The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 02, 1909, Image 2

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Aldrich Tells Why He Is For
Corporation Amendment.
Hood of Telegrams to Senators Ask
ing Them to Oppose President
Taft's Plan but 52 Are
Said to Favor It.
WashtiiKtoii, .Tunc 30. Senator Aid
rich of Rhode Island, chairman of the
committee on nuance and sponsor for
the corporation tax amendment to the
pondlnp tariff bill, announced in the
senate that he favored sucli a tax for
the purpose .of defeating the income
tax amendments of Senators Halley
and Cummins.
Hotly pressed by Senator Halley, Mr.
Aldrich declined to tell the senate
whether he sunnested the corporation
tax idea to President Tnft or whether
I ho president suggested it to him.
Kqually pressed by Senator Clny of
Georgia, Mr. Aldrich said ho would
not take up and reduce the schedules
proposed by the pending tariff bill if an
income or corporation tax amendment
was passed.
"I will say very frankly," replied
Senator Aldrich, "that I will vote for
a corporation tax to defeat an Income
tax and that I expect the corporation
tax during the next two years will
meet the deficit of ?GO,000,000 this year
and the deficit of $45,000,000, which I
have estimated for next year. At the
end of two years, I think, the tax will
be materially modified, if not repealed.
I have said that the levying of an In
come tax in a time of peace would
tend to destroy the protective system
of taxation."
Mr. Aldrich formally called up the
Bailey Income tax amendment ns the
peudlng provision under the senate
agreement and offered as an amend-1
ment the corporation tax provision re-j
ported by the ilnance committee.
Mr. Aldrich declared that with nddi-;
tlonal revenue to be provided by the 1
corporation tax be would be greatly i
surprised If there Is any deficit next j
year. The deficit for the present year, 1
he added, would be about ?00,000,000, j
not so great as formerly estimated.
Again, ho declared that if the tariff
bill becomes a law in its present form ,
It wiild next year produce an Income j
of $350,000 000.
Mr. Flint, who ns a member of the .
finance committee Is to have charge
of the corporation tax provision, then '
explained the provisions of the amend
ment. He said the finance commit
tee had considered not only a corpora
tion, but also an income tax law as
supplementary to the tariff, and had
decided it would be unwise to pass
such an income tax bill as introduced
by Senators Bailey and Cummins. '
lll'.Y liilll. uu uiu, iiLiiiiiuuuuu mi; muu
f -. I I. . . . 1 -. . . 1 . .. I
anu ine.v um uul wish uy niiiKuijj, u
1.1.- A. A 1 ..... .. 1 A I
1 A 1 .- . . Il l a. ! . 1 . .... !.!...-
"When the president suggested the
corporation tax," said Mr. Flint, "the
committee agreed to it and is here
prepared to support it."
Senator Dixon declared that there
would be many failures to reach the
corporations with the proposed tax.
"Still," he said, "because the presl-
dent of the United States and the lead-1
er of the Republican party has asked ,
jfor it, I shall vote for the corporation
tas amendment." Its chief virtue, he
suid, was its publicity features. j
A flood of telegrams is pouring In
upon senators in opposition to the cor- j
poration tnx amendment. '
Most of the telegrams come from
persons Interested in building and loan ,
associations, but practically every j
character of corporate operations Is ,
represented. Most of the senators re
i celved from twelve to fifty telegrams,
and some at least n hundred.
Chairman Aldrich says that n can
vas of the senate shows that iifty-two
Republicans will vote for the corpora
tion tax amendment.
Jack Blackburn, Negro Lightweight,
Pleads Guilty to Murder,
Philadelphia, June 30. Jack Black
burn, the colored lightweight pugilist,
charged with the murder of Alonzo
Folk, another colored man, pleaded
guilty aud was sentenced to fifteen
years' imprisonment.
Polk's wife and Maud Dlllson, a
white woman who lived with Black
burn, were haviug nn altercation when
the two men arrived home in a cab.
Polk interfered and Blackburn drew
a revolver aud fired several shots, kill
ing Polk and hitting Mrs. Polk In tho
back. She recovered.
To Purchase Plus IX.'s Homestead.
Rome, June 30. Archbishop Farley of
New York has decided to raise a fund
to purchase the homestead of Pope
Pius IX. at Sanlgalllo, which will bo
transformed into a shrine, in which
relics of that pontiff will be placed.
Two Boys Killed by Lightning.
Birmingham, Ala., June 30. Maffett
Parker and Nell Latman, aged eleven
and twelve, were killed by lightning
snder a large tree. Their favorite dog
was also killed b.y the current.
Goes to Take Deposition! of Witnesses
In Panama Libel Case.
New York, June 30. Sailing from
this city for Paris today was United
States District Attorney Henry A.
Wise, who Is bound for the French
capital on a quest connected with the
suit for libel against the New York
World and the Indianapolis News in
which the federal government Is in
terested. The going abroad of the government
prosecutor for this district follows the
obtaining of nn order in the United
States district court by the publisher
of the World for the examination of
certain witnesses residing in Paris.
Mr. Wise will take depositions of his
own, and the counsel for the defendant
will be present at the examination of
his witnesses.
torney received an order from the
United States circuit court a month
ago to go to Paris.
The proceedings against the World
and the Indianapolis News were be
gun in Washington on Jan. 18, when
subpoenas for witnesses were Issued.
Indictments were found there on Feb.
17 and in this city on March 4.
The complainants in the prosecution
nrn fnrtiini' T'rnslilnnt- IlnnspvpU. PrpsI
,w Toft ,Ronnt,,r tw .t i Afnrnn.
c,mrlc8 P'. Tilft , DoUglas Robinson and
,Ymi.mi Cronlwol, ,vho nssort
I that the World and the News libeled
them by declaring that there were dis
honest proceedings in the sale of the
rights of the old French Panama com
pany to the United States government.
Writer Held For Kidnaping After Ac- j
quittal on Other Charge. j
New York. June 30. Although I
, Bi-oughton Brandenburg was acquitted ,
of the charge of having sold to the !
' New York Times nn article by Grover
Cleveland which the district attorney ',
contended was not genuine, but was ,
Brandenburg's own Invention nud
composition, the writer Is still in Jail. '
Discharged from custody when the
jury returned a verdict of not guilty, I
he walked out into the hall of the
1 courtroom, where Minnie Leonard '
Brandenburg, his second wife, was
1 waiting for him. Ho kissed her, nnd
before she had taken her arms from ,
i about his neck he was rearrested by j
Detective Lieutenants Fitzslmhions
and Flood. ,
This arrest was on a warrant sent '
from St; Louis, where Brandenburg
has been indicted for kldnnplng his '
stepson, Sheppard Cabana, Jr., who is j
seven years old. I
Detective FItzslmmons arraigned
j Brandenburg before Magistrate Cor-1
uell In the Tombs court, making aill
' davit that a request had been made for .
t Brandenburg's extradition to Missouri. I
FItzslmmons asked that heavy bail bo
' imposed. 1
"What is the penalty for kidnaping
In Missouri?", asked Magistrate Cor-!
"Life imprisonment," nnswered the '
Iptpptlvp. Bosnlle the nrotests of i
Brandenburg's counsel,
mltted to the Tombs.
he was com-
Daughter of Mrs. John A, Logan Re
sumes Maiden Name.
Chlcogo, June 30. Mary Elizabeth
Tucker, who was Dolly Logan, dnugh
j tor of General John A. Logan, obtain
I ed a divorce from Colonel William F.
Tucker, U. S. A., retired, on grounds
of desertion. Alimony was settled prl
i vately. Colonel Tucker did not con
test. Mrs,
Tucker was permitted to
resume her maiden name.
Tho only witnesses . were Mrs.
Tucker nnd her mother, widow of
General John A. Logan. Both testi
fied that the parties to tho suit were
married in 1877 and that Colonel
Tucker deserted his wife in 1000.
Pipe Smoker Sets Naphtha on Fire and
Five Buildings Are Burned,
Gloversvllle, N. Y., June 30. Some
one threw a match Into the Cayadutta
creek after lighting his pipe as he
crossed a bridge hero and thereby
caused a property loss of 30,000. The
waters of the creek were covered with
naphtha from a leather dressing plant,
and when the lighted match struck the
explosive the creek became a sheet of
flame. Five buildings and largo plies
of lumber were destroyed, and electric
light and power wires were burned.
Sixty-one Cholera Cases In One Day,
St. Petersburg, Juno 30. In twenty
four hours sixty-one pasos of cholora
were removed to hospitals, and there
were thirty deaths.
Militant Women March on
British Parliament.
Premier Asquith Refuses to Receive
Delegation and Mrs. Pank
hurst Slaps the Face of
Inspector Jarvis.
London, June 30. The thirteenth
vnlu attempt of the militant suffra
gettes to obtain access to Premier As
quith by deputation resulted In excit
ing scenes in Parliament square and
the arrest of 112 women.
Those put in Jail included Mrs. Pank
hurst, Mrs. Solomon, the Hon. Mrs.
Ilaverfleld, daughter of Lord Ablnger;
Miss Margesson, daughter of Lady
Margcssonj Miss Maud Joachim, niece
of the violinist; Mrs. Mnnsell, wife of
Colonel Mnnsell and granddaughter of
Lord Wimborne; Mrs. Frank Corbett,
sister of a member of parliament;
Mrs. Rose Massey, wife of Colonel
Massey, and Miss Nellignu, who is seventy-nine
years old.
The expectation that a more deter
mined attempt than ever was to be
made to forcu Premier Asqulth's hand
attracted nn enormous crowd to the
parliament buildings. Probably 50,000
persons gathered at the scene. Within
the cordon of police were members of
both houses of parliament and scores
of distinguished persons. Among these
were Lord and Lady Granard, Lord
Morloy, Lord Wolverhampton and
Lord Althrop.
Great excitement was caused among
the crowd by the movements of the
equestrian suffragette, Miss Vera
Howe, who In riding habit and derby
hat rode backward and forward, car
rying messages between the different
deputations, until she was arrested.
Next appeared the deputation under
command of Mrs. Pankhurst, and it
was received by the crowd with wild
cheers. Escorted by the police, the
deputation arrived at the St. Stephen's
entrance to parliament, where It was
met by Chief Inspector Scantlebury,
who handed Mrs. Pankhurst a letter
from the premier regretting his in
ability to receive the deputation.
Angrily throwing the letter on the
ground, Mrs. Pankhurst exclaimed, "I
i stand on my riguts ns tne King's sub
ject to enter the house of commons,"
and she endeavored to force an en
trance. The police tried to induce the wo
men to disperse quietly and then be
gan to take the members of the depu
tation by the arms to lend them away.
To the surprise of the spectators, who
were massed around the entrance, Mrs.
Pankhurst slapped Inspector Jnrvls in
tiie face, knocking his cap in the mud.
There were cries of "Shame!" and
several of the spectators told the suf
fragette leader that she had no provo
cation to do such n tiling.
A moment later another member of
the deputation, Mrs. Saul Solomon,
knocked 'off the Inspector's cap a sec
ond time, while others made deter
mined attempts to rush the cordon of
police. Eventually the entire deputa
tion was placed under arrest.
By this time a second deputation
had loft Caxton hall, accompanied by
some hundreds of suffragettes and oth
ers, and nn attempt was made to
reach the house of commons through
tiie underground passage leading from
Westminster bridge.
This, too, was unsuccessful, but for
two hours the whole district was in a
state of uproar, the police dispersing
the crowds and arresting women by
"lv umuwB ui many
of the government buildings were
smashed with stones wrapped in pn-
Throughout the demonstrations the
police behaved with tho utmost for
bearance, but the suffragettes in many
cases forced them to some amount of
rough handling. There was much
screaming and in some cases fainting,
and many women had to be taken to
the hospitals in a state of collapse.
Efforts to Have Its Use Banned
Presbyterians Fail,
New York. June 30. An unsuccess-
fUl effort was made to put tobacco on
the list of harmful Indulgences by tho
temperance committee at the Brooklyn
presbytery. Its use was classed as an
"associate habit" tending to encourage
the use of liquor.
Tho stated clerk, T. C. McClelland,
offered an amendment "that we also
place our ban on tea, coffee, ice cream
soda and chewing gum as associate
Thereupon ensued a discussion on
the harmfulncss of tobacco, and on a
voto being taken the antltobacco party
was defeated.
Wealthy Spaniard's Home Wrecked
While Party Is at Dinner.
Madrid, June 30. Six persons were
killed and four desperately Injured by
a bomb which was thrown through a
window In the home of a rich land
owner at Navla while a large party
was at dinner.
Tho for of tho explosion was ter
rific, and the room was completely
'wrecked. It is bollevcd that the act
was one of solltlcal revenge.
Millionaire Crane, Who Began
Life Without Chance to Study,
Decries Higher Education
Make Them Despise Labor "Every
One of These Institutions is a Fraud
and Imposition on the Public" Are
a Positive Curse.
"Men go to college now for Q
association and sentiment. It u
is a four years' playground." H
This is what President Wood- O
row Wilson, of Princeton Unl-
verslty, said to Princeton alum- o
nl in Louisville. President Wll- P
son spoke of the American co'l- Q
lego under the present system P
of education and said that with- O
in a decade It will have been 5
determined whether It shall o
, n (a
BUU1U Ul 1U11.
Chicago. Richard T. Crane, multi
millionaire, like Robert Louis Steven
son, author, believes moro .men are
spoiled than made by college educa
tions. The multi-millionaire, who
spent his early life chiefly In labor,
"having little time for study," feels
much more strongly on the subject
than the famous graduate of the Uni
versity of Edlnburg, for he favors put
ting the torch to the universities sup
ported wholly or partly by the various
The occasion for this latest expres
sion of the views of Mr. Crane, who
made his millions in building eleva
tors, is that members of the Legisla
ture asked his advice on the question
of increasing the appropriation for the
University of Illinois. The university
was organized in 18C7. This year's ap
propriation was $2,300,000. For fifteen
years the appropriations have aver
aged $2,000,000. Before that they
were not so large. The university,
situated at Urbana, has 4.C00 students
who pay from $50 to $110 a year for
tuition, and has a library of 100,000
volumes. Mr. Crane, in his letter to
the legislators, says:
"I have given a great deal of
thought and study to the subject of
higher education, and have conducted
several systematic investigations with
regard to this and many other institu
tions engaged in advanced lines of
education. In fact, as far as I know,
I am the only one who has ever taken
up this subject In a businesslike way,
and the conclusion I have reached is
that practically every one of these in
stitutions is a fraud and an imposition
on the public.
"In trying some years ago to find
out tho utility of an academic educa
tion for young men who havo to earn
their own living, inquiries were made
not only of graduates from the col
lego and universities, but also of those
who had engaged these graduates in a
business way, and the result as shown
was anything but creditable to the
"I am prepared oven to go much
further than this, for I maintain that
instead of being a benefit, such insti
tutions as this are a positive crrso
and are doing a vast amount of harm
by demoralizing the youth of this
"Instead of appropriating funds for
such Institutions it would be a good
deal bettor for the State to put a
torch to them and burn them down
to go out of the 'higher education'
business, and permit tho boys to go
back to their homes and assist in sup
porting their families instead of caus
ing them a heavy expense."
Mr. Crane is now seventy-seven
years of age. In 1903 he married, as
his second wife, Miss Emily Hutchin
son, who was then under thirty, and
settled $1,000,000 on her in lieu of
dower. His company has a profit
sharing system under which more
than $200,000 is distributed each year
among its employees.
Mumcra Not Sick, But Refuses to Get
Up Lives at County Farm.
Jerseyville, 111. The laziest man In
the world lives In this village. His
name is John Mumcra, and he has
been In bed ten years because he is
unwilling to comply with the rules of
the Jersey County Farm, which say
that every one living there shall rise
at 5 a. m.
Mumcra Is not sick. He eats regu
larly and is in perfect health.
"I am ready to hold up my hand
and owear that he has kept his word,"
said Superintendent Mourning of the
County Farm. "John has been In bed
ten years, and he says he will stay
there the remainder of his life.
"He Just lies there and looks at the
ceiling, or rolls over once In a while
and takes a nan. When he talks It le
all about how foolish a man Is to get
up every morning when he knows he'll
have to go back to bed again at night."
Coughs Up a Tack.
Chardon, Ohio. Elton Parker,
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W, J,
Parker, coughed up a carpet tack that
had Iain Imbedded near his lungs for
three years.
Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has boon
in uso for over 30 years, has horno tho signature of
and has hcon made under his pcr-
jCjOT,?jPa, Bonal supervision slnco its infancy.
u&T7r. t-CUCAMZ Allow no ono to docoivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "aro hut;
Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho health o
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm
and allays Fcvcrishucss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
H. C. HAND. President.
W. B. HOLMES, Vice Pkes.
We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
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It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years,
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All of these duties, coupled with conservative management. Insured
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Total Assets,
A. T. SKA 1:1.12.
1'. 15. (Jl.Alf l
Ten Cents
TEN. CENTS SAVED every day will, in fifty years,
grow to $9,504.
TWENTY CENTS SAVED daily would in fifty years
amount to $19,006. ,
The' way to accumulate money isjto save small sums system
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At 3 per cent, compound interest money doubles itself in 23
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At 0 per cent, money doubles itself in 11 years and 32"
If vou would save 50 cents a"day, in 50 years you would have
If vou would save'lH.OO a day, 4t the end of50 years7you
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Begin NOW a
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est way to send money to forflgn countries Is by
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Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing tolb extensive construction
work in the
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve the servi(and enlarge the
Patronize the Independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other service without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 300.
Foster Building.
First. Last and All
Signature of
H. S. SALMON, Cashier
W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier
this Bank. .
before Wny depositor can losealJ
lidelity and satislaction.
W. IJ. H01.ME3I
1 KI.M151.K
Honesdale Dime Bank