The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 09, 1909, Image 1

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WEATHER REPORT On Wednesday partly overcast to eloudy weather, followed by local rain In this section, and on Thursday
overcast weather preceded by local rain.
Wtl: County Organ
Semi-Weekly Founded!
Weekly Founded, 1844
66th TtEAR.
NO. 46
.1 ej I
lllu IIUUoO UO I
President Wished.
AJdrich and Beveridge Have War
of Words In the Senate Dur
ing Bcbate on Cotton
Washington, June S. The house of
representatives passed the Porto Itienn
bill without amendment, as requested
by President Taft. The bill provides
that whenever the legislature shall
fall to make the necessary appropria
tions for the ensuing fiscal year those
for the current year shall be consid
ered as in force and effect.
It also provides that hereafter all re
ports of an otliclal character shall be
made direct to an executive depart
ment of the government of the United
States to be designated by the presi
dent, and such department is author
ized to take jurisdiction of all matters
pertaining to the Island lwssesslon.
The senate chamber was again trans
formed into a mental arena, and Sena-
tor Aldrich. leading the conservatives. tllo ,aPt ,,nrasral,i, of the cotton sched
and Senator IScveridge. heading the . .... rtontpl
progressives, were the chief gladiators.
Both of these senators were frequent-
ly on their feet, and there were many
sharp conflicts between them.
Beginning the session with a vote on
the recommendation of his committee
for a duty of a cents a square yard
and 20 per cent ad valorem on the fal
ric known as window hollands. Sena
tor Aldrich was apparently somewhat
encouraged over the prospect of mak
ing decided headway with the cotton
Ills hopes, however, were doomed to
early disappointment, for Mr. ltever-
ldge took the floor and before he con-
eluded had opened such a gap that
the Rhode Island senator himself
could not resist the opportunity to
walk in.
Mr. P.everldge having said that he
had been Inclined to support the rec
ommendations of the finance commit-
tee. the admission led the chairman ot
the committee to say that he had not
shown such inclination by Jiis vote.
Coming back, the Indiana senator
asserted hN "rlirhf to follow bis con
science rather than the leadership of
any individual.
In the course of bis remarks Mr.
Aldrich. while contending that many
prohibitive tarifTs were justified, said
he never tiad favored a prohibitive
policy. He predicted that In time the
south would become the greatest man-
ufacturer of the liner grades of cotton ,
Boons, l.pplying lo tins assertion, fen- j
ator Bacon declared that If even such
should prove to he the case lie would
not favor an increase of the customs
duties. He believed that natural con
ditions In Georgia or the other south
ern states would prove the best pro
tection for their manufacturers.
The senate then took a vote, which
was on a proposition by Senator Dol
llver which had for its purpose the
striking out of the committee's pro
vision lixlng a duty of 1 cent a square
yard for the process of nierccrization.
The amendment was lost by the un
usually close vote of 32 to !5S.
On this vote eleven Republicans
voted with the Democrats for the
amendment. Senator Jones (Wash.),
who has almost uniformly voted to
uphold the committee on finance, vot
ing with Messrs. Beveridge. Bristow,
Brown, Burkett. Clapp, Cummins, Dol
llver. Gamble, La Follette and Nelson.
One Democrat, Mr. McEnery, voted
with the Republican majority.
When Senator Dolliver offered an
amendment removing rubber goods
from the cotton schedule, under which
all rub'jer goods having any cotton In
them, as lining, etc., are required to
pay a double duty of 50 per cent ad
valorem nnd l.r cents n pound, Sen
ator Aldrich announced that he would
accept It on the tart of the committee,
and it was accepted by the senate
without division. As the result of the
adoption of this amendment rubber
goods will receive no additional duty
on account of having some cotton as
a component part.
After this vote Senator Aldrich
again challenged the attitude of some
of the Republican senators who are
contending for lower duties. He
charged them with playing the part of
brigadier for the Democrats and,
speaking of Senator Beveridge, declar
ed that he had associated with the
Democrats so long that he was adopt
ing their Ideas. He characterized Mr.
Beveridge as the leader of the opposi
tion. Both Senators Beveridge and Cum
mins replied, the former asserting that
he was simply standing on the Re
publican platform, while the latter
stated that he hud been so often cbarg-
ed with being n Democrat that the
I charge did not worry lilm.
! Senator Smith (Mich.) found occa-
slon to attack the position of Sec re-
1 tary MacVcagh as the mouthpiece of
the administration on the tariff situa-
(ion. He intimated that he did not
cousiucr uie mi'iiu meiiiner oi me
i iirrsl.lpiiti nlifiinf rtilinlilo lemlor nn
..... ...... , .... r
una sunjccr iiccause oi ins ioriner
Democratic proclivities.
The Dingley rates were restored on
hosiery, making a reduction of about
Lit ctfnts u dozen pairs from the rates
or me imuse bin.
Contending that the industry would
luffer if the duties on cotton knit
rloves were not Increased, Mr. Lodge
altered an amendment for the finance
committee nr.ikini: the duty T.0 cents
t dozen juiirs and 4." per cent ad vn-
roll call, and the amendment was car- -
ried by a vote or 41 to 4.
The committee amendments to the
paragrapn on couon garters anu lauric
for suspenders were withdrawn by
Mr. Aldrich, and cotton tapes, band
ings and bindings were Included In
the paragraph, which was then agreed
to. Mr. Dolllver and Mr. La Follette
opposed the committee amendment
taking off the duty of Xi per cent ad
valorem on cotton duck and placing
duck under the provisions for taxing
cotton cloth according to value and
count of threads.
The amendment was agreed to, and
He Accepts Offer of Post at Paris to
Succeed Henry White.
Washington. June 8. Robert Bacon,
ex-secretary of state, lias accepted the
ambassadorship to France and will
succeed lienry White at the end of the
Mr. Bacon when he was first offered
the post declined to accept It, prefer-
rI, tlllU Mr wllitll shmU1 1)0 rctan.
!ls .uimSsador: but. lindinv that
President Taft had resolved in any
ewnt to replace Ambassador White,
he finally agreed to accept the position.
Court Orders Passaic Company's Plant
Put Up Again at Auction.
Trenton. X. J.. June S Judge Lan
ning in the United States court here
refused to confirm the sale of Jho Pas
saic Steel company plant at Paterson,
which was sold by the receivers to
former Mayor Lawrence Fagan of Ho
Mnvor Fnsrnn limi'Mit the nronertv nt
....i..tA ,.ni ifina.iiui i...
bondholders claimed that the auction
eer did not give sufficient time to bid-
ders to determine whether they would
go above the bid of $l!)0,or.0.
In this contention they were sup-
1 ... -.. I-1. ... Vwilr,i si,,,, txt ,1m
three receivers. Tire other receivers,
hor.Mii on t.-nlf or woven cotton cloves ' ". . . has been visitni" her sister. Mrs. Charles . .... ,
v-ili -.1 nt more th in ?1 -i dozen I m,m,,:m:"' s,i,u1 ",at UH'y ,,n'1)pcu I Wild of F vt Street Intension for w": isi, .uiss uerina tendent of the Pennsylvania Dtvis-
' ... t .... . w n T i mm mi'm"ar vs,m,Kh mrth to M down a u , .Mtnsion for j.-. Hani, of Beach Lake, was united in . ion of the Delaware & Hudson. C.
m l tl .o 1 Hu i Zon L es ut more , n,Ml draw ' n ",Kk"t "f water' 1 "e PaSt c 7 ' nia"iae ,0 1"al Ki,lal' "f U'-! E- Burr' and Trainmaster. T. H.
1 Tlzc SjrMlim'aner rIS",f; f"r r"r,1,0r travol.,bome on Saturday. The ccrelnonv wa3 performed bv RevJ Rosenstock. who came over from
I?. . v. -Miss HeIen Pelens has return" John A. Tuthill. ' jCarbondale in President Loree's
lad Milorem. Jfr. l.acon uenunueu a . , f i.lnni.i1 ,ln.i iw Lr-.i-o,, ho i,. i r,,, .
i i 4 lif i
John R. Lee and William A. Arnold, Xueva Vizcava province to Paugasl
Insisted that the sale had been con- nan. During the night they eluded
ducted to the best advantage. 1 their guards and disappeared Into the
Judge La nnlng said that affidavits 1 jungle,
were presented fo him that If the prop-, As soon as the next constabulary
erty was put up for auction again a station was reached patrols were sent
bid of at least $50,000 would be made, I out to follow the trail, and these are
and he ordered that the property be still in chase of the fugitives, but their
again offered for sale. , recapture. is considered doubtful.
One Hundred Houses, a Church and
Masonic Hall Burned,
Presque Isle, Me., Juno 8. The en- i
tiro northeasterly section of this vil
lage, where were situated the most
pretentious residences, was swept by
fire, a high wind carrying flames nnd
embers from street to street until
100 dwelling houses, tho Congrega
tional church, Masonic hall and sev
eral other structures had been reduced
to ashes. The loss Is $300,000.
On one side of the burned area was
the yard of the Canadian Pacific rail
way. Here the railroad station and
two large storehouses were burned.
Caribou was unable to send assist,
ance to Presquo Isle because of a blaze
there which destroyed J. 8. Getchell &
Sons' foundry, machine shops and con
tents, with a loss of $30,000.
Belief That the Indiana Has Broken
That For Entrance. t
Indianapolis. Hid., .tune S. If the
lialioon Indiana did not disqualify it-
self by touching earth It has broken
me American cuuuraiicc rcconi. hiiicu i
Kt.ui.1 fur n v.;ir Ml fortv-folir
, " '
Starting in the national distance race
of the Aero Club of America from In-
dianaKilis on Saturday afternoon, two
reports have ttcen recelvd from the
........... . ..... ...... ............ ... ... ..
touched the earth in lennessee and
had taken on water and proceeded. If
this be true the balloon is disqualified '
under the rules of the International
Aeronautic federation.
A second dispatch, signed by the pi-
lot, Carl Fisher, and the aid. G. L.
CIUiuri,ce record.
T10 mnoon st. j,,, ni. dmpiKMl at
Kclso TeMn liavlllc about
34ft nllo!! A- K inij,prt was the pl-
lot and IL E. Honeywell aid. The
other balloons landed as follows: "Business school in New York city.
The New York. A. Holland Forles, , is spending his vacation at his home
pilot, landed at Corinth. Miss., cover- j jn East Honesdale.
ing :i"5 miles in SO hours 10 minutes. Mss Hazel Clifton has return
The University City of St. Louis ed t0 ner nome ln utica. X. Y.. af-
traveled 310 miles, landing nt Blache. ter spending the past two months
Tenn.: time. 25 hours 24 minutes. at tnjs place.
The Hoosler. Captain Baldwin, pilot, j Mlsg Grace Bishop is the guest
traveled 240 miles, landing at Green-jof relatives in Carbondaie.
nrier. ienn. i
Tl... -l..rlnn.l l-in.lo,! nt f V,!,..a
- ' , ,
Intl.. 40 miles. 2 hours ." minutes.
Results of Games Played In National,
American and Eastern Leagues,
At Chicago Clilcagro-New i'ork
postponed by wet wounds.
At St. Ix)uls Brooklyn, 2; St. Louts, a
Batteries Bell and Bergen; Beebe, Bailee
am) Bresnahan.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati, -6; .Boston, L
Batteries Campbell. Roth and McLean;
Ferguson. Mattern and Smith.'
At littsbure Pittsburg. 4; Philadelphia,
3. Batteries LeilleM. Adams and Gibson;
Moicn, Itroun and Dooln.
.v. u r.c.
w. l. r.c. w.
Pittsburg. 29 12 .707 Phila'phia
Chlc-.tgo... -Jt J Brooklyn. 17 23 .110
Now Vork 2) 17 .511 St. Louis. 17 M .395
Cincinnati 21 21 .332 Boston. ... 12 2S .)
At New York New York. 3; Detroit, 1.
Batteries Manning and Kleinow; Sum
mers, Works ami liioekendm f.
At Washington Chicago. S.; Washing
ton. 0. Batteries Walsh and Owens;
Gray and Street.
At Boston Boston. r: St. Louis. 4. Bat
teri.'s Arellanes, Cieotte and C'arrigan;
Graham. Howell ami Smith.
At I'hiladeliihi.-.-Cleveland. 3; Philadel
phia. 1. Batteries Berger and Bemis;
D.;irt. Plan:;. Vickers and Livingstone.
w. I.. P.c.
Detroit.... 27 II Xfi
w L. P.C
Cleveland. IS 22 . 450
New York 22 1.1 ..VC, St. Louis. 17
22 .VA
22 .430
27 .SOS
1 h U'phia 17 .575 Chicago... 17
B .tun.... 22 l: .507 Wash'ton. 12
At Jersey City Baltimcwe, 7;
City. 2.
,,,:,; .
At Providence Newark, 5;
At Montreal-Montreal, 17; Toronto, 2.
At Rochester Rochester, M; Buffalo, 2.
W. L. l'.C. w. L. P.C.
Tnrhfit..r itt r.'j? VflrnirL- ir. in
Tornnt 20 hi .55.; Buffalo.... 17 20 !l53
Montreal., lit p; .54'S Provi'cnct 14 20 . 412
I O itii.n.. 1C ".t 1TI lu.uuii . I ...
UU......W.V. . -J J .... UtlCl j J , 1 1 . TSJ
, . . . .. ...
Three Convicted Tribesmen Were on
.., . .. -. - r-
mZZ June"? tZ fbrn nlve,
.Manila. June S.-The three natives
convh tcd of the murder of Dr. Wll-
Ham James, anthropologist of the Chi -
' igo loluinblan lnnseum. wlio was
killed while studying the hill
several months ago, escaped from
their guards while on the way to' this
c-Ity. where the death sentence was to
have been executed, nnd are still at
large. !
rrlii, iirlcnnnrd wtm lining lirit,f.lif '
! overland through the mountains of
A National Bank Note Whose Origin
the Secret Service Is Tracing.
Washington, June 8. A deceptive
counterfeit ten dollar national bank
tioto bearing tho portrait of William
McKinley has been discovered, and
the secret service Is endeavoring to
trace Its origin.
The counterfeit Is designed with
great cleverness. TUe note is on the
Citizens Central Nntlonal bank of
Xew York city, of the series of 1002
nnd apparently printed from litho
graph plates on two pieces of paper,
between which silk threads have been
distributed. The numbering Is poor,
the figures being irregular In size nnd
alignment, but (he pink seal is excel
len.t both as to color aud workmanship.
Thomas Kcery, of Hancock, N. Y., !
who recently underwent a serious opera-
tion in a Philadelphia hospital, sailed 1
on Saturday last for Italy, where he will j
'remain for a time with hi daughter.
Jjei H'izel
Miss Mabel Kellev. n teacher in the
.- - I
Matamoras high school, has returned for 1
Her vacation to tier home at Lake Ariel. I
ir. John II. Race, president of the'
University of Chattanooga, and a son of
tm. , j f J q
' ' ... .
"""" -....., ...
pnsented with a mansion by the leading
citizens of Chattanooga, if plans now
contemplated bv them are carried out.
Mra 1 J Knox- of Brookvll, wi10 j
. , ,.,cifill ,,or ,,. 'rura'
a visit with relatives at this place.
Miss Margaret Walsh Is spend
ing ; few days with relatives in
Edgar Brown, a student at a
Mrs. John Hurd. of Scranton.
. .. . ... ; ... '
v c rn.. relatives in Hnnesnaie iasL
Deitzer and Frank,
scuuernoiz nave reiurueu nome ai- ,
ter a visit in Philadelphia. They !
spent several days with Fred Schuer-
holz, who is
attending Villanova
Mr. ana jIrs. William Hagen,
of Hazlehurst, Pa., are the guests of
relatives in East Honesdale.
A marriage license has been
granled to Fred Rlckert and Mary
Klrack. both of White Mills.
Miss Tillie Gramus, of Scran-
ton. spent several days last week
with relatives in Honesdale.
A marriage license has been 1
granted to Edward J. Holl and Miss
Kathryn E. Sonner. both of Hones-
Albert Thomas and Herman
Herbert attended Barnum & Bail
ey's circus at Scranton on Monday.
Sidney Roos. of Scranton, spent
Sunday with Honesdale relatives.
Thomas Robinson, of Carbon
dr.le, spent Sunday at this place.
John I.. Wolf, foreman of the
mechanical department of the time past been employed in the cor- disconnected cars rushed hack by
Scranton Republican.. spent Tuesday tilicate department of the Modern , gravity, their momentum smashing
witli his parents, Mr. and Mrs; Geo. Woodmen ollices and is a very popu-i tiie safety block at the head of the
Wolf, of High street. lar young woman. Mr. and Mrs. slope and plunging tho train down a
Miss Elizabeth Baird, secretary Welch will reside at the home of the , oo-degree incline into the mine,
I for the superintendent of the schools groom's father, S3S Twenty-first where 7." men and boys were at
i:. Greensburg. Pa., is visiting at the, street. work. The workmen 'escaped in
home of her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. i jury, but the cars are a complete
John Baird, of East Honesdale. , The marriage of Robert Bailey Mat- j wreck and the mine is badly dam
1 Hon. Alfred Hand, of Scran-1 thews, to Miss Susan Hurlbart. 1 aged.
ton. visited his brother. Horace daughter of .Mrs. Charles P. Mat-
1 Hand, of this place, last week.
Charles McKenna, salesman for
Kellv & Steinman, left Saturday on his
Western trip.
Miss Ruth Kennedy returned to her
IWIl.t. ,1. . II.,, Cdlt- ..AVIIIII, ' . I 1 J II 111,11 I
after spending the past few days with
Miss Grace Erk, of Seelvville.
c. , , . c r .i i
Sidney B. Ackerman, of Portland,
I.. ... .
' "re80,I1' " CteU
ing salesman for the Wayne Cut Glass
j Co. His route includes tl.e Pacific Coast
1 territory.
Thomas Finncrty, of the T. B. Clark
j Co" left Saturday for the South
Miss Mollie Menner left on Saturday
for Poughkeepsie, X. Y., to be present
at the fifth anniversary of her class at
Vassar College.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pemvarden
and children returned to their home in
em .1 . x- ,
Flatbush, X. ., on Monday. Mrs.
Pemvarden and children have been vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corydon
L. Whitney, for the past ten weeks.
Oscar E. Rummetsch is on a busi-
ness and pleasure trip to Xew York city,
this week.
Miss Evelyn Griffin returned to
Scranton on Monday, afterfa two weeks'
visit at home,
Harry and George Garrett, of Hor
nell, X. Y., arrived here Friday, to visit
their father, Isaac B. Garrett, of 11th
street. Harry returned to his home on
Miss Mary A. Parker, of 14th street,
gave a card party last Thursday after
noon, in honor of her friend, Miss Lucky,
of Paterson, X, J.
Earl Sherwood and F. U. Farnham
are in Xew York city this week, on busi-1
Mr. Glazier, of the Union Flint Glass j
Co., of iSoMierville, X. J., visited friends
in town, last week.
William J. McKenna, of the Wayne
Cut Glass Co., left Friday last for a trip
through the Northwest.
William Schloss left on Monday to '
attend the Grand Pow-wow of the Red
Men, to be held at Harrisburg, this
Commander Henry Wilson, and
comrades Graham W atts, Peter Collum
and hdward Cook left for Gettysburg,
1 on Monday morning, to attend the State
aiul Edward Cook left for Gettysburg,
encampment of the Grand Army of the
Yesterday two bovs by the name
of Williams started out to shoot a
crow; the loaded gun was dropped
and discharged. The shot found
lodgment In the legs of one of the
jucuaru . unpin aim wieiia m.
Higguemun, both of Newfoundland,
were married at the Methodist parson-
age in this place, Thursday, June .'id.
The ceremonv was performed bv Rev.
Will H. Hiller, tlfe pastor.
The Rock Island (Ills.) Daily Union
of June 4th, contains the following
wedding notice, which will Interest
many Citizen readers, the eroom be
ing a nephew of Joseph X. and Thos. i
S. Welch, of this town, and a grand- i
son of the late Hiram Ledvard. of
U. . . . .
uui rrcuaui iu usuio . a eu-
-' dine of much surprise and interest to
iRock Island young people was that
of Harrison G. Welch and Miss Lulu I
S- XVeob which took place ,ast Thurs.
dav evening. June 3. l'JOU. at the
home of tUe groom on Twentv-flrst
street at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. H. W.
Reed, pastor of the First Baptist
church officiated. The wedding was
a very quiet affair, only the immedi
ate members of the family being pres
ent and was intended as a surprise to
the hosts'of friends of the young
couple. After the ceremony the
vounir cotinle went out to the Watch
Towtr to aUend the Thirty club dance
lintendine not to notify their friends
of tl.e happv event However, the,
news traveIed uefore tlicm aml .,
their .,ri.iva, ,ho or(.he&tra 9trwl.
congratuiations were showered upon
the bride and groom. Mr. Welch is Lattimer slope ot the Lehigh Valley
the son or Mr. John W. Welch of this; coal Company precipitated a train
city and is traveling salesman for j of is cars into the mine.
Henry Dart's Sons. He is a young The train had just started up
man of much promise and is well, grade from the mouth of the slope
known among a large circle of'enroute for Drifton breaker, when
friends. Miss Webb has for some- the counlinsr broko. At onee the 18
(thews, took place at 1 o'clock on.
'Thursday last at St. Luke's church
.'', " ' , ' ,
Scranton. It was a ery
iiiniiucu uui) it int.- an -
I mediate families, the bridegroom
and his bride leaving town immedi-
I i
...v.. . . - . 1.U.W1. . ll- 1-1W
i mony, which was. performed by the;
.' Rov- Rogers Israel. The maid of
i honor was .Miss Augusta Hurlburt,
0,, f t., ,,,,, ,, ,,.
a sister oi the bride, and Mr. 11-
! ,lam best Te
bride wore irnlnir nw.iv
! There was no reception. The bride-
groom is the elder son of the late
i " llliam -Matthews and the bride
is .i uuiigiiier oi .Mrs. cnanes r. ,tlie C. T. A. U. League notes, in
Matthews, formerly of Philadelphia, j the Scranton Truth which concerns
the parents of both contracting James Moran, whose homo is at this
parties being original Honesdale ! place: "Moran, of the St. Peter's,
people. They will be at home af-j is a shining bit of machinery be
ter the first of August at their! hind the platter. He works all
coy home in Keelersburg,
e wJ'r; 3la"neWB Uas ved for
some years.
TROIjLKY road.
It looks very encouraging for the
rapid building of our trolley road.
ri ne iaure ot .McKay Co.. who find
tne proposition well in hand, was
a blessing rather than detriment to
the building of the road, as a syn
dicate of wealthy trolley railroad
magnates have now purchased all
the rights of the Lackawaxen Rail
road company, and have made ar
rangements for pushing the work
i from now on. The gentlemen are
I experienced men in building and
.1 managing trolley roads and have
been very successful In their opera
tions; owning some ot tho best pay
ing roads In the state of Pennsyl
vania as well as in other states,
They have engaged the building ad
joining tho Farmers' and Mechanics'
Rank, on Main street, as headquart
ers and are engaging men to prose
cute the work at once.
Murad Bey Sentenced For Life.
Constantinople, June 8. Murad Bey,
editor and proprietor of Mizan, has
been sentenced to llfo Imprisonment at
hard labor for participation In the rev
olutionary movement of April 13.
They Ho Not, However, Turry Long
in Our I'lensjint Town.
Quite a number of distinguished
railroad oillcials visited Honesdale
last Friday President F. B. Un
derwood, of the Erie Railroad, in his
. private car. reaching here late in
the afternoon. He was accompanied
by President L. F. Loree and Vice
President. C. S. Sims, of the Dela
ware and Hudson Company, and
. General .Manager C. S. Stuart, and
'Superintendent of Motive Power,
; Thomas O'Day, of the Erie. Await
ing them here was the new Superln-
.tation the D. & H. ofhcials left for
j Wilkes-Barre, where the Erie party
i left for Xew York. The object of
j their visit was announced as a tour
I of inspection; but trom another
source we learn that it was remark
ed that it would decrease railroad
expenses "if Honesdale was not on
the map." By that we presume there
is a movement to make arrange
ments so that Hawley or Carbondaie
will be made a terminal point
woum not be a surprise If the D.
c ii. trains, uottt passenger and coal
ran through Honesdale to Hawley,
although there are those who claim
tmU the Erie is seriously consider-
lnB the tunnelling of the Moosic
mountain with a view of shortening
its route to the west, and that the
D. & H. are anxious to use the
Erie tracks to Binghamton for pas
senger service, using their Nincvah
branch for freight and coal, and in
consideration of the above privilege
will double-track their road from
Honesdale to Waymart, jslvlng .the
Erie the'fighi to-use' the" same.
Eighteen Curs Wrecked. But No One
Injured nt Lattiiucr Slope
i.wiand. Pa .lone' 7 ru
j breakin ot- a t.oupIinB on tho front
that had just started out from the
The Honesdale High School base
I i i i .i ..
. . ' leum 1 earL(l auo,u iiy-iour
1 uonars at tne recent entertainment
at the High school. The team will
1 purchase new suits. On next Sat-
i urday they will journey to Carbon-
dale, where they will play the Car
1 bondale Commercial Institute team.
i Tony Crane, a former member of
, , ' ' ,""v ", ' ul
the local team, and who has been
" emSr of the WilHamsport team
:nf i, rr-..c,o. t .. .
let out to Harrisburg of the same
I league.
t The following article appeared in
the time during the game and he's
ginger from his toes to the top of
his head.
William Steele, of Milfprd. Pa.,
who has been pitching for the Al
toona base ball team of the Tri
States League, has signed a contract
with the Cincinnati team of the
National League and will join the
latter team on August 15, Steele
has been doing fine work for Al
toona aud will no doubt do as well
with Cincinnati. His many friends
here are pleased to hear of his suc
cess. The White Mills base ball team
will open the season on their own
grounds next Sunday afternoon when
they meet the strong MnyHeld team,
game called at 3:30 p, m. ,
445 Moslems and 117 Others Held For
Killing Christians.
Constantinople, June 8. An official
telegram received here from Adana,
Asiatic Turkey, says that 443 Moslems
and 117 non-Moslems have been nr
rested there in connection with the
rioting and massacres of April, In
which thousands of Armenian Chris
tians wero vlalu.