The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 04, 1909, Image 4

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Entered as second-class matter, at the post'
, otllce. Honesdalo. Pa.
o. n. dorflinqer.
M. n. ALLEN.
SOBSCKIPTION: $1.50 A year, in advance
Judge Robert Von Moschzlsker,
of Philadelphia.
of Erie.
Jeremiah A. Stobcr,
of Lancaster.
. II. Bullock.
If Dun's Review is authority,
Prosperity is still galloping over this
country at a rapid gait. Give her
her head!
Senator Penrose and Representa
tive Dalzell were the two Pennsyl
vania staternen who were honored
with places at the dinner given by
President Taft to the tariff confer--ees.
There were sixteen others.
Edward Cardin, of Brooklyn, has
become twice crazed by reading the
Thaw trial. Many others, while not
exactly crazy from that cause, are
most awfully disgusted with the "fuss
and feathers" made over this ordi
nary criminal.
In many localities in tnis State,
water companies annually run short
of water and the consumer must, he
thinks, "grin and bear it." The
State Water Commissioner declares
that failure to furnish water con-'
tlnually, to patrons subjects the wa-hils
ter company to forfeiture of charter.
Ruth Bryan Leavltt could not en
ter into her husband's craze for
spoiling good canvas with paints,
therefore they are now two. Leavltt
says "her ambitions are too domes
tic. She wanted our lives to centre
around the common places of home.
My ambitions are more lofty." Ruth
is to be congratulated upon the fact
that she is well rid of this zany.
State Economic Zoologist, Surface,
says that he has never done any
thing in office so popular as the Issue
of his weekly Zoological Press Bul
letins, which are being eagerly
sought by the newspapers of the
state and -by farmers. The country
newspapers are especially interested
and publish the bulletins verbatim, j
tsome oi tne iarmers are getting i
copies to bind and others are past-.
ing their clippings in scrap-books,
The bulletin is given over to a dis-1
cussion of timely topics of plants ,
and plant pests.
The world's aeroplane record for
two men, as to both time and dis-j
tance, was broken in a beautiful
flight at Washington on Tuesday of !
last week of 1 hour 12 minutes 40 '
seconds, going upward of fifty miles I
and at a speed averaging about forty
miles an hour, by Orvllle Wright at
Fort Myer, with Lieutenant Frank
P. Lahm of the army signal corps,
as passenger. The former record
was made last year by his brother
Wilbur, joint inventor with him of
the machine in which both achieve
ments were performed, at Le Mans,
France, with Professor Painleve of
the French institute as passenger.
That flight was 1 hour 9 minutes 31
seconds. Wilbur was an eager
spectator of the flight by his brother.
This success was all Important to
the Wrights in that it completed the
first of two crucial tests of their ma
chine imposed upon them by the
United States government the so
called "endurance test" which re
quired them to remain one hour con
tinuously in the air with one pas
It is amusing to hear a newspaper
editor advise a farmer how to avoid
disaster to crops the advice always
coming after the trouble has oc
curred. The Scranton Times of
Thursday, very gravely remarks:
"If farmers in this section have
hay out in to-day's rain, It shows
poor judgment. With the prolong
ed dry weather and the grass drying
up as It Btood Instead of growing or
being benefited, the mower should
have been busy for a couple weeks
past and the bay safely placed in
the barn." "
When in doubt, dear farmer, ask
tbe Times.
Hon. and Mrs. James T. DuBols
will leave, Wednesday, August 25
for Singapore, where Mr. D. has
been appointed Consul General for
the United States. The new Consul
isn't sure that he will like his loca
tion, and if he doesn't, will return
promptly to his home in Hallstead
Earthquake, fire and tidal wave
made horrible work In Southern
Mexico, last Friday. Several hun
area in Acapuico alone, were
drowned or crushed. Many Ameri
cans are in the earthquake zone
and their friends will be anxious
until they learn of their safety.
Prohibition of the liquor business
in Pennsylvania in five years and in
the nation ten years hence was pre
dieted by Mrs. A. P. Parsells, of
Philadelphia, at the annual picnic
of the Lackawanna County Woman's
Christian Temperance union in Nay
Aug park Friday last. Therefore,
in ten years and one day, be pre
pared for the millenium.
When a real, live King gets out
upon his horse-block to address his
loving subjects, and is greeted with
cat-calls, cuss-words and other mis
siles the outlook is rather discourag'
lng for His Majesty. That is what
happened to Alphonso, King of
Spain, the other day, and it looks
very much as though he would be
obliged to relinquish his gilded
baton and get off the throne. Rev
olution is surely on in Spain.
A correspondent in the Brooklyn
Eagle says:
Justice Gaynor states but the
simple truth when he says that If
the police of London should attempt
the doings of the New York police,
there would be a revolution in Eng
land. The clubbing of a man is
unheard of there. In fact, the po
lice are not permitted to carry a club,
but merely a bit of locust about a
foot long. Nor is a policeman per-
lllttf, tn , , onvo
(the policeman's) life is in dan-
ger. Who of us has not time and
again seen a policeman in this coun
try with his heavy club belabor
some luckless wight who through
overindulgence had fallen into his
Mr. "Native" who furnished the
above, was, evidently, never a po
Iiceman. Ignorance, brutality and
whisky are not proper excuses for
me perpetration ol assaults upon
policemen In the discharge of their
duties. The man who properly con
ducts himself has little to fear from
a policeman's club. The one who
attempts to make of an officer of
the law a punching-bag, usually gets
what is due him, and no more.
Throughout the southeastern
part of Pennsylvania there has for
some years been an annual destruc-
tion ot hundreds of thousands of
dollars worth of wheat in the bin
by a little pest very commonly called
the White Weevil or Moth Weevil.
As a matter of fact it is not a wee-
vil but a moth, the larva of which
lives within the grain, of wheat and
hollows it out to such an extent that
it becomes a mere hull of bran. It
is ruined for milling purposes, and,
of course, badly injured for domes
tic use.
The Angoumois Grain Moth is so
named from the province of France
where its ravages were first most
noted. The mature moth lays its
eggs on the grains of wheat while
in the head or straw. As it feeds
voracously, in but a short time
it multiplies rapidly, giving several
successive broods. Where the wheat
is left in the straw, as in the stack
or mow, it has been found far more
infested than when threshed and
kept in a bin. Several farmers have
replied to State Zoologist Surface
that they have acted upon his recom
mendation of threshing the grain
soon after harvest, and have found
the results quite satisfactory. One
farmer reported that half of his
crop, which was threshed shortly
after harvest, was entirely uninjur
ed by this pest; while the other half,
that was not threshed until the lat
ter part of fall, was nearly all de
stroyed. The remedy, therefore, is one of
the simplest, and at the same time
one of the most effective, that could
be applied, and consists in merely
threshing the grain as early as is
possible and storing it in the bin,
rather than keeping it in the straw
unthreshed. In the grain bin the
moth weevil will work only In the
top layer of grain, if at all; and, If
it should bo found there, as would
be Indicated by the heating of the
grain, it can easily be killed by
pouring carbon bisulfide into shal
low dishes, and placing them on the
grain under cover of wet blankets.
Dr. Emeritus Elliott wishes to be
the founder of a New Religion
Please forget it, Dr. The market is
too well supplied, now.
uveiyn Thaw will, it is stated,
sue for divorce. It is strange what
trouble a little streak of uncon
geniality will cause, even between
such model creatures as Harry and
What a nice, quiet time that con
vention of deaf mutes, at Scranton,
next month will be. An extended
program has been published, which
will be rendered in "sign language."
The music for the occasion will we
presume be "rendered" in the same
And now, we are informed, a
Texas cowboy is going to ride a
broncho pony all the way from
Austin to Washington, D. C, to
carry an invitation from Texas to
President Taft, to visit that state
next Fall. Somebody lend Texas a
two-cent stamp.
Three Fort Omaha soldiers, Sergt.
Fuller and Privates Goodman and
Schmidt, who subjected themselves
to typhoid tests' have been pro
nounced immune by the medical
department of the garrison. They
have tried hard to contract the dis
ease, but can't get It. Isn't it sad,
after all the trouble they had taken,
that the germs refused to locate.
Orvllle Wright, the aviator, on
Friday last, made the greatest trip
yet accomplished by a flying ma
chine. He, with a passenger, made
the trip from Washington, D. C, to
Alexandria and return at the rate
of 42 miles per hour. By this flight
he made the $5,000 bonus, offered
by the speed developed in addition
to the ?25,000 which the govern
ment will give for the aeroplane.
Judge Henderson of the Superior
Court in defining Pennsylvania's
new marriage law, has declared
that: "If one party to the wedding
of first cousins brings action to ob
tain divorce or annulment, a de
cree may be rendered. Persons who
violate the law are liable to prose
cution. All marriages between first
cousins are void and will not be
recognized as binding contracts by
the State."
Never heard of a "sham battle,"
when guns and powder were used,
that some unfortunate participant
didn't get properly banged. At
Mt. Gretna, last Thursday, the Stato
militia played that idiotic game, and
the result was that half a dozen
"troopers" at least, had gun-wads
introduced beneath their skins, and
one officer was knocked from his
horse, and badly injured. Quit that
foolishness. Gun powder Isn't fit to
play with, in a crowd.
The Scranton Times says that
Alfred Ready and two companions
in Pittston, Friday night were set
upon by three Italians and badly
cut. Of course the Italians were the
aggressors, but the item does not
so state. We will wager dollars to
buttons that If Alfred and his
friends had attended to their own
affairs and let the Italians alone,
they wouldn't have been troubled
a moment. They can now probably
appreciate the wholesome advice of
A. Ward, deceased: "Don't monkev
with the buzz saw!"
A thousand farms are offered free
to citizens of this country, by the
U. S. Government. They are situ
ated In Nevada, and the Truckel
Carson irrigation project, if it
eventuates, will make these farms
fertile and valuable. These lands
are free to every bona fide home-
seeker, the only expense, with the
exception of the nominal filing fee,
being the pro rata share of the cost
of building the irrigation system.
This charge amounts to $30 per acre,
payable in ten annual instalments,
without interest. There is no draw
ing or any element of chance in ap
plying for one of these farms. It is
only necessary to make a homestead
entry at the land office at Carson
City or at the office of the Land
Commissioner at Fallon, Nevada.
At the Methodist Episcopal par
sonage, in Honesdale, on Wednes
day, July 28, 1909, Willis Hector.
of Beach Lake, Pa., and Miss Blanche
Branning, of Inglehart, Pa.
Justice Court.
Joseph Bralr was brought to
Honesdale by constable J. B. Grleter
and committed to the county Jail.
Bralr hired a horse and wagon,
several days ago, from a man in
South Sterling. He did not return
at the time he said he "would, so u
search was made for him. Bralr
and the outfit were found near
Pittston s shade trees are being
destroyed by gas escaping from the
John Proctor, of Canaan street,
Carbondale, lost three Angers from
his right hand by contact with a
buzz saw on Thursday last.
Emma Goldman, the rank anar
chist, was last week a visitor at the
home of Ferdinand Plnne Earle, the
soul mating curiosity of Monroe,
Orange county.
Stanley Dovrldny, of Scranton,
aged nine years, was run over and
instantly killed by a Laurel Line
electric car, near Maple street sta
tion, Friday afternoon.
Monroe county is grieving be
cause the State's county appropria
tion has been held up. The State
Highway Department complained
about a deficiency on the Tobyhanna
road, and that's why Monroe is
anxiously waiting for its $1,700.
Mrs. William T. Chase, of 69 Lin
den avenue, Middletown, a third
cousin of President Taft, was struck
and instantly killed at 5:17 o'clock
Wednesday morning nt the James
street crossing of the Erie railroad,
by Erie train No. 8.
State Game Warden, Martin Court
right, of Stroudsburg, says he has
killed 113 rattlesnakes this season,
and that there are more left, in his
locality. It strikes us that said lo
cality would be a good place to
move from.
A smart youth in Port Jervis gath
ered the chain of a boat containing
three young ladles who were out
rowing, towed them to the middle
of the river and kept them there two
hours, against their protests and
pleadings. He was arrested and fined
for disorderly conduct. He should,
in addition, have been well thumped.
Harry Dunlap, a young man in
the employ of the Port Jervis Light
and Power company, had a narrow
escape from death by suffocation In
a trench on Ferguson Avenue, Port
Jervis, Saturday morning. He was
in the cave-In five minutes. His
hands were badly cut by shovels in
the hands of his exhumers, but
otherwise he escaped uninjured.
Herman Aufnaoht, aged 40 years,
and the father of a family, fell from
a second-story window of his house
in South Scranton, Thursday morn
ing, and received injuries which
resulted in his death. He was en
raged because his wife had locked
him in his room, and while throw
ing furniture from the window," fell
out, striking upon his head.
John Polfice, aged eleven years,
residing at Jessup, died at Emer
gency hospital, Carbondale, Sunday
evening of injuries received Satur
day at the Peckville station of the
Delaware and Hudson road. The
little fellow tried to board a pass
ing train and fell under the wheels.
Ills right leg was severed above the
knee. He was taken to the Carbon
dale hospital but died shortly after
he was admitted.
Nicholas D'Agostino who, it is al
leged, abducted Mary Iaconvone,
thirteen years of age, the daughter
oi iNicnoias iaconvone, or izn iei-i
lows street, West Scranton, was ar
rested Friday afternoon by Detective
David Davis at a house in South
Wilkes-Barre, where he and the girl,
it is said, were living together as
man and wife. Nicholas is now in
jail, and the girl, whom he says he 1
is willing to marry, is at her home, i
Messrs. John Happ, Allen and
Bert Richards were among the many
Port Jervisites who visited Sawkill
Falls, Thursday. Beneath the bridge
which spans the brook on the road
to Raymondsklll they saw a snake.
Mr. Happ winged the reptile on the
tail with a stone. It coiled and
puffing up its jaws began to blow
proving it to be a blowing adder.
Mr. Allen Richards, in a well direct
ed blow with a stone, smashed its
head, thus putting to death another
Pike county snake. Gazette.
By a fire which was started In a
shanty where a number of children
were "playing house" Saturday af
ternoon, Annie Bronko, five years
old, of Taylor, was fatally burned.
Tho body of the little girl was found
burned to a crisp after the blaze had j
been extinguished. It is supposed i
that the children set fire to an old !
bed tick filled with straw which was
in the place. The head was burned i
to an unrecognizable black mass and
the arms and legs to a crisp.
Homer Irving, of Johnstown, Pa.,
attempted to force carbolic acid
down his wife's throat last Thurs
day. Her brothers, hearing her
screams, came to her rescue, but
she had been badly burned by the
,acld. When he was arrested later,
another bottle of the poison was
found in his pockets, which, ho said
he intended to take, after he had
killed his wife,. He should have
taken his dose first.
Joseph Gllboy, of Carbondale, 19
years of age, employed as a car re
pairer at the yard of the Delaware
and Hudson company, was fatally
injured while at work Thursday
morning. He was releasing an air
brake on one of the cars, when it
burst and struck him full on the
head, fracturing his skull.
In Port Jervis when a man allows
hlB dog to run at large without a
muzzle these days, he is fined 15.00.
That should help enforce the ordin
ance, some.
Over in Pittston the other day, an
unruly dog, one of the specie that
has little or no regard for the law
or those who are to see that all
forms of borough governments are
enforced, attacked and bit Chief of
Police Kelly as he was walking
through an alley. The canine made
a Jump at the office and before he
could drive him off, the dog had
sunk his teeth into Mr. Kelly's leg.
Shortly after the chief secured his
revolver and going after the beast
sent a bullet chashing into his
head. The head of the canine has
been sent to the Pasteur Institute
in New York to be examined. Mr.
Kelley lost no time In having the
wound cauterized.
To the Board of Trade.
It has been suggested that the
Board of Trade, of Honesdale, which
undoubtedly has a nice surplus on
hand, should enroll itself as a con
tributor to the fund for Home Com
ing Week celebration. Of course,
this is but a suggestion, but it
strikes us that it isn't a bad one.
Attempted Suicide.
Samuel Cllft, of Mt. Pleasant, on
Friday last dosed himself with half-a-pound
of Paris green, in a solu
tion of water. Evidently Samuel
took an overdose, as he is still alive.
Stalker Reunion.
The eighth annual reunion of the
Stalker family will be held at Irvin
Conklln's, near Galilee, the last
Wednesday In August, the 25th.
All the relatives are invited and ex
pected to be present if possible.
Committee Meets To-Nlght.
A meeting of the committees an-
polnted in connection with the Old
Home Week celebration, will occur
this evening at City Hall. Every
member of every committee should
be present.
.Mrs. Monroe Austin.
Mrs. Monroe Austin died at her
home at Indian Orchard, on Satur
day, after a few days' illness of
pneumonia. Deceased was 52 years
of age and was born in Germany.
She is survived by her husband and
one sister. The funeral was held
Tuesday afternoon, services being
conducted at 2:30 o'clock by Rev.
Wm. Hopp. Interment in Indian
Orchard cemetery.
Mrs. Mae Dcmming.
Mrs. Mae Demmlng died at her
homo at Clark's Summit on Thurs
day. Deceased was a former resi
dent of Honesdale. Her husband
was, at one time, superintendent of
the Honesdale Water Company.
She is survived by two children,
Nellie and William. The remains
were brought to this place on Sat
urday, and interment was In Glen
Dyberry cemetery.
Vice President.
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Death 6f Mrs. Fleming.
Word waB received at this place,
on Monday of the death of. Mrs.
Harley E. Fleming, who died at
Danville hospital. Deceased was.
78 years of age. Her son, Lorlng
G. Fleming, lives on the Darling
farm, In Cherry Ridge. The re
mains were brought to Cherry
Ridge and the funeral was held on
Wednesday. Interment was made
in Darling cemetery.
More About Our Trolley Road.
The Financial Review of Saturday
An Important meeting was held
in Honesdale on Saturday when the
Lackawaxen Valley Railway Com
pany's stock and franchises became
the property of the Wayne Traction
Company. This company 1b in
corporated under Pennsylvania rail
road laws with a capital of $300,
000, and bonded for $500,000, to
build, construct, maintain and oper
ate an electric railway through the
towns of Seelvvllle. Honesdale.
Traceyvllle, White Mills and Haw-
ley, an in wayne county, Pennsyl
vania. The mortgage was drawn
up by H. W. Dunning, of Wllkes
Barre. The road will be a high
speed, modern interurban railway
and will not bo what 1b nnmmnnlv
known as a trolley road. It has
its own right of way and perpetual
franchises and will bo equal to the
best steam railroad. The cam tn
be used will bo of the large modern
typo and all adequately equipped.
There are located on this line of
road over seventy very prosperous
lactones and mills, besides nine of
the most successful cut class factor.
ies In the world. Taking the pop
ulation Into consideration, Hones
dale is one of the richest valleys in
Pennsylvania the bank denoRlts
alone amounting to nearly $4,000,-
uou. nubile convenience and com
mercial necessity demand this elec
tric railway service. All the towns
located along this line of road are
growing in a steady and healthy
manner and .ueir progress Is of a
substantial kind that makes live and
prosperous towns, and the day is
not far distant when all the towns
along this line will double in tjoo-
The old officers of the Lnckn-
waxen Valley Railroad Company
resigned and new officers for tho
Wayne Traction Company were
then elected as follows: President,
Hon. E. B. HardenberKh. Honesdalo.
former auditor general of this state;
vice president, W. C. Riffert, of
Harrisburg, vice president and
treasurer of Bankers' Cornoration
Company, of Reading; secretary
ana treasurer, Lewis Crater, Harris
burg: general nianaeer. Hnrrv Vf.
Richards, formerly superintendent
Honesdale Electric plant; directors,
William S. Lambert, president
Bankers' Corporation Company,
Reading; H. W. Wertz, Newport,
Pa., W. A. Kelley, West Pittston,
Mr. Moyer, Lancaster.
The bonds are strictly high grade
bearing six per cent, interest pay
able January and July first. They
will be redeemable in five years
from date at' 103 in denominations
of $200, $500 and $1,000, free of
state tax to the investor.
Asst. Cashier.