THE TANGLED WE W By Elhel Watls-Mumford Grant q j- Aulliot of "Dupo." "Whitewuk" Etc. flf Copyriaht. 1908, br Beni. B. Hampton eij CHAPTER XII. "But it was Mrs. Evelyn's bell," walled tho maid. "I had to answer It. I thought Mrs. Gaynor was asleep; Bhe hadn't moved that long while. I was coming right back." Her master's frown rolaxed some what. Aiter all was the servant so greatly to blame? No one could have foreseen the catastrophe. "In the future, when you receive orders, obey them literally; don't use your own judgment. You're not here for that." "No, sir yes, sir," cried the wo man, delighted that the result of her ill-considered obedience had not cost her her place. "The poor lady was out of her head. like. The doctor dldnt say that to me, sir; as true as I'm alive, he didn't." Evelyn turned on his heel and walked down the corridor, his mind filled with contending emotions. That poor Nellie Gaynor's brain was now affected was evident. She talked in coherently, sometimes a mere maze of words. But what he had seen at the moment of her attempted self destruction bore the stamp of sanity There was complete understanding in her determined grasp of the dead ly weapon; and it was the result of what she had seen in the little room. Vendham too, realized, that her ef fort had been to commit suicide. His Imperative demand that the story be so told that her actions would appear Irrational her escape and wound, the result of delirium revealed his thought. Instinctive ly Evelyn's protective instinct had joined forces with Wendham. Not a questioning glance bad met his story, even from the ferret-faced Loavlson. How should ho guess? The clew lay in that interview in the don. Luncheon would he a dreary meal, yet ho looked forward to it eagerly. Then perhaps he might arrange for a sane talk with Wendham. The arrival of the trained nurse brought another moment of excite ment, and then relief. At last, haggard and stern, the physician left the sick room,, to find Evelyn waiting for him. "Boyd," he exclaimed in a half whisper, "I can't stand being in the dark. You know tell me. What was it you found out?" Wendham looked his host directly in the eyes. Both look and voice raised an impenetrable barrier to further inquiry. "I learned what I believed to be true before. The girl is absolutely innocent of even the slightest desire of wrong doing. I do not believe she ever coveted anything in her life." Evelyn sighed and slipped his hands into his pockets in bewilder ment. This was not the answer he had expected. "What in the world shall I say to ray gardener's wife to-night? Sounds like Ollendorff, doesn't it?" He laughed ruefully. "But, Wendham!" he exclaimed, "here it's days since that confounded mysterious disap pearance, and we're getting no where." "We're doing the best we can," said Wendham absently. "Mrs. Gay nor's condition is, I'm afraid " Wendham broke off. "There's Mrs. Evelyn. I want to see her particu larly." "Do comn to luncheon," said that lady wearily. "It seems Impossible to get this household together, and the chef is so indignant at having been examined that he threatens to leave anyway. That would be the worst of all, yon fcnow." Wendhafc smiled, but his eyea grew erleus. "I want to ask you kindly to Inform everyono servants and guests alike, that no one is to go near Mrs. Gaynor except the nurse, her maid, or myself. It la Imperative. I must insist again, and I must aBk that that part of tho bouse be visited as little as possi ble." "Certainly. You can tell them at luncheon, and I'll see that the butler warns them all In the servants' hall. There's Alice. Where In the world have you been? Your boots are a sight. I hope you wiped them when you came in! Think of my rugs!" "Too good for the floor, anyway," Eaid Alice. "Hang them on the wall And If you want to know what I've been doing tho under gardener and I have been catching one of your loud-mouthed, loud-dressed macaws that got loose from his gilt gymnasi um. That's work. How's Nellie?" Wendham shook his head. Alice drew off her gloves and stretched her cramped fingers. "Why, you're shaky, Alice. Have we all gone crazy? Who ever heard of you with a culver?" "That horny-nosed bird bit me," she retorted ruefully, while over her clean-cut, hlnh-bred face came thf look that always shone there when he braced herself for a bad iumn. She stretched forth two hands steady as steel. "Any twlgglea there? Come on; It's late. The alarm In my gastronomic clock went oft long ago. Bother Patty's Jew ducks, anyway!" During tho meal the talk was labored, the gayety a forlorn hope. Mrs. Lawdon had begged to be ex cused, indulging in lingerie matinees and trays In her room, while her crestfallen husband moped beside the hostess. Alice was absent-minded, her eyes troubled and filled with anxiety. Wendham was plunged in thought, and Evelyn busy framing what should be said to the garden er's wife, and the white elephant In the cottage Dawson. Only Patty "I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU." chatted vaguely in disinterested tones of Incipient troubles in tho domestic force, till her husband, awaking from his trance, gave her comfort by the assurance that since the entire household force was un der surveillance, any attempt to re sign would be regarded as a clew. Everyone was glad when the mo ment of dispersal arrived. "I've some letters to write," said Alice. "When do they take the bag to town?" "Three." said Evelyn. Alice hesitated. "Say," she said, drawing over close. "May I tele phone Stacy to come over to dinner? Convenient? I saw Tiddledywlnks to-day in his stall, and he's acting queerly favoring his off shoulder. ' want Stacy's advice, and I want to know what Alvord is doing. .Toe's working him with the Leland string " "Ut course, yes; nice fellow, Stacy. Too bad ho isn't a bit better fixed hey, Alice? Have him over by all means." "Right," she smilea gayly, and scampered up the stairs. Wendham retired to the gun room, lit his pipe, and was plunged In thought. For the present, he ru ini tiated, no safer hiding place for Mrs. Lawdon'R jewels could be found than the leafy screen. Let them stay there until lie could devise some manner by which they might be re turned to their owner, leaving their past whereabouts a mystery. If he could accomplish that, his other plans, complicated and difficult as they were, could be followed, at least with freodom. He laughed to him self grimly. If he could manage to have the gems discovered In Mrs. Lawdon's own apartment In some corner overlooked in the search the suspicion that the little parvenu so glibly laid upon everyone would fall upon herself. The fortunate losses of more than one woman gam bler, which had eventually enabled her to enter the lists again with ready money, were too well known. Enough of the unreasoning old Adam was left in Wendham to make him enjoy the prospect. But how? He vividly realized that if the return of the jewels were traced to him, he would be placed In no enviable light, In fancy he saw himself accused, Then he concluded, let the loss re main a mystery. A hundred ways by which the ivy might reveal Its secret disclosed themselves In his Imagination. The plant might die, or lose its leaves. The bag might fall In some high wind, or the nail work loose. What then? They hung beneath Mrs. Gaynor's window. If she were saved, an innocent woman must bear the burden. Even in his devotion to the culprit, his sense of justice balked at that. He would rather himself bo caught red-handed, the spoils in his own possession. Slowly a plan unfolded for him. On the plea of getting some article needed by the Invalid, he would find aceess to her rooms at night. His movements In the darkened room could not be observed, he aould then secure the jewels, take them to his room and watch his chance to drop tnem rrom me upper cornaor win dow to Mrs. Lawdon's window box directly below. The jewels once in their rightful owner's possession, there would be a general dispersal of the enforced house party. If the jewels were discovered on her own premises, so to speak, Mrs. Lawdon would not bo desirous of calling any further attention to tho "late un pleasantness." A sudden slapping of shutters, the Iron jerk and clang of awnings roused him. A servant hurried Into the room and rapidly adjusted win dows and fastenings. Wendham rose and looked out. A rain of leaves and branches drove by and swept In a brown cloud down the garden paths. Low clouds .scudded across the sky, and the whole mass of the near-by woods rocked In the pnle, Flcre n"t fbrlVM In tb I chimneys unil .,.nj away toward hn nlulnn hplow Would the storm disturb his patient? The room sho now occu pied was t small suite built for Eve lyn's special use, when, as sometimes happened, he came out late from the city, or was detained by yachting or hunting. He could then enter direct ly by a private door, and seek his rest or have a late supper without disturbing any of the household, save his personal man servant. Nel lie's surroundings consequently wore very different from her former en vironment. The mahogany and leather, the strong touch of color in sporting pictures, and the deep-toned wainscoting mnde a frame that ac centuated her pallor and fragility. (To be continued.) LANCED ROBIN'S THROAT Bird Flew Through an Open Window to Doctor and Got Successful Treatment for Abscess. Montclatr, N. J. While the police committee was In session In the coun cil chamber a robin flew through an open window and alighted on the desk of Dr. Henry E. Wrensch. The bird's bill was partially open and It was breathing heavily. "Hello, my little friend," said tho doctor, "what can I do for you?" The robin stretched Itself as if to catch its breath, and the physician took It in his hand and examined Its throat. He detected the trouble, and taking a lance from his instrument case ho made an incision in the bird's throat. Then he applied a lotion and set the robin free. It sat on tho desk for a few moments, then flew to tho open window. Turning around, it sang a few notes of thanks and flew awny. Dr. Wrensch explained to his colle agues that the bird was suffering from an abscess in the throat, and that without relief It could not have long survived. ONE CHINAMAN WHO IS POPULAR WU TING FANG. Minister Wu Ting Fang, of China, hasn't the twentieth century Asiatic fad for adopting Occidental garb or manners. He feels that he can best represent his native land by doing as his ancestors did. And so his iron gray pate ends with the regulation queue of the Chinese citizen it is iron gray, too. It may be added, also, that Dr. Wu is very proud of his queue, which is the badge of the Chinese man who has never committed a crime. SHOCKED ATLANTA. Reproduction of "Psyche's Bath" Or dered Removed from Window. Atlanta, Ga. "Psycho's Bath," tho celebrated painting by Sir Robert Leighton, R. A., has been placed un dor the ban by the Atlanta police. A reproduction of tho painting display ed In a show window by a leading mercantile house drew a large crowd. Chief of Police Jennings, attracted by the crowd, went to the window, look ed and was shocked. The chief sunv moned the manager and said: "That lady could appear in public all right if she had on some clothes, as It is I guess she won't do for moral Atlanta. You'll have to tako that pl& ture out of the window." The manager protested that tho pic turo was high art but failed to movo the chief and "Pyscho" was removed from the window. Psyche in the picture presents to tho onlooker a full length side view She stands Just above the water on a stone pedestal, while in her hand, held high above her head, she molds a drapery of some flimsy material which falls in careless folds and but parti ally drapes the vision of beauty. It Is this the police have declared Im modest and unfit for public exposure. Origin oi Meteors. There is pretty good evidence for the scientific belief that a ring of meteors revolves around the sun, portions of it very thickly studdea with them, wulie -t ethers they are sparsely scatte ed. Every year the earth's orbit cuts through this ring, though only at intervals of about thirty-three years through the part where they aro most crowded. Tho Point of View. It was a Glasgow tramway car, and it was crowded. One man was rather noisy, and a sharp-faced wo man opposite to him said: "If I were your wife I'd poison you," The man gazed at her fixedly for a mo ment, and then said: "Woman, If 1 was your man I'd let you do It." Exposed. A physician, upon opening the door of his consultation room, asked: "Who hah bci-.. .wilting lougst?" "I have," spoke up the tailor. "I do i livured vcur clotnes three weeks aco." 'I 'I '1 'if Selections THE MOOR AND HIS HORSE. Primitive Hosemanshlp that Has Al ways Been Successful. The horsemanship of the Moors 13 primitive and entirely successful. A Moor never walks when he can ride and never by any chance gets off to ease his beast How a Moorish pony would havo chuckled at the weary walks enforced on tired men by well- meaning cavalry Colonels in South Africa! He would have said to him self: "I don't think much of animals that can't carry fifteen stone fifteen hours a day; I must be a really super ior kind of beast."' The Moorish (and Goumler) horso always spends his nights in the open; ho is never groomed nor clipped; his youth is passed wandering untended over the cast fields. Wnen In work he gets all the barley he wants at night and a drink before his feed in the evening. From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. he expects to work and to work hard without bite or sup. His saddle Is a wooden tree superimposed on at least half a dozen folded blankets, the thickness of which often reaches six inches, and he never gets a sore back. Loser Should' Pay Finder 10 Per Cent "If you lost a watch worth $100 what reward would you give the find er for Its return?" "Oh, $10 or $20." "Ten per cent., eh? Well, thnt Is about right," said Lecocq, the detec tive. "It is more, though, than tho average person would give. "Here In America, in lost and found cases, there is no recognized percent age of reward, but in England there Is such a percentage namely, half a crown to a pound that 13 to say, about 10 per cent. Ten per cent Is what the finder must be paid In Eng land, provided he takes his find to a police station or to Scotland Yard. He always does so, as otherwise tho owner is apt to give him less than the legal 10 per cent. "I lost in a London cab a kit bag worth $20. The kit bag was returned by the cabby to Scotland Yard ar 1 I left there for him gladly a reward of $2. If the bag had been worth $2,000 I'd havo been charier of handing out 200, but that is what I'd have ,d to do before tho Scotland Yard fL..:3 would have given me my property. "When you lose anything be pre pared to give at least 10 per cent, to the finder. Ten per 'cent is tho r ognized reward In lost and fcml cases abroad and it should bo the og-lzed reward here. That is V. ..o enough and they who give less r ;, to my mind, dishonest." Chicago Chronicle. Museums of Safety. Museums of safety and sanitation aro becoming the means of saving thousands of lives, and will lessen tho economic waste of accident case:, brought before the courts. A feature of such a museum will be an experi mental laboratory In which safeguards may be perfected for dangers and pro cesses now without any known device; and which may become an education al center for teaching the science and preservation of health, in preventing diseases due to impure foodstuffs, bad ventilation, occupational dust3 and poisons, Infection, tuberculosis and of fensive trades. There are ten European museums of safety and sanitation, located in Berlin, Munich, Paris, Vienna, Amster dam, Milan, Stockholm, Zurich, Mos cow and Budapest. Tho Berlin Muse um of Safety covers 34,000 square feet of floor space, where are exhibited Co vices for the protection of tho dan gerous parts of machinery or pro cesses in all trades and occupations. Germany realizes that every life saved is a national asset. From William H. Tollman's "Prosperity-Sharing," In tho Century. Expensive Railroad. The most expensive railroad con struction in the United States Is said to bo the Spokane, Porland & Seattle, 423 miles long, built jointly by tho Great Northern and the Northern Pa cific. The heaviest grade is less than half of one per cent, and the sharpest curve Is three degrees. As a result one locomotive can pull from Spokane to Portland as many cars as It can start on level ground. This Is expect ed to set new records for heavy load ing. The road has been built without re gard to expense the purpose being to make It permanent and safe. An idea of this may be gained when It is known that 20 miles of the line be tween Pasco and Kahlotus cost $5, 000,000, or $250,000 a mile, while n mile of road along the bluffs over hanging Snake river Involved an ex penditure of $500,000. To survey and build this part of the line, men were suspended over the cliffs with ropes. Chinese and Europeans. Europe knew next to nothing of China or Its people prior to the con' quests of the famous Genghis Khan Tho commotion raised by that mon ster made Europeans somowhat ac quainted with "Gar Cathay," as China was then called. It was about the year 1300, or possibly a trifle earlier, that the first Chinese made tholr appearance in Europe. The first commercial Intercourse between Huiopi and nilna dates from about the year 132U. Saving $28,000,000. The Most Impressive Reason For Favoring Better Highways. I have gone to some troublo to figure out the savings which the farmers could make In tho handling of the three great staples, corn, wheat, and cotton over hard roads. I wish every farmer In tho United States could have the resultant fig ures dinned in his ears every morn ing of his life. If ho onco gave them consideration tho County Sup ervisor who dared, by his ballot, re cord himself as Inimical to good road extension, wouldn't daro go abroad without a body-guard. The figures I used were for tho harvest of 1905-1906. The corn marketed that year weighed 19,083, 000 tons. The average weight of the wagon loads hauled was 2,696 pounds and the total number of loads was 14,156,528. The average length of the haul was 7.4 miles; the total mileage hauled over 104,758,307. Every ton hauled per mile cost 19 cents, and the total cost of market ing the crop by wagons was $26, 830,698. The average cost of hauling over hard roads per ton per mile would be not more than $0.10, a saving of $0.09 a ton, due to hard roads would then make the marketing of such a crop $12,709,278 less than the actual cost. The saving on tho wheat crop fig ured $10,256,058 and on the cotton crop $5,076,183. The aggregated saving to the farmers who marketed those three staples would have been $28,041,519. If the farmer wants a stronger reason than that for championing the building of good roads in his county, I'll have to refer him elsewhere. I know no stronger one. Logan Waller Pgae, Director U. S. Office of Public Roads. Country Roadway Improvements. In the building of modern road ways In the country, some note worthy work is being done in the South. Montgomery county, Ala., has awarded contracts for seventeen miles of roads. Morgan county, Ala., has voted $260,000 bonds. Etowah county, Ala., will vote on issuance of $200,000 bonds. Floyd county. Ga., is contemplating voting for $200,000 bonds. Bell county. Ky:, Is plnnning forty miles of Improve ments. Calcasieu parish. La., has V90.000 availa'ble. The last Mary land legislature provided for Issue of $5,000,000 bonds for State roads, this being in addition to an annual appropriation of $200,000 to pay half of the paving in the counties, which pay the other half, thus mak ing an annual expenditure of $400. 000. Anderson county, Tenn., has ar ranged for thirty-four miles of road construction. Sullivan county, Tenn., has voted $100,000 bonds. Madison county, Tenn., will make improve ments under $200,000 bond issue. Travis county, Texas, has set date for voting on $500,000 bond issue. Matagarda county, Texas, has voted $100,000 bonds. Williamson county Texas, has set date for voting on $500,000 bond issue. Harris coun ty, Texas, has awarded contract for about $300,000 worth of improve ments. Bexter county, Texas, will vote on $200,000 bond issue. Cul pepper county, Virginia, is contem plating the improvement of 60 miles of roads. Virginia will expend $250,000 for the building of State roads. The Splendid Old-World Roads. "The country roads of Central Eu rope are so magnificent that they make our highways seem barbarous," said Mr. A. J. McCallum, of Phila delphia. "I traversed many sections of Ger many not long since in an automo bile, and never did have such a glroi ous outing, all due to the smooth and thoroughly built roads. The people over there enjoy them quite as much as the American tourists, and cheer fully pay the taxes necessary to keep their highways in prime condi tion. "Indeed, I believe there is more of civic pride in Europe than with us. As an instance, you will never see a scrap of waste paper lying In a street or in one of the parks of their cities. Their streets are kept In much cleaner condition than ours, and no obstructions of any kind are allowed. The horrible billboard nuisance is nowhere tolerated." Investment) In Good Roads. In the policy of solid road build ing that has been inaugurated In several States it Is the first cost ot laying a firm roadbed that causes tho rural taxpayers to gasp at the largeness of the figures. They have become so accustomed to spending money in annual driblets for repairs tnat a big, round lump sum to be used at once Is a change In method a little too violent to be accepted without grave doubts and fears. It is difficult to get away from the belief that the annual repairs must go on anyhow. Such a reality that a road once built will stay built, and with but Infinitesimal repair, for a score of years or so, is out of the common road experience in the country sections that lack ot faith concerning tho new policy hat been the rule In all the States where a good road law has been introduced, WHEN THE ENGINE COMES s no time to be regretting your neglect to get insured. A little :are beforehand is worth more than any amount oi re gret. KRAFT & CONGER, General Insurance Agents MON ESDALE PA. Holmes Memorial, St. Rose Cemetery, Carbondalo,.Pa. Designed and built by .MARTIN CAUFIELJ Savers We have the sort nf tooth brushes that ar .. made to thoroughly cleanse and save the tOL-Ul. They arc the kind that clean teeth without leaving vour mouth full of bristles. We recommend thoe cotins 23 cents or more, if we run cimrantee them and will re liliice. free, any that show defects, of inarm faeture within three mouths. O. T. CHAHBERS, PHARHACIST, Opp. D. & II. Station, IIONESDALB, PA. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fife Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jndwin's drug store, Ilonesdale. One of the best equipped farms In Warns county situated about three miles from Ilonesdale, Everything lIp-To-Me. Over S5.000.00 has been ex- lencleil with- tliu last live years In bulldlnss, tools and Improvements. 165 Ansffi of which 75 acres'are eood hard- oort timber. ill be sold reasonably. A Bargain. --For further particulars en quire Of W. W. WOOD, "Cltizon" office. EYES TESTED O. G. Weaver Graduate OPTICIAN Honesdale, Pa., April 1(3, 1009. Notice. Pursuant to Act of Assem bly, a meeting of the Stockholders of tho Wayne County Savings Bank wil) be held at the office of tho bank on Thurs day, July 22, 1009, from one to two o'clock p. m,, tq vote for or against the proposition to again renew and extend the charter, corporate rights and fran chises of said Dank for the term of twenty years, from February 17, 1010. i jiv order oi me ivara ni uirecuinf. , II. S tJALHON Cashier. 1 32eolU ooth inn FOB SALE rill III