The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 28, 1909, Image 6

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Covering Minor Happening! Fro
All Over the Globe.
Edward B. Towne, Jr., cashier for
the Matheson Lead Company of Now
York City, who disappeared In Decem
ber and who Is accused of embezzling
$30,000, was captured In Orange, N. J.
Governor Hughes has reduced the
State's appropriations from more than
S38,000,00Oto less than $34,000,000.
It was announced at Mlddletown,
N. Y., that tho grand jury of Orange
County had Indicted Ennls & Stop
panl, brokers of New York City.
A round of festivities marked the
day In the visit of the battleship Mis
sissippi to Natchez.
Continuance of its war on organized
labor was announcod at the meeting
of the National Association of Manu
facturers by the new president, John
President Taft paid tribute alike to
the soldiers of the North and the
South at the unveiling of a bronze
shaft to General Hartranft and the
Pennsylvania volunteers at Peters
burg, Va.
About the time Capt. Peter C.
Halns, Jr., was getting accustomed to
his cell In Sing Sing, Mrs. Annie,
widow of the man he killed, signed a
contract In New York City to a, ir
on the vaudeville stage.
Ex-Judge Denis O'Brien, of tho
Court of Appeals, died in Watertown.
N. Y.
The National Manufacturers' Asso
ciation denounced the methods of
labor unions.
Charging that the funds of the
United States Express Company have
been wasted, John L. Dudley, a share
holder, brought a suit for an account
Tracy & Co., Wall street brokers
New York, having extensive connee
tlons in large cities throughout the
country, failed for $1,250,000. The as
sets are estimated at $250,000.
Dominican rebels have captured
Guyubin and Dajabon, on the Haytlan
frontier; there has been fighting at
Monte Christ!.
Advices from Cuba say that the
financial conditions are causing grave
anxiety, and that the Liberal factions
seem to be unable to unite.
The federal conimitteo of the Gen
eral Federation of Labor in France
called off the strikes previously or
dered; much bitterness was shown
against the agitators.
George Bernard Shaw's play "The
Showing Up of Blanco Posnet" was
barred by the censor from the Eng
lish stago.
The Westminster authorities have
refused permission to place the ashes
of George Meredith in the Abbey.
The Allan Line Btcamer Mongolian,
with live hundred passengers on
board, became wedged In the ice a
mile off St. John's Harbor, and fears
for her safety were entertained.
Fifteen Royalists who were arrest
ed In Paris after the dlmier In honor
of the Duke of Orleans on Sunday
were sent to jail for two months; the
labor unions show no signs of giving
effective aid to tho striking state
The French parliamentary commit
tee appointed to investigate reported
naval scandals denounces methods of
the construction department.
Rear Admiral Harber, of the third
division of the United States Pacific
squadron, wbb received in audience by
the Emperor of Japan.
Severe earthquake shocks were felt
In Chili and Peru.
Secretary Dickinson and party, re
turning from Panama, arrived in
The Interstate Commerce Commis
sion rendered a decision requiring
railroads to sell through passenger
tickets between Seattle and other
points In the Pacific Northweet and
eastern points by way of Portland,
Attorney General Wickersham an
nounced that a test law case would
be made of the decision of Secretary
Wilson that it is a violation of the
pure food law to use the bleaching
process in making flour.
Numerous appointments to federal
offices were made by the President,
those of William Williams for Com
mlssioner of Immigration at New
York, and William S. Washburn for
Civil Service Commissioner, and Wal
ter E. Clark, for Governor of Alaska,
being among the most important.
A resolution asking the Attorney
General for Information as to the ab
sorption of the Tennessee Coal and
Iron Company by the United States
Steel Corporation was adopted by the
Martin J. Sheridan broke the
world's discus throwing record from
a seven foot circle at Pastime Oval,
New York.
George Mullln is proving tho win
nlng pitcher for the Detroit Tigers.
Lou Crlger is catching most of the
games this season for the St. Louis
"Jack" Johnson and "Jack" O'Brien
fought a six-round draw in Phlladel
Owing to the strength shown by
the American polo team In England,
the Britishers havo decided to hold
another trial match before selecting
a team to defend the international
The American polo team defeated
Hurlingham In England by a score ol
8 to 4.
Ty Cobb Is leading the American
League in stolen bases. Wagner leads
the National League.
Railroad Offers $5,V)0 Reward
for Capture of Each of Men
or $20,000 in All
Masked Men Disappear 15 Minutes
After They Cover Engineer and
Fireman with Their Guns In the
City Limits of Omaha.
Omaha, Neb., May 21. Four mask
ed bandits held up the Chicago night
express on tho Union Pacific Railroad
In the suburbs of this city, and es
caped in an automobilo with seven
bags of registered mail valued at
$100,000. The hold-up was carried out
with remarkable quickness and suc
cess. Fifteen minutes after the
bandits covered the fireman and en
gineer with revolvers they had looted
the mail car, and disappeared with
seven bags filled with registered mail
for New York. Passengers, trainmen
and mail sorters were cowed by scores
of revolver shots fired Into the air.
A brakeman tried to attack one of
tho bandits, but he waB driven back
by several shots at close range, two
of tho bullets cutting his clothing.
The hold-up was within a mile of
the house where "Eddy" Cudahy was
hidden by the kidnapper, Pat Crowe,
a few years ago. The Union Pacific
officials made known that they would
demand an investigation of the police
department for failure to make the
slightest move against the robbers.
The hold-up was less than three miles
from the Union Pacific station, in the
heart of the city. Policemen were
supposed to be on beat in streets
paralleling the track where the hold'
up took place. The revolver shots
alarmed persons for half a dozen
blocks to both sides of the track, yet
it was half an hour before a police'
man appeared. Several men who ran
from their homes fired after the rob
bers in the automobile, but it is not
known if the bullets took effect. The
bandits replied with revolvers, but all
their bullets went wild.
The Union Pacific hus offered $5,000
for the capture of each of the bandits
or $20,000 In all. The train was enter
ing the city from the West and was
due to make only a short stop before
continuing the run to Chicago. The
speed was about forty miles an hour,
and the train was approaching a cut
when the engineer saw a fire blazing
in the middle of the track. He threw
on the emergency brakes, and the eX'
press ground to a stop within fifteen
feet of the lire, which had been built
of paper and dry sticks. Two bandits
sprang up into the cab and pointed re-
volvers at tho heads of the fireman
and engineer. They then robbed the
mail car and disappeared.
Manufacturers of Fall River Will
Continue Old Scale.
Fall River, .Mass., May 25. At the
meeting to-morrow of the Manufac
turers' Association that body will
waive its rights to reduce the wages
of tho 35,000 operatives of this city
under the sliding scale agreement,
and will go on another six months,
paying the present rate of wages.
Similar action was taken laat Novem-
ber, ond prominent labor leaders here
say that no similar oaae appears In
the history of wage agreements in
cotton mill sections anywhere on
"The millmon do not wish to re
duce the wages unless It is positively
necessary," said one prominent treas
urer, and his opinion appears to be
shared by them all.
Farmer Charged wtth' Shooting Ad
versaries During Argument
Richmond, Ind. A controversy over
a line fence between two farmers re
sulted In the killing of Alexander
Meek, father and son, by Joel Rolls-
bach. Frank Railsback, Sr., and his
son, Frank Railsback, Jr., were
wounded by the Meeks.
The Rallsbacks to-day began chop
ping away the posts. Tho Moeks went
out to the fence where the Railsbaoks
were at work. Tho elder Meek, ac
cording to the police, had a revolver
and the son a shot gun, and both fired
on tho Rallsbacks. Joel Railsback
went to the houso and returned with
a double barrelled shot gun, it is said,
and fired point blank at the Meeks,
killing both.
Three Men Hold Up Express Office
, In Heart of Truro, N. S.
Truro, N. S., May 24. Fifteen hun
dred dollars was stolen from tho of
fice of tho Canadian Express Com
pany in the heart of tho city, by three
men who entered the office during the
luncheon hour. While one man clap
ped the muzzle of a revolver at tho
head of the only clerk In the building,
another went through the sate.
Then, with the third man, who had
been standing guard outside the
building they disappeared and havo
eluded the police and Halifax detec
Florence Crlttenton Missionary Pris
oner In a Hut Near Ocean
Aabury Park, N. J., Mny 25. Miss
Emma Trotter, local missionary for
tho Florence Crittenden Circle of tills
city, Is recovering at her home here
from an experience which befell her
last week when she was held prison
er for two days and nights in n hut
outside of Ocean Grove, under guard
of two men who threatened her with
bodily harm unless she revealed the
whereabouts of a young girl whom
she had persuaded to glvo up her old
life and reform. Miss Trotter says she
was decoyed to the lonely hut by a
woman named Worrell, who told her
that a girl wanted to see her there.
Miss Trotter says she was drugged
by the men, and for two days was
only permitted to regain conscious
ness for short Intervals, during which
she was questioned as to the where
at outs of the girl, and then drugged
again. At last one of her captors re
lented and permitted her to escape
while his companion was asleep.
Miss Trotter admitted that she
could Identify the house in which she
was held prisoner, and knew the men,
but would not tell who they were.
The Georgia Refuses to Run Trains
TIM State Gives Protection.
Augusta, Ga., May 25. The Georgia
Railroad is completely tied up by the
firemen's strike, in which tho strikers
assert they will .drive every negro
fireman from the road. The road Is
not trying to move trains, announcing
that it has the men, the means and
the equipment to proceed and will do
so when the State agrees to protect
its property and employees.
Gov. Hoke Smith wired to Sheriff
of McDufllc county to co-operate with
the municipal authorities and to sum
mon all deputies necessary to protect
life and property.
The road announced that all freight
accumulated at Atlanta for Augusta
and points beyond would be moved by
the Central of Georgia and Seaboard
Air line.
The Georgia Railroad runs 1
miles from Atlanta to Augusta and
has branch lines. It .s operated by
the Louslville (c Nashville, lessee, the
Atlantic Coast Line being a joint les
Unable to Effect Reconciliation with
Wife, Man Takes Prussio Acid.
Lebanon, Pa., May 25. Dr. A. M
Fisher, of McAlisterville, Pa., commit
ted suicide by swallowing prusslc
acid as he sat on a porch at the home
of his wife's father, John Fox.
Dr. and Mrs. Fisher parted two
years ago. Shortly thereafter sue
brought suit for divorce, alleging
'cruel and barbarous treatment." Dr,
Fisher came here on Friday to effect
a reconciliation, but failed. He at
tempted suicide that night, but was
prevented by his brother-in-law, who
knocked a phial of acid from his hand
as he was about to drain its contents,
Frlck Company's Move Shows Big
Increase In Steel Business.
Connelsvillo, Pa., May 24. An ad
dltional 5 per cent, of tho coke ovens
of the H. C. Frlck Coke Company wore
fired after many months of Idleness.
The number of old ovens relighted un
der this new order are 1,000, leaving
only a few of tho 20,000 ovens owoed
by the Frlck concern not running.
Killed Five and Looted Saloon.
Oboyan, Russia, May 25. Ruffians
attacked a Government wino shop to
day, killed five persons, mortally
wounded the keeper and pillaged the
wine shop.
Wholesale Prices of Farm Products
Quoted for the Week.
MILK Per quart, 2c.
BUTTER Western extra, 29
26c; State dairy, 2123c.
CHEESE State, full cream, special,
EGGS State. Fair to choice, 22
23 V6c; do, western firsts, 21
21 c.
APPLES Baldwin, per bbl., $5.00
5.75; Russet, per bbl., $4.006.00.
STRAWBERRIES Per qt, 515c.
LIVE POULTRY Broilers, per lb.,
2530c.; Fowls, per lb., 1717c;
Roosters, per lb., 10 lie; Duck3,
per lb., 12c; Geese, per lb., 78c.
DRESSED POULTRY Fowls, per lb.,
1216c; Cocks, per lb., 12c;
Squabs, per dozen, ?1.254.25.
HAY Prime, per 100 lbs., 90c.
STRAW Long Rye, per 100 lbs., $L40
VEGETABLES Potatoes, Maine, per
bag, 32.502.75.
ONIONS Old, red, per bag, 50c.
$1.50; old, yellow, per bag, $1.00
FLOUR Winter patents, ?6.003.40;
Spring patents, $6.207.20.
WHEAT No. 2, red, $1.45, No. 1,
Northern Duluth, $1.33.
CORN No. 2, 8184!.
OATS Mixed, C061c.; Clipped
white, 61 67c
BEEVES City Dressed, 010c
CALVES City Dressed. 8Uo.
SHEEP Per 100 lbs., ?,r..000.75.
HOGS Live, per 100 lbs., $7.257.65j
Country Dressed, per lb.. 69c.
Elderly Woman Did Not Even
Know that Her Grandson
Had Been Taken 111
Mrs. Louise Thles, Sixty-four Years
Old, Tells Her Own Story About the
Remarkable Mental Inspiration
Her Journey to See Dying Lad.
Nashville, 111. An Intuition which
she describes as mental telepathy,
took Mrs. Louise Thles, sixty-four
years old, from her homo In St. Louis
to the bedside of her dying grandson,
Henry Hollman, at Cordes Station, a
hamlet eight miles south of Nashville,
111. To reach his bedside Just before
he died, Mrs. Thles, having missed a
train at Coultervllle, walked the re-
mainlng twelve miles of her Journey
along tho railroad tracks.
'I was at the houso of my dauglv
ter, Mrs. Gus Tubbslng, No. 4313
North Fourteenth street, in St Louis,
when this inspiration or telepathic
feeling first struck me," she said to
a Post-Dispatcn correspondent.
was seated in one of the rooms by
myself, with nothing specially occupy'
lng my attention, when my mind wan
dercd off Into a reminiscent mood. All
of a sudden it transferred itself to
thoughts of my son, Henry, and fam
ily. It was then that the remarkable
part came.
"We had received no word of my
grandson's illness, In fact, his own
parents had no Idea that he was ill
Dr. S. P. Schroeder, of Nashville, who
was called to treat him shortly before
he died, stated that he was the most
healthy looking child of several of the
family. He was afflicted with dla
botes, but It developed so rapidly that
he was only seriously ill a short time
before his death.
"It suddenly occurred to mo that I
was needed at the Hollman home.
Every attempt to shake tills thought
proved fruitless. The idea clung to
me. Tho inspiration clung to me.
Finally It became so strong that I de
cided that I must go there. I so ad
vised tho members of my daughter's
family and on the next morning start
ed on my journey.
"I boarded an Illinois Central train
at Union Station, which was to take
me to Coultervllle, 111., where I was
to change cars and board the Illinois
Southern train for Cordes Station.
Upon reaching Coultervllle I found tho
train I desired had left and there
would be no other train until late at
night My desire to reach the home
of my son became still stronger. I
decided to make the remainder of tho
way afoot.
"I was weighed down with two va
lises, weighing about fifty pounds, and
these added to the burden of my jour
ney. I had been to Cordes Station
several times before, and had a gen
eral knowledge of where It was, but
really had no conception of what
twelve miles of travel over a gravel
railroad bed meant."
Court Figures that She Is Entitled to
That Much Pin Money.
Kansas City. Municipal Judge Kyle
fixed the amount of "pin money" a
wife should be allowed at 20 per cent,
of her husband's Income. Judge Kyle
figured It out to an exact nicety with
pencil and paper.
Mrs. J. W. Jollif had her husband in
court on a charge of disturbing her
peace. The chief charge ia that he
didn't glvo her enough money.
"How much do you makof Judge
Kyle asked Jollif.
"Sixty dollars a month," Jollif re
plied. The Court figured a minute and
said: "Now, I'll tell you what you
ought to do. After tho rent and the
household expenses are paid you
ought to give your wifo ?3 a week.
She's entitled to that much. She takes
care of tho children and she never
goes out of the house. I'll tell you
something else. She'll save more
money than you will out of that ?3 a
Jollif started to tell the Court that
his wife took money from under his
pillow while he was asleep, but the
Court waved him aside
"You may go, with the understand
ing that your wife gets her 20 par
cent regularly," Judge Kyle said.
Wife Slept In Dog House.
Chicago. Mrs. Gissela Skwarek had
the time of her life after sho startled
Judge Honore and his court attend
ants by testifying in her Bult for di
vorce that her husband, John Skwa
rek, had boen so cruel to her that she
was compelled to sleep in the dog
house. And further than that, the
dog had some of tho characteristics of
hla master, for after she had token
possession of his apartment tho un
gallant brute tried to oust her.
The dog house was In court for ex
hlblt purposes. Tho woman won the
Jury's hearts when she said that for
nine years of married Ufo her husband
had never taken her out to a place of
amusement or bought her even a
Sho waa given a decree, and then
tno jury bought her a dozen American
Denutlei and Invited her to take din
ner with them. They had music
an elaborate spread. Mrs. Skwarc.'
happiness was overpowering.
Has on Air of Superiority That
Forces Ilcr Upon Our Notice.
Have you ever noticed tho groat
amount of admiring attention which
the graceful girl attracts? Even al
modorately good-looking, and not
prettily or smartly dressed, thero is
an air of natural superiority about
her which forces her upon our no
tice. This superiority lies In tho
fact that the graceful girl knows
how to poise hor body correctly, how
to walk and sit becomingly. Con
sequently no matter what sho wears
or what her features may bo like,
sho always appears to the boat ad
A plain girl who knows how to
stand, move, and sit with easo Is
far moro admired than the beauty
who Is clumsy and awkward. Some
girls are naturally graceful. But
there Is no reason why those who
aro lacking In this respect should
not add to their charms by care
fully cultivating tho art. An erect
carriage, a graceful walk, a graceful
manner of sitting and rising aro
necessary if a girl wishes to bo
really charming. And it Is . qulto
within her own power to acquire
these virtues. In tho first place sho
must study hor own defects and the
faults of other girls In order that
she may avoid them.
Do not try to copy the graceful
girl off hand, so to speak, by forcing
yoursolf into what, to you would be
unnatural poses and attitudes. That
Is not the way to cultivate graceful
ness. In fact by doing so you will
probably only make yoursolf moro
awkward and clumsy. By always
trying to avoid the little faults
which prevent a girl from becoming
graceful, you will as time goes on
find yoursolf drifting qulto natural
ly Into tho ways and manners of
the graceful girl.
Odors as "Well, Arc Carried Directly
Up he Chimney.
A smokeless and odorlesr, griddle
and broiler, which has been lately
patented, has advantages which will
bo readily recognized at a glance of
tho accompanying cut. Tho front
plates of tho stove being removed,
the new griddle sots In and at tho
same time falls below the stove top
In this manner the heating surface
Is brought nearer to tho fire and all
smoke, vapors and odors are car-
ried up tho chimney. The griddle is
open at tho top but for the purpose
of broiling it is desirable that a
greater heat should be secured, and
this is brought about by maKing a
lid over the top. When tho latter
is lowered, tho moat being cooked
gets the full benefit of tho hoat, but
when it is raised every opportunity
is offered for its examination.
Washington Star.
Cruel Fnssy Motors.
Across the aisle from me sat one
of the "fussy" kind of mothers with
her little girl, evidently about fire
year old. Tho mother didn't loave
tho child In peaco for ono minute.
She took off her bat; smoothed hor
hair; she replnned hor collar; sho
wipd hor face with her-pocket-handkerchief;
sho took her from
her seat and stood her on the floor
to straighten her frock; then she sat
her back again. She took off her
hair ribbon and retied it; she looked
In her eye to see if there, was a
cinder in it; then she began at the
beginning and did all these things
over again.
The child grimly endured. Evi
dently she had been accustomed to
It all her short life. The world to
her was a queer, tiresome place In
which mothers exhausted their ener
gies and got their nerves on edge
by paying useless attention to llttlo
A physician who sat behind me
watched the scene.
"Has the woman no sense?" ho
said to me In an undertone. "Every
touch pushes that child nearer tho
sanitarium that will one day open
Its doors to take her in as sure as
"Poor little one!" I said. "Is
there no ho,?e for her?"
"Not wlta that mother," grimly
replied the doctor.
Enemies of the Rubber-Tree.
A great deal of attention has re
cently been given to the cultivation
of rubber, on account of the continual
ly increaalng demand for it Prof.
Francis B. Lloyd points out that "the
inevitable struggle of man with nat
ure" has already manifested Itself In
this new field. Already a considera
ble nnmber of parasitic enemies have
been discovered, "whose energies ap
pear to bo largely concentrated upon
cultivated rubboMrooB." It Is an
other problem for science to deal
Pastor's Wife Mothers His Two
Children, as Their Real
Mother Is Exiled.
St. Louis, May 25. Because Ger
trude Wolff, aged twenty years, vio
lated her agreement not to seo her
two children nor to return to tho
family of the Rev. G. F. Schenck, pas
tor of a German church nt Stolpe,
Mo., the unusual pathetic domestic
conditions of that family havo becomo
Gertrudo has been a member of the
Schenck family since she was thir
teen and has borno two daughters,
now aged six and four years. Her
agreement transferred the custody of
the children to Mrs. Schenck and
bound her not to write to tho family
nor receive any letters from Us mem
bers. Because of the girl's presence, Mrs.
Schenck refused to join her husband
when he first went to Stolpe, two
years ago. Recently, however, she
decided to settle near her husband
and the girl so that sho could watch
over them. Soon after her nrrlval.
however, the true conditions in tho
homo became known to friends of
Schenck and the girl was forced to
sign the agreement When she vio
lated its terms, last week, tho affair
became public. The text of tho agree
ment follows:
"I, the undersigned, Gertrude Wolff,
promise, In the presence of the under
signed witnesses, PaBtor Louis Sued
meyer and Dr. A. Slebert, of St Louis,
on May 16 or not later than May 17,
1909, to leave for New York on a
through train and take the first ship
for Germany. The cost of a third
class ticket and $20 pbeket money aro
to bo given mo by Dr. Slobert.
"2. I will not put my foot upon tho
soil of America again or return to tho
Schenck family.
"3. 1 will never write to the Schenck
family or any of the members or ac
cept any letters from them.
"4. Henceforth I will receive news
of my two children, Edna and Lillie,
from the undersigned witnesses, who
shall be bound to supply news of the
children's condition.
"5. I leave the children In the cus
tody of the Schenck family and the
witnesses .hereto agree to look after
their welfare.
"I give this holy promise of my own
free will. I am to rccelvo ono copy
and the other is to . be given to Dr.
"Row Louis Sucdmtjyer,
"Dr. A. Slebert"
The girl Is now at tho home of tho
Rev. Mr. Suedmeyer, pastor of a Ger
man Evangelical Church at Hermann,
Mo., and will remain there until gome
arangement .is made for her return
to her parents. Her children aro cared
for by Mrs. Schenck, who has forgiven
her husband and who mothers tho lit
tle oiles as though they were hor
The congregation of Schenck's
church has not decided what action it
will tike in regard to retaining him.
Eight Lives Lost in Bombardment of
Ten-Pound Missiles.
Galveston, Texas, May 24. Hail
stones tiiat aro said to have meas
ured nearly a foot and a half in cir
cumference and ranged in weight
from seven to ten pounds fell in
Southwestern Texas for nearly an
hour, and eight lives aro reported lost,
while tho number of livo stock killed
Is reported anywhere from 500 to 2,
000 head.
Tho storm was most severe in
Uvalde County, whore the greatest
damage resulted. It is estimated that
the loss to crops and farm property
will aggregate between 5200,000 and
$800,000. 4
The hailstones piled up in some
places four feot high, and the temper
ature for several hours was 40 de
Aged Penny-Toy Maker Leaves $35,000
to Charities.
Trenton, N. J., May 24. By tho will
of Henry B. Howell, who died a few
days ago, aged ninety-three years,
and who made a fortune of $100,000 by
a penny toy shop, which he conducted
hero for forty years, $35,000 goes to
charitable Institutions and tho tem
perance cause.
Mr. Howell was a bachelor, and the
remainder of his estate is willed to
his nephew and niece, Thomas J. Saw
yer, of Worcester, Mass., and Mrs.
Anna M. Smith, of Maiden, Mass.
Three Girls and Two Boys Added to a
Wisconsin Family.
Eau Claire, Wis., May 24. The wife
of Fay Irish of Thorp, Clark County,
gave birth to five babies three daugh
ters and two sons. All aro alive and
Thero are now ten children in the
family. The other five were born
separately and are all living.
Loses Wife for Love of Baseball.
Sacramento, Cal., May 24. Judge
Shields to-day granted a divorce to
Mrs. Miller H. Upson, on tho ground
of failure to provide. The wlto testi
fied Upson devoted most ot hia time
to baseball when he ought to have
boen earning a living for his two
children and herself.