VILLAGE, HAMLET, FARM. A Week's Doings in Rural Wayne. Interesting Items Picked. Up by Our Staff of Wide-Awoke Correspondents Jot WHITE MILLS. April 28th. Bill, the baker, says, "What do I care about Patten? A man that can make Ice cream with out eggs, can make bread without Hour." Joe Dorfllnger and Charles Wen ders are' going to Newton, N. J., on Saturday to play a game of baso ball. They made a great record at Mil ford playing basket ball this winter, and now the MUford base ball team bus secured these two professionals, to play the game against Newton. Edward Murphy, who caught a number of games for White Mills and llonesdalc last season, has been engaged to catch for Mount Cnrniel. All the boys are wishing him suc- I'ObS. 1 observe In an ngriculturnl paper an account of cows giving better than llfty pounds of milk per day. How many cows are there In Wayne county giving thlrty-llvo? If Congress does not make the laws In favor of the Steel magnates, there Is some talk of their moving to China. 1 ider if the coal opera tors will take the coal fields over there, If the men do not come to their terms. Misses Maude and Ethel Brooks, of Hoboken, returned home last week, after making a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fermer. John Peters and wife, 'of Corning, arc. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Peters. The N. P. L. Installed their local officers on Tuesday, April 27th. John Boyle was deputized as the installing officer. Miss Frances McCabe, of Carbon dale, Is at the Hotel Frederick. You have heard about rat raps, mice traps, bear traps, and traps of different descriptions, but Herman Peters hns invented a trap to catch chicken lice. He made a frame of iron pipe for the roosts to rest on, and about eighteen inches from the floor around the iron pipe there is an oil cup. If the lice go down from the roosts they get in the cup and If they come up from the floor they get In the same trap. Patent pending. Sid. Woodley and wife, from Beach Lake, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Butler on Sunday. Abe. Seaman and wife have just returned home after spending their honeymoon In New York and vicinity for two weeks. Erastus Austin held a farewell party on Tuesday evening; he moved back on the farm the following morning. USWIOK AND LAKKVILLK. April 26th. All of the members of the Hiidegardo Kcbckuh Lodge, No. 3.)9, I. 0. O. F., Lakeville, Pa., are re quested to be present at the next regular meeting of the lodge on Wednesday evening, May ."th, at 8 o'clock. F. B. Pennell sold two cows to Mr. Deerfield, of Arlington, on Friday last. Mrs. 0. W. Pennell, who had the grippe a few weeks ago, is not recover ing from it as fast as her friends would wish. This disease is taking a very tirm holdf its victims and it seems almost impossible to shako it off. Mrs. Hobert Lovelass, of Lakeville, and Mrs. F. It. Olmsted, of Uswick, are now battling with this terrible Grippe. Mrs. Charles F. Utt is alsoindisposed. Aaron Goble bought a horse of C. O. Cramer at Adelia, on Wednesday. Mrs. Goble accompanied her husband to Hoadley's and from there to Hawley along the Middle Creek, on his inspect ing tour on Wednesday. The Audell school closed on Wednes day the 21st. James Sheeley went to Scranton this morning and has returned as far aB Hawley this afternoon.. The Lakeville base ball team will have a box social on Wednesday evening at the P. O. S. of A. hall. Miss lieahen will closo her school at Lakeville, on Wednesday, April 28th. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Lovelass was able to sit up part of the time today. Mrs. Peter Osborne and daughter, Lena, are recovering from their recent illness. Sorry to hear that Mr. Osborne is now ill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daniels jjenter tained company from llonesdalc 'and Hawley over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mauer and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lyons, of Hawley, and Jacob Sleezer, of this place, visited Mr. and Mrs. Christian Schrader at Ledge dale on Sunday. The farmers In this vicinity have com menced to plow, while others are work ing the roads. MILANVILLE. . April 28th. Mrs. Josephine Culver and father, Orrin Noble, of Battlo Creek, Mich'., recently visited at the homes of F. W. Tegeler, W. B. Yerkea and L. P. Price. MIps ChriBtlne Hocker arrived home from Honesdale, the first of tho wook, to spend the Bummer. Mesdnmcs Beach and Skinner, Miss Minnie Gay and niece, Elizabeth Skin ner, and Win. Pulis spent Saturday at llonesdalc. L. J. Hocker is improving his house this spring and will add an acetylene gas plant. Mr. Hocker is entertaining two New York guests. These people, who are Atistrians, spent the greater part of the summer here last year. George liurcher lias been building a kitchen addition to his house. Mips Minnie Gay recently entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hrectle, of Cocliec ton. Invitations to the 1009 commencement of the Glade township high school have been received hcru. Miss Katlierinu M. Shercr is among the graduates. We are sorry to learn that Lester I.ove lnss, who lias been very ill with pneu monia is not gaining. AQUEOU8 PRECIPITATION. Whatever Lowers the Temperature Is the Cause of Rain. The general law of aqueous precipi tation may be briefly staled. What ever lowers the temperature of the air at any place below the dew point Is a cause of rain. Va'rlous causes may conspire to effect this object, but It is chiefly brought about by the as cent of tue air Into the higher regions of the atmosphere, by which, being subjected to less pressure, it expands and in doing so lowers its tempera ture. These ascending currents are caused by the heating of the earth's surface by" the sun's rays or, in fact, by anything which raises the temper ature of the superincumbent air, and It Is very obvious that the continual discharge of large pieces of ordnance will have a considerable effect In rais ing the temperature of the air lying on the earth's surface, which will as cend, expand and discharge in aque ous particles In the form of rain for the foregoing reasons. Klndheartedness. The gingham-shlrted boy had made a break to pass the ticket-seller at the circus entrance, but that gentleman had caught him and rudely thrust him back. "Poor little devil," said a Beedy looking man In the crowd. "If I had the money I'd buy him a ticket my self." The crowd looked sympathetic, but said nothing, while the boy sobbed as if his heart would dissolve. "I've only got a nickel, little feller," pout on the seedy looking one, "an' that won't do you no good. Say," ho continued, turning suddenly to the crowd, "let's do one good act In our lives. Let's buy him a ticket." It looked for a minute as If a col lection was to be started, but a benevolent-looking old gentleman nipped it In the bud by slipping a half-dollar Into tho hand of the boy, who prompt ly disappeared into the tent. "I thank you a thousand times for that kind act, sir," said the seedy looking man. "You seem to take quite an Interest in the little fellow," remarked tho benevolent one. "Well, I should think I ought to," nnswered the seedy-looking man, proudly. "That's the only son I got!" Ate Eggs 100 Years Old. At the banquet given In San Fran cisco recently to celebrate the estab lishment of a Chinese Chamber of Commerce priceless Chinese delica cies were served. Among the guests were fifty Americans. Although chop sticks were used, all of the speech making was In English. Some of the Items In tho dinner, that cost $25 a plate, were as follows: Snow fungus, which retails at $40 a pound and Is one of tho rarest Chin cse delicacies; sharks' flns, birds' nests, preserved eggs, one hundred years old; melon seeds, which tho white guests could not eat with chop sticks; brains of yellow fish and water lily seeds with ducks. In all there were seventeen courses. A Mild Rebuke. When one woman rebukes another, tho cynical bystander thinks It well to have his ear open. She was a wo man whose clothes were better than her manners, says the Washington Star. She walked Into tho railway car, tilted her hear superciliously, sniffed once or twice, and asked, In a loud voice: "la this the smoking car?" "No, ma'am," answered a demure young woman In tho first seat "I think you'll find It three cars for ward." Jumped at Conclusion. Two small boys had strayed In the mummy room of a certain museum. "Wgt'B these?" Bald one. "Them's guys wofa bin dead a Ions time," answered the other. ."And wot's them letters, B. a 14, o.ver tho guy In the corner?" "Guess that's the number of the automobile wot run over the poor bloke." IN VAUDISVHiLK LAND. Osgar und Adolf Have a Breezy Dla loguo In tho Forest. "Osgar und Adolf," the unique creations of F. W. Bchaefer, now ap pearing in literary vaudeville, re cently Indulged in the following dia logue: "Here, Adolf, we are plgntggln'g'ln der haunts of nature." "I knew somedlng wass haunting me, Osgar, bud I though Id was3 chlggors." i "Llsden to der voodpecker's lilt as he drife's nails In his family tree." ' "I thought dot wass der bullfrok's reveille among der daffydowndlllles." "Overhead der trees oxtend der branches from der main office mlt a frlentllness to each odder." "Yes, yess; bud Id Iss a vonder dey don'd knock their heads toged der when dey bough. Ha, ha, hat" (Smash!) "Un dor pure breeze3 blow." " Do you really dink dose zephyrs Iss all vool?" "Look how der Ivy clings to der oak." "I vonder who nailed Id on? Oh, dere Is a limpid pool." "I vlll try for der corner packed, ha, ha, ha. By der vay, I can boo myself In dor water." "Dot is a serious reflection on id. Say, we arc nod alone. I see hoof printings In der mut." "Of course. DIbs Is vere der cow slips und der bullrushcs, ha, ha!" "Led us pull some vlld flowers be fore dey pull their pistils." (Biff!) "I dink I vlll prlng here some day a chain gang to mako daisy chains." "Dere Iss some fir tree3. Dey come from Iceland, I hear." "Vot grows on dem?" "Cones." 'Den dot blace musd be der orltch Inal Coney Island, he, he, he!" (Blng! Biff!) Then Polly Spoke. Young Slmpklns (making a call) You have had that parrot a long time, Miss Ethel. Miss Ethel Yes, we have had him several years. Young Slmpklns Quite Intelli gent, Is he not? Miss Ethel Very. He can Imi tate most anything. Young Slmpklns They have a re markable parrot over at the Caster 11ns', Miss Ethel. It can Imitate the sound of a kiss to perfection. Is that among the accomplishments of our feathered friend here In the cor ner? Miss Ethel (Indignantly) No sir. Ho does not attempt an imitation of a sound he is not accustomed to hear Mr. Slmpklns. The Parrot (remlnlscently Walt, George, dear, till I take this bird out of the room. Absent-Minded Benevolence. A Dellever In organized charity cites the following as an example of misdirected tender-he.artedness: A very benevolent, but absend mlnded old gentleman, riding in his carriage one hot July day, noticed a toad In the dusty road gasping ,wjth the heat. In the kindness o'f " his heart he climbed down, tenderly moved the poor toad Into the shade of his carriage, and then, thoroughly satisfied with his good deed, climbed up again and drove on. UNFORTUNATELY PUT. He What a beautiful set of teeth she has. She Yes, he inherited them from nor mother. Measure of Train Speed. A traveler waited at a certain English provincial town In vain for, the much overdue train on the branch lino. Again he approached the solitary sleepy-looking porter and Inquired for tho twentieth time. 'Isn't that train coming soon?" At that moment a dog came trotting up the line, and a glad smile illumi nated tho official's face. "Ah, yes. sir," replied the porter, "It'll be getting near now, Here comes the engine driver's dog." Oupld's Curriculum. "She thinks she might eventually learn to love me," sighed the young millionaire. "Then send her Dun and Brad street. There are no better text books, my boy. . But Not the ''One." Mrs. Hoyle My husband had 1100,000 when I married him. Mrs. Doyle How much has be now? Mrs. Hoyle Oh, he has most of the ciphers left. ' Market Reports. WHEAT Ona cent higher: contract grade, April, Sl.Xal.37. CORN Two and one-half cents higher; April, 79a79c. OATS-Bteady: No. 2. white, natural. COHaeic. BUTTER Firm, with Kood demand: re- celpts, 7,533 packages; creamery, specials, 27aZ7ftc. (official Z7c); extras, 2Ca2SHo.; thirds tq firsts, 20a2Sc; held, common to extra, 20a2Bc: stato dairy, common to choice, 19a2Sc; process, common to spe cial, 16a23c; western, factory, 18al9Hc. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 2,867 boxes; state, old, full, cream, special, 16al7c; small, fancy, 15c: large, fancy, lCc; good to fine, 15Kc; common to fair, 12a 13c; new, colored, fine, 14rialEc; white, 13Hal4Mc; common to good, 10al3c. ; skims, full to specials. 2t4ac. EGGS Steady; receipts. 31,687 cases: state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy, selected, white, 2314c; fair to choice, iZhla. ac; Drown ana mixea, rancy,- 23c; fair to choice, 21tta22V4c.i western, storage packed, 224a22Uc; firsts. 21Wa22c: sea- onds, 20a21c; southern, firsts, 21c; sec onds, 20HC POTATOES Steady for new: old do mestic steady, but Imported weak; do mestic, old. In bulk, per 180 lbs., 32.75a3; per bbl. or bag, J2.50a2.75; European, old, per 168 lb. bag, Jl.80a2.10; Bermuda, new, per bbl., $3a4.50; Florida, new, per bbl., J2a4.CS; sweet, per basket, il.G0a2. L.IVE POULTRY Steady: chickens. broilers, per lb.. 30aS5c: fowls. IGalBHa.: old roosters, H!ial2c; ducks, 15c; geese, iaso. DRESSED POUI.TRY-FIrm: broilers. nearby, fancy, squab, per pair, OOaMc: 3 lbs. to pair, per lb., 40a45c.; fowls, barrels, lGc; old roosters, 12Vic; spring ducks, nearby, 2la2tic.: squnbs, white, per doz., J2a4.25; frozen turkeys, No. 1, per lb., 23a 2Gc; broilers, milk fed, fancy, 24a25c; corn fed, fancy, 21a23c; roasting chick ens, milk fed, 23a25c; corn fed, 17a20c; fowls. No. 1, lGc; old roosters, 1214c.; ducks, No. 1, 1'alSc; geese, No. 1, 12aHc. HAY AND STRAW-Steady; timothy, per hundred, 70a90c.; shipping, 65c; clo ver, mixed, COaTTVic; clover. MaCSc; long rye straw, i FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call was 2 per cent; time money and mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Closing prices of stocks were: Amal. Copper... 77 Norf. & West... 81 Atchison 109 Northwestern ..180 B. &O 114H Penn. R. R 135 Brooklyn R. T.. 774 Reading 146 Ches. & Ohio.... 76 Rock Island 29 C. ,C..C.&St.L.. 74 St. Paul 150 D. &H 181 Southern Pac... 120 Erie 30 Southern Ry.... 29 Gen. Electric. ...158 South. Ry. pf... 68 111. Central 145 Sugar 133 Int. -Met 15 Texas Pacific... 33 Louis. & Nash.. 139 Union Pacific... 188 Manhattan 145 U. S. Steel 54 Missouri Pac... 74 U. S. Steel pf.,.115 N. Y. Central... 130 West. Union.... 71 He Didn't Go.' "Going to the lodge, Arthur?" ex claimed the young wife, In surprise. "I didn't know you were n member of any lodge?" "Why aw yes, Georglana," said the young husband. "I belong to the Or der of Elks." "And would you rather spend the evening with a lot of Elks than with your own little dear?" And Arthur meekly hung ud his hnt KATZ BROTHERS Colored Dress Goods At Important Reductions. High Class Materials, consisting of Satin Directoire, Prunellas, Surges, Voiles, and Fancy Dress Suitings. Silk and Cotton Mixed u ress Fabrics. Plain and Fancy Weaves in all Linen and Union Linen Suitings Carpets and Mattings. A Splendid Assortment of NEW SPRING PATTERNS. Linoleums and Oil Cloth. Lace Curtains and Shades. New, Fine Spring Goods at Popular Prices. Wallpaper. We are showing the Finest Assortment of Paper at the Lowest Prices Ever Known. KATZ BROS. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year oDenwicn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may una a sale with the unwary. the: only place in honesdale AUTHORIZED TO 'HANDLE Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pro-eminence" of CHILTON PAINTS 1st No ono can mix a bettor mixed naint. 2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won J I aorrui covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back' of it, and will agree to repaint, at his owit expense, every, surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves uoiecuvo. 4th Those who have used ana recommena its use to SHE WA8 A TRUSTING SOUL. Shoes In Which She Could Walk Far ther Than In Others. Mrs. Frlnk was a trusting soul, and rarely questioned the opinions of oth ers about matters concerning which they wero supposed to be Informed. Ono day she came home with a pair of new shoes under her arm. "Got them at Brides'," she explained, "and they're the best I ever bought you." "What is so very good about them?" Inquired her son, for whom the shoes wero Intended, "Why, the salesman said that you could walk farther in them than In any others without getting tired, and I said that you couldn't walk very far Just now on account of your knee, you know, and he said that he meant farther for the same distance. So I boi'ght them, and hero they are. Save the string, please." She did not notice the smile on her son's face as he undid the package, and he was spared the trouble of ex plaining. A Punctual Bird. What tempts tho little humming bird that we see in our gardens to travel every spring from near the equator to as far north as tho arctic circle, leaving behind him, as he does, for a season, many tropical delights? He Is thi only one of many humming birds tnat placidly loaves tho land of galiy colored birds, to go Into volun tary exile In the North, east of tho Mississippi. How It stirs the Imagina tion to picture the solitary, tiny mi grant, a mero atom of blrdllfe, mov ing above the range of human sight through the vast dome of the sky! Borne swlftiy onward by rapidly vi brating little wings, he covers the thousands of miles between his winter home and his summer one by easy stages, and arrives at his chosen des tination, weather permitting, at ap proximately the same date year after year. What a methodical and punc tual bird! Tho Sabbath School Vlsl tor. A Good Reason. A professor tells this story at his own expense. He was Instructing a class of boys about the circulation ot the blood and to make sure that they understood him he said: "Can you tell me why it Is that If X stood on my head the blood would rush to my head, and when I stand on my feet, there is no rush of blood to the feet?" Then a small boy, after pausing for a short time, answered: "It is because your feet are not empty, sir." the Now Shades. Imported Irish m the most desirable colorings. pin I TflU'Q MIVPH DAINTC UlllL I UN 5 111 I AuU TAIN I U it are perfectly satisfied with it, otnors. PnOFESSIONAIi CARDS. Atlo rn c vs-at-La w. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY A COUN8EI.On-AT-I.AW. Office, .Masonic building, second floor Honesdale, Pa. WM. H . LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOIt-AT-LAW. Office over post office. All legal business promptly attended to. Honesdale. Pa. EC. MUMFORD, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOn-AT.T.Aw. lu&"Llb,c,rty ILaI.1 building, opposite the Post Ofllcc, llonesdalc, Pa. HOMER GREENE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over Heirs store. Honesdale Pa. AT. SEARLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-L AW. OITlce near Court House Honesdale. Pa. 0L. ROWLAND, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Olllcc over Post Olilce. Honesdale. Pa. Charles a. Mccarty, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Snecinl unci nromnt nttpiiMnn elvpn tn h collection of claims. otUce over Keif's new aiuru, iiunt'suuiu. i'U. J 71 I KIMBLE, . . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Olllcoovcr the nost olllco Honesdale. Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Ollico in the Court .House, Honesdale, HERMAN HARMES, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Patents and pensions secured. OlBce In the Schuerholz building Honesdale. Pa. tYETET? TT TT.nwp JL ATTORNEY A COUNSELOn-AT.T. w. u9filfes.Scond, P00.r oId Savings Bank building. Honesdale. Pa. KM. SALMON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office-Next .door to post oi)W. Formerl occupied by W. H. Dimmlck. Jlonosdale. Pa .Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Office First Honr. nlrt Svln Iinni- l,.,n,i ing, Honesdale, Pa. Physicians. DR. H. B. SEARLES, HONESDALE. PA. Office and residence 1116 Church street Telephones. Oilice Hours 2:00 to 4:00 and r:uutos:w. n. ro NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OP , SARAH A. GROJILICH, late of the township of Lake, Pa. itiuGuieu w auiucsiuiu ure null iitw ,u li.uivG umiicuiuie lmyiiienb 10 me un clersigned : and those having claims against duly attested for settlement. . , , Ji- x"Jyi,!11V" Aomimsirator, Ariel, Pa., April 12, 11)03. 30 AUDITOR'S NOT1UK. Estate of MARIA HUFTELN Late of Preston, deceased. The undersigned, nn Anrtitnr nnrtnlnfo report distribution of said estate, will attend the duties of his uppolntment, on iin TUKHDAY, MAY 18. 11)08, nt 10 o'clock a. in., at his oilice In the borough of Honesdale, at which time and place all claims against said estate must be presented, or recourse to the fund for distribution will ueiusi. u. i.. mnvi.Aisi), Auuitor, Honesdale, Pa., April 20, 1900. 33 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JULIA HUUTSCH, Late of Paupack township, deceased. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to report distribution of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on FRIDAY. APRIL 16, 1009. at 10 o'clock, a. m.,at his office in the borough of Honesdale, at which time and place all clnlniN llL'fllnst Hiltd fttntn ninot ha nrflsanfuH or recourse to the fund for distribution will ue ius. - R. M. SALMON, Auditor. Honesdale, March 29. 1909. 29t3 LETTER To A. M, Hcnshaw from Wana maker & Brown. Deak Sir: We are In receipt of an unlimited num ber of congratulations from our sales agents upon the superb assortment of Spring Clothes. They agreeing with us In pronouncing them the handsomest ever gotten together. We send forward this supplemental line of Grays and Oxfords from the fact that It Is being whispered that high priced merchant tailors arc preparing to Introduce them as their leading lines; and these fortify you In tho statement that you have everything that can be demand ed. WANAMAKER 4. BROWN, PHILADELPHIA, PA. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Offlce: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store, Honesdale. - IM FOB SALE I One ol the best equipped farms In Warns I county-situated about three miles from - lionesaaie, Eraytblij fyMAjgg years In buildings, tools and Improvements. 165 teSS 'S acres are good bard- her. sold reasonably. For further particulars en,- W. W.WOOD,"Cttln" sffles