The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 09, 1909, Image 8

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A Week's Doings in Rural
Interesting Items Picked Up by Our
Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents
July 5. Although hut a short
time since we hud rain, yet the
ground is getting very dry and It
Is now quite cool.
All quiet here on the Fourth and
a number went to .Mndlsonvllle on
the 3rd Asher llaisley won the
foot race on the Fourth.
A festival will 1)3 held on the
Jericho lawn on Friday evening, the ,
9th, and the proceeds will be given
to the Presbyterian minister who is
now kindly preaching for them 1
overv Sunday afternoon: On the i
Fourth we were admonished to
"Remember Lot's Wife," and ho
gave us a very good sermon.
On the Fourth Rev. Webster gave
us a very appropriate sermon and
a full house was in attendance.
On the 1st John Glllner entered
on his duties as mall carrier with
Grover Shearer as driver. John
furnishes a good rig and will con
tinue to do so if public travel war
rants It.
Miss Annie Rhorbacker, of Toby
hanna. Is the guest of her brother,
John W.
Lee Hutter, of Dunmore, Is visit
ing his young friends In this sec
tion. Harry Stevens, of Scranton, was
a caller in town last weekl
Orville Cross is able to be around
On the 29th of June the Uurras
families met at 'Squire Howe's to
settle up matters.
Report says Prof. J. Crevellng Is
engaged to teach as principal In the
High school for another term, and
George and Laura Gilpin as assist
ants. Misses Lula Houck and Loretta
Augustlna of Laana, are guests
at Joseph Cross's.
Prof. Crevellng and N. J. Frantz,
of Stroudsburg, are also in town.
Dr. F. A. Cross, of Scranton, is
also spending a day or two In this i
Pearl Greene, a chum of Grace
Glllner while at the S. X. S. at
Uloomsburg is now her guest.
Wardell Megargle and George
Howe were also in town on Sunday.
We might also add that all of the
following Cross's are now home
from school, viz: Royal and David,
ornoll University; Floyd, Stella
and Myrtle from Wyoming Semin-1
ary and Earl Cross from Perkeonien
On July '07, Benj. Yates died
and on the 2nd his widow, Mrs.
I'hooba Yates, expired at the age
of (it! years as she was born on the
22d of July. She is survived by
one son, Leonard, and three broth
ers, John and William, of Sterling,
and George IX, of Scranton; also
three sisters, Mrs. M. J. Ferguson,
Mrs. Lottie Odell, and Mrs. Harriet'
Peet. Rev. W. E. Webster oliiciat-,
The funeral was held at the ,
house. I
Wliile Benjamin Lee was return-
ng home to Xobletown lwnnk Peet
ran into him, completely demolish-
Ing one wheel and throwing Mrs. '
Lee out. About the same time
Ralph Swartz left a fine team stand
ing In the road which, after running
around the postolllce, ran into the
corner of an iron fence and also
broke every spoke in one wheel.
July 7. Mr. and Mrs. George
Swepenhelser, of Milford, Pa., have
rented their house to summer
boarders and at present Mr. and
Mrs. Swepenhelser are boarding at
the Paupack Valley House.
Mr. Harry Madden and several
friends from Scranton, Pa., were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Madden on Friday.
Lulu Walter and Frances Heber
llng have returned from New York.
E. E. Ehrhardt, of Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., manager of Clarke Brothers
Btore, visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Ehrhardt.
Messrs. William, Edward, Arthur,
Robert and Ernest Schultz were the
guests of F. A. Ehrhardt on Sun
day. Mrs. Wm. Schultz, who had been
visiting her parents, returned to
Scranton with them in their auto
mobile. Mrs. Schwab, of Bethlehem, Pa.,
is visiting Rev. and Mrs. Arthur
I!rs. Andrew Beesecker and son,
Claire, 'i.ave been visiting relatives
in Gouldsbu-o nnd Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs.DoWitt, from Potts
town, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. James
McDonough, from Wllkes-Barro, Pa.,
are guests at the Hopedalo Home
Mrs. Frank Fetherman is visiting
in Stroudsburg, Pa.
Mr. C. W. Fulkerson, a piano
agent from Carbondalo, Pn., was
a caller in town on Monday,
Miss Lauretta Augonstlne, who
has been teaching school in Ho
boken, N. J., has returned home.
Mr. Fred Diotz, from Watorbury,
Conn., is visiting relatives and
friends hero.
July 6. Born, to tho Rev.
Mrs. Charles Moono, June 28th, a
David McClatchy and two children
of New York City, spent Sunday In
Communion services In our church
last Sunday.
Gwendolin Crossley, of Deposit,
visited Florence Arneke last week.
.Mrs. Eugene Raymond and son
have been visiting relatives here the
past week.
Ki'geno Squires, of Dlnghnmton,
spent Sunday with ins mother, Mrs.
Rachnel Squires. .
Rev. Mr. Dobbins, of New York
City, preached in the Presbyterian
church last bununy
Rev. Mr. Moon will exchange pul
pits with Rev. Mr. Shepson, of Mc
Cluro, next Sunday.
Clair Little, who is attending
school at Mansfield, is home for his
Ladles' prayer meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. J. H.
Smith, Friday afternoon at 2:30.
.Mrs. Ira Clearwater united with
the Presbyterian church last Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gardiner
and daughter are visiting in New
York City.
Miss Louise Lynch is visiting
friends In Carbondale.
The shocking news of the death
of Mrs. N. S. Keith of New York
City was received on Saturday,
July 3, 1909. Arrangements for
the funeral have not as yet been
Lewis Miller, of Scranton, spent
July 4th with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Mller.
.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seegar and
two children, of Scranton, were re
cent guests of Wm. Seegar and wife.
Misses Elizabeth Jones, M-ame
Evans and Boldwin Richards, of
Scranton, are spending a month at
the "Reusamont" here.
Royal Jones and bride, of Scran-
ton, are staying a time at the "Lake
(View House." .
j Mrs. .1. N. Stephens, who has been
, dangerously ill at her home here
with inflammation of the liver, we
are glad to state, is improving nicely.
Her daughters, Mrs. J. Gulrger, of
' Scranton, Miss Ethel of Mt. Poeono,
Mrs. R. Woodward, of Adolia, "also
her son Ilallaway, of Scranton, were
home last week.
Mrs. Levi Williams of White
Mills. Is visiting her parents, E. H.
Alpha and wife.
Mr. and .Mrs. II. Wright, of Scran
ton, are also guests of E. II. Al
pha. S. K. James and C. M. Williams,
of liawloy. spent July ."ith fishing
on Lockin's Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Heidlebeck are
visiting tho latter's parents
Daniels and wife.
C. W. Pennell, of Uswick, was
taken dangerously ill while at
church on July .". On going home
tho family physician, Rodman, of
I lawley, was summoned iminediate-
!y. He pronounced the case kid-
ney trouble. At this writing lie is
a little easier
Oscar Freeman, of Scranton,
spent Wednesday and Thursday
with Lafa James and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Orange Whitney,
of Sterling, are spending a time at
the latter's home at this place.
Mrs. Walter Walker and daught
ter, Olive, are visiting L. James and
John and William Smith, of
Schenectady, N. Y., spent a few
days recently with their mother,
Mrs. D. A. Smith.
Mrs. Chnrles Bishop, of Scranton,
is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. A.
Frank Sheeley and William Al
pha spent the 5th at Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop went
on Monday to Goose Pond to join
relatives there.
Jacob Everly, a well-known citi
zen, died at his home at this place
on Saturday forenoon, July 3, af
ter a long illness. Deceased was
born in Germany 8G years ago. In
his early life he came to this coun
try where he was married four
times, his last wife still surviving
him; also three sons: Frank, Adam,
William and one daughter, Mary.
Interment was made at Lakeville
cemetery. Funeral services were
held at the M. E. church on Mon
day, the nth, Rev. Lucas, of Haw
ley, officiating.
Gouldsboro, July G. The great
Fourth of July picnic held at Union
Park on Monday, under the auspices
of tho Park Association, and the
base ball team was a distinct sue
cess. A great many people were
present, nnd enjoyed the'mselves
most thoroughly. Tho base ball
game in tho afternoon between the
local team nnd tho Central City
Tigers, of Scranton, resulted in a
victory for the former by the score
of G to 3. In the neighborhood of
1150.00 was cleared. Fred Groggs,
of South Sterling, umpired the game
in a most satisfactory manner.
On Sunday evening, the pulpit
of tho Lutheran church was occu
pied by the Rev. Arthur L. Smith,
of Rlckctts, Pa. Rev. Smith is a
native of this place, being a son of
'Squire and Mrs. George G. Smith.
He acted as principal of the
Gouldsboro public schools for a
number of terms.
Mrs. G. F. Meyer is spending sev
eral days in Philadelphia.
On Monday Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Hauso entertained Samuel Rose and
Misses Rose and Nellie Angel of
Angels; Messrs. Ernest Heffley,
Raymond and David Hause, Misses
Mamie Hauso and Alice Cross, of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dasley and
daughter, Ada, of Froytown, spent
several days as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Asa W. lOngllsh.
Misses Emma and Jennie Eschen-
bach, or Scranton, spent the Fourth j
as the guests of their parents, Mr. I
and Mrs. John Esuhenbach. I
.Mis. Albert Smith and son, Rus
sell, of Scranton, are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Leader.
Miss Esther OT.oyle of Scranton,
is the guest of her parents, Mr. and ;
Mrs. James O'Boyle. I
July G. Our community is now !
rapidly assuming Its usual summer i
appearance. The cottage people
have all arrived and the Lake House i
and the Maple Avenue as well as
the other private boarding houses
are being rapidly filled with board
ers. '
During the spring many improve
ments have been made along the
Lake front which add greatly to Its
appearance. Bonnie Throop and
R. J. Jerniyn have built new boat
houses. Mr. Jerniyn has also almost
entirely remodeled his cottage be
sides greatly beautifying its immedi
ate surroundings.
The glorious Fourth of July was
celebrated here by a picnic In the
grove under the auspices of the
Ladles' Aid and two baseball games.
Rev. Va'n Seiver and wife have
been taking their vncation. They
have been visiting friends in Middle
town, Conn.
Mrs. Homer Greene and family,
of Honesdale, are spending the sum
mer at the old Greene homestead at
this place. Mr. Greene, we are
glad to hear, is rapidly Improving
from his recent illness and will
soon join his family here.
Mrs. Dora Simons has rented her
residence to Mrs. Fltzslnimons of
Scranton, for the summer.
Mrs. Keene and family, of New
York, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Bartree.
Rev. S. B. Murray and wife wore
pleasant callers in town last week
enroute to and from a brief visit to
Mr. Moffath, of Dunmore, spent
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Wm.
Several of our young people are
now home from school and college
for their summer vacation. They i Friday. Deceased was born in uer
are: Homer Bell. Vergil Brink, and ! many, eighty-six years ago. lie
.Miss Uela Sandercock, of Wyoming
Seminary; Adelbert Andrews, of
State College; and Leslie Simons, of
Harvard Law School.
Our young people enjoyed an
evening of games and refreshments
one day last week on the island.
July 5. The festival held at tbo
home of Mr. and .Mrs. W. D. Buck
ingham was well attended on Wed
nesday evening last. Several from
Honesdale, Laurella, and Beach
Lake were in attendance.
The grangers will celebrate at the
hall to-day by repairing the build-
, ; Ing and clearing tho ground around
the hall, Irom brush, weeds, etc.
The Free Methodist Sunday
school of Beach Lake will hold a
picnic in E. E. Avery's Grove at the
Bethel farm.
Mrs. R. B. .Marshall and daugh
ter, Edith, of Beech Lake, were
visitors at A. M. Henshaw's on
Wednesday last.
The roads in this vicinity are be
ing badly worn by running so many
heavy automobiles over them. We
believe It would be a great saving
to the owners of machines in Hones
dale and other towns of Wayne, if
they would hire some idle stone
crusher, send it out in Berlin and
crush the stones of the stone walls
along the Honesdale and Xarrows-
burg road from Grange hall to
Beach Lake. Most of the farmers
will give the labor required to get
same to crusher, but when we men
tion anything of the kind to them
they excuse themselves by saying
that the streets of Honesdale are in
a far worse condition than the
poorest of country roads,
The young people of this place
and Beach Lake are going to Nar
rowsburg to-night. W. C. Spry
will handle the reins over the four
horses that haul them to the Burg.
Eva Toms is spending a few weeks
at Tuscarora cottage on the east
coast of Beach Lake.
Mrs. Richard Ham is spending a
few days with her daughter, Mrs.
Dain, of Honesdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmidt are
entertaining a young son.
Miss Emma Spry visited Hones
dale and White Mills friends last
Albert Swartz Is assisting W. D.
Joseph Swartz is doing carpenter
work for Victor Smith.
W. C. Spry is assisting W. J.
Barnes at hauling lumber from his
mill to White Mills.
E. E. Avery is entertaining rela
tives from the valley.
Earl Ham will visit his mother,
Mrs. John Ham, of Scranton, to
day. White Lawn, and Madras Princess
and One-Piece Dresses, at
45w0 HENNER & CO.'S.
July 6. Homer C. Pelton visited
Scranton friends last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stocker are
vsltlng their daughter, Mrs. C. D.
Wolfe, of Uniondale.
Sidney Hoffman, of Honesdalc,
and Edward Hoffman, of Scranton,
spent the Fourth with their parents
at this place.
Dr. and .Mrs. W. A. Stevens and
son, Glen, were in Scranton on July
Lawrence Alt is at home for a
few days.
i Miss D. P. Hamlin has returned
homo after a short stay in Phlladel-
phia. She was accompanied by Miss
Edith Hamlin of that city,
Almus Olver, of Weedesporl, N.
Y., is visiting at J. II. Noyce's,
John Royce Is spending a few
I days with ills parents Rev. and Mrs.
J. II. Hovce
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chuniard are
visiting relatives here.
On the evening of Tuesday, July
1 1)(t. r. W n TT rv..M i.irwlnl nn-
tost will be held in the Presbyterian
church here.
David Lee has returned from a
week's visit with his uncle, Dr.
David Hand, at Dalton.
Miss Llda Hand is visiting Mrs.
C. M. Loring.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Chunard are
visiting relatives in this place.
Haying has already begun In this
vicinity and n good crop is anticipat
July 7. There was a picnic In
the grove near the church on Sat
urday, July 3rd, but the glorious
Independence Day was saddened by
sickness and death in our vicinity.
A telegram was received on the
picnic ground stating that Mrs.
Anna Keith of New York city died
on Friday evening, July 2d. She
was an old neighbor of ours and
sister of Mrs. James Swan who was
attending the picnic. The remains
of Mrs. Anna Keith, and also the
remains of her oldest daughter, who
died several years ago In New York
city and was interred there, will be
brought here to-day. There will be
a double funeral this afternoon at
the M. E. church at 3 p. m. when
the remains arrive here; funeral
services conducted by the Baptist
minister of Hawley. Interment will
be made In the family plot near the
church. She leaves to mourn her
loss three daughters, namely:
Misses Virginia, Eleanor, nnd Har
riet, all living at liome, and one
brother, Mr. James Swan, who lives
on the old homestead. Tho bereav
ed family have our heartfelt sympa
thy. Mr. Jacob Eveiiy. of Audell, died
, came to America when a young man
helped to dig the Erie canal, work
ing near Lackawaxen. He after
wards purchased a farm at Audell,
and was a very successful farmer.
He married and there were four
children born to them, namely:
Mrs. Vincent Schlnger of Park
Phue, Scranton; Frank and Adam
of Scranton and William who lives
on the homestead. He was married
four times and his last wife and the
four children survive him. He was
buried on Monday afternoon. Fun
eral service at 2 o'clock at the M.
E. church at this place, conducted by
Rev. Mr. Lucas of Hawley. Inter
ment In the cemetery near the
church beside his first wife. The
bereaved family have the heartfelt
sympathy of the entire community.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weaver and
one cnild, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael
and two children and George Hess
and wife, of Dunmore, are camping
at Goose Pond.
Mrs. Hattle Williams, of White
Mills, is visiting her parents, E. II.
Alpha and wife, at Lakeville.
Mrs. Carrie Geiger, of Scranton,
Ethel Stephens, of Pleasant Mount,
Ilolloway Stephens, of Scranton, and
Mrs. Raymond Woodward, of Adella,
were called home on account of the
serious Illness of their mother, Mrs.
J. N. Stephens. She is improving a
little at this writing, and the chil
dren have all returned to their
Charles W. Pennell was taken
suddenly 111 on Monday afternoon.
Dr. Rodman of Hawley was called,
who said he had kidney trouble. He
is a little on the gain to-day.
There are several boarders at A.
Gobies at Lakeville.
, Mr. L. Cohen had 6G boarders at
last report.
Mr. Cleeman also has city board
ers. Mr. Miller is expecting city board
ers to-day.
There was a Fourth of July party
at Mr. J. Schleupner's on Sunday.
The following named guests were
present: Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and
two children, Mr. and Mrs. Mun
zert, George Shearer, and Mr. and
Mrs. Casper Unger, of Bono Ridge,
Mr, and Mrs. Kline and two chil
dren, of Uswick, Mr. and Mrs.
Younge of Ammermantown and Mr.
Honstltchner, of Hawley.
F. R. Olmstead killed a rattle
snake in his garden on July 4th.
Walter Pennell, who has employ
ment on tho new hospital at Way
mart, is visiting his relatives at Us
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
July 5. The nice weath Is a
big Improvement. Hoeing and
sowing is about finished and now
we are getting ready to reap. City
people are coming in fast.
Mr. George H. Lancaster is push
ing the new factory with nil possi
ble Bpeed.
Oscar Lancaster, of Washington,
D. C, is visiting his father, Geo. H.
German Valley and Union had a
picnic the 3d of July. They had a
fine time.
L. O. Smith has his mill about
ready to start.
Jacob Waltz also has Ins mill
ready to stnrt.
E. E. Carlton and son purchased
the store of Mra. C. M. Carlton.
William Dotlerer died very sud
denly Sunday morning at the home
of Mr. Eroln Bartleson. lie has no
relatives in this section. The poor
masters of Dreher took charge of
the body and he was buried Tuesday.
Mrs. Tonoy Roomer, of nawlev,
is visttlng her sister, Mrs. William
Lewis Dunning nnd wife, of
Scranton, spent the Fourth with his
M. E. Simons and family are
visiting his brother, Dr. A. J. Sim
ons, also Mrs. Kate Fitch and
daughters from Honesdale.
Church was well attended Sun
day. The city people were well
Marry In Haste.
Presentation, conversation, animation, ad
miration, Agitation, fascination, Infatuation, ideal
ization, Declaration, application, afllrmatlon, pre
cipitation, Sensation, combination, preparation, ela
tion, Donation, celebration, solemnization, Jubi
lation, Tintinnabulation, collation, delectation,
Peregrination, perambulation, rustication,
Installation, habitation, decoration, vis
itation, Culmination, stagnation, alteration, dis
putation, Calculation, Irritation, alienation, detesta
tion, Desperation, alleviation, restoration, ob
culatlon, Palliation, consultation, arbitration, pro
bation, Litigation, separation, desolation, termi
nation. Ruination!
La Toucho Hancock In Circle.
His Opportunity.
Son Ynas, guv'nor, at college I
could lift more than any other man In
my class.
Father Waal, jest ye take off yei
coat an' try ycr hand at llftln' the
mortgage we put on tho farm tow soud
ye tew colledge! Chicago News.
Henry Snyder & Son,
602 & 604 Lackawanna Aye., Scranton, Pa.
Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Lambs, Calves and Live Stock.
Apples in Season
Old Phone 58S B
If you desire to buy pure whiskey, look at the end of the barrel before
making your purchase. There you
is a sure guaranty as to nj;e. All
Government ofllcials, and taxed according to proof. Dlcndcd and com
pound whiskeys are made from straight whiskeys.
Wholesale Dealer In
WINES and LIQUORS, 557 Main St., Honesdale, Pa.,
has a large quantity of the best Straight Whiskeys for sale at his estab
lishment. Also Blended W iskeys,
and bottled Beer by
Our Large Stock of HIGH ART CLOTHING for
Spring Tells the Story of our Commercial
Supremacy I
Mffi flTUCD CTflDE in this town is showing such
NU U I ntll 5 I Ulit a" assortment of stylish
clothes for stylish men as is this store no other store can
show such an assortment because no other store CAN
SELL AS MANY suits as we do.
Measured by sales, measured by value-giving, meas
ured by style and distinctiveness, we are com
mercially supreme !
There is juBt the kind of clothes you want in our stock of
High Art Clothing tho fabric has been picked especially
for its charm nnd beauty, the quality assures you that
wear which you have a right to expect, the thoroughly
good workmanship, which we guarantee, presages long
service, and the style of the suit that is waiting for YOU
will create that aspect of grace nnd poise that is so much
Fifty men's high grade
suits worth $14, $15, $16
Finest Line of
in Town.
No. 1387 In Bankruptcy,
In the matter of KDW1N D. PRENTICE.
The underslencd, Trustee of E. D. Prentice,
bankrupt, by order of the Bankrupt Court,
will sell at public salo at the Court llouso
In Honesdalc borough. Pa., on Friday the
30th dny of July, 10011, at two o'clock, P. M
me loiiowmg ucscnuuu rem usiaie ;
AH that certain lot, parcel or piece of land
situated in the uorougn oi starrucca, county
of Wnvne and State of Pennsylvonla. bound
cd and described as follows COMMENCING
at a point In the center of tbo public highway
In front of the store known as The Farrefl
store tumulus, nrty feet instant irom the cen
ter of the Coxtown creek : thence along the
center of tbo highway south slxty-llvo de
grees west iifty feet to the center of the Cox
town creek; tnenco north forty-two degrees
west down the center of said crock lltty-two
foot to a corner In the center of said creek:
thence north seventy degrees east eighty feet
to a corner forty one feet distant from the
place of bcglnlug; thence south twenty de
dgrees cast forty-one feet to the center of said
hllihway the place of beginning. CONTAIN-
I. Ml more or loss, on which there is one story
frame store building known as "Tho I'arrcll
stun-." I!elii same land which K. C. Mum-
ford ct al. granted and conveyed to K, I),
l'leutlee by deed dated February IS, 1907, re
corded In Wayne county In Deed Book No.
H7, page 54 etc. , , .
Al.bO, ull that certain piece or parcel of
land fltuated in tne norougn ot ntarrucca.
County of Vnyne. .State (if IVmisylvanlii,
I u ill Hill, ii null iiUtM i muii un iiiui.i,. iji.wit,-
NlNti in the center of tho hlghwuy leading
from Starruren to I.anosboro and In the line of
W, V. Mumford; thence north thirty-three
and one-forth degrees along the center
of said highway lift v feet to a corner; thenco
north sixty-throe and one-half degrees oast
along lands of J. C. Ilatoson fifteen rods to
corner and lino of . I. T, Hyatt; thence south
" and one-half degrees oast along said
Hyatt line fifty feet to n corner nnd line of
V. V. Mumford; thence south sixty-three
and one-half degrees west along said Muni
ford's lino fourteen rods and fifteen links to
the place of beginning. CONTAINING forty
perches of land more or less, on which there
Is a two store frame house and other Im
provement!), It being tho same piece of land
deeded by J. C. Ilateson et ux. to tho trustees
of the Klrst Baptist church of Sturiucca and
recorded 111 the olllco for recording deeds In
tho county of Wayne, Deed Hook No.KI. puge
:i!ll. Anil bolug the same land which the
trustees of the First Baptist church of Star
rtica conveyed to K. I). Prentice by deed dat
ed PobruarylK), 1!KW. and recorded In Wuyno
county In Deed Book No. UH. page 210 etc.
Sale of this real estate will be made free and
clear of all Incumberances and loins.
Mumford. Atty. Trustee.
Starrucca, Pa., July 3. 11)09.
Sooled proposals for tho construction of a
new building pertaining to the State Hos
pital for tho Criminal Insane, for tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, nt Farvlew.
Wayne county, Pa to bo addressed to the
Pennsylvania Commission to Kroct n Hos
pital tor me urimmni insane, in cure m ii
Ashmead, Secretary, Room BOO, Real Es-
ta'te Trust Building. Philadelphia, Pa., will
im, ra.. win
scheduled at
be received and opened an
nooiuuiyzz, wiw,
Plans, specifications and form of proposal
may be had on application at theollice of J.
C. M. Shirk, Architect, No. 518 Philadelphia
Bank, Philadelphia, Pa by depositing tho
sum of two hundred dollars (I'.'OO.OO). one
hundred and nlnetj-tlve dollars (I1U5.00) of
which will be refunded upon tho return of
tho plans and specifications.
Bids from others than those engaged In
the actual business and tho general brunches
therein mentioned will not be entertained Or
The Commission reserves the right to
accept as n whole or In part or reject any or
all bids as may be doomed best for the Inter
est of the Commonwealth.
HENRY V. WALTON. Chairman.
New Phone
will find the date of inspection which
straight whiskeys are inspected by
Foreign and Domestic Wines,
tho case or dozen.
' Honesdale, Pa.