THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1000. 1 CENT A WORD COLUMN DINING Koom Girl Wanted. Apply at Hotel Wayne. , WORK HOUSE for sale, cheap, "or exchange for cattle or sheep. H. D. Olver, Beach Lake, Pa. It. WANTED Girls In washroom. T. B. Clark & Co., Inc. 60tf SALESMAN WANTED A com petent salesman to handle a splendid proposition as salesman in Hones dale and Wayne county. None but one with a large acquaintance need apply. Call or write. 309 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. AUCTION SALE On the prem ises on Saturday, Aug. 7th, 1909, 1 will sell to the highest bidder my farm of 85 acres with house, barn, and all improvements, at Tallman Ville, Pa. Terms one-third cash, balance secured by C per cent, mortgage, length of time to suit purchaser. Sale to begin at 1 p. m. O. & W. train arrives at Win wood at 12:19 p. m. Carriages to Talamsville. A. B. Tallman. G0t2 BRIDGE BUILDERS Bids for the construction of guard walls to the county bridge at Beach Lake will be received by the County Com missioners until 10 a. m., Friday, August 6, 1909. Bids should be made on two plans. First, recon struct old walls and put on a con crete jacket. Second, relay the old wall in cement. Bidders should visit the location before making esti mates. See plans at Commission ers' office. b0t2. BOARD AVANTED Office man, neat and orderly, desires board and lodging with private family. Address XT., Citizen office. FOR SALE Lady's bicycle, Iver Johnson make; good order, cheap. Inquire Citizen office. 57tf. WANTED o day laborers at the Fish Hatchery, Pleasant Mt., Pa., Apply to X. R. Buller. 56t4 A HOUSE on East Extension street to rent. Inquire Hotel Wayne. 57t3 I1RAMAX has some splendid na tive and western horses for sale, all in excellent condition at Allen House barn. Hotf. SPECIAL attention given to chil dren at Charlesworth's Studio. 2S FOR SALE Ray house, on East Extension street. Large lot with sixty feet front. M. E. Simons. 3Seottf. LOCAL MENTION. Local matter on pages 4 and S. I Orange juice is a new remedy j for ivy poisoning. If you like The Citizen, tell your neighbor about it, please. Read the cent-a-word depart ment in this paper. It may interest you. Scranton, on Thursday last, was visited by a generous rain. Honesdale and vicinity didn't get a drop. A marriage license has been granted to Floyd Brundage, of Pink, and Rachel Suringle, of South Canaan. Honesdale is a "warm town." The mercury here, on Thursday last climbed to 93 degrees. In Philadel phia it only reached the 91 mark. Both official registers. It is held that children in a school district in which no public high school is maintained may at tend a high school in some other district located near their home. Don't forget the picnic, at Belle vue Park, of Protection Engine Co., on Aug. 5th. Go, enjoy a good time, and give the "Are laddies" reason to think that you appreciate them. Citizens or iarrowsburg com plain that Honesdale young men de stroy the peace and quiet of their Sabbath. Boys, behave yourselves in Narrowsburg just as well as you do in Honesdale. Michael Loercher, an employe of the elevator works, here, had his eyes severely injured, last Thursday by sand which he was mixing, which burst from its receptacle. The fashion man of the Scran ton Tribune says that it has been said that the ladies of that city wear socks but he is unable to verify the report. Thinks they should, though they are so much cooler than stockings. The parents of Mary Iacovone, of Scranton, are In grief because the latter, who Is only a child, has elop ed with Nicholas D'Agostino. The abductor is 35 years old. Circulars have been sent out describing the pair, and it is thought that they will soon be captured. The Superior Court holds that when a horse runs away, having been frightened by an auto, negli gence being shown, the owner of the animal may recover, in addition to other damages, for the "changed disposition" of his nag. They're after you, Mr. Bubbleman. The Mllford, Pike county, Press makes an unkind jab at pretty, thriving Honesdale's unpaved streets. We don't know whether Mllford's streets are paved or no, presume not but we do know that Honesdale people wouldn't live In Pike county's capltol, the land of rattlesnakes and democrats, if its streets were paved with gold. It isn't what a man knows but what he thinkB he knows that he pesters other people with. The People's Bank of Parsons with a capital stock of $50,000 has recently been organized. The Times says that 60 babies died in Scranton during the past month of cholera infantum. Captain James Ham Circle, Ladles of the G. A. R., will meet on Friday afternoon at 2:30. Attention, Veterans! Regular meeting of Captain Ham Post, on Friday evening of this week, August the 6th. The death of Mrs. Herbert Detrlck, of Stroudsburg, formerly Miss Lilllam Chambers, of Hones dale, is reported. Wheat (on paper) has dropped 23 cents during the past week. The price of flour, however, hasn't per ceptibly shrunken. Old Home Week will be an oc casion to which Honesdale should look back upon with pride and pleasant memories. Keep the ball rolling, citizens. The annual reunion of the David Howell family will be held the 26th of August at Carpenter's Grove, at Uniondale. We are informed that the pay of Company E, of this place, for its attendance at the State En campment, was $834.40. Among the applications to or ganize national banks which have been approved is The First National Bank of Jessup, Pa., capital ?50, 000. Among the touring cars seen on our streets last Sunday, were those of Mr. Clarence Spencer and of Mr. Ed. Hubbard, both of Car bondale. On Tuesday evening of this week the Knights of Columbus, con ferred the first degree upon three candidates. After the degree work a social season was enjoyed. Correspondents to the Citizen are requested to write on one side of paper, only. If you use both sides, one side will, very likely, be omitted by the compositor. The following will leave this week to spend several weeks at Elk Lake: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Emery, .Mrs. B. F. Fitch, and daughters. The following young ladles will leave Thursday for a camp, at "Bunk" Camp, Elk Lake: Misses Hnttie Smith, Emily Brown, Mary Bodie, Laura Cortright, Florence Riefier. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Sig mund Kntz entertajned a number of lady friends at cards at her home on North Main street. Prizes were won by Mrs. Alfred Ullman and .Miss Martha Volgt. Our readers are advised to read carefully the proposed amend ments to the Constitution which ap pear in tliis issue. If you haven't time to take it in all at once, don't worry. It will appear 13 times. Our readers who wish to pur chase dry goods, clothing or, in fact, auything else, will make no mistake if they first consult the advertising columns of The Citizen. Tnose deal ers are, to a man, enterprising, square dealers. Don't forget this fact. At a meeting of Protection Engine Company, No. 3, the com pany decided to have as their guests, on Firemen's Day, Sept. S, Excelsior Fire Company, of Port Jervis, and the Hendricks Hook and Ladder Company, of Carbondale. It is against the law to spit on the floor of a railroad train. This is not generally known, but it is true nevertheless, the law having been passed at the recent sesson of the Pennsylvania Legislature. Now do it again. If you wish to pay a fine. The following players, repre senting Honesdale, left for Milford yesterday morning, where they will play to-day and to-morrow. On Thursday they will play in Port Jervis: Schuerholz, Smith, Murray, Murphy, Wenders, Tuman, Mona ghan and Giles. According to the Department of Agriculture of France, a toad dur ing its lifetime is worth ?9 to the farm, a lizard is worth ?9, a swal low ?20, a titmouse ?8, the robin ?4, a bat $30, an owl $12, a screech owl ?16 and a fern owl $30, and just tell that to your boys. A. B. Tallman, of Tallmans vllle, Pa., has a farm, and a fine one, containing 85 acres, house, barn and all modern improvements, which he will sell at auction on the premises, Saturday, August 7, 1909. Here is a rare chance to secure a good property. See cent-a-word column. A gentleman of this place, whose business calls him to a majority of the summer resorts of this part of the country, says that business is poor with the resort people, and the cause Is that people who usually take a summer outing cannot do so, this year, because they have auto mobiles to pay for. He says, as an illustration, that Roscoe, a place of 500 Inhabitants, has fifty autos, most of which were purchased on the installment plan. Snake-venom weakens the heart and lowers blood pressure. Alco hol still further lowers blood ten sion and depresses the vitality of the white blood cells, the defenders of the body, and the agents which destroy the snake-toxins. Dr. Allen says thnt many a man has been klllod with huge doBes of whiskey Instead of dying as a result of snake-poisoning. That is a nice, big, new picture adv. of W. J. Relf, on third page. "Storms and Signs" informs us that the seventeen-year locusts, pre dicted for this year, have already re ported in southern Jerseyi Vacation month is here, When you depart, give The Citizen your address. It will call, twice each week, and you will be glad to see it. The Hawley Board of Educa tion has let the contracts for the contents for the new extension to the High school, to Frank J. Dennl son of Honesdale. The old portion is to undergo repairs also. The building when completed will be handsome and up-to-date. Plant lice are proving to be very disastrous this year to cab bages, which are being grown in larger numbers now than ever be fore in Pennsylvania. Spray the plants with a solution of whale-oil soap, says State Zoologist Surface, using one pound of soap to five gal lons of water. A young man named Foster whose business is selling carpet sweepers, went out picnicking with a young lady of Tunkhannock. Her watch-chain broke and he put the time-piece in his pocket, to carry for her. In fact he carried it so long, despite her requests for the return of her property, that she at last had a warrant issued for his arrest, and now he is in jail at Tunkhannock. PERSONAL. James Miller visited friends in Carbondale on Sunday. Miss Laura Van Home is visiting friends in Binghamton. Miss Rose Connors, of Scranton, was a visitor in town Sunday. Walter Henig, of Wyoming, was a visitor in town last week. Paul Loris, of Scranton, spent several days in town this week. Charles Dunning left Sunday to spend several weeks in the west. S. L. White, of Galilee, Pa., called at The Citizen office on Tuesday. Joseph Krantz, of Carbondale, was a recent visitor in Honesdale. Russell Romalne has accepted a position as clerk at William Rief's shoe store. Richard Bracey has returned home after a visit in Scranton and Wllliamsport. J. W. Rohrbacker, of Sterling, was a pleasant caller at The Citizen office on Monday. Attorney E. A. Delaney, of Car bondale, was a business caller in town, Tuesday. Joseph Denk and son, Rudolph, of Scranton, spent last week with Honesdale relatives. Mrs. Sarah Doolittle is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Charles Doolittle, in Orange, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. William Schoonover of Scranton, are visiting relatives in Honesdale and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Bunnell, of Chicago, are the guests of Honesdale relatives. Miss Angle Varcoe, of Honesdale, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. George Martin. Hawley Times. Ruth Lord has returned home, after a two weeks' vacation in Elmira and Port Jervis. Edward Neidedoest has purchased of Mrs. Delevan Woodward, her property on Maple avenue. Miss Mignon Green, of Wilkes Barre, is a guest of Miss Marie Ward, of Park avenue. Miss Katherine Weidner and Miss Margaret Grazer are visiting rela tives in New York and Brooklyn. Mrs. George Lunney and daugh ter, Mary, of Scranton, are the guests of relatives at this place. Walter and Leo Campbell spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and John Campbell, of East Honesdale. Julius Freund, of Wllkes-Barre, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freund, on Main street. Charles Schlager, of Scranton, and party passed through Honesdale Sunday in the former's touring car. Miss Dora Roegner, of Williams port, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Roegner, of West street. Miss Agnes Mullady, of Carbon dale, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M .Lyons of Park street. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Schoonover of Scranton, who spent the last two weekB here with relatives, returned to that city Sunday. Miss Hattle Bisling, of Trenton, N. J., who was a visitor at Allen Bishop's, left for that city on Tues day morning. Miss Helen O'Neill, of New York City, returned on Sunday, after a two weeks' vacation at her home on Erie street. Christopher Bergman, wife, and sister of the former, Miss Anna Bergman, left Sunday for Washing ton Lake, Ulster county, N. Y. N. B. Spencer, who has been deputy sheriff, has severed his con nection with that office, and will devote his time to detective work. Mrs. Frank Duff, of Brooklyn, N. Y and Joseph Davis, of Carbondale, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. MacTavlsh Saturday and Sunday. Dr. G. S. Peck and wife, of Car bondale, who were visiting relatives and friends, and Mrs. Elizabeth jG.uramoe, of Peckvllle, called and spent Sunday with Mrs. E. S. Hlsted on Church street. Mrs. Geo. P. Ross is visiting in Clinton, N. Y. Mrs. Wm. T. Butler is visiting her son Fred, in Erie, Pa. Miss Emma Donahue, of Troy, N. Y., is visiting friends here. Austin Lynch, of Olyphant, is spending a few days in town. Mrs. Bentley, of Scranton, is visit ing her neice, Mrs. Joseph Bodle. H. D. Honey, of Waymart, Pa., called at The Citizen office on Sat urday. Mrs. J. Dems, of Scranton, for merly of this place, was a visitor here Sunday. Mrs. F. K. Weaver is In Strouds burg, where she was called by the death of a relative. Mrs. James Bippus, of Port Jer vis, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Lohman in this place. Mrs. Mandeville, wife of County Commissioner T. B. Mandeville, of Hawley, had on Monday, we are in formed, a stroke of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Merritt will, on the 10th inst., go to Cape Cod, Mass., for the balance of the sea son. Mrs. Anthony Mussarl, wife of the Delaware and Hudson track foreman, is spending a few days in town. Sigamund Roos, of Pine street, Scranton, was on a visit to his wife and family, who are summering here, Sunday. Mr. Charles P. Matthews, of Scranton, formerly of Honesdale, was, with Mrs. Matthews, visiting in town, Saturday last. S. R. Henwood, of Honesdale, was on Friday received in the medi cal ward at Emergency hospital. Carbondale Leader. Lloyd Rosencrans, who is em ployed by the Frank Meyers Cut Glass Co., left Monday on a busi ness trip to the eastern states. Assistant Register and Recorder Francis Crago and wife were enter tained nt the latter's parents, in Rileyville, Sunday. Miss Annie Miller, of Honesdale, is on a visit to Carbondale and will spend the next ten days at t' home of Joseph Krantz. Leader, 30th. Eva Buerket has returned to her home at this place, after un dergoing a successful operation upon the eyes in a hospital in New ark. Lewis Partridge and family re turned Saturday evening from Al denville, where they spent the past month with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Key and daughter, Bessie, bf Wilkes-Barre, are visiting Mrs. Key's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilawkin, on North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Knapp are occupying the Steinman home, dur ing the absence o their parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Steinman, at Asbury Park, N. J. Mss Anna' Brown, operator at the Consolidated Telephone Company's exchange, has returned home, after a week's vacation witli relatives in Carbondale. Henry Soete, who has been em ployed in Scranton, is visiting at the home of ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Soete, of South Main street. Wm. McMullen, of West Pittston, came to Honesdale in his automobile on Saturday. Mr. McMullen, in com pany with R. T. Whitney and J. S. Brown spent the next day at Lake Huntingdon. Morris Samuels, of New York City, spent Sunday with his wife and children, who are spending the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Briggs. .Mr. Homer Greene, who recently underwent an operation at Dr. Burns' hospital, Scranton, is suffi ciently recovered to return to his home here, arriving, with his family Saturday last. Irvin Hartman, who has been em ployed by J. A. Robinson, has started In the pressing and clean ing of men's and ladles' clothes. He Is located on the second flpor of the Dodge building. Mr. and Mrs. John Foy and daughters, Helen and Clare, of Pittston, and Mr. and Mrs. P. O. .Knight, of New York, came to Honesdale Sunday in their touring car. The party spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, of South Church street. Rev. John Linn McKim, once a priest of the Protestant Episcopal church in this place, and during President Harrison's term, U. S. Consul, at Nottingham, Eng., cele bratd his 96th birthday, at his home in Georgetown, Del., on July 22d, last. Despite his many years his mental faculties and general health remain unimpaired. Miss C. Lou Hardenbergh will go to Culver, Indiana, to-day, to spend the month of August at the lake-side, with a Randolph-Mason College friend, Mrs. Harold O. Smith, of Indianapolis. Mrs. Smith was form erly Miss Elizabeth Carroll, of Lynchburg, Va and will be pleas antly remembered here. Nelson Lambert entertained a number of young people at his home on Church street, Monday evening, the occasion being his sixteenth birthday. The following were present: Misses Lucy Russell, Minnie Schoell, Lucile Rowland, Merle Eldred, Hattie Arnold, Ger trude Krantz, Marlon Charlesworth, Ethel Schiessler, Harlan Histed, Ernest Dudley, Joseph Jacobs, Mil ton Russell, David Petterson, Ralph Brown, and Clyde Preston, the lat ter of Hornell, N. Y. Miss Weston entertained at cards on Saturday, in honor of her Bister, Mrs. Paulser. David Menner and family left on Thursday to spend the remainder of the summer at Elk Lake. Miss Emma Werth, of Scranton, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rhebeln, of High street. Farrlngton Burhardt has resigned his position at L. A. Helferlch's store. Harold Rowland is the new clerk. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Campbell, of Scranton, were visitors in Hones dale and Beach Lake on Sunday. Mrs. Paulson, of Paterson, N. J., who has been the guest of her sis ter, Miss Carrie Weston, of Four teenth street, returned home on Tuesday. Mr. Fred Crosley, now residing in Chicago, is spending a few days in town, the guest of relatives. Mr. Veeland, of Paterson, N. J., is also a visitor at the home of Mr. Thos. Crosley. A pleasant party, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weston, all of Carbondale, spent Sunday at Forest Lake, returning Monday morning. The run was made in Mr. Spencer's Pennsylvania car. Mrs. Charles Weston entertain ed Mrs. Clarence Spencer, of Car bondale, and Miss Burr, of Scranton, on the Golf Hill, Tuesday, Mr. Spencer and Mr. Weston coming over for supper in touring car, and returning to Carbondale with entire party Tuesday night. IT IS A GO! Honesdale Old Homo Week is Now Assured. The executive committee which has in charge arrangements for an Old Home Week celebration In this place, met in City Hall, Wednesday evening and completed the prelimi nary arrangements for that occasion. Thirteen hundred and thirty dollars have already been pledged, which is considered by the committee suffi cient encouragement to go ahead with preparations. More money will be pledged Honesdale doesn't do things by halves, especially when the honor of Honesdale is involved in making old home week or any other public affair a success and that the affair will be a most enjoyable and a most creditable one in all respects, is without question. The programme of exercises as finally arranged, will soon be made known. Let everybody assist in making our Old Home Week a long-to-be-remembered celebration. Was Accidentally Shot. Judson Gelatt, of River street, this borough, aged nineteen years, while in an intoxicated condition, Saturday, was fooling with a re volver. The result was that, while his mother was attempting to wrest it from his grasp the revolver was discharged, the bullet entering liis right hand and coming out above the wrist. (Dib liome iDeek 25 pieces of English Mercerised Madras, White and Colored, Best 2 and 35c. grade at 15c. a yd. 100 Madras Waist Patterns 100 Ladies' Vests always Gents' Madras and Percale Shirts in all sizes at 39c. each 200 Parasols and Umbrellas $1.25 value at 89c. each KATZ Henry Snyder & Son. 602 &7604 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR Poultry ,!Eggs, Butter, Lambs, Calves and Live Stock. Applesjin Season A SQUARE DEAL FOR THE FARMER. Old Phone 588 B New Phone 1123 Drowned in Lake Lodorc, Rupert Lancaster of Peckvllle. Saturday last Rupert Lancaster, of Peckvllle, was with other excursion ists, nt Lake Lodore. Bathing in the lake is prohibited at that resort, nevertheless Lancaster disrobed and plunged in. He was immediately seized with cramps and was drowned before aid could reach him. The lake was dragged all the re mainder of the day, but it was not until Sunday morning that his body was recovered. He was attended, on the excursion by his daughter, aged thirteen years, whose grief at her father's fate is said to have been heartrending. v Don't Balk Just Roost. Join the Boosters' Band and boost, Don't stay in nnd go to roost! Keep awake and make a spell, Put your shoulder to the wheel! Try and help Home Day along, Boost it loud, and boost It strong! Everybody lend a hand, Come and join the Boosters' Band! Gold In Woyno Connty. A large ledge of gold and copper quartz has been discovered on the farm of Mrs. Hawley L. Stephens near Equlnunk, Wayne county. Tests have been made by Dr. H. Prickett, of New York City, and William M. Stephens and it is reported that It Is found in paying quantities. SPECIAL SALE OF- Goods -AT- MENNER & CO., liPnprnl WnrAC Keystone uvuviui oivitOi Block Honesdale, Pa, Sale of GOODS -AT- Very Low Prices 3 and 1-2 yd. lengths at 39c. each i?c, during this sale 10c. BROS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers