VILLAGE, A Week's Doings in Rural Wayne. Interesting Items Picked Up by Our Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents $ i WHITE MILLS. Juno 2t. Tim White Mills Bed, Whlte and Blue Poultry Clul) met nt Finnmi-n Theatre on Wednesday. ' May 2Gth. Eighteen were enrolled for membership. The following of- licors were elected: President, Jos. Stonlions. vice president. M. .1. Decker; secretary. John Hensey. Jr., treasurer, Win. Hertel, Jr., M. J. Decker and Patrick Gill were ap iiolntod a standing committee to ilnd ot t t..f prices of grain anil Keep the club posted from time to time. ' As all kinds of grain lluctuate in the murkcts the clul) want to take ad- vantage of buying. We expect to hae a poultry show sometime this. fall. The meeting closed to meet again at the call of the standing committee. Mr. and Mrs. William were isltii:g his mother, Mallett Mrs. J.I Mallott, of this place tills week. There was a game of base ball nlaycd here on Sunday between u picked-up team from Honesdale and a few of our boys in town; but it was not our regular team. Charles ! Murphy pitched and Charles Wend-! era catched fur White Mills. White Mills made all their runs in the first 1 Inning. Both teams played an ex- cellent game of ball and they are now just in time to play a hard game whoever may be their oppon - ents. The score was favor of White Mills. to in LA KK VILLK. June 2d. A number of young people from this place spent Me morial Day at Hawley. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howey, on Sunday, May 30th, a j son. "Little Jimnile,' , f, , Mrs L. Cohen, of Long Pond, re-, UCllliy UUIIl'l V UUL till lipl .lllUil IUI appendicitis. He is now in New York City nt tlie homo of his brother. His ninny friends In this place wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Stephen Kimble, of Scranton, spent Memorial Day with her sis ter, Mrs. James Carefoot and fam ily. Mr. and Mra. A. Goble and Vir gie, also Miss Minnie Locklin, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Locklin. Harold Crane and Hnrlen Locklin attended services at Arlington on Sunday. Two yearlings, belonging to Jas. Davey, were badly mutilated by dogs one dav last week. Whose dogs they were is not known. News war. ;( onl iy received of the tlenth of orr lorinc-i' pastor's wife, Mr.--. Rawlings, who died in North Carolivn, .May 20th. 1!lu!J, aged jears. i'.lie was exceptionally kind and affectionate, and much loved by ah who knew her. Tlie Haw lings family, especially the grand daughter, Mlh.i Pheolic Lallarre, have tlie sympathy of, tlie entire coi.".'iunity. y. nr.d Mr's. Floyd Kimblc and little son. of Scranton. also Mrs. M. Mosher, of White Mills, wore the gue; ts of James Carefoot and fam ily on Sunday. Walter Keeslor, of Tal'ton. were callers at A. Coble's on Sunday en route to Lake Ariel. A number from Ledgedale, Ar lington, Hawley, Hoadley, Lake Ariel, and Pink, attended the dance at this place on Monday evening. All reported a very enjoyable time. HAML1XTOX. June 2. It begins to seem almost ing flags, followed by the old sold-, a. D. Stone and his friend, Mr. like spring these days. Cheer up'. lers. At the entrance of the ceme-1 Hoyt, of Scranton; are spending a Itev. and Mrs. L. T. Van Campen, 'tery the Marshal gave the command few days at the home of E. V. Sim of Wallsvllle, visited among their i to "Open Hanks and Forward 0Us. many friends here last week. 1 March," when the soldiers marched a number of markers assigned to Bruce G. Hamlin made a trip to , through under an arch made by the i the G. A. R. were received by John Scranton on Friday. 1 "Ked, White and Blue." They were .Monroe Clark, of Cochecton, X. joined by the President and Marshal Y spent last week with his sister, ! when the graves of the dead soldiers Mrs. Mnrion Franc. j were decorated with Hags and flow- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Simons anders carried by the flower girls. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett were in town Then they halted in front of Coin over Decoration Day. jrade William Chamberlain's grave, The temperance lecture delivered where Comrade James A. Kay took in the M. E. church on Sunday even-i charge of the program. Appropriate ing by Miss Gertrude Cogan, was 1 exercises were rendered, consisting largely attended. Rev. Robert Boyce, of Davenport, N. Y., Is visiting his parents here. He occupied the pulpit in the. M. E. church on Sunday morning and de livered a very Interesting sermon. Leslie Van Campen made a flying visit to this place on Memorial Day. A. M. Clark and F. A. Peet were in Scranton Saturday. Miss Alice Hamlin visited Kings ton and Wllkes-Barre on Thursday last. Services were held in the Presby terian church on Sunday afternoon. They were conducted by Mr. Frank Elder, of Princeton Theological Sem inary, who will continue to hold services here during the summer months. C. L. Simons, daughter Claire, and son Clay, were in Scranton on Fri day. Decoration Day brought many visitors to our little village, and a large crowd attended the services In the M. E. church. These services were held directly after the return from the cemetery, and their main feature was an excellent address by Attorney Harry Hubbler, of Scranton. HAMLET, FARM. WW CLINTON. .Him' 1st. A few celebrated Me- morlnl Day from this section but with land holders mostly It was necessary to stay at homo and cultl-,tC(;i vate tlie sou while it was in such good condition to work. In thl , com lionnern climate ine iurmer . knows no eight-hour day law. Mr. Kellerman, of Scranto-i. v. a.: with us last Sunday and gave uu a short memorial talk niter the ser- nion ny pastor nainoy. ! Miss Ellie Dnnn, of Philadelphia, , who is taking a course of training i for a nurse, is home for a week's , vacation. " ' Paul Cramer is so unfortunate as, to have lost his brown pacer, i "Maud." . Among those who were guests over , tlie memorlnl vacation were .Mr. and i Mrs. Archibald Snedlker and daugh-1 the memorlnl vacation were Mr. and tor, of Piompton; Otto Domerinuth, I 01 Avoca; .Mr. and .Mrs. l-ranic oaru-1 iner and son. Robert, of Carbondale; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Garrett, o! uonesciaie. .miss i-,dyui oann, 01 Carbondale. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Albert Norton, of Dalton. diaries Sanders, of Syracuse, X. Y., recently spent a few days at his father's, Foster Sanders, and his 'sister, Lois, ol Cortland, .. ., is Vspcnding a few weeks at her home I'nlso, and Mary Mulrainey Is here for a short vacation. Elwln Norton, of tlie University of I Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Is ex pected home to-day. I'LKASAXT MOUNT. May ol. Beautiful weather for Memorial Day, which was celebrated l.v n lirtnf nvnrr.lco In Mm nnvV fr.1- . ,, HlI) ,,,. f , t ,ithe cemetery. The following pro son of .Mr. nnd , ,,,.,., ..,. ni t, ..,,. tun tttis i;tuiit;ii uui til Lin; Mailt ,nvocatlont Uev. Fnthel. McCarthy; song America, - uy me Hign scnooi pupils; address, Prot. J. H. Kennedy; I song, by school; address by Hon. J. u. urennan; recitation ot Lincoln's liettysnurg speecti, and doxotogy by I Uev. Schonck. The nddress otProl.l lYuimuu aim .mi-, ureiiiiau are men- ncss, the Hawlev box factory com tioned in highly complimentary nany are calling back their old em- terms by all wbo beard them. Base ball game in the nftemoon between 1 Winwood and Pleasant .Mount re- utlted in a score of six to four in favor of Pleasant Mount. Prof. Deittiek announces the ex-, ercises of coinmoncenient week as 1 follows: liaccaiameate sermon in tne catholic eliurcn Sunday even-, nit. .miih- uin, uy ue. .ic. iii uiy. ni niiia, by High Sdiool pupils on , Tuesday evening. Thursday even- his. social and festival. Graduating , exercises on Friday evening. Thobe tuning pari m tne drama are I'roi. Kennedy. Julia Dunn. Julia O'Neill, . Mehin and Bert Kennedy, Lois Tit-, I any. nek a I'erliain. Corn Peck. .1. i;. nrennan, Jr., Leo lirennan, Ar-, xuv.v i rosiiy, uertrucie bione, viola Alien, Willis Talutor, UalpU Benson, Miss McAvoy, Clarence Moase, Jen- nie Doyle, Lottie Jones, Will O'Haln, Mildred Spencer and Anna Fitze. Oitsox. I .nuie 1st. .iemoriai uay was on- The G. A. R. program, as re served at this place on Monday, May ( ently published In The Citizen, was , !!1st. The weather being very fine executed to-day and the P. O. S. of the exercises were carried out with , much success. At 10 o clock the , parade was tormed Into line at the(ys years old, was present (M. K. cliurcli, with Emory S. Whip-l pie as resident, and John Knapp, 1 soveral days past with a severe at ! Marshal, followed by tho Orson Cor-, tack of the shingles. Dr. Simons is I net Band, the school children, carry- . of song by the company, "America"; prayer by Rev. O. G. Russell; Lin coln's Gettysburg address, by Erie Sheldon; address by Comrade David Wilcox, and recitation by Dr. J. A. Kay. During the exercises tho band renaereu severui appropriate seiec- tions. L,ine ueing again iormeu tne procession marched back to the hall, where an elaborate dinner was served by the Ladles' Aid society, and young ladles of the neighbor hood. After dinner Mr. Whipple called tho people Into the church where tho remainder of the program was given as follows: Song by tho choir; recitation by Mrs. J. H. Shel don, entitled "The Blue and the Gray"; selection by the band; nd'dress by Comrade Rev. Mr. Tower, of Thompson, who was the speaker for the day. Although Mr. Tower Is falling In bodily strength and vitality, he is yet able to deliver a grand speech, and tells of many of the real adventures that he encountered while facing the bullets away back In the sixties. His talk was very much en Joyed by all who heard him, and our prayer Is tliat he may bo permitted to meet with us and tell more of his experience in the future. Short ad- dresses were given by Comrades E. Martin, David Wilcox, Hoss N. Lee, H, D. Hall, James A. Kay, and Mr. Tower. The band furnished several very appropriate selections, which had been nicely prepared under the skilled leadership of DeVere Cham berlain. The band furnished Ice cream nnd refreshments of all kinds during the day. We fall to recall a year whon the exercises of Memorial Day were carried out with such grand success as they were this year. Those that were elected as officers and com mittees were Emery Whipple, Presi dent; John Knnpp, Marshal; com mittee on entertainment, Misses E. P. Harlow, E. S. Whipple, J. H. Sheldon and Mrs. Stephen Jay. Miss Sarah Whipple was elected as table commit' nnd ci,oso her own help for walt- in!r on tnble. The nroceeds of the jay wt10 jni.f.u. There is some xpwes to he paid and the remainder Is ein ally divided between the church .....j ti, hand. sVli, j. v. Lewis accompanied her llttlo m-nnddauchter. Helen, to Wup- plngor Falls, N. Y. Helen has spent tllli 1)n9t yenr llere iul(1 nor lnnny ttic fplends regret to see her go. Ars, i,0Vs experts to remain a week with her son, George. Mrs. Alvlra Box is visiting relatives al tns ,,iace. WILSHXVILLK. Juno lfjt. Mrs. IJrigham, of Port jt,rVH. i,.,s come to spend the sum- ,,,.. ...lth ilul. 1nlronts. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wliele. Uviou Tattle, of Ashley, came to ,iasS) Memorial Day with Ills fam- jjy. Flora iichults attended the recep tion given by Mr. Creasy to his graduation class on Wednesday even lug at his home at Hawley. .Miss t-litilt Is a member of the class. A paity of men, some from Haw ley and this place, have been remov ing the debris from the river, mak ing it navigable now between here and Ledgedale. During the winter many trees had fallen Into the stream obstructing the passage. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Pennell en tertained Henry Hartfleld of New York city from Snturday until Mon day afternoon. Mr. Hartfleld Is cashier for the banking firm of Hartfleld. Solan Si Co., located on Wall street. Fred Bea, ot Honesdale, was a suest of his parents. Frank Bea and wlfe. on Memorial Day. M, schults. who Is connected with a ,,rlntlnE business in New York. Is home to seU(i tne sumnier with his family. owing to an increase in their bus! payees, some having been laid off during the winter. Albert Whole 1)0ng one Gf them, is again at work, Thus wo HOo good times gradually . oniing this way. ' sTKKLINfi. jay For nearly a year past, pm.y Musgrave has been living with liK brother-in-law, Charles Forgu- ;i0Ui iu nroouiyn, N. Y.. and although lit, worked every day, he attended nSi,t school for several months, lie is now Hpendlng a few days with his 0i,i friends in this section. George Howe is home from Moosic on a SUOrt vacation. necently Elsie Drown was elected Superintendent of the Jericho Sun- (jay School. Last winter Miss Phillips, a train- ea mirse of Scranton, took care of Mrs. Alice Catterson while sick, and iast Sunday, accompanied by ilriend, she made .Mrs. Catterson a visit. a. and Sunday school participated. Mrs. Alvira Portree although about s. B. Bortree has been laid up for treating him Smith and placed over the graves of the dead veterans. On account of an insufficient number being receiv ed, there will be some graves without them. A valuable colt belonging to E. V. Simons got caught In a barbed wire and had a nasty gash torn In his fore leg. Jolm Smith and his niece, Miss Cassle Smith, were in Newfoundland one day last week. Ike Simons, our fellow townsman, is a candidate for the nomination of jury Commissioner and should re- j ceive the support of every Republican 1 jn this township XKWFOUXl UjANI . June 2d. The Rev. A. D. Timelier, of Bethlehem, Pa., will preside nt the of ficial opening of the new Moravian church, at Canadensis, on Sunday next. Mr. and Mrs. Winchester, Mr. and Mrs. Anness, Mrs. McConoughy, Mrs. Griflin, nnd Mrs. Mooney, all of Jersey City, who have been stopping for the past week with Win, Heberling, return ed home on Monday. The Kings' Daughters will meet on Friday. A. Brown is building a new concrete walk to lead from his front porch to tho street. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, of Strouds burg, spent Sunday at II. B. Smith's They made the trip in Mr. Williams's automobile. Dr. Decker, who has his office in Phil- ndclphia, is home for a few days, on a fishing vacation. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Coursen, of Scran ton, are spending tho week with II. U. Smith. Kev. 11. B. Belles, ot Shickshinny, preached to the members of the G. A. It., nt the Evangelical church, on Sun day Inst. His subject was most inter esting, and his address was highly ap preciated by those present. The Glee Club rendered several selections that were above the ordinary. Music, like a great ninny other tilings, needs prac tice, and lots of it, and if the boys would give a little more of their time to prac ticing we would have a glee club second to none in the county. The talent is here, so get together, boys, and let us hear from you more often! An automobile party compied of Mrs. J. Simpson, l'loreiice and Helen Simpson, Miss hteuftit, Mis. Hairy Simpson and son Jack, and Mrs. Sieg, of Scranton, took dinner at tlie Paupack Valley House, on Tuesday. HAYTIAN GIRLS RIDE ASTRIDE. Costume Resembles Trailing Gown of a Mediaeval Noblewoman. It Is of llttlo importance to Hayti and Its people what the other Powers think of It. The llttlo black republic goes right ahead with Its voodoolsm, Idol worship and other strange cus toms without regard for the feelings of the missionaries stationed there. Naturally enough the civilized custom of a woman using a side saddle for horseback riding does not appeal to tho semi-savage nature of .the Inhabi tants. Of course,, not many Haytians are prosperous enough to own horses for use solely under the saddle. But thoso who do dress their women In tho strangest riding habits yet de vised. As the riders are Ignorant of such an invention as tho side Baddle, their riding hublts are built to fit tho lines of an ordinary leather saddle. In effect those garments are simply a baggy pair of trousers, ending at tho ankle In front but hanging in many folds almost to tho ground at tho back. Seen a slight distance away, however, the costume resembles the trailing gown of a mediaeval noble woman when riding, and Its pictures quuness is enhanced by the Haytian style of headdress. That "Blue" Feeling. The use of the wo'd "blue" to do note melancholy or terror, as In tho phrases to "feel blue," "blue devils," a "blue funk," and on so, Is not en tirely figurative, if we are to credit a recent medical writer. The class of phenomena that Includes fainting, vertigo, nausea, etc., is controlled by certain brain centers that also bring about a sort of cramp of the external mrscles of tho eye. The result. ;ig compression of the organ causes ob jects to look gray or bluish, and ulti mately produces apparent darkness. Tho use of tho word, having a physio logical basis, is common to many lan guages. The French say, for instance: "I see blue." A writer says that :ho French word oblouissomont (giddi ness) should bo spelled obleuissement, and has tho same origin. Peppermint and Tobacco. If you liavo a boy who has begun smoking too early nnd whom you wish to cure of the habit, feed him pepper lr.ents. Dr. O. Clayton Jones of Sll-ve'-ton, England, writing in the Lon don Lancot, is authority for this sim ple cure. Dr. Jones writes: "To break tho smoking habit In a youth there is nothing better than pepper mint drops. Ho cannot smoke with a 'bullseye' In his mouth, and even for some time nfter It Is dissolved tobac co will not blend kindly with the taste that remains. Socially the cure may seem worse than the disease, but from a medical point of view the suck Int of peppermints is far less hurtful. A common 'bullseye' will prevent striking for nearly an hour, so tho amount of sweets used need 'not bo great." For Sore Feet. Corns and bunions are very obsti nate Ills to overcome. But If direc tions are followed faithfully they may be cured, at least to such an extent that they will not be sore and painful. The following formula, If used, twice a day, will, In time, greatly relieve both corns and bunions: Fill a small bottle one-third full of very fine table salt, then fill the bot tle with coal oil In which a table spoonful of vinegar to every gill of oil Is used. You must be careful and wear shoes and stockings that fit you perfectly. Bathe tho feet dally, but do not soak them. Change your stock ings at least every other day, and do not wear the same shoes on the street that you wear In the house. Inter Ocean. Our National Forests. The recent proclamations setting aside the Ocala National Forest In North Dakota bring tho number of states possessing such forests belong ing to the United States up to 20, It Alaska be Included. Of these forests, Arkansas has two, but all the others, except the new ones In Florida and North Dakota, are In tho Rocky Mem tata or Pacific coast states. It is ex pected that the Ocala Forest area, which covers 201,480 acres, will be come densely covered with tho sand p!n. No part of the area rises aore then 150 feet abovo sea-level. Tfce Dakota Forest Is In the Bad Lands re gion, and much Is expected from Its lnf-'ence, since North Dakota is tio lee forested state in the Union. Tho now forest covers 14,080 acres. foort Jgiermons; For a Theme: POWER AND RESPONSIBILITY -i- By Rev. Kaufmann Kohler Text: "They helped every one his neighbor; and every one said to his brother, Be of good courage." Isaiah, xll., 6. The favorite word of our ace Is power. Wo no longer dread the forces of nature; wo have learned to subju gate tho fiery steeds and hitch them to our chariot, to carry us triumph antly with lightning speed across earth and' sea and do our bidding; we liavo turned tho rays of the sun and all the things hidden in the soil Into sources of human power, and we rate men and nations, the trades and tho sciences, even knowlodgo und char acter, by the power they yield. But there Is something crude and selfish In that universal strife 'id struggle for power. For where t'-re in victory on one side there Is defeat on the other. Every success hore im plies failure there. Power can be .10 end to Itself; It may bo used well or misused; It may become the means of uplifting or of crushing others.' Pow er Is a trust. It emanates from a higher Power, which is benign and list. It is givon to God's children for help, not for harm. It must, In order to bo u gift of heaven, prove a source of strength for the feeble. It must not overawe and overwhelm, but pro tect and shield the powerless. The greatness of our age con-ts not In the powerful machlner; have Invented, in tho mighty st m and electric forces which proclaim man's dominion over nature, nor In the great organizations of labor and capital that make tho achievements of marvellous enterprises possible, nor even In those intellectual forces, such as science, Hteraturo and press, which Interlink tho lands and the na tions and unify the world. The deep spiritual current underlying and over ruling all movements and alms of our century, "the still, small voice" heard in the recesses of all hearts to'-day, is the word "responsibility." Every hu man woe that comes to our notice, every condition of wretchedness that we encounter, the fierce social strug gles and the exasperating labor strikes which wo watch with abated breath hold before our minds with every greater improsslvenoss the les son of responsibility. True, in our everyday experience wo are inclined to regard power as the means of controlling llfo for self ish purposes and each privilege as the opportunity of personal enjoyment and ease. The man who stands at the top of the social ladder is, ns a rule, regarded by those beneath him as one who has great resources of pleasure and mighty advantages for personal aggrandizement open to him, and therefore made an object of envy and jealousy, if not of malice and hatred. Nor can it be denied that tho great majority of men are so prompted by selfish aims and motives as to be ever eager to abuse power and privilege by indulgence in passion and green. On the other hand, tho less fortunate, 110 less guided by narrow, selfish feelings, behold In this anequallty of life the favoritism of Providence and rebel against this cruelty of fate. This is an altogether erroneous view. There are no favors in. God's world but In volve also greater obligations. Each power we obtain Imposes upon us some new responsibility. There Is no such a thing as equality in llfo. Na ture did not fashion all flowers and trees alike. Its beauty consists In Its variety of form and color, In its con trasts of high and low, of strong and feeble. Neither are all men moulded alike, physically or intellectually. There is only one way of counten ancing the contrasts of life. "Let not the wise glory In his wisdom, neither let the mighty glory in his might, nor let the rich glory In his riches; but let him that glories glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord who exercise lov ing kindness, Judgment, and righte ousness in the earth: for In these things I delight, saith the Lord" (Jer.. lx., SS, 24). Every distinction in rank and power must mean higher tasks, greater responsibilities; every privi lege granted must rouse a keener senao of duty and assert a greater claim of helpful love and protection for the less privileged. Mutuality Is the magic spell of happiness; it is the watchword, the message of the age. Life Is assuming a new meaning for us. The upper classes dare no longer Idle away their time in mere pleas ure seeking, shutting their eyes to tho misory and woe of those huddled to gether In filthy quarters, and saying, with Coin, "Am I the keeper of my brother?" They are learning the les son of responsibility. They can no longer in false conceit hold aloof from the child of the gutter, whose" ignor ance and shame are sure to become a source of peril to them. Responsibility has become the ral lying cry of the better classes throughout our land, throughout the world. The wide gjilf yawning be tween tho enlightened and the ignor ant, everywhere clamors for heroic actions to counteract the physical and moral corruption exhaling its deadly poison among tho poverty stricken and threatening the safety and the purity of every home and every life. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorncvs-at-Lnw. H WILSON, . ATTOnNEY & COUNBELOn-AT-I,AW. Olnce. .Masonic beildlu;, second floor Houusdaiu, l'a. w M. II. LEE, ATTOHNEY & Olllce over post olllce. All U-roI business promptly attended to. llonesdiue. p3"1633 "LT C. MUMKORD, Jl. ATTORNEY 4 COt?.'SKr.01!-AT-I.AW. i.V.'winT I'11),Sr,y "."V b",lllIhiR. opposite the Post Olllce. Honesdale, I'll. HOMEli GREENE, ATTOHNEY A COl?NREI.OK-AT-I,AV. Olllce over Kelt's store, Iloncsdalu l'u. AT. SKAULE, . ATTORNEY A COt'NSEI.OK-AT-I.AW. Olricc near Court House Jlunesttale. l'a. 0L. ROWLAND, ATTOHNEY Ji COt'NBEI.OH-AT-l.AW. Olllce over Post Olllce. Ilonesdnle. Pa. nilAULES A. McCAHTY, J ATTORNEY & COl'NSEI.Oil-AT-I,AW. Special anil prompt nttcntlcm (jlven to the collection of cliilins. Olllce over itelf's new store. Honesdale. l'a. P. KIMBLE ATTORNEY & COTNVEI.OR-AT-I.AW. Olllce over thu wist olllie Honesdale. l'a. MK. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY & COfXSKI.OIt-AT-l.AW. Cilice iii tlie Court House, Honct-dnle, Pa. HERMAN HAISMKh, ATTORNEY A CorNSEI.OR-.n-I.AW. Patents and pcnslonx secured. Olllce la the Seluierlmlz Imlldliii; llimesdale. l'a. PKTEK II. 1LOKK, ATTORNEY A C'OfXSEI.OR-AT-I.A W. i,n !1i!7i'i'l'""lli '.'"'K oU1 "vlnss Hank luillillni,'. lloiiesdnle. l'a. M. SALMON, I. ATTORNEY A COt'NSni.OH-AT.t.AW Olllce-Next iloor to post olllce. l'ormerl Dentists. -nil. K. T. BROWN, XJ DENTIST. Otllce First floor, old Kavinsjs Hank build ing, Honesdale, Pa. Dr. C. 15. KKADY, Dkntist, Honesdale, Pa. OrncE Hoi'its-tJ a. ni, to 5 p. m. Any evening by appointment, Citizens' phone. 33 Residence. No. 81KY Physicians. DR. II. B. SEARLES, HONESDALE, PA. Olllce and residence 1116 Church street Telephones. Olllce Hours 2:U0 to 1:1X1 and 7:00 to S:UU. u. in UllEKIl-T'S SALE OK VALUABLE yj I! HAL KSTATK.-Ily virtue of priiei-s is sued out ot the Court of Common Pleas of Wiis ne county, and Slate of Pennsylvania, and to me directed and delivered. 1 have lev led on and will expose to public --ale. at tlie Court House in lloiicvlalc, on TIiritSDAY, Ji'.VK II). VM, at ' v. . the following described property viz: Ail of defendant's rlaht. title and Interest in the following deseiibed property viz: All those two certain lots of laud situate In the townlili) of Divher, county of Wayne, Male of Pennsylvania, as billow-' : First lot-l'.l.(iINMN(i at stones corner on , line between the township of Divher and I.e lih'b. and line of land of Wallace estate and le'iterof pulil!,- road leadhiL- from AugeN to (loiildsboici: Ihenre by -aid Wallace land -until live degiees eiit cK'lity-rotir rods to atones corner: theme by kind ot ,1.1. (iear bari south elglity-llve degrees west fortv rods to stones corner ; thence by same mirth th e degrees west one hundred mils to uiiild of said load: thence along middle of sal road and laud of li'ertruile M. Dobsoii tonlac of beginning. CONTAIN IX', twenly-tbree acres, moieoi' less, ilelng same land which John P. u.w. by deed daled Aug. 7. lliul, recorded in Wayne county, granted to Oeitrude M. Dobsoii : and same land which liertrude M. Dobsoii. by deid dated April 15. I'.Hll.and Intended to be recorded, granted to (ieorge Slll. e-. .second lot - i:i-.f;INNl.(iat theccnter post of the one bund led acre tract of laud at Wolf's laud: thi'iue along said Wolf line eighteen degrees east twenty-nine rods to i enter of the North ami South turnpike road: tlieneu along center of said turnpike seventy-tlneo degrees to Hue of Wolfs and ; thence along said Wolf's land south eighty-three degnes west eighteen rods to center of liurke road: thence along center of liurke road one hun dred and ten rods to stones corner: thence east one hundred rods to the place of begin ning. CONTAIN NO forty-nine acres and eighty perches. lielng same land which John P. ( u.w, by deed dated .May 21. 11112. and recorded In Wayne count j . In Deed Dook HI. page 4M0, granted to (ieorge Silfees. Seized and taken in execution as tlie prop erty of Ocorge Silfees at the suit of Benjamin Brink, use. No. .11 Murcli term. llKjil. ,ludg inent. $100. Kimble, Attorney. ALSO. Allot defendant's right. title and Interest in till following described property viz: All those two lots, pieces or parcels of land situate in Paupack township, county of Wayne and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and-descrlbed as follows, to wit : One piece thereof JiKGINN'IXCJ ut n part on the north ern corner of the lot, corner of land formerlj owned by one Harry Purdy : thence by lands latoof Henry Ochs, south one hundred and three rods to a corner; thence by same north sixty-nine and one-half degrees west llfty fotirand one-half rods: north thirty degrees west thirty-one rods to the line of the said Purdy lands: and thence along said line north fifty and one-half degrees east eighty eight rods to the place of beginning. CON TAINING twenty-three acres and thirty eight perches of land, be the same mure or less. Tlie other piece or parcel of land thereof i 11F.UINN1NG at a stone corner, also corner of the foregoing lot ; thence by said lot north one hundred and three rods to a stone cor ner: thence by lands of Charles Utt north fifty-two degrees east llfteen rods to a stone corner; thence south fifty-two undone-half degrees east nineteen rods to stones In mill brook: thence by Selser lot south twenty eight degrees west twenty rods, south forty four and one-fourth degrees east forty-eight rods, south forty-live degrees west one hun dred and thirteen rods to tho lauds of one Klchsteen; thence along said Jtlchsteen lands north about tlfty-eight degrees west twenty two rods to' stake and stones corner between the dug run of the old mill and tho natural channel of tho Purdy mill brook : thenco south forty-eight degrees west twenty rods to corner of the Henry II olden lot: thence by said lot north seventeen and one half degrees west fifty-tour rods to a stones corner ; thence by same north three-fourths of one degree east forty-two rods to stoivs on the bunk of suld brook ; thence by lands of Charles Utt, south two and one-half de grees east twenty-six rods to center of brook: tnence north tlfty-two degrees east eleven rods to stones; thence by one Kohns lot south thirty degrees east thirty-one rods to a pine stump ; and thence by samo lands south sixty-nine and ono-hnlf degrees east llfty-four und one-half rotls to place of be ginning. CONTAINING thirty acres of land, be the snme more or less. Jlelng sumo land which John Kngermann, by deed dated 18th day of Starch, ib05, granted and conveyed to Anna Goertz nnd Ottllo Stelnhaus, Upon said premises Is a two-storji frame house and barns ; about one-half improved laud. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Anna Goertz, Charles Goertz and Ottile Stelnhaus. at the suit of Friend L. Tuttle. No. m March Term, 1909. Judgment, $300, Mumford, Attorney. Takk Notice. All bids and costs must be paid on day of .sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEE BHAMAN. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Honesdale, 5 May 7 1909. J