The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 28, 1909, Image 8

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Tension In Georgia Railway
Strike Increases.
Mayor of lithonia Threatens to '
, , . . .
nunaemn rrovisions on Biaing mlt r Htrl(lt )1M, i ,ty oml the Tut
and Tell Citizens to Help tonhitui corner, about the middle of!
Thpmsplvpq t,l( "'S(''
inemseives. Jockey .T. II. Martin shot over his
mount's head to the ground as Sir
i Martin stumbled, and with him fell the
Atlanta, Oa May liT.-Thc. tension , MIICS f ,mir,.d f confident Amcrl
in the Georgia railway llremon'H strike 1 can onlookers, and f'tOO.OtM) of Ainetl
is Increasing with every hour's delay ! can money was lost. This larne
In settling; the race question Involved. ' amount placed on Sir Martin sent his 1
United States malls hold up since the P'leo ! " 1 nmrte I'1"1 " "' ,
bettlimliiK of the week, a dozen conn- llml favorite for a time. .
tics faclnt; demoralization of business , Kl,,e,;l, n-v l'l'ftly was the ,
and the race Issue bronKht continually
Into unwholesome prominence were
the factors which spurred the negotia
tions through hours of discussion In
conferences for terminating the strike.
Governor Smith and General Man-1,,,,
ager Scott of the Georgia railroad had
a long conference, at which was tils-
cussed the liability or submitting the -Ul0 tlin nml m for(.m.nd was bleed
dispute to a board made up of men ' , fn n t.ut wlu,ro (ll0 lluof of om,
conversant with local conditions ahum .i n... i i,t.., 1
the railroad. United States Comnils-1
hIi.ii of Labor Nelll bad another en- j
ference with (tovcrnnr Hoke Smith.
Various towns hi the strike district
took Inventory of their visible supply
of food. Madison reported at IeaM
fifteen days of plenty In prospect,
, Washington reported a shortage in
yeast and prices rising. At Lillmul.i
Mayor Brand said:
'If supplies should run short and It
becomes necessary I shall simply con
demn the Iraluload of perishable pro
visions now on the siding at l.llhouli
and tell the to help lltcm
soH es."
There ar? eleven cars of provisions
at I.illiiinia. and Ice has been supplied
to maintain The perishable portion of
Hieir contents In gonl idliioii.
In addition to the visible supplies the
towns have their visible means of, headed by a tnulhm
endue traveling nearlv a' mile and a
half per hour, automobiles with dar-
Ing drivers and dangerous roads, mule ,
teams with negro drivers and cracking
whips, altogether a combination wliMi
has furnished a bright side to the
strike and many a holiday prank for
rural communities.
This good nature of the country
along the silent railroad was a reas
suring feature during the negotiations
In Atlanta, for one of the gravest
aspects of the strike has been the tin-
coin j uoiMisiiii 1 ii
backed it all along the line. 1
An offer of aid In moving the malls
was sent to Washington by Vice I'res-
ident Ball, who Is conducting the
strike and. who wired the postmaster
general that he would be glad to con- 1
fer Willi any representative of the
...I...- .1 !.!... 1
postoiuce ticpuruueiu iiesigimicti oy .
him to aid In getting the malls through.
The handcar which Is carrying mall
out of Atlanta went nearly forty miles
to Union Point.
, Six strike breakers who left the em
ployment of the Georgia railroad com
plained to the Atlanta pollco-rotniuls-slon
that they bad been brought here
by misrepresentations and had been
practlcaUv prisoners for several days
In a how, llnally getting Into commu
nication with strikers by notes dropped
from the windows.
General Manager Scott of the rall-
road practically refused to consider
any basis of settlement that does not
permit recognition of tho seniority of
eertahi negro firemen. Mr. Scott, how
ever, has not refused outright to enter
into arbitration.
Mr. Scott urged Governor Smith to
issue n law and order proclamation In
the communities bordering the rail
road. Governor Smith maintained his
previously announced attltudo that un
til there hare appeared some definite
dangers that property will be destroy
ed or lives jeopardized no such procla
mation should be issued.
Pioneer 8llk -Manufacturer Dies.
South Manchester, Conn., May 27.
Colonel Frank W. Cheney, secretary
and treasurer of Cheney Bros, nnd a
pioneer In silk manufacture, died sud
denly nt his homo hero from heart
disease, aged seveuty-soven.
Weather Probabilities.
Partly cloudy; light to moderate vari
able wiudB.
First Time an English Monarch Has
Won the Derby.
Loudon, Mny 27. Klni; LMward'a j
victory In wlnnltij: tlio Derby with hN j
i colt iMInoru Is enthusiastically ' no i
claimed nil over England. It Is the
1 firnt time n klnu of England has won 1
the blue ribbon.
W. lhiphaol's Ktnivlors. with Kranco'M
isdnr Inelfoc Kfnrn. mi Ids hnek. wim n
cl.s. second, and Lord MlchelhnmV I
William IV. wns a pood third.
The American bred colt, Sir Mnrtln,
which every one had reckoned ns MI-
mini's foremost rival, was crowded
yYimm (wm,r ((f sr MurtIn
ald that It was a regrettable accident, I
but nothing more.
At Hie time of the nccldent Ilnx'k- i
i.111(Is .vas i,.n,uK. with Louvlers close I
n(1 sir Martin, Mlnorti, lhiynrdo
,1(1 Valens forming the second lllght.
jot.S,.v f,utii was badlv rtazod from
Hi uiu iillll-l mn.M-.-t mot hl,l'A ....ii.
Machinists and Boilermakers Demand
Pay by the Hour.
Baltimore. May li". A committee
representing the machinists, black
smiths und bollermakers of the Balti
more and Ohio railroad called upon
Superintendent J. B. Harris and laid
before him a new working agreement
calling for the payment of all the men
on the hour basis Instead of by the
piece work rule, the attempt to Intro
duce which In the erecting shop at
Mount Claire, this city, was the cause
of the strike now on there.
The members of the committee de
manded that Mr. Harris accept the
new agreement or agree to a confer
ence upon It within twenty-four hours.
Action of any sort was, however, re
fused by Mr. Harris, who Informed
the men that they would have his re
ply on or before June 14.
A subseipient call by the committee
upon Third Vice President Potter of
the Baltimore and Ohio failed to
change the situation, whereupon the
committee decided to refer the matter
to the presidents of the several unions,
This Is believed to materially in-
crease the probability of a general
strike In the shops of the B. and ().
Episcopal Convention Hits Church
Fairs, Raffles and Chances.
New York, May 27. Gambling at
'liurch fairs, which was attacked yes
terday by Bl.-hop Frederick Burgess at
the opening of the annual convention
ot the diocese of Long Maud at Gar-
.leti City, was condemned again In the
report of the social service committee
'ubmllted to the convention,
The a erage man's morality was also
'"!'' ""' subject of recommendation
r'I"rt. which urged in this re-
5I"",t n,i" 1Iu' clergy should In plain
1,1,1 uumMnkuble words preach from
ml,Us !J"S1M'1 ki('ll1" ,llilt
,m'n ll,v mnw ,no' ol'-
ations to be chaste as women."
The committee recommended that
"all churchmen should assist in the
suppression of gambling lirst, by urg
ing olllcials to do their duty and en
force the laws to stop the open forms
'if gambling: second, by using their
personal inlluence to discourage all
1 '
I-"'''" f pmibllmr. Including milling,
chancing or the giving of any article
vam, , ,,, ll(1(;Isnn ,)f
John L. Griffiths of Indiana Will Get
post t London.
Xew York, May 27. Robert J.
Wynne has resigned his position ns
consul general in London nnd will be
succeeded by John L. Grltllths of In
fllana, who Is now consuj at Liverpool.
Mr. AVynne has served ns consul gen
eral at London since March, 1005. He
was appointed first assistant postmas
ter general early In the administration
of Theodore Koosevelt and later be
came postmaster general upon the
death of Henry C. Payne.
Mr. Griffiths has been prominent In
Indiana politics for many years. He
entered the consular service in Mnrch,
The consul generalship at London Is
one of the five which draw the maxi
mum consular salary, ?12,000 a year,
It used to l)e worth about $75,000 a
year, but has been, placed on a Balary
basis since Wynne went there.
Secret Service Men Raid Plant on Con
necticut Farm.
"Wilton, Conn., May 27. Captain
Flyim of the secret service nnd six of
his men raided a counterfeiting plant
on a lonely farm four miles from here.
Three men were arrested, and a com
plete plant for making silver coins
was confiscated. In addition presses
for making paper money were seized,
with a quantity of the Indian head
five dollar silver ccrtlllcates.
Upon information procured there
three additional arrests were made In
New York, The Connecticut prisoners
arc all Italians,
Senator Bristow Advocates
Reduction of Duty.
Burrows of Michigan Also Con
demns the Trust's Fraudulent
Practices In the Evasion of
Duty on Its Product.
Washington. May 27. The senate
continued the discussion of the sugar
duty In the pending tariff bill, and
Senators Burrows of Michigan nnd
Smoot of Utah, both of them mem
bers of the llnance committee, spoke
in support of the duty fixed by the
Mr. Bristow, the new senator from
Kansas, was the only advocate of a
reduced rate. He presented an amend
ment eliminating all reference to the
Dutch standard in determining the
grade of sugar. Referring to the at
titude of the so called "progressive"
senators, Mr. Bristow declared that, In
stead of wanting to destroy tho sugar
Industry, they were the best friends of
that interest as they were of the pro
tective policy. Their desire, he said,
was to prevent graft nnd greed on the
part of tho trusts.
Mr. Bristow urged that German re
fined sugar cannot compete with Amer
ican sugar even with an ndvantage of
31 cents per hundred pounds over the
American price after the duty has been
paid. The claim made was that the
difference in the price at Hamburg nnd
New York wns not sufficient to make
It possible for the German sugar to
compote, considering tho higher qual
ity of the American sugar.
Mr. Bristow said he could not un
derstand why tho representatives of
the beet sugar and cane sugar pro
ducers opposed his proposition. "I
can see only one answer," he said,
"and that is that they are weak and
nre afraid to antagonize this great
commercial power."
Condemning In vigorous language
the fraudulent practices of the sugar
trust in the evasion of duty, Senator
Burrows defended the sugar schedule
of the tariff bill In the Interest of the
beet sugar Interests of Michigan. He
maintained that within the United
States alone more sugnr could be pro
duced from beets than Is now needed
by the entire world.
The sugar trust In order to injure the
beet sugar Industry had spread the
report among senators, he said, that is
Is In league with that Industry. Mr.
Burrows presented communications
from all the beet sugar factories of
Michigan denying that the sugnr trust
had any Interest In any of them.
"And I hope," he added, "that these
affidavits will be sufficient to warn
senators against these reports."
Mr. Smoot asserted that the propor
tion of Interest of the sugar trust in
the beet sugar Industry was less than
"it per cent. He proposed, he said, to
show that neither the dictatorship nor
the prollts of the trust were as enor
mous as had been claimed. From 1IKM 1
to 11)01. he said, beet sugar factories
had increased 'n numbers, but the un
certainty of legislation bad In recent
years prevented a further Increase.
Concerning the profits of the sucar
trust in refining, Mr. Smoot calculated
that, Instead of being .fS,7-l!).2!)0 a year,
as reported by trade Journals, they
wen; $1.!I."7,!5-I8 less than that amount,
the portion of the trust's Income repre
resented by the latter figures coming
from an Invested surplus. He also had
made careful calculations, which con
vinced him that the price received by
the trust on refined sugar above the
price paid for Its raw material was
Ki.!! cents per hundred pounds with
which to pay for refining, etc.. and
out of which lis prollts must come.
He quoted tho prices of sugar for the
last nine years to show that under the
Dlngley law they had been reduced.
The best way, he said, to further re
duce the price wns to encourage the
building of beet sugar factories and
the production of sugnr in this coun
Boy Runs In Front of Automobile Near
Hio Father's Home.
Pittsburg, May 27. Merrill Trees,
the twelve-year-old son of Joseph
Trees, a millionaire oil operator aud
president of the Wabash Gas com
pany, was Instantly killed when he
rnn In front of an automobile near his
father's home here.
For several hours his identity was
not known, aud as his parents did not
miss him no senrch was made for him
till he was found In the morgue.
No arrest was made, as the police
learned that the chaffeur bad stopped
his machine to await the passing of
several pedestrians and that the boy
ran in front of the automobile just as
he started It up again.
Governor Hughes Signs Subways Bill.
Albany, N. Y., May 2T. Governoi
Hughes signed tho Travis-Robinson
bill, designed to permit tho building of
additional subways in New York city
by privnte capital, public funds or by
assessments on tho property benefited.
New Blihop of Maryland.
Baltimore, May 2T. Rcy. John
Gardner Murray, rector of St Mi
chael and All Angels' church, this city,
was chosan coadjutor bishop of the
Protestant Episcopal diocese of Mary
laud, with the right of succession.
Chicago Man Goes to U. S.
Senate From Illinois. I
Deadlock Which Lasted For Pour
Months Broken on Ninety-fifth
Ballot by Coalition of Repub
licans and Demoorats.
Springfield. 111.. May 27. - On tho
nlnety-llfth ballot Congressman Wil
liam Lorlmer of Chicago was elected
to the United States senate to succeed
Senator Albert J. Hopkins, whose term
expired on March 4.
The breaking of tho deadlock, which
began 011 Jan. 1!) and was the longest
In the history of Illinois, was brought '
about by a coalition of llfty-three
Democrats and fifty-live Republicans. 1
Speaker Kit ward ShurtlcIT, elected to '
the chair of the house last January by .
a coalition of Republicans und Homo-
irats, cast the vote in the Joint assem
bly which insured Lorlmer's election.
While tho constitutional majority was
102 votes, the new senator received a ;
total of 108 to IK) for Hopkins, who
had received about that numlter since
the deadlock began.
Until u few days ago Lorimer had
not received a vote for senator, while
Senator Hopkins, who went before the
legislature with the indorsement of the
primary election of the Republicans of
Illinois, had kept within from twenty
to thirty votes of a mnjorlty during
tho flvo months of the deadlock.
. Following his election Mr. Lorlmer
thanked the Democrats for their sup
port and announced that he had al
ways been and always would bo a Re
publican. After the joint session was over
Speaker Shurtlcff, a Republican, said:
"The defeat of Senator Hopkins was
caused in part by tho working of th
direct plurality primary lnw. Mr. Hop
kins in the primary received much less
than half of the Republican vote cast.
He was Indorsed by only a minority of
tho party, and the election of Mr. Lorl
mer was brought about by the senti
ment of nearly two-thirds of the Re
publican party, which voted against
Senator Hopkins in the primary.
"The election of William Lorlmer is
due to his own popularity, his ability
to do things for the stite of Illinois,
the enthusiasm for the deep waterway
movement, with which he Is so closely
allied, and the absurd rule of plurality
or a minority control in the primary."
Senator Lorlmer in accepting the
honor said:
"Receiving the votes of the two
great parties of the country Is a new
precedent In the history of this great
commonwealth. Kvery Democrat that
voted for me today knew that he was
voting for 11 Republican. Kvery Re
publican that voted for me know that
he was voting for a man who believed
in the principles of his great party.
"All my life I have been for what Is
known as a 'high protective tariff,' but
in our last Republican national con
vention our party, the Republican par
ty, declared for a lower tariff or a tar
Ill' revision downward. I do not know
whether that legislation will yield rev
enue enough to conduct the affairs of
this great country, but I do know that
the party to which I belong will keep
the faith and pass a bill along the
lines (passed by the house of represent
atives." In retiring to private life and nt tho
same time wishing bis successor "God
speed" former Senator Hopkins said:
"I had supposed, ns many others,
that the primary law wns to determine
the result of the senatorial canvass.
When I came here In January I found
a different condition existed. I found
that many of the members of this gen
eral assembly felt that they should be
guided by the vote In their respective
districts, and others believed, ns I be
lieved, that the general results of the
entire state were to determine this
"I have nothing but good wishes for
my successful competitor. I regret he
was able to be elected by Democratic
votes, because this county should bo
governed by political parties. The Re
publican party in this state up to this
time has never failed to bo united in
tho support of Its candidates. But as
tho Republicans have joined with tho
Democratic party in electing Mr. Lorl
mer, my successor, I say God speed
him and give him every success in the
senate of the United States."
Dowaglac, Mich., May 27. Of eight
men who were in tho Geesoy hoop mill
hero when the mill boiler exploded six
were Instantly killed, one was fatally
hurt and one escaped without injury,
though tho entire building tumbled
about him like n house of cards.
The dead are: Do Forest Qeesey,
owner of tho mill; Frnnlc Geesoy,
brother of the owner, and Otto
Beljnke, Charles Fritz, Estll Gamber
andMarvin Stewart, employees. Free
man Geesoy, another brother of tho
owner, was fatally hurt.
The explosion throw pieces of wreck
age in every direction as far ns forty
rods. The cause of tho disaster has
not been determined, but a boiler in
spector who examined tho ruins found
that the boiler was an old one, tho
pinto being fifteen-sixteenths of an
inch thick. Tho average pressure that
has been maintained was 115 pounds.
E. Dana Durand Takes Place
of North, Resigned.
President Taft Says Change Vas
Necessary, and Retiring Di
rector Alleges Lack of
Washington. May 27. President
Taft settlod the long standing contro
versy over the census director by send
ing to the senate the nomination of K.
Dana Dunind of California, to be di
rector to succeed S. N. D. North. Mr.
Durand has been an employee of the
huronu of corporations.
This statement wns given out at the
White House: "Director North tender
ed his resignation ns director of the
census on the ground that on account
of conditions existing and likely to
continue his administration of the
census office would not probably be
successful. His resignation was ac
cepted." The resignation of Mr. North is the
culmination of the disagreements be
tween him and Secretary Nagel of the
department of commerce .and labor.
Secretary Nagel complained to the
president that Mr. North had been
carrying on the administration of the
census office ns if it were an inde
pendent bureau, while as a matter of
fact It is under the department of
commerce nnd labor.
Mr. Nagel particularly objected to
the course pursued by the director lu
going before committees of congress
and recommending to those commit
tees matters which did not ngree with
the views entertained by the secretary.
Mr. North when asked as to tho
causes leading up to his resignation
"I became convinced by tho events
of the last few weeks that It was Im
possible for me to secure that close co
operation between the bureau of the
census and the department of coin
merce and labor which Is essential for
the successful administration of the
bureau during such a critical period as
a decennial census of the United
"I believed that public Interest and
my own private Interests as well were
best subserved by my resignation,
which I accordingly tendered to the
"It has been my single purpose to
administer the affairs of the censuH
bureau justly and upon a strictly non
partisan and business basis. It Is pro
foundly gratifying to mo to find that
I so far succeeded in this purpose that
the work of the census bureau has
won the confidence of the statisticians
and scientists of the country."
Nitroglycerin Explosion Kills Three.
Bradford. Pa.. May 27. Two men
were killed when 2."0 quarts of nitro
glycerin exploded at the Uupont Pow
der company's plant near here. The
canning house was demolished, togeth
er with the factory building, one
eighth of a mile away.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on call was Hi per cent; time
money and mercantile paper nnctiannred
In rates. Closing prices ot stocks were:
Amal. Copper... SIVi Norf. & West... HI
Atchison 103 Northwestern ..1S2
It. & o Ill lVnn. II. H 13l't
Mrooklyn U. T... 7SVI Heading Id-Pi
Chcs. & Ohio.... 77 nock Island SV.i
C. ,C..C.&St.I,.. 73 St. Paul 149
D. 103H Southern Pac.KHi
Krlo 31 Southern Ity.... 30
Gen. Electric.... loS South. Ry. pf... 9
111. Central 1JH Sugar 133V
Int.-JIet 15 Texas Pacific.,. 33',i
1-ouls. Ss Nash.. .138 Union Paollle...lSSU
Manhattan 147 l S. Steel (iOi
Missouri Vac... 73i V. S. Steel pf. ..110
N. Y. Central.... 129?i West. Union.... 7614
Market Reports.
WHEAT Steady: contract grade, May,
CORN Dull and one-halt cent lower;
May, S0V4aSlc.
OATS Firm; No. 2, white, natural, C5a
BUTTEIt-Steady; receipts. 8.813 pack
ages: creamery, specials, V&ia.Zlc; (offi
cial 2fiV4c); extras, 20c; thirds to firsts,
21u25V4c; state dairy, common to finest,
21a2i!c; process, common to special, 17a
23V4.C.; western, factory, 17a20c.; Imitation
creamery, 21a22c
CHEESE Steady; receipts, 1,932 boxes:
state, new, full cream, special, 13al3Wc.;
small, colored, fancy, 12V4c; large, color
ed, fancy, 1214c; small, white, fancy,
1214c; common to fair, Salic; skims, full
to specials, 2allc.
EGGS Steady; receipts, 33.3C2 cases',
state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy,
selected, white, 20a2GHc; fair to choice,
2414a2514c: brown and mixed, fancy, 24a
2414c; fair to choice, 23a23Vf.o. ; western,
storage packed, firsts to extra firsts, 23a
2314c; extra firsts, 2iy&2Za, firsts, 2114a
22s.: Beconda, 2014a21c; southern, firsts,
21a2114c; seconds, 2014c
POTATOES New firm; old weak; do
mestic, old, In bulk, per 180 lbs., J2.37a2.75;
per bbl. or bag, J2.23a2.G6; European, old,
per ICS lb. bag, Jla2; Bermuda, new, No.
1, per bbl., J4.G0a5.25; No. 2, J3.60a4; south
ern, new, No. 1, per bbl., J3a4.60; No. 2,
J2a3; cutis, Jl.25al.75; sweet, per basket,
LIVE POULTRY Normal; chlcken,
broilers, per lb., 28a32c; fowls, 18al814o.j
old roosters, 10,4al2c; ducks, 12c; geese,
DRESSED POULTRY Firm; broilers,
nearby, fancy, squab, per pair, C0a"5c;
3 lbs. to pair, per lb., 85a40c; western,
dry picked, 28a30c; fowls, barrels, lGHcj
old roosters, 12al214c.; spring ducks, near
by, 19a20c; squabs, white, per doz., J2a
8.75; frozen broilers, milk fed, fancy, per
lb., 24a2Sc; corn fed, fancy, 21a23o.; roast
ing chickens, milk fed, 23a26c; corn fed,
20a22c; geese, No. 1, 12al4c.
HAY AND STRAW Firm; timothy, per
hundred, 7214a95c; shipping, C6a70o,; clo
vor, mixed, C5aS5c; clover, 60u7214o.: long
rye straw, J1.45; small bates, 2V4a6c leu.
Honesdale.rJ4nI bu,Mlne' 8cconl floor
1TTHVP1. n .. . .
Office over post office. All legal ImalnoM
promptly attended to. ironesdaTu. i;lneM
ro0sVnM.,iVoreJ!,,.!,l.d,,,!f' 01,"slt0 tb
Office over itch's store. Honcsdale I'a. '
Office near Court House Honcsilalc. I'a. '
Office over Post Office. Ilonesdnle. i'a.
Special and prompt attention given to the
collection of claims. Office over Kelt's new
siure, iioiiusuaie, I'd,
Jj . ATTOli.VKY A rOl'KSni.OIt-AT-I.AU-.
Office over the Post office llonesitalc. I'a.
Office in the Court House, Honesdale,
I'litcats and pension secured. Office In the
Schuerliolss bullilhiL' lloncsdale. Pa.
bui!8ffi?.M,iaffir,A.oW SttVlnt's I!Bnk
Office-Next door to post office. Former!
occupied by W. II. Plmmlck. Honesdale. I'a
Ell. E. T. BROWN,
onice-FIrst llpor. old Savlnstfliank build
ing, ilonesdnle. I'a.
Dr. C. It. IJKADY, Dentist. Honesdale, Pa.
Offick Houns-8 a. m. to 6 p. 111.
Any evening by appointment.
Cltlzons' phone. 33. Kesldnnce. No. 8WC
Office and residence 1MB Church street
Telephones. Olllce Hours :W to J:U0 and
7:00 to tftuu. ii. m
yJ i:i:.VI. i:.STATH.-l!y virtue of process Is
siied out of the Court of Common Pleas of
ayne comity, and State of Pennsylvania,
and to me directed and delivered, J have lev
ied 011 i(iil will expose to public sale, at the
ton it House la iloncsdalo, on
TMUItSDAY. JUXH 10, 1UUD. at L v. M.
the following described property viz:
All of defendant's rlidit. title and Interest
pi the lollowiug described property viz:
All those two certain lots of land situate in
the township of Drelier. county of Wayne,
Mate of Pennsylvania, as follows :
I'li-M Iol-liK(il.I.(i at stones corner on
line betw ten the township of Diclierand l.e
hlu'h, and line of land of Wallace estate anil
center or public road leailhi" from AlC'cls to
(ioiildshoro: thence by said Wallace land
xiuth live (Icyit cs east ellity-four roils to
siouc corner; ihcnceliy land ot .1.1. (iear
h.irt south cl'-'ht,-!!ve ilcu'rccs west forty
roils to stone- corner: thence hy same ninth
live (Ic'.'iccs west one handled roils to 111I1I1I
or said mad: thence alons; middle of sai
road and I. mil of dci tntde M. iMlison toplac
or beglmiluu. CuNTAfXf X(i twenlv-three
acies. more or less. Ilcing same I. mil which
1. i.caihart.ct u.w, hy deed datid ug.
1. hull, molded in Wayne county, grunted to
l.cititldc M. Iioh-ou; and same land which
liertrndc M. Iiolisou. y deed dated April 15.
liiill.imd Intended to he jeeorded. granted to
Ucnrge Sllh'cs.
Second lot -i:i-.-iIN.I.(;at the center post
of the one bundled acre trai t of land at Wolfs
land; tin c alum,' said Wolf line eighteen
degrees cast twenty-nine rods to center or
the North and South turnpike road; thence
along ccntirof said I inii.Pa- -event-thrce
degrcesto line of olr's land ; thenci along
said Woll s land south eight. v-t line denes
wiMt eighteen rods to center uf IJurl.e road;
thcncenloug center of I'.uike road one hun
dred and ten rods to. stones comer: thenco
east one hundred rods to the plate of begin
ning. CONTAIXIXii forty-nine acres and
eighty perches', licing same land which .lolm
r. (icarhlirt, ct u.., hy deed tinted .Mav L'.t,
line, and lccordcil In Wayne county, in l)ccd
Hook in. page l!l. granted to (icorgc Slirces,
Seized ami taken in execution as the prop
erty ot (icorgc SlUecs at the suit or benjamin Xo. Ill .March term, 1!KW. Judg
ment, two.
Klmhle, Attorney.
, All of defendant's right, title and Interest
In th? following described property viz:
All those two lots, pieces or parcels of land
situate In I'aupack township, county or
Wayne and State or Pennsylvania, bounded
unit described as follows, to wit : One pleco
thereof IIICOIN'XIXO at a part on the north
ern corner of the lot, corner of land formerly
owned by one Marry Partly : tlicnto by lands
late of Henry Oclis, south one hundred and
three rods to a corner; thenco by same north
sixty-nine and one-half degrees west lltty
fourand one-half rods: north thirty degrees
west thirty-one rods to the line o( the said
l'urdy lands: and thence along said line
north lifts- and one-half degrees east eighty
eight rods to tho place of beginning, CON
TAIMXti twenty-three acres and thirty
eight perches of land, be. the samu mure or
,.'.r.!1,'k(.,U1.''vr..l'ItT0 or parcel of land thereof
llhdlNMMi at a stone corner, also corner
of the foregoing lot : thenco by said lot north
one hundred and three roils to a stono cor
ner; thenco by lands of Charles I'tt north
fifty-two degrees east fifteen rods to a stone
cottier: thencu south fifty-two and one-half
degrees east nineteen rods to stones In mill
brook: thence by Selser lot south twenty
eight degrees west twenty rods, south forty
four and one-fourth degrees east forty-eight
rods, south forty-tlvu degrees west one hun
dred and thirteen rods to the hinds of 0110
Klchsteen; thenco along said Ulchsteen lands
north about lifty-elght degrees west twenty
two rods to stake and stones corner between
the dug run of the old mill and the natural
channel of the l'urdy mill brook ; thence
south forty-eight degrees west twenty
rods to comer of the Henry Holden lot;
thenco hy said lot north seventeen and one
half degrees west fifty-four rods to a stones
corner ; thenco by same north three-fourths
of one degree east forty-two rods to stones
on the bank ot said brook ; thence by lands
of Charles Utt. south two and one-halt de
grees east twenty-six rods to center of brook:
tnenco north tltty-two decrees east eleven
rods to stones; thenco by una Kohns lot
south thirty degrees east thirty-one rods to
a pine stump; and thence by same lauds
south slxty-ntno and one-half degrees east
llfty-feur and one-half rods to place of be
ginning. CONTAINING thirty acres of land,
be tho same mom or less, llclng same hind
which John Kngermann. by deed dated 18th
day of March. Ib05, granted and conveyed to
Anna Oocrtz and Ottllo Stelnhaus. Upon
said premises Is a two-story frame house
und burns: about one-hnlf Improved land.
Seized aud taken In execution as the prop
erty of Anna Uoertz, Charles (iocrtz and
Ottllo StelnhiiUN, at the suit of Krlend L.
Tuttle. No. m March Term. ISKW. Judgment.
$300. Mumford, Atturney.
Take Notice.-AU bids and costs must ho
paid on day, of buIo or deeds will not bu
M.I.KE 11HAMAX, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Olllce. Honesdalo. 1