THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 0, 1000. i SATURDAY NIGHT TALKS By REV. F. E. DAVtSON f Rutland, VL OOOCOOOCCCOCCOOCOOOOOOCCG SONGS IN THE NIGHT. International Bible Lesson far July ix, '09 (Acts 16: 16-40). Tho Diblo is not only a vol ume of theology, a record ot na tional history, biography and poetry, it is also a music bos, playing solos, du cts, choruses, oratorios and hallelujahs. As wo turn its pages we hear the song of the new birth, the song of thanksgiving, the song of victory, tho song before tho throne. And In this lesson we have the song in the night What a picture is hero presented! Two men, with backs bleeding where they have been flogged till every voin drips blood, are in an underground dungeon, chains on their wrists, their feet fast in torturing stocks, the pros pect of a violent death at daybreak resting upon them. Is there any in spiration hero for singing? Uncover those bleeding backs and see if that mangled flesh gives any occasion for praise. Lift up those chains, exam ine tho cruel stocks, put your hand gently on thoso fevered brows and see if you can discover anything that would lead human beings to sing. And yet, we are told that at midnight these two men had a real Pentecostal prayer and praise meeting and mado that old Philipplan Jail vocal with mel ody. "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises to God." And this praise meeting was not the "boisterous bacchanalian revelry of intoxication, nor the senseless strains of the demented. It was intelligent, sober, earnest, heartfelt, enthusiastic. It was tho duet of men who were con fident that God was on the throno of the Universe, and that Ho was work ing out His good pleasure for tho eternal improvement of the race. Tho jyorld snys, If you are rich you can sing. The world says, If you are suc cessful you can sing. The world says, If you have good health you can sing. The world says, If you have plenty o friends, you can sing. But if you are poor, and unsuccessful, and sick, and have no friends, take the advice of Job's wife in a similar case. Curso God and die. But at midnight, in a dungeon, with lacerated bodies and limbs in shackles, prone on the ground where they had been flung, no eye to pity and no arm to save, Paul and Silas sang a song in the night tho echoes of which are in tho air to-day. The fact is, this Is tho only kind of singing that Is immortal. Anybody can sing in day time: only tho im mortals sing in the night. Joseph sang that kind of music In Potlphar's prison. The three Hebrew worthies sang it in tho fiery furnace. The lions den echoed it in tho days of Daniel. The cells of tho Inquisition have resounded with such songs; songs have mingled with tho breaking of bones on the rack, and have risen above the roar of the flames into the ear of tho God of heaven. And it is so to-day. Tho circumstances have changed, but the midnight that men are still called to pass through Is Just as black as ever. All over this earth the scene of the Philipplan Jail is be ing re-enacted. Listen to the songs that are still going up from human Hps songs where wealth has been swept away, songs where health has gone and the river of death Is In sight, songs In the chamber whero loved ones are sleeping their last sleep, songs amid the upturned sod of the cemetery, sonjjs at midnight, because the morning star shines already on tho horizon. And this song of Paul and Silas had a 'mighty result. "The prisoners heard them." The Jailer and his family were transformed because of it. The song did not exhaust itself on tho lives of the singers; it refreshed them; it saved others. Once on a Southern battleflold a Northern sol dier lay dying. Crushed by the shot of the enemy his life blood was slowly ebbing away. All about him, in tho darkness, other mangled forms were lying helpless and alone. But this man waB not alone, for there was a great peace In his heart, as the mo ments brought him ever nearer to tho home of hls,B0ul. Thus in the mid night ho broke out into song: "When I can read my title clear, To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes." And as he was singing, one and an other in the darkness took up the strain. Here and there trembling voices joined In, and pretty soon, all over the battlefield a multitude of voices were lifting the song of tri umph: "111 bid farewell to every fear. And wipe my weeping eyes." Thus they sang until one by one their Hps were closed in death. That WaB a Bong In tho night worth singing. That was a battle shout ot men who were "conquerors 'and more than 'con querors through Htm," of whom tho Bethlehem angols Bang in tho mid- CHOICE MISCELLANY The President's Desk. If the thousands who sit iu the pres ident's reception room In the Wlilto House wnltlng for nn audience only knew It they might make tho time there seem less monotonous by con templating tho principal article of fur niture, the executive's desk. It Is handsome and massive, with a wealth of carving, but Its chief interest con sists in its historic origin. You all know thnt Sir John Franklin went to discover the north polo nnd never came back. His good ship Itcsolute drifted In the currents of the Arctic ocean, spared from destruction In some mysterious manner, until slu reached the waters off the shores of Alaska, where some American whalers boarded her nnd claimed her. When she reached San Francisco the United States bought her, repaired her, re fitted her, manned her with an Amer ican crew nnd sent her to England with International compliments. The old ship was broken up about thirty years ago, and from the soundest of her timbers a handsome desk was made by direction of the queen to be presented to the then president of the United States. That is tho desk thnt stands in the president's reception room, nnd on it the papers of at Wst eight administrations have been writ ten. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. No Rest on tho Ocean. Thero was a tlino when nerve so cialists prescribed n trip to Europe in orucr to calm down their patients. That time has gone by. Tho tnndness for "record" and speed, the mania for bridge, poker and camblliiL' on the day's run, the necessity for making n different toilet three times In the day, the wireless, with its relentless pur suit; the department, store, tho afternoon-vaudeville nnd tho cvculnir con- cert all these and ninny more excite ments on our modern levlntlmns make oceaii travel a cross between five days at Palm Bench and Monto Carlo. There is a popular demand for the old fashioned steamer that will take ten days for the passage to Europe; thnt will clvo one tlmo to enlnv nun. self nnd get the benefit of the sea nfter tno almost Inevitable sickness; that will not nerniit eambllni nmi mum which the wireless is nut used except in enso of accident or necessity. There arc thousands of victims of our neu rotic times who would welcome n rent sea voyage instead of n fake ferry trip. uoston I'ost. A Corner In Autographs. Mascnxnl. the Italian coiiuiohit. ilnno not speak foreign languages, so he usually travels with a secretary, who helps him out in this respect. When In Vienna he was struck with tlin lm. mouse number of autographs which were requested of liliu every morning by his secretary. Sheet after sheet was laid before him until he was llmr. ouchly tired. One day, taking up n newspaper, he caught sight of bis own name nnd with lnnuuld curlosltv naked a friend to translate. Tt vertlsement and ran as follows: "Maes tro Mnscacnl. in conseoueneo of tho immense number of autographs asked of him, has decided to sell them for a florin each, tho proceeds going to n charitable institution in Vienna. Please Inclose florin in demand." lie computed that his secretary mnile upward of a thousand florins by this transaction. l'earson's Weekly. She Escaped. Intelligent men and women hurrv- lug along n street presumably have in dividual objects in view, nnd yet be tween Frnnklin park nnd Pennsylvania avenue people paused yesterday to watch A young muu rolling two automobile wheels together, as a boy rolls a hoop. A. laborer who let a section of gas pipe fall from his shoulder to tho pave ment. A batch of children playing hop scotch. A balky horse attached to a buggy and a young woman in such ridiculous slippers that she could barely peg nloug-. In lino with these exciting Incidents was a thlu faced woman sawing tunes on a fiddle and with an open mouthed bag dangling suggestively from her arm. She escaped notice. Washington Star. A Startling Illusion. Eugene Hennrd, who attained fame with his palace of illusions at the Par Is exposition lu 1000, has just complet ed a similar but larger piece of eccen tric architecture for exhibition in that city. Tho Impression made upon the person who enters tho mirror walled space Is that thero are 04,000 electric lamps burning. The hall is hexagonal in shape, and standing In its center one sees sir halls of equal slzo and be yond these twelve more nnd then eighteen, nnd so on. Tho Inner spaco Is illuminated by 2,000 colored incan descent lamps, 1,800 of which aro turn ed on at ono stroke, and the ono who stops to count tho lamps in sight, if this could bo accomplish!, would find 0-1,800. To add to tho Illusion the pil lars marking tho six corners revolve on their axes, and tho whole effect Is Btartling. Penguins' Eggs. Penguins eggs, which wero a great ly prized breakfast delicacy with a lorgo class of Londoners last year, have again been placed on tho market. Penguins' eggs aro extremely nourish lng and very rich in fatty phosphor ized constituents. They are collected for British consumption on three small Islands owned by tho Capo govern ment near Cape Town. ELECTIVE AFFINITIES. An Excerpt from Artemus Ward of Contemporaneous Apposltnoss. The oxsentrlc femalo clutched mo frantically by tbo nrm and holloord: "You air mine, O you air mlnol" "Scarcely," I Bed, endevorin to git loose from her. But she clung to me and scd: "You air my Aftlnerty!" "What upon arth Is that?" I shout ed. "Dost thou not know?" "No, I doestent!" "Listen, man, & I'll tell ye!" sod tho strange femalo: "for years I hav yearned for thee. I knowed tnou wast in the world, surawhares, tho I didn't know whare. My hart 'Bed ho would cum and I took courage. He has cum he's hero you air him you air my Afflnerty. O, 'tis too mutch 1" and sho sobbed agin. "Yes," I anBered, "I think it Is a darn site too mutch!" "Hast thou not yearned for me?" she yelled, rlngin' her hands like a female play-actor. "Not a yearn!" 1 bellered at the top of my voice, throwln' her away from me. Artemus Ward, His Book: Among the Free-Lovers. His Qrump. "For years and years," grouched the Old Codger, in his usual pessimistic way, "we have been sending mission aries to the Chinese plank-shaped and tub-shaped ones, both with Bide whiskers, who spake in nasal tones and acted with the chastened intoler ance of hyenas; young, drled-up ones with weak eyes and weaker intellects; slimy, sliding ones, who wore gath ering material from which to lecture and with which to furnish a house or two when they got back; old-maid ones that looked like flying-machines or old fashioned churns, just as It hap pened; and a glorious list of others, all of whom needed the money and cost us a great deal. And, still, in spite of our beneficence to thomward, the ungrateful Chinese 'pear to be Just as unregenerate and almost as peculiar ns they were In the first placo. What say?" Professional Query. Among tho papers of R. H. Stoddard that Ripley Hitchcock edited there Is a letter which Oliver Wendell Holmes, the poet-physlclan, is said to have re ceived. This letter was written many years ago by nn Ignorant country practitioner, nnd It is interesting be cause it shows tho low level to which In the early part of the last century, it was possible for medical education to fall. The letter, verbatim, follows: "Dear dock I have a pashunt whose physlcol sines shozo that the winpipo Is ulcerated of and his lung hav drop ped Into his stumlch. Ho Is unabel to swaller and I fear his stumlck toobe Is gone. I have giv him everything without efeck his Father is wealthy honble and influenshul. He Is an ac tive member of the M. E. church and God noes I don't want too loose him wot shall I do?" Poor Uncle Ed. A Baltimore man was recently show ing his nlco new opcra-hnt to his little nephew, and when ho caused tho top piece to spring open three or four times the youngster was delighted. A few days thereafter the uncle, during a visit to tho same household, brought with him a silk hat of tho shiny, non-collapsible kind. When he was about to leave tho house, he en countered tho aforesaid youngster running down the hall with what looked like a black accordion. "Uncle Ed," observed tho boy, "this one goes awfully hard. I had to sit on it; but even then I couldn't got it moro than half-shut." UNAVOIDABLE DELAY. "Dotte's caso of brain -fever lasted a long time, didn't It?" "Yes, the germs lost a lot of time finding his brain." How Strange. A woman who visited the British museum recently inquired of an at tendant: "Have you no skull of Crom well? I have been looking all around for a skull of Oliver Cromwell." "No, madam," replied tho attendant. "We've never had one." "How very odd!" she exclaimed; "they have a fine one in the museum at Oxford." A Shifted Burden. "So you sold that miserable old mule of yours?" "Yaaslr," replied Mr. Erastua Pink ley; "fob real money." "Doesn't It weigh on your consci ence?" "Well, boss, I'b done had dat revile on my mind bo long, it's kind of a re lief to chango off an' git him on my conscience." Division. "The automobile is rapidly dividing the public into two classes." "Yea: the auick or the dead." HOME DRESSMAKINQ Jjr Charlotte Martin. LADIES' TUCKED WAIST. Pattern No. 6410. This waist is especially pretty when mado of striped material, tho stripes meeting at right angles In tho middle of tbo front. For plain wide materials tho front may bo cut whole. Tho closing at the Bide makes It easy to put on and leaves a wide spaco in front for trimming or embroidery. Cut in C Blzos, 30 to 40 bust mea sure. Size 36 requires 3 yardB of 86-inch material. A NEAT SCHOOL FROCK. Pattern No. 543G. Ono of the many pretty jumper dresses for young girls is pictured here. The material is tan-colored panamn cloth trimmed with bands of plaid. The waist and skirt aro both fastened to tho belt. Cut In 3 sizes, 12, 14 and 1G years. Size 10 requires C yards of 27-inch material. A BUTTERFLY RLOUSE. Pattern No. BM25. Light bluo challls was used to make this bo coming waist. It is trimmed with lace and has a laco ruffle around the necfe. The girdle isjtpleated silk and finished with a large bow in front. Cot In 5 sizes, 32 to 40 bust mea sure. Size 36 requires 3 yardB of 27-lnch material. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Send FIVE cents tor each pattern desired to Charlotte Martin, 4qaW. S8rd Street, New York. State No. of pattern and alt wanted. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At tho close of business, Juno 23, 1009, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 200,048 76 Ovcrdrofts.securcd nnd unsecured I) 63 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. 55.000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 2,oo 00 Bonds, securities, etc 1,332,30b W Banking-house, furniture and fixatures- 40.000 00 Due from National Ilanks (not .Reserve Agents) 0.392 13 Due from State linnks nnd Hank ers... J2 28 Duo from approved reserve agents ........ 135.KH Hi Checks mid other cash items.... 1.971 w rsotes or otlicr .Vitlomil linnks.. 625 00 Fractional imper currency, nick els find cents 200 10 umiui .wunuy itcscrvo ill lilillK, Viz ! Specie JS1.874 SO Legnl tender notes U,WS 00- 88,822 00 lU'Ul'IUIHlUU 1UI1U WIID U B. Treasurer, (5 per cent, of circu lation) .......... 2,700 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 0 per cent, redemption lund 700 00 Totnl. .$1,808,283 73 MAMMT1KS. cnp!tul Stock paid In $ Surplus fund Undivided proiits, less expenses and taxes paid National Hunk notes outstanding htato IJank notes outstanding... Due to other National Hanks Due to State Hanks and Hankers Individual deposits subject to check $1,402,129 72 Demand certificates of dennslt 91 UM nn 150,000 00 100,000 00 8l.5fi8 83 01.500 00 1100 08 1,090 Oil 07 03 rs m uusniers enccKS out' standing Honds borrowed 1(15 01-1,427,157 70 Notes and bills redlseounted Hills payable, Including ccrtlfl rutes of deposit for money bor rowed Liabilities other than thusc above stated rone None None None Totnl. ... $1,808,283 73 Mote of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I. K. F. Torrky, Cashier of the above named Hank, do solemnly swenr that, the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. V. Torrey, Coshler. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 25th day of June. 1909. W. H. STONE, N. P. Correct attest: H. Z. Russell. 1 Andrew Thompson, Directors. James C. Hirdsam .1.. ) 52w4 Over 27.000 lbs. No. Xs M v r The No. 40 Is the popular Pint Land Plow. Still Take the Lead ! iirou iH'.-mi. .enny z.uuu som in wnyiie county, rue lonowin miu-akcius kvkv siuuk ui Plows and liepalrs on hand: J. K. Tiffany. Pleasant .Mount; W. it. Sliuffer, Varden. Pa.; S., Lake Como: 11. N. Farley. Kiiuinunk ; A.J. Abrahams, Galilee; H'nujkC Ledgedale; V. K. Corey (Sreentown. and Wutts's Honesdalo and llawley stores. The Oliver Sulky Plow Cannot be Beat ! Honesdale andlTD All A M TU A TTQ f Honesdale and Hawley Stores J liliiIliilTl YV A 1 1 3 Hawley Stores Sash. Doors, Hlinds. Front Sash Doors. Sewer Pipe and lluilders' Hardware of EVKHY Description. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS: MXEf ing Machines, Iron. Gravel nnd Tarred Itoollng, Harb Wire. Woven 1-enee Wire, Poultry Netting, Lime and Cement. Estimates given on short notice for HOT AIR and STEAM HEAT. PLUMBING in all its branches. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year opeD3 with a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that Avould supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. TIIuTHmED to "r?mu'if 1,13 CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS IsJADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS; 1st No one can mix a better mixed paint. 2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend its use to others. WantedSummer Board. By thousands of Brooklynpeople. Tf nn llHt vnnrhnusn In tha TtUOOI Kit KB INFORMATION a printed blank will be sent. atloi Ion Bureau COSTS YOU Thn Brnnklvn TCnele Is the best adver tising medium In the world. It curries more resort advertisements than any New York paper. It stands PKK-EMI-NKNTLY nt the head. Write for listing blank ard Advertising Rate Card, Address INFORMATION BUREAU, BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, Brooklyn, N. T. Mention the paperiln which you soe this advertisement. 27 HEW SHIER SUITS at MENNER & GO'S Stores Menner & Co's Store. Vn8h Dresses in English Rep, Line nnd Linette, nt 45wO MENNElt & CO.'S Stores. JOB WOKK AT THE CITIZEN. of Plows nnd liepalrs received in March, this cut snows Tin: 56 SIDE HILL. We nlbo have No, 7, a .size .smaller. ..-?r ' - vvTl - . Or We also keep in stock the No. E. 19, 20 and BICYCLES and Sundries. Can vou take a few ? OKI.YN DAILY KAQI.E BUKEAU, for which purpose The service of the Inform- NOTHING. An advertisement in the Eagle costs little, but brings large results, because the EAULE INFORMATION BUKEAU Is constantly helping the advertisers,