E WEATHER-: Oa Friday fair to partly overcast and rising temperatures followed by local rain. Saturday partly cloudy with sUUonAly'itCBjper- . ntures and local rain. I Wayne County Organ of the REPUBLICAN PARTY i 5 i 66th YEAR. HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY," JT , 1909. NO. 53 THREE AMERICANS! REM FOR RACE IIP HIS VICTOR PRESIDENT WARNS ALDRICHJS AWAY. Republican Party. Must Live Up to Its Promises. , i OTHERWISE IT WILL FALL BACK j If It Does Not Come in to What ! People Expect It Will'Be Rel- ; egated to Position Like His Majesty's Opposition. : Now Haven, Coun., July 1. Pros!- ident Toft paused lu the course of his feWth to 1,800 graduates of Yale gath- at the annual nlunml feast to ls- 'a serious note of warning to con fess and to the leaders of the Repub- Ian party. Che president declared that If the arty which placed hliu In power and iontrol of the government for so many tears failed now to live un to Its prom ises and the expectations of the people it -would be" relegated to the position of a minority opposition. The president made this reference In speaking of the difficulty of defining a latter day Democrat and declaring that the trouble was not altogether on that T5ldo of the house. . He made no effort to explain his warnings; The Yale men caught his i meaning and the significance of the remarks coming at this time of the -tariff debate, however, and they stood upon their feet and cheered for sev eral minutes. Mr. Taft had been speaking of Sec retary of War Dickinson, a Democrat, unon whom Yale conferred au honor ary degree. He taunted thofpeinoc- raey with the best of good" hmor as I to its present day condition, tills fled him Into the declaration as to his own party. After paying tribute to others upon , whom the university conferred houor 'ary degrees the president Mild: ( "You went south of the Mason and .Dixon line to gut a secretary, of war Lto give a degree to. 'Well, it (is well Lthat you did, because ho Is gldng to build the Panama canal, ana other universities will follow whore 'yoir got 1 In early. i "One of the difficulties that has con- , fronted Brother Dickinson out in Chi cago, where ho has a temporary resl- I deuce, was a discussion as to what constituted an orthodox Democrat and whether re-ally lie ought to be counted as a Democrat if ho allowed iiiinsolf to go Into n Republican cabinet. "Well, when you come to discuss wl(it is a Democrat those days you are presented with very much the same dllliculty that I have before me now In giving certain rules for the construction of the pure food law as to what whisky Is. They say there Is 'straight' whisky, and then tlwe Is 'rectified' whisky, and then tlijcrc is 'Imitation' whisky. ; "Now, I speak with a good deal of hesitation In saying whether my friend Dickinson Is n 'straight' Democrat or a 'rectified' Democrat. I would not dare to say In his presence that he was nn 'imltayon' Democrat. "The truth is, and speaking serious ly, I consider myself most fortunate that I was able to obtain for thili Im portant place in my cabinet a man w,ho represented the highest ideals of tie south, who knew no section In his ItrloMsm and whoso coming Into the jlnet was significant of the friend- ess of a large element In that south ern section that it is In my heart to bring close to the north, "In suggesting differences aniong TloTnnnpnfn T nm fnr frnrn. fm,n.lnff If some difficulties that there are oyi our H side. I remember in 1904 that riinrles Francis Adams gave what I may call a perfectly good Adams reason for the election of the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate. "He said that one of the essentials a successful free government was able, patriotic and efficient opposi- bn and that as the Democratic mrty Sd utterly failed in reachlng.iftat eat ne was in ravor of putting the publican party In that place. "1 venture to say that, while that may uut be the reason which shall move ithe American people, It Is true tnat lr the Republican party does not live up to its promises and what the people expect of It It will be relegWed to a position like that of his majesty's opposition, and therefore I may say by way of caveat that wo have troubles of our own." Two Mills Sign Union Scale. Steubenville, 0 July 1. FolIanBbee Bros.' Tin mill at Follansbee, W. Va., and the Pope Tin mill of-this f.tty signed the scalo asked for by W Amalgamated Association of Iran, Steel and Tin Workers, thus prevent ing a strike at these ntents. About a thousand men are affi Insurgents Take Control of Senate laritt Debate. BORAH FOR DIRECT INCOME TAX Idah Senator Says Great Corpora- j uo"5 tlttVC ""nsieneu mcu Taxes to Consumer and Can Continue to Do So. Washington, July 1. When the sen nte met today to resume work on the tariff bill Senator Aldrlch, chairman of the linnnee committee, was absent. There was no little curiosity as to where ho had gone on his brief vaca tion, but the only Information on this point forthcoming was that he waB "on the water." Taking advantage of the absence of Mr. Aldrlch, the insur gents took control of the order of busi ness. Senntor Borah of Idaho continued his speech in favor of a straight In come tax amendment to the tariff bill. Taking for his text the declaration made by Senator Aldrlch that he would vote for the corporation tax amendment only as a means of defeat ing the income tns, Senator Borah crit icised the position of the chairman of the finance committee, who had pre sented the corporation tax amendment to the senate. Unquestionably, Mr. Borah said, the great corporations of the country have transferred their taxes to the con sumer. "The men who do not transfer their taxes," he continued, "are the holders of millions of bonds, who nro exempt ed from the operation of the law It is hero proposed to pass." Today, ho said, the great corpora tions, knowing that they can transfer tills proposed tax, are advising that the tax bo put upon them, preferring it to the income tax. Favoring a resubmission of the in come tax to the ''supreme coirrt of the United States, Mr. Borah said he did not attack the integrity of that court. "Yet," he said, "when that court dif fers and by a bare majority of one overturns the practice of a century, j who will toll me that under such cir- j cuinstancos it is an assault upon the dignity of the court to ask them to again consider that question V" He favored the income tax, he said, because it would make possible a dis tribution of the burdens of the govern ment between the consumers and wealth. If, he said, It was proposed to lay an additional tax upon consumers I in the form of a corporation tax he would prefer following the course sug gested at the beginning of the session by the chairman of the finance com mittee in favor of retrenchment in the expenditures of the government to avoid the necessity for such an addi tional burden upon the people. The house committee on appropria tions today began the preparation of a deficiency appropriation bill, the to tal of which will approximate ?1,000,- 000. Included In this bill will be nn ap propriation of $25,000 with which to pay the traveling expenses of the pres ident, thus leaving intact his salary of $75,000. Other items which the bill will carry are: One hundred and eight thousand dollars for the equipment of hospitals at Ellis Island, 300,000 to pay the expenses of this government's participation In the Brussels exposi tion of 1010 and $100,000 for special assistants to the department of Jus tice. STEEL W0KKERS STRIKE. Ten Thousand Skilled Men In Fight Against Open Shop. Pittsburg, July 1. More than 10,000 skilled workers, members of the Amal gamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, employed by the Ameri can Sheet and Tin Plate company In various plants throughout Pennsylva nia, Ohio, West Virginia and Indiana quit work today when the "open shop" order of the company came. The com pany and the union have both made preparations to light. Defeat for the Amalgamated associa tion, It is said, would mean the loss of Its power over the United States! fiteel corporation, of which the American Sheet and Tin Plate company Is a sub sidiary. That the company Is working toward this end Is apparent, It Is al leged, from orders issued calling for the immediate resumption of several nonunlojLnlants In this vicinity which for over n year have been Idle. A majority of tho company's plants In the Pittsburg territory are non union, and the trouble was not effec tive here. Wheeling, W. Va.; Newcas tle, Sharon and Connellsvllle, Pa.; Martins Ferry, Bridgeport and Cam bridge, O., and Elwood, Anderson, Gas City and Muncle, Iud., are the points involved. I What the Fourth l Means to All Americans THE Fourth of July is our supreme holiday. It stands for our national idea and mission. It r represents our beginning, progress, and des- tiny. On February 22d we celebrate the birthday i of Washington, and on May 30th we decorate the graves of those who laid down their lives for the our resources, tne . peerlessness of our opportunities, the inspiration of . our ideals; by the music of our industries and the . beauty and fruitfulness of our fields; by the millions . of our school children, and the radiant armies of the . students in our higher educational institutions; by . the constant flood of immigrants from every clime and nation; by all that is vital and true in the . thoughts and deeds of our public men ; by all that is . good and lovely in the lives of lofty and lowly; by . the song of our streams, the thunder of our oceans, . the majesty of our mountains; by everything that is . American in power and promise ; by all our achieve . ments, all our influence, and all our hopes. The Fourth of July, like the stars and stripes, stands for the wIe country, everywhere, all the time. It is a day that covers all the year, all our past, all our future; and it is being celebrated all the r time, for it is the date of everything American that is thought or done. As the supreme festival of free- dom and democracy it marks the epoch of the com r mon people in the history of the world, for its sun r shine has sent hope into the hearts of those of all the r lands still under the rule of tyranny. To the for r mal celebration of the day every community should - give its best the s'' eetest music, the noblest orajtory. - Above all other days in the year it should be joyous. Social re-unions, pastimes, excursions, athletic con r tests, are in harmony with the spirit of the day, but they should be subordinate to a dignified and attrac r tive ceremonial, popular in interest and stimulating t to memory, to patriotism, and to the heart. The f flag should be conspicuous in every home and every place of business, and in the hands of every child. r Welcome the glorious Fourth 1 r CHANGE IN THE NAVY. Bear Admiral Potter Becomes Chief of the Bureau of Navigation. Washington, July 1, An Important change took place In the navy depart ment today with the assumption of the office of chief of the bureau of naviga tion, one of the moat responsible- In tho service, by Bear Admiral William P. Potter. He succeods as bureau chief Rear Admiral John B. Plllsbury, who was jlaced on thereUred list sev of m 'i3 Union; but the Four th of July is the birth day and the memorial of all American great ness of character and splendor of heroism. It is the great festival that is being celebrat ed all the year round, by the joy of Ameri can homes, the inex haustible wealth of eral montns ago, but has remained In charge of tho bureau, . Roar Admiral Potter has hod a dls tingulshed career In the navy. He Is a native of New York and entered the service in 1805. Ho was advanced for "eminent and conspicuous conduct In battle during the war with Spain." At the outset of tho rooent battleship cruise Admiral Potter commanded the Vermont, and on the retirement of Rear Admiral Emory he auoceeded to the command f the socond squadron of the Atlantic fleet. Harvard and Yale Crews at New London Await Gun. JAM OVERFLOWS THE CITY. 1 Record Crowd Out to See Blue and j Crimson Oarsmen Struggle For Honors In Eight Oared Contest. i New London, Conn.. July 1. With the freshmen and the four oared races out of the way, the scene was set to day for the final and crowning event of the Yale-Harvard regatta, the strug gle between the varsity eight oared crews. The minor events have served their purpose the whetting of the appetites of the immense crowds for the big race. Speaking of crowds, the word seems hardly adequate to give an Idea of the number of people that All this city to overflowing and spill over the edges. Even last year's multitude, drawn here partly by the races and partly by the presence of President Taft, then the Republican candidate, Is surpassed today. The long after noon wait for the big race, which Is scheduled for 0 p. m., Is filled with the scenes and sounds incident to, the gathering of a mass of college human ity. New London Is used to the ui roar nud the sights, having had the college regatta here since 1S78, but even the man who remembers the Har vard victory In that year declares that today's crowd is a record breaker. To account for the scenes, luinglue nn assemblage of thousands upon thousands of college alumni and un dergraduates, accompanied by their women folk, nil plentifully bedecked with crimson or blue, wandering through the shady streets of this an cient town in groups and couples, swirling In opposite current. at the street corners, gathering hi crowds in front of the hotels and in tho squares and waving into one another's faces the llag? and pennants with which they express visibly their enthusiastic rivalries. For the noises, combine In your mind's ear the chattering, laughing, singing and cheering of the aforesaid thousands, mingling In a pleasing med ley of noise with the booming of the little cannon on the yachts lining the course of the races, the roaring of the sirens of the same craft and the cease less honking and braying of the nuto- mobiles drawn hither by tho regatta from every point on the compass. And don't forget the cries of tho fakers, doing n rushing business in pennants, buttons, rattles, horns, whis tles and other things that go with boat races and football games, to say noth- ing of the venders of lemonade and sandwiches'. Judging from some of the talk that is going around among persons who say they are disinterested, there will be only one crew in today's big race and that crew will bo the one from the university west of here. Not that the Harvard crew lias no partisans or that the Crimson hordes are forgetting themselves so far as to concede that Yale will win. Oh, dear, uo! But there Is so much talk of the wonder fully fast time made In practice by the Yale eight and the possible over training of the Harvard men that one can sometimes surprise even a Har vard rooter with an anxious look on his face. To offset all this confident Yale talk the Crimson people are flaunting in the faces of their foes the Harvard vic tory of Inst year, when Grlswold of Yale collapsed In the third mile and Hunt's collapse Immediately after shat tered Yale's hopes. Yale's answer to this historic argument Is that not since 1882-3 has Harvard won twiceln suc cession and this Is n late day for the upsetting of that' long record. Of course neither Captain Howe of Yale nor Captain Cutler of Harvard Is upsetting college tradition by claiming victory before the race. The coaches, Kennedy of Yale and Wray of Har vard, are not quite so reticent or mod est, however, and each has been heard to assert that his charges are In good condition nnd need only tho chance to prove their rowing skill. The start of the big race will be well worth seeing. Tho Harvard crew knows how to get under way quickly, and tho racing starts made by Yale this year have been a revelation even to the old menon the river. It will be a terrific race until one crew succumbs to tho strain, and. then the result will have been decided. That Is what happened last year. Then, however, Yale was trying to row a very long stroke as fast as Harvard rowod a short one. This year both crews will use a short stroke. The Usual 8equence. Jag, joy ride, jalll-Cleveland Plain 03 Has Best of Six Round Fight With Tony Ross. HOOTED FOR HIS ROUGH WORK Under Pennsylvania laws Contest Is Officially Declared a Draw. Negro Not In the Best Condition. nttsburg, July 1. Jack Johnson, col ored heavyweight champion of the world, outboxed Tony Ross of New castle, Pa., iu a six round contest given under the auspices of the Na tional Athletic club at Duquesne Gar den here. While the bout was declared a draw on account of state laws prohibiting the rendering of a decision In boxing tournaments, public opinion willingly conceded that Johnson had the better of the go from start to finish. It was a fast light during the entire six rouudsi Johnson, however, seemed to be not In his best condition, repeat edly rushing Boss, but seldom landtag effectively. Tho audience shouted wildly whenever Ross landed a telling blow, but hooted Johnson for his ap parently rough work In the clinches. Referee Dime said after the fight that Ross did remarkably well in the face of the fact that Johnson had the best of him In weight nnd height. After the mill Ross anxiously begged for another opportunity to meet the colored fighter. First Round. Johnson led left to stomach and repeated this blow with telling effect. Ross led right to Jaw. Johnson pushed a stiff one with left to Ross' chin, repeating tho blow with a right counter, drawing blood from Ross' nose. With a left aud right to face Johnson stnggered Ross, who went to his knees, taking the count of nine, the bell saving blm. It was John son's round. Second Round. The men rushed to center, of ring, Ross lending with left to jaw. Johnson acknowledged the blow with a smile and sent a wicked left to Ross' face, following it with a counter to stomach. Ross' mouth bled freely. Johnson repeatedly swung n wicked left into Ross'. face, rocking the Newcastle boxer on his legs. The men held on in center of tho ring, Johnson landing lefts to face with good until the bell rang. Johnson's Third Round. Ross from the I the gong tried to make a better lug than In the two previous rou AVith a right to stomach and the jaw he removed the grin fn Johnson's face. Ross showed his treme nervousness. Johnson continued tho use of his vicious left swiug. Ross stumbled In an effort to get away from j JohmMm, jabs aml sll,)pwl t0 hia knees, taking the count of eight for a rest. AVith right to stomach Johnson finished the round, with Ross hanging on. Johnson's round. Fourth Round. Johnson came jfip smlllng, with Ross in distress. Jinn son goaded the Newcastle boxer, mak ing remarks concerning his bloohy nose and mouth. Johnson led with left to jaw, and the men clinched. Ross made a vicious lunge, swinging his right to Johnson's jaw. This was the first effective blow Ross landed. The round ended with the men In cen ter of ring In a clinch. Johnson's round. Fifth Round. Ross came up appar ently groggy, with Johnson snrcastlcalvvS ly grinning over his easy fight so far. AVith a vicious left swing to the face Johnson rocked Ross. Ross tried bravely to stand off the big black, but there was no chance. Johnson was In and out like n flash, and Ross could not stop him. The gong saved Rosa from further cruel puuishmcnt. John son's round. Sixth Round. Ross came up willing and led with left uppercut on John son's Jaw. Johnson returned a right uppercut, closing Ross's eys, the men going to a clinch In center of ring, with Johnson beating Ross unmerci fully with his left swing used so effec tively in the previous rouuds. The gong struck, with Ross hanging on. Johnson's round. Things Theatrical. Frederick Perry has been engaged for tho cast of "An American Widow." Henry B. Harris has been elected president of the National Association of Producing Managers. May Robson will begin her next sea son in "Tho Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" about tho middle of August Ellen Terry was one of the interest ed spectators at Rose Stahl's perform ance in London of "Tho Chorus Lady," In a lawsuit over royalties It devel oped lately that tho profits of "Tho Virginian" up to last Juno were nearljj 100.000. . . m -m leftm m etW I A m BSSSSSM 3SBBBBB T