The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 14, 1909, Image 1
Wednesday overcast weather wilt prevail; with local rain and thunder storms. On Xlvuradoy fair and cooler weather. w ..-L.tll .ilr ' .lull Tl Waynfe'Gounty Organ ft Scml-Weekly Founded ,1 1908 or uic rJepublicanpArtY I ' 3 . Weekly Founded, 1844 66th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1909. NO. 56 3 w i r Jh nj VOTE. House Passes the Senate's Joint Resolution. ALL DEMOCRATS IN ITS FAVOR Only Fourteen Republicans Against It President Agree, to Reduc tion of Corporation Tax to One Per Cent. Washington, July 13. It Is now up to the- legislatures of the several states to say whether there shall be nn In come tax amendment to the constitu tion. By the decisive vote of 317 to 14, more than the necessary two-thirds, the house passed the senate Joint reso lution providing for the submission of the question to the states. No amend ment having been made to the resolu tion, it now goes to the president for his signature. To a tnnn the Democrats voted for the resolution, while fourteen Repub licans cast their votes against it as follows: Allen (Me.), Bnrchfeld, Dalzell, Mc Creary and Wheeler (Pa.). Fordnoy (Mich.), Gardner, MeCall and Weeks (Mass.), Hill and Henry (Conn.), 01 cott and Southwlck (N. V.), Calder head (Kan.). Chairman Payne of the committee on ways and means voiced the senti ment that such a tax would make "a nation of liars," although he said it was well that such power should be given congress, especially In times of war. The burden of the Democratic speeches was that it was simply a case of stealing Democratic thunder, although some of the remarks on that side Incidentally touched upon the tar iff and the corporation tax, with no little amount of castlgallon of tlu Re publicans for falling, as was alleged, to keep party pledges. Mr. Henry (Tex.) vainly sought to offer an amendment providing for the submission of the quest Ion through '"constitutional conventions, but the speaker ruled that under the agree ment for a vote no amendment was in order. From that decision Mr. Henry appealed and succeeded In forcing a roll call. The vole resulted yeas isr, nays 143, which had the effect of sustalnl the speaker. Vndaunted, Mr. Henry moved to recommit the resolution with instructions, but was debarred from recognition because he was In favor of the resolution. Mr. Gardner (Mass.) made the point, but It was overwhelm ingly voted down. At a conference with the president at the Whlto House it was definitely decided that the rate to be levied un der the new corporation tax shall bo reduced from 2 per cent to 1 per cent and that in redrafting the measure now In conference with the tariff bill, to meet various objections that have been raised, duo consideration shall be ' given to the demands of the mutual Hfo insurance companies whose in comes would' bo seriously affected by the tax in Its original form. The president is in dally consultation with the tariff conferees. Ho told sev eral of his callers that he is ilndlng , the conferees conciliatory and that he Is hopeful that a satisfactory measure will be presented to him for his sig nature. The conference report should be available, according to the presi dent's information, by the end of next week. . NELSON-WOLGAST SCRAP. They Will Get Together In Los An geles Before Big Crowd. Los Angeles, July 13. One of the biggest crowds that has ever seen a prizefight in this city Is expected to gather tonight at the entertainment to be provided by Battling Nelson, light weight champion of the world., and Ad Wolgast of Milwaukee. The city ls filled with Elks, among whom are many fight lovers, and they are ex pected to mako tho ringside look like a lodge session In full blast. How much of the ten round battle that is scheduled they will see Is un certain. Nelson declares that the fight will not go the limit, and many nre Inclined to agree with him. Wolgast ls, however, a husky lad, In good shape, and may make tho champion ex tend himself. It is said that Nelson will receive $5,G0O for his half hour's work, while Wolgast will be paid $1,000. Seven Years For Man With Ten Wives. San Jose, Cal., July 13. Arthur O. Madson of many aliases, charged with having married ten women and taken their money and Jewelry, was sen tenced here to seven years' imprisonment WRIGHT AIRSHIP FLIES AGAIN Orvllle Circles Fort Myer Parade Grounds at Forty Mile Clip. Washington, July 13. Orvllle Wright made a very successful lllght In the Wright ncroplane at Fort Myer, Va., remaining in the air live minutes and thirty seconds, during which time the machine attained the exceptional speed of forty miles an hour and cir cled the parade grounds half a dozen times, a total distance of about three and a half miles. Before the lllght Mrs. Nicholas Long- worth, daughter of ex-President Uoosevelt, enthusiastically examined the aeroplane with the Inventors, and uiu secretary or mo navy, ucorgo ion Meyer, gave it a careful Inspection, i Others who congregated about the fly ing machine and Its makers were Sen ators Lodge, La toilette and Shlvoloy. I ' When the breeze had died down suf- j Rnl,it st0i Mnrle, Mich.. .Tulv 13. fielcntly to permit a flight the motor , Throe mJnutes nf, th , , Btpnni0 was started and Orvllle Wight mount- ,r lt , . , , , , ed into the seat. Mr. Wright guided I Isi "c, . ott and John H. Cowle had the filer to the lower end of the largo ' Lake buperlor In a heavy parade ground and circled around to-! fK ,ll)HUt a '""o "d i ""1 " ward the starting point, gradually rls-, Whltellsh Point lighthouse, the Cowlo lug higher. A burst of npplausu greet- went to the bottom In fifty fathoms of ed him as ho passed the starting point water, carrying with her fourteen and sped away on the second round. Six times lie rounded the course, tho machine, attaining an average speed of about forty miles an hour, accord ing to Mr. Wright himself. CATHOLIC EDUCATORS MEET. Welcomed In Boston With Address by Archbishop O'Connell. Boston, July 13. With mass In the cathedral and nn address of welcome by Archbishop O'Connell, tho Itomnn Catholic educators of the United States began today n three days' convention in this city. The business meetings of the convention will bo held In Bos- ABCHBISIIOP O'CONNELL. ton college and In the Catholic Unto clubhouse. Tho educators have been divided Into three departments, the seminary, the college and the parochial , Beaten to Death Bed as schools wh ch include also the Oath- and Then Home Qn r ollc high schools. ,. , , , , Uclegates from all parts of the conn-! IViteliomus N. July 13.-A coro try have assembkd in Boston for the "0P " "utlwy 'm?, ,ro,m! inclusively convention. One order of sisters, who ; 1 1 ",",nB V'1'11 '"'fty-three years conduct parochial schools, has sent (,h- wI1 Cynthia, eighty-four, nearly 200 delegates, while hundreds 1 whoso bodies were found In tho ashes of priests and brothers as well as dele - gates among the laymen are In attend- MRS. SAGE'S FLOWERS STOLEN. Part of Her $50,000 Gift to Central Park Carried Off. New York, July 13. One thousand rare hybrid rhododendron ued at $5 each, part of 000 made to Central pari; sell Sage, have been dug by vandals. Thrco arrests made a policeman, a chauffeur and a bartender are the pris onersbrought to light tho theft. The plants were carted off in tho dead of night In a taxienb. They were planted nt Mrs. Sage's oxpenso and comprised the finest collection of tho kind In tho world, having been imported from Bel glum. It Is charged that a policeman on duty In the park assisted in the theft nt times and at others closed his eyes while the taxlcab halted and the occu pants despoiled the beds. FOUR BANTAMWEIGHTS FIGHT Wagner Defeats Coster and McGovern and Goldman Draw. New York, July 13. Phil McGovern nnd Charles Goldman, Joe Coster and Joe Wagner, four of tho best bantams in the cast, wcro the principals In two ten round bouts nt the Bedford Ath lotlc club of Rldgewood, McGovern nnd Goldman fought a draw, but Wag ner defeated Coster. McGovern had tho better of the first four rounds, but in tho fifth Goldman dealt him a stiff right to tho stomach and was more effective In tho two fol lowing rounds. McGovern came back in the eighth, nnd in the laat two both men were wild. In the second fight Wagner led at oil stages by a comfortable margin. I I The John B. Cowle Goes Down With Fourteen Men. ' RAMMED BY THE ISAAC E. SCOTT , , , Some of the Crew Escape to Deck of Less Injured Vessel, While Others Leap Into Lake Superior. members of her crew. Tho Scott, al though badly damaged about the bows, put back to this port, where she ar rived with part of the crew of tho Cowle. The Scott, a new bout on her maiden trip to the head of the lakes, had Just passed the light at Whltellsh Point and straightened out her course up the lake when suddenly the John B. Cowlo loomed up through the fog broadside on to the Scott and only a few feet away. The Cowle had 8,000 tons of i Iron ore in tho hold. The ships were so close that it was impossible to avoid a collision, and the Scott crashed into the side of the heavily laden Cowle. For fifteen feet the bow of the Scott penetrated the side of the Cowlo. Tons of water rushed Into the great opening. Immediately after tho collision a line was thrown from the deck' of tho Scott to the forward deck of the Cowle and three members of the crew es caped to the deck of tho Scott by this means. The rest of the crew who were saved jumped from the sinking steam er Into the lake, some without life pre servers, and were picked up by the Scott and the steamer Goodyear. Tin, mull wlwi lutHkilintl wlfli fliri Cowle Include both en-lneers four I nromen, four deckhands, the second cook, a porter and an oiler. Captain McArthur of the Scott do- dares that the first Intimation he had 1 of the Cowlc's presence wns when the great huU loomed up through the fog, ! so close ft the bow of his ship that it was impossible to prevent the two steamers coming together. The John B. Cowle was 41," feet long, RO feet beam and owned by the Cowle i Transit company of Cleveland. The Cowlo went Into commission In 1002. AGED ' COUPLE MURDERED. 1 " . .' nvl,""S , ered by smoke or burned to death. Death had come from concussion of the brain. They had apparently been beaten to death In bed while they lay nc.1..n rri,n 1.. 1 "i" " ""..j' xv.iv gashes, one five inches long, while tho old man's head was .badly cut. t i.t ii. ' ' t' mumu lur inu murucr is not easy. His explanation is tliat he was, so hard pressed by die fln'mcs that' hp 'had to jump from his bed out of' the' win dow, grabbing his clothes as he fled.1 ' Argentina to Withdraw, Minister. Buenos Aires, July 13. The council of ministers after a conference tele graphed to the Argentine, mlulsternt La Paz, Sonor Fonseca, to withdraw from that country in casp.jhq. ls,.,npt able to obtain immediate andcomph?te satisfaction with referencq to-,tho hps,, tile manifestations against the "Argen tine Republic. . , FINANCIAL AND COMMEIlAL, .1 ill .1.: Closing Stock Quotations. It t-,.: Money on call was 1 per cent";, time money and mercantile paper unchahgecV In rates. Closing prices of stocks wcro: Amal. Copper... 81 Norf. &;W6aC..,a3?4 Atchison.... 116VI Northwestern, B. & O....". U9H Fenn. II. ".,. ,JL2si Brooklyn R. T.. 78 Beadlng;"..J..?.,J..'.19THi Ches. &Ohlo.... VA Rock IslanoV. .'.'J SCT C. CC.&St.L.. 7V4 St Paun.;.i,iWH D. & H 192 Southerni J,apr,AS2Tk Erie S0 Southern TliV.J HS Gen. Electric... 161 South, ny.'p'r!1,1. eil: 111. Central UiSl Sugar .w.'.j.k..K'Mftjy Int.-Met 15 Texas Paelfl.,.U Louis. & Nash.. JU Union Paclnc,.,.l9' Manhattan 144 U. S. St itew:-.';:4:'69 Missouri Fac. 72 U. S. StteI.ttf.vilE: N. Y. Central. 132 west. unwm.rci .- :lnH ll'r plants, val- , J 0O wnrcumnn nau th iiKKiirii- Minimum i 'ninr inni.n i lrin - - - : rw . a gift of $50,- iv ' r ' , '? L ST. "rra I invention . will remain in 'rned f rom TJinw that the stone ago bv Arrs Itns- l,v H" fiInt' !. 'j-'-, nunorsini? to nnd Ihn as to oe placed some boo years uack. m Sn andlord, who lives on he second floor, SSl Ah- inrikeepcthouht jW perfect- door. BASEBALL RESULTS. I Barnes Played In National, American ; and Eastern Leagues. , NATIONAL I.KAGUE. At New York New York, 3; Pittsburg, I Batteries Matliewsun and Schlol; WU- da and Gibson. I Second same Pittsburg, fl: New York, i 0. Batteries Cnmnltz and Cllbson; Mar- qunru, sclilel und Wilson. At Brooklyn Rlnrlnnntl. 11 ! Brooklyn. 2. Bntteilos Bowan, McLenn ami Both; 1 Mclntyie, l'nstorlu and Bergen. &WaiiSra: i Dubuc ami McLean. At Phlladelphla-ChieaR-o, 3; Phlladol- ! pbla, o. Batteries Overall and Archer; ?eic,skl.e' c'-''lin. McQuillan, Doom ' At Boston Boston, 4; St. Louis, 3. Bat teries Ferguson and Bowerman; Salleo and Phelps. STANDING OP THE CLUBS. W. 1. P.O. W. t,. P.C. Pittsburg. D3 20 .TX Phlla'phla 31 39 .443 , Chicago... 44 & .1120 St. Louis, 27 41 .397 Now York 41 2S .594 Brooklyn. 2tf 47 .330 Cincinnati 40 34 .5)1 Boston.... 22 49 .310 American league. I JVl Bl. 10U1H ISUW ioik, u; Bl. 1XIU1S, I u. uattorles I.ako and Klclnow: Powell , and Stephens. At Cleveland Cleveland. 3: Wushlngton, 0 (ganio called at end of llrth InnliiK by storm). Butterles-Ilhoudos und Easter ly; Johnson and Kahoo. A ntilflni.K 1 1 .. .. J. "1 1. I tt y,n Innings). Batterles-Ityan. Burcholl and I Uonoliue; Whlto, Smith and Sulllvun. STANDING OP THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. w. Lu P.C. Detroit... 47 2.1 .027 Now York 33 39 . 458 Phlla'phla. 43 27 .025 Chicago... 30 42 .417 Boston.... 44 32 .579 St. Louis. 30 44 .405 Cleveland. 41 32 .502 Wnsh'ton. 23 49 .319 EASTERN LEAGUE. At Jersey City Jersey City, 2; Provi dence, 0. At Baltimore Newark, 4; Baltimore, 2. At Buffalo Buffalo, 0; Toronto, 0. At Rochester Montreal, 4; Rochester, 2. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. w. x. r.c. w. L. p.c. Rochester. 42 30 .583 Montreal.. 33 3ii .493 . , , Buffalo.... as 37 .507 Provl'cncc3i 33 .493 had told their story, Iloger Glark, dep Now.irk...3ii 33 ,5i)7 Toronto... 33 40 .407 uty attorney general, who is Conduct Baltimore. 37 37 .ooo Jersey Cy 32 39 .451 1 lllg the people's case, informed the ELKS CAPTURE LOS ANGELES. Convention of Benevolent Order Wei corned In City of Angels. Los Angeles, July 13. Tho City ot i the Angels Is entertaining today thou-; sands upon thousands of "the Best e do ar " A nn r, o so the I nen.bers of the Koucr.-U-m and Pr ! 1 me tectlve Order or lilks call themselves tn,...i.,..i.. i U..1.1.. 1 jmitlilll,', HUH U1U llW.-MIIIillMU UMU Ul t ,w v,rni,iu . w. , i, I throng of good fellows from all parts -'nt of tho state asylum, and Ilr. Aus ' of the Hulled States, are not Inclined tin Flint be named ns two of tho three. to dispute the claim. ' Justice Mills favored the suggestion Th:- city Is lavishly decorated with ryl purple and white, the colors of . GARRY HERRMANN. tu T.'ll-o nnrl cniinHi.via renrnsnn tn. "ofk's ht" ' " ,V " " . 1 W1LU I1U1IUS UU111111JU LU il U1U LU UU . - ' . . 7. . .1 . i Seattle. . oratlo and' other , parts ..of ,'tlie '.west The main business will be thes selection of next year's convention city' diiil the, clection of oflicers. For, tho TilglTposU, tlon of grand exalted ruler of pver 300,000 EJks there nre vtwp, candidates Ga'rry"'IIerrma,nn,. the well 'knovvn Cincinnati baseball magnate, "and! J. U. Samls of Le Mars, Ia. , ' ' .U -oi " ' ' r. . , 3' u' LANDSCAPE ADQRNERS !MEET. .1 ,11 ' ' I' M , Convention of Ame'rfeanIVJBi'llposler senie'-l'.bj'' "urayor "Maddo':,' eit'ehded .welcb'mlri "ha'tids'"bdhy 'ibHho' men who' d'eddratfr tlfoJlan'dscripc's11bfJ-tlie Unttfeil States' and CiiViada: 'wfih 'tho i bills extolling the merits bf various 'mal(5s'7)r,''i)llUV, U6in'6blbs; bTeiikiys't IIuM'd'rbdy'of 'dfceiraf es 'trf in'e'-'convtm- tlottof'Wo'''.Wsocl'atcd''binft6's -Canada1' are -"-iss&'m'blfed-1 here.'- With .th('nrt!'tie'4nembeA''of','-tHBoutiii tsad6f tt,JiBlllrVAst4-rs)1 a'riaT,l'fstrl()utertr, -the'Sbiitheri lTlfiarerMiin'agerB,',asso'i 'elation' 'anaj the !Pa'lnters-,,Eeagne1"of ' America1. M6tl"of' them'' 'arrived by dralft''but!3lUrgeIli't,ttaVeled-Ke're' '.fro'W 'eommm-isM'-'OiV the'l"Hbm'el"of' fieorge Chennell, presIdene'cJtheJbllP ppsierflf'jn' uiuioi" ura.--tv 'i conn 'rim piiiivftmimi ia rim mfrnsr negins in .Miiarua, M. , Atlanta, Gal.truly ts;-1Kb '(8"fattf"bf Georgia,, in the' neVson pf Governor nrrtwn. nnd tiiii eifv or Atlanta, renre TF State Agrees to Commis sion to Pass on Sanity. ADMITS HE LOOKS ALL RIGHT. Many Witnesses Go on Stand and Testify to His Soundness of Mind Young Wife May Aid Him. White Plains, N. V July 13. A commission of thrco alienists, mutual- ly selected, will pass upon the ques tion of Harry K. Thaw's sanity. This was decided upon at tho continuation of the hearing before Justice Mills in which counsel for Stanford Whlte'H 8l''ur ls tr.vl"B establish his right to release from the Asylum For the Criminal Insane at Mattcawan. With all of the testimony so far In favor of Thaw and with the Indication that his wife, Evelyn Nesblt Thaw, will take the stand in his belinlf, with District Attorney Turbine eliminated, I Thaw's chances for release appear I brighter than at any time since his commltmchL - - i I After a' string 'of witnesses who tea 1 titled to Thiiw's soundness of mind i court that he had been so much lm- pressed by Thaw's Intelligent Interest j lri the issues nt stake that he was will- j ' Ing to concede Thaw's right to a full I tand impartial examination. I He suggested that counsel for Thaw and counsel for the people agree ro a commission of three expert alienists whoso decision should be accepted by both parties to the suit without rcser- vatlons or equivocations. Charles Mor Rpliniisir fnr 'Plinu'. wna nfrronnhln - . , - .r,. .... ? ntul uh1vO(1 tluit Dr. linker, auiiprliitoml- i 11,1 11 commission, ut was 01 opinion t,lllt tho state ought to name two of u" tJ,1'cf .w,th, "i, ox'l,',- tlou, he left the personnel of the com mission to be determined by counsel for both sides. Mr. Morschausor pressed for another advantage for his client by asking the court that In the event of the selection of a commission in lunacy that any one who had testified in previous pro ceedings bo barred from the examina tion now In progress. Justice Mills left this point also to bo decided by coun sel. Thaw's two sisters sat by his side In court. Tho former Countess of Yar mouth wore n blue suit and black hat, and Airs. George L. Carnegie wore a gray suit and black hat. Ills mother, Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, was dressed In black silk. Harry Thaw scorned to Hrt In T,il,,irt .miilttlrtn TT l,,l..l ' and followed the testimonv closely and turned around occasionally to confer with his mother nnd sisters. The testimony heard In court from jailers, Innkeepers, real estate dealers, clergymen, a dentist and n reporter, all called by Thaw, was uniformly In 1 his favor. " luiesscs related conversations W illi "inslc, s. K literature, eloctrlcltv.'bloirv. nrlson life, snort. AVltnesses related conversations with I ' . ' ' religion arid the personality of the lnte lv sane, -'extent that on' one occasion ho ha'd refused the witness' invitation to take h drink wftli him. Ho ad mitted under 'cross exa;plnatIon tliat tie had known t'atloptil persons to de cllno n dtinkv ' ' Bid STlK FOR PRESIDENT.. n ' i - . Bludgeori SI'S, Feet Long Presented by a .Man, From .Kansas, j Washington, July ,.13, 'President t Tnft has been presented with a "sure onouch "blc stick" a blu'dcon six feet bleta of Robs'evelHan autlirfrlfy which iitii uun in Liuiuuiio nun i; luu I ilia, nuuiiiiiouiiiiuii, L. iiu iiuuui HUD vE. Forbe'pr1 Ottawa, who sent wll tho stick 'this' message: "l ' '' ' "The iAitnfclity1"pfobiibly greW' t'tis Jblg stick for d6inVgoodlpufp6s'e,''ahd I anspect it was to allow yqu to swat iuo iiinu. uni ami oriiur tscuemes oi, crlra'iriarextdrtion:'! ' ' ' r 4 ' nMmnxelh'VrJ ' iTikTOkSS TmahVaY . . Man Eatlnfl. Tiaers,. . , Once n tliror h'ns ta'kon to mail eat 'intr it confines -itself-to -that- kind of f'food. In iB(yiy3part511,,vIn(?Ia tho ;tii ;bho') 'j ers. winnmh nt I.Vi'i tu(A lI'iA'i fllli v' D T1W BOLIVIA INVITES WAR. Decides Not to Accept Decision en Peru Boundary Question. La Paz, Bolivia, July 13. A guard of COO soldiers stationed at the Peruvian and Argentine legations had dllllculty In preventing n mob from setting lire to the buildings. Tho greatest disorder prevails all throughout the city. Many of the Pe ruvian stores have been pillaged, nnd the demonstrations against both Peru and the Argentine Bepubllc are ex ceedingly violent. A state of siege has been proclaimed. The Bolivian government, acceding; to the wishes of tho people and tho newspapers, has decided not to accept. Argentina's arbitral decision' on tho boundary question. This ls considered as equivalent to a declaration of war' with Peru. . 1 Peru's President Urges Calmness. Lima,' Peru, July 13. Fear Is felt hero that war will ensuo letwecn Pern nnd Bolivia on account' of the hostile demonstrations nt La Pa; following tho decision Riven by President Alcor tn of the Argentine Itepubllo on tho boundary limits of the two countries. Peru bus been -satlsflcd with the nWard, und the attitude of. Bolivia, which has iirotosted ogalnBt thoi'dev clslujiiofjtiie. aildtriltor, is 'unfavorably commented upon'. ' 1 i President Luguln ndrtressed' a large 1 gathering In. front of the university, 1 rcquestlugittmt tho people remain calm and' txerelse i)rudonce lu 'the present trying circumstances. He asked-therm to have ccntldenee lti the sovl-rntnant, which-hndi taken-all necessary I steps to maintain the honor nnd dignity of! Peru, i WOMEN IN CONVENTION. National Council Begins Its Three Days' Session at Seattle. Seattle! July 13, The sixth triennial session of the National Council ot AVoineii of the United States will be gin here this evening with a reception to the oillcers delegates and visitor- to t"c ' tl?'hoJ. S sessions of the council will begin to morrow morning and close on tho t,, -.Jt Tul. Ill cu nlns 01 ' nl J' Tho council Is composed of twenty- two national organizations, represent ing as many phases of thought nnd activity, such ns the National Woman's Suffrage association, the National Woman's Belief society, National Woman's Belief corps, tho Universal Peace union, the Council of Jewish Women, tho Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic, etc. There aro also nine local councils, consisting of more than 200 federated societies. In all more than 3,000,000 women are repre sented. The council was organized in 1SRS with Frances E. Wlllard ns pres ident and Susan B. Anthony ns vice president at large. It represents or ganized effort along tho lines of edu cation, Industry and philanthropy, as well as moral and government reform. Among the subjects to be discussed nt tho present meeting nre the fol lowing: Modern methods of child sav ing, peace and arbitration, woman's progress" In education, political equal ity, divorce reform, laws concerning relations and legal status of ' womon nnd c"rcu. WELCH WINS ON A FOUL. English Lightweight Declared the Win- ner Over Young Josephs. Mountain Ash, Wales, July 13. Freddie Welch, the Kngllsh light weight, who won n number of fights In tho United States in the early part of the year, defeated Young Josephs, also of England, In tho eleventh round; of what ws scheduled to be a twenty round bout here. Josephs was disqualified for fouling. Welch ruled tho favorite in the betting nnd had tho best of the go throughout. The fact that Welch won on a fonl was very unsatisfactory, as ho nn nticstionhbly would have got the de- ' eisloh on 1 Ills' merits within n few1 rounds. His superiority was clearly marked. He did most' of the leading, ,nnd as early as the second round Josephs showed signs of severe pun ishment. Welch's improvement, which is the result Of 'his-'many fights In the United States, was a revelation to English ex perts at the ringside. JEALOUS HUSBAND KILLED. Man Whom He Accuses Shoots Him Dead at Wife's Feet. Kankakee1, III., Jiiiy 13. When J. B. Saylor, vlco president of tho First National bank, ot fJrescent City, re turned from a baseball game, ancj up braided Dr. W. B. Sillier "for paying court' to his wife. tor. Miller drew an automatic revolver and fired four 'times at' s'aylor, who fell'dead at his ater by the or sent hla folrffcidentally .'Mrtt!flinfloryMt) tocHeTOriteen-vear- "hMmmWA'KS-Mt'Vi: Miller had eeTrTWtogx, Jlra.-aylor .for two Dr.iWiUeiv.w'ja,-arrtc ohorlWi f: J1 K E ,f wife antfiSMlff'atf.