The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 09, 1909, Image 3

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ACY. The moon has nothing to do with
the growth of potatoes. This state
ment sounds about as self-evident
as a commencement oration, yet,
according to a recent investigation
by the Department of Agriculture,
soventy-flve per cent, of our farmers
have been planting potatoes and
other crops according to the alma,
nac. It is a very general belief that
potatoes planted in the dark of the
moon produce the best crop while
the full moou variety are likely to
" run to tops."
It seems a bit absurd to suppose
that a respectable old moon like
ours could find nothing better to do
than to stay up nights ruining the
Dotato crop. So Uncle Sam, who
has an unquenchable curiosity in i
such matters, began poking into the i
moon myth and discovered that n
i . 1 ,,, f Ha '
deserved respect only because of Its ,
age. His Agricultural ueparuueui
workers found that they could raise
just as poor potatoes in the dark of
the moon as in thu tight.
The rose bug is a common and
familiar Insect which attacks a great
many cultivated plants, trees and
bushes by devouring the foliage while
in the adult stage. In regard to this
pest, State Zoologist Surface says:
"It is not a 'bug' but a beetle, as
it has chewing mouth parts and eats
the tissue of the leaves, making them
appear to be perforated with numer
ous holes with quite irregular edges.
The larvae of this beetle live in the
ground, nnd there transform to the
pupal or resting stage and remain
over winter. Deep cultivation of the
soil and other plants they infest is
advisable. Growers should watch for
the first coming of these beetles, and
jar them from the branches on sheets
saturated with oil stretched on the
ground, or held to catch the pests;
or Into a hopper-shaped cloth bug
catcher. They can also be picked by
hand, or shaken from the trees,
bushes or plants and sprayed with
pure kerosene or exceedingly strong
soap solution, while on the ground.
In dealing with them in this manner
the leaves and plants will not be in
jured by the strong spray.
"To keep the 'bugs' from attacking
the small and tender grapes on the
vines, it is advisable to cover the
bunches- with paper bags as soon as
possible after blossoming and setting
of the fruit."
The occupant of a suburban home
in the vicinity of Philadelphia ad
dressed a letter to the Division of
Zoology of the Pennsylvania Depart
ment of Agriculture, in which he
stated that "There is an insect which
is destroying the leaves of the shade
trees throughout this section, having
much of the appearance of a louse,
and it is especially noticeable on the
Norway Jlaple trees." He than in- i
quired: "Would you kindly inofrm
me what sort of mixture you would
spray with in order to rid the trees
of this pest, as I have already tried
Paris green, but with no effect?"
Professor Surface answered: "Re
plying to your inquiry concerning the
Norway Maple Louse, I beg to say
that there is such a pest common on
these trees throughout this State. It
can be killed by spraying with one
pound of whale oil soap, dissolved in
six gallons of water, or with an eight
per cent, kerosene emulsion, or with
a stronger solution of any other kind
of soap."
"However, I do not regard it as a
seriously destructive pest, although
I have often seen it cause many
leaves to fall from the trees. Those
trees which have been infested have
soon regained their foliage, and as it
is a difficult task to spray a maple
tree properly, I do not find many peo
ple doing this, even though we rec
ommend it. In spraying for plant
lice you must strike the under sides
of the leaves, In order to kill the lice
that are there found. Otherwise they
would not be Injured.
"Of course, Paris green has no ef
fect upon them, because they are
sucking insects, rather than chewing
insects, and it is used only for the lat
ter. These plant lice often cause a
waxy or oily appearance beneath the
trees, caused by the sweet liquid,
known as honey dew, which they se
crete and drop. It also falls upon the
leaves and makes them have a var
nished appearance, while In this liq
uid there developes a black fungus,
resembling smut or soot, which some
times gives the leaves a bad appear
ance. However, it is not as bad as
it looks. The chief thing to do is
to keep the trees well watered, so as
to keep them growing, and they will
overcome the effects of this pest. It
would be a benefit to the trees to add
a teaspoonful of nitrate of soda to
each gallon of water with which you
water them."
In the United States the great potato
state is New York, with 42,000,000 bu
shels, in 1907. Michigan follows with
27,000,00' j then Pennsylvania and Wib
consin with about 23,000,000 each;
Mainr, 17,000,000; Minnesota and Illi
nois about fourteen each; Iowa and
Ohio, twelve each; New Jersey, eight
to nine; Indiana, Missouri, Colora
do. California and Nebraska about
seven. The rest run from Washing
ton and Kansas, with six each, down
to Montana and Texas, with from
two and a half to three.
A young man, twenty-three years
old, was the center of an interested
assembly in one of the stores In a
little town in Rockland county a few
days ago. He had Just returned
from his first visit to New York and
his friends were anxious to hear all
about what ho had seen and experi
enced. He was less enthusiastic
than his neighbors expected him to
be, and, contrary to their expecta
tions, saw nothing wonderful, ine
friend whom he had visited worked
in a stable and he spent the day with
him "helping around, then went to
a moving picture show In the Bow
ery, took a walk in that part of the
city, went to bed and next morning
started for home. "Nothing great
about New York," ,he said, "except
the elevated, and I didn't get a
chance to try that." New York
A barber will shave you for six
CUIUS UUl UU ililte IU tloll
Everybody trusts you,
and you
are expected to trust everybody.
You never have a dispute with
the cabman over the fare. A tax
ometer measures the distance you
travel and shows what you owe at
any minute.
You get a bill every day at the
hotel. This permits you to cor
rect any mistakes at once.
Women shine your shoes, shave
you, cut your hair, and even give
you a bath unless you rebel.
Policemen salute the street car
conductors and are saluted by
A servant who brings you some
thing says, "So good." You say,
"Tack" (thanks).
You take off your hat when you
enter a shop and return the shop
man's low bow.
Although drinking is common,
one seldom sees a drunken man.
Tips are everywhere given, hut
they are small. Ten ore (2
cents) is the ordinary tip to a cab
man or porter.
A lady always waits for a gen
tleman to speak, instead of the re
verse, as in America.
The " comedians crack jokes on
the rich Swedish-American who has
come home to spend his money.
Grand opera lasts from Sept. 1
to June 1. The state furnishes the
opera house and endows it.
It is light all night in summer
and dark all day in winter.
There are more telephones in
proportion to the population in
Stockholm than in any other city
in the world. Minneapolis Jour
For eighteen centuries the Jews
have wandered on the earth, a peo
ple without a country. In Spain,
in England, in France, and Germany
they have multiplied and nourished,
only to be driven forth again. More
than half the Jews in the world are
to-day in Russia, and there they
are persecuted, are despoiled and
murdered, so that life lias become
impossible and unendurable. With
the exception of America the gates
of the world are locked against the
Jews, and even in America there
seems to be no room for all the mil
lions of the Jewish race who now
live in Russia.
For many years the Jews have
been dreaming of a return to Pales
tine. But the land that once flowed
with milk and honey is now largely
a barren waste, and there is no room
there for new millions. A plan to
settle the Jews in East Africa also
came to naught, because the coun-
try was unfitted for anything but
snakes and chameleons.
A proposal has now been made
to settle the whole Jewish popula-
nun ui uusijuliu xvuasia iu icsuiu-
tamla, in the fields watered by the
Euphrates. There is plenty of land
there, and the Jews who, in eighteen
hundred years, have not forgotten
that they were once farmers, could
hold there a great and flourishing
nation. But there are difficulties.
Merely to irrigate the land would,
according to Mr. Jacob Schiff, cost
two hundred million dollars, and
other hundreds of millions would
have to be spent before this great
race-moving could take place. But
tho Jews who have waited for fifty
generations may bide their time for
another generation or two, and In
the end the Jews may return to the
land from whence they once sprang,
and find an opportunity to live a
free, expanding life.
A Tragedy of the Big Hat.
So fair to view In his canoe,
The damsel sat abaft.
Her hat, sad fate, waa not on straight,
And over went the craft!
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Graduate.
Knicker Ho meant to carve
namo on tho scroll of fame.
Becker But now he Is trying to get
it on any old payroll. New York Sun.
For Example.
Our slangy appellations
Sometimes are out of place,
For oft you see a summer girl
Who has a wintry face.
Chicago Tribune.
Rash. Rashl
Beacon Has Colby a sense of ha
inor? Hill Yes. Ho's forovcr.breaklng out
with Jokes. Boston Globe.
Old English.
The pitcher threw tbe boll.
The batter made a hit
Because the second baseman
Could not connect with It.
New York Mat!.
Special Correspondence.
The White nouse Is through with
"thru" nnd nil the rest of the simpli
fied words put into the executive vo
cabulary by President Roosevelt, and
the clerical force of the highest gov
ernmental office has gone back to the
good old English of our fathers. For
several weeks after the Roosevelt
regime was ended the clerks and
stenographers of the executive offices
would occasionally write "thru" foi
through, "past" for passed nnd "thoro"
for thorough, as they were required
to do under the administration thnt
ended March 4. These words would
perhaps be detected by some other
clerk before they reached the govern
ment printing office, or If they got as
far as the G. P. O. they would lie
caught and changed by the proofread
er down there. None of them over
found their way Into public print after
the Taft administration got well Into
harness, and no one, except perhaps
some few Roosevelt enthusiasts, is
left to mourn their absence.
Phonetic Spelling Cost Money.
"Thousands of dollars will be saved
annually by the disuse of the simpli
fied spelling," said an official of the
government printing office. "It was
the continual mlxup nnd eternal
change that cost so much. For In
stance, the president would send down
n message written iu bis peculiar ab
breviated phonetic style. We would
have to set it up as we got the copy.
In due time the message would have
to bo printed in the Congressional Rec
ord, and as congress had passed a law
prohibiting the expenditure of any
money for the simplified spelling
when we put it in the Record we had
to spell the words according to com
mon usage. So the messages had to
be set up all over again, and as Presi
dent Roosevelt was not at all stingy
with his communications there was
plenty of work of that sort to be done.
Now, thank goodness, nil the spelling
that comes to the office is alike.'
The Grant Memorial.
Now that the mammoth marble and
bronze memorial to Grant in the east
ern end of the botanical garden is
Hearing completion it becomes appar
ent that, as Representative McCall
maintained, a great mistake was made
in locating the monument there. It Is
far too close to the cnpltol, which
dwarfs it, being jammed out on the
building line of First street on a low
and swampy piece of ground. In ad
dition to the error of location, the me
morial itself is coming to be regarded
by persons of artistic sense as in ex
ceedingly bad taste.
The Blind Oklahoman.
It is at once a pathetic and ennobling
sight to see Thomas P. Gore, Oklaho
ma's blind senator, performing his du
ties at the capltol. Dependent though
he is upon the assistance of his secre
tary in making his way about the cnp
ltol, lie nevertheless is as regular iu
his attendance upon the sessions of
the senate as any other senator, and
his work and faithful attention to
business have been manifested upon
more than one occasion, nero is n
man who, although laboring under a
tremendous handicap, performs the
services of a man possessed of nil his
When the Conqueror Passed.
A detachment of field artillery was
passing in front of a Pennsylvania
avenue hotel. The steps and pave
ment were alive with jovial badge la
beled men who looked as if they had
been having all sorts of a good time
and meant to keep it up when they
I BOt it0 the Btring of automobiles lined
,, llt tll0 curb, Tue parade cflUKiit
i their interest nn,i th snirtWs imrsos
. nnd oannon woro eonlIn In f'nr 1n,iv
eo,nment when in a flash every face
soliored. everv voice was silenced.
every head was bared.
Out on the street slow moving horses
were drawing a caisson. On it was a
casket covered with a flag and heaped
with flowers.
The conqueror of all men was pass
ing by.
Saving Time In Navy Yards.
Beekraau Winthrop, assistant secre
tary of the navy, estimates that the
new system of paying employees at
navy yards and stations put in force
In lino with the general policy of econ
omy inaugurated by President Tuft
will save the government $125,000 n
Formerly all tho employees were
paid at one pay station in tho yard.
Now automobiles, bicycles, railroad
cars and other vehicles are utilized to
take the money to tho employee In
stead of requiring him to come to the
central pay station and stand in lino
i long time.
At tho Boston yard tho average tlnio
lost by tho employees in obtaining
their weekly pay was estimated at
sixteen minutes. That has been re
auced to two minutes. WHh 4,000
employees, it is figured that tho work
of eighty men a week Is saved by the
new method. At tho Washington yard
the average time lost is estimated at
two and two-thirds minutes and at New
York three and seven-tenths.
Barry Statue For France.
Andrew O'Connor's statue of Commo
dore John Barry, designed (or tho
United States government for erection
in this city, will bo perpetuated in
bronze for tho French government.
That will bo done with tho consent of
tho congressional Barry statue commis
sion charged with the erection of the
Barry memorial in this city. It Is
proposed to erect the bronze copy of
tho statue In the Luxembourg museum
On the Sunday School Lesson by
Rev. Dr. Llnscott For the In
ternational Newspaper Bible
Study Club.
(Copyright, 1909, by Kcv. T. S. Llnscott. D.D.)
July 11th, 1909.
Paul's Second Missionary Journey
The Phillppian Jailer. Acts xvl:lC-40.
Golden Text Believe on tho Lord
Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
Acts xvl:31.
Verses 1C-21 In what class do you
place thoee who profit by the sins of
fallen women?
This young woman was possessed
with a very clever spirit of evil, an all
round spirit of deception, Including
fortune telling; now wherein did her
sin consist, and that of her owners?
Which are the more to be blamed in
these days, fortune tellers or their
willing dupes?
When bad mon are losing the gains
of their evil occupation, are they apt
to be careful of the truth, when they
are after the good men who have de
stroyed their business? For example
the liquor dealers.
Verse 22 What made the multitude
so angry nt Paul and Silas, and is any
reliance ever to be placed upon the
excited attitude of a large crowd?
Do religious differences still make
the people hate one another?
Does worldly gain, to-day play any
part In relleious intolerance?
Verse 28 Why did God permit such
cruelty to his faithful servants?
Why is it that godly people often
have to go through very exquisite suf
Verse 24 Say why It is possible for
any good man In prison, lying upon a
raw back, with his feet fast In the
stocks, to be as happy as a man In
health and at liberty?
Does a good man's influence cease
when he is imprisoned and his limbs
are fettered?
In looking back over the results of
hte imprisonment, would Paul and
Silas be apt to regret this painful In
cident? Verse 25 Is there any circumstance
so painful, or disastrous, that prayer
and praise cannot turn It into joy and
If we prayod and sang more In our
private lives, and in our families,
would we have more joy and gladness?
Verse 2G Was this earthquake the
result of the prayer of Paul and Silas,
or was It a natural event?
Does God to-day work out for his
people, practically the same results tis
are here recorded?
Verses 27-2S Why did the jailer de
cide upon suicide, and is such a course
ever justifiable?
Verses 20-30 Was It natural fear
or religious conviction, that now oper
ated In the Jailor?
What did the jailer desire to be
saved from?
Verse 31 What precisely did they
mean by bHIevIng on the Lord Jesus?
May a father or mother believe In
Jesus, so as to assure the salvation of
their children? (This question is to be
answered In writing by members of
the club.)
Verse 32 What is "the word of the
Lord," and may a person know that
word, first hand, who is not person
ally acquainted with tho Lord?
Verses 33-34 Can tho grace of God
suddenly turn a cruel and brutal man,
into a tender-hearted Christian?
Verses 35-40 May we be confident
that there will always be a happy end
ing to all our trials?
Lensons for Sunday, July 18th, 1909
Paul's Second Missionary Journey
Thessalonlca and Berea. Acts xvll:
Killed by Citizens of Fort Plain After
a Chase.
Fort Plain, N. Y July 7. A big cin
namon bear was killed near here after
ambling Into town within a quarter
of a mile of the postofllce. The ani
mal, which weighed 211 pounds, prob
ably wandered from the foothills of
the Adlrondacks about twenty miles
Fort Plnln has 4,000 inhabitants and
bears are scarce in the corporate
limits. Mill employees nnd farmers
suspended work nnd Joined the chase
until bruin was slain.
Violent Earthquakes In Algeria.
Constantino, Algeria, July 7. Violent
earth shocks have occurred in tho Ain
Mellla region. Two persons were kill
ed and many houses collapsed.
A Paradoxical Way.
Waiter (trying to pull cork out of
bottle)-Durn it! I'll get the blessed
thing out If I have to shove it In!
Lippincott's Magazine.
Summer Troths.
Engagements terminate in town,
In theater, In shop and store.
To bo renewed two months or bo
Down by tho e'er engaging shore.
Boston Globe.
Mean of Him.
nankins Er what Is tho Intest con
ceit in ladles' summer hats?
Judklns My wife. Town Topics.
The Philosopher's 8tone.
Tho summer's wondrous alchemy
Now sets us In a whirl.
The summer girl an heiress grows,
The ribbon clerk an earl.
New York Bun.
Or Even "the Dickens."
"Docs lightning senro you?"
"Scares me to beat thunder." Kan
ins City TimM
Lord Brasscy. the groat English au
thority on naval matters. Is seventy
two years old, but he Is devoting him
self to studying German.
Captain George Kimball of North
Dubuque. Iu., who Is seventy-six year?
old, is tho father of twenty-three chil
dren, the youngest of whom was pre
sented May 27 by his fourth wife, who
is nineteen years old.
When Dr. Francis Edward Clark,
founder of the Chrlstinn Endeavor so
ciety, was asked the other day who
gave tho society its name lie replied:
"I wish I know definitely. The name
seemed to come to me Instinctively.
Still, I may have heard it and used it
Henry C. Thurston of Mount Vernon.
Tex., who attended the Into reunion
of Confederate veterans in Memphis,
is seventy-seven years old. seven feet
seven inches in height, weighs 223
pounds nnd has never been disabled
even for a dny except by wounds re
ceived in the civil wnr.
Fred D. Contlss, tho new president
of tho Chicago Stock Exchange, is one
of the youngest presidents the organ
ization ever had. lie is a member of
tho firm of S. B. Chapin & Co. nnd be
gan his business career as a messenger
In tho Merchants' National bank. He
is only thirty-seven years old.
James Simon, the most noted He
brew in Germany, is a great friend of
tho kaiser, is head of tho German
Oriental society, is president of the
Federated Jewish Organizations and
an active spirit In everything connect
ed with Jewish affairs. He has a mag
nificent home and is one of Germany's
leading dry goods merchants.
Church and Clergy.
The two Methodist conferences in
Germnny are raising 5300 a year for
five years to found a missionary press
in Algiers to print literature in Ara
bic, the native Kabyle and other lan
guages. A tablet in memory of the Rev. Dr.
Edmund Slaftcr has been erected in
Trinity church, Boston. Dr. Slafter
was for many years registrar of the
Protestant Episcopal diocese of Massa
chusetts. The Itev. A. P. Camphor, president
of Central Alabama college, has been
elected field secretary of the board of
foreign missions of tho Methodist Epis
copal church to look after tho colored
The Right Rev. Dr. Frederick J.
Kinsman, the new Episcopal bishop of
Delaware, In his first address to a dioc
esan convention endeared himself to
many a country rector by coming out
flatly with tho declaration that "tho
minimum salary of a minister should
bo $1,000 a year nnd a house."
College and School.
William C. Doyle, formerly a phys
ical director at Yale university, has
been appointed an athletic supervisor
at the University of Iown and has ac
cepted the appointment.
As tho head of the now graduate col
lego of Cornell university the trustees
have appointed one of the youngest
professors, Ernest George Mcrritt, of
the department of physics.
Sir Augustus Waller, professor of
physiology at tho University of Lon
don. will go to tho University of Call
fornla to deliver the Hitchcock series
of lectures next college year. He will
arrive there for tho course on Sept. IS.
Superintendent of Schools Vernon L
Davey of East Orange, N. J., will al
low no more cloth towels to be used
in tho schools. In their stead ho will
substitute paper towels made of tough
munlla paper. These cost but a smal
fraction of a cent each.
English Etchings.
Over 47,000 lives have been saved by
the Royal National Lifeboat institu
tion. It was in order to meet the cost of
tho French war in 179S that the in
come tax was first imposed in Eng
There nre close upon 130 holders of
titles of long standing nobility who are
not members of tho house of lords
their peerages being those of Scotland
or Ireland only.
A memorial has just been erected iu
Kensington cemetery, London, to tho
memory of Admiral Sir Francis Leo
pold McCllntock, tho arctic explorer
nnd discoverer of the lost Franklin ex
Law Points.
The right of tbe court to surcharge
an executor's account for overpayment
of counsel fees without an exception
by some interested person before it Is
denied in re Stltzel, 221 Pa., 227; 70
Atl.. 749; 18 L. R. A. (N. S.), 284.
A provision in a policy Insuring
against loss of time from sickness
requiring notice of tho sickness to be
given to the insurer within ten days
of Its beginning, is hold in Craig ver
sus United States II. and A. Ins. Co.
80 S. C, 151; 01 S. E., 423; 18 L. R. A.
(N. S.), 100, to bo reasonable.
German Gleanings.
German soil feeds nine-tenths of her
There aro 397 members In tho Ger
man relchstng.
Germany has becomo tho greatest
producer of cocoa butter in the world
Each German army corps possesses
two observation and four signal bal
It is said that in tho last five years
tho membership of temperance so
cieties in uermany nas more man aon
late of Preston. Pa.
All nersona Indebted tn snld entnte nre noti
fied to make Immediate payment to tbe un
dersigned : and those having clnlma acalnst
the said estate are notified to present them
duly attested for settlement.
juiirs HAmJAL.1.,, Administrator,
Lake Como, Pa., June 30. 1909. 62t3
Attention is called totne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv has published a ROLL 01
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States.
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale. Pa., May 29 1908.,
Theo. Lisken,
Cabinet and Furniture Work.
Repairing Neatly Done.
Hair Mattresses made over like new.
526 So. Main St. HONESDALE.
LatestSM;st Novel
For Summer, 1009,
Menner & Co's Store,
Lnto of Mt. Pleasant township, deceased.
The undersigned, nn auditor appointed to
report distribution of said estate, will attend
to the duties of his appointment, on
THURSDAY. JULY 22, 1909,
at 10 o'clock, a. m,.nt his office in the borough
of Honesdale. nt which tlnio and placn all
claims against said estate must be presented,
or recourse to the fund for distribution will
be lost.
WM, II. LEE, Auditor.
Honesdale. June 52eoi3
Ponies and Carts
given .A.w.A.-3r
Beautiful Shetland Ponies, handsomo
Carts, solid Gold Watches, Diamond Kings
and other valuable presents given away.
To Boys and Girls who win our
Open to all Hoys and Girls. Costs nothing
to enter. Get enrolled at once. Hundreds of
dollars worth of prizes and cash besides.
whether he wins a grand prize or not.
Write us today for full particulars before
It la too late. ,
J . i- t
528 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Masa.