The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 30, 1909, Image 8

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    TlIE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1000.
-ifg - .
WANTED Girls in washroom.
T. 11. Clark & Co., Inc. GOtf
petent salesman to handle a splendid
proposition as salesman in Hones
dale and Wayne county. None but
one with n large acquaintance need
apply. Call or write. 80S Adams
Ave., Scranton, Pa.
AUCTION SALE On the prem
ises on Saturday, Aug. 7th, 11)09, I
will sell to the highest bidder my
farm of 85 acres with house, barn,
and all improvements, at Tallinan
vllle, Pa. Terms one-third cash,
balance secured by C per cent,
mortgage, length of time to suit
purchaser. A. B. Tallman. C0t2
ItltlDGE Itl'lljDEItS-QUis for
the construction of guard walls to
the county bridge at Heach Lake
will bo received by the County Com
missioners until 10 a. m., Friday,
August li, 1909. Hlds should bo
made on two plans. First, recon
struct old walls and put on a con
crete jacket. Second, relay the old
wall In cement. Didders should visit
the location before making esti
mates. See plans at Commission
ers' oilice. 01U2.
FDR SAIjE One of the ilnost
dwellings on one of the finest streets
in Honesdale. All modern improve
ments, furnace, hot and cold water,
bath room, etc. If you want a
swell home go and look at it. It's
grand only 58100. DORIX.
BOARD WANTED Office ' man,
neat and orderly, desires board
and lodging with private family.
Address XT., Citizen office.
FOR RENT Room suitable for
office or shop. Jno. F. Roe. 120!)
Main street. 59tl
I OFFER two modern dwellings
on Church street at Irresistible
prices. DORIX.
FOR SALE Main street corner
property, 100x150, improved. Jno.
F. Roe, 120!) Main street. .VOtl
FOR SALE Roll top desk and
office chair. Jno. F. Roe. 120!)
Main street. 5!)tl
If you want to sell your town
property just go to a Citizen's
phono and ask for 79.1. I'll be at three hours, the Common Council
the other end all days and at all j of the City of Port Jervis on Tues
hoiiis. Give me your address and j day evening voted unanimously to
I'll call on you. DORIX. j give to the Interstate Hydro-Electric
FOR SALE Lady's bicycle. Iver
Jolinson make; good order, cheap.
Inquire Citizen office. 57tf.
WANTED 5 day laborers at the
Fisli Hatchery, Pleasant Mt.. Pa.,
Apply to X. R. Duller. 5Gt4
A HOUSE on East Extension street
to rent. Inquire Hotel Wayne. 57t;;
FOR SALIC House and nine
acres of land In Promption. Terms
to suit buyer. F. P. Kimble,
Honesdale, Pa. 57t2
P.RAMAN has some splendid na
tive and western horses for sale, all
in excellent condition at Allen House
barn. 25tf.
SPECIAL attention given to chil
dren at Chariesworth's Studio. 2S
FOR SALE Ray house, on East
Extension street. Large lot with
tixty feet front. M. E. Simons.
Mrs. William 15. Chase of Middle
town, was struck and instantly kill
ed by Erie train s. in front of the
Main street depot in that city about
six o'clock Wednesday morning.
John Hoff, an aged citizen of
Lackawack, Ulster county, dropped
dead at the home of his grand
daughter, Mrs. Lewis Stangle, near
that village Monday evening, of
Mrs. Robert Milllcan, through her
attorney, Fred Lidstone, tiled a law
suit against the Scranton Railway
company for 51 ft. 000 for alleged In
juries sustained by falling from a
street car on the West Side a year
The store of J. D. Miller, a cloth
ier at Thompson, Pa., was entered
and the thieves succeeded In getting
away with a big loot. It was re
ported later that hats and furnish
ings were found near the Starrucca
As the result of cutting his foot
on a piece of coal over a week he
fore, LaVerne, the six-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee, of
Jerniyn, died in the State hospital
Tuesday morning. He had been
taken there after the case became
serious on Saturday afternoon.
On Thursday afternoon the body
of a man was found along the Le
high Valley rnllroad near Bernlce.
It has finally been identified as that
of John W. Thomas, of Parsons, and
has been claimed by Wllkes-Barro
relatives. Thomns is a veteran of
tho English army in the Boor war.
Tho Scranton Truth tells us thnt
ex-Sheriff Chns. Robinson caught,
nt Mnplewood, neur that city,
Wednesday, a cat fish which weighs
twenty-flvo pounds, nnd thnt tho flsh
is on exhibition In tho window of
Ithelnhnrt's Btore on Washington
Stepping from the northbound I
track to get out of the way of a
train, Cormcns Malas stepped di
rectly In the path of a south bound
train on the Delnwnre and Hudson
railroad near the Wlnton station j
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and .
was Instantly killed.
It was clearly established Tuesday
that the young man who was found
dying In a rnvlne near Elmlra, last
Friday, was John Snyder, a resident
of Plttston, who had at one time.
worked at tne uaruer traae in tins
city. Snyder's body was taken to
Plttston for burial. Scranton Tribune.
I church, at S p. m.
Two Luzerne county murderers, On the 20th the P. O. S. of A.
Stanley Nazarko and Thomns Willis, I people enjoyed a social gathering
have been respited by Gov. Stuart j and an Ice cream lunch,
at the instance of their counsel, and' The Odd Fellows, on the 24th,
will not be hanged on August 10, 1 had Initiations, Floyd Webster
as was originally intended. It is and Arthur Phillips being the candl
understood that the respites were ; dates. Following the ceremonies,
granted to permit the cases to be , n lunch, with lee cream, was served,
taken before the Board of Pardons. Miss Lydla Robacker, of South
Sterling, Is a guest of her brother,
Dr. Linnaeus D. Wltherill. form. H. Robacker.
many years the State Medical Ex-j George Wolfe, of Illinois, is the
aminor of the Knights and Ladies guest of his sister, Mrs. I. M. KIpp.
or Honor, died at his home at The Misses VanCaiup, of Troop,
rnion, X. Y., near Binghamton, mo guests at their aunt, Mrs. R.
Monday morning, July 2G, after n I u. Simons.
prolonged illness. He was born ati Abram Garrls is reported to be in
Tnion t.S years ago, and had always jn precarious condition.
lived there except a few years pass-( Misses Lenora and Xettio Cliff, of
ed In Indianapolis, I ml.
Three Wilkes-lSarre women came
upon a highwayman in the act of
robbing W. O. Coolbaugh, an old
gentleman of Parish street. Monday
night. They sailed Into him with
lists and nails, and put him to rout.
Mr. Coolbaugh's jaw was broken by
his assailant, whom he did not
know. Neither does he know the
names of his female rescuers. The
robber obtained no booty.
Willie walking along the tracks
of the Lackawanna railroad at
Courtland, near Stroudsburg, on
Tuesday afternoon, William Hufton,
42 years old, was struck by a train
and sustained injuries that may prove
fatal. He was hurled a considerable
distance and besides sustaining a
broken leg and several broken ribs
lie had many and severe cuts and
bruises and it is feared was injured
internally. Hufton's home Is in
Port Jervis.
After a discussion lasting nearly
Compnny a franchise to furnish elec-1
trie light, power and gas in tho city,
and a franchise to operate an elec-1
trie street railway system, all of
which hoiim snbiect to a bond of
? 1 0,000 to be approved by the Com-1
inou Council executed and delivered
within nine davs. We thought Port
Jervis had a street railway and 1
those othr tilings. :
Sporting Notes.
Harness horse racing Is now under
Pittsburg's new ball park covers
seven acres and seats ijo.oou.
To date tf.ltt.UH) lias boon subscribed ,
for Cornell's new athletic Held at ,
Ithaca. '
The athletic co-eds of the I'lilvcr- ;
slty of Southern California are sori- !
tuMy considering tho possibility of 1
holding a truck and Held moot. i
The Detroit baseball diamond will 1
bo swung around next winter, and a
new grand stand will ho built in the
loft center corner. Tho present grand
stand and pavilion will be utilized as '
lower priced sections. Tho club plans
to have one of the Ilnost plants iu the
country. .
Flower and Tree.
A single leaf of the orange tree care
fully planted will often take root and
While many plants close their petals
or fold their leaves as darkness ap- Chapman here.
proaches, the testimony of most scion- The rain of Inst week has prob
tlsts Is to the effect that none cease to j ably saved the potato crop, as It Is
grow. j now growing finely.
A smoking tree is one of the natural Charles Richardson, of Carbon
wonders of Ono. Jnpan. Strange to lfle. visited his parents at Promp
say, it smokes only in the evenltig just ton, Saturday and Sunday,
after sunset, and the smoke issues ! Several of the farmers in this sec
from the top of tho mink. Tho tree is I tion and around Keene, are wearing
slxtv feet high. I very glim smiles this week as they
Tho helIotroK represents Clytie, the
beautiful nymph who died of love for
the sun. Tho story of Clytie Is also
connected with the sunflower, which,
ns well as the heliotrope, means de
voted attachment.
The Fan.
Fans were used as sacred emblems
in India.
The Romans used n circular fan on
occasions of state.
Tho early Greeks made fans of the
flat leaves of the lotus.
The Chinese and Japanese have from
antiquity used fans of all possible va
rieties. In ancient Egypt fans of strange
shape made of parchment or feathers
were used In religious ceremonies.
Folding fans had (heir origin in
Japan nnd were imported thence to
Chlnu. They wero of tho shape still
Th Dragon Fly.
Tho "Mcvll's darning noodle" is tho
popular name of several species of tho
dragon fly. Thoy aro so called from
tbolr cylindrical bodies, resembling
needles. They aro not poisonous.
ya . i i m
Doings in Rural Wayne.
Interesting Items Picked Up by Our
Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents
Thursday evening, Aug. 5th, '
Bishop Talbot will preach at Zlon i
I Scranton, are guests of Misses Effa
and Elva Cliff.
The young folks made Miss Ethel
Meyers a birthday party one even-
ing last week and a similar one was
given at John M. Lewis' for Miss
Miss Xellie Westfall, of Bingham
ton, X. Y., was a guest, last week,
at F. G. Swingle's.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mannsv of
Scranton, are guests at John Stev
en's. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Simons and
daughter of Honesdale, were also
guests there last week.
July 2G, 1!)09.
n. i mi... ........ . c.l.l.n,l. 1 . 1
1 lie iiiuiuii sunlit? ouuuuiti siiiuui
elected the following persons as
officers for the coming year: Mrs.
F. X. Rude, superintendent; J. E.
cMnwiiiir neatfitnnt siinoriiitpiuli'iit i
Mrs. C. R. Bunting, organist; Mabel i
Sanders, assistant organist; Flora j
Loomis. secretary; Ida Lee, treas- Mr. and .Mrs. Maurice Fitze and 1 bake were among the features of
urer. 1 children, of Aldenville, spent Sun- the day's outing.
Several new members were re- day with Mrs. George Ilauser. , Mr. Homer Greene is rapidly re
cently added to the Moosic Grange. I The interior of the school house j covering from his recent illness.
The Temperance Alliance meet in is recoving a coat of plaster which Messrs. Eugene, Edward and Joe
Aldenville next Sunday evening. will be followed by frescoeing. The ; Sampson, of Dunniore, with their
Early on Monday morning, July work is being done by Charles Peth- families, spent Sunday with rela-
2fith, Leon, the only son of Mr. :
nr.d Mrs. John Schimer, quietly pass-,
ed away. Early in the spring lie
'came home from Syracuse, where ',
i he was cmnloved by the D.. L. &.
W. Co. as manager of their store
supply, hoping to be benefited by .
home-care, but that dread disease. I
tubercolosis. had too lirm a hold I
tor medical skill, or loving care to
. . ,... I. I. 1...
time his many friends surprised him
In- Komliiisr hiin nost cards and let-
tors to the number of more than
Mr. and Mrs. Schimer have
tho sympathy of their neighbors in
the death of this, their only child.
a daughter inning died in infancy,
July 27, 1909. '
Miss Olive Halev visited Saturdav
and Sunday with friends at South
David Wonnacott is critically ill
Mrs. Arthur Snediker, who has
been ill, is much improved.
The ice cream social held by the
Ladies' Aid at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Wood, last Thursday
evening, was quite successful. The
net proceeds being $10.30.
Mrs. Flossie Chapman and family,
of Carbondale. are spending a four
weeks' vacation with Mrs. O ,W.
four week's milk and cream, this
being the third season In succession.
Still they bite at the tempting bait.
Each season brings a new man at
the milk station at Keene wno will
work the farmers for all of the
milk and cream that they are
worth, insuring them from a cent
to a cent and a half more than the
old stand-by creamery nt Prompton
can pay.
Mrs. D. II. Beach, Dr. and Mrs.
E. A. Carpenter, A. J. McCullough,
and daughter, Gladys, spent Sat
urday at Honesdale.
Mrs. Albro Dexter and three sons,
Russel, Melvin, and Robert, of
Brooklyn, are rusticating at their
summer homo here.
Miss Gladys McCullough will re
turn to Mount Clair, X. J on Fri
day next.
Miss Lonorn Young, of Orange, N.
J., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Eliza
Herbert Iliman has returned to
his work in tho Treasury, at Wash
ington, D. C.
H. H. Tyler and sister, Mrs. Bell, of
Scranton, C. A. Tyler, of Wllkes-
Barre, and Fred Tyler, of New
conquer, un 11 is isin 1111 iniiay, no " "' miwn.-,n ...on
with his mother, united with the Work will soon be begun on the 'school have been re-elected for an
Clinton Centre Baptist church, of stone road through this place. Mr. other year: J. D. Storen, principal;
which they have since been consist-' Erk, of Seelyvillo, and Mr. E. W. Florence Jones, intermediate; Elsie
out members. A few days since he Gaiumell were inspecting the road Howe, primary. An additional tench
passed his 21st birthdav, at which machine recently. or will he hired this year but as yet
Haven, Conn., who have been the
guests at G. H. Tyler's, have return-
ed to their homes.
Miss Minnie Gay is spending this
week with Mrs. Harvey Gay, at
Berkshire, X. J.
Mrs. Marsh and daughter, who
have boon guests of Mrs. Cornell,
at her bungalow, returned to their
cottage at .Mill Rift, Pa., last week.
Ben. Clark, of Port Jervis, X. Y.,
was in town on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Sampson
and Mrs. Cora Skinner went to
Honesdale on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Deighton are
entertaining a son.
Mrs. Richard Calkins went to
Middletown, X. Y., Tuesday to visit
her sister.
July 2S, 1909.
Mr. Arthur Robertson is homo
from the west, visiting his mother,
Mrs. Hattio Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Faatz enter
tained (luring the week Dr. and Mrs.
Baker and son, Ellis, of Jermyu,
who returned to their home Tues-1
day. They are also having a visit
from Mr. Myer and son of Jerniyn,
brother of .Mrs. Faatz, and Mr. and
Mrs. Jasper Faatz, and family, of
Green Ridge.
.Miss Florence Blake, of Carbon
dale, spent Sunday wlh her father,
A. O. Blake.
Helen .Manning returned this week
from a visit to her brother and wife
at Xowbergh.
Dolla Cody spent Sunday in
Edward Woodward, of Xew York,
arrived during the week and open-
ed his summer home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hannes.
and daughter, Eva. left Sunday for!
a few days at Pleasant Mount
u-K ami .Mr. Loettcr.
Lillian Anderson's guest, Miss'
Grace Poettiger, will return to her ,
home in Wilkes-Iiarre this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Swift, of Honesdale,
are expected Saturday for a ten
days' stay at Mrs. L. Pettrick's.
Ella Gnmmell is expected homo
Thursday horn Flushing and will,
1 no accompanied uy ner menu, .wits
l.M,,., r1,.,..,,.MM
Deemer iJitueman, 01 wukos-
Harre. spoke to a largo congregation
In the Methodist hurch, Sunday
morning, on the Anti-Saloon league.
Mrs. Xat Sergeant, of Beech
Grove, passed away Monday morn-
.ing. and funeral sen Ices wore held
'from the Methodist church Wcdnes -
day morning at 1 1 o'clock, Rev. W.
Signor officiating. Burial was
I made in the new addition to the
. Bethany cemetery
J'.v -,J l'-HiU.
A party of people from Uswlck
uul Lakevllle. sixteen in number.
, visited the Middle Creek Falls on
. Sunday. It required seven vehicles
j to convoy them to the Falls.
1 John Schleupner, overseer of poor
I in Paupack township, conveyed
I Laura Winerabin to the Hillside
Home, on Monday. i vsited this place last Saturday. The
Miss Minnie Miller became a , doctor still wears that pleasant
member of the Hildagard Rebekah ! smile and is looking finely. They
Lodge, Xo. 3.19, I. O, O.F., Lake-1 wore the guests of Dr. Bang,
ville, Pa., on Wednesday evening, , Richard Bone and wife made a
July 21st, 1909, There was com-! business trip to Carbondale last
pany at Lodge on Wednesday even- week.
ing. Mrs. Lillian Becker, of Ham- Mr. Jay Reed, who has been suf
lintou, was present. ferlng from blood poisoning in both
Mr. and Mrs. John Reer were very hands, for the past month, is Im
pleasantly surprised on Saturday proving nicely under the treatment
evening by about 60 of their friends of Dr. A. M. Cook,
who called on them to spend the Daniel Lambertson is still con-
evening. They had music and danc
ing and enjoyed a good social time.
Tho amusing part of it was that the
gentlemen forgot to take the ladies
with them and had to return for
them. They seemed to remember
the "Time" and the "Place" but
they forgot tho "Girl."
F. R. Olmsted, Jr., and Arthur
Crane caught three turtles last week.
The largest ono weighed 22 pounds,
tho next largest about 10 pounds,
and the other one they threw away.
Mr. Sanders and daughter, Ger -
trude, of Mount Vernon, X. Y., who tho lino in operation. Rumor has
spent last week nt their farm at Us-1 It that it is a good thing. Help it
wick, returned home on Saturday, along, as opposition is the life of
Mr. Sanders purchnsed n nice flock j trado.
of twenty sheep of Charles Utt, also John Conrad and Harold Cort
4 head of cattle. Mr. Utt delivered right, of Scranton, wero pleasant
tho sheep to Mr. Sander's farm on j callers in town last Saturday.
Saturday and delivered tho cattle on I James Kennedy, an old veteran
Monday. from tho Soldiers' Homo, is spend-
Chnrles W. Pennell Is still Ira-1 Ing a few days with his daughter,
proving nicely. Dr. Rodman called I Mrs. John Witiz.
on him ono dny the past week and
said lie was doing finely. He can now
walk around the room nnd takes his
meals wth tho family nt tho table.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Woodward
visited tho latter's parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. X. Stephens, nt Lakevllle, on
Sunday last.
Miss Martha Lempfert, of Brook
lyn, X. Y., is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Henry Lempfert, at Lakevllle,
Miss Annie BIttner, of Xewark,
X. J., is spending her vacation with
her brother, L. M. BIttner. nnd
family, at Audell.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Youngs are
entertaining their daughter of Long
The Lakevllle base ball team
played at Salem on Saturday after
noon. The score was 12 to 14 In
favor of Salem.
John Altemler Is helping his
uncle, James "Swnn, In haying.
J. S. Pennell, of Wllsonvllle, Is
haying for his brother, C. W. Pen
nell at Uswlck.
S. R. Crane nnd sons are haying
on the Frank White farm at Uswlck.
The Lakevllle Lodge, Xo. 11(11,
I. O. O. F., and the Hlldagard Ro
bekah Lodge, Xo. 359, I. O. O. F.,
will hold a picnic on the lawn un
der the shade trees at William See
ger's and on the school grounds at
Lakevllle, Pa., on Saturday, Aug.
7, 1909. The proceeds are to be
equally divided between these two
lodges. All Odd Fellows and their
'families are cordially Invited to at
tend. F. B. Pennell, of Uswlck, Pa., is
conducting his wife to the Danville
Asylum to-day. July 2Sth.
Misses Helen Crane and Eleanor
Wnterson, of Brooklyn, X. ., will
arrive on Saturday at the home of
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. R. Crane, of Uswlck, for a two
week's visit.
Our base ball team is now round-
Ing into shape. Week ago Saturday
it defeated the strong Moscow team
by a score of 13 and 11, and last
Saturday it played and defeated
Honesdale team (a combination of
Honesdale and Carbondale players)
also the White Mills team score S
nnd G, in a game of 11 innings.
Strong teams are being engaged by
the management for the remaining
Saturdays of the season. All the
coming contests will doubtless be
I very close. Let all the people turn
out and support our team.
The Lackawanna Electric Co. of
' Scranton. ran a local excursion here
Saturday for the benefit of their
employes. A ball game and clam
tives here.
Mrs. C. E. Mills and daughter, of
Honesdale, are the guests of Mrs.
A, S. Keyes.
.Mr. T, McTabland, our station
: agent, is at present slightly indis-
posed. Mr. Xirc. of Hawley, is fik -
ing his place.
.Miss Frankie Simons was the
guest oi menus in .lerniyn recently.
11 fl.r, r.1.1 t,.w.l.A,..-. 1 , 1 1 t 1,1. rl.
lie lias not been selected.
.Mrs. George X. bandi rtocK, ol
Honesdale. is the guest of .1. '.
' Sandercook and family,
Tho Misses Dishing, of Scranton,
were the guests of Miss Elsie Howe
1 over Sunday, as was also Mr. Oscar
' liigart, of Ilawley.
Mr. Homer Sandorcock, who has
been touring the west for the past
two weeks, returned home to-day.
Leslie Simons spent several days
last week at Moscow, the guest of
Rev. I. B. Murray.
There will be an ice cream social
on the church lawn, Friday even
ing of this week. Proceeds for the
, benefit of base ball team.
July U09.
We were pleased to meet Ira B.
' Stevens and wife, of Scranton, who
lined to his room. His case is a
serious one, yet we hope for his re
covery. Ely Shaffer, our popular black
smith, is kept very busy, now-a-
days, to meet the demands of the
, public.
Mrs. John Butler and daughter,
Ruth, of Moosic, were the guests of
tho former's brother, J. E. Hasen,
last week.
The Consolidated Telephone Co.
has nearly all the poles set through
lthls place, and soon expects to have
Mrs. Emellne Reed is in very poor
health and Is confined to her bed,
nt tho homo of Mrs. Johnson, who is
caring for her at tho present time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Long and daughter,
of Plymouth, wero tho guests of
Rev. Thomas Hooper, last week.
Mrs. James Mandlvillo is a very
busy woman now days, peddling
cherries. She reports a good crop
this season.
July 26, '09.
Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Eglnr's family
has been increased by the arrival
of a girl.
While unloading the last load of
hay for the season by means of a
hay fork, the rope gave way and
H. C. Jackson fell to the floor, sus
taining a bruised hip and a broken
arm. Dr. Many Is in attendance.
Edna Olver and Bessie Welsh
spent Sunday at Laura Pollock's, at
Charles Pethlck, of Peckville, Is
doing his haying on his farm here.
A number of city folks from Ty
ler Hill camped In the pine woods
on Wednesday.
Mr. Hill, who has been n guest
at the Olver house, has returned
July 29. 1909.
Just Noises.
"Look here!" shouted the Irate farm
er. "What are yoou doing lishiug In
my hike when it's posted?"
"Aw, go on!" sneered the tough city
lad. "Make a noise like u hoop and
roll away."
The farmer took out his knife and
cut off a section of birch.
"Sonny." he said solemnly. "I reckon
yeou'd be better making a noise like a
locomotive for t.h next few minutes."
"Like a loconiotlre, old clover seed!
"Because yeou are going to be
And the next moment the yells that
emanated from the clump of bushes
made a noise like n Sioux Indian on
the warpath. Chicago Xews.
I IlLrtL LL I I Ll BlLriLO
Good Letter Heads
Are Good Business
. ATTORNEY A C0rXSi:i.(!!-AT-I.AW.
(Ullcp. Masonic
building, second Hour
lloncsilaio. 1'a.
( Mike over post office. All lewd business
promptly attended to. Honesdale. 1'a.
Office Liberty Hull buildlns. opposite the
Post Office. Honesdale. 1'a.
Office over Uoif's store, iloiiesilale la.
office near Court House Honesdale. Pa.
Office over Post Office. Honesilnle, Ia.
Special and prompt attention given to the
collection of claims. Office over Kelt's new
store. Honesdale. 1'a.
Office over the post office Honesdale. Pa.
Ofiice in the Court House, Honesdale,
l'ntpnts inul oenslons secured. OIUpr In th
Scliuerliolz building Honesdale. 1'a.
Office Second floor old Savings Bank
building. Honesdale. I'n.
Olllce-Next door to post office. Kormerl
occupied by W. II. Dimmlck. Honesdale, Pa
Office First floor, old SavhiffslUank build.
Int'. Honesdule, 1'a.
Dr. C. R. BRADY, Dentist. Honesdale, Pa.
Office Hoims-B a. in. to 5 p. in.
Any evenlns by appointment.
Citizens' photic, SI. Residence, No, 86-X
Office and residence 1019 Court street
Telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to 1:00 and
7:00 tob:00. d.iu.