THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1000. THE CITIZEN PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY BY THE CITIZEN PCBUBIIIKQ COMPANY. Entered as second-class matter, at tbe post offlce. Honesdale. Pa. E. B.HAKDENDKRGH. - - PItESIPKNT W. W. WOOD. - - MAN AO Kit AND SECY directors: O. fl. DORPLINOER. M. B. ALLEN. HENRY WILSON. K. D. HARDENI1ERUII. W. W. WOOD. SUBSCRIPTION : $1.50 A year, in advance FItlDAY, JULY 10, 1001). REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT . Judge Robert Von Moschzlskcr, of Philadelphia. AUDITOR GENERAL, A. E. S1SSON, of Eric. STATE TREASURER, Jeremiah A. Stober, of Lancnstor. JURY COMMISSIONER, . II. llullock. The prices of vegetables in the cities have gone skyward during the past few days. The drought has caused the crops to be poor, and peo ple are compelled to pay big prices for inferior products. And the weather bureau gives no encourage ment. The most ridiculous, rib-tickling Joke that has struck the world for some time, Is the news that Roose velt's exploring and game devastating party, in the African jungle, is in dancer of "starvation" and that "food supplies were being rushed to them." Among other flim-flams being worked hard to get Harry Thaw, the murderer, free, is the evidence of a Poughkeepsie cough-drop man ufacturer, and "philanthropist," that "Thaw is well versed In the Bible." That conclusively proves that he isn't crazy any more. Up in Canada the red-skins are adopting the methods of our southern tobacco growers, In the settlement of business differences. J. W. Christie, a grain-buyer, his wife, and daughter, were this week killed by Indians, who didn't like the prices he offered them for their wheat crop. This is a sad, bad world. Harry Thaw and his lawyers claim that he Is "all right again" mentally and it is earnestly desired that he be "turned loose" upon the world again. He will be. If you ever wish to com mit murder and escape with your life, don't do it until you have ac quired the proper amount of cash. In an address before the Yosemlte Valley Chautauqua, Tuesday evening last, at Yosemlte, Cal., Bishop Wm. M. Bell said that if President Taft doesn't do things that "we want him to do, it way be necessary for us to recall to the White House our dearly beloved Theodore." Billyum H. Taft should sit up and take notice that "us" are President-makers. The people of Bolivia evidently de sire to have a "shindy" with the Ar gentine Republic, that is if appear ances are to be relied upon. They in sist upon stoning the domicile of the Argentine Minister, at La Pez, and have also roughly handled other citi zens of his country. Argentine has demanded a full apology from Bolivia and it it isn't at once forthcoming there will be trouble. There's blood on the moon. Evelyn Thaw is.ngaln in the public eye, as a witness. She is subpoenaed by the State, which Is trying to keep her Harry In the insane asylum, where he properly belongs. Her evidence, however, has not hurt but, If anything has created a favorable impression in his behalf. She Is de scribed as being "just as pretty, peart and childish" as at her former appearance in the Thaw trial. Her "smiles, tears, and childish ways" in terest the audience aB much as ever and the attendance at court is, as it always is, when Evelyn is to ap pear, very large. Those Cincinnati people who are attempting to furnish that city with a "more daylight day" shouldn't get in too much of a hurry. That a concerted change of time might more convenient than that now in use, seemo possible but, suppose Cincinnati or any other city, sets its clocks an hour ahead from the first of May to the first of October of each year, and the rest of the country doesn't? Wouldn't that be a fine arrangement for railroad time-tables and like matters? Walt until the rest of the people "get on" before you start. It is announced that William Bryan, who is chronically affected with Presidential aspirations, is about to spend three yearB in Europe. Don't stay longer, William. What would we do without you, next Presidential campaign? The Philadelphia Inquirer cruelly Jabs its sister city, New York, this wise: "The New York authorities have refused to naturalize the edu cated chimpanzee now in that city. They are getting mighty particular all of a sudden." July wheat Jumped seven cents a bushel, at the Chicago Board of Trade, Wednesday, establishing a new high record for the 1909 crop. A rain fall In Missouri and Kansas, which damaged the ready-for-har-vesting crops, was responsible for the Hurry. Under "Science Notes" the Scran ton Tribune Informs the world that a well-known "Celestial diplomat" has discovered that people would "live forever" if they abstained en tirely from the use of salt. Allow us, please, to take that prescription "with a grain of salt." Philadelphia is certainly a dry town, now. So parched has It be come that huge rocks in the Schuyl kill and Delaware river beds, which have never before exposed themselves to public gaze, are visible. But then, the city water is seldom used as a beverage. Many people have been interested ly waiting to see what Dr. Osier would do when he reached the age of 60 and they are disappointed in deed to find that he doesn't take his own prescription, and slip out by the chloroform route. Osier, you are a vain delusion and a snare. The Wrights have made another "most finished flight of the year." At Washington Monday their flying machine, ascended and encircled the parade ground "six and one-half times," staying up five minutes and thirty-eight seconds. Wouldn't be surprised if the thing would yet fly. Harrisburg has some progressive young (?) women. A club has been formed, the members of which solemnly promise to wed no man who will not bind himself to vote for woman's suffrage, H'm. The photographs of said members would be interesting to newspaper readers, The proposed corporation tax of one per cent, on net earnings in ex cess of 55,000 is raising quite a breeze, the claim being made in some quarters that it will not affect the millionaire corporations. John D. Rockefeller will, nevertheless have to dig down for $1,000,000 an nually if the thing goes. It should go. The annual encampment of the National Guard of this State has, in latter years, changed its com plexion somewhat. It is no longer a pleasure outing, but a school of instruction in the game of war, which demands the close attention of all the guardsmen dur ing the estire session. Honesdale's Co. E will doubtless return with much added knowledge as to the best way to kill people when so in structed by the Government. The dispatches tell us that the Chinese consul In New York has stated to his government that Elsie Siegel was not murdered by Leon Ling. That she took poison with suicidal Intent. The information is also given that with the consent of the Chinese government, the Chinese "masons" have ordered that Leon Ling be protected by Chinese people all over the world. Why, of course, Elsie Selgel committed sui cide. No doubt about that, and then she locked herself in the trunk where found, and told his innocence, Leon Ling, to hide, for fear people would think he killed her. If the U. S. authorities ever get their hands on that yellow brute, they will And out about it, without the help of the Chinese government, its consul, or its "masons.' A large portion of the uncivilized world seems to have suddenly de veloped a craze for cutting throats. Greece and Turkey are Just teetering on their toee, withanxlety to "mix up," the Shah of Persia is either a fugitive or a prisoner of the Nation alists and Revolutionists, while Peru, Boliva, Argentine and Brazil are making very bad faces at each other over the rich acre boundary dispute, of which tract Peru holds the award. "On with the dance!" Prince Suloyman, brother of the Sultan of Turkey, died Tuesday, very suddenly. Heart failure was the cause of his taking off. Capitol Graft Verdict Sustained. The Superior Court in four volu minous opinions by Justice Porter Wednesday sustained the conviction In the Dauphin county court of John H. Sanderson, James M. Shumaker, William P. Snyder and William L. Mathues, jointly charged with con spiracy to cheat and defraud the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and with having defrauded the Common wealth of the sum of ?19,308.40. Sanderson was the contractor for the furniture and equipment of tne new capitol building of he state at Harris burg. Shumaker was Supt. of Shumaker was superintendent of public grounds and buildings; Snyder was auditor-general, and Mathues was state treasurer, at the time of the commission of the offense, the date of which was fixed in the in dictments as March 28, 1906. Although both Sanderson and Mathues have died since the cases were appealed, the court determined to render a separate opinion in each case. Joseph M. Huston, the architect employed by the board of commis sioners of public grounds and build ings, prepared the plans, designs, detailed drawings and specifications for all Interior fittings, furniture, electric and gas fixtures for the new capitol building. He moved for a 'severance in the court below, which was granted and he has yet to be tried. Urotlici-hood of St. Andrew Quarter ly Convention. At Grace Church, Honesdale, July 17 and IS, will occur the quarterly convention of the Scranton Arch deaconry, Brotherhood of St. An drew. Following is the program of exercises: Saturday, July 17, 3:30 p. m. Meeting Executive Committee. 3:45 p. m. Business Meeting and confer ence. 7:45 p. m. Service of pre paration for corporate communion. Sunday, July IS, 8 a. m. Corpor ate communion. 10:30 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon Rev. Albert L. Whlttaker, 3:45 p. ni. Conference and question box Paul W. Gardner, leader. Note A number of questions of interest have been assigned to Brotherhood men to answer, and the leader will endeavor to answer any other questions on Brotherhood work that may be asked. 6:00 p. m. Evening prayer, and three eight-minute talks D. H. Crocker, St. Stephen's Church, Wllkes-Barre. S. S. Derman, St. Luke's Church, Scranton. H. E. Gilpin, Church of the Good Shepherd, Scranton. Three-minute talk to the younger men and boys Wm. R. Wood, St. Stephen's Church, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Locomotive Drops into a Mine Hole Two Men Killed. At two o'clock Tuesday morning last, a locomotive on the Wllkes Barre and Eastern Road, plunged into a mine-cave hole near Boston Settlement. Win. Barry, firemen, and Wm. Brown, brakeman, were killed. The engineer escaped and as soon as he could get out of the cab went to the rescue of his' fellow trainmen. He found Barry had been instantly killed, but that his brakeman was still alive and shout ing for help. Seeing that he would be powerless In an effort to release Brown who was caught under the engine, he ran to the Boston Settlement and arous ed several of the people In the vicin ity. A call was also sent to the round house at Yatesville, and all the available assistance was given in hopes of rescuing the injured brakeman. It was nearly 6 o'clock before they succeeded in getting Brown free from the engine, and an examination showed that one of his legs had been chopped off as though done with an ax. When taken from un der the engine he was practically dead. He was hurried to the Pitts ton hospital where ho died a few minutes after being admitted. TWO MET DEATH IN SCRANTON FIRE. Mrs. Geo. Duniels ami Fred Hull Suf focated. Wednesday morning, at 2:30 o'clock, lire was discovered in the Cowles Store Block, in North Scrnn ton, and, twenty minutes later the building was enveloped In flames. Fully a dozen people were carried from the building by the firemen, but there were two who were suffocated, Mrs. Geo. Daniels, aged 60 years, who was found dead in her bed, and Fred Bull, whose body was found In a hall, which he had succeeded in reaching, in his attempt to escape. The fire was not entirely extin guished until 4 o'clock. The property loss will foot up to about $25,000. Sopla. When pursued the sepia cuttlefish pours out a brown inky fluid In largo quantities in order to cover its flight. From this the pigment sepia is ob tained. The Old Oak Tree. Grafton boosts of having tho oldest tree in Massachusetts. It is known as tho old oak treeand Is in front of the Frederick Farnum rwldence on Ash street. It is said that John Eliot held meetings of his band of praying In dians under this tree. Our Query Department. Maria: If you want to straighten your hair, as you fear it looks something like a "darkey's," our advice would be to use a lawn mower. Shave your head every morning before breakfast and get a wig made of ostrich plumes. You will look a trifle fantastic, but if you are "on the carpet" you cer tainly don't want to look like a nig ger. If in doubt use perfume. Young Husband: You say every few days your wife pouts and threat ens to go to her mother. You want us to advise you what to do. Well, if we had a wife young or old who pouted and threatened to go back to her mother we would let her go. There is no way to keep her If she feels that way about It. If married life isn't what she painted It, let her go. After she has been with her mother awhile she will want to come j back, and then you write her a short note and tell her to go to well, say her father's people. Keep away from her. A pouting wife is like a dog that sucks eggs. Good for noth ing. The little woman who sees thnt she has missed It; who girds i the crew of the striker John J. Bo up her loins and says no matter I'll j innd, moored at the t.Fck of the Wick stick it out; who wears a smile and Wre steel company, between here and Is always cheerful she Is the kind Tonawanda. of a woman you want, but if you i There was n stiff light between the didn't get her and the one you did invaders and the crew In which three get wants to skidoo, let her go. nien fell overbonrd. When the decks Young Housewife: As you say were cleared it wits found that these this is the season for putting up three members of the crew were niiss frult and you want to know how to jng. can raspberries and peaches and i figs. Danged if we know. It seems' Explosion at Fort; Soldiers Injured, to us, however, that we would put j Cheyenne, Wyo., July 15. An explo them on and when they came to the t skin of gunpi wder in the barracks of boiling point we'd try to get them Battery A at Fort Kussell Injured Rev off without burning our fingers. If 'en soldiers, three fatally, and destroy we burned 'em we'd cuss a little but ed the building. The Injured men we don't know whether a woman ' were preparing blank ammunition, should do that or not. We'd take I the jars, and fill 'em up and put on the top and let that end it. That seems to be very simple, but the chances are that they would be no good. We have tied tin cans to dogs' tails when a kid, but we npvpr til fl nuiph nrpsprvlnir Fart is neer uiu mucn preserving. act is, when you ask us questions don t bring In any cookng business. Ask us about Life; about Love; Bl?ut War; about Politics; about the grand things of the world, for we'll be everlastingly dad dratted if we f , want to monkey In the kitchen. Anxious Mother: You say your baby darling has swallowed a spoon o,i f ,i..i r , (111U It (Ulb III! I IVIl A-i , lly til U V don't see what you can do now. When tho kid grows up big and some lover bold and gay comes a courting of her tell him that if she acts a little spooney she can't help it. It was born in her. Doctor: You want to know how to cure hams. We would refer you to a slaughter house. A doctor who doesn't know enough to cure a ham isn't the kind of a doctor we are going to employ to go after our ver miform appendix bet your life on that. Distracted Lover: You have writ ten us before. You say this is the fourth time you have been disap pointed in love and that "you are getting tired of It." Wo don't blame you our angelic cuss. Seems that you were born in the wrong time of the moon, or the wrong month or something that way. We would not stay any longer In the game. Get a bull dog and tie him loose in the front yard. Tne first male pelican that strolls up your garden walk with love In his eyes, yell "Sic Mm Tige" and then see the transformation scene as the bull dog comes back with a sofa cushion cover in his mouth. THE DEADLY ANTHKAX. Several Herds of Cattle in Orange County AU'ectcd. During the past few days, the farmers at Gardnervllle, Orange county, have lost several cattle from some contagious disease and State Veterinarian Dr. J. F. DeVine of Goshen and Dr. G. T. Stone, cattle inspector for the Bordens at Mid dletown pronounce the disease as the deadly anthrax. All herds in the neighborhood have now been in spected, suspected cases isolated, dead bodies burned and a general disinfection carried on. Of those who have lost cows, Ernest GIbbs has lost ten, Ed. Gardiner one, Geo. Kernick one, M. Racine one, John R. Manning three or four, Harden Dennis three, Harry Elston one, F. Smith two, M. Lain has lost some, DeWitt Carr one, Abner Wood one and George Hobart his bull. Port Jervis Gazette, 13th. SCOOPED THE CASH DRAWEIt. Tho Proprietor Thereof is Out Only Seventeen Dollars. Thursday, July 8, the clerk at Hartung's meat market stepped out side, on an errand, for a moment or two, leaving in the place a young man of the town. When he returned the visitor was absent, so nlso were seventeen dollars, coin of the realm, which were in proper place, in the drawer, a few moments before. Upon looking for the young man aforesaid, his whereabouts were not discover able and he has not since been noticed hereabouts. A Bleuth is, however, on his trail. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Till Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears tho Signature of LIE PASSED IN COMMONS. Labor Member Denounce! Earl Win terton and la Suspended. London, July 15. The house of com mons was thrown Into nn nproar by a scene between Enrl Wlntcrton and Wllllnm James Thorne, n Labor mem ber. Earl Wlnterton, replying to nn Inter ruption from the Labor benches, re marked thnt Thome was unlit to take part in the debate. Thome replied by saying that lie was as sober an any member of the house and concluded by exclaiming, "I call htm the com plete Hnr that he Is!" Thorne left the house and Invited Earl Wlnterton to follow. The lnt- ter made formal ajwlojiy to the speak- er, but Thorne refused to withdraw hla remark and was suspended. STRIKERS ATTACK STEAMSHIP. Three of Crew of Steel Company's Ves sel Fall Overboard. Buffalo, N. Y., July 15.-Thlrty inn- ri,10 strikers from this rltr nttm-kmi FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call was 2 per cent; time money and mercantile pape unchanged ' in rates. Closing prices of stocks were: ! AmQI- copper... iuh rxorr. & west... uift Atcnl80n Northwestern ,.W3 b. & O 119 Penn. R. R 137 1 Brooklyn n. T.. 77 Reading gh Ohto.. TO -y I d. & H 1X Southern Pac... 133 Erie 3G Southern Ry.... soft 1 ?.fn- Elfct'lc--,1S South. Ry. pf... &sva 111. Central 1BG Sugar 127 mt.-Met 15 Texas Pacific... 32 Louis. A: Nnsh. ,141ft Union Pacific. ..193 i Manhattan i u s. Steel...... cs Missouri Pac... 71 U. S. Steel pf... 128 N. Y. Central... 132V4 West. Union.... TUi Market Reports, WHEAT Contract grade, July, $1.19a 1.20; August, $1.17nl.l8. CORN July, 79&nS0c; August. 77!4a79c. OATS No. 2, white, natural, 594a00c. BUTTER Firm; receipts, 10,870 pack ages; creamery, specials, 27c; (olllclal 27c); extras, 2GMc.i thirds to firsts, 22a 20c; state dairy, common to finest, 2Ua 23V4C; process, common to special, ICa 21c; western, factory, 17a21c; Imitation creamery, 22c. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 4,112 boxes; state, new, full cream, special, 13al4Vtc; small, colored, fancy, 134c. ; large, col ored, fancy, 13V4c; small, white, fancy, 13Uc; common to good, 10al2Vtc; skims, full to specials, 2al0ftc EGGS Firm on high grades; receipts, 18,290 cases; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, white, 28a31c; gathered, white, 25a2Sc; hennery, brown, fancy, 20a 27c; gathered, brown, fair to prime, 23a 23c; western, extra firsts, 23a23$4c.; firsts, 2H4a22Uc; seconds, 20a21c. POTATOES Firm; southern, new, No. 1, per bbl., Jl.75a2.25; culls, tlal.oO; Long Island, 2a2.25. DRESSED POULTRY Firm; broilers, nearby, fancy, squab, per pair, 40a50c; 3 lbs. to pair, per lb., 2oa30c; western, dry picked, lSa23c; scalded, 18a22c; fowls, barrels, 10al7c; old roosters, lOHc; spring ducks, nearby, 10al7c; squabs, white, per doz J2a3.50; frozen broilers, milk fed, fancy, per lb., 22a23c; corn fed, fancy, !Sa20c; roasting chickens, milk fed, 23a 25c; corn fed, 19a22c; geese, No. 1, lOallc. New Guinea Brides. In New Guinea the bride cuts off her long hair after tlio wedding ceremony. The Roumanian Crown. The Roumanian crown is made of metal from Turkish cannon captured at Plevna in 1S77, is not covered with n- thin layer of gold and enamel like the Servian crown, but has an un adorned circlet of steel. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year openi with a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. THE ONLY PLACE IN HONESDALE AUTHORIZED TO HANDLE Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS; 1st No one can mix a better mixed paint. 2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. SZH7Z9K3i 4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend its use to others. Wanted Summer Board. My thousands of Hrooklyn people. Can you If so. list your house In the IlHOOKLVN iMJ KHKE INFORMATION ItUKKAU. for wh a printed blank will be sent. Tbe service ot lit 1011 Bureau COSTS YOU The Hrooklyn Eaele Is the b est odver tlslni: medium In the world, it carries more resort advertisements than 1 niiy New York paper. It stands FltK-EMI-NKNTLY ut the head. Write for listing blank ard Advertising Rate Card, Address INFORMATION BUBEATJ, BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, Brooklyn,:N. Y. ' Mention tbe papetfln which you see tbls advertisement. 27 The Finest Scheme. Now, here's the very finest scheme That ever met your sight. With "skeeters" let us cross the nah And then see how they'll bite. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Confused. She Of courso I'm not as old as yon think I am. He I hope not I mean you can't bo that is how old aro you? Cleveland Tlatn Dealer. Chicanery. I'm so compassionate In bridge, I really should eschew It, For when I ought to trump a trick I've not the heart to do It. Yale Record. Absorbed. "Enjoy the scenery?" "Didn't see it," MNot seasick?" "No; brldge."-Smart Set. Sho Has a Mission. She has beauty and wealth, She has culture and position, But she's still a splnsteiv Because she has a "mission." Detroit Free Press. Something Nice AT THIS OFFICE in the lino of Cards, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bill heads, Statements, Folders, Hand bills, Show Bills, Posters, Sale Bills, Pamphlets, Blank Books. Let j- print them for you LatesflMost Novel SHIRT WAISTS For Summer, lOOOi Menner & Co's Store, KEYSTONE BLOCK . CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS take n few ? AILY EAOI.K ivhlrh rmrnnhR Tbe service of the inform- NOTHING. An advertisement In the Eaclo costs; little, but brliiL'R large results, because the EAOI.K INFORMATION HUltKAU' Is constantly belpliie tbe advertisers,