WEATHER REPORT Showers on Wednesday; moderate temperature; light variable winds. oioieioieKsjfiiSioieK 3 Seml-Wcekly Founded i 5E Woyn . County Organ 1 1908 25 3 of the 1 Weekly Founded, 1844 g 6 REP tLICAN PARTY .a o rt W HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., "WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1909. NO. 42 66th TEAR. LANGFORDJflCTDR. American Negro Heavy weight Defeats Hague. KNOCKOUT IN FOURTH ROUND Burly English Champion Goes Down Under a Terrific Right on the Chin and Takes the Count. London, Mny 25. Sam Langford, the colored heavyweight of Boston, knock ed out Iun Hague, the heavyweight champion of England, In the fourth round at the National Sporting eluh here. The light, which was for u purse of $0,000, was scheduled to go twenty rounds. The ring generalship which ho had picked up In many hattles enabled Langford to score a comparatively easy victory over Hague, and the fourth round had barely commenced when the burly Yorkshire man was floored by a well directed blow and counted out. ' Lnngford was at a disadvantage as regards weight, height and reach, but tils superior knowledge of ring tactics and his quickness overcame this, and what was expected to be a long con test proved to be a very brief one. In the lirst round Hague was slow to start. Luugford had a shade the better of it until the end of the round, when Hague reached him with n hook to the jaw. This seemed to oncomuge the Britisher, and, although no dam age was done In the second round, ho showed more cleverness than (ho col ored man. Lnngford opened the third round Willi a naru ibii 10 xue nice, aim nw used this blow effectively several times before the gong sounded. Hague, j however, partially closed Iho Ainerl-1 can's eye with a hard right swing. ' The men came together In a fast ' mlxup at the opening of the fourth, and Lnngford put a terrific right on the Yorkslilreman's chin, which ended ! the contest. A record crowd saw the light, and the American was a warm favorite. considerable money being bet at 2 to 1 nnd f to 2 on him to wlfl. There was some dispute when the men came into the ring over the bandages on Hague's hands, but Lang ford's objections were speedily over come, and the Yorkshireman was al- lowed to wear them. Bantamweight Fight a Draw. London. May 25.-The bout between Jimmy Walsh, the American lighter, nnd Digger Stanley of London at the National Sporting club hero for the bantamweight championship of Eng land was declared a draw. The light went the full fifteen rounds. The purse was $1,750. O'Brien and Ketchel Matched. Philadelphia. May 25. Jack O'Rrien nnd Stanley Ketchel were matched here to fight six rounds before tlie National Athletic club of this city on June D. Each deposited n forfeit of $1,000. Wood Wins Montreal Marathon. Montreal. May 25 Charles Wood of Montreal won the professional Mara thon here in 2 hours 30 minutes. Four teen started In the race, but only sis finished. linns Holmer of Halifax fin ished second, nearly a lap behind Wood. SARGENT AND WIFE GUILTY. Both Sentenced In Paris For Cruelty to Children. Paris, May 25. On tho charge of having maltreated young children con fined to their care, Cecil n. Sargent, an Englishman, nnd bis American wife, who was Josephine Savin of Now York, were found guilty in the cor rectional court hero. Sargent was sentenced to two years' and his wife to thirteen months' imprisonment. Witnesses testltied that the Snrgents had beaten the children and deprived them of food. One of the last wit nesses, Mnio. Mnrechai of Brussels de clared that she had confided her child to the Sargents five years ago and had not until recently heard any tidings of it. In a burst of ungovernable fury she threw herself nt the throat of Mrs. Sargent nnd tried to strangle hor. Ounrds pulled tho enraged woman awy with difficulty. Sargent nnd his wife were arrested at Asnlcres chnrged with the gross ill treatment of four children whom they had adopted. The couple has been In the habit of Inserting advertisements in English and Belgian newspapers, of fering to adopt children for a money consideration. RAILROAD MAY ARBITRATE. Commissioner Nelll to Confer With Manager of Georgia Road. Atlanta, (la., May 2.". Hope for set tlement of the strike of llrenien on the Georgia railroad centers on the visit today of United States Commls doner of Labor Charles I Nelll, who lias arrived from Washington. (iovernor Smith proposed arbitra tion by a commission of Georgians. The llremen accepted, but the railroad did not. Manager Scott of the Georgia railroad Informed Governor Smith Unit lie would confer with Mr. Nelll. The danger that the strike may spread to other railroads became so-1 rlous when Vice President Hall of the' llremen's organization said that diver sion of the Georgia railroad's freight business to other roads would cause the firemen of those roads to vote on whether they would accept diverted freight. Preparations are under way by post otlicc olllcers to establish an nutomo. bile mall service between Union Point and Athens, Gn. The railroad authorities assert thai crowds of angry citizens nt Thompson Camak nnd other points nre still In bellicose attitude. No effort Is being made to run trains, the road simply standing pat and say ing they are ready to operate when law nnd order Is restored. The strikers say they are not resort ing to violence. Their sympathizers along the line of road, they assert, nre preventing the operation of trains by violence to negro nnd nonunion fire men. HAMMOND DECLINES POST. Tells the President He Cannot Be Am bassador to China. Washington, Mny 25. After an 1 highest duty on lumber, and Mr. Ro hour's Interview with President Taft j rai, entered upon an argument to show T.ili.i ir.,. TTiinimiiltil flnOlltt nU- ill.. a.... ..nlf... ..r t,-.., l Hairo. t'n .,." .... ......... ..i........ ... ... clfned the tender ot tne appointment teni" and cannot be maintained if of minister to China. I there are to be constant exceptions to Mr. Hammond explained Hint, while, n s )s desired hi the interests of free he appreciated the invitation to repre-1 lumber. sent tills country in so important a, Hurkett declared Mint lumber diplomatic capacity as the ministry to I could be produced In this country as China, he felt obliged to decline the j cheaply as In Canada except lu the honor. He said that lie was resolved i matter of stumpage. to remain in tills country and "stop I "The greatest foes to the protective knocking about the world," believing ' policy are found in the ranks of pro that ho owed a duty to his children to I tectlouists who would always make see that they were properly educated exceptions." said Senator Rorah in ad In tliis country. vocal Ing the duties recommended by The appointment, of minister to Chi-, the committee on finance, na was first offered to former Senator Senator McCumbcr replied that the Charles W. Fulton of Oregon, but he 1 underlying principles of protection to declined the mission. The president j day hud no relation to the lumber In will select a successor to Mr. Rock- dilstry of the Tiiited States. "Rut hill, the present minister at Pekln, us with the solid wall of protection for soon as possible, Mr. RockhlU's trans-1 lumber 1 find here I know the chances for to the embassy at St. Petersburg 1 of the adoption of my amendment nre having been already announced. not very bright." - Senator Clapp came to the rescue of EARTHQUAKE RIOTERS KILLED , . . . t Troops Fire Into Mob Clamoring Fori snare or neucr. Regglo. Italy, May 25. The people of Sinopoll, a village near St. Eufeiula. enraged over the manner in which they have been neglected In the dis tribution of relief to the eartluiuake sufferers, made a hostile demonstration against the authorltie and attacked the barracks. Several soldiers were wounded, and a volley was llred into tlie rioters, kill ing six of them and wounding several others. Severe Shocks at Messina. Messina, May 25. One of the sever est shocks since the grent earthquake occurred here. The movement win both vertically and horizontally and lasted ten seconds. The shock was preceded by a rumbling noise. The populace fled panic stricken, and many buildings collapsed. GOLF VICTORY BY TAFT. President and General Edward Sherman and Bourne. Washington, May 25. President Taft and (ieneral Clarence R. Edward, U. S. A., won a foursome by 2 up from Vice President Sherman nnd Sen utor Bourne of Oregon In a golf mnlch plnyed nt the' Chevy Chase links here. The best Individual score was made by Mr. Taft, who entered Into the game with enthusiasm. There were seven In the president's party, and the ouier tnree, Major uenornl Barry, John nays Hammond and Captain Mr McCumbcr substituted another Butt, military aid to the president, en-, nlnendnicnt for that which ho had of Joyed n threesome while tlie other fered previously to put lumber on the game wns In progress. American a Suicide In Paris Hotel, Versailles, May 25. Edward Sand ford of New York committed suicide nt a hotel here, shooting himself twice In the head with a revolver. His act Is attributed to 111 health aud financial worries. Jail For Asylum Attendants. Boston, Mny 25. For benting to death Richard A. Mitchell, nn Insane printer, Murdoch C. MaeGregor nnd Roderick O. Mackenzie, attendants at the Plerc Farm asylum, were sen tenced to tho house of correction by Judgo Schofleld, MncGregor to serve three years and Mackenzie two years and a half. LUMBER IN WIN Senate Defeats Plan to Put Timber on Free List. fIFTY-SIX VOTES AGAINST IT. Dolliver Deserts the Progressives on This Issue House of Rep resentatives Passes Philip pine Tariff Bill. Washington, May 25. The lumber magnates and their adherents won a signal victory In the senate after a battle royal hi which Senators Root, Heyburn, Borah and Dolliver, contend ing for protection for the Industry, and Senators Clupp. Rurkett and McCuui ber argued as strenuously against that policy. The result was a two-thirds vole against Senator McCumber's free lumber amendment, the ballot show ing 25 for and 51! against. The surprise of the day was the at titude of Senator Dolliver, who here tofore has stood with the "progress ives" throughout the present tariff light. He took position against the radical demand for. free lumber, but expressed the opinion that the industry would not sutler from a reduction of the Uingley rates. Senator Root opened with a close ar gument In favor of n differential on dressed lumber. Senators Rorab and He.vburn of Idaho contended for the null UIU ui ihuivuiujii ir u ojo- the McCuuiber amendment nnd Inci dentally made an address on the ne- cessity of revisln; m, , rml the tariff down pledge of the Re publican parly to the American people. Referring to the close proximity of Canada with the United States and to tlie ease with which labor could pass from one country to the other. Senator Clapp declared that in view of this condition there could never be am j Kmil difference lu cost of production. Discussing the efforts of Republican senators from the northwest to have lumber placed on the free list, Mr. Rnlley deelnred that tho passage of the Payne tariff bill will mark the dis- integration of the Republican party. Mr. Bailey predicted that tlie next tariff revision would be along lines lower than tlie present revision. He declared that he did not Intend to be bound by the tariff plank of the Den ver platform of the Democratic party, which favored free lumber. Mr. Bailey expressed the same opln- ' Ion regarding the free entry of all raw 1 materials. I "Since when hnve the doctrines of 1 free raw material ceased to be a Dem BeM I ocratic doctrine?" asked Mr. Aldrich. "Since mon like I have come Into power In the Democratic party," re plied Mr. Bailey. Mr. Aldrich then Insisted tlint ver Cleveland nnd many other men conspicuous In the Democratic party, except the senator from Texas, had advocated the policy of free raw ma terials. He also said these were the men who nmdo the Democratic party great In their time, while Mr. Bailey ' rpmied that they had "unmade It." free list. His substitute left rougn lumber dutiable nt 00 cents per thou sand feet and placed finished lumber on the'free list. Mr. Johnston (Ala.) offered another substitute- putting on the free list nil lumber, shingles nnd other articles of lumber entering into the construction of homes. Mr. Johnston's substitute was de feated by n vote of (14 to 12. Mr. Mc Cumber's amendment was also lost, the vote being r0 to 25. Of the twenty.flvo affirmative votes fifteen were enst by Republican sena tors and ten by Democratic senators! The Republicans were as follows: Beverldge. Brlstow, Brown, Burkett, Burton, Clnpu, Crawford, Cummins, Curtis, Dtipuiit, Giiniblo.ifinston, La Follettc, McCuuiber and Nelson, and Democrats, Clay, Culberson, Frazler, Gore, Hughes, Newlands. Pnynter, Haynor, Shlvely nnd Stone. The Republicans of the house again took matters Into their own hands nnd with a sudden show of strength passed the Philippine tariff bill,, referred the message of the president regarding Porto Ricnn affairs to the committee on ways and means and devoted some time to a discussion of the bill amend- ! lug the laws of Porto Rico so as to di vest thu legislature of authority over lunnces. . KATZENBACH CHANGES FAITH. Leading New Jersey Democrat Be comes an Episcopalian. Trenton. N. .L. May 25. Frank S. Kntzenbach, Jr.. wli was the Demo cratic candidate for governor In 11)07. has become a member of Trinity Prot estant Kplscopal church of this city and wis confirmed by Rlsliop Scarbor ough. Mr. Kntzenbach was from his child hood a member of the Fourth Presby terian church of this city. His change of fnith has directed attention to the fact that during his campaign the pas tor of the Fourth Presbyterian church, the Rev. Hugh R. McCauley. delivered n sermon on the liquor question, which was Interpreted as being n criticism of Mr. Kntzenbach because of his re fusal to concede that the liquor ques tion was the pnrninount Issue In the gulKtrnatorlal campaign. MOTHER IRENE APPOINTED. She Is Now Head of Ursuline Order For North and Atlantic States. New York, Mny 25. A cable dis patch from Rome to the Catholic church authorities here announced the appointment of the Rev. Mother Irene, dean of the College of St. Angela, nt New Rochelle, N. Y a Catholic school for women, ns head of the L'rsuline order for the northern province, which includes the north Atlantic nnd New England states. Congratulations on her promotion were wired to Mother Vrene by Car dinal Gibbons, Archbishops Farley nnd Irel.iiul. . , I 192 Russian Bapt.sts Sentenced. Odessa. Mny 25.-'ihe 1112 Baptists who were arrested on a mountain ; top near this city charged with conduct- lug an Illegal meeting wore sentenced to terms of Imprisonment varying from one week to two months. . BIG CUT IN ARMY ESTIMATES, President Taft Insists on Total Re- duction of $36,000,000. Washington. May 25. President Taft scut back to the war department the estimates sitbniltlcd to him for the support of the military establishment during the liscal year I'.lll nnd Insisted Hint they lie cut approximately ifuli,- 1100,000. The estimates were prepared during Secretary Dickinson's visit to Panama and carefully scrutinized by Acting Secretary Oliver, who reduced them to !? 17 1,050,000, 18,000,000 less than the estimates for 11)10, but about $10,000,- 000 mure than the appropriations for I Unit year. When Mr. Taft saw tlie figures lie expressed ills wish that they be .$20, 000,0(10 less than the appropriations for 1010. Assistant Secretary Oliver has suc ceeded in reducing the figures by $18, 000,000, half the amount asked for by, the president, and they have now been' submitted to Secretary Dickinson for llual consideration. If lie reduces them to tho extent the president wants them cut it will In volve a still further cut of about $18, 000,000. The totals do not Include ex penses on account of tho Panama ca nal nor tho pormnnent annual appro priations. Army officers say tho reduction In es timates If persisted In by the president means practically no construction work for the army during 1011. GIANT COMET IS SEEN. Astronomical Phenomenon Came Close U the Earth. Geneva, N. Y., May 25. An unusual astronomical phenomenon, which had the npuoaruuee of a comet close to the earth, was observed at the Smith ob servatory here by Dr. William R. Brooks, professor of astronomy nt Ho bnrt college. In reporting his observa tions be says: "The object wns visible in tho east em sky and hnd the appearance of a gigantic 'naked oya' comet, with a large bend ond a tail of enormous pro portions. "When first seen tho head wns in tho great square of Pogusus, and tho tail stretched upward toward the north stnr, at one time reaching the chair of Cassiopeia. Tho motion was rapidly enstward." Professor Brooks In the past thirty five years has discovered twenty-flvo comets, a greater number than any other living astronomor. WT U. S. Supreme Court Puts Sheriff In Contempt. FOR FAILING TO PROTECT NEGRO First Instance on Record In Which Highest Federal Court Takes Such Action Five Other Men Also to Suffer. Washington, Mny 25. Sheriff Shlpp. Deputy Sheriff Gibson nnd four other residents of Hamilton county, Tenn., were declared guilty of contempt of the supreme court of the United States hi combining In a conspiracy to lynch n negro named Johnson, sentenced to death for criminal assault on A woman. Johnson was lynched after he had been granted an appeal by the su premo court. Sentence will be passed upon the six men next Tuesday week, when for the first time the supreme court of the United States will undertake to mete out punishment for the crime of con tempt of the court Itself. On the night following the granting of the appeal Johnson was taken out of the jail In Chattanooga by n mob and lynched. There was no resistance on the part of the jail authorities. The case Is regarded as of excep tional Interest because It is practically the first time that the highest court in tlie United States has ever undertaken to assert Its dignity or to resent acts or words reflecting upon it. In tlie cases of Sheriff Shlpp and Deputy Gibson the court declares that there may be contempt in a failure of olllcers of the law to prevent a crime In contempt of the court, nnd In tak ing cognizance of nn offense nt so great a distance the court for tlie first time assorts Its right to compel the proper respect for and treatment of Its veidicts in all parts of tllc-Tnlon: ' Reviewing the proceedings, the chief juslI(,0 ,,(dn,0d t tlmt cml 1)pforo tll0 ,.,. wns ,.,)I1Kht to (ho KU,,mne ,.,., ,K,on nmny (m.pats of i..,,,....,,.- luvause f the serious charac ter of the negro's offense. Continuing, lie said of the proceedings on the night of the lynching: "The assartlons that mob violence was not expected and that there was no (iccaslon for providing more than usual guard of one man for the jail in Cliattanooga are quite unrea sonable and Inconsistent wjth state ments made by Sheriff Shlpp and his deputies that they were looking for a mob on the next day." The chief justice pointed out that the Jail had been left entirely un guarded and in charge of Deputy Gib son when every precaution to guard the prisoner should have been taken , Tlie chief lust lee minted llhemllv i from nn interview given out by Shlnp , some days after the lynching, in which Shlpp said lie did not "attempt to hurt any of the mob" and In which he charged the supreme court with the responsibility for tlie lynching, be cause of Its Interference In the case. Commenting on this utterance, the chief justice said: "lie evidently roenlod the neces sary order of tills court us nn nllen in- Irusloii nnd declared that the court was responsible for the lynching. Ac cording to him, 'tlie people of Hamil ton county were willing to let the law take Its Course until It became known that tlie ease would not probably be disposed of for four or five yenrs by the supreme court of the United States.' " 'But,' ho added, 'the people would not submit to this, and I do not won der at it.' In other words, his view was tlint because this court. In the discharge of Its duty entered the order which It did, that therefore the people of Hamilton county would not submit to Its inundate, and hence tho court became responsible for tho mob. "He took the view expressed by sev eral members of the mob before the lynching, when they said, referring to the supreme court, that 'they had no business Interfering with our business at all.' "His reference to the 'people' was significant, for he was a candidate for re-election and hnd been told that his snvlng the prisoner from the first at tempt to mob htm would cost him his place, and he had answered that he wished the mob had got film before he did. "It Is absurd to contend thnt officers of the law who have been through the experiences these defendants had passed through did not know that a lynching would bo nttempted. "Shlpp's failure to make the slight est preparation to resist the mob, the absence of all of the deputies, except Gibson, from the jail during the mob's proceeding, occupying a period of some hours In the early evening; the action of Shlpp in not resisting tho mob and his failure to make any reasonable effort to save -lolmsoii or Identify the members of the mob Justi fy the Inference of n disposition upon his part to render It easy for the mob to lynch Johnson nnd to acquiesce In the lynching." The chief Justice also declared tlint after Johnson was taken from the jail the sheriff hnd made no effort to go after the lynchers or to reach the po lice or militia." BASEBALL SCORES. Results of Games Played In National, American and Eastern Leagues. NATIONAL LKAdUK. At New Yolk St. LoiiIh, :'; New York, 1. Hnttciics Lush and liiesnahan; Math ovvson and Meyers. At HiooKlyn CIiioiiko, 4; Urooklyn, 3 (U InnlnRH). Itattoiics lliown and Moran; Hacker anil Hern en. At Boston I'lttsbtirs, C; Hoston, 2. Bat teries Lelllelil, Willis and Gibson; Fer KiiHon, White unit Smith. At Philadelphia-Cincinnati, C; Philadel phia, 1. Batteries Fromme ami Koth; Covalcskl, McQuillan and Dooln. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. w. t.. l'.c. w. L. P.c. Pittsburg. 19 11 .C)3 Brooklyn . 1.1 15 .464 Chicago... 20 13 .UOii St. Louis. IB 18 .456 l'hlla'phla 14 13 .519 New York 12 15 .444 Cincinnati 10 17 .485 Boston.... 11 18 .379 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Chicago Chicago, 2; New York, 1. Batteries Smith, Scott and Sullivan; Brockott and Blair. At Detroit Detroit, 10; Washington, 1. Batteries Summers, Schmidt and Stan age; Altrock, Smith, Blankenshlp and Street. At Cleveland Cleveland, G; Philadel phia, 2. Batteries Young and Easterly; Vlckera, Dygert and Livingston. At St. lyouls St. Louis-Boston game postponed by ruin. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. tit P.O. W. I.. P.C. Detroit... 20 11 .CIS Chicago... 15 Phlla'phla,17 11 .C07 St. Louis. 13 Boston....!" 12 .580 Cleveland, 12 New York 17 13 .Cii7 Wash'ton. 8 17 .469 1C .448 18 .400 21 .276 EASTERN LEAGUE. At Rochester Rochester, 0; Jersey City, 1. At Toronto Newark, 8; Toronto, 2. Second game Toronto, 10; Newark, 3. At Montreal Baltimore, 8; Montreal, 2. Second gnmo Montreal, B; Baltimore, 5. At Buffalo Providence, 4; Buffalo, 2. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. I.. P.C. W. It. P.C. Rochester. 14 6 .700 Jersey C'y 11 12 .478 Toronto... 14 8 .Mi Baltimore. 9 14 .331 Montreal.. 12 9 .571 Newark... 8 13 .381 Buffalo.... 12 12 .500 Provi'enco 7 13 .350 PHONOGRAPH AIDS BASEBALL. I Fails to Record Noise at Sunday Game In Jersey City. Jersey City, N. J., Mny 25. Largely through the use of a phonograph tho Jersey City club of the Eastern lengne won a victory for Sunday baseball in , the chancery court here. A resident near tlie ball ground sought to have Sunday games prohibit ed as a nuisance, but n phonograph op erator testified that he had tried at the plaintiffs house to make a record, of tlie noise alleged to have accompa nied the games, but that the machine failed to record any noise whatever. EARLY REALLY A LEPER. Noted Leprosy Expert Gives Verdict ' on Quarantined Soldier. Washington, May 25. John F.arly, 11,1 " I" uu" i--oi.ucu on .i 1111 in urn- side tlie city, whoso case lias provoked widespread interest in the medical world, submitted to an examination by Dr. Edward Elders of Copenhagen, one of the world's foremost leprosy experts. Dr. Elders asserted that lliere Is no possible doubt that Early Is allllcted, with the dread Asiatic scourge. Early has been quarantined slnco last August, and, strong In the convic tion that he Is not a leper, he bus re- ' fllS(,d foI. months past to take medicine. Dr. Elders took cultures from Ear ly's body nnd will make a bacterio logical test. The disease Is very con tagious. Dr. Elders stated. Early is a native of Lynn, N. C, and contracted the disease while serving as a soldier In the Philippines. WILL FORGER DIES IN JAIL. Ex-President of New Jersey Horticul tural Society Succumbs. Trenton, N. J.. May 25. After put ting up a stubborn losing fight for years to escape the responsibilities of forging the will of William Lane Hart, his friend and neighbor. William H. Sklllman died In the state prison here. Sklllman was formerly president of the Now Jersey Horticultural society. He was seventy years old. The forgery was committed fifteen years ngo, and tho will bequeathed hnlf of Hart's estate to Sklllman. Crlmlnnl charges were first lodged against Sklllman In 1807, and he fought thorn for twelve years. Sklllman's farm, near Blawenburg, was one of the show places of tho state, and before- the crlmlnnl charges were made Sklllman wns a leader of his community. "Rastus," said tho man who gives advice, "If you want to prosper in this world, you must go to bed with tho chickens." "Ynsslr," answered Rastus. "It wlllln' to go to bed wlf 'em, but folks dat owns chickens aln' sufficiently trustful." Washington Star.