The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 28, 1909, Image 7

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    aturday OP
RutW, Vt
International Bible Lesson for
Maj 30, "09 (James 2: 14-36)'
It is a common remark that thero
nro two sides to every question.
Thero aro often more than that. Truth
Is very much llko the Now Jerusalem,
It Heth four square, with threo gates
of entrance toward every point of the
compass. Bigotry and egotism would
drive all mankind through one of
thoso gates, denying or ignoring all
tho others, but clear eyed charity see.i
every one of thoso pearly gates, nnd
Is Interested In getting people through
Untenable Claims.
Some of tho bitterest ecclesiastical
controversies hnvo been waged by
men who. havo shut their eyes to tills
principle and who havo Insisted that
their system of theology was as axio
matic as mathematics. Just as cer
tainly as two and two aro four In
their estimation thoy havo tho only
demonstrable theological dogma. A
cursory perusal of tho writings of tho
apostles reveals tho fact that each of
those men presented ono sldo of tho
body of divinity. Thus Paul's thomo
was almost exclusively Justification by
faith; John, in gospel and oplstlo
dwelt upon the value of love: Peter
was the ,champlon of hope, and Jame3
shows up tho necessity of good works.
Tho idea is never intimated by any
one of these writers that tho subject
is expounding is all there Is to Chris
tianity, they each merely emphasize
and develop one phaso of truth.
And yet there havo always been
carping critics who have sought to set
these writers over again each other,
and make them appear to contradict
and oppose each other. Especially
has that been truo In regard to Paul
and James. They have been repre
sented as fighting each other. Even
so clear headed a man as Martin
Luther called the epistle of Jamos,
"an epistle of straw."
Fighting Common Foe.
But such a view Is altogether wide
of the mark. Instead of attacking
each other Paul and James stand back
to back fighting the common foe.
Paul's faith works by love and puri
fies the .heart, and James' works aro
the fruit of tho tree, of which tho
nap is faith. If there wero no Invisi
ble sap in tho tree thero would be
no visible fruit, tho tree might claim
to have sap hut Its falsity would bo
shown by lack of fruit. That sort of a
profession could not save tho treo
from the axe. So tho loudest profes
sion of, faith would avail nothing for
the man who produced no fruit of
right living. The world demands
fruit, fixes its eyes upon fruit, and
thinks not at all of tho sap which pro
duces it So James says: Don't talk
to me about faith in your heart if it
does not show itself in works in your
Faith and Work Harmonious
Faith is necessary and works aro
necessary and they can no moro bo
separated than thunder and lightning.
As Frederick W. Itobertson puts it:
"Suppose I say, 'A tree cannot bo
(struck without thunder'; that is true,
i'01 tnere is nover de3tructlvo light
ning without thunder. But again, if I
say, 'The treo was struck by lightning
without thunder,' that is true, too, if
I mean that tho lightning alono struck
it without tho thunder striking It."
Yet read tho two assertions together
and they seem to bo absolutely con
tradictory. So, in tho same way, Paul
f-ays, "Faith alone Is that which Just!
Pes us," and James completes tho state
ment by adding, "But not a faith
which is without works." There will
lie works with faith, as there is thun
der with lightning; but just as it is
not the thunder, but the lightning, the
lightning without tho thunder, that
strikes the tree so it is not tho works
that justify. Put It in one sentence
faith alone justifies but not the faith
that is alone.
Works aro tho proof that our faith
is genuine. A thistlo might claim to
be a rose bush but it would never pro
duce American Beauty roses.
Or, to change tho figure, Arch
bishop Whately tolls the follow
ing story: "Two gentlemen were ono
day crossing the river in a row-boat,
A dispute arose about faith and work3,
one saying that good works were of
limall importance, and that faith wa3
everything, the other taking Just tho
opposite view. Not being able to
agree, the boatman asked permission
to give his opinion, and said: "I hold
In ray hand two oars. This in my
right hand I call 'faith,' this In my
left lwnd I call 'work.' Now, gentle
men, please to observe, I pull the oar
of faith and pull that alone, and tho
boat goes round and round and makes
uo progress. I do the same with the
oar of works, and with precisely the
same result no advance. But now I
pull both oars together, we rush
ahead, and are soon at tho landing.'
So faith without works, or works with
out faith, will not suffice. We must
use them both in order to reach the
haven of rest. Or, aa James puts It,
"But says one, 'Thou hast faith and
I have workB. Show mo that faith of
thine by thy works, and I will show
thee by my works that faith of mine.'
These are the two sides of tho
Bhield, tho two wings of tho bird, the
two arms of a man, the two oara of
tho boat, the two hemispheres of tho
planet of truth. No contradiction, but
perfect unity, between the apostle of
faith and the apostle of vmrka.
Bloody Guillotine Job Has Paid the
DIeblers Richly.
Anatolo DIebler, the executioner, or
"Monsieur de Paris," of French ro
mance, has expressed hlmsolf Btrongly
In favor of capital punishment not on
account of tho suma received from the
Government for his work ho is rich
but for tho good of society. Anatolo
is tho son of tho former executioner,
who died a few years ago, and whoso
father was In the samo business be
fore him, tho bloody job being hand
ed down in tho DIebler family from
generation to generation.
He has owned two guillotines, both
built in tho year of 1871, one of tho
previous niachlnos being burned by
tho CommuulRts. Each of these guil
lotines cost $t00. Tho knife, which
-elghs about fifteen pounds, is worth
10. Tho total weight when it falls
,vith Its cast-iron back is ninety
pounds, and It drops from a height of
eight and a half foot. Anatolo seem
ingly looks upon tho business as a
more "surgical operation." He h"S,
howoror, a deep senso of his useful
ness to society.
but of the hundred nnd twelve crim
inals whom Anatolo DIebler has 1 e
cuted only ono had reached I1I3 ior-
tieth year. All the others wore f. jui
eighteen to twenty-six years of
And ho asks: "How many rr '0
crimes would thoy have commit
ted had I not put them out of
world?" Diobler Is a mild little man,
with light blue eyes. He has boon
In tho execution business for ninro
than twenty years, having acted as as
sistant to his father. His salary is $1,-
200 per annum, plus $1,600 for ex-
Calling the Deaf.
"To waken a deaf person who
wishes to be called at a certain time
in the morning is about tho hardest
proposition a hotel clerk runs up
against," said a member of that fra
ternity. 'To ring the telephone la
useless, because the man can't hear.
Knocking, for tho samo reason, ia fu-1
tile. Now and then a guest who has
lost his hoaring suggosts that ho
leave his door open so wo can walk
right in and shake him, but even if ho
does appear to- bo dead game there
aro so many chances of somebody less
guileless than ourselves walking in
ahead of us that we can't consent to
that slmplo expedient.
"It soems to mo the man who can
patent a device for waking the deaf
is sure of fame and fortune, not to
mention tho gratitudo of tho brother
hood of hotel clerks "
Nests of the Golden Eagle.
Every pair of eagles whoso habits I
havo had an opportunity of watching
over a period of a few years would
seem to havo invariably at least two
alternative sites for their nests. Some
have threo, and I know of ono with
four sites. In fact, I only know of 0110
pair out of many which habitually re
sort to but ono place and only one.
Tho reason for this is, however, ap
parent, for owing to its situation it
has nover been disturbed. The nest
Is in a small cavern on tho face of an
absolute wall of limestone rock come
S00 feet high, at about 400 feet from
tho summit. Above the cliff is a tflua
of loose stone at an angle of forty
flvo dgrec3 or no, above which again
rise other precipices. To reach the
nearest point above this nest would 0
a long day's work. London Saturday
The Date of Christ's Dlrth.
It is known that tho Christian era,
based on the birth of the Saviour, is
older by several years than tho time
assigned in the calendar; but the pre
cise year in which Christ was bora
has never been finally determined.
Lieut.-Col. G. Mackinlay has recently
investigated tho question anew, nnd
has stated his conclusions in a book,
for which Sir W. M. Ramsay lias writ
ten a preface. The date on which ho
fixes for the Nativity is S B. C, ac
cording to our present chronology. Ho
bases his reasoning on the assumed
association of John the Baptist with
periodical "bright shinlngs" of tho
planet Venus, the suggestion being
that theso special apparations of
Venus are the groundwork of the story
of the "Star of Bethlehem."
Ball-Bearing Motors.
British onglnoors anticipate that
ono of the most Interesting features
in the manufacture of electrical 1 ma
chinery during tho present year will
be a great Increase in the use of ball
bearings. Several types of motors
havo already been placed on the mar
ket which have ball bearings. Among
the advantages of such bearings Is the
relatively small amount of lubrication
required for motors fitted with them.
It ia considered also that such moior.-i
should furnish a better output than
those having ordinary bearings. Ex
periments have been made in Europe
on the application of ball bearings to'
traction motors, but in this case tho
conditions are not so favorable as In
that of motors for use in factories.
Not Afraid of a Ghost.
In a village In England, a month or
so ago, a scan came running Into an
inn at nine o'clock at night and cried
out that there was a ghost in his back
yard. There were 14 men in the Inn,
and not one of them dared to go
home with tho man and inveaUgato.
There was a person who dared, how
ever, and that was the landlord's
daughter, a girl of 14. Some of tho
men followed her at a distance, and
she went Into the yard and up to the
ghost flapping its arms about, and dis
covered nrhatf That it was no more
nor leas then a man's white shirt flap
ping on the clothes line In a strong
breeze. Thatfa about the way, all
ghosts turn out
Six Shots Reaulred AIeo Kills Hlspo
pctamus Near Ju Ja Ranch.
Nairobi. May 24. Theodora Hooe
velt hns becun his huntlno, expedition
from the Ju .In ranch of George Mc
Millan, whoso guest lie Is.
IIo went out Inst Sunday and ban
ged a female rhinoceros. The first
shot wounded her in tlic shoulder,
and the animal tied to the bushes.
Mr. Roosevelt followed on horseback,
and six moro shots wore required to
brliiR her down. The head nnd skin
weighed fill 2 pounds.
To-duy Col. Roosevelt added a hip
popotnmu? to his blg-gmne bag. The
nnlmnl was killed n short distance
from the Ju Ja ranch.
Edmund Heller, tho zoologist of the
Roosevelt expedition, returned to
camp thlp morning utter brlngum
hero about fifty specimen of nnlmnl
aud bird life to he cured and preserved.
California Restaurants Cannot Serve
Stale Poultry Either for Fresh.
Los Angeles, Cul., Mny 2-1. The law
compelling all restaurants In Cali
fornia to give notlco when using cold
storage poultry and eggs, went Into
effect yesterday, and no longer will
ancient substitutes bo sold for ranch
Mr. Conroy, secretary of tho res
taurant mens association, has sent n
letter to each member directing that
if a sign is to bo used it must bo post
ed on the wall In letters largo enough
lo be read across the room.
WHEAT UP J0 $1.31 1-4
Foreign Market Influence Makes Rec
ord Price in Chicago.
Chicago, Mny 24. Strong foreign
wheat markets wero influential in
Bending May wheat on the Board of
Trade hero to $1-31 1-4.
This was 1 1-4 cents higher than the
best Drevious urlce for the- croD.
He Pleaded Guilty to Looting the
Brooks Estate Collapsc6 In Prison.
Trenton, N. J., May 21. John
Sykes, self-confessed forger and em
bezzler, although still a member ot
the New Jersey bar, was sentenced
to sixteen years In tho State prison by
Judge John Hcllstab. This was the
last official act of Judge Itellstab be
fore handing his resignation to Gov.
Sykes collapsed when taken to
prison. He got away with nearly all
of tho Brooks estate and borrowed
money from almost everybody In the
city. His stealings are said to amount
to nearly $60,000.
Report That Arms and Ammunition
Are Being Gathered In London.
London, May 24. The "German
scare" grows apace, and no sooner is
one wild rumor Inid at rest than an
other arises.
Sir John Barlow, M. P., startled
tho country with tho sensational sug
gestion that tho Germans havo estab
lished a depot of arms containing 50,
000 Mauser riiles in tho centro ot
London, together with 7, .'00,000 rounds'
of ammunition for tho use of GTi.OUO
trained Gorman soldiers now em
ployed in various capacities in Eng
CHARTER $51,000,000
United Drygoods Company, of New
York, Incorporated In Delaware.
Dover, Del., May 24. Tho United
Dry Goods Company of New York,
stated capital $51,000,000, was incor
porated here. This is tho largest dry
goods concern in existence.
Thomas F. Bayard, a Wilmington
lawyer, is named as one of tho incor
porators. Papers for tho Incorpora
tion were sent to Mr. Bayard to-day
by Gould & Wilkle, attorneys, of 2
Wall Street, New York. Mr. Bayard
Is the resident Delaware Director.
Cause for Reflection.
"Tho editor of my paper," declared
tha newspaper business manager to a
little cotcrlo of friends, "Is a peculiar
genius. Why, would you believe It,
when ho draws his weekly salary he
keeps out only one dollar for spend
ing money and sonds tho rest to his
wife in Indianapolis!"
His listeners with one exception,
who sat silent and reflective gave
vent to loud murmurs of wondor and
"Now, It may sound thin," added tho
speaker, ''but it is true, nevertheless."
'Oh, I don't doubt it at all!" quk
ly rejoined the quiet one. "I was lly
wondering what he does with the dol
lar!" Ladies' Home Journal.
The Craze for Speed.
Those mighty ocean steamers, like
the Lusitania, the Mauretanla, .nd
the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, w' ch
rush across the Bca at tho rate of thir
ty miles an hour, burn up a thousand
tons of coal apiece every day. It re
quires five thousand tons to drive one
of them across the Atlantlo at that
high speed. At a moderate speed,
less than half that amount would do,
but our century is gone speed crazy.
On steamships, on railroads, on auto
blloa. we must have speed, and sacri
fice everything to It, even human
lives. Everybody Is mad to "get
there," whether he has any business
"there" or not Boy Life.
ifjort jgjermong
For a
By Rev. George Clarke Peel:
Text: "One thing I know." John
lx., 25.
Not a very long curriculum, surely,
oven for a man born blind. Yet that
single piece of knowledge wns worth
a ton of the things ordinarily known.
Moreover, ho did not say that "ono
thing" was all ho know. Ho merely
seined upon tho "one thing" which
meant most to li.m just then, the
thing which ho supremely know, and
thrust it in the faces 0 his tormen
tors "One thing 1 know."
For men who can cay that same
thing the age Is always waiting. Mo:i
who know one thing, and who know
that one thing supremely well, are al
ways in demand. Many a brilliant
fellow has been spoiled by his versa
tility. Of such a one, prominent in
professional circles, his friend said
recently: "He failed by knowing too
many things, and not knowing any
one of them profoundly." Not our
versatility, but our grip on one par
ticular thing, Is what really counts.
Most of us begin life as "Eileen,"
in Chambers' recent novel, said she
began expecting to know "every
thing about everything." Soon, how
ever, we reach the stago at which we
are content to know "everything
about something." And we probably
end, as she did, by confessing that
the most we can hopo is to know
"something about something." But to
know that something supremely well,
and to subordinate every other knowl
edge to it, is one part of greatness.
There were many things, doubtless,
which General Grant did not know. As
a wood seller he was worsted by all
his neighbors In the business. He
was so little fitted for commercial life
that all the world know of his failure.
In a certain clerkship he was account
ed a dreaming nobody. But he knew
"one thing" knew it so thoroughly
that he left his whole country in debt
to him; knew It so splendidly that his
name has gone down in history as ono
of its greatest military strategists.
It was said of a certain professor
that he "knew nothing but Greek."
Socially he was hopeless so absent
minded that if his head had been de
tachable he would have left it in tho
hall. He lived Greek, dreamed Greek,
and if one might judge from his
cadaverous cheeks he might have
subsfsted on Greek roots. But he
knew a thing which his pitying stu
dents had yet to learn tha all tho
world asks of any man is that he
know one thing well. And, dying, he
will leave the whole world In his
Darwin onco sadly confessed that
he had lost his early love for poetry
and music. But that confession regis
ters also the value of such a man in
the world. He had to live his own lifo
on the principle of natural selection.
To turn in at one gate meant tho
shutting of other gates behind hiu-.
And who shall say but that tho culti
vation of an early taste for music and
Shakespeare might have lessened the
peerless contribution he made to hu
man knowledge. To know one thing
and to know it thoroughly; to submit
to bo called narrow and perverse; to
dig into a subject rather than to make
the leaves lly over it, is tho surest
way to a large place in life.
But let It be remembered what this
former blind man said ho know. It
was very simple. It was not some
thin0 which he had done. Something
had been done for him. He had been
recipient, not actor. God had opened
his eyes. His was that fundamental,
irrefragable, final knowledge rest
experience. "Whereas I was blind,
now I see." Ho was not so much lov
er as beloved. Ho had learned his
greatest lesson by letting another do
something for him. To know what
that blind man knew, and to know it
In the way ho knew It, is tho greatest
thing in the world.
There was once in Boston, an old
codfish dealer, a very earnest and sin
cere man, who lived prayerfully every
day. One of the great joys of his life
was the family worship hour. One
year two other merchants persuaded
him to go into a deal with them, by
which they could control all the cod
fish in the market nnd greatly In
crease the price. Tho plan was suc
ceeding well, when this good old man
learned that many poor persons in
Boston wero suffering because of thu
great advance In the price of codfish.
It troubled him so that he broke down
In trying to pray at the family altar,
and went straight to the men who
had led him into the plot, and told
them he could not go on with it. Said
tho old man: "I can't afford to do
anything which interferes with my
family prayers. And this morning
when I got down on my knees and
tried to pray, there was a mountain
of codfish before me, high enough to
shut out the throne of God, and 1
could not pray. I tried my best to
got around it, or get over It, but every
time I started to pray, that codfish
loomed up between mo and my God. I
wouldn't have my family prayers
spoiled for all the codfish in the At
lantlc Ocean, and I shall have noth
ing more to do with it, or with any
money made out of it." Home Herald,
at tho close of business, Arn. 28 ,1001).
Reserve fund $
Cash, specie mid notes, $31, KM HI
Legal securities -13,1X10 UO
Due from approved re
serve; agents 12.1.121 01-2in,W.I H3
Checksum! cash Items 3,002 73
Due mini uatmsanu Trust to 'a, not
icserve tigcnts
Hills discounted not due, $.'72,K1.J CI
3,127 if.'
Kins discounted, tune
loans with collateral...
Loans 011 cull with col
lateral Loansnn call upon one
or mine nniiies
Loans secured liy bonds
or mortgage
2S.IE3 00
(M.000 00
10 Oil
:,:.m hj,5: i
Investment securities owned ex
elusive of 1-cerve bonds, viz:
Stocks, Bonds, etc., !,Ni5,(l!l M
.Mortgages and iuig
mentsol record 1!l7.I(il (I I a.lKli.l.Vi 111
Ileal estate ;i:i.(xio oil
l''ui-iiltureand Klxtiires . lino n'l
Overdrafts 12 M
Miscellaneous Assets -loo (IU
capital stock, paid in f iihi.wh) on
mumus i-uim ,;oo,uoo 00
I'ndlvlded Profits, less expenses
ami taxes paid GT,4SS 71
Deposits subject to check iUi:H ,'U
Delimits special 2.100. 1."M t'l
1 line cerillicates ot tie-
Curtlllcd checks
1.7IN 7S
20 on
1,121 Il2-2.27:i,fi!l0 .11
Cashier's check outst'g
line to loiuinonwcaltn..
23.000 00
Due to hanks and hankers, not re
serve agents
1.W7S 23
' Tl.T T.-.7 M
State of Pennsylvania, County ot Wayne, ss.
I. II. Scott Salmon, Cashier of the above
named Company, do solcmnlv swear Hint tin.
above statement Is true, to the best of my
lIILM ii-iii- mm lll'lll-l.
(Signed) 11. S. SALMON. Cashier
Subscr bed and sworn to before inn this 1st
day of .May, WOO.
(SlgncdltUOIlKKTJA. SMITH. N, 1.
INoturlal Seal
Correct Attest:
ii. i;. ii.:r, Directors
w . f . i;yi)a.m,
C.J. Smith.
The Farmers' and
Mechanics' Bank
at the close of business. April 2S. 11)00.
Iteserve fund f
Cash, specie and notes. $s,420 81
Due from approved re
serve agents $13,801 00-21.2:11 K
. Checks and other cash items 077 It
I. Ills discounted. not due 53,31!) Htj
inns uiscounieu, time loans with
collateral 21.01.0 01)
Loans on call with collateral S..S23 00
Loans upon call upon one or more
, names l(j,(!l 30
Loans secured ny bonds and mort-
. Wises njrW 00
investment securities owned exclu
sive of reserve bonds, viz
Stocks, bonds, etc tlS.200 tl
Morti.'ii'.'c.s and hula-
ments of lecord :il.:j3 ill 7II.IIII II'
Ileal estate IS.N'0 53
1'iirniture and llxttires l.soi
IHei-drafts ; M
211.: 11
Capital Slock paid In (, IM.rao 00
noi iius l-lllHl.... Ji.i.iOMI
L ndi Ided I'rollts. less expenses
and taxes pah! 2.2!i:i 31
icpusus, supjeer io ciiccK..THi..;.il ;tl
Deposits, special 120,:i02 33-llHi.lS5fi S7
$21 Vita 41
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss :
1, C. A. Kniery. Cashier of the above named
company, do solemnly swear that the above
statement Is true to the best of my knowledge
ami iH-iici.
C. A. KMKIiY. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before mu this Is
day of .May. lUus.
I! S. Knuiirr. N. P.
Correct attest :
John- K, k'HA.Ntz. Directors.
(). Wm. Siii.i, I
At the clo-e of business, Apr, 2S. I!l00.
Loans and Discounts f 1WUI2S 70
Ovenlrafts.secuicd und unsecured H 27
I S. llouds to secure circulation. 53.000 no
Premiums on V. S. I'onds 2.S00 00
lionds, securities, etc l,.'i:!2,220 ;iU
lsunKinx-jioiisc, iiirmiure and ux-
. til res 40.000 00
lino irom .Mitionai nanus (not
l.escrve Agents) ;i,U7:i 20
iiuoirom Matui.aiiKs and Hank
ers... 550 CO
uue irom approved reserve
agents 123,001 II'
Checks and other cash Items.... 1.070 71
isotcsoi other National Banks.. aa 00
fractional paper currency, nick
els and cents 2S0 3!)
i.awiui -Money iieservu In Bank.
Viz : Specie MI.772 50
I.isra! tender notes 7,511 00- 8,283 50
lu'ucuipiiuu lunu Willi u. o.
Treasurer, (5 per cent, of circu
lation) 2,750 00
Total $1.840,722 77
Capital Stock paid In $
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less expenses
und taxes paid
National Bank notes outstanding
Stuto Bank notes outstanding....
Duo to other National Banks
Individual deposits subject to
, check $U!U5 54
Demand certificates of
deposit 20,211 00
Certified checks 55 00
Cashier's checks out
standing 481
Bonds borrowed
Notes and bills redlscounted
Bills payable. Including certifi
cates ot deposit for money bor
rowed Liabilities other than those nhovo
150,000 00
150,000 00
7G.20O 21
51.700 00
000 00
010 51
1,417,010 02
Total $1,810,722 77
State of Pennsvlvnnln. Cnnntv nf Wnvtin. ss
I, II. Z. Kusskll, President of tho above
nameu ijiuik, uo solemnly swear tnat mo
above statement is truo to tho best of my
Kiiowieugu una ueuei,
H. Z. ltnsspll President
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this
z-jm uuy oi April, woo.
tm W. II. STONE. N, P.
Andrew Thomnson. 1
II. T. Menner, -Directors
V it MUBRAV. ) 35t4
Latfl nf Prnstnn. iIpppiirpiI.
The undersigned, nn Auditor appointed to
report distribution of said estate, will attend
mo (nines oi ins appointment, on
Tirv-yniv maviu himi
at 10 o'clock u, in., at hlsolllco In the borough
of llonesdulu, lit which time and place all
claims against sam estate must uo presented.,
or recourse to tho funil for distribution will
ue lost u, L. liDWLANU, Auditor,
Honesdale, Pu April 20, 1000. 33
Stlckloy-Drandt" Furniture Is un
excelled In material, construction and
Only $6.20
For this attractive, Brass Trimmed Iron Bed
with heavy continuous post, filled with graceful
scrolls and fanny brass spindles. Height of bed
50 Inches, and In all regular widths. Beautifully
enameled In every detail. A bed of similar stylo
and quality sells for $8.50 to $9.00.
Carefully packed and shipped
freight charges prepaid for $6.20.
Do you wish to save neatly a third In buying
your Furniture. Send today for our factory
prico catalogue, sent FREE on request.
We have no Insurance against
panics, BUT-
"We wnnt to Hell
Kvery business man In Wayne
county a good sized life or en
dowment policy that he may
use as collateral security for
borrowed money-tideyou over
tight places when sales are
poor mid collections slow pos
sibly head olf Insolvency.
We want to sell
Kvery farmer a policy that will
absolutely protect his family
and home.
We want to sell
Kvery laborer and mechanic a
saving policy that will bo m
posslble for him to lapse or
If not Liife Insurance
Let us write someof your KIBK
INSCKANCK. Standard, re
liable companies only.
General Agents.
For Mew Late Novelties
SPENCER, The-Jeweler
"Guaranteed articles only sold,"
IN undersiKiU'il, a registered student at
law in tlie olllco of Henry Wilson. Ksi of
the Wayne county bar. and a student in
Dickinson Law School, will make applica
tion to the State Board or Law Kxamlners. to
be examined on the lith anil 7th dn vs of .lolv.
1000, for admission to the bar of the Supremo
Court of Pennsylvania, and to the bar of the
Court of Common Pleas of Wayne coiintv.
, C'lII'.M I'.li A. liAliliATT.
Honesdale. Pa.. .May 27, lOOO. 40w4
unik'r.i!iio(l, a registered Fttulent at
law in the office of A. T. Searle, Ksi of tho
Wayne county liar, will make application to
the State Hoard of Law Kxamlners, to be ex
amined on the lith and 7th days of July, 11)00,
for admission to the bar of the Supremo
Court of Pennsylvania, and to tho bar of tho
Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county.
Honesdale. Pa.. May 17. 1000. 40t4
HAIiVKY N. KAItLKY. late of Buckingham
All persons indebted tosaldestatonrn noti
fied to make Immediate payment to the un
dersigned ; and thoso having claims aguhist
the said estate are notified to present them
duly attested, for settlement.
Kqulnunk, Pa., April, 1000. ;i3w
late of the township of Lake. Pn.
All persons Indebted to said estate are not 1
fled to make Immediate payment to tbeun
derslgned ; and thoso having claims against
tho said estate are notified to present them
duly attested for settlement.
J. J I. UUO.MLICII. Administrator,
Ariel, Pa., April 12, 1000. 30
If you don't insure with
us, we both lose.
White Mills Pa.