2 THE HIGHER LIFE tt All Sm. Word of tho GospcL If wt e to understand any given word o Vthe gospel which Christ preached, it Is Imperative that we SO back to Christ and And how He used It and what Ho meant by It as He spoke It to men. The result of uubh a study will almost Invariably be a delicious and delightful sur prise. Ror. Edw. Smith, Methodist. Our Holiest Hdpes.. Oh, It means so much to be a man of faith! With faith, the power of Godrushes In upon you! Whatever else you lose, do not lose faith! Keep on believing. Maintain this temper of confidence in the Unseen. our best Inspirations are there! Your holiest hopes are there. Rev. II. P. Dewey, Presbyterian. Mental Inheritance. Our habits of thought are marked out by those who hnvo i;ono before us. Tho brand of the skylark sings; so do the children of tho poets. It was vain for the father of lilulso l'uscul to lock up his mathematical instruments; nature had pointed the lad's eyes toward tho Btars. Rev. Walluco Smith, Episcopal. Focusing Our Powers. Thehlgher and more unselfish tho end toward which we direct our lives tho greater Is tho demand for lntenBo and ceaseless concentration of our noblest powers. Focus your best powers upon tho details of your life work. These may seem to bo trlP.es; but remember tho wise words of tho painstaking artist, "Trifles mako per fection, and perfection Is no trllle." Rev. M. Strykes, Methodist. How to Obtain Faith. The best way to get faith Is through Christianity. Although sal vation Is not within the limits of any single creed or church, the easiest path to faith Is Christianity. Phil osphy, appealing only to the intellect, reaches but few; whereas, Christian ity, appealing to the soul and the heart, reaches many. Moreover, It furnishes a grand leader, and people will always follow a leader. Rev. Wallace Smith, Episcopal. Cultivating Our Faith. Maintain an uncompromising en mity toward the false, an Invinci ble friendship toward the true. Cul tivate a practical faith In the living God. Accept Christ as your ideal and Redeemer. This is the hidden spring of self-heroism. It crowns a man's life with the truest success; and when the veil is lifted he shall stand erect In the light of n glori fied manhood. C. S. Patton, Presby terian. Relation of Love and Duty. The phrase "love and duty" has become a proverb. In truth, though, tho two are not widely separated from each other. Duty Is really only the expression of love. When we do our duty we are showing our love. A husband best manifests his 'ove for his wlfo by living a life of loyalty to duty. If hefalled to provide for her needs, all the word3 of love in the world could not atone for his neglect. Rev. D. Burrell, Reformed, llcnching out his Hand. It is recorded that, when he healed the demoniac youth at the Mount of Transfiguration, "he took him by the hand and lifted him up." That hand of Christ's has raised many a drunk ard and Magdelene out of tho mire, has helped many a struggling and discouraged soul over the rough places of life, has opened the gate of heaven to a great multitude which no man cannumber. That hand is stretched out still. It Is proffered to you. Will you have It? Rev. Dr. Cadman, Congregatlonalht Where We find Beauty. Beauty lies In symmetry and com pleteness; Ho was perfectly holy, without spot and blameless. Beauty Christ's justice, love and wisdom were all united in one. Beauty lies In conformity with moral law; Ho was holy,harmless and undoflled. Great Is man's dignity, glorious his destiny! Bearing the Image and superscription of the King, man may look with rapture upon His beautlOc face and become consciously like God. Rev. Ralph Tompkins, Uni tarian. What the World Thinks. The world is heavy with Us weight of woe, bleeding with Its crushing burden of Buffering and sorrow, and dying with grief because tho "consolations of God' Beem all but 'too small.' The problem of suffering la universal, and of vital concern to 'laird and boor.' The armies are legion, that find all the 'uses of this world weary, stale, flat and unprofitable.' Sick and weary, Impatient and tired, unrefreshed and overburdened, lagging, and stumb ling, goes this world with Its In creasing burden. Rev. E. Lorelt, Baptist. Llvlngin Harmony. Wo find it impossible to compre hend the essential harmony between the purpose of God and the will of man. We can comfort ourselves that with the secret will of God we have nothing to do, with the revealed will of God we have much to do. We may rely upon It that every man forms a part In the Dlvlno purpose Life Is a mystery, but life Is not Chaos. All true success lies tnNco operating with God's revealed will Doing this, wo shall find at the last that we have helped to accomplish the architect's design, though we never have seen the complete plan. Ur. B. M. Bovltt. Baptist. BRA YE JAKE PERM HE II WFE ONE LONG SONG OF THANKSGIVING. Story of n Iilttlo Woman Whoso Plans and Methods to Defeat Old Ago Were at Once Sano and Odd. By Rebecca Harding Davis. I once met a little woman whose plan of life and methods to defeat old age seem to me so sane and odd that I will tell you of her. She was tho widow of an English physician, left with small means and two boys whom she had educated and placed one In India, tho other In Melbourne. Her work for them was done. She was sixty-five. Her income was small, her lungs were weak. Most women In such a case would have settled down with drugs nnd doctors as their only thought nivl begun to prepare for the next win Id. Not so Jano Perry. Sho do her homo In a hill town of T tunny, whore the air was puro and I'-Vlnjr, and never thereafter even l. Kiitloncd her ailments. Sho al ready spoko Italian. "I havo been ". lying languages all my life," sho raid; "I want to bo able to talk to r.11 of my kinsfolk." She had a sound, luinrclenllous knowledge of nrt and architecture; sho eagerly studied tho history of the place, and in six months thero was not a legend nor a great picture nor a bit of medieval carving in the old fortress-like pal- ares of tho town which she did not know and love as if she had beou a native. She soon made friends with the good sisters who nursed tho paupers In tho great Spedalo or hos pital; they took comfort In telling her of their patients, and she con trived to bring to them certain help ful appliances which were in use In London. One of tho Industries of tho town was leather work. Sho learned to bind books, to gild and tool them, and so was able to send home beautiful glftB to her frionds. She discovered in one of the cel lars where poor folk burrow a crip pled girl who made fine lace, and she found regular sale for It in Rome with an English dealer. She was in the midst of the sllk-ralsing dis trict of Tuscany; in a year she had studied all the mysteries of the in dustry, knew the diseases which at tack the tree and the cocoon and their remedies. She visited the con tadlni, or peasants, In their little farms ,and was counted as their best friend. Meanwhile, she kept up her knowledge of affairs abroad, read the English and French papers dally, and you may be sure no revolution could come to the light in Russia, nor royal wedding be planned in Lon don, and escape Jano Perry's eye. Everybody in the strange old medi eval town, from tho stately Podesta (chief magistrate) down to the old women shrieking and pushing their carts of onions and artichokes through the narrow lanes, knew tho queer little woman with her widow's cap and her kind, homely face and loved her. She helped everybody, if but by a friendly look, and she never meddled. "Why," I asked her one day, "should you spend so much time in the study of the present condition of Italian emigrants? What possible use can you make of such knowl edge?" She laughed and colored. "As wo grow near to the end," sho said, "we are afraid to be Ignorant of any work which wo may bo called to reach a helping hand. Our time Is so short." That, it seems to me, is the kind of life which is one long, genuine thanksgiving. We may never reach the height of the great Danish Earl Brithnoll, who, with his last breath cried out: "God! I thank Thee for all the Joy I have had In this good world!" but we can follow Jane Per ry's humble methods of praising God daily. From ST. NICHOLAS. Around and In the House. If the cellar Is damp, leave an open barrel of lump lime standing In it. The lime will absorb moisture and will gradually slake, and in tho fall It will be In good condition to put on the lawn or garden to sweet en the soil. Examine the furnace and pipes. Clean soot out of all smoke pipes. Look for pin-holes, especially on the under sides of smoke-pipes, and have them repaired while you think of It. To keep the house cool In pro tracted hot weather, open all tho windows and doors in the cool of the morning and thoroughly air It As the outside air becomes heated, close all the doors and windows tight except one or two In the top story or a skylight for the Bake of ventilation. Be sure all cellar win dows are closed and all other open ings In the lower part of the house through which warm air may enter. Screens and screen doors that show signs of rust should be painted over with black metallic paint be fore the wires rust through. Preserve eggs for winter In an 8 or 10 per cent solution of sodium silicate (water glass). Usod boiled soft water and sterilized stone Jars. Keep Food Hot. An ingenious housekeeper, who often has to keep food hot for be lated members of the family, has found that by placing the food be tween two hot plates and setting them over a saucepan of hot water In the oven It can be kept from be coming dry aad tasteless for as long as may ba asosfsary. If the oven li vry hot the door M left open. CHINA CLOSET. Convenient Article of Furniture That Can Bo Made at Home. Tho Homestead gives a description of a home-made china closet. The base shelf, or table part, Is 30 inches high and should be from 38 to 60 Inches long, dopendlng on the slzo of the room in which it will bo placed when finished. The width of the table top should 'bo from 20 to 24 Inches', and the cabinet, or top part, is 12 Inches wide and from 48 HOME-MADE CHINA CLOSET, to 50 Inches high. The back of tho cabinet is of three-eighths beaded ceiling, and, with the exception of the crown mold and the legs, the table is built of sovon-elghtha or three-quarter Inch lumbor. Tho shelves have either small grooves plowed in them or small half rounds nailed on the rear portion of them for holding the plates In an upright position, the grooves being preferred. The hooks for tho cups, etc., are placed where desired, also tho shelves, and the size of the plates must regulate the distance between them. Many families have one or more pieces of old, wornout furniture of oak or some nice hard wood. These could be used very nicely, but should pine or any of the soft woods be used, when same has been sandpa pered nicely, apply one' or two coats of any stain desired. Whon dry, again sandpaper and give as many coats as necessary to produce the desired color, but sandpaper well be fore applying the varnish. The Uses of a Hot Iron. To remove shiny spots from black woolen garments place the garment, whether coat, trousers or dress, on an Ironing board. Wring a cloth from water, spread carefully over the garment, then pass a hot flatlron back and forth Just above the wet cloth as closely as you can without touching it. The nap will rise and the shine disappear. If you suspect that there are moths in your carpets, try to lo cate their hiding place. Wring a coarse cloth out of clean water and spread it smooth on the spot in the carpet where you think the moths are. Iron the wet cloth with a hot Iron. The stoam will kill tho moths and eggs. , NOVEL KITCHEN REMINDER. Ingenious Device Saves Time nnd Thought for Busy Housewives. A Tennessee genius has Invented a kitchen reminder that should earn him the thanks of the busy house wives. Like many time-saving de vices, It Is simpler than tho system It supplants. A card or board is notched on two sides, and opposite each month is written the name of some household articlo or article of food, such as soap, starch, sugar, eggs, etc. A series of strings or rub- ber bands are then tied around the card, loosely enough that they may be moved into any notch desired. In stead of writing out a dally list for tradesmen, the housewife needs aim ply to atach the string In the notches indicating the article required. The same results can be obtained by hav ing a bundle of strings tied In a knot In the center, with their free ends long enough to be fastened In the slits on the edges of the card. To Cleanse a Fonl Lamp. Those who use kerosene-oil lamps know how the dirt accumulates in the bottom of tho lamp and clogs the wick, thus affecting the light. To prevent this take a few lengths of knitting yarn, tie up into a small bag, clipping out all around so that ends of the wool may bo loose. Drop this Into the lamp and it will gather up the dirt, making the oil look clear. It can bo renewed as often as necessary. Influence of Wall Paper. Remember that blue colored wall paper, unless It gets lots of sun. makes a room hare a cold appear ance. Striped paper apparently In creases the belght, use It In your low rooms. A plain wall with deep frieze, having lots of bold drawing and fall of color, saakea a strong room and gives ch&aea for ban fine etchings, plaster . oasts, sketchings, Ate. . i-ip' - II& - - MOUNTED NURSES. MAY BECOME A FEATURE Ol THE ENGLISH AIWIY. Trained to All tho Arts of Nursln- To Bind Up Soldier's Wound and Hide with Him to Hospital. Army nursing may bo revolution ized' as the result of a course of train ing instituted at tho North London Riding School, whero the Islington Drill Brigade Girls' Yeomanry, twen- ty-flvo strong, Is showing what mounted horses could do in the field. Tho Innovation will be brought unofficially to the notice of the Brit ish military department at tho next annual show of the navy' and army,' and It Is believed the army medical corps will give tho Idea more than passing consideration. Tho work of the girls' brigade is a revelation to every army officer who witnesses It. They are trained to all tho arts of nursing before bolng advanced to the brigade service. In this their work Is to bind up the wounds of any sol dier found helpless In the field, hoist him upon their horses and ride with him to the Held hospital. All this they do In their regular drills with surprising proficiency. Army officers are already discuss ing tho practicability of the plan. The most reasonable objection urged Is the question of being able to mount nurses whero every available horso is needed for fighting and transport work. Most of the officers admit that tho women would be In valuable If thoy could be equipped and so maintained. Admittedly It would bo out of the question to have such a mounted nurse corps in desert fighting, such as English troops are frequently re- NURSE AND WOUNDED SOLDIER, quired to engage in, but on Euro pean battlefields thero Is no reason why they could not bo used to dis tinct advantage. The Islington brigade has been officially Invited to attend the next military tournament, and It Is by no means Improbable that thr, may ultimately be "tho nucleus of similar corps throughout the army. Announcing Engagement. A clever hostess announced the the forthcoming nuptials of a young daughter In the following manner: The table was beautifully decorated with a bank of whlto roses and as paragus ferns in the center, while suspended from the Chandelier was a bisque Cupid carrying a small sil ver dart. He was seemingly watch ing the effect of his silver dart that pierced two tiny white hearts im bedded in the bank of roses, contain ing the names of the two young peo ple, likewise the date of the forth coming nuptials. "The best yet," exclaimed an enthusiastic guest, "for it is simple pretty and nothing over dono about it." Bran Water n Cleaner. Few people know how useful bran is for cleaning. For painted and var nished woodwork it is Invaluable, re moving the dirt without destroying the finish. Colored goods, which usually fade when washed, will not lose color If washed In bran water. It Is excel lent as a scalp cleanser and Is good for the hair, making it glossy. Used Instead of soap It whitens and softens the hands. To prepare bran water, fill a small bag an ordinary salt bag Is ex cellent for this purpose with bran, place It In a pall, cover with boiling water, and it Is ready for use. All Wood Trunks. An all beechwood trunk Is now being offered In some of the shops with the assurance that It will posi tively withstand the rough usage of much travel. These trunks come in throe sizes and they have rounded corners, which are neither painted nor fancifully decorated, but the plain and heavy sections of wood are finished naturally with more wood braces and brass reinforcements. Even the trays are of Taeechwood overlaid on both sides with small patterned linen In tan or gray. They are comparatively light and look as If they would stand a good deal of hard wear and tear. A Home-Made Dresslag Table. A pretty dressing-table may be made at hems by using a low, plain, woods n table and screwing on the top a wooden lapboard. Cover the top with dimity, chlnti or muslin, with a ruche or lace flounce around the edge. The legs of the table may be painted or stained. A looking glass should hang over ths table. Using the lapboard for a top allows on to alt doss' to the tabla. WHEN THE ENGINE UOMES s no time to be regretting your neglect to get insured. A little :are beforehand is worth more than any amount ol re gret. , KRAFT & CONGER, General Insurance Agents HONESDALE PA.. ROLL of HONOR Attention is called to the STRENGTH of the For New Late Novelties IN- JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES SPENCER, TheiJeweler "Guaranteed articles only sold." Tooth Savers Wo have the sort of tooth brushes that are matlo to thoroughly demise and save the teeth. They are tho kind thatlclean teeth without leavins vour mouth fullof bristles. ' Wo recommend those costing. 23 cents or more, as we can sruarnntco them and will re place, free, any that show defects, of manu' lacture within three months. O. T. CHAHBERS, PHARflACIST, Opp.D. & It. Station, HONESDALE. IP A. JOTICK OF UNIFORM PRIMARIES In compliance with Section 3 of tho Uni form Primary Act, pace 37. P. L. 1906, notice Is hereby given to the electors of Wayne county of tho number of delegates to the Slate convention each party is entitled to elect, the names of party olllccs to be filled, and for what county olllccs nominations are to be made at tho Spring Primaries to be held on Saturday, June Sth, lUOtlJ .REPUBLICAN. 1 One person for Jury Commissioner. 1 Two persons for Delegates to State Con vention. 3 One person in each election dlstrlctl for member of County Committee. DEMOCRATIC. 1 One person for Jury Commissioner. 2 Two persons for Delegates to State Con vention. Onorjerson In each'electlonrdlstrlr.tifor nieniDer oiuouiuy lomnuiiee PROHIBITION. 1 One person for Jury Commissioner. "2 Four Delegates to State Convention. j f our persons tor auernaieiaeiegaiesjio state convention. 4 One person for Party Chairman,; 5 One person for Party Secretary, 0 One person for Party Treasurer. For Jury Commissioner, atnetltloner mast have no less than Hftv Rlenatures of mem bers Of bis party who are voters: for Dele gates to State Convention, Committeemen ana party onicers, no less tnan te igna tures.l All of these petitions must be filed In the Commissioners' oilico on or before Saturday, may io, iwu. J. R. MANDEVILLE. ) J. K. HOHNI1KOK, Coin'rs. T. C. MADDEN. i Commissioners' Office. Honesdale, Pa. April o, iwa, 'jam WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK. Honesdale, Pa., April 16, 1909. Notice. Pursuant to Act of Assem bly, n meeting of the Stockholders of the Wayne County Savings Bank will be held at the office of the bank on Thurs day, July 22, 1909, from one to two o'clock n. m.. to vote for or against the proposition to again renew and. extend the charter, corporate righto and fran chises of said Dank (or the terra of twenty years, from February 17, 1910, By order of the Beard of Directors. Hi S SALMONCashier. 32eolH We have no Insurance against panics, BUT- Wo want to soll- Every business man In Wayne county a good sized life or en dowment policy tbat he may use as collateral security for borrowed money tide you over tight places when sales are poor and collections slow pos sibly head off Insolvency. Wo want to scll- Evcry farmer a policy that will absolutely protect his family and home. Wo want to sell Every laborer and mechanic a saving policy tbat will be Im possible for him to lapse or lose. If not Ijlfo Insurance fiCtuswrlto somcof your FIRE INSURANCE. Standard, re liable companies only. IT IS 11KTTEU TO DO IT NOW, THAN TO WAIT AND SAY "IF" HITTINGER & HAM, General Agents. WHITE MILLS, PA. Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York City lias published a HULL OI HONOR of the 11 ,470 State Hanks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States. Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,r33,000.00 Honesdale, Pa., May 29 1908., Holmes Memorial, St. Rose Cemetery, Carbondale, Fa. Designed and built by MARTIN CAUFIELD. LatestlMost Novel SHIRT WAISTS For SPUING, 1009, At MENNER'S STORE. TheSPRING SUITS are the Best Models Approved by fashion critics. Menner & Co's Store, KEYSTONE BLOCK. EYfiS TESTED O.G.Weavei Graduate OPTICIAN