The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 11, 1909, Image 3

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New chemical preparations are being
constantly brought forward as insecti
cides and fungicides, with the usual
guarantee of the manufacturers that the
same are perfectly reliable. Prof. H. A.
Surface, the State Zoologist, has had
some of the circulars of these prepara
tions sent to his office in Harrisburg,
and has been requested to give his opin
ion concerning them. His advice is that
no fruit grower nor farmer can afford to
use any chemical preparation exten
sively, until it has passed through the
experimental stage. The statements in
the circulars that are sent out by the
manufacturers are, as a general thing,
too positive and too strongly drawn. He
recommends a trial of new insecticides
and fungicides, to find out what they
will do, rather than to go it blindly and
invest considerable money without re
ceiving any benefit, or so little as not to
compensate for having made the expen
diture. Some of the preparations now
on the market do more harm in unskilled
hands than they do good.
In answer to queries as to how to de
stroy potato bugs, as well as preven
blight, State Zoologist Surface replies as
follows :
"The Colorado potato beetle or po
tato bug will be very destructive in
many parts of this State this year. Spray
with the Bordeaux mixture to which
poison is added. Make the Bordeaux
mixture by using four ponnds of blue
stone and five pounds of lime in fifty
gallons of water, and to this add either
one-half pound of I'aris Green or two
pounds of arsenate of lead. Spray thor
oughly and you will prevent blight and
also kill the bugs. Repeat this once
every two weeks for blight, but if there
there are no bugs present, you need not
add the poison. Whenever the bugs are
present add the poison and spray for
them. There is no rule concerning the
frequency of repetition for potato hups
as we simply spray when they come and
kill them as soon as possible. If you do
not wish to go to the trouble of making
the Bordeaux mixture for the blight, or
are willing to run the risk of the blight
not coming, you can kill the potato
beetles by spraying with either of the
two poisons mentioned, in iiftv gallons
of water alone. But the best thing to
do is to make the regular Bordeaux
Mixture with lime and bluestone, and
then add the poison to this. The Bor
deaux is for plant disease only, and will
not kill insects. It is thus a fungicide
To make it an insecticide we add the
poison, as described above.
To a request for information as to how
to rid plants and trues of black ants,
Prof. Surface replies :
"You can do this by finding the nest
ing places ot these pests and making
holes into the interior of them with a
sharpened stick like a broom handle,
and pouring into each hole one-half tea
cup of carbon bisulphide. Fill the hole
with earth and cover it with a wet cloth
or blanket to keep down the fumes, and
the ants will be destroyed at once. This
is the best possible method for destroy
ing ants of any kind. After thu nest is
found, and the queen destroyed in the
manner stated, the colony is broken up
Ants in tho household are best treated
by following their path to the place
where they live and pouring in the car
bon bisulphide. If it be at the side of
a wall, or elsewhere where they can not
surely be located, one can destroy them
by pouring a considerable quantity of
gasoline, or benzine, into the hole made
by the side of the wall.
"Ants, as seen going up and down
trees, are not themselves the cause of
injury to the trees or plants, but are
visiting Plant Lice, or Scale Insects, or
sometimes plant glands, for the pur
pose of obtaining the sweet liquid, call
ed honey dew, which is secreted by
them. Thus the ant is generally an in
dication of serious pests on the trees,
although itself doing no injury. It is,
therefore, not necessary to treat the
trees for ants, but to treat them for the
pests which the ants visit. This means
spraying with a contact insecticide, of
the proper strength, at the right season,
according to what the pest may be.
"Black ants sometimes make nests or
mounds in which vegetation does not
grow, and thus become objectionable.
The method described above destroys
them in their nests, but where they are
in decaying wood they should not be re
garded as serious enemies of mankind,
nor destroyers of property; and they do
not deserve destruction.
Why Ho Never Spoke.
Thoro was a man in our town, and
he was wondrous wise! ho never
spoko unto his wife of his mother's
cakes and pies. The secret of his
wisdom guess ft If you can; but if
you can't behold ft he was a bache
lor man.
Right Action.
lUghtness expresses of actions,
what stralghtness does of lines; and
there can no more bo two kinds ot
light action t'.ian thor "an be two
kinds of straight Hues. Ilerbart
"How many feathers did you
lose?" '
"Why, 5ust seventy-seven; that's
"Well, Mrs. Chicken, who pulled
thorn out?"
"Why, I really couldn't tell; hut
they nro gone." '
"Well, that hen over there would
not take them; she never took any
"Well, maybe she wouldn't; hut
you can never tell what she might
"Well, isn't it funny; they ate
and they drank together and they
never fought or quarrelled and they
never had nny suspicion that either
one of them would take feathers
from each other; but it happened
just the same, and in a time when
it was least expected."
"Well, that's too bad. I feel
sorry for you to lose so many feath
ers at one time; it will take you
some time to get them back again;
and how all tho other hens are
"Yes, but It is not always the one
that cackles first that cackles last,
and we lire none of us too safe.
Maybe, sometime, that old fox will
come along and take some feathers
from you and then what will you
"Well, I will say that I trusted
them all and did not even think
that they would really take a single
feather. If they wanted to take
them they could have taken them
before, but when they are obligated
together not to wrong or injure any
one of tho flock it seems that fra
ternalism Is only a matter of form,
and how quick all of us, chicks or
chickens, forget the vows that we
have taken."
"Yes," but one hen says, "feath
ers are feathers. It does not make
any difference how we get them, so
long as we don't get caught at it.
I wonder if a chicken has a con
science and when she meets another
chicken nnd knows that she stole
the feathers from her, do you think
that it woulu be possible for her
conscience to tell her that she did
what was wrong? If it does, then
it will be troubling her every day,
as the poultry yard is not very large
and we are bound to see each other."
"Well," says another chicken, "I
Know it .would bother me for a life
time and probably after that, if
there is any hereafter for a poor
chicken; and I don't think that I
would want to die with anything
like that on my mind and expect to
go where robbers do not break
through and steal."
"Well," says another chicken,
"why don't you keep your feathers
secure? Its too lato to cry over
spilt milk, or to lock the cage after
the bird is gone. Make the best of
it and bear your luck like a bravo
iiii kcn, and don't ask any other
chicken for sympathy, because sym
pathy never helps."
"Well," says another chicken, "I
wonder how many revolutions that
i iiKlne will have to make, how many
shocls of ton! the! lireinan will
have to shoel, how many days and
nights he will have to work, and
how much criticism 1 will have to
hear before that seventy-seven
feathers come back! It was a
quick molt and maybe it will make
a quick growth."
"Yes, but I hear that your feed
bill has not been paid for three
months. I always send my money
to the mill through the postofllce'
on or before the tenth day of the
month, as they only give us thirty
days' credit, and if you don't be
lieve it just step down to tho post
oilice in White .Mills and ask for the
number of the money orders for
February, March, April and May.
You can't make any mistake, as it
was the chicken that lost the feath
ers that made the remittance."
"Isn't it funny that dishonest
chickens always think that all
chickens are dishonest like them
selves, and they have got to cackle
all over the town s,o that every
chicken will hear them. It is a
good way to relieve suspicion by
pushing it on to another chicken.
When the resurrection of the dend
chickens is at hand, and they come
out ot their graves, won't it look
funny to see one chicken with
soventy-seven feathers, that belong
to another chicken? Don't you
think that you will hear that chick
en cackle, 'Lazarus! Lazarus! bring
me a little water so that I may dip
my bill to cool my parched tongue!
That is when the big book shall
have opened and it shall be found
out that you were stealing feathers
instead of laying eggs, Do you
think that you will bo able to wear
that Chinaman beak just as you are
wearing it now?"
"Well, did they take all your
"No; I have just one left, and I
am going to shape it into a quill
pen to answer all the chicken ghost
stories that are going around about
the lost feathers. So If any of you
cockerels, pullets, hens and roosters
want to see your name In a chicken
story just keep on crowing and
cackling; but if you would rather
bo a peaceful chicken just stay out
of your neighbor's garden, and then
it will be hard to tell the layer from
the cackler or the one that stole the
Por Infants and Children.
Tin Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Powder Company Accuses
Canal Commission.
Contest Involves Contract For More
Than 10,000,000 Founds of
Dynamite to Cost More
Than $1,000,000.
Wnshlngton. June S. Claiming that
discriminations were being made by
the Isthmian canal commission in fa
vor of the manufacturers of "trojan"
powder, tho E. I. Dupont-I)c Nemours
Powder company Hied u formal pro
test here when bids were opened for
supplying explosives for the coming
flcal year for work on the Isthmian
The speclllcations allow alternate
bids for supplying "trojan powder" In
the place of dynamite, provided n
guarantee of the effectiveness of "tro
jan powder" Is made. The Dupont
company protested that "trojan" Is a
trade name nnd can 1h applied only
by the proprietors of the brand. The
restrictions of the bids on this class
of explosives to the brand "trojan"
is as unfair as It would Ik to restrict
the bids upon saltpeter dynamite to
"Atlas" powder, tho Dupont company
The complaining bidder stated that
It was the manufacturer of explosives
of the class to which "trojan" powder
belongs and that It desired to submit
a bid upon whntever may be the com
mission's requirements for explosives
in this class nnd that It stood ready
to submit a bid when It could obtain
an opiKirtunlty to do so under proper
More than 10,000.000 pounds of dy
namite In sticks of varying size Is de
sired. The E. I. I)upont-l)e Nemours
Powder company submitted a bid of
$1,051,850 and the Keystone Powder
Manufacturing company of Emporium,
Pa.. .$1.017.'':t2.
The Trojan Powder company of Al
lentown, Pa.; Oakland, Cnl., and Pueb
lo, Colo., submitted a bid on "trojan"
powder for u portion of the amount
desired at !?:i7.1.o:t7. W. It. Grace &
Co. of San Francisco submitted n bid
of .S"04,(MH) on a part of the quantity
of dynamite. The Texas Dynamite
company of Beaumont, Tex., submit
ted an informal hid.
Mistake Mndo by Travelers In tho
Arid Wastes of the Southwest.
"One of the chief dangers to trav
elers in crossing such dread and arid
wastes as the far famed Death Val
ley in Nevada arises from iguoranco
as to the character of tho Infrequent
pools of water along tho routo," said
T. 10. Smallcy, a mining engineer of
"The tenderfoot, growing faint
under a blazing sun, will want to
quench his intolerable thirst when
he comes to a shallow hole, whoso
water, clear as crystal, seems ab
solutely pure. He can with difficul
ty be restrained from drinking it by
some experienced companion, who
knows that one draught will prob
ably causo serious if not fatal Ill
ness. This water, for all its seeming
purity and clearness, is loaded with
arsenic, and many a man has lost
ills life by its use.
"Curiously enough, tho only water
in tho desert that is sate to drink is
foul looking and Inhabited by bugs
and snakes. When you como to a
muddy pool on the surface of which
Insects are disporting themselves,
however repulsive It may bo both to
the eye and palate, you may drink
It with Impunity, despite Its looks,
as a man will who is crazy with
thirst produced by tho burning sands
and merciless sun."
Consumption and the Telephone.
The panic recently created on the
subject of tho assumed danger lurk
Ing in the transmitter of the tele
phone Is not precisely new. It Is
but the development of a fear which
has caused misgiving for some years.
On the supposition that various
germs of disease probably collect In
tho receiver and transmitter of the
Instrument, at ony rate In public
telephone stations, some medical
alarmists have thrown out sugges
tions that antiseptics, both In a dry
state and In solution, should bo ap
plied for tho safety of tho telephone
user. The recent dictum goes one
step further, Inasmuch as It Is now
an established fact that tubercle
bacilli, the casual micro-organisms
of consumption, have been found
alive and in robust condition In tho
instrument. It is qulto natural, In
view of such a find, that a feeling
of alarm might seize hold of the
more nervous. British Medical
His Busy Day.
Gen. Wlnfleld Scott, on August 20,
1847, gained five victories In a day
while marching to tho City of Mexi
co. Toledo News Beo.
Uncle Jerry.
"What they call 'honor' Is a
mighty curious thing," observed Un
cle Jerry Peebles. "I know a man
who would cheerfully starve himself
to pay a gambling debt, and bo still
owes the preacher that married him
!7 years ago."
Most Sportsmeullko Auglecrs Curry
Littlo Batons to Kill Victims.
Live bait ought never to be used.
To tako a living minnow and thruBt
a hook through Its back, and thou to
jerk It 00 or 00 feet through tho air
in order that it may wriggle In agony
at tho end of tho line until it at
tracts some other fish to swallow It,
is about as wanton a piece of cruelty
as anyone could Invent, and un
sportsmanlike. The skilful fisher
man will use a fly or some other de
vice uy which the fish tie wishes to
capture may be deceived and caught.
The llvo minnow is the bait of the
blunderer, not of the expert.
Even experienced fishermen somo
tlmes commit another sort of cruelty
which ought never to be practiced.
They think that their ri3h must bo
kept alive as long as possible, nnd
therefore run a string through its
gills and throw it overboard, to be
hauled after the boat.
This is as foolish as it Is cruel.
When the fish has a string through
its gills It cannot breathe. It is slow
ly strangled to death, and If it is
hauled through the water aftt.: the
boat It is simply drowned In its own
element. Fish, when taken, should
be immediately killed. That Is the
only way to preven: needless suffer
ing, and we may add tnat It Is the
best way to bring tho fish home In
good condition.
Our best fishermen now carry lit
tle batons or clubs and kill the fish,
as soon as taken from the water, by
a sharp blow on the back of the he.-.d.
Limitations of Practice
In an Iowa town an action for
ejectment was not long ago tried "by
the court without a Jury," the suit
having been brought by a religious
society to recover possession of a
The defendant, a physician in ac
tive practice, hud bought the ground
for the use of the society, but when
afterward he severed his connection
with the organization, it was dis
covered that he hud taken tho title In
his own name and evidently Intended
to hold on to it.
After duly weighing tho evidence,
tho court ordered Judgment for the
plaintiff, stating briefly tho reasons
for tho decisions. Whereupon de
fendant's oounsol desired to bo more
fully enlightened In tho premises.
"Certainly," said his Honor. "In
addition to what I have already said,
there are but two other reasons. One
Is tnat tho church seems to need a
cemetery and the other is that the
doctor has failed to show that his
practice is sufficiently large to neces
sitate his maintaining his own bury
ing ground."
Part of the Treatment.
lompmns h..a suffered terribly,
ami at one time it appeared that his
illness might have a tatal termina
tion. Dut skillful doctors and a pret
ty nurse tended him most carefully,
and the crisis was successfully
passed. The pretty nurse was Tomp
kin's one ray of sunshine during his
weary hours, and ho fell desperately
In love.with her.
"Nurse Edith, ho said one day.
"will you be my wife when I recov
er?" "Certainly!" replied the consoler
of suffering humanity.
"Then my hopes are realiod. You
do really love n:e?" queried the
anxious Tompkins.
The pretty nurse stammered. "Oh,
uo," she said; "that's merely part
of ie treatment. I must keep my
patients cheerful. I promised tills
morning to run away with a man
who has lost both his legs."
What U a Pillion?
A billion in Britain is a million
times a million.
Dut no man is able to count It.
You will count 1G0 or 170 a minute.
But let us suppose that you go up
as high as 200 a mir.uto, hour after
hour. At that rate you would count
12,000 an hour, 28,000 a day, or
105,120,000 In a year.
To count a binlon would require
a person to count 200 a minute for
a period of 9,512 years, 342 days, 6
hours and 20 minutes, providing he
should count continuously. Dut sup
pose we allow the counter twelvj
hours daily for rest, eating and
sleeping; then he would, need 19,025
years, 319 days, 10 hours and 40
minutes in which to complete the
Oral Hygiene.
One of the diseases of civilization
is defective teet.:, and the more study
there is given to oral nygiene the
clearer it becomes that inattention to
health of tue teeth accounts for not
a few other llir, of the body. In
difference would bring, dentists with
public spirit are now moving for
recognition by education of the part
which oral hygiene should have in
the service of tao public school to
tho child. They are insisting on
aental as well as moulcal inspection
of children, not for selfish ends, but
to correct, early In life, tendencies
which will debilitate the entire sys
tem If not checked.
Repairing the Ruins.
"The last time I motored In Eng
land," said Cralg Biddle the other
day, "I was amazed by tho spick
and span look of all the old castles,
halls and manor houses. My com
panion was an Englishman, a vory
well informed chap, and I said to
" 'I thought you people had a lot
ot picturesque old ruins over here?'
" 'We did have once,' said he, 'but
your heiresses have come over and
nut them all In eood renalr.' "
One Way of Making Good Catches
In South Carolina.
E. D. Smith, A. H. Gasque, C. and
A. Hugh Hines went fishing near
Effingham, S. C, whore a creek runs
Into Lynche's River. They had fine
sport and caught 108 of tho finest
red breasts In the country.
Fishing down there Ib done with
the hands. All you havo to do Is to
feel under the logs and In tho stump
holes and pull out the flBh. It is
characteristic of the red breast, wo
are told, not to leave their hiding
place. They stick so close to It that
ono can literally pick them out of
the water with the hands. Theso
gentlemen had fine fun. They
caught some shad, but they were
poor, except one, and were put back
Into the water. One snake was kill
ed. The only bad thing about fishing
this way is the fact that there are
somo snakes under tho logs, and if
by chance the fisher gets his hands
on a mocassin there is generally
something doing. Mr. Johnson, who
lives in that section, interviewed a
snake the other day In some trash
whero red breasts were hiding, and
now he has a game finger.
A Harder Job.
The tributes paid to the popular
ity of Mr. Hammond's sou. pleased
the father, who was the oldest sum
mer resident of Shrubvllle. They
pleased him the mora because they
came from natives of the soil, whoso
good opinion could not be forced In
any way.
"He's a real good boy, that boy o'
yours," said Capt. Hollis Towne, and
Capt, Lothrop James added his word
of approval. .
"1 llko the cut of his jib," he an
nounced, with decision, "and I like
his ways; he ain't too forth-putting,
nor yet he ain't too stand-offish.
"Thing of It Is, you and his ma
haven't tried to have him 'brought
up,' same as most of the summer
folks do with their children; he's
just been 'raised' like we were, and
that's why he gets on with every
body in this town, sir!"
Our Large FStock of HIGH ART CLOTHING for
Spring Tells the Story of our Commercial
Supremacy !
1 J ilL
clothes for stylish men as is this store no other store can
show such an assortment because no other store CAN
SELL AS AlANY suits as we do.
Measured by sales, measured by value-giving, meas
ured by style and distinctiveness, we are com
mercially supreme !
There is just the kind of clothes you want in our stock of
High Art Clothing the fabric lias been picked especially
for its charm and beauty, the quality assures you that
wear which you have a" right to expect, the thoroughly
good workmanship, which we guarantee, presages long
service, and the style of the suit that is waiting for YOl
will create that aspect of grace and poise that is so much
Fifty men's high grade
suits worth $14, $15, $16
Finest Line of
;in Town.
II. C. HAND. President.
W. B. HOLMES, Vice I'kes.
We want you to understand tho reasons for the AIJSOL.UTE SECURITY
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The Brooklyn Eaglo Is the best adver
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Only Freedom Worth Having.
The only freedom 1 care about Is
the freedom to do right; the freedom
to do wrong I am ready to part with
on the cheapest terms to anyone
who will take It off mo. Huxley.
Man Who In Not Safe.
Tho man who knows better how
to do another man's work than he
does his own Is not safe for any kind
of work.
Beyond tho Limit.
A man may think he Is thinking
and still have glimmerings of intel
ligence. When he thinks other peo
ple think ho Is thinking thero Is no
hope for him.
Take Your Choice.
If you take advantage of your op
portunities you will acquire a com
petence; if you tako advantage of
other people's you will become a mil
lionaire. Life.
LatestlMost Novel
For Summer, 1005),
Menner & Go's Store,
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Honesdale, Pa.
II. S. SALMON, Cashier
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this Hank".
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l' 1 KIM RLE
An advertisement In the Eaglo costs
little, but brings largo results, because
is constantly helping tho advertisers.