The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 14, 1909, Image 7

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filch Young Parisian Fulfill Promise
of "Surprise" by Shooting Him
self at Monte Carlo.
Paris, France. Fernand Ravenez,
woalthy young Parisian, committed
suicide under remarkable circum
stances. He gave a supper to a number of
his friends, at which the fun was fast
ana furious. Several times during tho
evening Ravenez cried: "This is
nothing; a big surprise is awaiting
you at the end."
At dawn, when the party was
breaking up, Ravenez shouted: "Now
for tho great surprise."
Ho arose abruptly and walked to
ward the Gypsy orchestra, which was
playing a Hungarian rhapsody. His
friends, who were expecting some
practical joke, wero stupefied to see
him suddenly place a pistol to his
templo and fire. Ho fell dead.
Ine only reason for his act Is said
to bo "sheer boredom." Ravenez was
only twenty years old, but ho had be
come a familiar ilguro on the Paris
boulevards, where his liking for
"loud" dress attracted attention.
Three years ago the young man
figured in a sensational duel. Ho
challenged a professional swords
man as a result of a cafe quarrel, but
the swordsman refused to fight on
tho ground that Ravenez had not
reached his majority.
Undaunted, Ravenez Issued a chal
lenge dated tho day he was eighteen
years old, and he devoted the Inter
vening time to rigorous training.
When he finally did meet his ad
versary the contest was of the fiercest
character and it ended by Ravenez
plunging his sword Into his oppo
nent's bod
Milwaukee Judge Undertakes to De
cide the Delicate Question In Court.
Milwaukee. Wis. How high can a
woman hold her skirt on a damp night
nnu still remain a lady?
It was up to Judge Neelen in Dis
trict Court to decide It, and he made
Here's the Limit of Propnfcty In Rais
ing a Skirt.
a ruling in which he lined Miss May
Walters ?5 for getting past the "lady"
Patrolman Becker was tho etiquette
expert and he said that when a wom
an's skirt was up fourteen inches in
the rear and nine in front and had a
waist attached which was more or
less peekaboo, the limit had been
The Court agreed with Becker that
a dress could be held too high, and
he approved of the arrest of Miss
The patrolman added that he had
looked sharply and had seen no fluffy
ruffle stuff under the outer skirt, and
that was one reason why ho thought
the gown was deficient.
Winners at Lemp Club's Contest Still
St. Louis, Mo. Two hundred guests
of the Lemp Hunting and Fishing
Club at Alton went through a trying
ordeal when they attended the club's
limburger cheese eating contest.
The difference between this contest
and the Salome dance Is that one
doesn't have to have one's eyes open
to witness it.
Joseph Utile won by consuming four
pounds of the fragrant fromago and
Ed Trumble finished a bad second
with two pounds to his credit. The
prize was a case of beer.
Uhle Is as well as could be expected,
and it is thought that fumigation will
save the clubhouse for future Sunday
afternoon functions.
J I 1. I via.
New Region for the Efforts of Bug
Collectors. In the Entomollglsts' Monthly Mag
azine Mr. N. H. Joy indicates an ap
parently little explored region for
"rare" beetles. Having last year ob
tained various species looked upon as
rare by collectors In birds' nests, Mr.
Joy was led to doubt the genuine rar
ity of these species. He further con
cluded that If the nests of our familiar
birds and mamals were carefully
searched many species of beetle might
cease to be labeled rare in the records
of entomology. Mr. Joy has put his
theory to the test, and finds that
birds' nests are productive of many
rare and Interesting beetles. And in
searching the nests of smaller British
mamals this enthusiastic collector has
been even more successful. Is It not
oven possible that when such situa
tions are more carefully and exhaus
tively searched new species of beetle
may reward the collector?
Otnne Ships.
Eleven years ago an Italian engi
neer made a boat of artificial stone
or cement which excited much Inter
est. It was an excellent boat, and Is
yet In use. The framework, of light
Iron rods, was covered with a metal
lic trellis, and then coats of cement
wore applied. Inside and out, to form
the hull. It prove) surprisingly re
slstont to shocks. Since then the
same engineer, Gibelltnl, has made
many more "stone" boats, of various
forms, and among thorn a barge, about
r4 feet long and uetween 17 and 18
feet broad, which lor several years has
been employed for carryh'" coal In
the harbor of Genca. He also makes
pontoons of the same material, which
have been used to replace wooden pon
toons on tne Po. The material lasts
better even than iron, and is not at
tacked by salt water. Youth's Com
panion. Health and Beauty.
Never visit a sick person with an
empty stomach, especially If the com
plaint be contagious, as this disposes
the system more readily to receive
the contagion.
A Scotch teacher gave this advice to
her pupils "If you have cholera or
Scarlet fever in the house, put some
onions under the bed, and they will
sweep away tho disease."
Years ago when the cholera raged
through London, the onion proved of
value. It was noted that in the most
unsanitary district, they were exempt
from the disease, being Italians and
great onion eaters, and in their homes
had strings of onions suspended across
the ceiling. The opinion is said to be
a powerful antidote against disease.
The Ape and Primitive Man.
Mr. S. P. Verncr points out that the
recent discovery of the chimpanzee
In a part of Africa where it had not
been known to exist enable us to da
fine a few regions where the gorilla,
the chimpanzee and the pygmies exist
in conditions suggestive of the possi
bility of discovering the fossils of
their ancestry In good preservation.
The pygmies are now known to have
existed practically in suit for 3,000
years, and it is probable, Mr. Vernor
thinks, that the two great anthropoids
may have been there for as great or
a greater, length of time. He is try
ing to indicate localities of limited
area in which the likelihood of dis
covering the fossils mentioned is very
The Periscope.
Under this name Commandant Sou
lie de C:nac of the French Legion
of Honor has designed a pince-nez, or
eye-glass, which enables tho wearer to
see at the same time on all sides, and
even behind. This is ingeniously ef
fected by means of reflections. At
the same time the glasses are so con
structed as to correct myopia, and
other errors of vision. A use for the
instrument that the Inventor did not
think of has been revealed to him by
deaf persons employing it. They say
that it Increases their safety by en
bllng them to perceive the approach
of dangers o. which their ears give
them no warning.
Lightning and Petroleum.
At the beginning of September some
of the petroleum wells fired by a vio
lent thunder-storm near tho end ot
June at Boryslaw, Gallcla, were still
burning, like torch flames 40 or 50
feet in height It is said that not less
5 wells are struck by lightning every
year at Boryslaw, the cause being
ascribed to the obligatory use of sheet
iron coverings for all the installations.
The iron surfaces communicate with
the system of metallic tubes, thus
forming, during a thunder-storm, a
sort of Leyden jar, which provokes
lightning strokes.
World's Sugar Production.
It is estimated that the total pro
duction of sugar throughout the world
is about 2,000,000 tons per annum. Of
this quantity nine-tenths are afforded
by the sugar cane, 25,000,000 tons ot
which are required to produce the
above quantity of cane sugar. The
average of saccharine matter In the
ripe West Indian sugar cane Is from
18 to 21 per cent., of which only 8
per cent, is available to commerce.
The total value of the sugar In the
cane, If it could be extracted, would
bo about ?230,00C,000, but one-hair
is lost In the process of manufacture.
Why She Declined.
"Really,' said the stylish lady, en
thusiastically, to her friend, "it is
worth while to see the wonderful dis
play of rhododendrons." "Is It?" re
plied her friend, lanquidly; "I like to
look at the great big clumsy beasts,
too, but it always smells so unpleas
antly around the cages."
For a
ftunfaa? ?alfgour
h 4-
By the Rev. W. Jasper Newell '
Text: "Who is made, not after the
law of carnal commandment, but after
the power of an endless life." He
brews vll., 16.
There is change and decay in tho
most enduring structures that men
bulla. Tho Cathedral in Cologne was
632 years In building. Tho great
Cathedral of Milan was 419 years In
building. Hut we know that these
are not permanent buildings. Tho
architecture of man, at the touch of
the tooth of time, shall crumble and
fall. Scriptural Instruction lifts our
eyes toward celestial architecture
"A house not made with hands, eter
nal In tho heavens." That building
shall abide. Our home Is not here,
but there. How few of the produc
tions of men abide. A noble life is
man's only enduring building. This
earthly life Is brief and like an Inn,
where passing travelers spend but a
transient night. The pages ot history
tell of the passing of material things.
Forms of government change. Ma
ted; ' things and institutions of men
perish, but principles never die. Cart
hage and ancient Rome Ho In the
speechless dust. Archaeology Is an
other voice a voice from the tomb.
We have uncovered the "Buried
Cities" of the past, which, bridging
the centuries, stand as mute monu
ments of ruin and decay. Fame is
transient. Many struggled for tho
honor of becoming members of the
Roman Senate, but the names of few
found a place in history. Fame is only
a flnger-mark in the sand. Geology
proclaims the ceaseless transforma
tion of the earth.
Men have always hoped for and be
lieved in an after life. Immortality
has been the hunger and the hope of
all the ages. Socrates Indulged this
hope, yet he lived centuries before
Jesus and the New Testament gos
pels. Tho nations that have nevor
known the Bible have nevertheless be
lieved in a life beyond the grave. Such
a belief is not created by the teach
ings of Scripture only, because it is as
universal as humanity itself. Jesus,
In his priestly prayer, exclaimed this
Joyous discovery: "Father, this la
life eternal that men may know thee,
the only true Got and Jesus Christ
whdm thou hast sent." The dasire ot
every heart Is for an endless life, a
perennial springtime.
Death does not -everso character.
Eternity does not change what timo
hath made. What we are now, wo
shall bo then. Jesus forgave the sins
of tho penitent thief, but He could do
no more. A man's sins may be for
given, while his personality is still left
impaired. It is a wrong emphasis,
that so long as a man is saved it
makes no difference what ho has been
nor what he has done. We enter
yonder where wo end here. We be
gin there where we end here. If wo
end here upon a high plane we begin
there upon a lofty plane. The more
a man has to invest, the larger will bo
his income.
This endless life is impossible to
till except to the Christian. The re
generation of the Holy Spirit alone se
cures this life. Life in the New Testa
ment means salvation. Salvation Is
possible only by a new birth. Physi
cal life is harmony with environment.
The endless life or Salvation is har
mony with the spiritual laws of God.
This life can begin only when Jesus
takes His control of the Inner pur
pose and affections of one's heart.
This endless life beclns when a man
becomes a penitent and inquires,
"What must I do to be saved?" There
can be no endless life of moral char
acter where there has been wo begin
ning of spiritual struggle. None but
those who are following Jesus by a
moral and spiritual dlscipleshlp can
ever know either here or hereafter
the rapture, the joy and the final tri
umph of this endless life. Eternal life
becomes a present possession at the
moment of conversation. Jesus says:
"He that flndeth me, flndoth life."
"He that belleveth In me hath ever
lasting life." This means that ho has
that life hero and now. This endless
life begins, therefore, when one be
comes a diEciple of Jesus. The aim of
Jesus as teacher and Saviour was to
restore men into fellowship with the
Father. If you havo this fellowship
now you already havo eternal life. So,
on this side of the resurrection, In
this present life and in this present
moment, tb.3 Christian has fellowship
now you already have eternal life. So,
on this side of the resurrection, In
this, present life and in this present
moment, the Christian has fellowship
with his Father,
Spiritual life must grow or die. This
present life must always be a growth.
Life beyond the resurrection will be
a growth of personality. There are
different capacities here. Two men
are differently affected by the sight
of sorrow, trial and hardship in oth
ers. One is stirred to compassion, thu
othor Is unmoved. Men also differ in
moral capacity. Heaven will not
equalize them. But growth will pre
vail there, as hero.
Wo do not obtain that spiritual per
fection in tills life that wo started tr.
seek. That perfection shall not bo
realized and completed until we stand
In that resurrection country.
Senate Adopts Committee's
Tariff on Pig Lead.
Eleven Republicans Vote Against
the Proposed Schedule and Two
Democrats Are Recorded
In Favor of It.
Washington, May 11. The ability of
tho Republican majority of tho senate
to uphold the recommendation of the
committee on finance on the lend
schedule, which contains the Dlngley
rates In the tnrllT bill In the place of
the lower duties fixed by the house of
representatives, was fully demon
strated when, by si vote of to H.
tin' senate declined to reduce by one
quarter or a cent a pound the duly on
pit: lead, ns recommended by the com
mittee on finance.
In this vote eleven Republicans voted
with the Democrats nnd two Demo
crats with the Republicans. Hy a
viva voce vole the senate adopted the
rale or 2W, cents a pound on pl-j lend,
as recommended by the committee.
Chairman Aldrlch stated that he re
garded the vote ns an indorsement of
the action of the committee, nnd he
expressed confidence thnt all the
schedules of tho committee would be
Tho vote was considered a test of
the strength of the Republican in
surgents. Of the thirty-five votes cast
for the amendment eleven were cast
by Republican senators, but they wore
not sufficient. The committee won.
with four votes to spare. Tho Repub
licans voting for the reduction wore:
Heverldge, Burton, Brown, Rurkett.
Clapp, Crawford, Cummins. Dolllver.
Gamble, La Follotte and Nelson. Sen
ators Hughes (Colo.) and McKnery.
Democrats, voted against the amend
ment. After the result was announced Mr.
Bevorldgo moved to reduce the dif
ferential quarter of a cent, making the
rate on pig lead Si cents, and the dif
ferential half a cent a pound, nnd ho
spoke at length In support of his pro
vision. Mr. Reverldge declared that, the rep
utations of Speaker Cannon nnd other
Republican members of the house as
protectionists wero sufficient to defend
senators voting for the amendment
from the charge of being indifferent
to the protective needs of this Indus
try, as tho house had declined to allow
nny differential on pig lead.
Replying. Mr. Aldrlch referred to
the senator from Indiana as one of
the "progressive senators" and de
clared that If five-eighths of a cent a
pound on pig lead was necessary to
protect that product, as was declared
by all the senators who seemed to
know anything about the Industry,
then one-half a cent was loo little and
not protective.
Mr. Aldrlch declared that If tho sen
ate did not Intend to turn this Industry
over to foreigners a proper protection
was necessary to keep It at homo.
Mr. Heveiidge vehemently replied
that tho senator from Rhode Island
would have to invent "some new argu
ment" in place of the argument that
the Industry would be turned over to
foreigners. Mr. Beveiidgo asked
whether the Republicans of the house
of lepresentatives wanted to turn the
lead producing interest over to for
eigners. "Forty-four of them voted against
the house provision," declared Mr.
"That old argument of turning tho
industry over to the foreigner," con
tinued Mr. Heveiidge, "comes like n
phonographic report of an ancient
campaign, and I ask again whether a
Republican house nttempted to strike
that industry down?"
Yeas and nays being called on Mr.
Beverldge's amendment, it was defeat
ed by a vote of 37 to 40.
The committee provisions fixing the
rate on pig lead and kindred leads at
2 cents a pound, a differential of
five-eighths of a cent a pouud, was
then adopted.
Strenuous opposition by the Demo
crats in the house prevented the refer
ence of tho president's message recom
mending certain legislation for Porto
Rico to the committee on ways and
means. A motion by Mr. Garrett of
Tennessee directing the speaker to
forthwith appoint the committee on
insular affairs, which under ordinary
procedure would have charge of the
subject, disclosed the fact that a quo
rum was not present. Consequently
the messago will lie on the speaker's
table until the house meets on Thurs
day. In opposing tho appointment of tho
Insular affairs committee tho Repub
lican leaders Indicated their Intention
of adhering to the policy of permitting
no legislation at the present session
othor than the tariff bill except that
they deem urgent or which tho presi
dent recommends.
It Is believed that tho house will
pass the Porto RIcnn bill while wait
ing on the senate's nctlon on tho tariff
bill, nnd senators say that they see no
objection to its consideration by the
senate nftcr it disposes of the tariff.
American Tourists Prisoners.
Tonglor, May 11. A party of Amerl
enn tourists haB been taken prisoners
by natives near Agadlr, tho most
wuthern port of Morocco.
President at Risk of His Life Kills
a Bull Rhinoceros.
Nairobi, British East Africa, May li.
Colonel Roosevelt undonhtnillv
ills life to his coolness and nnorrlnir
aim, which combination brought denth
to a huge bull rhinoceros thnt was fu
riously charging the former president.
Mr. Roosevelt fired n bullet Into the
rhinoceros brain when it was but
fourteen paces from lilin and rushing
forward like a wild engine. The bill-
t was fatal, but so fierce was the
rush of the giant rhino that It plunged
on almost to the feet of the colonel be
fore toppling over dead.
Tho bull came Into the clearim? nt n
point about 100 yards from Mr. Roose
velt nnd immediately charged upon
the party. Iteutlsdinr tho dniurcr Hint-
besot Mr. Roosevelt, others In the party
ere on the point of llrlnir. but Mr.
Roosevelt hold them in chock while
he stopped linmedlatolv In Hie nnlli of
the oncoming Infuriated boast nnd put
bullet In its brain.
Mr. Roosevelt was warmly congrat-
atod for his coolness nnd skill.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on call was 2 nor cent:
money ami mercantile paper unchn
In lutes. Closing prices of stocks we
Amal. Copper... Norf. X- West..
Atchison liw'in Northwestern .
. !)1
. sou
. 20
. fiS'l
. at
. 73?i
it in: O IIP. I'enn. It. It
llrnoklyn It. T. . 7!1', Itendlnc
CIipk. & Ohio.... TT',4 Rook Island....
CC.C.&St.I... 71 St. Paul
1). & II 181 Southern I'uo.
Krle :!:' Southern Uy...
C.on. Kleetilc....lM South,
111. Central 14ii Sugar
lnt.-Met tiiJM Texas Pacific.
Louis. & Nash.. Iliii'.i t'nlon Pacific.
Manhattan WiVi IT. S. Steel
Missouri l'ac... 74:4 t'. S. Steel pf..
N. Y. Central.... 131 West. Union...
Market Reports.
WHEAT Dull and one rent lower; con
tract grade. May. Jl.39al.40.
CORN One-half cent lower; May, 79Ha
MUTTER Lower, closing steady; re
ceipts. 7,703 packages; creamery, specials,
27a2"V4c; (olllclal 27c); extras, 2Uo.;
thirds to firsts, 22a2Cc; held, 21a2Gc: stato
dairy, common to finest. 21a2tic. ; process,
common to special, lia23V4c; western, fac
tory, 17a20c. ; Imitation creamery, 21u22c.
CHEESE Lower and weak; receipts,
952 boxes; state, new, full cream, special,
13al3V&c; small, colored, fancy, 12V4c;
large, colored, fancy, 124c; small, white,
fancy, 12Wc; common to fair, Salic;
skims, full to specials, 2allc.
E(3GS Weak; receipts. 24.90S cases;
Btate, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy,
selected, white, 23V4a24c; fair to choice,
Via23c; brown and mixed, fancy, 22ac;
fair to choice, 21a22c; western, storage
packed, 22c; firsts, 21a21V4c; seconds, 20a
20tsc: southern, firsts, 20V4c; seconds, 20c.
POTATOES Firm; domestic, old. In
bulk, per ISO lbs., $2.75a3.12; per bhl. or
bag, $2.60a2.7o; European, old, per IliS lb.
bag, $1.75o2.1B;I3ermuda. new, No. 1. per
bbl., $4.GOa4.75; No. 2, J3.25n3.7B: Houtlltrn,
No. 1, S4.25a4.75: No. 2, $3a3.73; sweet, per
basket, J1.50a2.
LIVE POULTRY Unsettled; chickens,
broilers, per lb., 25a30e. ; fowls, 17ul7lc;
old roosters, 10V4c; ducks, 12c; geese,
DRESSED POULTRY Firm; broilers,
hourby, fancy, squab, per pair, (K)a73c; 3
bs. to pair, per lb., SiaSi'&c: fowls, bar
rels. Hi'ic ; old roosters, V2ic ; spring
ducks, nearby, 24a25c; squabs, white, per
doz.. J2a4.2o; frozen turkeys, No. 1, per lb.,
-inlffic; broilers, milk red, fancy, 21a25c:
corn fed, fancy, 21a23c; roasting chick
ens, milk fed, SlatSc.; corn fed, 17n20c;
fowls, No. 1, lt;&ulic; old roosters, 12'Ac.j
geese, 12al4c.
HAY AND STUAW-Steady; timothy.
per hundred, TOnDOc; shipping, Goo. ; clo
ver, mixed, bOnSOc; clover, fi."aiji&c. ; lonu
ryo straw, Jl.40al.43; small bales, 2V4a5c.
"What would our wives say If tho,
knew where wo are tonight?" remark
cd the captalu of a vessel boating
about in a thick fog.
'I wouldn't care what they said." re
plied the practiced mate, "If we only
knew where we are ourselves." Lon
don Telegraph.
'Very slippery floor," remarked a
young man as tho band played a popu
lar waltz. "It's jolly hard to keep on
your feet."
"Oh, then, you are really trying to
keep on my feet, are you?" said his
partner. "I thought at first it was ac
cidental." London Mail.
In Hopes tnat every athlete will
read the following suggestions, they
are herein printed for their guid
First, before competing, or even
entering upon the course of train
ing necessary to compete In this
event safely, each athlete is ad
vised to have his heart examined.
Second, not only should the athlete
have his arms and body covered In
his practice, but he should likewise
wear a loose fitting pair of long
woolen trousers, and he should have
his feet well protected, by strong
soles, from the pebbles and hard
road, and thus avoid bruises.
While the man running feels
warm, his arms and shoulders being
exposed to the cold air it Is very
easy for him to contract rheuma
tism and colds, which will result
later in life, in much pain and dls
The training should be started
with long walks at a rapid gait with
frequent jogs, and tho distance of
the jog should be gradually in
creased until by the 15 of May every
contestant can safely jog at about
two-thirds his best speed the full
courso of five miles without great
inconvenience. He should bo es'
peclally sure to cover up warmly at
ter his work, and after his heart
and lungs have resumed their nor
mal rhythm, and his temperature
has become normal, to be rubbed
down In a warm room, free from
draughts, after which he should rest
In bed warmly covered up for at
least an hour.
Since tho race is to bo in the at
ternoon, the best tlmo to train for
this rnco Is at that hour.
Tobacco and liquor should be
avoided, as no man can got in his
best condition and partako of these
things; especially is this truo of the
young athlete who has not formed
the habit of depending upon these
Deal direct With tho 8tleiley
Brandt Furniture Co. and anro
the dealer's profit.
Only $7.95
For this largo and handsomo Couch In
fanoy brocaded Vclour. This splendid
Couch Is 75 Inches long;, 27 Inches wldo,
Fivo rows wldo nnd deep tuftlnir. Con
struction guaranteed, OH tempered
springs all metal rm toned which Insures
excellent wearlngqualltlcs. Spring edge.
Framo la golden Oalt, richly carved.
Claw foot design.
This stylo of hand-made Couch would
easily retail In stores from $11. to $11.00.
Carefully packed and
shipped freight charges
prepaid for $7.95.
Send TO-DAY for our factory
price catalogue of Furniture, and
be well posted on Furniture styles.
We have no Insurance against
panics, BUT-
Wc want to sell
Kvery business man In Wayne
county a good sized life or en
dowment pulley that he may
use us collateral security for
borrowed money t Idcyou over
tight places when sales are
pooraml collections slow pos
sibly head olf insolvency.
We want to sell
Kvery farmer a pulley that will
absolutely protect his family
and home.
Wc want to sell
Kvery laborer and mechanic a
saving; policy that will be 111
posslble for him to lapse or
If not Ijlfe Insurance
Lotus write loiucof your KIKE
1NSUKANCK. Standard, re
liable companies only.
General Agents.
In cnmnliuncc with Section :i of tho Tin.
form Primary Act. vatic ;S7, 1', L. llHIii. notice
Is hereby irivon to the clertnrs nf Wnvim
county of the number of delegates to the
Slate convention each party is entitled to
elect, the names of parly olllces to be tilled,
and for what county olllces nominations are
to be made at tho Spring Primaries to be held
on Saturday, June sth. lUU'i
1 One person for Jury Commissioner.
1 Two persons for Delegates to State Con
vention. IS One person iu each election dhtrlctlfor
member of Countv Committee.
1 One person for Jury Commissioner.
' Two persons for Delegates to State, Con
vention. 1 Onepersou In each" election dlstrict!(for
member of County Committee
1 One person for Jury Commissioner.
.'- I'our Delegates to State Convention.
a Hour persons for alternate delegateslto
State Convention.
1 One person for Party Chairman,
8 Onu person for Party Secretary.
U One person for l'artv Treasurer.
Hor Jury Commissioner, a petitioner nuiot
have no less than fifty signatures of mem
bers of his party who are voters: for Dele
gates to State Convention, Committeemen
and party olllcers, no less than ten signa
tures. Allot these petitions must be filed In the
Commissioners' office 011 or before Saturday,
May 15, 1!WJ.
J. K. HOItXHKCK, k'om'rs.
Attest : Oko. V. Itoss. Clerk.
Commissioners' Olllce. llonesdale. Pa.
April 5. l'JOy. Siwl
For New Late N ovelties
SPENCER, The Jeweler
"Guaranteed article. onlv sold."
O.Q. Weaver
iloncsdale, Pa., April 10, 1009.
Notice. Pursuant to Act of Assem
bly, a meeting of the Stockholders of
the Wayne County Savings Hank will bo
held nt tho olllce of the bank on Thurs
day, July '2'2, 10011, . from ono to two
o'clock p. in., to voto for or against tho
proposition to again renew and extend
the charter, corporatu rights and fran
chises of said bank for thu term of
twenty years, from February 17, 1010.
By order of tho Heard of Directors.
II. S Salmon Cashier.