The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 14, 1909, Image 8

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A Week's Doings in Rural
Interesting Items Picked Up by Our
Staff of Wide-Awake Correspondents
May 10. Nearly every day we
have a line shower and vegetation
is just a rushing.
.Misses Eflle and" Blva Cliff are hav
ing Oscar and Harley Ferguson re
shlngle their dwelling.
Last week Mrs. A. .1. Cross returned
from a visit to her mother's in New
Jersey. Miss Maine Fritz is assist-,
lug Mrs. Cross in doing the house- i Charles Utt's on Sunday. Mrs. Wil
work. i limn Hit accompanied him homo to
Misses Helen and Mary Itobecker ! spend a week,
were at church Sunday and we might ' jjrs. Daniel Smith is quite sick with
also add Ward Megergh. 'the grippe.
(Irace GUlner is also up from the' .rK i,, Cohen is sick, and Mrs.
llloomshurg State Normal School.
The Ladies' Aid will meet for din
ner, gossip and sewing on the 12th
at Mrs. .1. E. Cross's. The Men's nnd
Hoys' Club meet nightly at the post
olllce to swap yarns.
Prof. .1. 11. Creveling closed his
term of eight month's teaching at the ,iy afternoon. The Citizen and the
high school on the 8th, and on the , Wayne Independent. printed nt
12th the closing exercises will be Honesdale. should also arrive on Fri
held and Dr. E. L. Kemp, of the East i ,my afternoon and they arrive Snt
Stroudsburg State Normal School unlay or Monday afternoon. The
will be present nnd deliver a lecture.
The following are the graduates:
Lote Barnes, Ethel Simons, John
Uban, Flossy Boston, and Daisy But
terworth. The Anthracite Quartette, of Scran
ton, composed of Messrs. Mitchell,
Madden, llollister, and VanGorden,
assisted by a Miss Hildebrandt, an
elocutionist, very kindly gave an ex
cellent entertainment in the church
on the evening of the 8th, and the
proceeds were donated to Mrs. Ed
ward McMillan. The house was well
filled and it Is scarcely necessary to
add that all present thoroughly en
joyed the excellent entertainment.
Dr. F. A. Cross is manager of the
Quartette and was also present. The
Quartette also kindly sang on Sunday
and a number who seldom attend
church were present and we hope
will come again. Rev. Webster
preached his baccalaureate sermon.
On the first of July John Gillner
will have the pleasure of carryjng
the mail from Ledgedale to Moscow.
May 10. Burton Daniels and Hat
tie Killam, both of Lakeville, were
united in marriage at Honesdale on
Monday, .May 3rd, 190!i. Congratu
lations. Oehler's have a very sick cow.
Lulu Cortright and Miss .Myers, of
Honesdale, arrived at ituescher's on
Saturday. Miss Myers returned home
on Sunday afternoon. Lulu accom
panied her as far as Hawley and
remained there until this morning,
when she returned home. She ex
pects to return to her work at Hones
dale on Wednesday.
Miss Mary Degroat and friend, of
Hawley, visited Gladys Pennell, of
Uswick, on Sunday.
Mrs. (Jeorge Pennell and son How
ard and daughter Marilla. and Miss
Julia Smith, of Hawley, called at
Mrs. Charles Crane's on Sunday last.
Alfred Locklin's' house caught tire
and Gave the people of Lakeville a
great (--care on Saturday, but the
flames were soon extinguished, and
but little damage was done.
We learn that Chits?. Locklin was
putting a new roof on his house, and
lind a portion of the old roof removed
when the heavy storm came on Fri
day, and the rain ruined the wall
paper and soaked the carpets so that
Mrs. Locklin will have to commence
house cleaning all over again.
.Mrs. Brazilla Shaffer, of Gravity,
is very sick at the home of her
daughter in Scranton.
David Engle, our popular painter,
finished painting Mr. Grabone's
boarding house at Arlington on Wed
nesday and returned home. He ex
pects to commence painting L. Co
hen's boarding house at Long Pond
Burton Daniels treated his friends
at Lakeville on Saturday evening,
celebrating his nuptials. The bride
is now caring for her sister, .Mrs.
Brooks, who is quite ill.
B. W. Murphy's barn, that he is
erecting down near his lake, is
nearly completed; they expect to
finish it to-day. He has been making
a wire fence around his property at
the lake.
On Friday last we had a very
severe electrical storm. It hailed and
thundered and lightened and the rain
poured down in torrents. Four tele
phones in this vicinity were put out
of service, namely, F. B. Pennell's,
S. R. Crane's, Oliver Locklln's and
Charles F. Utt's,
Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, of Ariel,
visited Oliver Locklin and wife on
Sunday. Mr. McFarland and Oliver
Locklin repaired the phonqs that
were burned out and placed a light
ening protector on the phone at
Olmstead's. Mr. McFarland's horse
became frightened at an automobile
on their way out to Lakeville and
ran up on the bank and came very
near overturning the wagon.
The first automobile that we have
seen here passed through this vicinity
on Thursday.
F. M. White and a friend of his
from Gravity, were at Uswick on
Saturday and were pleasant callers
at F. R. Olmstead's and J. Sehleupner's.
A gentleman from New York was
at Mr. J. Sehleupner's on Friday. He
was looking at some property with a
view to purchasing it.
.Mrs. Keyes and daughter, Eme
llne, of Hawloy, arrived at Lakevillo
on Friday. They were guests of
.Mrs. A. Goblo, and returned home to
day. H. W. Murphy was a caller at
iWllllnm Sheeley is very sick. Dr. i
Elv, of Hawley, is attending her; she: 'B at .ewiounuiana was awarded MrSi Daniel Smith has been con
i is reported better to-day. May Sth, to William Vernoy. of Mo:i-1 llncui to ,)L,a with K1.,m and
1 What is wrong with I'nclc Sam's roc county, Pa., and Chat Zetgler. '!' ' nouralgla. Dr. Ely Is in attendance,
mail'.' The Hawley Times, which Greene township, Pike county, for MrHi ,, M, Carefoot visited her
'should arrive at Uswick on Friday! the mini of thirty-four hundrd !-' Ristur. Mrs. F. B. Woodward, of
afternoon arrives Saturdny or Mon-
Civil Service examination for fourth-elas-.s
postmaster at Uswlek, Pa., was
held at Hawley postollice on March I auenueu tnougn me weainer was Koy(1 .,.Farland and family were
27, l!0!t. This examination was all I very unfavorable. The net proceeds Rlu,sts of O. Locklln's on Sunday
finished at 11 o'clock a. m. and should ' ''" amounted to over $10.00. ! Iusti
have left Hawley about 3 o'clock in, The family of A. C. Angel, at An-; AIri nnd c, utt visited their
the afternoon on March 27. A com-.Eels, are afflicted with whooping daughter, Mrs. Matt Harloe. at Ledge
munlcation from the Civil Service cough. , dale, recently.
Committee was received at Uswick I Harry Akers, member of Wallen- Tllls ,)lilce was visited by a terrific
on May nth, stating that this examl- paupac Lodge 478, I. O. O. F., will thunder, lightning and hail storm,
nation paper did not arrive at Wash- i represent the Order at the Grand i on Friday afternoon last.
Ington, D. C, until April 21st, fully J Lodge to be held in Harrisburg, com-
twenty-live days after the examlna- mencing Mny 17th. HAMLINTON
tion took place. It should take two Miss Verna M. Hazleton went to
days for a letter to reach Washing- . South Bethlehem on May 7th, to visit -May It. Ex-Sheriff Cortrlght and
ton I) C from Uswick Thus this i friends and expects to be absent ' Millard Sherwood spent a few days
examination paper could have gone 'about one week. ' this week In the southern part of the
to Washington, D. C. and returned! Harvey Martin and Edgar Cross are ! county.
again just six times while It was go-I visiting relatives and friends In1 The Lake House at Ariel, under the
lug there only once Now Uncle I Mooslc and Scranton. j management of Myron Dodge, form-
Sam, we think it is time for
wake up and see where the
States mail is being delayed.
vou to
May 11th. The Rev. Mr. Davis, of
Waymart, preached a very interest
ing sermon here at Steene on Sunday
afternoon, taking for his text John,
the 1 nth chapter and part of the
l.ltli verse "Henceforth I call you
not servants, for the servant knoweth
not what his lord doeth, but 1 have
called you friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pierce, of
Carbondale, visited friends in Wayne
county on Sunday.
Galen Perry, of Carbondale, visit
ed friends at Steene last Sunday.
Frank Magloski and son, Eddie, j
visited friends at Forest City last
Jacob Fisher, of Bear Swamn. lost
a valuable live-year-old horse last
week. During the night she broke
her linltnr stv:m. h.-iHterl not nf her
stall, and was kicked by her mate;
breaking one of her fore legs. Mr.
Fisher had her promptly shot.
OrviU Swingle has been making
some fine catches of bull heads at
Lake Lodore the past week. Satur
day night's catch was a wash tub
nearly full.
Miss Minnie Mill is nursing the
sick at Carbondale.
Miss Pearl Swingle Is visiting
friends at South Canaan.
John Wesley Arnold is kept very
busy this spring at the grafting busi
Stephen Kegler's large bam is near
May 12tli.-Mrs. Mary Appley, who
spent the winter at this place, left for I
her home at Damascus, last week
Paul Illmau, of Harvard College, lias
been a victim of blood poisoning in his
foot. lie has been in the hospital for
some time, but is now improving.
William Pulis has gone to Syracuse,
N. Y., to work.
Sheriff Branian was in town, on Mon
day, and bought, a horse of Eberly
Volney Skinner bought a horse, last
week, of (Jeorge Townsden, of Foster
dale, N. Y.
Mrs. I. E. Tibbitts and W. J. Yerkes,
of Honesdale, spent Sunday with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
J. J. McCullough is in Kinghamton
this week.
Mrs. Charles D. Skinner, who under
went an operation at The Women's and
Children's Hospital, Syracuse, N. Y., is
gaining. Mrs. Skinner is the wife of Rev.
C. D. Skinner, of Cazenovia Seminary,
N. Y.
Rev. and Mrs. Win. Crane, of Port
Byron, N. Y,, are delegates to the Gen
eral Assembly of the Presbytery, to be
held at Denver, Colorado, this spring.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Crane were formerly
from Cochecton.
Kennedy 'Johnson, of Tyler Hill, is
caring for W. D. Yerkes, who is ill.
May 12th. There were no services in
the Center churcli on Sunday last, so
that all who wished could avail them
selves of the opportunity to attendchurch
at Aldenville, and listen to the bacca
laureate sermon which was delivered by
Dr. A. O. Rothermel, principal of the
Kurtztown Normal School. Ilia subject
was "Talents."
Mrs. Bertha Garrett returned to her
home in Iioneadalc, on Sunday, after
spending two weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jotnes Dann.
Mrs. Harry Dann has returned from a
two weeks' visit with her father, Mr.
Foster, of Sterling.
Mrs. Myron Norton, who was ill last
week witli an attack of acute indigestion,
is much better. The infant child of
S.tephen Treat, who has been' ill with
pneumonia, is also on the gain.
Word has been received by friends of
the deatli of Mrs. Alice Hunting Well
man, of New MiKord, Susquehanna Co.
She was born in Aldenville, sixty-six
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Hunting are pass
ing a few days witli their daughter, in
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hunting and son
recentlv called on friends at Tanner
.May 11th. The contract for the
erection oi a now nign scnooi imuu-1
lars. As to time oi completion, i Hoadley's, on Sunday last,
of material used and other require- Mr .,,, Ars M Nol)lu aml fnm.
ments, we are not informed. It Is ny Arlington, were callers at Al
not to be a concrete building. rml i.fcUn's on Sunday.
i no supper neio umier uie auspices
'of the Union Ladles' Society on M.n-
day evening. .May jru, at tne resi-
deuce of J. W. llauso, was fairly well
, Joan uecicer, ot scranton, is doing
I Plumbing and steam fitting for C. A.
Seig in his new house.
Jacob McKeel, of Dreher. is saw-
yer for Messrs. Bartleson & Simons,
at Lowe's saw mill, back in Green-
town. Pike county.
Mrs. Angellne Masters Is on the
sick list. Dr. A. J. Simons is in at -
Charles Schardt caught a trout in
the Wallenpaupac creek a few days
ago, that was over 2! Inches in length
and weighed over four pounds.
With fairer weather during the
past week, the laborers on the state
road in Dreher have been able to
move some dirt and stone. Owing to
the very wet and muddy condition of
the road the progress is slow.
Mrs. S. R. Hazelton, of Greentown,
Pike county, lias been seriously ill
i with pneumonia. At this writing her
1 condition is slightly improved,
, Farmers In this locality are getting
I busy at ploughing, sowing oats and
other spring work. Plum and peach
trees are in bloom and maple trees
have enough small leaves to make a
little shade.
May 12th. The White Mills Luther
an choir will hold a supper in the I. ().
II. hall, on Monday evening, May 17th.
Admission free ; supper ''." cents. Ice
cream and cake will be served. Every
body welcome.
Joseph Scotia, from Duryea, was
married to Mary Itombuskek, of this
inf,., ., Tupsdnv
The wind changed last week ; so did
i William Gitmper's mind. Instead of
I going to Honesdale to start in business
for.himself, he has gone to some other
town to griiid corn.
John Brock is busy ploughing gardens
this week, and Charles Brown is night
watchman at the factory. Charles has
already been named John Brock.
Andrew B.Joy and Rudolph Loll pur
chased two pair of young pigs. Tiie
price paid with the heads on was fifty
cents a pound. If they had waited un
til fall they could have purchased the
same pigs with the heads off for seven
cents a pound.
When you build a barn for your auto
mobile put doors on both sides so that
in case your auto failed to stop it would
save you from going through the side of
the barn.
May 10th. Mrs. A. Goble and Miss
Myrtle James visited Mrs. A. M. San
dercock on Thursday.
Will Welsh Is working for C. W.
Pennel, at Uswick.
J. N. Stephens Is convalescing very
Sir. W. Chandler, of Hawley, pass
ed through Lakeville and Uswick on
Samuel Miller, from the Medical
College, at Baltimore, is home on his
Mr. and Mrs. William Seegar of
this place, passed Sunday with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Pennel, of Uswick.
Fred Relneke, of Hawley, spent
Sunday with William Relneke.
Mrs. Lucy A. Shaffer, of Gravity,
we regret to learn, is very low with
pneumonia at her daughter's, Mrs. L.
Kizer, nt Scranton.
Mary Uegroat and her friend, How
ard Orr, were pleasant callers of
Miss Gladys A. Russell, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Goble were callers
at Mrs. Daniel Smith's, of Audell, re
cently. A number of Lakevillo young peo
ple attended the ball at Unger's, at
Done Ridge, on Saturday evening.
Ward Haney and Anthony Kostook
are working at the Keystone Shop nt
.Mrs. Augustus Keyes and daughter,
Emellne, of Hawley, spent a short
time at A. Goble's recently.
Miss Hattle K 11 lam and Burton
Daniels were married nt Honesdale
on Monday, May 3, 1009. Congratu
lations are extended.
Mrs. William Sheeley has been
confined to her bed with lagrippe.
Dr. Ely was called to-day t Monday).
.Mrs. Win, Hrooks has been very
sick with quinsy sore throat, but is
Improving nt this writing.
Dorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lenon,
a daughter, April 25, 100U.
.Mrs. Henry Smith and little daugh
ter, of Hamlinton, Pa., was the guest
of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Locklin, of this place, on Sat-
urday and Sunday last.
jr, and Mrs. L. M, Blttner spent
Saturday and Sunday with their son
.)oselm at Gouldshoro.
MrH (jf,,,- A. Goble nnd two
,.i,irt. ro visiting her sister. Mrs. ,
A Ki )eKroto. at Honesdale. this
,er ciern oi uie .vuuu nouse ax nones-
dale, is fast becoming one of the most
i popular Hotels in tne soutnern part
of our county. The dining room has
been refurnished throughout with
i blrdseye maple and will accommodate
'about thirty people at one sitting.
! .Mr. Dodge is on the job every minute,
! meeting all trains, looking after the
comforts of his guests and making
them feel at home.
While on their way to Scranton
on Sunday, the following stopped
here for dinner: George C. Butler,
C. A. Green, A. E. Bryant and A.
Capt. Warren G. Moore Post, witli
headquarters at Sterling, will observe
Memorial Day, on Monday, with full
service at Salem, in the afternoon, and
at Sterling, in the morning:.
Full particulars of the day's program
will appear in a later edition of The
A number of young people from this
place attended the entertainment at
Ariel, on Tuesday evening.
The following trustees of the M. E.
church were elected for one year: R. II .
Simons, A. F. Jones, G. O. Gillett, L.J.
l'elton and W. E. Cliumard. R. II.
Simons was made President ; L. J. Pel
ton, Treasurer, and W. E. Cliumard,
If the weather is favorable, Hamlin
ton will be well represented at the Com
mencement exercises at Sterling, to
night, Wednesday.
The Wallen-Paupac Telephone Com
pany have 33 miles of pole line built,
and are within a quarter of a mile of
Moscow. They will probably finish up
to Moscow this week. About 78 'phones
Have you solved the "Kitchen Comfort" problem for this coming summer ?
"Why not put the coal range out of commission during the summer ?
Why not do all the family cooking in a sane and restful manner over a stove that does not
overheat the kitchen and costs less for fuel than either a gas or coal stove why not ?
You can do this with a
The NEW PERFECTION is different from all other oil stoves.
No smoke ; no odor.
Oil reservoirs and burners are made of brass and will not rust..
Will cook or bake perfectly.
We guarantee the NEW PERFECTION to be the superior, in overy way, to any other oil
stove on the market.
Made in three sizes, one, two and three burners.
are in operation, witli bright prospects
of more.
Dora Richardson, Who Wed Aged Cas
sius Clay, Is Free Again.
Lexington. Ky May lit. Dora Well-nrdson-Clay-Brook-Thonias,
once the
child wife of the late Citsslus Clay,
who divorced the old general to marry
Riley Drock and who later divorced
Brock to he the bride of Samuel Thom
as, has now divorced Thomas.
As the much married and divorced
young woman has a nice estate left
her by the noted abolitionist, General
Clay, It is expitcted she will take unto
herself a fourth husband before corn
is laid by.
Government Will Make $2,000,000 n
Year on National Project.
Havana, May lit. The house of rep
resentatives by a vote of r2 to 20
passed the bill authorizing the estab
lishment of a national lottery.
The general terms of the project,
from which the government expects to
ilraw an annual revenue of $2,000,000,
call for three drawings monthly, of
which the number of tickets and the
auiiiunt of the prizes are to be left to
Hie discretion i !' the secretary of the
Men Who Tried to Save Bridge Toll
Drown From Old Boat.
Pittsburg. May lit. To save fi cenls
bridge toll live men attempted to cross
the Mouongahela river at McKeespnrt
hi a small boat, which sank as they
got Into midstream, drowning three of
the men. Five hundred school chil
dren saw them drown.
Expecting to Hud work at Glassport.
the men found an old boat which had
been washed ashore, and rather than
spend a cent each they entered the
boat. They were within twenty-live
yards of the farther shore when the
boat shipped water and sank.
Universal Peace Not Aided by Derid
ing Soldiers' Bravery.
Chicago, May 11. Bishop Samuel
Fallows upholds the views expressed
by General Grant at the recent peace
convention. He says:
"The soldier does not originate war.
The cause of universal peace will not
be advanced by deriding the soldiers'
bravery. We are ready as a people to
take the lead In disarmament, but un
til tlie nations are ready to follow we
will have a navy that will proportion
ately match that of any other power
on the globe."
55 A L SE1
Was $10, now $7.
Was $9, now $6.
Was $8, now $5.
Was $4, now $2.50
ew rerrection csiue
Oil Cook Stove.
Olllce. Mflsnnlc
building, second floor
Honesdale. Pa.
Office over post offlce. All lesrul business
promptly attended to. Iloncsdtfle, l'u.
Olllce I. Ihprtv 1 til 1 1 liullilltii' iitni, mil.. ll,o
Post Office. Honesdale, l'u.
Olllce over Keif's store. Honesdale Pa.
Olllce near Court Home Iloiicsdale. Pa.
Olllce over Post Olllce. Honesdale. I'm.
Sneclitl and iiroiimt attention riven totlio
collection of claims. Olllce over ltclt's nuw
store, Honesdale.
Olllce over the wist olllce HoiicsdaU'. lu.
lit. A'
Otlice ill the Court House, Honesdale,
1 ATTORNEY A C()fNSEI.()lt-.lT-I,AW.
Patents and pensions secured. Olllce In tliu
'hiH't'liolz hulldliiL' Honesdale. Pit.
Olllce Second lloor old
Imlldlni.'. Honesdale. l'u.
Savings Hank
Olllce Next door to post olllce. Kornu-rl
occupied by W. II. Dlmmlck. Honesdale. Pit
Ofllci Klr.qt floor, old Kitvtti'js ItnnW liolld.
Insr, Honesdale, l'u.
Ofllco and residence lllli Church street
Telephones. Olllce Hours 2:00 to 4:00 and
7:00 to H:00. o. in
Latest! Most Novel
' For SPUING, 15)OD,
TheSPRINGSUITSurethellest Models
Approved by fashlon'critics.
Menner & Co's Store,