The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 23, 1909, Image 1

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    THE WEATHER Showers on Tuesday night and Wednesday; light lo moderate south-west winds.
Seml-Weckly Founded
1908 1
$ Wayne Countv Organ
of the
S Weekly Founded, 1844 S
66th YEAR.
NO. 50
Howard Will Not Testify In
Reply to Wife.
Mr. Shearn, Counsel For Mrs.
Gould, Offers Affidavits From
Persons Who Say She Did
Not Drink to Excess.
New York, Juno 22. Howard Gould
rested his defense In his wife's suit
for separation and alimony without
taking tho stand or offering evidence
further than was developed from the
servants and three guests of the fam
ily. De Luncsy Nieoll made the an
nouncement: "I have consulted with my associ
ates, and we feel that the case we
presented is of such a character that
Jurther evidence is not necessary.
Therefore wo rest our case."
In taking tills step Mr. NIcoll saved
Howard Gould from a severe grilling
that was awaiting liiin.
Clarence .T. Shearn, counsel for Mrs.
Gould, was obviously disappointed
over the unexpected closing of the de
fense, as lie had Intended to train his
heaviest guns on the husband, and he
had given out tho Impression that he
was well supplied with ammunition.
It was expected that the direct and
redirect examinations of Howard Gould
would take about two days. The case
will therefore, it is believed, bo short
ened by that length of time.
Mr. Shearn led off the rebuttal -by
offering the atlldavit of Mrs. Alice
Stlckuey Bnnkhead, wife of Captain
Henry M. liankhead, U. S. A., sta
tioned at Atlanta, Ga.
"We want to show," explained Mr.
Shearn, "tho falsity of the charge
that Mrs. Gould was habitually and
continually intoxicated from 3002 to
the present date."
"Do you regard such evidence as nec
essary?" asked the court.
"1 want to leave no possible point
uncovered," said Mr. Shearn, and he
went ahead and read Mrs. Bankhead's
The army officer's wife was positive
that her hostess never drank to excess,
was never Incoherent, never boisterous
and never showed any effects of liquor.
Louis O. Foreman, William F. Mur
phy, Michael 1. Duffy, Jacob Cocks,
Eugene A. llinkney, John W. Adams,
Harry Austin Du Boise and others who
had been employed at Castle Gould
and Illue Gap farm all swore that Mrs.
Gould did not drink to excess.
6entenced to Three Years In Prison
For Manslaughter.
Trenton, N. J., June 22. Retracting
her former plea of not guilty to mur
der and pleading guilty to manslaugh
ter, 1'earl Faske, the eighteen-year-old
girl who stabbed a man to death while
defending herself from his attacks,
was sentenced to three years in state
prlspn by Justice Reed.
Tho girl said that John Lukaee tried
to assault her and she was compelled
to defend herself with a bread knife.
She plunged the weapon into his body,
and ho died ns n result.
kn asking for leniency counsel said
the young woman was to marry n
young nian now serving in tho Hun
garian army.
Bat Is Expected to Have No Trouble
In Beating Clifford.
Oklahoma City, June 22. Although
no one here believes that tonight's
fight between Battling Nelson, cham
pion lightweight of the world, and
Jock Clifford will make the champion
extend himself, he looks fit to fight
hard for his title.
The fight Is slated to last twenty
rounds, but It will be a big surprise
to the sports gathered hero to see the
contest if It goes the limit. Clifford
has boon training hard to get into con
dition. Nelson has also been here sev
eral days.
Negro Enters Her Home and Attacks
Woman and Her Sister.
Springfield, 111., June 22. Miss Lau
ra Yowell, postmistress at Green
nidge, lies at the point of death with
a bullet In the left lung fired by a ne
gro who entered her home and attack
ed her and her sister, Miss Nannlo
After tho shooting tho negro fled.
Neighbors gave chase, but the negro
after holding his pursuers at bay for
some tlmo with a revolver flagged n
Chicago and Alton train with a red
undershirt; sprang aboard and rode to
CarllnYllle, where he was arretted.
Actress Appears as Maid of Orleano
at Harvard Stadium.
Cambridge, Mass., June 22. Never
In tho history of tho American stage
has there been n performance such as
that of "Joan of Arc" to bo given by
Maude Adams In the Harvard stadium
tonight According to those who have
witnessed tho rehearsals and have
grasped tho scope and purpose of the
play, the only dramatic representation
with which it can bo compared is the
Passion play at Ohcrnuuuergnu.
In a series of splendid dramatic pic
tures, drawn on a vast scale, Miss Ad-
nms will depict the life of the young
peasant girl who delivered Franco
from tile English invaders in tho fif
teenth century. All sides of tho char
acter of tho Maid of Orleans will bo
shown her life in her native cottage,
tho visitation of voices that led her to
the saving of her dearly beloved
Franco, her leadership of the French
forces to victory and her martyrdom.
Tho performance will be adequately
staged. There will bo 1,300 active par
ticipants, including about S00 men in
armor on horseback, monks, citizens of
both sexes, nobles, choir boys, English
and French soldiery.
Results of Games Played In National,
American and Eastern Leagues.
At Plttsburpf l'ltlsbui'K. 5; Philadel
phia, 3. U.Utpries LlotleM mid Gibson;
McQuillan and Jacklitch.
W. L. P.C. w. L,. P.O.
Pittsburg. OS 33 .715 Plilla'ihlo 21 M .4W
Chicago... 35 JS .WO St. Louis. 13 30 .111
New York 24 1'2 .522 Hrooklyn . 17 33 .310
Cincinnati 2S 2') .519 Boston.... 13 35 .271
At New York Washington, C; New
York, ). Batteries Hughes, Gray, John
son and Street; Wailiop, Klelnow and
Second came New York, 3; 'Washing
ton, 2. Batteries Manning and Blair;
Hughes, Altroek and Street.
At ChlcftKO Chicago-Cleveland game
postponed by rain.
At Boston Boston, C; Philadelphia, 5.
Batteries Byan, Schlitzer and Carrlgan;
Plank and Thomas.
Second game Boston, 4; Philadelphia, 1.
Batteries Wood and Spencer; Combs and
At St. Louis Detroit, 2; St. Louis, 0.
Batteries Donovan and Stanago; Gra
ham, Bailey and Stephens.
W. b. P.C. W. L. P.C.
Detroit.... 35 19 .CIS New York 25 25 .500
Phlla'phiaSS 3 .549 Chicago... 23 Si MO
Boston.... 29 24 .547 Wnsh'ton. 19 31 .3S0
Cleveland. 27 21 .529 St. Louis. 19 33 .3j5
At Jersey City Jersey City, 4; Roches
ter, 1.
At Newark Toronto, 2; Newark, 1.
At Providence Buffalo, 4; Provi
dence, 1.
At Baltimore Baltimore, 4; Montreal, 1.
Second game Baltimore, 2; Montreal, 1.
W. Jj. P.C. W. l. P.C.
Rochester. 31 18 .C33 Toronto... 21 27 .471
Buffalo.... 27 24 .529 Jersey C'y 22 20 .45S
Newark... 25 23 .521 Montreal.. 21 20 .447
Baltimore. 20 25 . 510 Provl'enceZO 27 . 420
Called Off on Account of Funeral of
President Dovey of Boston Club.
Philadelphia, Juno 22. By unani
mous nctlon of tho club owners all
baseball games scheduled for today In
the National league were called off on
account of the funeral of George B.
Dovey, president of tho Boston club.
Tho funeral services were held this
afternoon and were nttended by all tho
presidents of the National league clubs,
by Acting President Ileydler and Pres
ident Pulllam and by the members of
tho Boston and Philadelphia clubs.
The board of directors has ordered
that flags at the National league
grounds shall fly at half mast for
thirty days out of respect to tho mom
ory of tho deceased magnate.
Brooklyn and Philadelphia will play
a double header on Wednesday, and
Cincinnati and Chicago will meet In
two games on Friday.
Lord Harmsworth Buys Coal Lands.
Winnipeg, Man., June 22. Lord
Harmsworth of London has purchased
for $2,000,000 coal lands 120 miles
southwest of Winnipeg.
New York Chinaman Caught
In British Columbia.
Admits He Roomed In House Where
Elsie Sigel Was Murdered, but
Declares He Had No Share
In the Murder.
Vancouver, II. C, June 22. The Re
velstoko police, on New York ndvlces,
have arrested on a westbound Cana
dian Paclllc train n Cliliiuiuan answer
ing the description of Leon Ling, alias
William J. Leon, who Is wanted in
connection with the murder of Elsie
Tho man talks good English, is well
dressed and gives an unsatisfactory
explanation of his business. Ho is
about thirty years old, with smooth
face, Mack hair and eyes and has his
hair cut in American style.
It is believed that the Revcrstoke
authorities have the right man and
that lie was concealed aboard the train
till reaching Reveistoke.
Chong Sing Protests Innocence.
New York, June 22. An important
stop toward unraveling the mystery
attending the murder of Miss Elsie
Sigel, tho young girl missionary
among Chinamen, has been taken, the
police say, in the arrest of Chong Sing,
the friend of Leon Ling, who was
brought hero today from Amsterdam,
N. Y.
Chong Sing, who was n close friend
of Leon Ling, had a room on the floor
of tho house 7S2 Eighth avenue, whore
Elsie Slgel's body was found In n
trunk, and be lias been-misslng for the
last ten days.
Chong Sing said he was thirty-five
years old and had been In this country
for ten years. He was born in Can
ton, China, and has always followed
the occupation of a cook. For the past
four or live months he has been em
ployed as cook in a chop suey restau
rant at -1S2 West Twenty-ninth street,
New York.
Chong said he and Leon Ling room
ed at 7S2 Eighth avenue, and his apart
ment was just across the hall from
Leon's. Asked If he was intimately
acquainted with Leon, he said he saw
him only about once every two weeks,,
and that was when ho went to Leon's
room. Questioned as to why ho did
not go to Local's lodging apartment
more often, he said ho slept many
times in the restaurant whore lie
Chong admitted that he was ac
quainted with Mr. and Mrs. Sigel and
Elsie and Mabel Sigel. Ho claimed not
to have seen either of them in somo
time, although he said he had visited
at their home. He protested his inno
cence of any share in the girl's mur
der. Chong declared that lie left New
York June 10 lo accept a position at
West (iahvay. A newspaper of the
date June 12 was found in ills pocket
when he was arrested, and Sing said
lie purchased It in New York. This
makes a conflicting story, as he first
snid he left that city Juno 10.
Asked when he saw Leon last, he
said lie thought It was about June 7,
although he was not sure. Chong de
clared that his companion was In Now
York when lie left the city, and he
does not know anything of his where
abouts now.
Chong Sing's arrest came nbout
through ids employer, Harvey Kenne
dy, n well to do New Yorker and
summer resident of West Gfllway. He
noticed Chong Sing's likeness to pub
lished photographs of him In New
York newspapers and notified the po
lice. Chong Sing readied Amsterdam on
Friday afternoon, Juno 11, two days
after Elslo Sigel disappeared In New
York and one day after that on which
she Is supposed to have been killed.
Ho had previously been engaged In
Now York by Mr. Kennedy.
The man arrested nt Schenectady,
N. Y., supposed for a time to be Leon
Ling, proved that he was Chu Hop, a
collector for the Hung Luni Chan com
pany of New York city. He said ho
knew nothing of the Slglc murder and
never saw tho girl or her family.
Sun Leong, proprietor of the res
taurant at 782 Eighth avenue, who fled
on the morning the body was found,
gave himself up nt police headquarters
and was sent to the house of detention
to be held as n material witness.
Two Rescuers and Boy Drowned.
St. Joseph, Mo., Juno 22. James O.
Lilllger and John Lewis were drowned
in tho reservoir of tho water works
here In a futile effort -to rescue the
young son of James Lllilger. All three
bodies wore recovered.
A very enjoyable evening was
spent with the graduating class of
100!) at the Lyric on Friday evening
ns they gave their closing exercises
and received their diplomas. ' Prin
cipal Harry Oday presided. Dr. Win,
H. Swift made the invocation, then
followed the salutatory address. The
addresses wore interspersed with
chorus singing by the school.
By William B. Freund.
There are many pleasant du
ties to perform in the course of
one's life; but without doubt
there is not one in a student's
career more pleasant than this
duty which devolves upon me of
welcoming those gathered to at
tend the commencement exer
cises of the class of 1909. It
is unnecessary to question the
interest of the audience in this
class as it is silently bespoken by
your presence. To you all,
guests, faculty and school-mates,
in behalf of the class, in words
that are only the echo of many
voices feebly through one
"Welcome, thrice Welcome."
From the earliest times lit
erary history is full of the records
of fakes and forgeries. Among
these are many noticeable for
the skill and nerve with which
they were executed. Many such
notorious counterfeits are on
records; but for impudence and
success the Ireland forgeries de
serve dishonorable mention ' of
the first rank among literary
More than a century ago, there
lived in London a man named
Samuel Ireland, who made Ills
living as an etcher, engraver
and publisher, lie was also a
collector or pictures and books
and took a great deal of inter
est in antiquities. He seems
to have been rather a dull wilted
old fellow; but there was no
lack of shrewdness about his
only bon, William Henry. This
bright youth had many chances
to rummage among ills father's
antiquities and soon developed
an interest In them on ids own
account. He read a good deal
of old poetry and went with Ills
father to the birthplace of
Shakespeare where he had a
chance to gaze on various relics.
These so influenced him that he
determined to attempt forging
some of them.
Mixing up some muddy ink,
Ireland wrote on the fly-leaf of
an old tract a dedicatory letter
to Queen Elizabeth. This was in
due time presented to his father
and accepted as a genuine dis
covery. Emboldened by this
success he cut a piece of parch
ment from nn old legal docu
ment and wrote out a mort
gage deed to which he boldly
signed Shakespeare's name,
carefully copying it from a gen
uine autograph. The question
naturally arose whence all these
discoveries came; but all were
cunningly evaded. He even
wrote whole plays and passed
them off as the work of the
great dramatist. One of these
"Vortigern," was actually pro
duced at Drury Lane Theatre
and hissed off the stage. This
anu some other bad slips led the
critics to become suspicious and
as all forgeries end Ireland was
forced to confess. After the ex
posure of the forgery, people ,
were anxious to buy the sham
documents that had created
such a rage, and for a time the
ingenious William Henry gain
ed a living by making copies of
his forgeries, to satisfy the pub
lic demand.
Ireland's successor In the
nineteenth century was John
Collier, one of tho most learned
men or his time. In his anxiety
to offer contributions to knowl
edge ho could not wait to make
discoveries In a legitimate way.
His most famous imposture was
that "Perkins Folio" of Shakes
peare. The high reputation of
Collier prevented suspicion for
a considerable time; but the au
thorities of the British Museum
tested them under a powerful
microscope and found under
tho ink faint traces of pencil
marks. His punishment camo
in the fact that his reputation
is that of a clever forger rather
than that of a great scholar,
which It was his ambition to be
It is perhaps better not to
despise too much the people of
earlier times for their readiness
in accepting these forgeries,
since the nineteenth century
and tho present day have much
the same tales to tell. Robert
Browning, an excellent critic,
was completely taken In by a
collection of spurious Shelley
" letters while bogus letters at
tributed to Ruskln have been
published and accepted. So on
the list might be prolonged In
definitely. It Is to be doubted
indeed whether the public is
much less credulous now than
in former days as the demand
for antiques is increasing, and
there are plenty of unscrupulous
dealers to supply them. As long
as the world reads books and
as long as it punishes rascals
there is little doubt that "Liter
ary Impostures" will continue to
BY Hazel M. Deln.
Having decided to spend my
summer vacation with relatives
who lived in a village nestling
among the hills of Northeastern
Pennsylvania, 1 searched through
a number of time-tables in order
to decide upon a definite route.
The task proved very difficult,
as there were so many changes
to be made. But a few days
later I was on my way. After
riding constantly for three days
I was delighted when I found
myself at the town from which
I should take the stage to the
little country village. The town
proved very interesting to me
because it was so clean and the
streets were laid out so nicely.
I learned the town owed much
of its attractiveness to the
"Ladies' Improvement Society."
After several hours wait the time
arrived when I was to continue
my journey by stage.
I was born and had spent all
my life in tho West so this
hilly country appealed to me as
we rushed through the valleys
by train, but now I would have n
chance to view the hills and val
leys more closely. I had my
baggage transferred and hurried
to the place from which the stage
I was surprised to see that
what was called the "stage" was
a rickety two-seated affair, with
a canopy top. The body of the
wagon had been painted black
once upon a time, and from the
appearance of the wheels they
were either new or freshly
painted. A team of prancing
bay horses were hitched to the
vehicle and controlled by a
stout, broad-shouldered lad,
clad in a pair of high leather
boots, a brown jumper, and a
pair of dark gray, home-made
trousers. His wealth of red hair
was partly concealed by a large,
straw hat. When we were ready
the lad gave a shout and crack
ed the whip to which the horses
responded with a plunge and we
were on our way.
In our Western school the
teacher had done her best to
explain how the glaciers had
changed the topography of the
country, but as we had no hills
and valleys near us I had never
thoroughly understood the sub
ject. We had left the town and
were traveling a country road
which followed a deeply cut val
ley. High hills were on either
side and I now understood how
a glacier would come down this
valley carrying a great amount
of earth with It. A half hour
later as we turned a sharp curve
a number of houses appeared be
fore us and In ftve minutes we
reached a small village where
we stopped before a store which
served as a postofllce. A stout,
red-faced, bald-headed man
wearing a grimy apron of tick
ing, made his appearance to tell
the driver to make room for
"Aunt Jemima" as she was go
ing up in the county to visit her
"brother Jake." I had occupied
a whole seat but was now forced
to share It with "Aunt Jemima"
whose appearance did not Im
press me very favorably. She
was one of those tall, angular,
old maids, who look over the
rims of their spectacles, and al
low their cork-screw curls to
dang,' J .bout their ears from be
neatl o.elr black, poke bonnets.
It to 3 nearly one-half an hour
to pl2 her hair trunk, band box
and parcels to suit her. This
done the lad offered to assist
her to her seat, but she turned
to tell him "she guessed she
could get up their without his
help." At last she was settled
in her seat and turned to look nt
me. After scrutinizing me for
sometime she asked my name,
where I was going, why I was
going, where 1 had come from,
who my parents were that tliey
allowed me to travel along this
lonely road with only a red
headed stage driver for a com
panion. "You may be thank
ful you've got me for company,
young lady," she said. I thought
over what she had said then
turned again to tho scenery as
her manner did not allure mo
into any further conversation.
Growing tired of the prolong
ed silence I turned again to my
companion intending to speak
to her but site sat so erect that
I was afraid to speak to her. A
tree which had but two branches
on one side and several on the
other, stood in the center of a
very large field. This puzzled
me so I asked "Aunt Jemima" if
If she knew what caused it to
grow that way. "Because it
didn't grow any other way, I
suppose," was the laconic reply.
I then spoke of our new Presi
dent, but she told me she was
not a man so could not discuss
politics with me. Nothing
daunted that 1 had failed twice
in my attempts to engage her
in conversation, I once more ad
dressed her. This time 1 spoke
of the schools, how far they had
advanced in tho last few years,
and how people had begun to
think that women should be as
thoroughly educated as men.
How surprised 1 was when she
turned around and looking me
squarely in the face said, "I tell
you It's no use for girls to be edu
cated like that. I was ten years
old when I had to stay at home
and help my mother take care
of tho other children and I am
here yet. Girls can get educa
tion enough at homo 1 always
said and always will say. If
you can't cook, bake, wash
dishes, sweep, dust, sew, mend,
wash and iron, and all that what
good is all that other fol-ue-rol
you're learnin' at school? When
you get a husband you can't eat
education I am sure and if you
can't cook, the poor fellow will
die of indigestion before he has
eaten your cooking a year."
Just then the hoy stopped the
horses, told me this was my
stopping place, assisted me from
the wagon, handed down my
baggage, then drove on while
my "Interesting Companion"
called back to me saying, "Well,
the next time 1 see you 1 hope
you wll be more sensible."
By Chester Gerry.
It seems strange that in this
free world of to-day there
breathes a man whom we are
able to state is without a coun
try. But those who have per
used the recent newspapers
and magazines will, I believe,
agree with me in conferring
upon Ciprinno Castro, ex-president
of Venezuela the title,
"The Man Without a Country."
For nine years Venezuela rest
ed in the grasp of Castro. Not
a law was passed, not a man
elected or appointed to oilice
without first being considered
in his rapid mind. Not an ad
venture was made or an im
provement commenced with
which he was , not familiar.
To-day the tide is chnnged. He
has hardly a friend in the
world, was refused admittance
to his native land, denied hos
pitality in the usually hospi
able Martinque, bullied by for
eign warships, dragged from
his hotel on a stretcher, and
sent back to Europe like a de
ported immigrant. Truly a
man without a country. He
was a statesman, a politician,
but no diplomat. In his earlier
days ho started heart and soul
a Venezuelan, with ideals; he
was loyal to his country and
his people, and then gradually
his loyalty and his Ideals seem
ed to wane. He could not
endure success and so now tho
true measure of his ability is
swamped under the hatred ho
has Inspired. In this country
Castro's character Is tinctured
by this hatred. This ono man
exposed foreign conspiracies
and defeated a revolution waged
In a foreign Interest; yet to
day, apparently, tho only facts
of public interest nro his per
sonal, habits. Twelve years
ago during tho time of Presi
dent Crespo, Castro was a Con-
( Continued on Page 2.)