The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 11, 1909, Image 2

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Ttio M.ile rmlprsr.rtrnti Aro S:
Deferential ti Tl-.eli Fcmiulm' 1
Comriu!"s as t j Cr.'.l Tlio::i "U'oi.i. '
rn .Strilir.ts." I
V l:coi'-In is the panullsi- Jf the
co-ed n fact indicated, among other
things, li this deferential habit of j
c:'.lllni? her, not co-ed, but woman '
stadent. Days and days I spent try- j
ins to track down the co-edncational
problem, mill I secr.icd, even to my- ,
P"lf. to H tl.o victim of an evil mind. -There
li no co-e-dticatlon prob-
b'in at V-.'Is' onsln. Meinbeis of ho j
ft.cnlty, mil anions them recent ar-i
ilvrls fro .1 Kastorn universities, do-'
( lared this In so many words. To
the undcrginriuntps and I lived and i
took most of r.iy meals at different I
fraternity !o"ob the only problem !
with rojvrJ to the woman student I
seemed tn be how to get nearer or i
nrxt. Tor tl:ore Is only one woman
to half a doxe.i men, and the most
aM-rovod i si of an Idle hour appears
to be what is called "fussinB."
TUie unrestvaine 1 social inter
course natural to the West, has full
swin q;, and the result is, as always
In a self-respecting community, a
state of Innocence which to any one
from a highly chaperoned commun
ity, seems little short of Arcadian,
About a hundred of the young wom
en room and dine In Chadbourno
Hall. Another hundred live In so
rority houses. The rest Uvo In their
own homes or board in student lodg
ing houses some of them in houses
partly occupied by men students.
I'ntll the present year there had
been no dean of women. The new
dean Is trying, and with success, to
prevent men and women students
from living In the samo houses.
The matter of cbaporons is more
difficult. Each of the sororities has
a matron, but sho is largely a fig
urehead. She has not oven a posi
tion on tho house committee, so that,
though she has responsibilities to the
university, she has little or no au
thority over the students.
Buggy riding flourishes. One of
the undergraduates admitted to me
that it was not unusual for parties
of two and three couples to drive
out to tho several hotels on Lake
Mendota for dinner. "I suppose,'"
he added, "that that will seem to
you horribly crude." On the con
trary, It seemed like the Golden Age
or like my own boyhood in tho
Middle West. I auked if a slnglo
couple ever wont on such an expe
dition. Ho shook his head. The
girl's own dignity. If not tho tradi
tions of the university, would forbid
When I put tho sumo question to
another undergraduate, ho smiled
and said that occasionally a couple
would go forth to (Mne in single
Yet 1 am convinced that no serious
harm Is done. Were engagements
common? Uy no mums. Sometimes
gossiping souls would allege that a
couple were enrasel or, If not, they
ought to be. Hut no engagements
were announced, except In most
crises, as the immediate prelude to
student marriages, which arc rare.
And this was wise, one informant
told me, for then if the young woman
went home and married a mnn In her
native town no one could prove that
she was unduly experienced, or that
tho undergraduate had been jilted.
And this leads to tho only thins
approaching a co-educatlonal prob
lem. Though men and women are
of much the same age, there is a rad
ical difference in their situation in
The women are in a position to be
married but the men are not In a
position to be married, but the men
are not In a position to marry them,
as regards either age or worldly
Tho women, arriving from farm,
village or city, regard their life in
tho university as a social coming
out their first and perhaps only
chance for a real good time.
Arrnngenient of Kitchen Utensils.
For tho housewife with a small
kitchen where spoons, knives and
forks must be kept in one compart
ment, try having the top drawer of
the kitchen cabinet divided Into
three sections, the partitions extend
ing from tho front to the back of
tho drawer. Use one section for
knives and forks, a second for spoons
of all kinds and a third for miscel
laneous utensils, as egg beaters,
skimmers, can oponers and pancake
turners. By this plan one can seo at
a glance, the article desired. The
drawer will always present an ordor
ly appearance, and will hold a great
er number of utensils than if they
were laid in in a "haphazard" man
ner. Home Adornment In Schools.
The "house beautiful" advocates
are trying to get into tho publio
schools to talk once a week on the
ways to decorate a homo with small
outlay. It seems a fine propaganda,
and eminently practical women look
with favor on it.
A Caution.
Never awaken a child suddenly
and never carry a baby immediately
Into a glaring light when ho wakes
up; the sudden impression of light
la bad for the eyes.
One of the Most Interesting Gushing
Wells in tho World.
One of the most interesting and
novel gushing wells In the world,
and perhaps without a rival in either
respect, Is a geyser of soda water
that lecently cane up at ,vondling,
Just across, tho Mendocino County
border from Sonoma, cal.
This well produces sod water
genuine soda water and of a qual
ity that would wt rrant bottling for
tho general trade, In such quantities
as were never struck before. There
Is so much of this water that It in
turned Into a huge long Hume, and
used to float great logs from the
Ion st to the lumber mills.
an artosan well borer was recent
ly employed to secure an adequate
water supply for u large sawmill In
that icglon. lie drilled t a li
of -0U teet, tip) lower 110 feet bun,;
through solid granite. Then a slight
trace of water was found. The arte
sian man then . aced fifty-four sticks
Ol dynamite at the .jottom of tho
v ll, and exploded them. Instantly
water gushed up, rising 20 feet above
the surface of the ground, pouring
forth in enormous volume. That wr.s
dajs ago, and since then thore has
been no indication of a cessation of
this vast "natural soda fountain,"
UulUlcd Hotter Tnan Ho Knew.
"There is a woman up iu the front
of the car who hasn't paid her faro,"
said the conductor to the man in the
rear seat, "hut I can't place hor."
"Perhaps I can glvo you a point
er," said the helpful man. "Pick
out tho woman who lingers her hat
pins all tho time. That is the latest:
wrinkle of tho female street car ;
pirate. Heading her neighbor's pa- ,
per and gazing into futurity are out 1
of date. Everybody has got on to
those tricks. Hut tho woman that
beats hor way has to do something
to hide her guilt, so she fiddles
with her hatpins."
"Maybe you are right," said tho
conductor. "Anyhow, I'll try."
After a littlo he reported to the
nolpful man.
"That worked all right," ho said.
"She owned up. Sho said you would
pay for her."
"Me?" exclaimed the helpful man.
"What have 1 got to do with it?"
"Everything, apparently," said the
conductor. "She happened to look
back here when I spoke to her. Sho
said she knew you, and that it would
be all right. There sho is now,
standing up and i.odding at you.
Know or?"
"Yes," said the man weakly, "she's
my wife."
Joiii-iiulisni and Pulchritude.
A photographer in an Iowa town
was called upon not long ago to
make some pictures of an old lady of
seventy years or so, but of surpris
ing agility and quickness of per
ception. The picture man was, therefore,
somewhat surprised to find that no
words of address eoulu Induce the
old lady to t,puuk until after tho
operation was completed. Then she
put her lingers into her mouth,
whence she withdrew several wads of
"You wouldn't have me photo
graphed with my cheeks falling In,
would you?" she asked the photo
grapher. "I just stuffed two pages
of tho Des Moines Hegister In my
mouth to fill out."
Ail Anti-Ant Huilding.
Ueinforced concrete is the ma
terial which will bo used almost ex
cessively in tho construction of the
new Government buildings to -e
erected by the united States at San
Juan, Porto Rico, for use as a pjst
olhce, court house and custom house.
Wood is to be practically excluded
from tho structure; the only place
about the building where wood will
bfc employed will be iu the window
sashes on one side of the edifice. Tho
interior doors will bo of rattan. The
reason why wood is being avoided by
the government In this case is be
cause there is a small ant lndigenus
to the island of Porto Rico which
eats its way up through wooden
chairs, doors and desk3 and makes
them spongy on the inside.
Effects of Overeating.
"Don't eat too much," says "What-to-Eat."
Overeating is responsible
for many of the ills that afflict hu
manity. It brings on various dis
eases, and it predisposes to many
kinds of Infections. The same stric
ture may be applied to overdrink
ing. If one has been so foolish as to
eat or drink too much, however, the
best thing is to remain In the open
a.r till the ejects are overcome.
Nothing is so good for an overloaded
stomach and a heavy head as great
drafts of fresh air. Every lover of
"Pickwick" remembers how the jol
ly Pickwicklans had to take twenty
mile tramps to walk off the big din
ners they ate at old Mr. Wardlca
place In tho country.
Centre of Glove Industry.
The center of tho glove industry la
at Grenoble in the south of France.
The kids thore are tondod with the
greatest care, the Idea being to pro
duce 'skins that are strong and plia
ble and at tho same time free from
blemishes. The finest quality of kid
is obtained from animals that aro
killed before t'-ey begin to eat grass
at all, because from tnat time the
sklna have a tendency to become
hard and coarse.
A Sky Trust.
The new comet baa six tails. The
tyndlcate idea haa evidently spread
to the -envene.
1 f
Formal Statement to the Public by
Christian Science Founder.
Newton, Mass., June 8. Mother Ma
ry linker G. Eddy's home at Chestnut
Hill was besieged again by persons
who wanted to learn what sho hud to
say about the charges made by Mrs.
Delia Gilbert of New York, a dis
gruntled member of the Christian Sci
ence cult. Hint she was either dead
or a nieiitnl wreck.
Mrs. Kddy consented that a number
of newspaper men should be admitted
to her presence as she went out for
her daily drive. They were not al
lowed to tall; to her. They saw that
she was much more feeble than a year
imo, but that she was able to walk
without assistance and that her com
mands (o her assistants were clear
and c ohereiil.
The following ulllclal statenientv.-is
Issued by Mr-', l'ddy's advisers In her
name and over her Miniature:
"I have the pleasure to report to
one nnd all of my beloved friends and
ifc A ' ft
followers that I exist In the llesii and j
am seen dally by the members of my
household nnd by those with whom I
have appointments.
"Above all this fustian of either do
nylng or asserting the personality and
presence of Mary Raker Eddy stands
the eternal fact of Christian Science
nnd the honest history of Its discover
er and founder. It Is self evident that
the discoverer of an eternal truth can
not be n temporal fraud.
"The cause of Christian Science Is
prospering throughout the world and
stands forever as an eternal and de
monstrable science, nnd I do not re
srard this attack upon me ns a trial,
for when these things cease to bless
they will cease to occur. And we
know that all thin;; work together
for good to them that love God, to
them who are called accordlinr to his
purpose. What shall we say. then, to
these things' If God be for us. who
can he against us':"
The board of directors of the mother
church of Christian Science elected
William I'. McKenzle as president.
Stephen A. Chase of Kail River tresis
urer and John V. Dlltmore of Wv
York fieri, the hitter sueceedlnu' Wil
liam H. Johnson, who resigned.
The following letter was received,
from Mrs. Mary Raker G. Eddy, ad
dressed to the board of dlrei tors:
"I thank you for your kind Invitation
to be present at the annual meet In:: of
the mother church. I will atleml the
nieellng. but not In propria persona.
Watch and pray that (Soil directs your
meetings and your lives, and you:
leader will then be sure that they an
blessed In their results."
President's Decision About Surveyor
ship of Port of New York.
Washington, June S. James S. Clark
son, surveyor of tho port of New York,
will lie allowed to serve out Ills pres
ent term, which has about a year to
run. but will not be reappointed.
The Republican state machine has
already suggested George W. Aid
ridge's name to President Taft as a lit
successor to General Clarkson, but the
president declined to accede to the re
quest. The prediction Is made that Mr.
Taft will seek for Clarkson's successor
a man more of the type of Wllllau:
Williams, recently named commission
er of IminlKratlon at Ellis Island.
Mr. Clarkson was appointed survey
or on April 18. 1IMI2. Senator Allison
wns behind him. It was supposed that
President Roosevelt had appointed
Clarkson to the New York post partly
to plcnse the Iowa senator nnd partly
because he liked Clarkson personally.
8tago Manager Tries Suicide.
Montgomery, N. Y., June 8. Clement
Hopkins, formerly stage manager for
Rlanche Walsh and a member of the
t.n nibs' club of New York, attempted
3uicide at his country home hero while
temporarily deranged. Ho stabbed
himself In the breast, nnd the wound
will probably prove fatal.
Absent Minded Alderman.
A Lynn (Mass.) Alderman at a
recent Aldormpnlc meeting inquired
what bad become of an order be had
Introduced some time before calling
for an arc light on Willow street.
Tho City Clork, after digging into his
files, informed him that the order
had come before the board nearly a
month p.'evlous and hat he had
voted against it.
The Imitative Ally.
One of tho present sensations of
the trade is duo to the importation
of "Irish" linen gods fron the land
of tho wily Jap. The detail and
elaboration of tho to-': are alike
astonishing. The pricei are evon
more so.
Rutland, VL
International Bible Lesson for
June 13, '09 (Heb. xx: 1-40)-
Every nnii'-n
has its hall of
fame. On h
walls of its il
bulla the nrur.cs
of tho liuinort tls
are Inscribed,
like the Panthe
on, built by Louis
I. of Bavaiia,
which was conse
crated to all Ger
mans who have
become renown
ed In war, states
manship, liter
ature, science, or art.
Roll of the Departed,
And it is significant that these great
men nre all dead men. The world
has a universal habit of finding out
that It has been entertaining angels
unawares. Blessings brighten ns they
take their (light. Tho Washington
monument erected among the sky
scrapers of New York would not at
tract so much attention as it does
standing out solitary and alone on the
banks of the Potomac. Wo are too
near the men of the present to proper
ly estimate their proportions. Somo
of them are much bigger than they
appear, and some of them will shrink
mightily when we get the proper per
spective. It is quite likely that the
neighbors of Abraham thought him a
deluded, addle-brained visionary when
he gave up his pleasant home in Ur
of the Chaldces, and started out on a
wild goose errand to a land that he
expected to recelvo for an Inherit
ance, and we know that even Moses,
the greatest statesman of the ages
was criticised by his brother and sis
ter, and that the common rabble of
the street took up stones to pelt him.
We have frowns,' and criticism, and
abuse and mud for our living leaders,
but fragrant flowers for their coffins,
and soaring monuments for their
Have to Die to Be Appreciated.
People have to die to be appreciat
ed. Joan of Arc was burned at the
stake as a vile heretic, but sho has
recently been beatified by the Pope.
The flames did not harm her great
spirit, and tho beatification will not
add any lustro to her glory. The inci
dent only servos to point this moral
and adorn this tale. T'tore were
thousands of men who abused Abra
ham Lincoln. They never could speak
of him without a sneer. Ho was a
"rallsplitter," a black republican, an
uncouth interloper. Ho was abused
by tho newspapers, caricatured on the
platform, denounced by the politi
cians. Tho waves of assault rolled up
to his feet from tho south, and dashed
over his head from tho north, and
they never ceased to roll over him
till his gentle heart broke in death.
But 40 years after his assassination
Columbia carves ills name in her tem
ple of fame side by side with Wash
ington, and the whole country, yea,
the wholo civilized world uncovers
and bends tho knee at the grave of
Abraham Lincoln.
A Matchless Pantheon.
Tho Hebrew people have their hall
af fame. It is found in tho eleventh
chapter of the book of Hebrews, writ
ten very likely by Apollos, a lover of
his race. He goes into that matchless
Pantheon, and beginning with Abel,
the first martyr, he writes upon tho
pages of an imperishable book the
names of the heroes of faith for 4,000
years. The nations visit that sacred
edifice and read tho deathless names,
Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Barak, Samson,
lepthae, David, Samuel, the Prophets,
a cloud of witnesses, an honor roll
whom the proudest nations of earth
might covet.
The Living Dead.
And yet these heroes aro not dead.
I They never began to have the influ
. ence in the world that they have at
j this very moment. Their contempora
' rles never were affected by them as
I the whole world is to-day. When
I Abraham set out from Mesopotamia
I he took none of his neighbors with
I him. When Enoch walked with God,
he went alone, in life and in transla-
tlon. When Noah sailed over the
! judgment flood he could induce no one
I else to embark with him, save his own
i family. They had little success, as
' men count success with those who
1 were coeval with them. But to-day
I wherever the Bible Is read Enoch is
walking with God, Abraham Is inherit
Ins the promises, tho father of a
multitude like tho sands of the sea,
and Moses Is breaking the bonds of
the oppressor and shouting In the ear
of every taskmaster, "Let my people
go" No great man evor really dies.
When Jesus was In the flesh ho was
limited to the narrow confines of
Palestine. It was only fit bla depart
ure that ho could really say, Oo ye
iuto all tho world, and Jo, I am with
you always. Tho Christ is the most
omnipresent personality In the world
to-day. But tho camo thing Is true In
a lesser degreo tn respect to every
groat soul of man. Thus the pres
ent Is peopled with the shadowy forms
of tho past It ia impossible to en
tomb the immortals.
- - "I
, 4
ALCOHOL 3 PP.U ni-vn
die S loraachs nMBow is of
Promotes Dteestiontofurj
ncss and I(ust.Contalns tvithcr
Opiuiu.Morphuic nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic, j
jdecfoMa-siiicnmwst '
ftimpkul Sfcd-
intmpxen tlinr.
AnerfectRemedv forConsltoa-
Hon , Sour StonracIbWarrtoca
ness oiulLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opeiio witu a delugo of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about' hv our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixt-il paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
mav find a sale wilt: the unwary.
Then' arc joasons for Ihc pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS'
1 ft No line can mix a better mixed paint.
ad The painters declare thai it works easily and lias von
dciful covering ip.alities.
:'d -Chilton stands bad; of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective. "
4th - Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it.
ami recommend its use to others.
StiS! Take the Lead I
The No. 40 is the
s rhn nor
mlar 1- lat Land Plow.
oS Iron lieam. Nearly i.W) sold In Wayne county. Tho followinc Sub-Agents keep stock
I'lowa and Repairs on hand : J. K. Titlany. Pleasant Mount ; V. It. Shaffer. Varden, la.:
S. Woodniansee. I.ako Como : II. N. Farley. Kqulnunk ; A. J. Abrahams, lialllce : I' rank
Brown Iloadleys: O. W. Miulfer. Georgetown : Seth Itortree, Sterling: C. K Kellam
i.cuseiiaie: v. is. cores ui-eentown. ami wans s nonesuaie aim iiawiey siures.
The Oliver Sulky Plow Cannot be Beat !
Honesdaleandlfp ATI A M W A TTQ I Honesdale and
Hawley Stores liKAllAlYl W A I A 5 Hawley Stores
Sash. Doors, lllinds. Front Sash Poors. Sewer Pipe
and Uullders' Hardware of Description.
a a w , w rvtwll-fc a v mm 1-
aiiK i .i i.i iikai. i ivi r lcih en .3 : Vi7.;,..r.rii.,7.;.
Ins Machines. Iron, Gravel and Tarred Kooflns, l!arb Wire, 'Woveii' Fence Wire, Poultry
Nettlnu, Limo and Cement.
Kstimates elven
ou short notice
its branches.
Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing to do extensive construction
work in the
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the
Patronize the Independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other service without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 300.
Poster Building.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Thirty Years
Ovor V7.WI0 llj-i. of Plows and Repairs nx-elvuil In March.
Wo haw No. 7. a sho smaller.
We also Keep in siock ino -o. r.. rj, zu uuu
M T M TP C - ITnrrmvs. (
Cultivators, Lawn