sr. IXVITATIOXS. Hon. John Kuhbach, Chairman, Hon. Thomas J. Ham, secretary, Rev. Wm. Dassell, Hon. Perry A. Clark, Benjamin Loris, Jr., Hon. Henry AVIIson, Hon. C. C. Jadwin, C. M. Betz, Hon. C. A. McCarty, Homer Greene, Rev. Wm. F. Hopp. FIRE WORKS. Robert Murray, Chairman, Ed. Deitzer, Emanuel Freeman, Irving Brown, John Crosby, W. L. Burn ard, John Jenkins. ATHLETICS. F. W. Schuerholz, Chairman, Ed. Finnerty, Ed. Lindsay, Fred Suy dam, Fred Gilbert, J. T. Brady. PRIVILEGES. Martin Caufield, Chairman, J. M. Lyons, N. Holgate, Thos. Finnerty, Sr., Geo. W. Penwarden, Frank Caufield. POLICE COMMITTEE. N. B. Spencer, Chairman, Hon. John Kuhbach, Hon. C. A. McCarty, P. R. Murray, George Penwarden, Wyman Kimble, George Genung. Why August is Dog Days Month. Ancient Greeks called Sirius, the brightest star which is above the horizon with tho sun in August, the "dog-star." Sirius is in the "dog constella tion," a group of stars that the Greeks thought looked like a dog in the sky. This star doesn't Influence dogs to go mad; but the hot weather in August does. NEARBY NEWS. Rev. Francis Walsh died at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Dr. Burns' hospital, Scranton, after an illness of two days of stomach trouble. Two foreigners belonging to a section gang in the service of the Laurel Line were run down by a freight train nbout 11 o'clock Tues day morning, at Scranton, and seri ously hurt. Both are In the Moses Taylor hospital. According to the report of Fred W. Lewis, secretary of the board of health, of Carbondale, there were thirty-two deaths in that city during the past month, which is double the same month of last year and an increase of ten compared with the previous month of June. Attempting to get on a mine car riage that was already overcrowded at Storrs' No. 3 shaft in Dickson City Tuesday evening, Walter Shel lnsky, a mine worker, tumbled off and fell a distance of 270 feet to the bottom of the shaft, meeting instant death. The forest fires which have been raging on the Shawangunk Mount ains for some days assumed such grave proportions Saturday night and Sunday that there was appre hension for the safety of the build ings in the vicinity of Lake Mohonk, Lake Minnewaska and Camp Awost ing. Harry Rhines and Alonzo Bernian went out Into the woods Wednesday near Ridgewny. Bermnn laid down and slept during the temporary ab sence of his companion. When the Intter returned he found a rnttle snnke colled upon Herman's breast. Drawing his revolver Rhines shot the snake through the head. It measured Hfty-four inches in length. Scranton newspapers are proud because that city "almost" had an Elsie Selgel case. In this affair the Chinaman, Mon Wen Swo, had actu ally married the woman, who was, as a maiden, known as Belle Mahan, of Wilkes-Barre, but he had only "threatened" to make an angel of her. Mrs. Swo succeeded in getting her yellow treasure held in ?3U0 bail for court. While the anthracite shipments by the leading coal roads for tho first quarter of the current calendar year showed an increase to the ex tent of 1,203,719 tons, as compared witli 1908, tho gain was more than offset by the falling off to the amount of 2,320,098 tons in the second quarter; so that the half-year showed a decrease of 1,177,079 tons as compared witli tho corresponding half year in 1U0S. Word reached Easton Tuesday of I the tragic deatli of Milton Sliive, proprietor of a hotel at Pattenburg, N. J., along the line of the Lehigh Valley railroad. Ho was splitting a tie that had been discarded by the railroad, when there was a terrific explosion and he was blown to pieces. It is tho general opinion that a dynamite cap had been con cealed in a tie, probably by would be train-wreckers, and that it was exploded when Shive's axe struck it. If there is not a marvelous air ship sailing around Newburgh and other localities in Orange county, there are some tall liars and stiff wind-jammers on the east side of Shawangunk mountain. One or more of these aerial craft have for months been reported as cavorting in the vicinity of Newburgh and lately the vision has worked its way to Goshen and to Middletown and even Port Jervis people declare they frequently, almost nigntly, see a strange light hovering above the crest of the Shawangunk mountain. Meeting unexpectedly at Brown town on Tuesday evening, a Wilkes Barre Italian and an unknown coun tryman, who escaped, drew weap ons and without a word engaged in a brief but deadly duel. The Wilkes Barre man was hit by both shots fired by his rival. He himself fired once, but it was not known whether or not the bullet took effect. The injured man, when questioned, claimed that he had shot himself while handling his revolver. He was reticent when asked about the duel, and refused to furnish the name of his assailant or tell as to what led to the deadly animosity. Scranton Dentist in the Toils. A correspondent in Wilkes-Barre, says that a prominent dentist of Scranton, who has been on a pro tracted spree, furnished, at Wilkes Barre, Wednesday, a Nicholson, Pa., woman of unsteady reputation, co caine. A policeman found out what tho tooth artist was about to do, followed him and arrested both him and tho woman, before tho woman had opportunity to take the drug. Mayor Knlffen severely arraigned the dentist who began to sob and weep, pleading that if he hadn't been drunk he wouldn't have got into such trouble. The woman cried too, and declared that she had kept away from the dope for more than a year but the craving came back and she pleaded with the dentist to get her some. The dentist was fined $10 and cost and the woman $15 and cost. Both paid. Wash Dresses in English Rep, Linen und Linette, at 46wo MENNER A CO.'S Stores. Base Ball. On Tuesday and Wednesday the Honesdale team played the strong college team of Mllford and met defeat in both games. Smith pitched the first day and lost by the score of G to 1. On Wednesday Schuer holz was In the box. The game was a pretty thirteen inning contest, Mllford winning by the score of 1-0. On Saturday afternoon tho Clip pers of Carbondale will be the at traction at Athletic Park. The visitors are a strong aggregation and a good game can be expected. Stubborn Former. A farmer in this immediate local ity was recently visited by a State Inspector, who told him he would have to overhaul and clean up his premises. He swore that he wouldn't, whereupon the State placed the "kibosh" upon his production of milk and butter dealers being noti fied not to accept them. This was two weeks ago, since which time the obdurate farmer hasn't disposed of a pound of butter or a quart of milk. With 23 cows to feed and no returns, his neighbors are wonder ing how long he will continue mulish. Short Weight Bushels. It has been discovered by sev eral people In this locality that some one has been making bushel baskets which must have "shrump-up" since they were built, or else the maker's conscience was shrunken when he constructed them. "This wns brought to my attention," said a citizen yesterday, "when I saw a dealer buying potatoes of a farmer. The measure was so rounded and the potatoes looked so fine that it attracted my attention, and I ordered a bushel. When they arrived at my house I thought the measure didn't look so generous as that which the farmer used, so I weighed the tubers. The weight was just 43V& pounds, instead of CO, the legal weight. Where the blame lies I don't pretend to say, but I advise people to buy their vegetables and the like by weight. Anyway, I shall, hereafter." We Pay the Freight No charge for packing this chair It is sold for CASH at BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE at $4.50 each (Dlh i7ome Week 25 pieces of English Mercerised Madras, White and Colored, Best 25 and 3 sc. grade at I5c. a yd. 100 Madras Waist Patterns 100 Ladies' Vests always Gents' Madras and Percale Shirts in all sizes at 39c. each 200 Parasols and Umbrellas $1.25 value at 89c. each KATZ Nnrrowly Escaped. Miss Jennie Lennon, of Ridge street, narrowly escaped serious In Jury on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lennon was burning rubbish in tho yard, and in some manner her dress caught fire, and she ran into tho house, her clothes ablaze. Edward Murtha, who was at work near by, heard her call for help, ran to her assistance and succeeded in ex tinguishing the flames. Both Miss Lennon's and Mr. Murtha's hands were quite seriously burned. Accidents in 1007. 1785 lives lost upon the ocean. 324 killed by automobiles. 1244 seriously injured by auto mobiles. 260 killed by cyclone. 1839 drowned while bathing. 242 killed, 4258 injured in sport. 4110 killed and injured by fire works. 2989 killed, 3997 injured on rail roads. 717 killed, 3950 injured on trol ley roads. We haven't had time to count those of 190S, as yet. He a Boomer. Tell me not in mournful numbers That the town is full of gloom, For the man's a crank that slum bers, In these glorious days or boom. Life is real, life is earnest, And the grave is not its goal Every dollar that thou turnest Helps to make the old town roll. But enjoyment and not sorrow Is our destined end or way; If you have no money, borrow Buy a corner lot to-dny. Lives of great men nil remind us We enn win immortal fame. Let us leave the chumps behind us, And we'll get there all the same. In this world's broad field of bat tle. In the bivouac of life, Let us make the dry bones rattle Invest something for your wife! Let us then be up and doing Still achieving, still pursuing With a heart for any fate, Booming early, booming late. 3 and 1-2 yd. lengths at.39c each i$c, during this sale 10c. BROS.