The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 28, 1909, Image 2

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A Week's Doings in Rural
Interesting Items Picked Up by Our
Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents
Mny 1M. The entertainment on '
Thursday evening of last week was
a decided r.uccess. The play, "Too j
Much or n (Jood Thing," was given f
by the following young people:
Mr. I'orkins George Froiner ;
Mrs. Perkins 13dna Skinner
Ilattle Tcrklns .... Hesslc Skinner i
Nellie Perkins ..Elizabeth Urucher j
Jennie Coupor ...Elizabeth Sherer j
Eunice Howies .....Minnie Mocker ;
Polly "The Muld,"Fredorlcka Hocker
Kred Schuyler K. H. Nceglo
Tom Perkins, the Country Cousin .
Lewis Mocker1
Miss Louise Mocker and Vernon
Sprngue. of Port Jervis, X. Y., were
man led at Mlddletown, X. Y., on
Monday. May 10th. Mrs. Sprague
is tlio second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. .1. Mocker, of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Twitchcll, of
Lackawaxen. are entertaining a new
son. Mrs. Twitchcll was Miss Les
lie Calkins, of Milanville, Pa.
Edna and Alta Jocelyn, of New
York, and Mrs. Mertlm Jackson, and
Lulu Jocelyn, of Calllcoon, are
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sylvester Jocelyn.
Miss Melene Yerkes, of Milanville
Heights, was the guest of Miss Bes
sie Skinner on Thursday last.
Claire Tegeler has gone to Calli
coon to work In the creamery.
Paul lllman, who graduates at
Harvard this year, was recently of
fered a position in Buffalo to act
as secretary for the United Society
of Charities. Mr. Illman has been
connected with similar work in
Boston, Mass., for the past year.
P. A. Jenkins, of Monesdale, was
in town Wednesday.
The postofllce inspector found
our postofllce in first-class shape.
Miss Minnie Gay will close her
school here this week Friday. In
the evening the children will give
an entertainment after which re
treshments will be served. The
proceeds will be used toward paper
ing the school building.
May L'iUh. To-night the gradua
tion exercises of the Clinton high
school are held in Aldcnvillc. at which
time three young ladies and three
young men will' receive their diplo
mas. The entertainment given last
Thursday night by Prof, and Mrs.
Chambers, under the management of
the high school, was a inobt. enjoy
able affair for all who were so for
tunate as to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Looinis v, ill at
tend the wedding of the hitter's niece,
Miss L.iura Treverton, of Beach Lake,
Mri. A. .1. Merwin and son, Irv
ing, of Wuymart, recently spent a
low days with her parents.
A little son recently came to the
home of Max Laudenschlager, of
South Clinton.
The Clinton Centre people are to
have a Fourth of July celebration.
liennie Gill has returned from a
lvcint visit witli his mother and
brother of Dunellen, N, J.
The past week saw a goodly num
ber of acres of potatoes, corn and
oats planted.
Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs.
Cowperthwaito for tea on Thursday j
of this week. I
May 24. Mr. and Mrs. William
Brown, Sr., are both well along in
years, and at the present time are
both afflicted with whooping cough
Guy Haag, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Haag, is on the whooping
cough list.
.1. Frank Meehan, of the firm of
Thomas Meehan & Sons, contract
ors, of Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, and
Mr. Strasburger, manager for the
firm, were in Greene township, Pike
county, last week arranging to com
mence work on the state road this
week. The contractors are in
doubt as to whether they can get
men in this locality to do the work
and will be obliged to use Imported
Work on the state road in Dreher
is progressing and before this year
closes the road will be open for
Miss Nellie Ehrgood, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ehrgood,
will graduate as a trained nurse
from a Philadelphia training school
this week. Mrs. Ehrgood started
for Philadelphia on Sunday to be
present at the graduating cere
monies. Theodore Correll is putting some
much needed repairs and improve
ments on the house and outbuildings
now occupied by Mrs. W. F. Decker
and daughter.
Wm. Waltz is one of the farmers
In this vicinity who has his oats
sowed and corn planted.
Owing to the continued wet
weather, a number of farmers have
not Bowed oats yet.
Miss Orpha Edler, an only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs, John Edler, of
Dreher, died on Monday morning,
May 24th. About one week ago
she complained of sore throat but
not until Friday was Dr. A. J.
Simons called, who pronounced It
diphtheria. All that medical aid
and loving hands could do was of
no avail, and the light of the home
has f.oue out. The bereaved par
ents and brother have the synipa
thy (1 the entire community and
many n ho would come to the bereav
ed home to olfer their sympathies
are tearful of spreading the dreaded
malady and must remain nt home.
Surely, we must trust to Him who
doeth all things well, to comfort the
bereaved ones. Mis3 Edler was
about 1 8 years of age. Interment
in South Sterling cemetery at 1 1 a.
in. May 25th.
Mrs. E. C. Dimon, of Sunderland
villo, Potter county, visited her son,
Frank Dimon, principal of the New
foundland High school, and attend
ed the commencement in the Mora
vian church on Saturday evening,
May 12 2. Mr. Dimon closed a very
successful term of school on Wed
nesday of last week, and in company
with his mother he is visiting rela
tives in Philadelphia.
The large boarding house being
erected by Charles Homan in the
southern end of Dreher, is nearly
completed, and a large bungalow
will be erected nearby as a private
summer residence.
This section of country can offer
to the city people plenty of shade.
pure air and the best of water, as
an inducement to come here for the
May 24. Edward and Kathryn
Clune spent Sunday in White Val
ley? Mrs. M. E. Mullady has return
ed to Brooklyn, N. Y., after spend
ing some time in this place.
Miss Emma Furle, who has been
ill for some time of pleurisy, is im
proving. Mrs. F. A. Elsly, of Scranton, who
was attending .Mrs. Furle, returned
home Tuesday.
D. Council, of Scranton, is visit
ing his cousin, Mrs. J. D. Madigan
Mrs. John Pritehard attended the
funeral of her cousin, Mrs. M. J.
Connelly, of Forest City, recently.
Mr. and .Mrs. Austin McGranaghan,
of Cadosia. X. Y., spent Sunday witli
May 2ti. The base ball team of
this place will give a dance on Moil
day evening. May 31st, 1909, at the
P. O. S. of A. hall. The ladies will
serve ice cream and cake. Come one
and all and have a good time.
Horn, on Friday, May 21st, to Mr
and Mrs. Oscar Alpha, a baby boy.
George Mess and Roy Weaver, of
i Scranton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs
; John Bishop, on Thursday last.
Philip Sheoley has been suffering
'greatly the past week, the result of a
, kick on his right leg by one of A.
I Goblo's horses while harrowing; the
! animal became entangled in the
, Jacob Young's son, John, of Jamai
ca, L. I., came home last week to
assist him on the farm during the
Mrs. W. I). Sheeley at this writing
lis able to sit up some each day.
A surprise party was given William
i Seegar at his neatly furnished homo
j at this place by his many friends on
'Saturday evening, May 22d, it being
Ibis 4i"th birthday. All report a
I grand social time. The evening was
I pleasantly spent in instrumental and
vocal music, interspersed with some
fine phonographic selections. At 12
o ciock ail were seaieu in uie uining
room to partake of a very Inviting
supper. The table was laden with
fruit and cake, after which all dis
persed wishing Mr. Seegar many more
happy returns of the day.
Miss Myrtle James and Marry B,
Cross, of Moadley's, wore very pleas
ant callers at J. James's on Sunday
An Interesting game of ball was
played on Sunday, tho 23rd, by the
Lakevllle and Paupac teams, at this
place, the score being 18-20 In favor
of Paupac.
Hyman Cohen, of New York City,
is home for a time, possibly for the
A heavy frost visited this place
on Sunday night.
Marcus Killam and daughter, Miss
Alma, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown,
of Ledgedale, on Sunday,
Richard Murphy visited his moth
er, Mrs. E. M. Carr, of this place, on
Sunday, Mr. Murphy's son, Warren,
now at State College, had tho mis
fortune to break his lower jaw re
cently while playing ball.
Mr. and Mrs. George Locklln,
daughter Marjorle, Miss Rena Freer
and a friend, of Peckville, spent a
few days at D, A. Locklin's at this
Miss Mary Schrader attended a
surprise party at her cousin's, Clar
ence Kreger's, at Ledgedale.
Miss Maude Locklin left on Wed
nesday to visit friends and relatives
at Forest City and Peckville.
Mrs. Wm, Amraerman and two
children, of White Haven, Pa., are
visiting Mrs. Oscar Alpha here.
The saw mill at Audell, owned by
Jefferles & Co.,. of Scranton, was con
sumed by fire on Saturday night.
Fortunately tho most valuable lumber
was saved. The origin of tho fire is!
"Uncle Tom McKelgney," after
spending four years at A. Goblo's, on
Friday last left to live with his niece,
Mrs. McClusky, of Arlington, Pa.
Abraham Miller made a business
trip to Scranton recently.
May 26. Eva Marines spent sev
eral days in Monesdale last week
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johns visited
relatives In Forest City Thursday.
Mrs. Cott, of Miner's Mills, after
several days with her sister, Mrs.
Judson I!. Faatz, returned to her
home Tuesdny, accompanied by her
sister and son Charles for a few
day's visit.
A china shower will be given Miss
Laura Starnes Wednesdny evening
by her girl friends at the home of the
Misses Cody.
Al'is Margery Manser will enter
tain the T. I. C. girls for supper Sat
urday in honor of Miss Laura
Miss Laura Slayton, of Portland,
Maine, is expected this week to at
tend the Starnes-Noyes wedding.
Mrs. Sam Brown and Miss Char
lotte Brown, of Monesdale, were call
ers in town on Tuesday.
Mrs. Gleason, of Tanner's Falls,
and sister from Warren county, call
ed on Mrs. I. J. Many on Monday.
May 2t. We are having an
abundance of rain.
Tho farmers here are Improving
every fair day trying to get their
planting done.
The ladies are very busy house
cleaning at present.
Harold Crane has returned from
his visit at Wilkes-Barre and Scran
ton. Mrs. Charles Locklln and- little
child visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Lock
lin on Sunday afternoon.
Laura Winerabin returned from
Ledgedale last week, and is now
staying with J. Schleupner and
F. R. Olmstead is plowing a few
days for James Swan.
Mrs. Caroline Harris has so far
recovered from her recent illness as
to be able to walk about the room
Mrs. William Sheeley, who has
been very ill, is now improving.
Mr. Charles Glosenger visited his
friend, Oscar Dunning, of Hawley,
on Saturday.
Mr. Elna Nelson, of Siko, visited
at A. Coble's, at Lakeville, for a day
or two, having arrived on Saturday.
Miss I rena Frear and friend pass
ed Sunday as the guests of D. A
Locklin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Locklin and
little daughter, of Peckville, visited
the former's parents, D. A. Locklin
and family, on Sunday.
The Lakeville baseball team will
have a dance on Monday night, May
31st. The ladies will serve refresh
The Paupac baseball team came
over to Lakeville on Sunday and
played a game, defeating LaUevlle
by a score of 20 to 19.
William Parker, who visited F.
R. Olmstead and family, for a few
days last week, went to Hawley on
Friday morning and trom there to
the home of this daughter at Hones
Arthur Ammerman, who has been
visiting his sister, Mrs. Peter Dan
iels, and family, returned to his em
ployment at Maple City last week
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Alpha,
a son on Friday last.
A few of the neighbors gathered
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Seegar on Saturday evening.
the occasion being Mr. Seegar's 4."ith
Charles Frisbie's saw mill at An
dell, burned on Saturday night, about
one o'clock. The lire was discover
ed by people at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. George Heichelbeck,
of Wilsonville, were welcome callers
at Olmsted's Saturday evening
They spent the night with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Daniels and returned home on Sun
James Davey, of Audell, was a
pleasant caller at Olnistead's on Sun
day afternoon.
Mrs. Becker, of Ledgedale, visit
ed the D. of R. Lodge at Lakeville
on May 19th.
May 2G. An article appeared in
one of tho Wayne county papers men
tioning "Hardenbergh for Governor
Wood for County Treasurer and Ross
for any old office." I wish to say,
that I think that Hardenbergh and
Wood are as well qualified as any
would-be aspirant for the offices men
tioned that ever wore political slip
pers in the county to-day, and I think
that Ross's being reappointed to his
office speaks well for his past services
as Commissioners' Clerk, and there Is
no doubt that he will bo In line for
something better by the time his pres
ent position expires: that is, if he fol
lows the customary rules of pro
motion. I am not mentioning him
for the office of Prothonotary.
The law has declared that if you
kill a man, you get eight years;
but if you steal a boy you get a
We expect to have some good
roads this season as William Hit
tinger is swinging the sledge
cracking stones, and Thos. Gill is
using the shovel to cover them over
with dirt. The latter is nursing a
large blister on one of his hands.
Under the new law it is five dol
lars fine for a supervisor to do any
work on tho roads, but we are handi
capped in White Mills, as the sup
ervisor is a Justice of the Peace,
and we cannot get any warrant for
his arrest.
Have you observed that Ham &
Hlttlnger's calendar for 1909 has
changed tho date of the moon? viz:
May 2C, first quarter; and June 3d
new moon? I wonder If they will
try to change tho tides on tho 1910
There was a sign printed In
White Mills and placed in a con
spicuous place; It read: "One hund
red dollar pitcher beaten by farm
ers." The Indian Orchard base
ball team wanted to secure two
professional players from White
Mills, but before engaging th'em
or the season they gave them a
..rial game on Sunday against the
Halfway House Farmers. The
Farmers defeated them by the
score of six to Ihe. So anxious
were the White Mills boys to rMn
i reputation for themselves as a
battery, that they could nut judge
how much exertion they watt -d,
but by these two profcssloui. not
reporting for duty on Monday It
goes to show that there was not
any hayseed, or files, on the so-
called buckwheat farmers.
At the time of the massacre of
General Slocuni by the Indians
there was planted a red oak
tree at the head of the Wyoming Val
ley. Said tree is still growing.
It measures at the trunk nineteen
feet and ten inches in cir
cumference and the diameter at
the top, from limb to limb, is 94
feet. It was measured last Sunday
by two residents of White Mills and
one of Indian Orchard. The three
men have taken up forestry as a
study. This is something that we
should encourage, especially among
tho younger element. I would like
to know how nearly the dimensions
of this tree compares with the big
elm tree above Honesdale.
May 24. Memorial services will
be held at this place next Sunday
it 2:30 p. m.
Poles for a new telephone have
been placed throughout our neigh
borhood, and our neighbors expect
soon to be visiting with ench other
on the phone. The line will run to
Homer Bidwell had the misfort
une to fall on Friday last and break
a bone in his right arm. Doctor
White reduced the fracture.
Virgie Goble, of Lakeville, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Hnzel-
Wm. Janoski has moved his fam
ily from Buffalo to this place, and
will occupy one of the Or::ehoski
Mrs. Charles Brooks and sister,
Nina, or Gravity, visited their par
ents, Ed. Mains and wife, on Sun
day. E. W. Osborne, of Scranton, visit
ed his parents last week.
Thomas McKoigney, of Lakeville,
expects to spend the summer with
his niece, Mrs. Andrew McClosky,
at this place.
Mr. and .Mrs. Jeffreys, of Scran
ton, were guests at D. W. Bidwell's
last week.
May 2(i. S. X. Cross, delegate to
tlie State convention of Odd Follows,
which was in session at Ilarrisbtirg
last week, returned home last Fri
day and reported a very successful
and enjoyable meeting. Mr. Cross
made his report to the local lodge
last Saturday evening.
Miss Laura Gilpin is giving pri
vate instructions to a number of
teachers. Class meets in the high
school rooms.
Don't forget that "Ike" Simons is
running for tjje nomination for
Jury Commissioner.
On account of tho inclemency of
tho weather last Saturday night the
base ball club postponed their sup
per until some time in the future.
Dr. and .Mrs. Peck, of Scranton,
were visiting at the home of Rich
ard Gilpin on Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Peck was formerly Miss Anna
Stratton of this place.
Mrs. George Shiffer, of East
Stroudsburg, is visiting her father,
Thomas Neville.
Our baseball club will probably
play the Salem club at Salem, on
Monday afternoon.
Automobiles are making their ap-
parance in this section of tho coun
ty; hardly a day passes but one or
two goes through.
Lawyer Beers, of Scranton, passed
through here in an automobile on
his way to Angels on Sunday.
For local news read The Citizen,
a paper with a party.
Simple Rules for Self-Protection.
The commissioner's warning and
suggestions have reference not only
to grip but to tonsilitis, bronchitis,
colds and pneumonia. He asks nothing
impossible or difficult of the average
person. He expects no sacrifice, no
giving up of cherished habits. As he
well says, the price of immunity or of
health is not high, In fact, a little
thought and a little firmness is all
that he asks, and tho "price" sp'ls
more enjoyment and fuller life in the
long run.
Moderation in eating and drinking,
a reasonable amount of exercise,
walking in tho open air, ventilation of
houses and offices, avoldanoe of over
heated places and excessively heavy
clothing these are the very simple
and feasible forms of "Insurance"
w.'lch he prescribes. To know them
should be to adopt them. Chicago
Stick to tho Silo.
The farmer who allows a milk
dealer or anybody else to talk him
Into giving up his silo is not wise.
Bttcfc to your silo and jour banll
account will be all the better.
Col. Roosevelt Will Bo Privileged to
Taste a Delicious Dish.
While Colonel Roosevelt is in Afri
ca ho will have an opportunity of tast
ing that delicious dish, baked ele
phants foot The Elephas Indlcus or
Elophas (Loxodon) Afrtcanus walks
on his toes and tho balls of his feet
The' real foot of an elephant extends
up some distance froin the ground.
Llye tho "trotter" of the' hog tho foot
of tho elephant is full of gluten, and
tho flesh, if properly baked, is very !
tc-ler, tasting something betvrcen
pc ': and chicken. From a frer lly
kli ed elephant the foot is cut off at
the ankle, and baked in a hole In tho
ground which has previously leen
ho-jed with hot stones. Tho tile
nr. jt bo red . hot and a few he-ivy
stones left In tho bottom. The foot
having been put Into Uie hole, which
Is udu just about big onough to re
ceive it some natives line tho holo
with green loaves sand Is showed
over It and it Is left to cook. One
must not bo in a hurry for his dinner.
When taken out and the thick -':in
pooled away a delicious morsel awaits
the enlcnre
Banking Control.
Six banks in New York control tho
stock market The) can elovate or
depress prices at will. They can
make ready money one per oent. or
300 per cent They have no com
punctions of conscience, because they
have no conscience. Here's a bank
with enormous deposits. It pays no
Interest: but Its president and direc
tors speculate with the money as If
they owned It Why do people in;
trust their money to this Institution?
What do they get out of it? If the
bank fails the depositors are ruined.
N. Y. Press.
similating theFooffanURcguta
ting lite Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes Diges!ion.Chccrfiir
ncss and Rest.Contains nciifter
OpiimuMorphmc nor Mineral;
flmptih Seed'
AnerfectReraedv forConshri;
tion , Sour Stomacli.Diarrhora
ncss andLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper. the centaur company, new youk citt.
This year open-; with a deluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about bv our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tho unwary.
There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS-
1st No one can mix a better mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.
Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing to do extensive construction
work in the
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the
Patronize the Independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other service without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 300.
Foster Building.
Attention is called totlie STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv lias published a ROLL 01
HONOR of the 11,470 State Hanks
and Tmst Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States.
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavne County.
Capilal,:Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale, Pa., May 29 1908.,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
irty Years
Mixed Paints !
Signature J
ft Jjv In
h$ Use
Xj For Over