The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 25, 1909, Image 8

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A Week's Doings in Rural
Interesting Items Picked Up by Our
Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents
June 23. Mr. J. W. Palmer,
vm i "n '.!,' imC irm snpiullnc I
n inrinkTht's vacation with his!"
cousin, V. R. Olmstead. Jr., return
ed to his homo to-day.
On Wednesday evening of last
week eight or the Rebekahs of Rose
Lodge, 1. O. O. F., of llawley,
visited the Hildegard Rebekuh
Lodge, 1. O. O. V., at Lakeville,
Pa. Three candidates became mem
bers of the Hildegard Rehekah
Lodge, No. UoU, I. O. O. F., name
ly, Miss Julia Welsh, Lakeville;
Mr. Charles W. Pennell. Uswlck;
Mr. Aaron Goblc, Lakeville. D.
D. P. Eleanor Gill Installed the of
ilcers, assisted by tile members of
Rose Lodge. After installation re
freshments were served.
Mrs. H. W. Clark and -daughter,
Mrs. R. Phillips, of Paupac, at
tended the services at the M. E.
church here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heichel
beck, of Audell, were pleasant call
ers at Olmstead's at Uswlck on
Sunday evening.
Mr. P. B. Pennell and son, Olen,
visited the former's oldest son,
Chester at Ariel on Sunday.
Mrs. Charles W. Pennell and two
daughters, Gladys, of Uswlck, and
Mrs. William Seegar, of Lakeville,
returned from State College on
Thursday where they attended the
graduation exercises. The form
er's son, Clarence, who graduated
at State College returned home on
A car load of freight was moved
up from Haw ley on Friday for Mr.
Saunders who is moving from New
York City to his new home at Us
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herzog
went to Honesdale on Monday and
returned to their home at Audell
on Thursday.
Mrs. John Mains attended the
Buckingham reunion at Mr. H.
Chapman's on Saturday last. There
were about seventy-five relatives in
attendance. They report an en
joyable time.
F. R. Olmstead. Jr., and J. W
Palmer went lishing one day last
week at the Locklin pond and
caught 154 llsh.
Are you a subscriber for
June 23. Miss Julia Welsh, of
Newark, is visiting her parents at
this place.
.Michael Welsh, of Scranton, also
spent Sunday at home.
Aaron Goble is erecting a new
barn on the Kimble lot now accupied
by George A. Goble, size IS leet by
24 feet. L. James is doing the car
pentering. Clarence Pennell, who recently
ii pnilti nl ml Vrmn SUiito f'n11,yo. is
' .....!, i..,,. ...i i, i
have for Indiana where he has ac-!01
r,...w.,l ., nnsltinn n chemist.
Julia Kostock, of Hoadleys, spent
Sunday last witli her parents.
A. Goble made a business trip to
Honesdale on Monday. x
Miss Flora Reiller, of Hawley, also
Mr. Irvin Brown, of Honesdale, were
pleasant callers at the "Reussanfont"
on Sunday.
Peter Daniels, of this place, is
courting this week. J
Mrs. John Malnes, of Uswlck, and
Mrs. Frank Haney, of this place, at
tended the "Buckingham Reunion"
held at Chapman's, near Hamilton,
the 19th.
Freddie Relneke spent Sunday with
his parents, Wm. Relneke and wife,
of this place.
Charles Reushmelr, of Honesdale,
was the guest of John Bishop and
family on Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. A. DeGroate, of Honesdale,
after spending a short time with her
parents, returned home on Tuesday.
Thomas McKeigany, or Arlington,
was a caller In this place last week.
The Sunday school will hold their
annual picnic at the church ' grove
on July 5th, 1909. Dinner wilt be
served at the grounds if the weath
er Is favorable, if not, at the P. O.
S. of A. Hall. You all know what
this day means; come out and cele
brate. Mrs. John Growner left on Sunday
to work for Mrs. Richard Simons of
Lafe James and family entertained
relatives from Askam on Wednesday
until Friday.
Edward Loveless spent Sunday
with friends at Sterling.
Will Welsh is working for Mar
cus Kllllam of this place.
Mrs. Ethel Daniels is suffering
with tonsilitls.
Mrs. George Hazelton, of Arling
ton, spent Sunday with relatives at
this place.
June 23. The Rev. Mr. Davis,
of Waymart, preached a very inter
esting sermon to a large congrega
tion on Sunday afternoon. He took
for his text Ephesians 5th chapter,
19th verse: "Speaking to yourselves
in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody
in your heart to the Lord."
The Bobolink and mate spent
Saturday with friends at Carbon-
I dale.
With a large force of men last
week, lumberman Ilollenback built
new road Into his lumber camp
on the Eno tract
The Ladies' Aid will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moses
Colo Thursday, .tune 24th. All are
Invited to attend.
.Mrs. Minnie Mill Is attending the
slek at Carbondale.
Thomas Arthur has not as yet
Cully recovered from his toss over
the fence, mention of which was
made In these Items three weeks
:igo. 1
It Is said that a man borrows
trouble when he attempts to raise
ciops on borrowed tools.
Wouldn't It be well for young
men and young woman of to-day
to lay well to heart the advice of
father and mother for It is the
best and most disinterested you are
likely to get In this world?
It Is said that good Intentions
are too much of a burden for some
men to carry. How is It with us?
June 21. The Sunday school
will hold a basket picnic In D. W.
Bldwell's grove on July 3rd.
Grace Bldwell has returned
home from Waymart where she was
attending school.
Ruth Noble is spending a week
with her aunt, Mrs.. J. F. Walker,
of Hub.
Mrs. F. Clay Clark and daughter
recently spent several days with
her parents, P. F. Osborne and
wife. E. W. Osborne and family
of Scranton, also spent Friday with
his parents.
Delbert Simons, of Paupac, was
a Sunday visitor at D. W. Bldwell's.
Lou Bldwell is spending several
days with her sister, Mrs. Simons,
at Ariel.
Mrs. Mary Groner is assisting
Mrs. Richardson Simons with her
household duties.
Mrs. W. J. Simons is In very
poor health, suffering from rheu
While driving a cow on Monday
night last P. F. Osborne, In some
unaccountable manner, was thrown
to the ground and received two
fractures of the shoulder cap, a
fracture of the rim of the arm,
and also received internal injuries.
In a dazed condition he managed
to reach his home. Dr. White, of
Ariel, was called and reduced the
fractures. At this writing Mr. Os
borne is resting as comfortably as
could be expected.
June 23. The walls for the
foundation of the new high school
building will be completed in a few
days and will be ready to receive
the frame work. The front wall
of the building will be ruble work
undressed stone and when iinish--
-'" wun pointed joints in cement
it will add to the beauty of build-
I ing.
Masons, carpenters and men of
all work are very busy and there
is a scarcity of help for different
kinds of work. Some thirty or
more men, both native and foreign,
will be working on the state road
in Greentown this week and the
work will have an extra push to it.
The top dressing is being put on
a part of the state road in Dreher.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gilpin,
Jr., of Greentown, Pike county,
are entertaining their first born, a
baby boy, weight S V2 pounds.
Born about June ICth. Both moth
er and babe are doing nicely. Mrs.
S. R. Hazelton, also of Greentown,
though still very weak, is allowed
to sit up and is gaining strength
Dr. F. Gilpin, wife and son Clin
ton have been visiting relatives In
Westfield, N. J., also in New York
City and other points of interest.
Mrs. Jane Brown and daughters,
Elsie and Maggie, are entertaining
about a dozen city people at their
pleasant home on the old north
and south turnpike.
Veteran Robert Boyce is still un
der the doctor's care, but his con
dition is not improved.
Davie Hause was in Tannersville,
Monroe county, last Saturday selling
rock moving machinery.
Miss Alice Cross, who has been
doing typewriting and stenographic
work in New York City for several
years, will spend the summer at
her old home In Dreher.
Miss Mamie Hause will go to the
Bluff House, Mllford, to assist
about July 1st.
Newfoundland creamery is re
ceiving milk dally except Sunday.
The Union Sunday school will
hold a picnic festival with fireworks
on July 3rd in A. Phillip's grove.
Rev. R. B. Bellas, will be present to
give a patriotic address In the af
ternoon. All welcome.
The Increase in the price of wool
has left a smile on the sheep-raisers
countenance and something sub
stantial In cash to his credit.
June 19, Miss Lydia Stevens,
of Wllkes-Barre, is spending several
weeks in town.
Mrs. H. T. Wright Is confined to
her room by Illness at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Spencer.
Bessie Moarse Is spending the
June weeks at W. II. Fltz's, at
White's Valley.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Devney and
daughter, Margaret, of Forest City,
were guests at J. H. Kennedy's on
Sunday. They left on Monday for
a month's visit with Dr. S. Y. Ken
nedy at Gloversvllle, N. Y.
Mrs. Walter Dlx entertained the
Ladles' Society of the Presbyterian
church last Thursday afternoon.
Miss Eva Hariues returned to
her home in Bethany last Thursday
She was accompanied by Miss Win
In the report of the graduating
exercises given last week the mo.ii
tlon of .Miss Ruth Kennedy's part
fcn the program was omitted. Miss
Kennedy took Supt. Koehler's place
on the progrrm and her work was
'satisfactory enough to merit spec
lal notice. Her selection was tak
en from the "Lion and the Mouse,"
and was exceptionally well ren
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church will serve dinner and sup
per in the I. O. O. F. Hall on Mon
day, July oth. An entertainment
in the same hall Is arranged for
the evening, to bo followed bj an
Ice cream sale and social.
Mrs. 121sle Jane Alexander, wife
of George Peck, died at her home
In Niagara, at an advanced age
after years of partial Invalidism.
She is survived by her husband
one son, G. Ellison, and the fol
lowing daughters: Emma Tiffany
Ettie Kennedy, of Deposit, Sarah
Lester, of Denver, Col., Hattle Ben
nett, of Honesdale, and Anna Per
ham, of Niagara. Robert Alexan
der, a brother, lives at Endlcot, and
Mrs. John Bass, a sister, In Union-
dale. A noble life, a strong Chris
tian character and a kind, loving
mother, neighbor and friend, were
the characteristics that endeared
Mrs. Peck to all who knew her
The tuneral was conducted at the
home by Rev. Van Campen, a form
er pastor, and burial took place in
the family plot in .Mount Pleasant
Congratulations are in order, if
you please; Frank Bigelow, of NI
agara, and Mrs. Isabella Nlles, who
were married in Carbondale on
Tuesday of last week, are at home
to their friends and suitable candi
dates for congratulations.
Delia Payne spent last week in
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Duller are en
tertaining guests from the State
Department of the Fisheries.
There will be a public sale at
David E. Wilcox's on Friday, July
2, TJOP, at 1 o'clock sharp, of farm
tools, etc.; also furniture and house
hold goods.
Juno 23. The nights of late have
been a little cold for vegetation
There are a few good fields of hay
In this vicinity, among the best ar
those at the Dorflinger and Alms
house farms. Most of the old mead
ows will yield a small crop of hay
The Swamp Brook people have
gotten J. F. Smith to consent to
start a grocery store. He intend
to put in a lino line of goods and
purchase the same of n iirst-class
wholesale house. Mr. Smith's pint
is centrally located, being near
blacksmith shop and school house
He will start business on July 1st
Dan Olver, of Chestnut Lake, wa
a caller at the home of his brother
Dave, at this place on Thursday last
Len Cole, of Montrose, was a bus
iness caller at this place on Frida
last. He has sold his herd o
high grade Holstein cows for $G0
Lee Sheard, of Fallsdalo, was a
business caller at the old Red Rock
farm on Fridny last.
Mr. and Mrs. William Avery,
who have been quite sick, are much
Mrs. Richard Ham was a visitor
among friends and relatives in the
Empire State.
Mrs. Monroe Austin and Mrs.
Hunkle are in Connecticut where
they attended the funeral of their
sister on Wednesday last.
The Ladles' Aid will meet with
Mrs. A. M. Henshaw on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams, of
Honesdale, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Rasmussen, of Narrowsburg, and
Charles Bayly, of Archbald, were
visitors at R. E. Bayly on Sunday.
Freddie Buckingham, of Alco, Is
visiting his uncle, W. D. Bucking
ham, at the Chestnut Grove farm.
John Varcoe and John Stephens,
of West Beech Lake, spent Monday
last at White Mills.
The Sunday school festival held
at W. D. Buckingham's on Thurs
day evening last, on account of the
inclemency of the. weather, was .not
largely attended. Another will be
held in the near future.
Mrs. Byron Tuttle and sons,
Marvin and Philip, went to
Ashley on Saturday morning to
visit Mr. Tuttlo and her parents,
Edward James and wife. The lat
ter being 111, Mrs. Tuttle will assist
In caring for her.
Edward Torney, of .Ledgedale,
In company with his sister, Mrs.
Patrick J. Keary, and her children,
Edward and Catherine, took the
morning train on Tuesday for a trip
to Hancock to be present at the
wedding of their sister, Miss Tor
ney. The event Is to take place on
Wednesday. They will return to
day. Owing to dull times in the blue
stone business, William Mnsteu
will work for R. W. Murphy at his
summer home. Mr. Murphy will
have constructed a stone house In
stead of a concrete one as It was
first Intended.
Webster Bennett who died at
his home here on Thursday morn
ing, June 17th, was born at Pau
pac, Pike county, 52 years ago, He
was n son of Isaac Bennett who died
nt that place about seven years ago.
The funeral services were held at
the house on Saturday where a
large concourse of people gathered
to show the last respetts for the
departed. After a few well-chosen
remarks by Rev. B. P. Ripley, the
remains were taken to Paupac
cemetery and Interred by the side
of his little girl who was placed
there Inst fall. lie leaves a wife
and eight children to mourn his
loss: Lewis, who Is employed In the
Bingham House at Philadelphia;
Kenneth, of Port Jervls; John, who
lives nt Hawley, and Lloyd, Kred,
George, Verna and Blanche, at
home. Other relatives attending
the funeral were his brother Jas
per, of Scranton; his sister, Mrs.
John Martin, of Ledgedale, and
Mr. Alfred Klllam, of Hawley.
Mrs. Williams, of Kimble, Pa.,
who, with her. little son, has been
spending the past fortnight with
relatives here, was taken ill at the
home of her brother, Victor Mlntln,
last Wednesday morning, and Is
now under the care of Dr. Rodman.
Mrs. Perry, of Tafton, was a visi
tor at Victor Martin's yesterday.
Florence Schultz will take the
teacher's examination at Ariel on
Harrison Tyler has gone to live
with his grandmother, Mrs. Tyler,
who resides in Delaware county,
New York.
Mrs. Oscar William, of Tafton,
is caring for her sick sister at
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schalln, ac
companied by their friends, had
their weekly outing up the river
yesterday, taking both breakfast and
dinner on the bank of the Paupack.
A very heavy shower fell here on
Thursday night, raising the river
about three inches.
June 21. We are now having
what has long been desired warm
weather but oh, how it makes one
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Schuyler, of
Burlington, N. J., are guests at L.
T. Cattorson's.
. Arthur Stevens, of Scranton, Is
spending a few days at his father's,
John Stevens.
While Abram Garris was leading
an animal with a chain ' the hook
caught In his hand, badly tearing it.
Last Friday Eugene Baisley and
son, Asher were plowing, and as the
custom frequently is to have the
lines around one's waist, the plow
struck a fsat stone, the whiffle tree
broke, and the team jumped and
pulled Mr. Baisley over the plow,
tearing his breast badly on a bolt
on the end of the beam. Fortun
ately his son soon stopped the team
or else it would have been all-day
with Eugene. Even then, he re
mained unconscious for some time.
Report says he is now resting com
fortably, although the Doctor was
obliged to put several stitches in
the wound.
On Sunday evening, the 27th.
Rev. Webster expects to preach
here. No preaching in the morn
ing. Children's Day was observed
here Sunday and as usual the church
was filled and everything passed
off like clock work; in fact, some
thought it was the best exercise of
its kind that they had ever attend
ed. The collection was 5S.40. Sev
eral from a distance were present.
We also had the pleasure to attend
a similar exercise at the .Maple
Grove school house in the after
noon, and although the room was
crowded to suffocation all enjoyed
the excellent program and W. J.
Philo, superintendent, has reason to
be proud of his excellent help. W.
L. Schuyler offered prayer and de
livered a short address. Unfortun
ately we also made a few remarks.
I. M. Klpp Informs me that he
delivered to-day C7 boxes for the
R. F. D. route from Moscow through
Freytown, Grasstown, Jericho, and
Laura Bartleson and Edgar Ro
bacher were married at the Elm
Park church last week. Congratu
lations. The boys are anxiously
awaiting their return.
Cora Pearsons, a schoolmate of
Stella and Myrtle Cross, accom
panied tljem home from Wyoming
Seminary last week.
Lizzie Jones, wife of Frank A.
Bortree, died at Madisonvllle to
day, and will he burled on Wednes
day at 2 o'clock.
Amasa C. Swegargle, who has
been quite miserable for some time,
passed away on the ICth, and
was burled on the 19th. Rev.
Webster officiated. He was born
June 5, 1841. A daughter, Mrs.
German and son from Philadelphia
were at the funeral and a sister,
Mrs. Orra Fessenden, of Holllster
vllle. Mrs. S. A. Adams and Mr.
Enoch Adams and family of Goulds
boro were also at the funeral. The
widow survives him.
June 22., Edna Haunsteln re
turned to her home on Tuesday last
from Glenwood, N. J., where she
has been teaching.
Warren P. Norton came home
last Friday from Keystone Acad
emy, Factoryvllle, where he has
been a student.
The ladles of the community are
busy preparing useful and fancy
articles for sale at their coming
Fourth of July celebration held on 1
the Center Baptist church grounds
on the lit" tli. Dinner and supper 1
will be served. 'Patriotic speeches '
vlll be made during the afternoon. '
In the evening a short entertain-'
lt'ont will ue given; nnu men caito
and ice cream will bo served.
last Sunday evening passed off very
nicely, all taking their parts well.,
The cornet duet e ven bv A. H. I
Curtis and daughter wore loudly
encored. Certainly Miss Harriet
plays the cornet remarkably well
for one so young.
Messrs. Fred nnd Josepli Donner
muth, of Avoca, were recent guests
of friends In this vicinity.
II. E. Snedtker thinks ho will i
begin shipping strawberries the last
of the week. He cultivates and
sprays his berries after modern
methods, so he has extra line ber-jU.
Every home should hnve the
Citizen. It has the news thn int. 1
Mrs. Mary Kennedy, of Califor
nia, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
George Crames.
June 23. Mrs. M. Slayton nceoin
panied her daughter, Laura, to
Portland, Maine, for the summer, 1
leaving here on Wednesday.
Helen Manning, of Now York,
arrived Thursday to spend her va
cation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Manning, Sr.
Miss Grace Winner is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Herman Harmes.
Eva Harmes returned Thursday
from Pleasant Mount. '
Mrs. Cott, of Miner's Mills, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Judson
Miss Elizabeth H. Gilchrist re
turned from Wilkes-Barre on Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett, of
Chicago, were guests over Sunday
with the former's brother, Henry
Bennett, and family.
Florence Blake spent Sunday
with her father, A. O. Blake.
Mrs. E. O. Hamlin, of Honesdale,
came Saturday to spend a week
with Mrs. James Johns. Her nu
merous friends are glad to welcome
The many friends of Miss Addie
Jennings were pleased to see her
Sunday after her long stay in the
The Ladles' Aid will have a
business meeting at the manse . on
Wednesday afternoon. The Fourth
will be celebrated on Monday.
Mrs. Horace Noyes, of Honesdale,
spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Starnes.
A beautiful day greeted the
Children's Day celebration in the
Methodist church on Sunday morn
ing. It was a very elaborate af
fair and credit is duo those who so
faithfully drilled the children.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Starnes and
children, of Carbondale, spent Sun
day at the former's home here.
Juno 1'. Mr. Walker, of Bing-
linmton, i.s the guest of J. J. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Sampson took
their son Fred to New York on
Tuesday to have an operation per
formed on his nose and throat.
Miss Lizzie Alfast, of Binghainton,
wan the guest of Mrs. J. H. Beach
last week. ,
C. M. Pethick. of Tyler Hill, Pa.,
was the guest of M. L. Skinner on J
Sunday last.
Robert Calkins, of Boyd's Mills,
visited his cousin, Frank Sampson,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward On- left for
Syracuse on Sunday.
T. J. Collins, who superintended
., . ,. ,, .. .. ... ' ,,,,
the building ot the Callicoon, Milan-
vllle and Port Jervis bridges recent -
ly, died at his home at Horseheads,
Y from consumption.
At.. ...wl T n..,l Tl 1
.mi. tmu .his. rac uuu .uiaa jru&i;
of Greene, N. Y., are visiting at Wm. I
Kingsley McCullough, of Bing
hainton, is in town for the summer.
Miss Libbie Dexter, who has been
spending the winter in New York,
Is home for the summer.
June 22. There was a good at
tendance at church on Sunday even
ing and a very good sermon was
preached by our pastor, Rev. W, S,
The Ladles' Aid meets with Mrs.
D. M. Stalker the first Thursday In
July. All are cordially Invited to
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Keys, of
Damascus, visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wells Keys, last Sunday.
Jennie Van Wert spent Sunday
with Allle Thomas. ;
Dr. and Mrs. Male and two daugh
ters, and Jennie Van Wert, of Long
Eddy, and Mrs. D. M. Stalker and
daughter, Edith, were pleasant call
ers at David Stalker's last Sunday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Hlnckly,
June 11th, a son.
Bariilla Kellam has two city
boarders. As the weather Is getting
very warm we hope this place will
soon be lively with city people. For
health, comfort and good ood the
homes at this place and near by are
where they may be found.
Tor Infanta and Children.
Ths Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
H attohn'ky a
onicc. Masonic building, second floor
iionesua.e. ra.
' attohsry cousHfiLOR-AT-LAw.
Olllce over post olllce. All legal business
promptly nucnucu 10.
Olllt-p Liberty Hull building, opposite the
Post Olllce. Honesdale. l'a.
Olllce over Itelf's store. Honesdale Pn.
Olllce near Court House Honesdale. l'a.
' attoisnky a'coi'
Olllce over 1'o-t Utllec. Honesdale. Pa.
I . T7Z77.
i IHALLhs A. .McLAl; I 1 ,
Soi'clnl ami liloinnt attention "lven to thn
collection or claim. Olllce over Itch's new
store. Honesdale. l'a.
Ollkeover the Host olllce Honesdale. l'a.
Olllce in the Court House, Honesdale,
Patents and pension ; secured. Olllce in the
.Schuerliolz building Honesdale. l'a.
(jlllce-Hecond floor old Savings Hank
building. Honesdale. Pu.
Olllce Next door to post ottlre. l-'ormorl
occupied by W. II. Dimmlck. Honesdale. l'a
Ortice First floor, old Savings.Hank build
in:;, Honesdale. l'a.
Dr. C. J!. 15KADY, Dentist, Honesdale. Pa.
Office Houns-ii a. in. to 5 p. m.
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' phone. Si. Residence. No. 86-X
Olllce and residence 111(1 Church street
Telephones. Olllce Hours 2:00 to 4:00 and
7:00 to h:00. u. in
Iron Bedsteads !
10 Days' Cash Sale !
White Enamel
Iron Bed and
Steel Frame
Wire Spring
Having purchased the interest of
L. Mcdlnml, of Cm-homliilc, in
i ,, . , , ,.
the Inn-no.: business ol
Betz &
1 .Mcdlnml of that city, the business
I will be conducted in the future by
C. M. Betz alone, who will also con
tinue his store in Honesdale as here
tofore. In order to reduce stock,
reductions in prices will be nindo
on all goods. Bargains may be
found in both stores. Mr. Edward
Fnsshauet-, who lias been in the
Honesdale store about teu years as
clerk, will have full charge of the
Carbondale store.
Manufacturer of
Custom Harness
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of Penusyl
vanla, Peter Hlttlneef oflHawley. Wayne
count-, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of July 1. 1WS. liavlne ap
plied fora full discharge from all debts prov
able against his estate under said Act.
notice Is hereby Liven to all known creditors
nnd other nersons In Interest, to unnear lm-
fore the said court at Scranton, In said Dis
trict, onth6 2fithdayiq(June, l' 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, to show cause. It any they
have, why the prayer ot tnesaiu petitioner
snouia not ue grained.
n prnnti
Honesdale, Pa., April 10, 1009.
Notice, Pursuant to Act of Assem
bly, a meeting of the Stockholders of
the Wayne County Savings Bank will be
held at the office of the bank on Thurs
day, July 22, 11)09, from one to two
o'clock p. m., to vote for or against the
proposition to again renew and extend
the charter, corporate rights and fran
chises of said bank for the term of
twenty years, from February 17, 1910.
Bv order of the Beard of Directors.
II. S Salmon Cashier.