The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 05, 1909, Image 1

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J? Scml-Wcckly Founded!
Wayne County Organ
of the
x Weekly Founded. 1844
66th TEAR.
NO. 36
Government Is Beaten on
Commodities Clause.
Contention of United States That It
Applies to Ownership of Stock
Is Declared Un
tenable. Washington, May 4. It has been
ninny a ilny since a decision of the su
preme court of the United States has
been received with so much Interest
as was manifested In the decision of
that court lu what nro known as the
"commodities clause" cases, affecting
the anthracite coal carrying railroads.
These cases had been decided by the
United States circuit court for the
eastern district of Pennsylvania fa
vorably to the railroads in that the
clause of the Hepburn rate law which
prohibits interstate railroads from car
rying commodities manufactured, min
ed or produced directly or Indirectly
by the roads was declared unconstitu
tional, and the general Impression had
been that the decision would be af
firmed by the supreme court.
Justice White's decision Is that con
gress did not transcend Its constitu
tional authority In the enactment of
the commodities provision; but, on the
other hand, it was held that the gov
ernment's construction of the provi
sion had been entirely too comprehen
sive. As construed by the court, the sole
object of the clause Is to prevent car
Tiers from being associated in Interest
with the commodities transported at
the time of transportation; hence that
the law only prohibits the transporta
tion of articles when they have been
produced by n railway company which
nas not In good faith parted with
them, when the company owns or
controls In whaleAq,in-part the com
'modity to be transportedrnnd when
the company has nn -Interest, direct or
Indirect, in the commodity In a legal
It was especially held, however, that ,
the prohibition does not apply to the
ownership of stock In a producing ,
company, but that a carrier "may own 1
stock In such a company nnd nt the j
ame time transport the product of
mat company.
Summed up, the act only compels
companies to dissociate themselves
from the products they carry, and the
contention of the government that the
law applies to ownership of stock and
prohibits the transportation of com
modities simply because they have
lieen produced by a railroad company
regardless of the fact that the com
pany has parted with them Is untena
ble and incapable of enforcement.
It thus appears, first, that the com
modities clause Is a vital and opera
tive statute with respect to all prod
ucts, such as coal, which the railroad
companies actually own at the time of
transportation and that the railroads
must sell such products to somebody
else lefore they can lawfully ship
them and, second, that unless the act
Is promptly amended so as to include
stock ownership the railroads can es
cape the law entirely by converting
their direct ownership of coal proper
ties Into stock ownership by the or
ganization of subsidiary coal compa
nies. The effect of the decision' under ex
isting conditions Is favorable to the
railroads, and the government lost on
practically every point except the sus
tention of the principle involved.
Attorney Genernl Wickersham made
the following statement Interpreting
the decision as he understands It:
"Mr. Justice White's statement In
announcing the opinion of the supreme
court in the commodities clause Is In
effect that a proper construction of
the so called commodities clause Is
that It prohibits the transportation by
railroad companies only of commodi
ties owned in whole or in part by such
companies nt the time of transporta
tion and that it does not prohibit them
from transporting commodities manu
factured, mined or produced by them
previous to such transportation w'hlch
are not owned by thera at tho time of
transportation and, further, that It
does not apply to transportation of
commodities owned by other corpora
tions in which the transporting rail
road company has a stock interest.
"The decision does not sustain the
full contention of either the govern
ment or the carrlors. It adopts a con
struction of the statute different from
that contended for by both the govern
ment and the carriers. It, however,
sustains tho principle contended for
by tho government that congress has
power to prohibit a carrier from car
rying in competition with other ship
pers commodities which the carrier
owns or in which it is interested.
"It operates at once to prevent nny
oarrler from transporting any com
modity which It anna at tho moment
of shipment, and It con firms in con
gress power to extend that prohibition
to tho carriage of commodities owned
at the time of shipment by a corpora
tion In which the carrier has n stock
Counsel Fop Coal Carrying Roads Re
joices In Decision.
New York, May 4. The coal carry
ing railroads will be practically unaf
fected in their business by the deci
sion of the supreme court of the Unit
ed States In the commodities cases, Is
the opinion-of 'itobort W. De Forest,
counsel for the companies.
Only In the case of the Delaware,
Lackawanna' and Western Ilnllroad
company will changes in business
methods be necessitated by the deci
sion. Is Mr. De Forest's belief, and
this not In a way to hamper the com
pany for any length of time in the
handling of its coal products.
Mr. De Forest said:
"Practically the decision of the su
preme court Is In favor of the railroads
and the public and against the conten
tion of the attorney general that all
coal mined by the railroads wlilch
had a direct ownership In the conl and
that all coal mined by subsidiary coal
companies In which the railroad com
panies had a stock interest was barred
of Interstate transportation by the
Hepburn net.
"Of the anthracite carriers only two,
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern and the Delaware and Hudson,
have any direct legal ownership In an
thracite coal. Both these companies
are authorized by their charters to
mine anthracite coal and to transport
"All the other so called anthracite
carriers that Is, the Reading, the Cen
tral Railroad of New Jersey, the Penn
sylvania railroad, the Lehigh Valley,
the Erie and the New York, Ontario
and Western, own stock in coal min
ing companies.
"The decision establishes the legality
of anthracite coal transportation by
theso six last named companies that
is, the transportation of coal mined by,
companies in which they have stock
"The whole country Js to be con
gratulated, that the supereme court has
put a practical interpretation upon this
act,, -which does not prevent the free
transportation out of Pennsylvania
into other states of a commodity which
has become a necessity of life, sub
stantially as heretofore."
Enthusiasm as Aeronautical Society
Gives Gold Medal.
London, May 4. There was. a re
markable demonstration of enthusiasm
hero when the Aeronautical Society of
(Srcat Britain conferred on Wilbur and
Orvllle Wright, the Aniericun nero
planists, its first gold modal.
Those who had gathered to witness
tho presentation cheered nnd applaud
ed repeatedly, while the Wright broth
ers blushlngly bore their honors
through an hour of the warmest eulo
gies. Finally the entire assemblage
rose and gave three cheers for each
of the brothers and for Miss Katherine
Speeches were made by Major Ba
den F. S. Baden-Powell and by Colo
nel J. E. Capper, the war office's aero
nautical expert, who referred to the
Wright brothers as "unspoiled as
though they were nobodies."
Wilbur and Orvllle Wright made
brief speeches, tersly expressing their
thanks. A reception was then held,
and the brothers were surrounded,
questioned and besieged for auto
graphs. They were given a dinner at
the Itltz hotel by the Aeronautical so
French Scientist Names Twelve Days
of Peril This Month.
Paris, Mny 4. A French scientist,
M. De Pnrville, announces that earth
quakes may be expected to occur at
the principal declensions of the moon.
Years of observation have brought him
to this conclusion.
To prove his contention ly- cites the
dates of a number of earthquakes of
this year, including that of Messina
and tho disturbances in Portugal.
Ho says that, shocks may be expect
ed during the month of May on the
following days: 0, 7, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20,
23, 20, 27, SO and 31.
Dolivia Elects New President.
La Paz, Bolivia, May 4. Dr. Ello
Jiro Villazon, first vice president of
the republic, has been elected presi
dent to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Fernando Guachalla.
Cut In Price of Steel Wire.
Pittsburg, May 4. A reduction of
from $6 to $10 a ton was announced
by the United States Steel corporation
In the selling prices of wlro and wire
products. The cut was at once met by
the Pittsburg Steel company and other
Weather Probabilities.
Fair; warmer; moderate southwest
Blame For Adana Massa
cres Laid on Old Sultan.
Correspondence of Deposed Mon
arch Reveals Him as Archcon
spirator Against Chris
tians. Constantinople, May 4. Documen
tary evidence has been discovered
among the records of the telegraph
office here showing that the deposed
sultan. Abdul llnmld, Inspired the mas
sacres in the Adana district and that
they were to coincide with the political
events hero.
Other papers have been found indi
cating also that the conspirators nt the
palace acted in the sultan's name In
prepnrlng the military mutiny of April
13. Lists of houses, with notes on tho
kind of loot to be found therein, were
discovered on some of the prisoners
now In custody.
The urrangemcuts Included a gen
eral massacre of foreigners in Con
stantinople, including the diplomatic
representatives, on April 24.
Thirteen civilians and soldiers, sen
tenced by the rallltnry courts to death
for murder, were hanged In different
parts of Constantinople.
Major Youssef, his son, and three
other men who killed the Syrian depu
ty, Emir Mohammed Arslan, In front
of the parliament building were ex
ecuted on the spot where they commit
ted the crime. Five others were hanged
nt the entrance of the ministry of war
and three men at the Stainboul end of
the Galata bridge.
Upon the breast of each criminal
was pinned a large placard In Turkish
that could be read at a considerable
distance setting forth the sentence of
the., court '
" Major Youssef was commandant of
Jhe First battalion of the Seventh regi
ment. Among the noncommissioned
officers executed was Hamdi Bin Yech
ar, a sergeant in the Fourth battalion
of the Salonlkl chausseurs. The men
executed on Galata bridge were guilty
of tho murder of Lieutenant Ells.
Major Youssef was the man who,
after the murder of Deputy Arsian,
made his way to the house of parlia
ment and lu a speech denounced the
members for acting against the laws
of the Koran. Yechor was the man
who planned the details of the revolt
of April 13 and who was commander
In chief and practically dictator of
Constantinople for the two days fol
lowing. The other eleven men worked
under Yechar.
The new Turkish cabinet has re
signed, and the political situation Is
bewildering. No one can tell what tho
outcome will be. This latest ministry
was organized only four days ago,
with Tcwllk Tasha as grand vizier.
The sultan has requested Tewflk
Pasha to consult with his colleagues
and reconsider his resignation, al
though there is much opposition on
the part of the members of parliament
to the composition of the cabinet and
to Tewflk Pasha himself, as it is con
sidered that the ministers are too close
ly connected with the old order. The
cabinet may face the chamber, how
ever, In the hope of securing n majori
He Is Appointed to Turkey, While
Rockhlll Goes to Russia.
Washington, May 4. Oscar S. Strnus,
former secretary of commerce and la
bor, has been appointed ambassador to
Turkey and W. W. Rockhlll as ambas
sador to Russia.
Mr. Straus telegraphed from New
York his acceptance of the mission to
Turkey to Socretary Knox.
Mr. Rockhlll was formerly assistant
secretary of state and latterly minister
to China. He will remain at Pekln for
a time, the president not yet having
determined on his successor.
Adana Jesuit Mission Destroyed.
Paris, May 4. An official dispatch
received here from Constantinople con
firms tho reports of the complete de
struction of the Jesuit mission at
Thrown Into Creek While Driving
With Her Husband.
Acra, N. Y May 4. Mrs. Bert Med
daugh, a schoolteacher, was drowned
in Catsklll creek. She was driving
with her husband, and In fording a
creek the horse reared, throwing Mrs.
Meddaugh, n-Jjrlde of a few months,
into the creek.
A strong current was flowing, and
she was quickly carried beyond reach
of her husband. Tho body was recov
ered a mile nnd a half from tho scene.
Piles Opposes Beveridge In Senate In
Attempt to Reduce Tariff.
Washington, Mny 4. Forest conser
vation and its relation to the tariff
caused a lively discussion In the sen
ate when Senator Beveridge of In
diana, taking up an argument for the
Dlngley rates on lumber made by Sen
ator Piles of Washington, started to
demonstrate that the present policy of
the far western lumbermen was that
of total destruction of the forests.
This assumption Senator Piles par
tially confirmed on the ground that It
was almost impossible to cut out rljK!
timber in tho Pacific coast forest be
cause of its great size and proximity,
tree to tree, without destroying all
surrounding timber. He urged that a
high price for lumber would permit
Senator Piles said that It was Impos
sible to manufacture lumber on the
American side In competition with
Canada because, while the American
1 1 1 1 1 mini muNi mil oniy erect ins mill
and buy sufficient standing timber to
supply it, tho Canadian can lease from
the Canadian government (HO acres of
timber land for $140 a year and then
pay only 50 cents per 1,000 feet for
the lumber cut off as against n rate
on the American side of $2 per 1,000
feet stumpage.
The senator said the German system
of conservation was wholly Impossible
on the Pacific coast and admitted that
the Interior mills of bis section prac
tically exhausted timber land before
letting go of It.
Senator Sinoot of Utah declared him
self In favor of a duty which would
assure a profit sufficient to cover the
cost of reforestation to the American
lumberman. He said the price of
lumber was now moderate, but would
eventually go higher.
"Tho tariff keeps up the price, and
the price saves the forests," retorted
Senator Beveridge. "I hnve never
seen any lumberman in the central or
far west who undertook to save his
forests at nny price."
"When the price Is high you will
find the lumbermen conserving their
forests," said Senator Smoot.
Railroad Need Not Pay $330,000 For
Granting Rebates.
Snn Francisco, May 4. The United
States circuit court of appeals here
reversed the decision of the district
court In the case In which the Atchi
son, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
company was found guilty of granting
rebates and sentenced to pay fines of
The cause for the reversal was the
error of the trial court In striking out
the testimony of F. P. Gregson, agent
of the Santa Fe.
Gregson testified that the had been
satisfied by the shippers that the full
40,000 pounds, constituting n carload
lot under the company's tariff, had
been placed In tho cars, but that the
railroad scales at the point of deliv
ery had shown a considerable loss In
transit. On this showing he said the
company had agreed to accept pay
ment from the Grand Canyon Lime
and Cement company of Arizona for
the amount actually delivered at the
legal carload rate.
The appellate court holds that inas
much as the freight tariff provides
that a shipper shall pay for all over
40,000 pounds contained In a car and
that since the full amount necessary
to obtain a carload rate was shipped In
each Instance the trial court erred in
not allowing this testimony to go be
fore the jury.
Mechanical Engineers Begin Their An
nual Convention In Washington.
Washington, Mny 4. The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, em
bracing in its membership 3,455 ot
America's scientific men, began its an
nual spring meeting In this city today.
More than 300 euglneers are ha at
tendance ut tho meeting. During the
convention, which will last four days,
President Taft will hold n receptiou
for the members at the White House.
The war department will give a spe
cial exhibition drill at Fort Myer. At
the same time, if the conditions are
favorable, an ascension of a dirigible
balloon will be made.
An address will be delivered by
Bear Admiral Melville, retired, past
president of the society and former en
gineer in chief of the navy, the sub
ject being "Tho Engineer In the
Navy," and F. II. Newell, director ol
the reclamation service, will deliver an
illustrated address on "Homemaklng
In the Arid Iteglons."
Steel Rail Mills Resume Work.
Braddock, Pa., May 4. Three steel
rail mills of the Edgar Thomson
works here resumod operations In full
after being closed two weeks. The re
sumption affocts 2,000 men.
Broker Killed by Train.
New York, May 4. Dennison Smith,
a Now York broker, fell In front of a
train noar his homo at West New
Brighton, N. Y., and was killed. His
wife was with him.
The Hawley base ball fans held a
mass meeting last week and elected
the following officers: M. E. Lewis,
president: C. H. Freethy, treasurer,
and Charles Houck, secretary. Ed
ward B. McAndrew has been appoint
ed manager.
A much faster team Is expected
this year as all the old players have
signed and the positions that were
weak last year are to be strengthen
ed with new material. .
Extensive Improvements nre being
made to the grounds. The diamond
is to be leveled and the out field put
In first-class . condition, s6 the
grounds will bo the fastest In Wayne
Tho directors have decided not to
hire any outside help.
McClosky, their star pitcher of
last year, Is expected homo about
the 1 nth of .Tune.
llonesdale High School and the
Maple City Club will contest on the
Silk Mill lints Saturday, May 8th if
the weather permits.
Hawley and Honesdale will make
arrangements for a series of games
to be played later in the season.
Wnymart has organized and has
elected Peter Dimock captain.
The Honesdale High School elect
ed Ernest Dudley, captain, and Fred
Osborne manager. The following is
their schedule: May 8th, Maple City
club; Damascus at Damascus, May
15th; Carbondale High School May
22d;- Moguls of Carbondale May 29.
Alex Gallenkamp, a student at La
fayette College, and a former Hones
dale boy, won the 2-mile race be
tween Haverford and Lafayette, his
time was two minutes, 11 seconds.
In speaking of the Vlllanova
base ball team the May number of
the Base Ball Magazine says that
Fred Schuerholz Is the mainstay In
the pitching department.
Results of Games Played In National,
American and Eastern Leagues.
At Brooklyn Boston, 9; Brooklyn. '7.
Batteries Dorner, Mattern, Tuckey and
Graham; Pastorius, Mclntyre and Mar
shall. At Chicago Pittsburg, 9; Chicago, 2.
Batteries Willis and Oibson; Coakley and
At St. Louis St. Louis, 6: Cincinnati, 3.
Batteries Fromme and McLean; Hlgsln
botliam and Phelphs.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 5; New
York, 1. Batteries Coveleskl and Dooin;
Crandall, Ames and Schlei.
W. 14. p.c. w. It p.c.
Boston.... 7 4 .035 Chicago... 8 8 .600
Phtla'phla. 7 4 .636 St. Louis. 7 11 .3X9
Pittsburg. 9 6 .COO Brooklyn. 4 7 .364
Cincinnati 10 9 .526 New Yorlc 4 7 .364
At Boston Boston, 7: Washington, 1.
Batteries Chech and Corrlgan; Johnson
and Street.
At Chicago Chicago. 4; Detroit. 0. Bat
teries White and Sullivan; Wllletts and
At New York New York, 9; Philadel
phia, C. Batteries Qutnn, Lake and Klel
now; Schlltzer, Dygert, Krause and Liv
W. L. P.C. w. Li. P.C.
Detroit.... 12 4 .750 Phtla'phla, 5 6 .455
New York 8 E .G15 Cleveland. 5 8 .385
Boston.... 8 5 .615 St. Louis. 4 10 .286
Chicago... 7 G .538 Wash'ton. 3 8 .273
At Jersey City Rochester, 5; Jersey
City, 0.
At Newark Newark, 2; Montreal, 0.
At Baltimore Baltimore, 12; Buffalo, 5.
At Providence Providence, 4; Toron
to, 0.
W. L. P.C. w. L,. P.C.
Jersey C'y 6 2 .750 Montreal.. 4 5 .444
Provl'enceS 2 .714 Toronto... 3 4 .423
Newark... 3 3 .500 Baltimore. 2 4 .333
Rochester. 2 2 .500 Buffalo.... 2 5 .IS.i
t Stnalhvood to Make His Contract
When Percy Stnalhvood, champ
Ion long distance runner of Wales,
with the scalp of tho great Indian
Longboat, whom he defeated in
Philadelphia, hanging to his belt,
aeclared a few days ago that he
would race the three fastest pro
fessionals in that city, they to run
five miles each and he fifteen, won
derment was expressed on all sides
by the followers of this sport. Mc
Clelland, Sweeney and Schoeller
have already signed contracts to
race the Welshman In a three-man
relay, and Joe Keally is also
knocking loudly for admittance,
with bright prospects of getting In.
Nine Killed While at Mais.
Madrid, April 27. The roof of the
cathedral at Torbes collapsed while
mass was being celebrated, and nine
persons were killed and thirty wound
ed. ;tiLi.'jaj3
Extract from a musical comedy pro
duced in London:
"Now, what do you think of this cos
tume?" "It's ripping."
"Is it, by Jove? I thought I heard
something going at the back." Liver
pool Mercury .
8zechenyl Not to Be Minister.
Brighton, England, May 4. Count
Lailo Szechenyl, who married Gladys
Vanderbllt, denies the report that he
will be appointed to a ministerial posi
tion by the premier of Hungary.
Death Enters the Wcstbrook Homo
Three Times Within a Week.
During the past week death has claim
ed three persons in the home of Mrs.
Moses C. Wcstbrook, Blooming Grove,
Pike county. Miss Carrie Wcstbrook, a
daughter, whose obituary notice appear
ed in our last issue, Mrs. Moses C. West
brook, whose death occured on Friday,
and Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, of Flat Brook,
N. J., who was a visitor ai the West
brook home, and who died of pneumo
nia on Saturday last. Mrs. Westbrook
had been ailing for some time, but the
direct cause of her demise was the shock
received by the sudden death of her
daughter. Mrs. Westbrook wts 81 years
old, and was born in Susses, N. J. The
funeral was held on Sunday, nnd the
interment was made in the Blooming
Grove cemetery. Miss Elizabeth Jones,
aged GG years, was born at Flat Brook,
N. J., and the Westbrooks were her only
immediate relatives. Her remains were
taken to her late home on Tuesday, for
Gurdiier-Vineent Company.
Owing to not being able to get the
manuscript on in time, Gardner-Vincent
Co. will present " David Gar
rick" for Thursday, Friday, and Sat
urday of this week instead of
" Sapho."
" David Garrlck " is one of tho
most beautiful plays written and
has always been in the repertoire of
such artists as Edwin Booth, Chas.
Fecter, Kyrle Bellew and In fact all
our great stars.
It tells a beautiful story of an In-"
cident in the life of England's great
est actor, Mr. David Garrick.
The first act shows the home of
David Garrick with its quaint pict
ures, play books, etc., the arrival of
Garrick after a hard and irksome re
hearsal at Druary Lane Theatre, the
scene between Garrick and Ingot
where he promises to cure the girl
of her love for him.
The second and third acts are
laid in Simon Ingot's home. These
acts test both Mr. Gardner and Miss
Vincent to the utmost, one moment
the audience is convulsed with
laughter and the next In tears.
The fourth act explains everything
and all ends happy.
As the play takes place in the old
en times, it calls for beautiful cos
tumes. Market Reports.
WHEAT Quiet and unchanged.
CORN Quiet, but steady; May, 79a79V4.
OATS Firm; No. 2. white, natural, 60H
BUTTER Active trading; supplies short,
higher and firm; receipts, 5,699 packages;
creamery. Specials, 28V4a29c; (official
2814c); extras, 28c; thirds to firsts, S2&
27V&c; held, 20a26c; state dairy, common
to choice, 20a27&c; process, common to
special, 17a23V4c; western, factory, 17a20c.;
imitation creamery, 21a22c.
CHEESE Lower; receipts, 750 boxes;
state, new, full cream, special, 14al5c:
small, colored, fancy, 14c; large, colored,
fancy, 14c; small, white, fancy, 1314a.;
common to fair, 10al2c. ; skims, full to
specials, 2allc.
EGGS Firm; receipts, 21,107 leases;
state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy,
selected, white, 24c; fair to choice, 23a
23V4c; brown and mixed, fancy, 23c;
fair to choice, 22a23c; western, stores
packed, 22a23c; firsts, 22a22c; seconds,
21a21c.; southern, firsts, 21V4a22c; sec
onds, 21c
POTATOES Steady on new; old domes
tic firm; foreign weaker; domestic, old.
In bulk, per ISO lbs., J2.75a3; per bbl. or
bag, $2.50a2.90; European, old, per 168 lb.
bag, jl.75a2; Bermuda, new, per bbl. 13. 25
a4.50; southern, new, per bbl., 2a4.25;
sweet, per basket, $1.50a2.
LIVE POULTRY -Steady; chickens,
broilers, per lb., 30a35c; fowls, 16al7c;
old roosters, 8al0c; ducks, 12c; seem.
DRESSED POULTRY Firm; broilers,
nearby, fancy, squab, per pair, 60a90c; t
lbs. to pair, per lb., 36a40c; fowls, barrel,
16c; old roosters, 12c; spring ducks,
nearby, 24a26c; squabs, white, per dozen,
$2a4.25; frozen turkeys, No. 1, per lb., 23a
25c; broilers, milk fed, fancy, 24a25c;
corn fed, fancy, 21a23c; roasting chickens,
milk fed, 23a25c; corn fed, 17a20c; fowls.
No. 1, 16c; old roosters, ltc; ducks, No.
I, 17al8c; geese, No. 1, 12altc.
May Not Go to Jail In France For
Reckless Autolng.
Paris, May 4. M. Gofflot, secretary
to James Hnzen Hyde of New York,
says that an appeal will be taken from
the sentence Imposed by default on
Mr. Hyde of one month's Imprison
ment and a fine of $100 on tho charge
that while in his automobile he ran
Into n public taxlcab last October and
Injured a passenger. Mr. Hyde's
chauffeur was at the same time sen
tenced to ono month's Imprisonment
and a fine of $30.
. M. Gofflot characterized this sen
tence imposing the highest penalties
during Mr. Hyde's absence as a "snap"
Judgment. He said further that when
the facts were fully before the court
ho expected that the penalty would bo
reduced to a small fine.
Mr. Hyde, who was at ono time vice
president of tho Equitable Llfo Assur
ance society, is. still on nn automobile
trip In tho Riviera.
No Children In Picture 8howe.
Albany, N. Y May 4, Governor
Hughes has signed tho bill making It
a misdemeanor to admit to a moving
picture performance any child under
tho ago of sixteen years unless accom
panied by parent or guardian.