The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 23, 1909, Image 6

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Defended Against Dr. Sargent, Who
Thinks It Lacks Men
tality. Boston, Mass. Boston's countless
Browning societies, now thought
clubs, equal suffrage organizations
and the scores of women doctors, law
yers and writers have thrown down
the gauntlet to Dr. Dudley S. Sargent,
head of the Hemenway gymnasium af
Harvard because he Bald:
"To be beautiful a woman must
have no mentality. She Is at hor
highest development at 18 years. It
Is only In rare cases that a woman Is
beautiful after 25."
"I should take the exactly opposite
view from Dr. Sargent," said Miss
Oilman, acting director of the Posse
gymnasium. "Beauty In my opinion,
demands something more than mere
regularity of features. It means Intel
ligence and poise and experience such
as cannot develop in young girls.
"As for the statement about per
sonality and brains meaning the loss
of beauty, it's Just ridiculous. To my
mind the most beautiful and attractive
women are those who have fully ma
tured, and 1 think I shall be borne out
In this by other people."
Miss Mary E. Allen of the Allen
gymnasium puts her answer In plain
er terms.
"If I were to try to place the per
cent, of the greatest beauty of wom
an I would say It comes between 30
and 45 years of age," she says. "Al
most without exception, the most
beautiful women I have known have
been over 25 years old.
"Brains? Why, some of the most
cultured and brainy women in this
city are famous for their beauty."
Miss Hill, physician Instructor at
Wellesley College, does not mince
"This statement of Dr. Sargent's
has lowered him a great deal in my
estimation," she declared. "These re
marks of his are utterly uncalled for,
and I cannot understand why he
should have made them."
The Rev. Dr. Vaughn Says Boy Should
Know What He Costs Parents.
Chicago. Tho Rev. D. D. Vaughn,
who has been delivering a series of
talks on "The Ideal Family," believes
an itemized account of the cost of
Rev. D. D. Vaughn,
rearing a boy should be kept and pre
sented to him. He .said:
"Parents should always let a boy
know that It has cost a great deal of
money to rear him. It Is estimated
that a child costs Its parents from ?3,
000 to $5,000.
When a boy reaches the ago of
twenty-one years his father should
present him with a bill for the amount
It costs to raise him.
Whether the boy ever pays the bill
or not, makes no difference. He Is
taught a lesson that he probably will
never forget. i
Tho minister said that It is not
a good idea for parents to open their
children's mail.
The Rev. Mr. Vaughn also says:
The husband must be the "Ruler" but
the wife must hold the pocketbook,
give the husband his allowance, that
girls must not go to college, wear silk
stockings or peach basket hats, and
that divorce will bo avoided by arbi
tration in tho happy family of tho
Black Hills Rangers Play It Low Down
on Wild Pests.
Sturgls, S. Dak. As a result of a
trick played by brainy Government
employees It is likely that the old
range country this side of the Mis
sourl River will at last be rid of a
great many of the wolves that have
been the terror of stockgrowers.
Under direction from Washington,
rangers of the Black Hills forest ro
Bcrve set traps in which they caught
something over 100 wolves, without
seriously Injuring them. Then these
wolves were confined In an encloS'
ure, surrounded by a high fence, and
Infected with the mange.
After the disease had made good
headway the animals were released
As a result, farmers are finding dead
wolves, and others are so weak and
emaciated that they are easily killed,
Negro Brothers Wed White Qlrli.
Detroit, Mich. A news special from
Ithaca, Mich., says: Bert and Leon
ard Nicholson, brothers and both col
ored, wore married hero to white
girls. Miss Rose 'Saunders, daughter
of s prominent Emerson farmer, be
came the wife of Bert and Mlsa Carrie
Cole, of Temple, was wedded to Leon
ard. Justice Myers performed the
A It
The Value of a Swarm-Catching Cage
In a Honey-Yard.
As It Is getting toward the season
of the year when the bee-keepers will
seek to make certain appliances for
next season's use, I take pleasure in
showing a useful device which almost
any one can make, says E. R. Root, In
Bee Culture. It Is neither more nor
less than a wire-cloth cage of suffi
cient size to slip over the largest hive
in the yard. Wire cloth or mosquito
netting is nailed onto a light frame
work of the construction shown.
It sometimes happens that a colony
is suddenly attacked by robbers. A
cage like this can be set down over
the hive, trap all the robbers, and
prevent any more from getting In at
the entrance. The inmates of the hive
will, if outside, cluster around tho
outside of the cage. It may be left
over the colony until night, when the
robbers may be destroyed or taken
to an outyard; for to let these bees
loose back Into the same yard will
only Invite trouble for tho next day.
A Useful Appliance for the Bee Yard.
But we have used the cage to very
good advantage in catching swarms
Just coming out. One or two of them
are kept handy in the yard; and if a
swarm Is seen coming out, one of
these cages is clapped Immediately
over the hive from which it is com
ing. Even if some of the bees have
gone out they will soon come back
and cluster around outside while tho
rest of their companions are cluster
ed inside.
In the drawing hero shown it will
be observed that the swarm is cluster
ed on top of the cage. As soon as they
are all out, tho capo and all Is picked
up at tho Intersection of the cross
pieces at the top, set over the hive
ready to receive them, when the cage
Is given a jounce on tho ground. A
little later on it is given another
bump until tho bees have entered
their new home.
Of course, this method of catching
a swarm just as it is coming out is
not new; but sometimes old things
need to be resurrected until prospec
tive users begin to see their value.
This cage is one of the new old de
vices that should bo made up for next
season's use.
It may not be necessary to have
such a cage where comb and extracted
honey are produced; but if one Is
rearing queens he must nofharbor in
the yard any bees that have acquired
the robbing habit, as they will bo a
continual annoyance to tho apiarist
and to the working colonies through
out the entire season.
Ants In Hives.
A good way to catch the ants in
hives is to soak a sponge in honey
(dilute the honey with water, as
then it will better enter the pores of
the sponge) and put it where they can
get at it. When the sponge is full of
ants throw it into boiling water, and
The best way to keep ants from
troubling is to find and destroy them
In their nests. This work must be
done at dusk in tho evening, to get
all of the inmates of a nest. Pouring
boiling water over the nest will kill
a great many, but it hardly will get
them all. The most effective way is
by using the drug bisulphide of car
bon. Make three or four holes in the
nest with a thin stick, then pour in
the liquid. The holes must be quickly
closed with earth, to prevent tho drug
from evaporating and reducing Its ef
fectiveness. About an ounce will be
enough for a nest The carbon changes
to a gas that penetrates all parts of
the nest, and is deadly to all animal
Be very careful when using the
drug not to have fire of any kind near.
The carbon is vlolatilo, and the re
suiting gas will explode with great
violence, the same as does gasolene
Don't let any one with a lighted pipe
or cigar approach when using it. As
there is not much call for It, the bisul
phide of carbon is not always carried
by druggists. Then kerosene or gaso
lene can be used In the same way,
but about four or five times as much
must be used for a nest.
Honey Sells on Its Looks.
A very few broken combs, If cased,
will make a dauby mass, as the honey
will cover much of the case bottom
and drip through, thus disgusting all
who may in any way handle the
honey. Bear in mind that comb honey
sells from its looks more than any
thing else, and tho nicer the appear
anco the better price It will bring.
The honey should be piled a few
inches off the floor, and a little out
from the wall, otherwise that near
the bottom and side of the room will
accumulate moisture from want of cir
culation of air. Honey that li sealed
will stand much more d&mpneu tod
ton-clrculatlon than will that which li
Freak Snap Hit Chains, Hits Insultet
and Is Caged in the
Village Jail.
Hackensack, N. J. "Tho African
Wild Man," who had been chained in
a den at the carnival here, lost hla
temper when Henry Muldoon, a youth
ful patron of tho show, poked him
with a stick and called him a "mutt"
Ho had been a great attraction at
the carnival for tho benefit of tho
Children's Home there. It cost, as
his keeper Bald, "only the small sum
of ten cents, children under ten, a
nickel, to view and study this Inhabi
tant of the Jungles where Theodore
Roosevelt is hunting."
Strange to Bay, the more dimes and
nickels tho keeper got the deeper the
Wild Man roared tho louder he
clanged his chains. But he harmed no
one until Henry Muldoon studied him
"Ugly brute, ain't he?" said Mul-
door. The Wild Man eyed him fierce;
"A gorilla has nothing on him; he's
a mutt," said Muldoon, going closer.
"Keep away; on your life keep
away, keep away!" cried tho Wild
Man's keeper.
Too late.
"A gorilla, a mutt, eh?" shouted the
Wild Man. "Tako that, you fresh guy,"
and with his hairy fist he smote Mul
doon between the eyes.
Never even in the Jungle was great
er uproar. Muldoon and his friends
swore they would tear tho Wild Man
to pieces.
"Come on, all of yousel" challenged
tho Wild Man, unchaining himself;
"I'll eat youse up!"
Policemen stilled tho riot and drag
ged the Wild Man before Justice of
tho Peace James Bratt.
"This is too bad, Howard," sighed
tho Justice, who is also superintend
ent of the Children's Home. "Why
did you go wild before the carnival
"He called me a gorilla," cried How
ard Wyant. "I couldn't stand for that,
"Well, I'll send you to Jail for safo
keeping," said tho Justice.
The "wild man" gave his name as
Howard Wyant, of Poughkeepslo,
N. Y.
John D. a Dual Personality.
New York City. "Rockefellerlsm Is
dead and Mr. Rockefeller himself
writes Its epitaph." That Is tho state
ment of Miss Ida M. Tarbell, the well
known "Standard Oil biographer" and
assoclato editor of the American
Magazine, apropos of Mr. Rockefel
ler's own book just published, "Ran
dom Reminiscences of Men and
The biographer of Standard Oil says
there is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydo
Ida M. Tarbell.
suggestion, with the "admirable,"
kindly, tree-planting Mr. Rockefeller
on the one hand, and the "Ruthless
as a Whirlwind" Mr. Rockefeller on
the other. She adds:
"He la a necessary product of our
"The 'Benevolent Trust' would be a
monstrous evil."
"What the voices of to-day and to
morrow are demanding Is not charity
but Justice."
"There will not be 'money enough
for the work of human uplift' so long
as there aro Mr. Rockefellers."
"Rockefellerlsm Is dead Mr. Rock
efeller writes Its epitaph himself."
Twenty Years Ago a Girl Thought Her
Sweetheart Stole It.
Jasonvllle, Ind. Twenty years ago
Miss MolIIe Lienhart prosecuted Eli
jah Fielding, her lover, for stealing
her ring. Ho was sent to prison pro
testing his innocence. He returned
here and tho two, both of whom have
remained single, have not spoken un
til to-day.
Early Monday morning the ring was
found near an old spring where Miss
Lienhart had dropped It. She remem
bers having been at the spring the day
she missed it.
As soon as the ring was found sho
went to Fielding and begged his fore
glveness. At night tho neighbors
gathered at her homo "to meet Mr.
Blacksnakes Popular In Georgia.
Toccoa, do. There are many farm
ers in this county who are in lore
with the blacksnakes which they
have on their places and believe tho
reptiles are better than any cats or
dogs In removing the rats and mice
from their premises. It Is a well
known fact that tho snakes destroy
hundreds of pests In a season, and for
this reason they are liked by tho farm
ers. There are some men who would
cause all sorts of trouble to a man
who would barm a reptile of this kind.
Brother of Abdul Hamld was Kept In
a Gilded Cage 8lnce He Be
came Heir Apparent.
Constantinople, Turkey. Mehmed
V. of Turkey was born Nov. 8, 1844.
He was heir presumptive to tho
throne, according to the Mussulman
law, as the eldest member of the
reigning family, except the Sultan.
Because of the close surveillance kept
over him by the Sultan's spies, he is
little known as a man. He, with his
two wives, had his palace on tho
shores of the Bosphorus, but the Sul
tan's creatures filled his household,
and he had no opportunity to meet
foreigners or to make friends.
Yet from time to time rumors some
how sifted out from tho palace that
he was of liberal bent. It was known
that ho was a reader of modern works
of Europe, and that ne had broad
views on various events in the world.
He took only two wives, and on these
ho did not enforce tho strict rules of
tho Turkish harem system. Thoy
Mohammed V, Sultan of Turkey.
knew of Paris fashions and dressed
in Paris gowns, and they were said to
partake of modern ideas.
With the grant of the Constitution
last July the rigor of his life was
greatly modified. Tho Sultan came
out of his strict seclusion, and was
compelled to appear to permit the
heir to tho throne to have freedom.
Rechad was seen much more In the
streets driving about, and the crowds
were not afraid to look at the grave
man as they had been before. Some
of the new leaders came Into contact
with him, and probably learned many
of his Ideas of government.
Four years ago Rechad was reported
as dying from cancer of the throat,
but he recovered from this Illness.
Pious Moslems say he was the "evil
eye" a theory said to be confirmed
by the fact that Abdul Hamid always
covered his eyes when he visited the
Schoolboy Who Turned Brigand
Robbed Rich to Give to Poor and
Fooled Police for Years.
Mohilev, Russia. The noted robber
chieftain, Savitzky, the "Robin Hood"
of the Russian revolution, has been
killed by members of the rural guard.
With three members of his band Savit
zky was surrounded by the guard two
days ago in a neighboring village, and
after a fight that lasted for four hours,
all four were killed. One member ot
the guard lost his life.
Savitzky, who was a high school stu
dent when ho took to brigandage, had
been the terror of tho police of the
provinces of Tchernigov and Mohilev
for several years, but he was a source
of amusement to tho rest of Russia
on account of his dare-devil exploits.
Ho delighted in playing fantastic
tricks on tho police. Ho masqueraded
under their very noses, and pitted hi3
ingenuity against theirs by announc
ing in advance the crimes he intend
ed to commit. He was almost invari
ably successful.
He repeatedly disguised himself
and joined the detachments sent out
to search for him without tho authori
ties being the wiser. Once, on a
wager, he visited the Governor of this
province and various other officials
disguised as a priest. It was his cus
tom to rob only the rich, and he dis
erlbuted his spoils among the peasan
try with a lavish hand. He finally
was betrayed by a member of his
As Her Savings Accumulate She
Makes Wise Investments.
Wichita, Kan. On leave of absence
from the Royal Hotel, Guthrie, Mary
McVey, a waitress, Is here arranging
for the construction of a two-story
brick business block on North Market
street Miss McVey expects to invest
about $20,000 in the building, the
money being the savings of years of
work as a waitress in Guthrie.
"My Investment here does not
mean that I am going to quit work,"
said Miss McVey. "I shall continue
in the employ of the Royal Hotel, but
expect within a few years to be in a
position where I can retire and enjoy
the results of my labor."
Miss McVey has made some of her
money through wise speculation in
Oklahoma real eutato.
Baby's Cradle a Blind Tiger.
Montgomery, Ala. Bob Mayfleld of
Annlston, charged with wild catting
liquor sales, invited the officers to
search his house. When lustde he
cautioned them not to wake the baby.
K suspicions officer pulled the corer
off the baby and found beneath it a
cradle full of bottles filled with liquor.
Young Folks
How Height May Be Ascertained by
the Triangle Method.
A clover boy who wanted to know
tho approximate height of a tree
solved tho problem in this manner:
Ho got a stick and planted It in the
ground and then cut it off just at the
level of his eyes. Then ho went out
and took a look at tho tree and made
a rough estimate of the tree's height
In his mind, and, Judging tho samo dis
tance along tho ground from tho tree
trunk, ho planted his stick In the
ground. Then ho lay down on his
back with his feet against tho stand
ing stick and looked at tho top of the
tree over tho stick.
If he found tho top of stick and
tree did not agree ho tried a new posi
tion and kept at it until ho could just
seo tho trcetop over tho end of tho
upright stick. Then all ho had to do
was to mensuro along tho ground to
where his eye had been when lying
down, and that gave him tho height of
tho tree.
Tho point about this method is that
tho boy nnd stick made a right angled
triangle with boy for base, stick for
perpendicular, both of tho samo length,
nnd tho "line of sight" tho hypotenuse
or long lino of tho triangle. When he
got Into tho position which enabled
him to just seo tho trcetop over the
top of the stick he again had a right
angled triangle with the tree as per
pendicular, Ills eye's distance away
from the trunk, the base, and tho line
of sight tho hypotenuse. Ho could
measure the base lino along tho ground
and know it must equal tho vertical
height, and ho could do this without
reference to tho sun. It was an in
genious application of tho well known
properties of a rlsiht angled triangle.
Railway and Locomotive Engineering.
What a Clever Collie Did With His
Master's Plaid.
Tho shepherds who live among the
bills nnd on the plains or scotinnu
have to travel many miles a day while
looking after their flocks of sheep, but
they would have to travel a great deal
moro if they had not with them some
very clover collie dogs.
These little four footed friends arc
so wise nnd clever that their masters
could not do without them. To show
you how clever those doggies nro tho
following story Is told of one of them:
Ono day a Scotch shepherd was
caught in a rain shower, and when he
arrived homo hla plaid, which he wore
over his back in place of an overcoat,
was quite wet through.
But ho just took it oft and gave It
to his colllo dog, and dogglo at once
wont Into another room, carrying tho
plaid in his mouth.
And what do you think he did with
It there? Why, to tho astonishment
of an English gentleman who had fol
lowed to watch, doggie went and sat
on tho hearth in front of a big fire,
and there he held out tho plaid- over
his paws.
And ho "turned It about nnd about In
front of tho firo until both sides of the
plaid were quite dry. Then ho took it
back to his master.
May Bo Read Both Ways.
Tallndromes aro words or sentences
which read tho samo way, whether
they aro spelled backward or forward.
Here are a number of good examples
of this curious orthographical phenom
enon: Madam, I'm Adam (Adam Introduces
himself to Eve).
Ablo was I ere I saw Elba (Napoleon
reflecting on his exile).
Namo no one man.
Red root put up to order. (Sign for
a drug store window. Beads the samp
from tho inside as from tho outside.)1
Draw pupil's lip upward. (Direction
to visiting school nurses.)
No, it Is opposition.
No, it Is opposed; art sees tradcJs
opposition. (Sentence from a debate
Xreka bakery. (Sign over anfthiffl
Bhop In Yrokn, Cal.) ,
Tho Flying Hour.
Twelve little birds fly by !n arow
1 Bright lltUo birds aro thoy.
Shining and froo and as blue m can
' And those aro tho hours of tho dad
Fbe eun shines warmly ocroes tbelOrtnBj)
An hAV'fliiMftr thplr'wiiv Alrtnfr.'..
And'.now 'and again In.tbelr-jcErofcthJnjpi
t Thay carol a daytime song.
iTweVve little owls fly by in-a-row
I SUent'.andMark thelr'fllghtr- 5
jOray tltttto 'things wltMshaaowytogsJ
p AsdHhoDotare the hoxMvpV&vlgtoX
But the last of them aluoailWhpjiprjnog
I Is flushed' with a radiant sv&S?'
TOtfl'foXhetgwd llttls'Bunriiw
I like him the best, I think.
Youth's Companion.
Patient Saw a Sight that Made Him
Doubt the Doctor.
A doctor came up to a patient In an
Insane asylum, Blapped him on the
back and said: "Well, old man, you're
all right. You can run along and
write your folks that you'll bo back
home In two weeks as good as new."
The patient went off gayly to write
his letter. He had It finished and
sealed, but when he was licking the
stamp it slipped through his fingers
to the floor, lighted on the back of a
cockroach that was passing and stuck.
Tho patient hadn't seen the cockroach.
What ho did see was his escaped post
ago stamp zig-zagglng aimlessly
across tho floor to the baseboard, wav.
orlng up over the baseboard and fol.
lowing a crooked track up tho wall
and across tho celling. In depressed
silence he tore up the letter that ho
had Just written and dropped tho
pieces on the floor.
"Two weeks! Not on your life!" ho
said. "1 won't bo out of hero in three
Sad is Sad.
A mother, who was rather fond ot
the cheaper ten, twenty, thirty cent
melodrama, ono afternoon took her
young daughter, who had grown to
consider herself abovo that sort of
The daughter was bored, but tho
mother was greatly Interested, nnd
finally, when tho heroine had got into
a seemingly Incxtrlcablo position',
broke down and sobbed heartily.
"Mother, I wouldn't cry here," whis
pered tho daughter significantly, ac
centlng the last word.
"Let me alone," replied tho other
hysterically. "If a thing is sad, It's
sad; I can't cry according to price."
Marriage Before and After.
Booth Tarklngton has written some
exceptionally clever fiction. More re
cently he has been in the limelight in
the role cf a politician. Not long ago
he was the guest of some of his
friends at a theatrical supper. In
speaking to his neighbor at tho table
on tho subject of marriage, Mr. Tark
lngton said a number of eplgramml
cal truths about this important sub
ject. Ono was:
"Before a girl marries a man, her
opinion of him is much the same as
that held by her mother. After the
honeymoon Is over, the young lady
generally comes over to the viewpoint
uer rather liati.
Spare the Horses.
A cavalry sergeant at a Western
post had endured tho stupidity of a
recruit for many days. One day tho
"rookie" was thus greeted when he
had violated the sergeant's orders:
"Say, don't over come at the horses
from behind without speakin' to
them!" exclaimed the sergeant.
"They'll be kicking in that thick head
of yours! Then tho first thing you
know there'll be a lot o' lame horses
In the' squadron."
Riggs How did tho quarrel begin?
Roggs The knife grinder spoke
sharply and tho butcher made a cut
ting reply.
Don't Complain.
Don't kick because you have to but
ton your wife's waist. Be glad your
wife has a waist and doubly glad you
have a wife to button a waist for.
Somo men's wives have no waists to
button. Some men's wives waists
have no buttons on to button. Some
men's wives who have waists with
buttons on to button don't care a con
tinental whether they are buttoned or
not. Some men don't have any wives
with buttons on to button any more
than a rabbit.
"How Is your son James getting on
at college, Mr. Boggs?" asked tho Par
son. "Fine," said Boggs. "He's getting
moro business-like every day."
"I am glad to hear that," said the
Clergyman, "How does the lad show
"Well," said Boggs, "when he first
went up and wanted money, he used
to wrlto asking for It Now he drawa
on me at sight."
The Cause.
"What caused tho separation?"
"Oh, he thought as much of hlm
self as she thought of herself and aa
little of her as sho did of him."
The Ideal.
"Is your daughter learning to play
the piano by noteT"
"Certainly not," answered Mr. Con
rox severely. "We always pay cash."
A More Important Question.
"Now a big Chicago firm omplatM
that lis Stfrt win not stay single."
"Well, will they stay married?"