The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 09, 1909, Image 2
LEST WEJORGET Another Forty Years' Jour ney Backward. HOPS, SKIPS.TSs IN THE PAST. What Was Dolus Alxiut TliN Time of tin Year in 1001, 1801). 181. 1K8. 18SI. 1870. 1871, and 1SH. ADVAXCK OK YKAKS. Ilnpplly Many People Kail to Heal- , ize It. "Isn't It curious," said Mr. Corporal W. J. Ward was elected treasurer, and private H. M. Stockerl secretary of Company E, X. O. 1'. . William J. Fuller died at Southamp ton, L. I., winch place be was visiting erton. for the benefit of his health. Mr. Fuller aid. wa a son of Thomas Fuller, who in the i-.irlv ilnvs of this countv stood anionc the foremost of her practitioners at the 1 supposed to know; 1 "We hear, for Instance, Flick-1 according to the Boston Hor how we get lost about tho ago of people, and particularly of J chjne thnt runs people whose age we migiit wen uei Ml GET RUSTY, Keep Your Body and Son! Clean By Working llicm. The machine that lies ldlo Is far moro liable to Injury than the ma- BANK NOTES IN A DUST BIN. Five year. ago : First meeting of Wavne County Teach ers' Association held at l'leasaut Mount H. A. Odiiv of Honesdale, President Fifty teachers in attendance. Sautclle's circus advertised. John J. Htcltz acquitted on indict ment for the murder of Mrs. I'Keofe in ltawley. (Ik- is now undergoing a life sentence of imprisonment in the west. He also confessed being guilty of the O'Kecfe uiuider.) Kev. Dr. V. II. Swift pleached his twentieth llont Mialeanniversary sermon. Fvening of recitations by Miss F.leanor S. Kimble (now Mrs. li. II. Dittrich) at the court house. Hun. tieo. .S. I'urdy presided at the unveiling of the Samuel Meredith monu ment, at l'leasaut Mount. Major tieo. II. Whitney grand marshal. Kemains of Dr. A. D. Bryden and .1. William 1'ellio removed from receiving vault to lots in (ilen 1 1 berry cemetery. Death of Maitin Hetsler. Kev. Leonard Cole very ill at Thomp son. M. J. Kelly, of Kelly & Steinnian, sails for F.urope. Deaths of Format) McUown, Mir. Henry Bunnell, John Uritlin and Miss Harriet A. Beers. Ten years ago : Wild strawberries in market. Mrs. Michael Weber died. Graham Watts sold nearly a hundred bicycles for the season. Christy Matthewson playing his second season with the Honesdale base ball team. Miss Edith Swift graduated at Miss Dana's school, Morristown, X. J. Kev. Francis J. Cannivan celebrated his first mass in St. John's church, Honesdale. Moses Jacobs graduates from the vet erinary department, University of Pennsylvania. Hiram Ledyard died in Uniondale, aged '.17 years, 7 months and 1:1 days Honesdale defeated the St. Thomas high school ball team of Scranton, 14 to 1. (iolden and Cumiuiugs were the Honesdale battery. Fifteen yeais ago : there were totty-oni' veteran lit line at the Decoration Dav parade, and lorty one vetennn-' gi.ive were decorated in Glen Dybeirv cemetery. "Master and Man the attraction at the opera hnue, given by the C. I) McC'aull combination. William F. D'.iiin, of l .lie turn of Dunn Brothers, Honesdale butcher.-, killed by a runaway accident, while returning to town with a load of calves, near Spencer l'ulis's, in Dyberry township. He was :l years old ami unmarried. Barn of Mrs. Higgins in Clinton town ship struck by lightning and two hor.-es killed. Early closing movement in favor in Honesdale. Concert in Kiverside park on Tuesday evening at winch Hon. John Kuhbach (now Mayor) delivered an ad dress. Hon. II. M. Seely's health consider ably impaired. Thirty years ago. Fifty-live boats a day are being clear ed from Honesdale carrying a total gross daily shipment of more than 7,000 tons of coal. Forty-live hands arc employed in the Murium!, Torrey & Co. shoe manufac tory. Lieut. Horace G. Young presented the prize badge, for crack shooting competed for by members of Co. E, to Orderlv Sergeant Wm. II. Stanton. The comic opera of "l'inafore" in re hearsal by local talent under the direc tion of Thomas l'easlee. The cast- was as follows : Admiral Porter, K. C. 15. , II. J. Conger ; Captain Corcoran, John E. Richmond ; Kalph Halphstraw, Thos. Peaslee ; Dick Deadeye, Thomas J. Ham; Bill Bobstay, (Boatswain) E. B. Free man ; Bob. Beckett, Frank Monaghan; Tom Bow line, John ,X. C. Bader ; Tom my Tucker, .Hnismpmitc, .Master f-cnui-ler ; Jack PMalley, Sergeant of Marines, W. E. Greeley ; Josephine. theCaptain's daughter, Miss Kate Miles; Hebe, Sir Joseph's First Cousin, Mrs. W. II. Ham; Little Buttercup, Mrs. T. J. Ham, with a full chorus of fortv voices. Mrs. L. B. Kichtmyer, pianist ; William II. Ham, leader of orchestra. C. C. Jadwin elected chairman of the Honesdale school board, and Prof. John X. Dolph re-engaged as principal. Librarian reports L'.l.VJ volumes in the Honesdale School library. Benjamin 11. Holgate shot in the face while out gunning in Damascus town ship. The wound was believed to have been self-inllicted during temporary de rangement. Thirty-live years ago : Hon. Geo. . oodward a visitor in Honesdale. Prof. L. II. Barnum engaged as prin cipal and Miss Louise Reynolds as As sistant principal of the Honesdale Grad ed School. J. W. Maiming appointed tax collector. "Randall's Thumb" very successfully rendered at Liberty Hall under the au spices of the Franklin Lyceum Associa tion. The female roles were taken by Miss Alice Young, (Edith. Temple) ; Miss Anna Wilbur, (Miss Spinn) ; Mrs. D. R. Atkinson, (Mrs. Scantlebury) and -Mrs. W. II. Ham, (Mrs. Flamboys.) An organ conceit at the M. E. church yielded $1S2 net. George W. Morgan, w ho was the principal performer has the reputation of being the best pedal play er in the world. He had charge of an organ and choir when he was only eight yeais of age. Miss llattie Gcuung (now Mis. (). L. Rowland) rendered Woilcn- liaupt's "Grand March de Concert, V. II. Ham and Miss Lucia Atkinson gave a tluteand piano duet, and Mrs T. J. Ham sang "1 Cannot Sing the I lid Songs." Refreshments were sened , in the lecture room after the concert. The packet boat "Dyberry," will President Dickson and family, General Manager Cue F. Young, and other canal dignitaries on board, under the com mand of Capt. "Jim" Startup ar rived in Honesdale after a delightful trip up the canal. Attorney General Samuel E. Dim miek, his deputy Lyman I). Gilbeit and Senator McPherson, of Harrisburg, with H. M. Seely and M. L. Tracy captured :!0") line, trout m the Dvberrv. Air and dampness do moro damage 1 than wear and toar. Let tno machine Ol tnO r.imnlll lnnptlvn n vhlln ntirl ihn nrnt- dcath or Walklnshaw, nged 64. and j ig rorlne(i by the coroslon soon we say to ourselves. Goodness. . COVers the bright metal and the parts you don't mean to tell me that I UCconio stiff and cranky. Walklnshaw was C4 ? And yet wo A man negiects tho working parts may have known him Intimately ' or na uody Normally these parts and have seen him dally for 40 uilould he exorcised. Ho Indulces his years, since he was L'4; and If any body ought to have known his age we ought. "But as a matter of fact it Is those very people whom we do see constantly whose ages we fall to realize; for the reason that age, so far .as Its outward signs are con erned, steals on them gradually. "If we see u man only at Inter vals of 10 or years, why then the changes in him may be so np-1 parent that we cannot fall to note 1 them; but in the man we see from i day to day we see no change at all; 1 there Is no sinking sign to make us realize that he Is growing older; md so we are likely to carry him forward In our minds as of the age at which we first knew ltlin. It Is then that he makes his first strong. clear Impression on us; and that impression we are likely to hold for members In luioness. Whatever vi tality and working force they may have had when la continued use, neglect causes tne maenlnory to run stlftly. It is the rust. A man may neglect to exerclsu his worktng brain rorces. Ho may have ever so quick a mind, but If ho i.uos not use hi3 mental machinery tue rust of Idleness Is soon over it. How They Were, Curiously Discover ed and Returned to Their Owner. Ton 1,000 franc bank notes, repre senting the savings of a woman who lived at Nanterre. near Paris, were hidden by her In an old envelope, which was plated In a drawer. In a moment of forgetfulness tho envel ope found Its way luto a dust bin. In tho morning the ragpickers turned out the bin, hut tossed aside the tattered envelope without Inspec tion. Some carters happened to pass that way. They ple'.:ed up the now mud splashed piece of paper, one re marking to the other: "Perlups there Is a fortune lnsldo!" T.icy drew out the notes. "This Is some fool's, pleasantry," they said; ho by way of revenging themselves on the unknown joker anil not believing the notes were genuine they tore tl.ein to pieces aim tnrow them itMdu. Two market women came along Am tier. The pasago referring to amber Is Ezeklol 1.. 4, and la as follows: "And 1 looked, and behold, a stormy wind came out of tno north, a great cloud, with a flro Infolding Itself, ami a brightness round about It, and out of the midst therebf, as the color of amber." Thoro Is scarcely anything thnt can be handled thnt has not at some time in the course of history been used as money. Amber was onco so used In some of tho countries around tho Mediterranean. Haunting Hungarian Melodies. What makej Hungarian music so typical, so fascinating and so fresh Is that It 1j 'imost entirely based on popular thonicr. The soul of tho people is reflected in it, and, such in spiration produces bettor rcsulu than so-calcd scientific and elaborate, concoctions. mini may neglect to use the j s' ortly afterward. Wiu tho shrewd- and against many i u. moral forces that are In him. There , is a weakening somewhere. Tho ma chine lets down. And soon the parts are rusted. When the primary or the conven- j tlou or the ball"l-box - working ! pans of government are neglected j the rust collects. Tho machinery i works poorly. It may break down. Keep your body working without I friction by systematic exercise. Keep your ralnd brl-ht by using I ness of their class they recognized the scattered pieces of paper and gathered them up and took them to the Commissary of Police. There they wore pieced together ind it was found that none was missing. I'wo hours Inter tho notes jo curiously discovered wcro restorud to their owner. A Largo Profit. Life Is a matter of adjustmont and ! not of circumstance. The financial many years rh singes. '1 know I do this commonly. I carry men torwaru as oi uie age ni And so for society nlne-tenthB of ' London" were as large and seemed which I first knew them; they nl-, its evils are caused by tho idleness I fn him tn hn nf ns ninnh mnmont na aro the manipulations of tho Wall Keep your soul clean by working j affairs of the old watercress man In It. ; James Greenwood's "The Wilds of The Spitting Tug. A little tugboat passed astern of the Lakcwood, kicking up a fierce amount of foam with her propeller. A small boy, age three, Jerked his father's coat-tall and exclaimed: "Oh, papa, see how that thing can spit!" New York Press. ways seem so to me. Aim men , of us necessary working partB, something happens that brings up I the iiuestton of age and my friend Xuiuber of the Stars. says to me that he's 57 and I say: on directing tho eye to tho celes- What! 57?' And really it is a, tlo.1 vault the impression made upon great surprise to me, and I find it j tho mind is that of an Incalculable hard to realize It. I I cau scarcely believe It, oven I I have known him for 30 ! though years and when I first knew him he was 27. He may be now but little, or he may be greatly changed. but however that may be I have never realized It any more than I have the lapse of time, passing day by day. 'Happily, this Is true also as to our own selves, we uon i realize our own advancing years. Even though we look In a mirror now number of stars being visible a host which our anihmctto will not suffice to reckon. But this is an optical il lusion. Tho twinkling and disorder ly position of the stars confuso and deceive the Bight. An ordinary eye, It has been estimated, will only dis cern at one time about 3,000 stars In our firmament under tho most favorable circumstances, and Includ ing both hemispheres thero will not be more than 6,000 risible to a keen and experienced gaze. Using an instrument of no great and then we see no signs of age, or i size little more than two Inches none to amount to anything. We j w ido there have been not less than may be gray as badgers or other i a to, 000 stars charted in tho north people, but our hair doesn't look ern half of tho heavens alone. It that way to us. We may be grow- is calculated that the total number Ins positively portly, but over that visible In tho entire celestial vault- we smile. At heart we are still "Providence . has many kind ' Streot broker. The watorcress man was a crippled old Londoner who had been a soldier In his younger days, and who, at the time of writing, numbered seventy-six years. The rhoumatlsm was to blm a malignant foe. His homo was wretched, but he told me he would rather die than go to the workhouse. I saw blm one morning in Novem ber, down at the watercress beds near Hackney, and I talked to him as he Btood on the frosty planks stretch ed over tho oozy beds, where the cresses grew, and from which the men wero gathering by torchlight. It was fully three hours before daylight. Will acquire Much Wheat. It has been figured that by 1950. 43 harvests hence, the United States will have a population which, at tho averago rate of C 1-2 bushels of wheat a person, will require a full billion of bushels of wheat for bread and seed. Wall Street Journal. Tho Future of the Hoy. Probably no part of a schoolmas ter's duty Is more difficult than to advise a parent as to what walk of life his boy should adorn; but the beginning and end of it all Is that a good boy will make his way In any position and the bad boy will not. Toast to Woman. Here's to tho woman who has a smile for every sorrow, a consolation for every grief, an excuse for every fault, a prayer for every misfortune, an encouragement for every hope. Sainte Foix. tiaiuiu ill luu U11L11U bciL'ailui (uuu . with the aid of the larger telescopes ' would mount up to 77,000,000. ways. Twentv years ago : Richard Farrel, a tramp, while, with three companions resisting arrest at the East Honesdale depot, shot twice by Constable John Goble, and then with the rest of the gang arrested and placed in jail. Miss Emma, daughter of Dr. Reed Burns very seriously ill. Collection of $T0 at Grace Church for the benefit of the Johnstown Hood suf ferers. John G. Linderman died at the resi dence of his father on Church street, aged 23 vears. William J. Grambs, of Seattle, on a visit to his father, Hon. L. Grambs, of loth street: John R. Kcllam, of Kellam's acci dentally poisoned by a dose of corrosive sublimate, taken in mistake for salt peter. Joseph Balles died in Texas township of consumption. William II.Dimniick addressed a large local option meeting at Hawley. r Twenty-live years ago : Andrew Hansen died. Ex-commissioner Thomas Ferguson died in Sterling aged 82 years, 5 months, 18 davs. Jacob Katz, wife and two children sailed for a three months' trip to Ger many. , Mrs. Mary A., wifoof Georgo Mennor, died, aged 78 years. Dr. George B. Curtis died in Hawley, aged 49 years. He was born in Beth any and lived many years at Aldenville. The late J. J. Curtis, of Honesdale, was a brother, A. T, Searle and family removed from Bethany to this place. l'orty years ago : George Avery, of LacUawaxen arrest ed and charged with burglary and at tempted murder. 100,(I05 feet of lumber was sawed at F. W. Farnbam's mill, Wilsonville in six days with a single circular saw. Flour in Honesdale V to $0 per bar rel ; hams, 10 cents to 22 cents per pound ; lard, 20 cents to 2." cents ; but ter, 25 cents to 28 cents ; eggs, per doz en, 20 to 25 cents ; potatoes 30 cents to 40 cents per bushel. Sl'X ECLIPSE ,11'XK ,17. Prof. John A. Brashear, of Alle gheny, In a signed statement, gives notice to the public that on June 17, thero will be an eclipse of the sun, unlike any other eclipse within the knowledge of man. In part, Prof Brashear says: "The eclipse will be of a very In- terestlng character from the fact that for a few seconds it will bo an annular eclipse, then change to a total eclipse, then back to an annu lar eclipse for the second time. The writer cannot find record of such an occurrence In any history of as tronomy, although we have records of annular eclipses for 400 years and or total eclipses for thousands of years. The eclipse as a partial phase of greator or lesser magni tude will sweep over the North American continent from the north, decreasing In size as It passes through Canada and the States." Tho history of stereotyping is a curious record of conservatism. The llrst practical form of stereotyping was invented In Edinburgh, in 1"3!, by William Ged, a goldsmith, but after his death tho invention vas dormant until its revival, in j 1S06. by Earl Stanhope, in London. I This was the clay process. by which only Hat plates could ho made. In lb.r(! the papier inachc process, now used by all newspa pers, and by which The Citizen and I its Honesdale contemporaries are' enabled to give the latest news, up , to 'practically the hour of putting tl.e paper to press, was introduced i in the London Times by the Broth ers Dellagana, who aine from Switzerland. They cast each col umn separately, giving each the necessary curve. Prior to tho Dellagana invention, newspapers ere printed direct from type forms, the type being arranged in curved mold. The Tribune lmd in- , around cylinders. Only one copy of a paper could be printed at a time so long as type was used, but wheh curved stereotyping was In- ented it became possible to repro duce a newspaper many times, en abling many copies to he printed simultaneously. The llrst newspa per to be stereotyped in America was the New York Tribune, in August, 1 SGI. The plates were j made by Charles Craske, who was the first to cast an entire page In a curves mold. The Tribune had in vestigated the stereotyping proposi tion for three years before it adopt ed it, but it was the large increase of circulation Induced by the Civil War that compelled it to commence the duplication of type pages by stereotyping. Other Ono Reason for Bachelorhood. Occasionally a man remains In tho bachelor class because he is skeptical as to the ability of a woman to sup port him. InqulKitivci'.c-ib Itcvt-urU. When the train stopped at the lit tle Southern sta. "i tne Northern tourist sauntered out on tho plat lorni. ihero vere the usual .um ber ol sunbouneted women, tall crackers" and stray dogs. Under . a scruL. oak stood r. lean animal with scraggy bristles. The tourist was interested. "What do you call . .at?" he j queried of a lanky native. ! "That be a l.awg," elucidated the i other. "What kind of t. )g?" j "Rahzohbach havg.' j "1 hat so?" "Yeas, that's so." "Well, what in tarn: .on Is he do ing against that tree?" "He's stropping himself, mister, jest stropping himself, and If you ask any more fool questions uroun'' here we'll pull you ott Uie train." And the tourist wisely withdrew. Cnrc of Earache. . Take the heart of an onion ami .iat and Insert in the ear and it will cure earache. Grunts and Grows The more a ho'j ",r" ' gets. IV t. Source of tho Wind. "I understand,' said tho English tourist, "that you have somo terri ble windstorms in this country." "Yes." replied the native American, "We have about 30,000 brass bands." Choice of Two Evils. Nearly every girl thinks a man clumsy who musses her hair when ho kisses her, but they all think worse of him If he does not even run .he risk of mussing it. Cause of Neuralgic Headache. At least 90 per cent, of all cases of neuralgic headache are attributed by Dr. Toms, an American oculist, to defects of tho oves. Still Take the Lead ! I vr 27.DJ0 His. of Plows and l!ep llr received III March. TIMS ( I T MIOWS TIIK No. 56 SIDE HILL. We alio have No. 7. a size smaller. soon lolloweu, but tne metnou oi making the matrix did not undergo i any radical change until the intro-1 duction this year of the Wesel compressed air electric heated I matrix drying tables. A Xew Method ol Electric Welding. L. S. Lachman has devised a new process of electric welding which makes u possible to employ steel in stead of malleable iron In the manu facture of numerous articles. As iwo unequal sections cannot to weld ed together satisfactorily. Lachman has ono piece cast with a projecting edge and the other with a point. The two projections, forced together by a hydraulic press, are Included in a . electric circuit, of wich they form the segment of highest resistance, rience, when a strong current is caused to flow through them, they are heated nearly or quite to the melting point and, ucing subjected to great pressure, quickly become welded together, and attach them selves to each other more firmly than they could be attache'd by means of newspapers i rivets, because there Is no break in '"ini 91,19 ' Hv fay t'rrJ the continuity of the metal. $10,000 KltEAK Hl'ILIHXG. Berry boxes that contain less than sixty-seven cubic Inches must be marked "short" or the dealer who sells frylt In such boxes Is liable to arrest under tho law that went Into effect tho llrst of the year. Two merchants of Poughkeepsle were ar rested last week as a result of a visit of a state Inspector. A Peculiar Looking Building to he Erected in Xew York. Xew York Is to have another freak building, but it is not as a 11 .. F -1 1 n r. ,nnlrv of spite such as Impelled Joseph ,0f litt Richardson to build tho famous house at tho corner of Lexington Avenue nnd Eighty-second street, Brecch-Louders. Breech-loading cannon were among the earliest used. We find them on English and other ships as early as the last quarter of the fourteenth century, and therefore much before the time of the buccaneers. The cannon was a mere tube, bound with heavy iron rings, and was. loaded by the Insertion of tho "gonne cham ber," an Iron pan containing the because tho owner of the adjoining house refused to pay him his price. Tho now candidate for a place In tho role of odd buildings Is to be erected by Lowenfold Sr Prager at the southwest corner of Delancey nnd Clinton streets. Their plans, which were filed last week, show that a two-story building costing 110,000, for offices and stores, will bo built on a strip 6.11x100 feet, which was left by the cutting away of the blocks for tho plaza of the Williamsburg nrldge. The Illch-i ardson house rises to a height of five stories, and only covers a lot measuring 5x100, the breech. These guns wero very clumsy- affairs In comparison with the modern breech-loader, but the principle was the same. Pnll Boards for Farmers. Tho protection of farmers and others who axe exposed to the heat a great deal la serious and difficult matter. Canoer is on xhe increase, and farmers furnish a largo propor tion of the cases, many of them being due to the direct effects of sunlight on the face and hands. A full beard for the farmer is most desirable for his protection. Marriage and Wisdom. Some women will believe anything I you (ell them until yon marry them. The No. 40 Is the popular Flat Land Plow. We also keep In itoek the o. h. I'J. -I) and 5S Iron Beam. Nearly J.OOU sold In Wayne county. The followim: Suu-Aseiits keep stock ) riowsamfltepalrsonhund: J. K. Tiffany, Pleasant Mount; It. Shatter. ardeii. Pu.: S. Woodmansee. Lake Conm : II. N. Farley. Kquinunk : A. J. Abrahams, tuilllee; I;rankC Brown lloadleys: (J. YV. .Shaffer. Ceorgetown : Seth llortree. Merlins: C. K Kellam. I.edgedale: V. Si. Corey (ireentown. and Watts's Honesdale and Hawley btores. The Oliver Sulky Plow Cannot be Beat ! Honesdale andlfp All A M WATTQJHonesdale ana Hawley Stores liKAllAlTl YV AI IlHawley Stores Sash, Boors, Blinds. Front Sash Doors, Sewer Pipe and Builders' Hardware of EVEUY Description. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS: V'iv&Vi.ltiS? lug Machines, Iron, Gravel and Turred Kooflnir. llurb Wire. Woven Fence Wire. Poultry Netting. Lime and Cement. PLUMBING in all its branches. Estimates clvcn ou short notice for HOT AIR and STEAM HEAT. BICYCLES and Sundries. Telephone Announcement This company is preparing to do extensive construction work in the Honesdale Exchange District which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the system Patronize the Independent Telephone Company which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any other service without conferring with our Contract Department Tel. No. 300. CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. Poster Building. J