THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1000. Graduation Exercises Honesdale High School (Continued from Page 2.) history, can that be without cause? No. The shadow of an enormous right hand rests on Waterloo. It is the day of Des tiny. A power which above man controlled that day. Hence, the loss of mind In dismay; all these great souls yielding up their swords. Those who had con quered Europe fell to the ground, having nothing more to say or do, feeling a terrible presence In the darkness. Hoc erat in fatis. That day, the perspective of the human race changed. Waterloo is the hinge of the nineteenth century. The disappearance of the great man was necessary for the advent of the great century. One to whom there Is no reply, took it in charge. The panic of heroes is explained. I-n the battle of Waterloo, there is more than a cloud, there is a meter. God passed over it. THE Sl'lHIT OV TIU-: TWENTIETH CENTURY, I3y Faith Clark. Every age has had the repre sentative genius. The long line of incongrous figures stretching away to where at. its foot, one discerns the shadowy outlines of a Grecian goddess is forgotten along with the past, to whose atmosphere they owe their creation. But the twenti eth century has created a gen ius, which will' remain more brilllnntly carved upon the an nals of history at the end of ten centuries than were any or its predecessors at the very hour of their birth. It is the embodl- ' ment of the best of these, yet by the domination of one qual ity utterly different. A winged Mercury it is, seated in the car of the nation; tense hands gripping the wheel of progress, searching eyes peering straight along the llylng course. A tre mendous rush of wind smothers every detail; the great wheel, and above, the determined pro lile of the driver clear cut as a cameo, alone rise from out the chaos. Some day a master hand will paint such a picture, and beneath it write its title, 'The God of Speed." And speed it is. that charact erizes every achievement of to dav. It is not the question now how much will this thing cost? but, how quickly can this thing bo accomplished? Un disputably, the plodding toil of generation after generation has made possible the elimination of the first question, but it is to our credit that we take advant age of that thoroughly laid foundation, and show our ap preciation by seizing the op- . portunity of utilizing our herit age. Hut this spirit does not pervade the business world alone; tinder its influence old sports have taken on new as pects and others have materializ ed to meet the exigencies of the moment. The new order of things is particularly noticeable in the theatre. Shakespeare has had his day; a new class of plays has tome to reign; plays dealing with problems of cur rent interest; plays dealing with music and clever comedy, to which men go to be amused not taught. This Is an ago when to decide in haste is absolutely Imperative, when to hesitate for a second is very often fatal. To carry out this principle re , quires a greater strength of character than the average in dividual has in the past, been blest with. To merely exist in this day and generation Is not less difflcult than to make a name a hundred years ago, yet the problem holds no fears for modern man because he has been especially fashioned for just such a life as he is bound to live. With the new era has come a man who is the very counter part of the century's genius. It is a question whether he made the period, or the period made him, so repeatedly has he prov en himself equal to any occasion. He devotes himself as strenuous ly to riding, tennis, and cross country walks as to problems of international importance. The land will have lost a man of unlimited energy and ability whose height of popularity will not soon be equalled when they lose Theodore Roosevejt. Like every age, this has not escaped criticism. Perhaps it does not meet the Ideals of those who view it from an esthetic standpoint, but to those who view It from a business-like standpoint, the twentieth cen tury seems but the beginning of an Augustan age that will startle history. VALEDICTORY, By Coe Lemnltzer. Fellow Classmates: The life of a student may well be com pared with a summer day. The early part of the morning, Im pressing us with its gorgeous beauty and light-hearted happi ness may be likened to our school career with its Joyful course of events. The bustling splendor of midday with its struggles, victories and defeats represents our untried future. We may Imagine ourselves standing upon the bank of a swift river on a bright summer day, with the sun standing near the zenith. All morning we have lingered on the grassy banks enchanted by the charms of nature and the music of wakening day. At noon we must launch a boat into this stream and during a greater part of the afternoon we must strug gle against its current until we enter the clear tranquility of the lake of success. We feel that our morning has been a most successful and productive one, but we hope that our midday will be much more so, when we reap the fruits of our education. We must resist the same tempta tions, confront the same vexa tions that have arisen before those who have preceded us, but wo must oppose them un flinchingly, as we have faced and conquered our earlier trials few and trivial as they have been. As in the past we have learned that labor conquers all, let us apply this motto to the ambitions and undertakings of our future. The man or woman who shirks duty in early life can never succeed but he who, when defeat stares him in the face, has the grit to put the last par ticle of strength into the final test Is the one who invariably climbs highest on the ladder of success. This is an hour of mingled emotions, as we cast off the name of high school students for one of a more worldly char acter. We arc happy to have completed our labors and sad to leave those who have ever aided in decreasing their dlfli culty. As a class our career has not been as spectacular as others but our record has been onn of steady progress and honorable attainment. Wo have made the best of our opportunities while in school, let us do so while bat tling against the world. In the surging stream of life, where no guiding hand is stretched out to lift us from defeat, we will then appreciate the aid and pati ence of anr teachers and close friends, which wo have regarded as so matter of fact while in school. But above till, the close fellowship that we have enjoyed will bo sorely lacking in the fu ture; the bond of friendship that unites school associates although never completely severed must nevertheless become somewhat disconnected. The affectionate relations existing between us and our teachers must bo con cluded as a new class will take our place next year, but it will always be pleasant to remember that we have considered them not only as our instructors and counsellors but as most resource ful and kindly friends. To them and to our ever-attentive principal, in behalf of the class of ISJOW. I extend a fond farewell, may their lives be benefited and brightened as they have always succeeded in strengtuoning and brightening ours; may they ever regard us as friends in the true sense of the word, friends who owe them the best wishes for the future, and many thanks for the favors so liberally shown to them in the past. To the members of the school board who have so carefully guided our Alma JIater we convey our heartiest thanks, may their successful management continue indefinitely, so that the Honesdale High school may flourish and prosper as it has during our of school life. And lastly to you, who have been my constant associates, I extend a good-bye greeting; never were happier hours enjoy ed than those spent with you and I am sure that we will ever fondly cherish the pleasant mem ories sown and harvested in the best period of our careers. I wish you all the success and joy that life can bring. Remember your motto, "Labor omnia vin cit," and you are sure of as consummate a success as you have experienced in the past. Again I bid you, one and all, a most sincere farewell. MANY KILLED AND INJURED IN PENN'A Rnilroad Commission Makes First Report on Number of Fatalities. Harrlsburg, Pa., June 19th. The llrst compilation of data regarding accidents to persons on the electric lines of Pennsylvania has been completed by the State Railroad Commission and shows that In the first quarter of this year 37 per sons were killed and 765 injured. Of the killed six were children, two under 5 years of age, and of the injured 56 were under 15 years of age, the greatest number being those between 0 and 12 yearB of age. The figures show that of those killed but three were passengers and four employees. Twelve were trespassers, six persons were struck while riding In vehicles and twelve persons were struck at crossings. The injured figures, however, show that 443 passengers were hurt to 31 employees, 15 trespassers and 135 pedestrians on highways. The number of those hurt while riding In other vehicles was 104. The figures are taken from the reports of forty-four trolley com panies. The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Bhows 8 persons killed and 230 hurt. Its fatalities were 1 passenger and 1 employee, 4 pedestrians and 2 persons driving. Over one-half of its accidents or 116, were to passengers, 10 to em ployees, C to trespassers, 52 to pedestrians and 46 to persons in vehicles. The Pittsburg Railways Company has the largest showing of injuries In the State, there being no less than 311, but Its number of fatali ties, Is but three, while the West Penn Company shows six ,flve of which were trespassers. Two of the accidents on the Pittsburg lines were to pedestrians and one to a driver. On the other hand no less than 216 passengers were hurt to eight employees and five trespas sers. Forty-nine people in the streets were hit and thirty-three who were driving. The Pittsburg and Butler Com pany also has three fatalities, all to employees and the York Railways Company two, both persons in a vehicle. The Harrlsburg, Johnstown, Scranton, Reading, Easton, Potts vllle and Jefferson systems have one fatality each, being either a tres passer on the tracks or a person 'struck on a highway. The Chester Traction shows twen ty persons, twelve of them passen gers, hurt; Altoona and Logan Val- ley, sixteen; Conestoga Traction, operating in Lancaster county, thirteen; Philadelphia and Chester, ten; United Traction of Reading, twelve; Wilkcs-Barre and Wyoming, thirty-two, and York, fifteen, mostly passengers. DE MAZIO MUST PAY PENALTY BY HANGING The Italian Who Mimlered His Wife To He Hauled in Scranton. The Board of Pardons has refused to interfere in the death sentence passed by the local courts upon Xcholas De Mazio, the Old Forgo murderer, who on July 7 last, shot to death his child-wife. De Mazio was found guilty of the crime last October, alter receiving one of the fairest trials ever accord ed a man in this commonwealth. He was sentenced to be nanged by Judge Edwards and Governor Stu art fixed the day for the execution as July 2U, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. His attorney, M. J. Martin, who defended him and put up the insanity defense, carried tho case to the' Supreme Court in an effort to get a new trial, lie then took the case to the board of pardons and that body refused to In terfere with the sentence of the court. Tile murder for which De Mazio was convicted, was one of the most brutal in the history of tho county. Ho had married a girl barely sixteen years of ago, and at the same time had a wife in Italy. It was brought out at the trial that from tho time he married tho girl lie had heaped all kinds of abuse upon her, and had kept her locked up in the house. His father, who resided with him, was, it is alleged, instrumental in tills abuse, and the girl lived in a living hell. On the day of the murder she left his home and went to the home of her sister. The father went to the place where De Mazio was engaged with a gang of men on the public streets and told him. The murderer stopped work and went homo, se cured a revolver and then went in search of his wife. He entreated her to go home, but she refused. De Mazio then went to the olllce of an alderman and tried to secure a warrant for her arrest on a trumped up charge of larceny. Failing in this, he returned to the home of the girl's sister again, and while her back was turned and he was affec tionately stroking her hair, he shot her three times. He then escaped to his home and was taken a few hours later by the borough police. At the time he seemed to have a full realization of the enormity of his crime and stated that he knew he would get the rope. At the county jail, where he was remanded for trial, he took on a sullen attitude and would speak to no one. Finally the court appoint ed attorneys to defend him and then the Insanity plea was trumped up. Three physicians were called by the defense to prove that he was suffer ing from dementia praecox, a form of Insanity brought on by an injury he received by falling from a mul berry tree In Italy when he was a boy. Tho commonwealth, to rebut this, obtained tho testimony of Drs. Gunster, Whelau, Dolan and Mc Grath, who declared from their ob servation of De Mazlo he was sane at the time ho committed the crime and Is sane now. Drs. Lynch, Long street and De Antonla were the phy sicians who testified for the de fense. The jury could not believe the story of tho defense and returned a verdict after but a few hours de liberation. Last week Attorney Martin, In arguing the case before the Board of Pardons, took occasion to attack the standing of some of the doctors of the commonwealth. He Bald Dr. Gunster was a Joke, as far as being an expert on insanity was concerned, and that Dr. Dolan was an expert only in Traction company cases. District Attorney O'Brien, however, opposed the argument for a pardon and in summing up the case he de clared that not only was De Mazlo guilty of murderbut he was a big amist and the crime was one of the most heinous in the history of the county. The death warrant was read to De Mazlo by Sheriff Calpln one day last week and the condemned man show ed no concern about It. Prepara tions are being made for the execu tion, which takes place In the coun ty Jail at Scranton. James Van Hlse, the Jersey hangman who chok ed Carclo Into eternity, will In all probability preside at the hanging. He has a specially built scaffold for the work, and Instead of springing a trap and letting the victim through, he Jerks them into the air. In this way, It is said, that the neck is broken either by the first lift or by the drop. Me Mazlo, however, is very much unconcerned over his fate and there will be little danger of him breaking down, as did Curcio. INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER BIBLE STUDY CLUB. Answer One Written Question Each Week For Fifty-Two Weeks and Win a Prize. June 27th, 1909. (Copyright. 1009, by Rev. T. S. Unscott, D.D.) Temperance Lesson. Rom. xlll: S:14. Golden Text Put yo on the Lord Jesus Christ Rom. xlll:14. Verse 8. Is it always sinful to go Into debt, when you have no visible means of paying It? Is it right, or wrong, to go Into debt when you havo nothing to pay with, If your creditor knows your circum stances? Is a business man who has honestly failed in business and given up all he has to his creditors, under moral ob ligation to pay the balance of tho Sebt, if he makes enough money to do so out of future business? Under modern business conditions, and the law of love and righteousness, when wholesalers sell on time, or give an adequate discount for cash to re tailers, why are not tho debts of an honest bankrupt retailer, tho legiti mate loss of his creditors In common with himself? Wherein consists the folly and sin of a wage-earner In constant work, getting Into debt? Is It the duty of everybody to lovo everybody, the bad and the good, ene mies and friends? What is the advantage of loving everybody, to ourselves, and to those whom we lovo? Verses 9-10 Give reasons, outside sf 'the Bible, that will cover all clr sumstances, why It Is always wrong to disobey these five moral prohibitions. (This question must be answered In writing by members of the club.) Must all such acts, as are here for bidden, contravene the law of love to make them sinful; for example. If you had to kill a man who was about to kill one of your loved ones, would that be sinful? Can an act bo wrong that works out for the good of all parties? Verses 11-12 If you knew you had to die inside of a month, what effect would that have upon your intentions and actions, so far as God is con cerned; and it it would change these In the least, does that not provo that you are now living wrong and are in danger? Most people are morally and spirit ually asleep, and many are far Into the night; what are the conditions which should suddenly startle such Into full consciousness, as to their danger, and their duty? Verso 13 How is it that the night Is the time selected for so many bad deeds? Should a man ever do a thing which he is ashamed for his best friends and neighbors to know? Does tho popular conscience gener ally, or always represent God's attl- Itude to a thing; or are there some I things God may be pleased with which I the community would condemn as wrong, or vice versa? ' How Is ft that barroonjs are gener j ally screened off from thE public gaze? I Why is it a crime for a man to get drunk? Why do most drunkards get drunk In the night, or away from public gaze? Does the drink habit generally lead to the other four grave evils mention ed in verse thirteen? Verse 14 What is the sure remedy for the drink habit, and all kindred evils of the flesh? Does putting on Jesus, always mean putting on strength so wo can control all tho passions of the body, and the ambitions of the soul? Lesson for Sunday, July 4th, 1909, Paul's Second Missionary Journey Antioch to Phlllppl. Acts xv:30 to xvl:15. Ancient Knowledge. Tho Greek, Eratosthenes, 250 B. C, taught the doctrine of the ro tundity of the earth, and tho ideas of the sphere, its poles, axis, the equator, arctic and antarctic circles, equinoctial points and the solstices were quite generally entertained by the wise men of that time. There were plenty of men in Rome, there fore, who were prepared to talk about the earth as a sphere and to make globes Illustrating their idea. Gold is nearly twice as heavy as silver; thus a cubic foot of the for mer weighs 1,210 pounds, and the same quantity of the latter 665 sounds. THE CASE OF PATRICK, Albert T. Patrick has lost again In his fight for freedom, the Ap pellate Division of Brooklyn hav ing by unanimous .voice decided that his conviction and life sent ence for the murder of . William Marsh Rice were lawful. Counsel for Patrick, however announce that the court will be asked to per mit an appeal from its decision and that if this is denied the case will be carried to the United States Su preme court. In the records of criminal Juris prudence in America there is no parallel to tho case of Patrick, whose fight for freedom ,has extend ed over nine years and has been marked by a variety of legal ex pedients surprising even to old practitioners at the criminal bar. The long running fight with the tcchnlcaltles of the law has been the more unique from the fact that the defendant 'has In the main been his own counsel, directing his case from behind prison bars with an adroit persistence that has excited the admiration of many. Seven times was the date of execution set, but Patrick never lost heart. Following his conviction in the Court of General Sessions before Recorder Goff, Patrick made a mo tion for a new trial, but this motion was denied. He then carried the case up to Albany, where the Court of Appeals sustained the judgment of the trial court. Still Patrick was not discouraged. Tho battle was waged through tho United States courts as well as the state courts. Then tho case took the form of petitions to the late Governor Hlg glns to commute Patrick's sentence, and on December 20, 1906, the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Patrick was not satisfied. Ho was taken before tho Appellate Division of the Second Department where he argued his own case, alleging that Governor Higglns had no right to commute a death sentence to one of life im prisonment. The latest decision is against this novel plea, but Patrick still feels that he has a chance for freedom, and a new move may be expected at any time. The Pckin Poor Relation. "You are pushing me too hard," said Wu Ting Fang to a reporter 1:: San Francisco who was Interviewing him. "You are taking advantage of mo. You are like tho Pekin ponr relation: "One day ho met the head of his family in tho street. " 'Come and dine with us to night,' the mandarin saU rraciously. " 'Thank you,' said the poor rela tion. 'But wouldn't to-morrow nignt do Just as well?' " 'Yes, certain. But where are you dining to-night?', asked the man darin curiously. " 'At your house. You see, your estimable wife was good enough to give me to-night's Invitation. " Origin of the Charivari. The charivari and missile throwing Indulged In by friends on the de parture of the wedded twain is a good-humored counterfeit of the armed protest made by the relatives of old when a brlde-snatcher came among them. Our Large Stock of HIGH ART CLOTHING for Spring Tells the Story of our Commercial Supremacy 1 NO OTHER STORE clothes for stylish men as is show such an assortment because no other store CAN SELL AS MANY suits as we do. Measured by sales, measured by value-giving, meas ured by style and distinctiveness, we are com mercially supreme ! There is just the kind of clothes you want in our stock of High Art Clothing the fabric has been picked especially for its charm and beauty, the quality assures yon that wear which you have a" right to expect, the thoroughly good workmanship, which we guarantee, presages long service, and the style of the suit that is waiting for YOU will create that aspect of grace and poise that is so much sought. Fifty men's high grade suits worth $14, $15, $16 $18, GOING AT Finest Line of STRAW HATS in Towii. WantedSummer Board. By thousands of Brooklyn people. Can you tnko n few ? If so. list your house in tho BHOOKIAW IMILY EACiI.E KltEK INKOHMATJON 11UKKAU. for which purpose a printed blank will be sent. Tie service ol the Inform ation Bureau COSTS YOU NOTHING. Thfi Brooklyn Eaelo is tho bi'st adver- tlsiUB medium in tho world. It carries more resort advertisements than any New York paper. It stands PKK-EMI-NENTLY ut the head. Write for listing blank ard Advertising Kate Card, Address INFORMATION BUREAU, BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, Brooklyn, N. Y, Mention the paper in which you see this advertisement. 27 ADVERTISING. Advertising seems to be an art yet to be discovered by some peo ple. That Is, the practical part of It. A constant stream of water from one or more fire engines will soon extinguish or got under con trol a very large lire, while a few buckets of water, dashed on hero and there, have little or no effect. The modern Are department is practical, and has outgrown tho bucket system, and so with modern advertising plenty of it, used in a practical, common sense and judi cious manner, pays. If you want to catch a certain kind of fish you use a certain kind of bait. Not all people respond to every advertise ment. The newspaper Is a med ium Indispensable to tho majority of advertisers, because of Its wide and repeating circulation. As a promoter of trade and profit news paper advertising is no longer an open question; that Is, when done in a practical and Intelligent man ner, and pays because of Its ef fectiveness and cheapness. A BASEBALL RACE. The latest In the line of a freak relay race is the proposition to throw a baseball from Chicago to New York, the same passing through the hands of some 30,000 men and boys stationed 180 feet apart, to seo how long it will take. It Is believ ed that it can bo done between sun rise and sundown of one long day In July, but It Is Important that no boy shall drop the ball, as time would be lost in picking it up. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature MKNNKIt & CO. are showing separate Jackets and Cloaks for cool day and storm wear. 45U LatestfMost Novel SHIRT WAISTS For Siinmu'r, 15)01), Menner & Co's Store, KFYSTONE BLOCK. in this town is showing such an assortment of stylish this store no other store can 1 I BREGSTEIN BROS. Honesdale, Pa. An advertisement in tho Easlo costs little, but brliiL's larire results, because the EAGLE INKOKMATION ItUHEAU is constantly bclpiiii; the advertisers.