THE CITIZEN MTBUSIIKD EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY BY THE CITIZEN rUBMBUINO COMI-ANY. Entered as second-class the post office, Honesdale, Pa. B. B. HAKDENBEItOH, - - PRESIDENT W. W. WOOD. - - MANAGER AND SECY directors: c. n. dobklinoer. m. b. allen', henry wilson. e. b. uardenberoii, W. W. WOOD. UBSCRIPTION: 11.50 a year, in advance FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1009. HKPUBLICANS. Republicans do not forget the primaries; turn out and vote. It Is true no great principle is at stake, but do not let that keep you from the polls. The Citizen is interested in a thorough organization of the party and a unification of every interest that we may poll our full vote at fut ure elections. RESTITUTION. By its own confession in court It appears that the Sugar Trust has defrauded the Government of ?2, 135, 48G. The monoy stolen has been returned. This was no techr nlcal swindle. It did not depend upon a disputed interpretation of law. It was accomplished with as much deliberation as is shown in the operations of a forger or a con fidence man. There was wholesale cheating in the weight of imported sugar. The less the weight the smaller the tax to be paid. The less the tax the more money for salaries and divid ends on which to support luxury and display. The greater the luxury and display the wider the class dis tinctions in a country where no classes should be. To facilitate the fraud, scales wero tampered with and Government agents were bribed. The theft went on for years, systematically and suc cessfully. Men high up as well as men low down in the Sugar Trust must have known about It. Mil lions are not appropriated in this fashion unwittingly. Design ap pears at every stage of the proceed ings. Design is admitted by restitu tion. Is there a person connected with the sugar monopoly who will marvel hereafter when he comes to con sider some strikingly violent popu lar attack upon a trust? fcKIK KKl'T THEM AT WORK. Without any intention of confirm ing the statement made by officers of the Eiio railroad as to the amount of improvement that is being done by that company, the State Labor Commissioner of New York, in ac counting for the falling off in the demand for labor for the year 1908 as compared with former years, says that if it had not been for the thous ands of men employed by the Erie Railroad Company last year in mak ing improvements in this state and in New Jersey there would have been much suffering among that class of laborers who depend for a living up on railroad construction. Thus from an unexpected sourro, the Erie road gets confirmation of the fact, that while the up-State Public Service Commission was considering wheth er or not it should permit the com pany to issue $30,000,000 worth of new bonds for redemption and im provements, the company was going right along and making the better ments anyhow, confident that in due time the commission would see the wisdom of permitting the company to capitalize its necessary work of expansion. When the Erie has completed its general plan of im provements in the way of cut-offs and easier grades, it is estimated that the betterments will effect wonder ful economies in the matter of haul ing freight and thereby increasing both its gross and net returns from an enlarged freight business, not to mention the Increased passenger business that will naturally follow. New York Evening Sun. J. C. HRIGHT WILL FILED. Ilryn Mowr Hardware Dealer Leaves Daughter $10,000. Norrlstown, Pa., May 25. By the will of Joseph C. Bright, late of Bryn Mawr, which was probated to day, his daughter, Ann Linn Bright, will receive $10,000, provided she does not marry before the death of her mother. Mr. Bright, who was an extensive hardware1 dealer, with stores at Lans- ford, Reading, Pottsville, and HaZ' leton, also provides that the Potts' ville and Hazleton stores are to be made over to a corporation, this to form the residuary part of the es tate. To his son, Harris, he gives $2500 a year; to his daughter, Anna, $1000 a year during the life of her mother, and the remainder of the residuary income is given to the widow. BATTLESHIP NORTH DAKOTA. In the Boston Herald, of Novem ber 8th, we find that the battleship North Dakota, now being built at Qulncy, near Boston, is to cost about nine millions of dollars. The guns on the vessel are to cost about seven hundred and ninety thousand dol lars. One broadside of her guns will cost seventeen thousand dollars After two hours of continuous firing, her guns will be worn out and use less. Shooting in concert, it Is es tlmated it will cost about twenty. five thousand dollars a minute to feed her guns; and It will require nine hundred officers and men to man the vessel. ORII AY1 THE DWINDLING WAR VETERANS Tin (JriuMl Army Now Only Half as liiti-f-e As it Was Twenty Years A so. When the veterans of the 0,057 posts of the Grand Army of the Re public assemble for roll call on Memorial Day on Monday next, the gaps in tne ranks will bo greater than ever ' before, for the records show that since May 30, 1908, nearly 15,000 "comrades" have passed to the last muster. The rmy now numbers barely 200,000. Less than twenty years ago there was double that number and even on Dec. 31, 1907, tho various de partments showed a total member ship of 225,157. One by one, how ever, and two by two, the men who fought at Gettysburg and Chancel lorsvllle and Antletam, have drop ped from the ranks and each year fewer voices have answered to tho roll call. The death rate that twen ty years ago was less than one per cent, has now increased to live per cent. Slowly but surely the ranks of tne equally brave Confederate vet erans, have dwindled, until to-day but a tithe remains of Early's men and Morgan's troopers and the al most Invincible armies of Lee and Beauregard. Not all the survivors are Included in organizations, how ever. The rolls of the government still carried on the first of this month the names of 601,699 veter ans of the civil war. Illinois has al ways been prominent in the coun cils of the G. A. R. The first post of the Army was organized in that state, at Decatur, April 6, 186G. New York state leads in the number of posts, with 598, followed by Penn sylvania, 526; Ohio, 520, and Illi nois, 515. The Association of United Con federate Veterans was organized June 10, 1889, and has 1,300 camps with a membership of about 60,000. Since the war many of the veterans have scattered and camps are now located in the northwest and on the Pacific coast as well as in tho south ern states. Capt. James Ham Post, of Hones- dale, mustered one hundred and forty members in 1889, and on Monday next barely thirty veterans will answer the roll call. TO STUDY ALASKA GLACIERS. Cornell Geologist to Make Trip to the Far North This Summer. Ithaca, N. Y., May 26. Backed by the National Geographical So ciety, Prof. Ralph Stockton Tarr, well-known Cornell geologist, will make another expedition Into Alas ka this summer for the purpose of studying glaciers. Prof. Tarr had his plans made to visit Europe, but on his return from Washington said that the Geological Society had pre vailed upon him to continue his ex ploratlons in Alaska, begun several years ago. The society has ap propriated $5000 for tho expedition. Mr. Tarr will bo accompanied by Prof. Lawrence Martin, of the Unl erslty of Wisconsin, a former pu pil. Mr. Tarr has already made valuable discoveries In Alaska glac ler fields. He is also authority on earthquakes. Tho party will leave Seattle June 16th, and spend the summer in Alaska. DO you know what It means, boys and Elfin Who hail from the north and the BOUth Do you know what It means. This twining of greens Round the silent cannon's mouth. This strewing with flowers tho grass Crown eravo. This decking with frarlands the statues brave. This flaunting of flags All In tatters and rags, This marching and singing, These bells a-rlnglng. These faces grave and these faces gay, This talk of the blue and this talk of the gray, In the north and the south Memorial day? Not simply n show time, boys and Rlrlo. Is this day of falling flowers. Not a pageant play Nor a holiday .Of flags and floral bowers. It Is something more than the day that starts Warm memories a-throb In veteran hearts. For across the years To the hopes and fears. To the days of battle, Of roar and of rattle, To tho past that now seems eo far away. Do the sons of the blue and the sons of the gray Qaze, hand clasping hand, Memorial day. For the wreck and the wrong of it. boys and girls, For the terror and loss as well. Our hearts must hold A regret untold As we think of those who fell. But their blood, on whichever side thoy fought, Uemado the nation and progress bought. We forget the foe. For we live and know That the lighting and sighing, Tho falling and dying. Were but steps toward tho future the martyr's way, Pown which the rons of the blue and the gray Look with love and pride Memorial day. Wide Awake. OBITUARY. Died at the parents' residence in Philadelphia at 6 o'clock Tuesday morning, May 25, 1909, Violet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Egelston, formerly of this borough, aged 9 months. Mrs. Andrew Hellis, of Plttston, formerly Miss Mary Haggerty of this county, died suddenly at her home in tho former city, on Sunday last, from the bursting of a blood vessel. Her husband, who is in charge of tho machinists at No. 9 col liery, left the house early In the morning for his work. Shortly afterward his wife said she was not feeling well, and as her little daugh ter was leaving the house to go to the home of a relative, she said she would lie down. When the daughter returned, she found her mother dead. A physician who was called said that death had occurred several hours previously. Tho (to ceased was 45 years of age and the family had resided in Pittston for the past twelve years. Her sudden death was a severe shock to the family. The survivors are the hus band, one daughter, Alfreda, the mother, Mrs. Turner, of Maplewood, and these sisters and brother: Mrs. Andrew Drew, of Glddings street, Plttston; Mrs. Samuel Cowell, of Dunmore; John Haggerty, of Nay Aug. Charles Hanford Robertson, a well known locomotive engineer on the Delaware Division of tho Erie, died at his home in Matainoras', Pike county, on Tuesday morning last, after an illness of seven months. He was nearly fifty years of age. Deceased was born at White Sulphur Springs, Sullivan county, and seventeen years ago be gan firing for tho Erie with his residence at Port Jervla. He was soon promoted to engineer and performed his duties to the satlS' faction of his employers. He was a man who was well liked by many friends. A man who was a kind and indulgent husband and father On August 19, 1884, Mr. Robert son was united in marriage with Miss Jessie Coleman, of Honesdale, who survives him with the follow ing daughters: Helen, wife of H W. Smith of Matamoras; Bertha Florence, Mildred and Agnes at home. Also two sisters: Julia wife of Washington Sutherland, of White Sulphur Springs; Ida, wife of Lambert White of East Branch N. Y. A Germ Immune, "Well," said the old gentleman, walking through the International Tu berculosls exhibit, "when I see all this I wonder how I have over lived to be 84 years old, and I never took a mite of care of myself, either. You see, I was born in the days before they dis covered germs. I have slept with tho snow blowing in on my bed, cut through the ice to wash my face and hands, eaten all kinds of rich, hearty foods, got my feet wet and let them got dry again or stay wet, put my flan nels on and took thern off when I pleased am 84 years old ond never had a serious Illness. I am afraid now, however, that I will never reach Jo yean, as my father and mot'-or did. Loots like n man f'on't haro a fair show with so muny j;crms ready to floor him," HOW TO RAISE YOUR CHICKENS What Experience You Must Have to Obtain tho Rest Results. Continued from last week "Well, wife, what made you pray to the Lord, that I might learn some other profession?" "Just because I have proper rea sons for doing so. Don't you re member before we were married, how you pulled the wool over my eyes by saying that you would always look to me when you .were in need of advice? You said that my education was far superior to yours, and that 1 was just the girl that would make you happy all your life; and now you seem to think that a woman is only a woman, and that she should not in terfere with men's affairs. You seem to think that as long as a woman can bake, wash and keep the house in order, that that Is all that is neces sary for her to know. Sometimes I wish that I was never married to a deceitful man like you! Why you don't even give me a chance to say word about the poultry business any more. "Say, wife, can you tell me what I have been eating for supper? Gee whiz! I thought that when I mar ried you I would be happy all my life. After a man has been working hard all day he does not want to listen to a lecture on what he prom ised before he was married. Women only look on one side of things any- ay, and when women think that they are superior to man I think that they are getting off their trolley. I dou't mean the Honesdale enterprise; be cause we expect to be getting on and off that trolley in a very short time. 1 don't mind listening to a temper ance, religious, or political lecture, or a little smattering of local option oc casionally; but this continual nagging ill the time about how a man is, or what he promised, or how he should be, or how he must act, just to satis fy his wife's curiosity, is enough to drive a man to drink. And then a woman will say: 'Why you never used to drink before we were married.' How is it, wife, that both men and women change their mind after they are married? Well, say, we will let it go in one ear and out the other. Now if we expect to make a success out of life lot us both pull together. We have had a little hard luck and lots of trouble raising chickens, but what a blessing it is that we don't nave any children to squabble over, When you talk about somo other pro fession you must take into considera tion the fact that I am about forty- two years old now, and I don't have enough wind to blow glass, and my nerves are not steady enough to cut glass, and further, I will say that to ever become a finished workman in these branches of industry you must start while you are young." "Well," said the wife, "Suppose you listen to me for a while. If you are satisfied to make another effort in the poultry business just quit shaving yourself, and go down to the barber shop, get in the chair and say, 'Well, Will, how Is the chicken business? and then just keep still, and if Mr. ill don't come along and disturb you, ou will get a shave and your first les son in poultry culture for ten cents." "All right, wife, I guess that I will take your advice." On reaching the barber shop he found that he was next. Hello, barber, how is business this morning?" "Well, there's no use kicking, we might as well take things as thoy come." "Looks a little like rain this morn ing." Yes, kind of bad weather for young chicks." "Yes, It is; but you see my chickens are all drowned and I don't have to ;worry about the weather." "Next!" seating himself in the chair. "Well, Will, how is the chicken business?" "Well," Will said, "I am sorry for all you chicken fellows, and the bad luck that some of you have had. I see by The Citizen that you have been full of misfortunes In the business." "Yes, I had a notion to give it up." "Oh, no, don't do that! There is money in poultry. Somo day I am going to try it myself; I have got a few out on my father's farm now; Just for a little experience that's all. You see, I want to tell you that the reason for all this bad luck that you have had is simply from a lack of knowledge and ex- perlence. In the first place, before you take upon yourself to go in the poultry business you must ex amine yourseu to see if you are personally fitted for a poultry man. You must be kind-hearted, good natured, and of a generous disposi tion. Such animals as dogs, cats, etc!, you should be very fond of, and a person like you ought to be very fond of children, because the study and care of raising children would give you a little more pati ence and experience In raising the little chicks." "Say, Will, did you ever raise any children?" "No, but I can see how other peo ple bring them up." "Oh, I didn't know If you were talking from theory or experience. I just wanted to tell you that you must havo brains and exercise good Judgment, or you will always be In trouble. Don't you understand me?" ",Oh, yes, I understand you all right and I want to thank you for your advice. I must be going now, or my wlfo will think that you are slow shaver." "Well so long, Willi so long!" Returning home, his wife said: Well, did you get a shave?" "Yes, but I did not know a thing about it. I was so Interested in what he said about poultry-raising, that I had to put my hand on my face to see If I was shaved or not." "I told you that you could get him started." "Yes, ho started all right, and I thought that it was the best ten cents worth that I ever had." "Well, what did he say?" "He said that we must be kind- hearted, good-natured and of a lov ing disposition towards all animals and that we must have a dog, a cat, etc., and he said that we must raise some children In order to get the practical experience of raising young chicks." "Oh, Lord, Lord, shall we ever bo able to qualify ourselves In these necessary requirements to become successful poultry raisers? JOSEPH STEPHENS. BASEBALL SCOBES. Results of Games Played In National, American and Eastern Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At New York Now York, 8; St. Louis, Batteries Wlltse and Schlel; Hlgglns, Beebe and Bresnahan, At Brooklyn Ch caco. 2: Brooklyn, 0. Batteries Overall and Moran; Bell and Bergen. At Boston Pittsburg, 9: Boston, 6 (iu in nings). Batteries Leever, Camnlta and Gibson; Mattcrn and Smith. At Philadelphia Philadelphia, b; Cin cinnati, 2. Batteries Mooro and Dooln; Dubec, Rowan and Roth. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. I.. P.c. w. X.. P.O. Pittsburg. 21 11 .IB6 Now York 14 15 .483 Chicago... 22 13 .029 Brooklyn. 13 17 .433 Phila'phla 15 14 .017 St. Louis. 15 20 .4i Cincinnati 17 18 .486 Boston.... 11 20 .355 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Chicago Chicago-New York game postponed by rain. At Detroit Washington, 3; Detroit, 1. Batteries Gray and Street; Suggs and Stanage. At Cleveland Cleveland, 3; Philadel phia, 2. Batteries Berger and Bemis; Coombs and Thomas. At St. Louis St. Louis. 5: Boston, 0. Batteries Waddell and Stephens; Chech, Steele and Carrlgan. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. It. P.C. W. L,. P.C. Detroit... 21 12 .030 St. Louis. 15 10 .4S1 Phila'phla 18 12 .000 Chicago... 15 17 .400 New York 17 13 .507 Cleveland. 13 19 .400 Boston.... 17 14 .54S Wash' ton. 9 22 .2UU EASTERN LEAGUE. At Providence Providence, 13; Jersey City, 5. At Newark Newark, 2; Baltimore, o. At Toronto Toronto, 4; Buffalo, 3 (13 in nings). At Montreal Montreal, 2; Rochester, 1. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. w. L. P.C. W. I,. P.C. 8 .030 Jersey C'y 12 13 .4SQ Rochester. 1 1 rurontn... 15 9 .025 Newark... 10 13 .435 Montreal.. 14 Buffalo.... 13 9 .009 Provl'enco 8 14 .304 13 .500 Baltimore. 9 10 .300 Hooker's Grand Chestnut Charger. General nooker probably had tho fin est looking horso In tho Union armies. This was Lookout, a horse of rich chest nut color, standing seventeen bands high and possessing all tho dainty and elastic nctlon of the most delicately fashioned colt. This was tho horse, Kentucky brod, which bore Hooker during tho "bnttlo above tho clouds." The horso was intended for exhibition In England, but got no farther than New York, whoro nooker bought him, although having to compete with the agent of tho emperor of France, who wanted him for his majesty Lotus Na poleon. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tfia Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of HENRY Z. RUSSELL. PRESIDENT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE 1'RESIDEKT. HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK. This Bank was Organized In December, 1836, and Nationalized In December, 1864. Since its organization it has paid in Dividends to its Stockholders, $1,905,800.00 The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR ROLL, from the factfthatlts Snrplus Fund more than equals Its capital stock. What Class are YOU in The world has always been divided into two classes tlioBe who have saved, those who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant. It is the savers who have'.built the houses, the mills, the bridges, the railroads, the ships and all the other great works which stand for man's advancement and happiness. Tho spenders are slaves to the savers. It is the law of nature. We want you to be a saver to open an account in our Savings Department and be independent. One Dollar will Start an" Account. This Bank will be pleased to receive all or a portion of YOUR banking business. FOUNDATIONS ARE TOTTERING. Our sincere sympathy goes out to the peoplo of West Plttston, who, tor some months have lived between al ternate hope and fear, occasioned by the settling of the earth Into the mines. After tho first signs of trouble appeared some months ago. the movement subsided, and It was. hoped that the trouble was over. Lately It has renewed itself to an alarming degree, and fine and costly residences and churches have been badly damaged and In some cases practically ruined, streets and side walks have been upheaved, water and gas mains broken and nearly every form of damage and disaster except death and injury to people has been experienced. Earthquakes are said to bo one of tho most terrorizing experiences known. Tho condition of affairs at West Pittston Is akin to that. The inhabitants not only live In constant fear of their houses falling down about their ears, but there is also danger of being smothered by gas. or that fire may break out, should escaping gas reach a flame. Of course under such conditions the value of real estate goes down to zero and the woes of West Plttston people are many and sore. We ex tend to them our deepest sympathy. CITIZEH JOB PRINT means STYLE UALITA, and PROMPTNESS. Try it., SUBPffiNA IN DIVORCE. In the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne County. ROSE L. NEUHAUER, Llbellant, FRED. C. NEUHAUEK, Respondent. No. 121 Oct, Term, 1908. Libel In Divorce. To l'red. O. Neulmupr: You are hereby required to appear In the said court on tho third Mouday of Juno next, to answer tho complaint exhibited to the Judge of said court by Rose L. Neulmucr, your wife, llbel lant. In this cause above stated, or In derault thereof a decree of divorce as prayed for In said complaint may be niado against you I your absence. , , M. LEE IJHAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale Pu. Mav2U 1909. 43w4 CLERK'SNOTICEIN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of I'ennsyl vnnla, Peter Hlttimrcr, of llawley, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under tho Act of Congress of July 1. 1U0H. having ap plied for n full illschargefroui all debts prov able against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors anil other persons In Interest, to appear be fore the said court at Scranton. In said Dis trict, on the 2tith da ylofJtinv. 190a. at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, to show muse, if any they have, why the prayer of tho said petitioner should not be granted. 42t7 EDWARD It. W. SKA ISLE, Clerk. New lot of Young Men's and Hen's $i2 and $i5 suits At $9.85 US?" There are several very smart styles and models that young men from 33 to 36 inches chest measure will especiall like, and there are plenty of suits a little more conservative in style for tho older men. These suits come in all the newest shades and styles, stripes and plain fabrics, all sized, worth $12 and $15 Sale Price Stetson Hats $9.85 HOUSE. I sh0BS Sole agents for the Ilnrt, Shafer & Marx (Jlotblns. EDWIN V. TOR UK CASHIER. ALBERT C. LINDSAY ASSIST AKT CASII11R.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers