The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 28, 1909, Image 5

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WANTED Six good Smoothers. KEY
Hawley, Pa. 40w2
TO LET. for children, pony and cart hold
Inc four. Terms. W cents for llrst hour 25c
per hour after. C. A. Cortrlght & Son.
ARE YOU THINKING of buylmr n form ?
I have for sale most of the nvailablc proper
ties In Wayne county those that nre desira
ble; thoso that will stand investigation:
those that can be bad at u rleht tleurc. At
this time there Is a turnlne to real estate for
safe Investment. Call on me pick out a place
you tniiiK win suit you anu 1 11 inne you out
to look It oter. I rill not let you in nn n bad
deal, rest assured of that. DDK IK, The Heal
Estate Man, office 1302 Spring St. Citizen's
ROOMS TO KENT.-Apply at llregsteln
Brothers' Store. 33tf
IJHAMAN has some splendid Native and
Western horses for sale all In excellent con
Hlon at Allen House Barn. 25tf
SPECIAL attention given to children at
at Charlesworth's Studio. '
CLEVELAND Bay Horse, six years old. 1G
nanus una one-nan men iiigii.nnu iuumhk
anl-pl rlfrtir pvnrv wiiv.
L right every way. I'ricc, o.
$50.00 HEWA7tD.-You can make even more
thou this on your goods by getting me to do
your selling. Write for date. A. O. lllake,
Auctioneer, Itcthany.
FOll SALE Kay house, on East Extension
street. Large lot with sixty feet front. .M. E.
Simons. SHeoltf
SCHOOL TEACHEKS If you have a few
lion rs each day that you can spare from you
work we will show you how to Increase your
timings. Drawer 5 Ilonesdule l'u.
FAHM of 182 acres for sale. Good house, a
barn that will accoinniodatelO cows. 5horses
and 100 tons of hay. Farm well wutcred.
JNew chicken house that will accommodate
200 chickens. Large silo. No better farm In
Wayne county. Situated one-half mile from
villuge. Inquire ut The Citizkn oillce.
A great many requests having been
made lor a matinee performance on
Saturday afternoon of this week at the
Lyric Theatre, the Gardner-Vincent Co.
havedecided to meet the desires of these
people and will, therefore, offer tins verv
pleasing romantic drama that was play
ed the first threedays of this week "The
Lady of Lyons." Prices will be just the
same as at the previous matinees 10
cents for children and 20 cents for ad
ults. Performance starts at '2:31) in or
der to give out of town people a better
opportunity to witness this play.
A government tombstone for
the grave of .lames Shanley, a mem
ber of Co. 13, 112th Pa. Vols., Is at
the D. & II. freight station in this
place, awaiting a claimant. The
friends of the deceased are request
ed to call for the same, and see that
it is properly erected. There are
no charges on the stone.
Sentiment mingled with ex
citement, a beautiful story, with
great heart interest, a Frederic
Thompson production, a big and ex
cellent company, and an attractive
heroine in Fay Wallace will all bo
seen in the big dramatic success,
"Polly of the Circus," at the Lyric
The Gardner-Vincent Stock Com
pany closes its four weeks' engagement
at the Lyric Theatre Saturday evening,
with the beautiful production of "Sapho."
Although the undertaking of inaugurat
ing a stock company for so many weeks
in a town the size of Honesdale was a
great venture, the management of the
Lyric is much pleased t6 make the an
nouncement that it has been a very suc
cessful engagement, financially as well as
artistically. The Gardner-Vincent Co.
came here with the fine reputation which
they had gained on several other occa
sions and they will leave Honesdale with
even more popularity than when they
entered upon their present engagement.
All plays were largely attended during
the month, but the largest sale of seats
was for the performance of Thursday
evening, the play being the much talked
about "Sapho," which will be present
ed for the last time and which will also
close the Gardner-Vincent engagement
here on Saturday evenintr.
On the opening day of the third an
nual diocesan convention of the Protest
ant Episcopal Church at Garden City,
L. I., on Tuesday last, a startling and
most disconcerting episode occurred.
The session was opened with the regular
communion service in thi Cathedral of
the Incarnation. After the anthems
had been sung a low moan was heard
from among the choir boys, and Alfred
Palamountain, one of the tenors, was
seen to lift the limp body of Andrew
Orth, a soprano, who had fainted be
cause of lack of fresh air and the pro
longed service, and place it on a bench.
Hardly had he done this when another
groan was heard and Koger Sinclair
Ellison, another singer, thinking that
Orth had fallen dead, swooned. George
Navio, believing both of the other boys
were dead, also fainted. The three boys
were hurried out and placed on the
grass. They were soon revived. The
automobile of Philander C. Jennings
was then procured to take the boys to
St. Paul's school. The boys were plac
ed in the tonneau and as Mr. Jennings
was backing out the rear wheels of his
car slipped into a ditch. The machine
waa pulled out by ten of the ministers
with the aid of two planks. After the
excitement had subsided a marblo bust
of Abram Newkirk Littlejohn, D. D., D.
C. L., LL D., the first Bishop of Long
Island, was unveiled and a short ad
dress was made by the Rev. Dr. Henry
O. Swentzel, formerly rector of Grace
Church of this borough.
The completely metamorphosed
Commercial Hotel, formerly tho
Coyne House, corner of Main and
Sixth streets, was formally opened
to the public on Wednesday after
noon and evening last. Hundreds
of our townspeople visited the ho
tel, and were courteously shown
through tho establishment by tho
new owner and proprietor, C. J.
Weaver. The general concensus of
opinion, after such inspection, was
that the Commercial takes no sec
ond rank among Honesdald's line
hostelrles, all of its appointments
being not only absolutely new, but
of the latest style and finish, and
certain to meet tho requirements
of the most fatldious taste. The
gentlemanly office clerk, James W.
Bnker, whose many years service
In a similar capacity at the Allen
House, has made his name a house
hold word among the traveling
public, will greet the patrons of
the hotel with all of his old time
courtesy; and all other departments
of (he Commercial will be found to
be in competent and experienced
hands. We reserve a detailed de
scriptim of this new candidate for
populat patronage and favor for a
future article.
There will be a special meeting of
the Haptist congregation on Sunday
morning following the sermon by Itev.
George S. Wendell. Come and give
him a cordial greeting.
It must be annoying to correspon
dents to find their items marred by the
occasional misspelling of proper names.
Hut they have only themselves to blame
when blemishes of this sort occur. We
do our best to decipher every thing sub
mitted to uf ; but when names are in
volved, or figures obscure, it is clearly
beyond our power lo correct nil mis
takes. Thisis the 'steenth time we have
called attention to this trouble, and sin
cerely hope it may be the last.
William K. Uiehart, son of
George .M. Itlchart, for several years
tho editor of the Pittston Gazette,
paid The Citizen office a pleasant
call on Wednesday. Mr. Rlchart
Is a manufacturer of graphite speci
alties, with place of business in the
Coal Exchange, Scranton.
llev. George S. Wendell, pastor of
the Kmanuel Haptist church of Chester,
will deliver the address to the veterans
of the Grand Army, Sunday evening at
the Baptist church.
On Tuesday afternoon John
Arthur and George Beere, of Dy
borry township, were arrested by
Detective X. 15. Spencer on the
charge of trespassing on tho proper
ty of the Wayne County Hunting and
Fishing club. Arthur and IJerro
were caught fishing in tho streams
of the west branch of the Dyberry
river by watchman. Jasper Bur
dick on Saturday afternoon, May
22, who procured of Justice R. A.
Smith a warrant for their arrest.
They were brought to Honesdale,
on Tuesday, as stated, and at a hear
ing before Justice Smith pleaded
guilty, and were fined two dollars
and costs each, which amounted to
$!.Sii. Ueore paid his lino at once
and Arthur settled early on Wed
nesday morning.
The Honesdale banks will be
closed on .Monday, May a 1st, Memor
ial Day.
The pupils of four grades of the
Honesdale High school sent flowers
to different city hospitals on Wed
nesday.. The baccaleureato sermon for the
graduating class of the Seelyville
high school will be delivered at the
chapel by Rev. W. F. Hopp, Wednes
day evening, June 2.
"The Burglar" will be present
ed by the Fraternal Order of Eagles
of this place on Thursday evening,
June 10th. The play will be under
the direction of Mr. La Rue, of the
Gardner-Vincent Stock Co.
The fourth annual commence
ment of tho Clinton High school was
held at Aldenville on Tuesday even
ing, May 25th. The music was fur
nished by the Lyric orchestra of
Honesdale. The following program
was rendered: Invocation, Rev. Jas.
Rainey; salutatory, Lloyd Clemens;
essay, "Achievements of Women,"
Amanda Norton; "History," Ray
mond Smith; essay, "Misuse of
Wealth," Eva Stiles; Prophecy,
Francis Curtis; "Education as Ad
justment" valedictory, Gladys Hau-
enstein; address, Supt. J. J. Koehler.
The following committees were ap-
pointedby the Honesdale Sunday Schools
to co-operate with Capt. Jaraea Ham
Post, No. 198, G. A. R., in decorating
the graves of the veterans viz : Methodiet:
Buel Dodge, C. F. Bullock and E. B.
Callaway. Baptist : Rev. R. D. Minch,
Earl Mitchell and F. II. Trask. Presby
terian: W. W. Wood, Misses Florence
Watts and Antoinette Durland. Grace
Episcopal: W. II. Stengle, Miasea Etta
Nielaen and Rena Edgett.
--The G. A. R. service will be held
at the high school rooms, Friday after
noon. Speeches will be made by mem
bers of the Capt. James Ham Post.
The train crew of the Del. & Hud.
railroad are enjoying their monthly three
days vacation. A crew from Carbon
dale has charge of the train.
The ballots for the primary election
to be held on June 5th, 1909, were print
ed at The Citizen office and delivered
to the Commissionera on Thursday. The
contract called for delivery not later
than Saturday.
On account of the few entries to our
five-mile Marathon race, and to tho fact
that thoae who did enter were not phyai
cnlly fitted to endure the strain of a five
mile run, the race has been called off.
Work on the Lackawaxen Valley
trolley line was resumed on the guard
lock level just below Honesdale, on
Tuesday last. Supt. Harry II. Richards,
with a party of men and horses, started
in at filling and grading, in most vigor
ous fashion on that morning, and if the
same zealous interest in tho enterprise
is kept up throughout the season, we
may expect to see the cars running regu
larly by the time the snow flies again.
At the thirty-eighth annual con
vention of the Central Pennsylvania
Diocese of the Protestant Epiacopal
Church, which began at Easton, Pa., on
Tuesday evening, the following officers
were elected: President, Bishop Talbot;
Secretary, Oscar P. C. Foster, of West
Pittston; Assistant Secretary, Rev. E.
D. Johnson, West Pittston; Treasurer,
P. R. Stetson, Reading ; Chancellor,
Rev. R. A. Marcus, Towanda; Registrar,
P. A. Lambert, Bethlehem. On Wednes
day the name of the Diocese of Central
Pennsylvania of the Protestant Episcopal
Church was changed to the Diocese of
Bethlehem. Only one lay delegate voted
against the proposition to change the
name. The next convention wilt be held
nt Wilkes-Barre. Rev. A. L. Whittaker,
rector, and Joseph N. Welch, senior
warden, of Grace Episcopal church,
Honesdale, are in attendance at the con
vention. PERSONAL.
Miss Margaret Billard left today for
a visit with relatives in Mcriden, Conn.
Miss Graco Clark is spending a few
weeks with relatives in Pittston.
Mrs. Ella Pope has returned home
after a visit with relatives in Pittsburg.
Miss Lillian Sweeney left this week
for an extended stay in New York city.
Joseph A. (Jerrity, district superin
tendent of the International Correspon
dence Schools, is spending a few days
in town.
Mrs. O. T. Chambers is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. George Johns, of New
York city.
L. L. Woodley of the Cocoa Cola
company, was a visitor in town yester
day. Mrs. Sigmund Katz is the guest of
relatives in Scranton.
Editor B. F. Haines of the Indepen
dent, was a visitor in ew York this
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd have re
turned home after a visit at Beach Lake.
On Tuesday evening a number of their
friends tendered them a surprise party.
Mrs. 1. V. Carr, of Scranton, lias
removed to Honesdale, and will make
her home at this place.
Miss Mae Finnerty entertained a
number of friends at a linen shower at
her home on North Main 6treet, Wednes
day evening. The affair was in honor
of Miss Gertrude Reilly, whose engage
ment to Paul Fives was recently an
nounced. Theodore llebert attended the
funeral of a relative in Philadelphia on
Gilbert White and granddaughter,
! Miss Jessie White, left Wednesday for a
visit with relatives in Rock Island, 111.
Misses Vining and Carolyne Cody
gave a china shower Wednesday evening
at the manse Bethany, in honor of Miss
Laura Starnes. The house was prettily
decorated with ferns and apple blos
soms. A very pleasant evening was
spent by all.
Mrs. Francis B. Penniman, mother
of E. A. Penniman, celebrated her 99th
birthday at her home on Church street,
yesterday, Thursday, May 27, 1909.
John Kimble has returned to his
home after a short business trip to New
York city.
Miss Bessie Claney, of Port Jervis,
ia spending a few days with Honesdale
Edson Blandin, of Scranton, waa a
business caller in town yesterday.
Sigmund Katz attended the funeral
of S. Levi, of New York city, on Thurs
day. Sidney Brink, of Hawley, was a
caller in town yesterday.
Orrin T. Noble, of Chicago, who is
on a visit to old scenes in AVayne coun
ty, and enjoying the hospitality of re
latives and friends in Damascua, Mount
Pleasant, and other points, paid The
Citizen office a call on Wednesday last.
When he returns west he will locate at
Battle Creek, Mich.
Neville Holgate, the efficient repre
sentative of Martin Caufleld, of Hones
dale, was in town last week and erected
a number of fine monuments in our lo
cal cemeteriea that were wrought at Mr.
Caufield's noted establishment. They
included New Westerly granite memori
als on the plots of Louia Brunner and
Samuel Henderson in Maplewood ceme
tery andM. J. Ruddy and James Cough
lin in St. Rose cemetery. Carbondale
Dr. E. L. Peet, of Green Ridge,
who has been critically ill with blood
poisoning in the right arm and has been
recuperating at the home of his parents
in this county, has almost recovered
from the effects and returned to Scran
ton. Edward Penniman Baker, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Baker of New
Rochelle, N. Y., graduated from Pack
ard College, New York city, having
completed the full commercial course.
The commencement sxercisea were held
on Monday evening, May 24th, in Car
negie Hall.
Mra. Hiram and Mra. Fred. Lam
belt and the lattcr'a aon arrived Wednes
day on the Erie train from Pittefield'.
Mass., to visit their father, J. E. Cook,
of Spring street.
At Haptist Church, Honesdale, Sun
day Evening, May 30, 1000, at
7.30 O'clock.
1. Prelude: Orchestra.
2. "Long Roll": Drum Corps.
(Congregation rises.)
3. Invocation: Rev. R. D. Minch.
(Congregation sits.)
4. "Glory Hallelujah": Drum
5. Hymn: No. 565.
6. Scripture Reading: Rev. Will
7. Solo "Star Spangled Ban
ner": Mrs. J. M. Archer.
S. Prayer: Rev. W. H. Swift,
D. D.
9. Anthem: Choir.
10. Lincoln's Gettysburg oration:
Rev. A. L. Whittaker.
11. "La Marseillaise": orchestra.
12. Offering and orchestra.
13. Hymn: No. 564.
14. Memorial sermon: Rev. Geo.
S. Wendell.
15. Duet "Tenting on the Old
Camp Ground," Misses Man
tle and Wagner.
16. Hymn: No. 822.
17. Benediction: Rev. W. T.
Drum Corp3, Veterans, Ladles' Cir
cle, and Company E, retire; congre
gation remaining seated, and orches
tra playing "The Watch on the
The line will be formed on the
sidewalk, in front of the church, the
drum corps will play "Tattoo," the
bugler wijl sound "Taps," and ranks
will bo broken.
Drum Corps: ''flu- Reveille."
"The Long Roll."
Post Bugler: "The Assembly."
Invocation: Rev. Dr. W. H. Swift,
Opening by Post Commander.
Raising Flag : Mrs. Wm. Clark.
Band: "The Star Spangled Banner."
Draping Grave : Mrs. C. E. Baker.
Drum Corps: "Glory Hallelujah."
G. A. R. Services: Officers of Post.
Hand: "La Marseillaise."
Oration: Andrew Thompson.
Band: "Beyond the Gates of Paradise.,
Service in Memory of the Unknown
Address : W. W. Wood.
Decorating Grave : Mrs. D. B. Mantle.
Band : Dirge.
Musketry salute to the dead : Co. E.
Benediction: llev. R. I). Minch.
Drum Corps: "Tattoo."
Post Bugler: "Taps."
Forming for return march.
Band . "The Watch on the Rhine."
A meeting of the citizens of
Pleasant .Mount was held at J. E.
Tiffany's store and arrangements
were mndo to hold Memorial Day
services May 31st. A general in
vitation is extended to the people of
Pleasant Mount and vicinity to at
tend. The exercises will be held
at the Park, beginning at 2 p. m.
The following Is the program: Invo
cation; singing, "America"; recita
tion, Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech;
singing, "Red, White and Blue";
addresses, Prof. J. H. Kennedy and
Hon. J. D. Brennan; benediction.
The committee on decorations, con
sisting of the veterans, will proceed
to the cemetery after the foregoing
exercises. All who attend are in
vited to accompany them. The
students of the high school were ap
pointed a committee to obtain flow
ers for the occasion.
The following advertised let
ters remain at the Honesdale post
otllee: Mr. W. Dexter, Mr. Robert
Luckock, Mr. P. J. McNulty, Mr.
Richard Peters, Mr. Howard Rhode,
Mr. L. R. Robinson.
Englishman Dies Leaving $50,000,000.
London, May 27. Charles Morrison,
a comparatively unknown millionaire,
whose estate, It Is estimated, Is worth
between $.10,000,000 and $75,000,000,
died at his home, near Reading. He
was ninety-two years old and a bache
lor. And So Got Riches.
An unfeeling monster of a man
although a writer In the Atchison
Globe does not so describe him was
ased at a little evening gathering tc
tell what book had helped him most
"My wife's cook-book," ho replied,
after some thought.
All the ladles present bridled, and
one asked him in what way his wife's
cook-book had helped him would he
not tell them in a few words?
He would.
"About as soon as I married," ho
said, "I made up my mind I'd rather
work than eat."
It Might Be Either.
A bony, lank village youth of artis
tic bent, who- was sniffed at by bis fel
low natives, finally disappeared from
his usual haunts. He was missed
chiefly because his peculiar personal
appearance was bound to attract at
tention wherever it was exhibited.
No one seemed to know whither the
lad had gone, till the storekeeper, re
turning from a visit to a near-by city,
announced that he had discovered his
"I found him!" he proclaimed. "He
was In the art museum."
"As a curio," Inquired one, "or as
an object of art?"
Big Preparations for the President's
Visit tu Famous Battlefield.
Gettysburg, Pa., May 2G. Ar
rangements have been completed for
the dedication on the battlefield
here next Monday afternoon of the
monument erected by Act of Con
gress to commeraorato the services
of the regular army of the United
States in tho Gettysburg campaign
of June and July, 1863. President
Taft will be tho central figure In the
ceremonies, and will deliver the
oration. Miss Helen H. Taft, the
President's daughter, will unveil
the monument.
The President will arrive here
Monday morning from Pittsburg
and will be met by a committee of
prominent citizens of the historic
town and will be escorted by United
States Regulars.
Secretary of War, Dickinson, will
deliver an address and transfer the
monument to the Gettysburg Na
tional Park Commission. The me
morial will be accepted by Lieuten
ant Colonel John P. Nicholson,
chairman of the commission. Fol
lowing the placing of laurel wreaths
at the base of the monument by
the oldest regimental or battery
commander in the Gettysburg cam
paign attending the dedication,
President Taft will review the
troops on the field.
The monument is a beautiful shaft
85 feet high, surrounded at the base
by a broad granite terrace. It stands
on Hancock avenue a short distance
south of the high water mark of
the Battle of Gettysburg. This
monument represents all of the
forty-two cavalry, artillery, infantry
and engineer organizations of the
regular army that participated in
the campaign. In addition there
has been elected a small monument
seven feet high for each of tho com
mands at tho location it occupied
during the battle. The largest cen
tral monument and the forty-two
smaller memorials are all appropri
ately inscribed.
There will be no game of base ball in
Honesdale on Monday. There has been
no team organized here as yet, but it is
hoped that the town will be represented
on the diamond again this season. There
is good material in Honesdale and vi
cinity and a fast team could be picked
from the following players from Hones
dale and White Mills : Lilijquist, Tu
man, Weaver, Smith, Murray, Deemer,
Hattler and Guthiel.
James Moran, a former member of
the local base ball team, is playing with
the St. Peter's team of the C. T. A. U
League ot Scranton. Moran is consider
ed the best catcher in the league.
The high school base ball team will
conduct a dance at Lyric hall, Tuesday
evening. At a meeting of the team this
week, Joseph Jacobs was elected cap
Emmett Steele, of Milford, is winning
most of his games for Altoona. His
team heads the Tri-Stato league.
Edward Murphy, of White Mills, has
signed to play with the Mt. Carmel
A Deserved Testimonial.
The followingresolutiou recently adopt
ed by the Honesdale Improvement As
sociation, in recognition of the faithful
service rendered by the long-time secre
tary of that society, Mrs. T. J. Ham ;
with the accompanying appreciative
! note fr)m her very efficient successor,
have been handed us for publication :
Honesdale, Pa., May 25, 1909.
Mrs. T. J. Ham:
Dear Friend At the annual meeting
of the Honesdale Improvement Society,
held May 10, 1909, as a token of their
regard, by a unanimous vote, you were
elected to a life membership in the
Honesdale Improvement Association.
Yours Very Sincerely,
Jennie M. Bam., Sec'y.
1 have been unable to write and tell
you with what kindly feeling this vote
was voiced and passed. This can only
in a very small way reveal to you the re
gards of the Association, and their ap-
preciationof your years of faithful service
as Secretary.
Very kindly,
Jennie M. Bam..
Not Wholly Careless.
Thomas Chett was a meek but care
less clerk, who, through no greater
fault than carelessness, was continu
ally blundering in his work. His most
usual mistake was to misdirect let
ters, either by substituting a wrong
street number, or by writing, say
"CiL" for "Col." One day his em
plnyer laid on his desk a letter which
ha." been over a month In the malls
without reaching its destination and
all because of Thomas's error.
"Now, this has got to stop," said his
employer. "Such delays waste time
and money. If you had used an en
velope which hadn't had our address
In the corner, we might never hove
known where this letter went to."
"That's true," assented the humble
clerk. "But I am always careful to
use that kind of envelope Just for that
Being a little slow of comprehen
sion, he did not understand why his
patient employer bit his Hp and turn
ed away smiling.
Deolares That Future of the Negro It
Hopeful and Bright.
Washington, May 27. Speaking to
the colored graduates of Howard uni
versity In this city, President Taft de
clared that never at any time has the
future of the negro as a race appeared
more hopeful and bright than at the
present day. Conditions for the negro
in tho south, the president said, are
growing bettor and better.
The tusk of educating the negro and
especially of educating leaders among
tho race, the president asserted, was n
debt owed by the government, a debt
only too difficult of repayment becnuse
of the constitutional limits of the gov
ernment In dealing with the Individ
ual. President Taft handed to the hun
dred candidates for degrees their
parchment rolls. Then he wns escorted
to tho foundation of the new Carnegie
library of the university, where he offi
ciated at the laying of tho cornerstone.
The president evidently enjoyed the
privilege of being a real mason, for he
not only applied the customary first
dash of mortar, but worked Industri
ously with the silver trowel until he
had covered the entlro resting place
for the well proimrtloned stone. Secre
tary of the Interior Bnllluger was also
called upon to wield the trowel.
"Come on, Balllngcr; you might as
well help," said tie president to the
secretary, under whose department the
control of Howard university comes.
"But don't put too much." the presi
dent added, "and spoil the job."
Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa
Washington, May 27. The earth
quake centering In Illinois was also
felt In the Mates f Indiana, Wiscon
sin, Michigan, Iowa and other parts of
the middle west.
Throughout the territory affected no
loss of life and only minor damage
was reported. Small fires were started
by the overturning of stoves, nnd
many chimneys were razed. Aurora,
111., is said to have suffered particu
larly In this respect.
In Chicago the shock was generally
felt, but damage was confined to the
breaking of dishes and ornaments
shaken from mantelpieces or tables.
In Wisconsin the college buildings
at Beloll were violently shaken and
many residences. Tremors lasting for
fifteen seconds were experienced at
At Kalamazoo. Mich., windows were
shaken and china broken.
At Cedar ltuplds, la., the shock was
so violent that students of Coe college
rushed In alarm from the building.
at tVIENNER & GO'S Store
Menner & Co's Store.
Lw EE1
inni" ";- 1
AT '
Was $10, now $7.
Was $9, now $6.
Was $8, now $5.
Was $4, now $2.50