The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 09, 1909, Image 2

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A mellow color to use for tho
lamp shade to place in a bedroom
is yellow.
The low cut shoe, with or without
straps, is a thing of beauty this sea
son designed to wear with colored
hose that match the gown. The
bhoes, undoubtedly, show a pretty
instep and ankle, for the shoe is
quite low, and, sorry to say, a tri
fle hard to wear. The high heel Is
very much In evidence, one of the
I-ouls XVI styles, though the heel
is not badly built at all, and can
be worn with a surprising amount
of real comfort. The patent leather
styles are found everywhere, and so
medicinal, a stomach corrective, and
flesh builder.
Most persons with red hair have
freckles, If not, the skin is a beau
tiful white which Is the envy of
nine-tenths of the women. Unfor
tunately most women with this
shade of hair wish it another color,
though this tint, when clean, glossy
and beautifully arranged, Is to be
envied. It Is only to be deplored
when a shock head of dead-looking
hair is seen and the owner has too
many freckles. Salts of lemon or
soda in the water will brighten dead
looking hair. Tne "hundred
brushes' at night will gloss the
hair. Sulphur In milk, tho milk ap
plied to the face (not near the
eyes) will whiten tho skin, llut-
tcrmllk will bleach freckles. Cu
cumber cream is very useful
Freckles are due to iron In the
long as they do not break over the
toes, they are very trim with some ( Li00cl and they make their appear
costumes. They are exceedingly
hot In summer, and far less com
fortably than vhi kid. Suede is
gradually losing favor, for the shoo
is hot for summer wear. It Is
worn, however, In a great many
instances, especially with chic one
piece linen suits. There is nothing
Huffy this season in big bows and
the like. Even the lace shoe, when
tied, has a demure little silken bow.
Buckles are not worn, but many
too slippers are embroidered or
jetted on the toes. .Many leather
shoes have suede ties. The low
bronze shoe Is quite the rage at
present. One of tho fads this sea
son is pink hose and black patent
leather slippers with straps over the
ankles. They create a sensation,
to say the least. Green Is just as
popular. Drown suede boots are
liked better than brown suede slippers.
Before putting on a pair of silk
gloves, cover tho hands well with
talcum and you will not tear the
Petticoats that fit straight around
the hems can be turned over a
quarter of an inch at the top and
headed with a ribbon beading
through which a one-inch ribbon
can be run to tie at the back or
Those who like the taste of ber
ries, yet fear to eat them, can en
joy the fresh juice from crushed
berries if it is strained through
n'.uslin. It is either the fruit acid
or the little hairs, such as we see
on strawberries that injure the
stomach, but it is probable those
who are made ill after Indulging in
berries are alilicted with an acid
stomach, and they must avoid even
the juice.
In a very neatly arranged room,
filled with bric-a-brac, good drap
eries and furniture, the entire ef
fect was ruined with a glaring
white eyelet doily on a mission
table. White linen does not be-
long to the best room. Such pieces
are used in the dining room.
If the icing fails to harden on
your cake, put It in the oven for a
lew minutes. It forms a thin crust
which in no way destroys the de
licate icing.
Get one of the round, thick glasses
that come on baskets of candled
fruits and clean .tho glass until it
is bright and shining and paste
back of it a red polnsettia blossom
which will about cover the glass.
Attach it with clear glue to a mat
of asbestos and cut the edges clean
with a sharp knife. Should the
rim of glue show through the glass,
stipple the beaded edge with putty
and when dry, apply gilt paint.
mice on the skin when the face
perspires and is exposed to tho sun.
It Is about the next thing to iron
rust marks and must bo treated al
most tho same, though not so
harshly. Wear a veil or large hat
and curry n parasol. If It Is nec
essary to be out of doors much,
protect the face as much as possi
ble. Wear gloves. Many think
freckles more difficult to fade than
tan, though a heavy coat of tan
will last for months. Healthy look
ing it may be, but it Is anything
but pretty.
if the reader will subtract 7G,
052,800 from 174,750,053, she will
obtain two results, 1. e., !8,703,853,
and the number of cubic yards of
material that, on June 1, remained
to be excavated before the comple
tion of the Panama canal. Up to
and including May 31, 7G million
cubic yards of material had been
removed from the canal site. The
total to be removed at the time the
American occupation began was 174
million cubic yards. Four months'
work at the present rate of pro
gress will more than one-half com
plete all of the canal digging that
the Americans will have to do.
Actually, however, the canal is al
ready more than one-half complet
ed for at the time the French aban
doned possession of the canal zone
they had excavated more than
million cubic yards of material.
The total required excavation at the
outset, before any work had been
done, was more than 255 cubic
yards. Americans and French to
gether have removed more than 157
million cubic yards of this total.
By far the greatest part of the
work remaining to be done is Cule
bra cut, where the work is all dry
excavation. On the Atlantic and
Pacific ends of tho canal, most of
the remaining excavation will be
accomplished by dredges. How un
iformly the work has been carried
ou Is Indicated by the figures for
tho two coast divisions. On the
Atlantic side, 19 million cubic yards
of material have been excavated,
and on tho Pacific side the total has
been 17 million cubic yards. The
amount still to be removed is 24,
011,070 cubic yards on the Atlantic
side and 24,303,010 cubic yards on
the Pacific side. But it should be
kept In mind that these figures are
almost a month in reaching the
states and that even as this com
ment is being written the work Is
going steadily forward. At the
present moment, the total excava
tion for the year 1909 is probably
very close to 20 million cubic
yards. And as the digging pro
gresses, so does the concrete laying
and dam making. There are com
paratively few people living to-day
who will not live to read of the
completion of this greatest of all
the world's engineering undertakings.
Something Interesting About
Greatest of Diamonds.
For twelve years the Excelsior
diamond enjoyed its primacy, but on
January 25, 1905, tho greatest dia
mond known to the world was found
In open-working No. 2 of the Pre
mier mine, In the Transvaal Colony,
South Africa, and from tho finding
to the cutting of this magnificent
stone and its final disposal, Its his
tory Is a most romantic one. I
The dny'swork at the mine was
over and Frederick Wells, the sur
face manager, was malting his usual
rounds. Glancing along one side
of the deep excavation, his eye sud
denly caught the gleam of a bril
liant object far up on the bank. He
lost no time In climbing up to the
spot where lie had noted the glint
of light. He had not been mistak
en; It was really a brilliant crystal.
Ho tried to pull It out wltti his ling
ers, and as this proved impossible
ho sought to pry It out with the
blade of a penknife. To his sur
prise the kulfo blade broke without
causing the stone to yield. Confi
dent now that the crystal must be
a very large one, he dug out tho
earth about It, thinking for a mo
ment that, contrary to all experi
ence In the mine, tho stone might
be attached to a piece of the primi
tive rock. When ho discovered that
this was not the case, he began to
doubt that the object was really a
diamond. He said afterward:
"When I took a good look nt the
stone stuck there In the side of the
pit It suddenly Unshed across me
that I had gone insane that the
whole thing was Imaginary. I
knew it could not be a diamond. AH
at once another solution dawned
upon me. The boys often play
jokes on one another. Some prac
tical joker, thought I, has planted
this huge chunk of glass here for
me to find it. He thinks I will
make a fool of myself by bringing
It Into the office In a great state of
excitement, and the story will be
told far and wide in South Africa."
Determined to test the stone on
the spot, before proceeding furth
er, wells rubbcu on tne uirt irom
one of its faces witli his finger, and
soon convinced himself that it was
not n lump of glass, but a diamond
crystal, apparently of exceptional
whiteness and purity. With the
aid of a large blade of his knife he
finally succeeded in prying out tho
stone, and bore It away with him
to the olllce of the mine. Here it
was cleaned and, to the astonish
ment of all, was found to have a
weight of 3024 3-4 carats, more
than three times that of any other
diamond that has been discovered.
Before many hours had passed the
telegraph carried tidings to all
parts of the world that the greatest
diamond of this or any other age
had been brought to light. .Mr.
Wells is said to have received a re
ward of ?10,000 from the company
for his discovery.
T. M. CuIlliKin, founder and chair
man of the Premier company and
one of the great prize winners in
the lottery of South Africa .specu
lation, named the diamond after
himself; others have called it the
Premier, and several different
names have been proposed. Dr.
George Frederick Kuiiz's in the
June Century.
Great Inventor Says $1,200
Will Build Homes Ordinar
ily Costing $30,000
. Hickles should be kept in glass
bottles, or earthen jars, and be
closely corked. They must be kept
in a dry place. It is important that
pickles should be covered at least
two inches above the surface with
pure cider vinegar. All vinegar
left after making pickles can be
spiced and bottled to put in sauces.
Remember boiled vinegar decreases
in strength. Alum will harden
home-made pickles. A small lump
of alum and a root of horseradish
are often put among them. In
making small pickles, select cucum
bers of uniform sizes. Any fruit
can be pickled. Plums and cher
ries arc very nice when made into
pickles. If cherries are chosen,
they should be firm, whole and the
sour variety. Few remove the
stems. They should not be over
ripe when used. Put them into a
jar and cover with cold vinegar.
Leave three weeks in vinegar.
Then pour off two-thirds tho vine
gar, sweeten and add a bag of
spices. Add more fresh vinegar to
the cherries. After draining off the
vinegar boil it and make a syrup to
pour over tho pickles. Seal the
Both sage and hop tea will pro
duce sleep in a restless child. It is
not palatable, but It can be taken.
This is the time of year to build
up tissues. Leave fat meats alone,
but -eat plentifully of meat once a
day if you desire it. Spread but
ter on liberally, and indulge in new
potatoes in cream gravy, stewed
peas, cream soups, chocolate and
sweets. Avoid acid drinks, cnt
ripe fruit and cooked fruit, but
avoid pickles and highly seasoned
salads. Onions, radishes, and let
tuce may be eaten, but tomatoes,
unless cooked with butter and
cream, are too tart. Buttermilk is
The Blnghamton Republican says
that a meeting of the receivers of
the Outing Publishing Company of
Deposit was held at the office of
Receiver Archibald Howard in Blng
hamton, when arrangements were
made for the appearance of the re
ceivers before United States Judge
Kay at Norwich recently. At that
time the receivers will ask for per
mission to sell the Bohemian Mag
azine to Theodore Dresser, of New
York, after the August number has
been issued. Mr. Dresser has made
an offer of ?1,000.
Judge Ray will also be asked to
Issue an order, returnable at a fut
ure date, according to the present
plans, to show cause why the Out
ing Publishing Company's plant
shall not bo closed down after the
August number of the Bohemian
Magazine has been issued, and the
plant be sold by the receivers. The
plant has been inventoried by the
appraisers at about ?75,000.
Since the sale of the Outing Mag
azine the roll of employes has been
steadily lessening, until now only 25
or 30 are employed there.
IN Till
Man Writes That Tunnels are He
iiiK Diif? Under U. S. Forts
This message was received In
New York and transmitted to the
War Department:
"Dear Sir: Have just returned
form the Philippine Islands and
have some information of the
most startling nature that I wish
you would publish in the paper.
Tho Japanese spies now in the is
land are working night and day
digging tunnels under our fort and
ammunition vaults so that when
war breaks out they can blow them
all up.
"Now when I told one of the
officers of the United States Army
about it he laughed, even though I
told him I could prove my charges.
I'm going to go to Washington and
see the Secretary of War 'and ask
him to investigate. The Russian
used to laugh at the Japanese but
alas they woke up too! So it will
be with this country."
According to a decision handed
down by tho appellate court the In
ternational Text-Book company of
Scranton, Pa., is a foreign corpora
tion, which is doing business illegal
ly in Illinois, never having taken
out a permit. The decision means
that tho book company cannot
collect debts. It sued W. A. Muller
of Decatur for 145.80 and the court
ruled that he did not need to pay
the bill.
Wo clip from the Pittston Ga
zette the following: District Attor
ney Abram Salsburg Is determined
to stop the sale of intoxicants on
all Lehigh Valley dining cars, and
with this end in view, the initial
step was taken on Thursday morning
when Charles Norrls, the new coun
ty detective, and Detective Michael
Mulvey, with the necessary papers,
held up train No. 8 from Buffalo,
which arrived in Wilkes-Barre at
11:32, to secure information against
the man in charge of the dining
The specific charge is the selling
of intoxicants in Luzerne county
without a license. The district at
torney declares, that the dining cars
on the Lehigh Valley road are noth
ing more than speakeasies on
wheels, and some interesting devel
opments are expected. Ho says the
railroad company makes large sums
from the sale of liquors on Its
trains, and tho county is not bene
fited one cent.
New York Plumbers are Doubtful
Wizard of Menlo Park May Have
Overlooked Wage Scales in Estimat
ing on Concrete Structures.
New York City. Thomas A. Edison
has announced that he has completed
his scheme for building a concrete
house for $1,200, wliich, if constructed
of stone in tho same design, would
cost between $20,000 and $30,000. The
fact that Edison includes in his $1,200
estimate the heating and plumbing for
the house Is construed by practical
men here to mean ho has fixed his
figures without previously having
consulted plumbers and steam fit
ters and without taking into con
sideration the eight-hour day and
the prevailing rate of wages. The
price he cites could not prevail If
only a single house was to be built.
That he wants to be understood clear
ly. What ho means Is that If the re
inforced concrete houses were built in
blocks, by his design and through the
uso of his molds, tho cost of each
house In a block would not bo greater
than about $1,200.
He also says that figure is depend
ent upon the houses being built on
soli which yield sand and gravel from
tho excavations. Even after making
duo allowance for those conditions,
practical builders here in Now York
said they felt sure Edison would find
himself in a losing game If be con
tracted to put up those blocks of de
tached one-family houses for $1,200
each, with the plumbing and steam
heating apparatus included. Opinion
was expressed that a mistake had
been made in tho estimates, and be
fore contracts were entered into for
building such houses the estimates
would bo revised and changed materi
ally. Tho Edison housebuilding plan calls
for a one-family house, on a lot 40x00
feet. The floor plan of the house is
25x30 feet. Tho front porch extends
eight feet nnd the back stoop three
feet. Each house will contain six
rooms and a bath, and the cellar will
extend beneath the entire house and
will contain the boiler, washtubs and
coal bunker. The main living rooms
and also the outside of the house will
be richly decorated. The decorations
will be cast with tho house and there'
fore will come from the molds as part
of the structure and not merely be
stuck on.
The entire house will be of rein
forced concrete. That includes the
walls, roof, floors, porches, bathtub
and the laundry tubs. The only wood
In the building will be the doors, door
frames, windows and window frames.
The Inside walls also will be of con
crete and there will bo no plaster fin
ish. The surface will be smooth and
may be tinted or painted, as the owner
may desire. Edison seems to think
that with his plan in working shape it
will do much toward relieving the
congestion wliich now exists in cities
and practically enable every working
man to own his home or to be a ten
ant in a detached house at an expense
that is, for rent and carfare of not
more than $9 a month.
Cast-iron molds will be used In
building the houses, and they will
vary in design. After the concrete
foundation has been laid and has hard
ened the molds will be set up upon
it. The term foundation is not to be
construed as meaning the cellar walls,
but merely a base of concrete upon
which the molds will rest. Edison es
timates that the molds needed to be
gin the work of building such houses
on wholesale lines will cost $25,000,
nnd that the necessary plant will cost
$15,000 more. At least six sets of
molds must be used to keep the men
and the plant busy.
Edison says it will take four days
to set up the molds. The liquid con
crete can be poured into them in six
hours. The molds will bo kept in use
for four days until the concrete hard
ens and then it will require four days
to remove them. That means the
house will be finished in a fortnight.
With the six sets of molds, if that
schedule is adhered to, about 150
houses can be built In a year. The
initial cost of the cast iron molds will
be comparatively great, but they may
be used indefinitely, Edison says, and
in the long run will be much cheaper
than tho wooden molds now used and
which, because of their destructlblllty,
Increase greatly tho expense of con
crete construction.
Edison has George E. Small nnd
Henry J. Harms, Jr., engineers, work
ing with him now. They designed the
house and molds and made the experi
ments. The first house will bo pour
ed In sections for experimental pur
poses and to discover and remedy de
fects. Then an entire house will be
molded with one pouring. In other
words, a lot of liquid concrete wilt be
run into the molds and when they are
removed that muddy-looking mixture
will havo been turned into a hand
some home whore a worklngman can
live and rear hie family cheaply and
in comfort that is, if the Edison esti
mates ore right.
Tho Kind Ton Havo Always Bought, and which has boon
in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of
and has boon mado under his per
jC6fJty'?Jp' sonal supervision since its infancy.
Wf7rt Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and4' Just-as-good "arc hut
Experiments that triilo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothbig Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fcvcrisbucss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind.
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
II. C. HAND, President.
V. 11. HOLMES, Vice Pres.
H. S. SALMON, Cashier
W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier
We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
of this Bank.
EVKltY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can loseal'J-JJNIs Y
It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving
an increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction.
Its cash funds are protected by MODKRN STEKL VAULTS.
All of the.-e things, coupled with conservative management. Insured
by the CAItKllU, PKIi.SOXAI, ATTENTION constantly slven the
Dunk's nlfalrs hy a notably able Hoard ot Directors assures the patrons
of that SL'l'JiKMK SA1'"HTY which Is the prime essential of a sood
Total Assets,
ii. c. iiAxn.
A. T.SK.Y1H.K.
T. 15. CI.AHK
Ten Cents
TENCENTS SAVED every day will, in fifty years,
grow to $9,504.
TWENTY CENTS SAVED daily would in fifty years
amount to $19,00G.
The way to accumulate money is to save small sums system
aticallyjuid with regularity.
At 3 per cent, compound interest money doubles itself in 25
years and 104 days.
At (J per cent, money doubles itself in 11 years and 327
If you would save 50 cents a'day, in 50 years you would have
If vou would save $1.00 a day, at the end of 50 years you
would ha've $95,042.
Begin NOW a
Savings Account
at the
Honesdale Dime Bank
Money loaned to all Wayne counteans furnish
lii!.' Rood security. Notes discounted. Mrst
mortense on real estate taken. Safest and cheap
est way to send money to foreign countries Is by
dr ifts, to bo hud at this bank. S e e e
Madison, Wis. All persona oro pro
hibited from using profanity. In pub
lic by a bill passed by both house
of tho Wisconsin Lecislature.
Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing to do extensive construction
work in tho .
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the
Patronize the Independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other service without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 3D0.
Foster Building.
First, Last and All the time for the Best