The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 18, 1909, Image 2
IN CELL, JESTS AT I GHARGEJF THEFT New Haven Hank Bookkeeper Saya the Property Seized b His Own WORTHLESS SECURITIES IN BOX Frederick H. Brlgham Talks of Hla Defalcations Complaint Filed Now Asserts that Alleged Shortage at Merchant's National Is $100,000. New Haven, Conn., Juno 16. Fred erick H. Hrlgham, formerly head bookkeeper of the Merchants' Nation al Hunk of Now Haven, whoso defalca tions were said by the bnnk officials to total inoro than $100,000, talked with a correspondent In his cell In the county Jail hero. Driglmm, well dressed and appar ently not tho lenst disturbed by tho charges, made It evident that ho is confident ills plan to outwit tho bank ofllclals will prove eminently suc cessful. "In tho llrst place," lirlgham began, ' "the savings of my eighteen years' salary would, if wluoly invested, have I amounted to enouRli to enable mo to purchase all the securities the United j States authorities have found In my safe deposit box. I "In the second piace, there is no way of proving, even if it bo estab lished that I embezzled tho funds of tho bank, that I made use of any part of such stolen moneys for tho pur chase of the securities now hold by the Federal officers. "As for this civil suit brought by the bank to mako me pay them $100, 000, that is absurd on the face of It I shall Institute a counter suit de manding that the bank prove that the property soized by tho United States Marshal was bought by mo with money stolen from the bank. Unless they can prove this my right to the property will be shown to bo abso lute. "As a matter of fact, the bank will never go on with this civil suit. If the criminal charge is disproved there will be little i .fficulty in arranging this civil action with the bank offi cers. "In any event and no matter how long I am Incarcerated my wife will suffer no hardship financially." Unless Brigham's resources are of a different kind than those already discovered by the Federal authorities it Is doubtful if Mrs. Hrlgham, who is twenty-five years her husband's jun ior, will find herself as well provided for as Brlgham seems to think. He got for his f lOO.noo largely min ing stocks, many of which are unlist ed. E IN BEER, 0 IN DIE Reptile Thought to Have Poisoned Barrel! in Which Hs Lay. Richmond, Juno l.'i. Joseph M. Staten, bridge ins-rector for the Chesa peake and Ohio Railway, who has just returned from an Inspection tour in West Virginia, tells of the remarka ble deatli of eight Italian laborers on the Piney Creel; branch of the road, near tho town of Itsilelgh, following a wild debauch with a barrel of beer. According to Staten, tho men pur chased and set up the barrel of beer in their shack in the mountains and proceeded to drink their fill. Later all eight were discovered lying about on the beds and on the floor dead. To the fact that a considerable por tion of the beer was still left In tho barrel, the conclusion was reached that overindulgence had not caused tho death, of the men. The barrel was taken into the yard and the beer allowed to escape through the bunhole. None of the beverage was allowed to be drunk for fear It had been poisoned. A large rattlesnake was found In the bottom of the barrell after the beer had been drawn off. It Is presumed that the snake, In its death agony, injected enough of its poison into tho beer to kill the men who drank of it CAPT. RAYMOND. I). S. A. SHOT Corporal Wounds Two Soldiers Who Tried to Disarm Him. Des Moines, Iowa, Juno 15. Cor poral Lisle Crabtree probably fatally shot Capt. John C. Raymond, com manding officer of Troop B, Second United States Cavalry, at Fort Den Moines; also shot and seriously lu jured First Sergt. James H. Wash burn and Corporal Elijah Such, who attempted to disarm him, and then shot himself, the bullet striking a rib above the heart and crushing the bone. Ho may recover. Crabtree had ben reprimanded by Capt Raymond because of failure to report when a leave of absence had expired. Burled from Same House. Honesdale, Pa., June 16. From the same house, the funerals of Mark Van Duescn, the eighty-six-year-ola mur derer and suicide, and his victim, George B. Baker, aged eighty-seven, were held to-day, though at different times. Mrs. Baker, the sister of the murderer and wife ot his victim, at tended both. Baker was Van Daesen's brother-in-law and also his fathor-ln law, Van Duesen having married hla daughter. LINER SLAVONIA WRECKED, 410 PASSENGERS, ALL SAVED Steamships Datavla and Prlnress Irene Go to Rescue of Cunardcr tl at Struck Rocks on Flores. London, Juno 1C Tho Cunard Lino steamer Slavonla, from New York, with about 410 passengers on board, lmu been wrecked upon Flores, one of the Azores Islands. The Cunard company has received no details of the accident The only Information It liau was received through tho North German Lloyd Steamship Company, which in formed it that the steamer Prlnzesa. Irene of the former company had tak en off a hundred of the Slavonla's sa loon passengers and that tho Batavia had taken !!00 r.tcerage passengers from the wrecked steamer. It Is nssumcd that all the passengers have been landed at St. Michaels. Tlie Slavonla lies on the southwest of Flores Island. No news of the wreck has as yet been received direct from the Azores. It Is stated that the steamer lies in a very bad position on tho rocks and that there Is scarcely any doubt that she will Drove n total 1ns S SHERIFF Oil SCAFFOLD Murderer Fatally Wounds Execution er While He Is Adjusting Black, Cap. Floresville, Tex., June IS. Rotugio Jnuroquo, sentenced to death for crim O 8 n .8 o inally assaulting Alvina Olenlka, .i : Bohemian girl, at Sutherlane Springs j last July, fatally Btabbed Sheriff Wright hero when the Sheriff started to fix the black cap on Jaurequo to hang him. Jaurequo plunged a sharpened spoon handle Into his executioner Just above the heart and attempted to escape. Jaurequo was seized by a deputy sheriff, drugged back to the scaffold and unceremoniously hanged without a black cap. It is not known how he got the spoon handle. SON OF SIAMESE TWIN KILLED Lightning Strikes Virginia Deaf Mute, Who Prospered as Tobacco Farmer. Winston-Salem, N. C, June 15. Jesso Bunker, a deaf mute, youngest son of Chang, one of the famous Siamese twins, was killed by lightning to-day in his tobacco barn, in Surry County. With his son and a workman he took shelter in the barn during a rainstorm. The son and the workman were knocked senseless. Bunker was forty-eight years old and prosperous. He was Intelligent and entertaining, and enjoyed con versing with his friends tnrough the medium of pencil and paper. TRIED TO GET &SD0L Story of Attempt of Turkish Reaction aries to Kidnap Ex-Sultan. London, June 13. A local news agency publishes a dispatch from Constantinople, saying that an unsuc cessful acmpt is reported to have been made by tho reactionaries to kid nap Abdul Hamid, the deposed Sultan of Turkey, from tho house where he is residing in Salouicu. Several offi cers, the dispatch says, are said to have been killed in the struggle. QUITS MffirTFOR MOTHER Ensign Lllley, Governor's Son, Gives Up Sea Career to Aid Her. Washington, June 13. Ensign Fred erlck P. Lilley. U. S. N., son of the late Governor of Connecticut, has re- signed, his father's death having left the widow in such a state of collapse that she wished to have her son with her. The late Governor was a man of affairs, and tho son will take charge of the estate. Young Lllley was graduated in the class of 1907 from Annapolis. GUP OF COFFEE COSTS LIFE Man Resented Imputation that His Wife vas Not Good Cook. Birmingham, Ala., June 15. Resent ing the imputation of C. H. Carper that Mrs. Kelley could not make good coffee, W. T. Kelley and his brother in-law, William Sparks, met Carper in a suburb and proceeded to Settle tho matter. As a result Carper Is dead, Sparks is fatally Injured and Kelley Is wounded In the arm and leg. Killed at Mass. Green Bay, Wis., Juno 15. Light ning struck the steeple of Holy Cross Catholic Church at Bay Settlement during ma63 and killed Edward Du chane, twenty years old, and shocked and Injured sixteen other porsons, two of whom may not survive. Falls Off Coaster and Is Killed Syracuse, N. Y June 15. In the presence ot hundreds of spectators, William Mertens, thirty-two years old fell sixty feet from the car of a roller coaster and was Instantly killed. The accident occurred at Long Branch Onondaga Lake. Earthquake Kills 230. Podang, Sumatra, June 11. The town of Korlnchi, 185 miles to the southeast of Padang, was destroyed by an oarthquako the night of Juno 3, Two hundred and thirty peoplo were killed and many Injured. A tidal wave caused by tho upheaval swept avay native huts nice cockleshello. AMAZING SECRETS IN COULD CASE Howard's Income Is $1,000,000 a Year, and Not $400,000, as Claimed COURT THROWS OUT NON-SUPPORT '. Now Up to Dsfcr.ce to Prove That the , Abandonment was Justified George ' Gould Tells cf Howard's Income I Expenses at Palm Reach. o u o o u IK lESIIUilhY IN TH GOULD SUIT q i p ! The Joy Could fortune wus worth more than $80,000,000 in 100G. George Gould testified that it Is probably worth more to-day. Kadi of the six heirs has re ceived more than $700,000 a year Income. Howard Gould haw been able to accumulate a "private for tune" of $10,000,000. Mrs. Howard Gould thinks it bad form to wear the same dress twice in the same place, and said that at Palm Boach and other resorts It was neces sary to change her costume three times a day gowns, hats, shoes, lingerie and parasols. She says a society woman needs from $S5,000 to $40,000 a year to dress properly. Two maids at a time Is any woman's limit; if she had Ave. she'd never get dressed, was another of Mrs. Gould's observa tions. u U U O o 1 o o o o o , o o 8! y , o ' I O ' UXKDCOCCOCCCCCCOOOCOOOOOCO Now York, N. Y., June 16. Justice Dowllng, who is hearing the separa tion suit of Katherlne Clemmons Gould against Howard Gould, decided that tho plaintiff henceforth must limit her case to the charge of aban donment as counsel for Mrs. Gould had failed to prove the cruelty allega tion against Mr. Gould or that he had failed to provide for his wife slnco their separation. The veil that has been kept so tight ly drawn over the secrots of the es tate of Jay Gould was swept aside at the trial for the first time, and the public was permitted to learn Its size and earning capacity. It was estimat ed as "about $S0,000,000" by George Gould, oldest son of the great finan cier, and tho income of it in 1907 was $4,688,000. George J. Gould was examined as a witness for a few moments in the afternoon. And when her brother-in-law had loft the stand to be succeed ed by her husband, Howard, Mrs. Gould chuckled until nor stout figure shook, for she proved that instead of an income of $300,000 or $400,000 a year her husband was willing to ad mit, he was enjoying each year a rev enue not less than $1,0.10,000 and often j considerably more. 1 The separation suit gave the public unique opportunity of hearing expert j testimony on the ultra-rich, the mag- I nitude of fortune and the many ways i of spending money. The income from the original Gould estate In the six years between 1902 j and 1907, inclusive, was nearly $31,- I 000,000. In no one year did the in come from the original fortune for any one individual heir fall below $700,- 000, and in 190:1 it soared to 57S2.000 for each one of the six heirs. Tho fig- ures are absolutely correct, taken from the books of the estate, and sworn to Dy ueorge uouiu. rsowara uouia, ice ueienuani in me suit, was called to the stand for the flrst time, and added the Interesting detail that since his majority he had built up a private fortune of J10.000, 000, despite his .heavy expenditures and his expensive marriage. This in cludes Castle Gould, on Long Island, on which he has spent J2.700.000, but which he has unsuccessfully tried to sell for $1,000,000. From the smiling Hps of Mrs. How ard Gould, Justice Victor J. Dowllng heard startling evidence as to what she thought a woman of fashion should spend on dress. Mrs. Gould laid down a set of rules that she de clared it would cost any husband from $36,000 to $40,000 a year to follow. To maintain her "station," Mrs. Gould figured she could not get along on less than $40,000 a year for clothes. In this $40,000 there Is no item for luxuries, and her table is as follows: At least three changes ot costume necessary every day. No dress can be worn more than once or twice. The cost of each dinner dreBB is from $300 to $600. Morning gowns, $150. Walking gowns, from $150 to $500. Tea gowns, $350. Reception gowns, $250 to $600. Yachting suits, $75 to $250. Automobile dresses, $75 to $150. Shoes, stockings and hats are nec essary to match each gown. Price of hats, from $40 to $80 each. Othor necessaries are, from twelve to fourteen servants, at an average salary of $60 a month each. One automobile, at $500 a month. Lodging in tho Hotel Belmont, $300 a week. Also nocessary are one coachman, a second coachman, a footman and rid ins and driving crooms. 100 DIE, MANY HURT Fl St. Cannat and Rognes Utterly Demolished Wounded Still Dying in Ruins SURVIVORS LACK FOOD SUPPLIES Departments of Herault and Bouchcs-du-Rhone Devastated Soldiers at Work of Rescue Supplies Rushed to the Stricken Districts. Marseilles, France, Juno 1G. From 73 to 100 dead and 100 injured is the estimated total casualties as the re sult of the earthquake which dovastat- eu several towns anu villages in ine southernmost part of France, particu larly In tho Departments of Herault and Bouches-du-Bhono. Great suffering is reported from tho remoter places, owing to a lack of bread and necessaries of llfo, before tho arrival of assistance. It Is possible, too, that the list of casualties may be greatly lengthened, as the ruins have not yet been entlroly searched. Tho villages of Saint Cannat and Rognes wero completely demolished by the j earthquake, and Lambosc, which is which Is twelve miles from AIx, suf- ! fered heavily. According to advices received here a number of the wound- j ed are still imprisoned In the ruins, and soldiers hurried to the scenes of trouble are working desperately to rescue them. Survivors are sleeping in tents and tho streets are Impassable. In many places they have been torn up and are Incumbered with masses of rocks. Houses, public buildings, and churches were crumbled to pieces. Among oth er'vlllages seriously damaged are Vau venagargues, Venelles, Felissanne, Puy-Ste.-Reparardl, and Arguyls. The victims at St Cannat and Rog nes wero horribly mutilated. There were evidences that several of the victims had lived for hours imprison ed by the debris before they died. The people rushed into the streets when the first shock occurred, crying out In terror, but many returned to rescue their families. At Rognes a family of four wero buried In the ruins. Tholr crlos could be heard throughout the night, but all were dead in the morn- ' ing when a rescuing party reached j them. At Saint Cannat an old man and his son were watcnlug a billiard game. They were instantly killed. The play ers escaped with slight bruises. The j chateau Valniousse, near Saint Can ' nat, was badly damrged. The com- munal chateau at ArguylB was split In two. The historic village of Verne . gues was wrecked, but no one was killed. The momentnry loss In the affected district is very heavy, j Many of the villages in tho earth i quake district are cut off from com I municatlon by either telephone or telegraph, but the news which comes in shows that the situation is worse I than at first supposed. At Puy Ste. Raparade two persons lost their lives, and there was much destruction of property. Food supplies arc being dispatched from Aix to the afllicted districts, and two battalions of troops have been sent forward to aid in tho work or rescuing tho wounded from the ruins. PRESIDENT OF BiffilL DEAD Expected that Vice President Pecanha I will Take His Place. j RIo Janeiro. Brazil. June 16.-Dr. -vwoi..., TVi.nn Print nf !,,., h,.. Ho wna HtriCkGn i w1th inflllnnzil on .Imle 2. and. al though quite seriously 111 for a time, improvement was noted on June 6, which continued until Saturday. The President then suffered a relapse, and I there were marked pulmonary and gastric symptoms. Tho attending physicians were forced to the conclu sion that tho case was hopeless, and the Minister of tho Interior notified Vice President Nllo Pecanha and vari ous other Government officials accord ingly. STEEL WORKSJO RESUME National Tube Co. to Reemploy 4,500 Men Idle Two Years. Wheeling, W. Va., June 15. The steel and plate department of the National Tube Co.'s Riverside works has resumed operations all on double turn, giving employment all told, with the blast furnace, which has been tn oporatlon for two weeks, to nearly 4, 500 men who have been idle since No vember, 1007. 5,000 Slain by Persian Tribesmen. St. Petersburg, June 15. Five thou sand persons havo been killed, a dis patch to the Novoo Vremya from As tara reports, by the Bhakbsevan tribesmen, who are ravaging the Ar dabtl district in Azerbaijan, the most northwesterly province of Persia. The leading inhabitants have appealed to the Russian consul tor protection. Anti-Racing Bills Signed. Fort Worth, Tex., June 14. The antl-raco betting law passed by the last Legislature went Into effect and arrangements oro being made to dis continue racing here, at Houston and at other cities in Texas. Tallahassee, Fla., June 14. The Governor signed the bill prohibiting racetrack gambling. ecu QUAKES Tho Kind You Havo Always in use for over 30 years, and has Jtyy J1' , Bonal All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of ' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fovcrislmcss. It curc3 Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OINT1UR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRUT. NEW YORK OITT. The Era of New Mixed Painls ! This year opoiio wirii a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought, aliout hv our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale wit:: the unwary. Tlll-l O.VliV PLACE IN HONKSDALE , Al'THOKlZi:!) To HANDLE Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON POINTS' 1st- Vn -it' fan mix a better mixed paint. 'Jd Tin painters declare tha! it works easilv and has won derful covering qualities. od--Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proven defective. I th -Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it. and recommend its use to others. II Still Take the Lead ! iA SfiYu- Tho No. 40 ls.the popular Klat Land Plow. I In Wayne urniuil m-lllll. iAWUKUlil III ',) I it rimve aim Jiopairs on nana : .i. i.. a many, i ioiisaiu .mmm . . . 'L";Y;,, ' . Y.....,!-1 S. Womlmanseo. I.akoCoino: 11. X. i'arloy. Kuulmink : A. J. Abrahams, l.alllee : I'M" llrown Hoaclloys: o W. Shatfor, ioortrotown : et!i Itortrco. Merlins: t. K Keliam. l.eiiscilalo; v. K. Corey ureentown. aim The Oliver Sulky KM GRAHAM WATTS E?ya Stores Sash. Doors, llllnds, Front Snhl)oors. Sewer Pipe and llullilera' Hardware ot KVKlt Description. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS: Iiik Machines. Iron. Gravel anil Tarred ltoollnsr. Ilarb Wire, Netting. Lliue and Cement. Kstlmates given on short notice for HOT AIR and STEAM HEAT. PLUMBING in all its branches. Telephone Announcement This company is preparing to do extensive construction work in the Honesdale Exchange District which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the system Patronize the Independent Telephone Company which reduced telephone rates,' auddo not contract for any other service without conferring with our Contract Department Tel. No. 300. CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. Foster Building Bought, and -which has heen has borno tho signature of been, made under his pcr- supervision since its infancy. Signature of .HILTON'S MIXED PAINTS Over '.'7.11(10 II". of rinv mill ltfi:ilr- molveil In Maicli. THIS CI'T SHOWS T1IK No. 56 SIDE HILL. Wo ni-ti have Ni. 7, ii sl.f Mimller. We also keep In stock thoXo. K. 19. 20 and. county. Tho followliiif Sub-Asi'nts kuep stucK oi J " V7J i, ul,.T..i V.irH..n In aus s iiouesuaie mm iiuitj aiui. Plow Cannot be Beat ! Harrows, Cultivators, Lawn Mowers, Horse Hakes. Mow Woven Fence Wire. Poultry BICYCLES jind SundrielA