CENT A WORD COLUMN! JIOLSTEIN FlllSIAN BULL CALF, black and white, seven-eighths, price IS. Anthony ilarke, lllleyvllle, Fa. 35 tl NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Bids arc now open (or making alterations to entrance door and steps of St. John's It. C. church. Hones dale, Pa. All bids must be sent In scale?! on or before May 8th, HKW. Plans and specifica tions can be seen at St. John's Parochial house. The rliht reserved to reject any or nil bids. Address all mall matters to Kov. Thomas M. Hanlcy. Hector, Honesdale, Pa. 33 13 LOST a Masonic Watch Cbarm. Jtewnrd, If returned to Dr. C. It. Brady. mi HAVING purchased a lot of parlor, dining room, bed room and kitchen furniture. In cluding range, carpets, one Ashing boat, etc., I will sell same to the highest bidder at 321 11th street, on Saturday, May 1st. llKW.at 2 r. M. A. O, BLAKE, AUCTIONEER. 31t2 BUIDOE BUILDEKS, NOTICK.-Scaled bids for the construction of concrete floors on two bridges near K. 11. Lcdyurd's. Mt. Pleas ant, will be received at the County Com ralsstoners' olllce until 10a. m.. Tuesday. .May 4. 1008. Plans on file at the commissioners' olUxc. Tho right is reserved to reject all bids. 'SOeoKI ROOMS TO HKNT.-Apnly at Bregstcln Brothers Store. :utf BHAMAN has some splendid Native aud Western horses for sale nil In excellent con ltlon at Allen House Burn. 25tf SPECIAL attention given to children at at Charlcsworth's Studio. 28 FOR KENT OR SALE.-Dwelllng house, corner Court and Eighth streets. 20 II. X. Russell, CLEVELAND Bay Horse, six years old, l(i hands and one-halt Inch high, flue looking, 8orcl. right every way. Prlco. tW. Hi l)n. Noble, Waymnrt. $50.00 REWARD. You can make even more than this on your goods by getting me to do your selling. Write for date. A. O. Blake, Auctioneer, Bethany. FOR SALE. A house and lot. 1314 West street, Honesdale. lit rooms, with all con veniences. Desirable for u boarding house, or two families. Inquire on the premises of Mrs. E. U. Secor, or of hsr attorney. A, T. Searlc. aitf FOR SALE Ray house, on East Extension street. Large lot with sixty feet front. M.E. Simons. 38coltf SCHOOL TEACHERS If you have a few hours each day that you can spnre from you work we will show you how to lncreuse your earnings. Drawer 6 Honesdale I'a. FARM of 182 acres for sale. Good house, a barn that will accommodate 40 cows, Sborscs and 100 tons of hay. Farm well watered. New chicken house that will accommodate 200 chickens. Large silo. No better farm In Wayne county. Sltuuted one-half mile from Tillage. Inquire at The Citizen office. LOCAL NEWS. The subject of the sermon on Sunday morning at the Presbyterian church, will be "A Splendid but Necessary Conclusion." In the even ing it will be "The Magnet and the Iron Filings." The oratorical contest conduct ed by Miss Ruth Kennedy for the W. C. T. U., which was held In the Presbyterian chapel on Tuesday, was well received by the audience. The recitations delivered .toy- theislx- con testants were above the (ordinary, and showed the marks of careful training. The winners were, Coe Lemnitzer, 1st prize, subject, "It Pays"; Albert Krantz, 2nd prize, subject, "Anarchy and Saloon"; Bertha Garret, 3d prize, subject, "The Orphan's Prayer." The first prize was a very pretty silver medal. The other Ave competitors each re ceived a book. A good, lively correspondent is wanted in every place in Wayne county. We will be glad to furnish stamped envelopes and other needed stationery. The following Is the list of un claimed letters at the postofflce for the week ending April 26th: Joseph Dooley, Fred Lovelace, R, L. Tresler. Bregsteln Bros, will open a clothing store at Long Eddy, N. Y., on Tuesday, May 6th. Freedom Lodge, of Honesdale, ob served the ninetieth anniversary of the institution of the first lodge of the Or der, in Baltimore, Md., in J809, by a banquet and literary and musical enter tainment on Monday evening last. On Sunday evening the members of the lodge attended services at Grace church, where Rev. A. L. Whittaker, the rector, gave a sermon on the appropriate sub ject "Friendship," for their especial benefit and edification. On the anniver sary evening a fine repast was served, which was followed by speaking, inter spersed with music. Mrs. C. M. Betz had charge of the refreshment feature, assisted by a competentcorps of helpers, and Geo. P, Ross was master of cere monies. Addresses were given by M E. Simons, district attorney ; Rev. V. II. Hiller, pastor of the Methodist Knis copal church ; Rev. W. II. Swift, pastor of the Presbyterian church and Dr. A, J. Simons, of Newfoundland. McKinley Ives recited "A Yankee Lover," in a most pleasing manner. Vocal solos were rendered by Frank Evans and W. E. Jones. A piano solo by Miss Mill- cent Karslake, and a vocal trio by W. E. Jones, J. A. Bodie, Jr., and F. A Jenkins. A. L. Baird, W II. Varcoe and Alfred Wilmarth were presented with veteran jewels for twenty-flvo years of faithful service in tho order. Bonner's orchestra furnished excellent instrument' al music. There was a large gathering of tho Knights of Columbus from Elmira, Sy racuse, Bingharaton, Oarbondale, Hones dale and Scranton in Wlikes Barre on Monday last. They attended exercises that night in the Knights of Columbus hall of that city. On Tuesday they went for an automobile ride and dined In Hotel Hart with Dan L, Hurt as toast- master. Episcopal service, in White MIIIb, Hiinilcni Mnv 'Al. n( !1 i. u. " ' - ' Announcement Is made of the ap pointment of George H. Burgess as chief engineer of the D. AH. Co.,. to succeed James M,acMartih, resigned. Mr. Burgess will assume charge- next Monday. The appointee is principal as sistant engineer of the Erie railroad in charge of the construction department and is said to be well qualified for his new place. Before he entered the em ploy of the Erie hp was in charge of en gineering work upon the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg. Two lnrge government cannonB pre sented to Bradford county at the request of Hon. Geo. W. Kipp, have been re ceived atTowanda, and properly mount ed in the court house yard. The Gardner-Vincent company who are to spend the summer season In Honesdale, giving nightly reper toire performances at the Lyric Theatre, commencing on Monday evening next, arrived in town on Wednesday. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral of Mrs. William Glllmore were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reilly and daughter, Anna, of Cochecton; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jewell, of Springfield, Mass.; Frank Skinner, W. B. Allen and .T. G. Bone, of Dunmore. State Highway Commissioner Hunter was a visitor in town yester day. An attempt was made by a trio of presumably professional burglars and safe-blowers to enter the ware house of C. P. Matthews & Son, in Scranton, on Tuesday night last. A patrolman put. in an appearance while one of the party was prying open the door, but the two others on the look out gave the alarm and the villains all made good their escape by flight. "The Lily and the Prince," which gave excellent performances here last season disbanded in ueneionte on Wednesday of last week. Poor busi ness the last few weeks was the rea son given, but at that the manager was able to pay all his obligations and ship his baggage out of town. The Easter number of St. Mark's Dial, a parish paper devoted to the Interests of St. Mark's Pro testant Episcopal church, of Danville, 111., of which Rev. Taliaferro F. Caskey, D. D., for some years rector of Grace Episcopal church of this bord was the editor, announces the probable discontinuance of the pub lication. Dr. Caskey says in his vale dictory: "The editor does not feel that ho has struck the ideal outlined In the salutatory, but he has ever had that ideal in view. The Parish his tory has been printed from month to month, and every article has been written with a view to the deepening of personal religious life, and has been sent out with the earnest prayer that it might accomplish that where unto it was sent. The editor lays down his pen with regret that he has not done more, but with heart-deep 'gratitude for the kind words that have been said, and for the efficient work of the business manager with out which the Dial could not have been printed. To these printed rec ords we will often turn, realizing their value as they recede into the past. 'As the hand of time moves on and on, most things that we pos sess iritist weaken as they approach the ultimate end. But the friend ship of a good, true comrade is a hing that never diminishes. As each year rolls by it gets stronger and stronger and we appreciate more and more its ever-increasing value to us.' The editor would fain make these beautiful words his Eastertide greet ing to all his friends, 'not only in St. Mark's Parish, but in that wider cir cle into whose hands this good-bye number may fall." Last Tuesday's Scranton papers contained elaborate accounts of so cial functions enjoyed by the friends of Miss Dorothy Warren, daughter of the eminent attorney, Major Everett Warren, at the homes of her girlhood intimates, in honor of her approach' ing marriage to Nathaniel P. CoW' dey, of New York City, which has been publicly announced for noon yesterday, April 29 th. On Wednes day morning, however, Major War ren having been ailing for a day or two, was subjected to a critical ex amination, and it was definitely de cided by the physicians in attendance that he was suffering from acute ap pendicitis, and that an immediate operation was imperatively necessary. Consequently all arrangements for the announced marriage function were abandoned, and the simple cere mony took place at the Warren home, at noon on Wednesday, Rev. Rogers Israel, D. D rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church, officiating. Im mediately after the ceremony Major Warren was removed to the State hospital whore an operation was per formed, which the local papers say was eminently successful, Mr. and Mrs. Cowdrey are now at the Wat kins Summer Home, at Glenburn, where they will remain pending de velopments In Major Warren's con dition. Tho serial story entitled "Tho Tangled Web," which we began pub lishing in our Wednesday's Issue, will be continued in each Friday's Issue until finished. PERSONAL. Miss Edna May Gilkey, of Sho hola Glen, and her cousin, Miss Violet Moore, of Hawley, were visiting friends in town on Wednesday. Tho inquiring friends of Mrs. T. J, Ham, who Is spending some time with her children in Now York city, for tho benefit of her health-, will be pleased to learn that nor condition Id much Improved, Walter- BIgelow and wife are visiting with the Mrs. Bigelow's brother, Delbert G. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller and son are visiting relatives In Wilkes--Bnrre. Mr. Fuller Is general mana ger of the Arkansas Diamond Com pany, at Murphysboro, Ark. -Before their return home they expect to Join company with Mr. and Mrs. An drew Thompson and make a visit to Andovcr, Mass., the homo of Augustus Thompson. Clarence BIgelow, of Niagara, was a caller in town on Wednesday. Miss Mabel Hoylo, of Carbon- dale, is visiting relatives in Hones dale and vicinity. Miss Gertrude Reilly spent sev eral days this week in Scranton. Sirs. William F. Brlggs spent several days last week with her daughter, Miss Kathertne, who Is taking the trained nurse course in a hospital in Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Katz and daughter, Kathryn, left Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Katz's parents, in Cleveland, O. Misses Lucy and Harriet Gam ble, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting their cousin, Mrs. H. S. Salmon, 1709 Main street. MIssYetta Tanhauser, of this plice, who spent the last week visiting friends and relatives in Scranton, left Sunday for New York city, where bIic will make her future home. Mrs. Isaac" Smith, of Carboudale, Is spending a few days In town. William H. Kain, of Brooklyn, N. Y has been spending a few days in Honesdale. He is consulting Dr. E. W. Burns in regard to his health. The many friends of Arthur Head, of Towanda, the official court stenographer for Wayne county, will deeply sympathize with him in the loss of his estimable wife who died at her home in that place, on Sunday last, after a brief illness of pneu monia. Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, her mother and a sister. On Monday of this week a tele gram was received at The Citizen of fice from Patchogue, Long Island, which read as follows: "A new (will be) subscriber to the Citizen reached here to-day; the name is Elizabeth Wood Potter. Mother and child do ing well.'' This makes our manager, W. W. Wood, a great grandfather, as the new-comer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Potter, the mother being formerly Miss Mignon Wood, who was born in Honesdale and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wood, formerly residents of this borough. Ex-Senator M. J. McDonald, of Lackawanna county, was in Hones dale in the early part of the week. David L. Hower, for many years superintendent of schools of this county, and now principal of the Media (Pa.) school, has been arrest ed and held for trial on a charge of assault and battery, based on the se vere whipping of one of his pupils for unruly conduct. The professor furnished ball in the amount of S150, and says that he is very well satis fied to have the case go to court; that there have been many cases of the kind in Pennsylvania, and nineteen out of twenty have been decided in favor of the teacher. Mrs. Horace E. Kipp, formerly of Wilsonville, near Hawley, Is still very ill at the home of her daughter in Paterson, N. J., and her recovery is extremely doubtful. Miss Elizabeth Kelly, of Lake Ariel, Is visiting friends in Mata- moras, her former home. The Gardner-Vincent Company. Manager Dlttrlch is to be con gratulated upon being able to in stall "The Gardner-Vincent Stock Co. in Honesdale for the month of May. Their idea Is to give two different plays each week, three nights for each play at popular prices and one matinee on Saturday. It will be remembered this com pany played here last season and at once established itself as one of the best organizations on the road. Mr. Gardner and Miss Vincent have been starring this season in all the large cities and have scored heavily. Through a special effort on the part of our local manager this company comes back to Honesdale, with even a better company than they had here before. Only the lat est New York successes will be pre sented. "A Woman's Struggle," a comedy of manners, tho opening -play is a very strong one, dealing with up-to-date New York society, on the style of "Paid in Full" and "Tho Lion and tho Mouse." Strong, stirring situ ations, great heart Interest and a vein of clever satirical comedy throughout. It calls for beautiful settings, handsome gowns and with out doubt will be the event of the dramatic season here. Every mem ber of the company Is called upon to test hla or her ability to their utmost. Mr. Gardner as Schuyler Alnslee, a young clubman, has a part which fits him like a glove. Miss Vincent as Margaret Irvlngton, will no doubt gain now laurels and will be called upon to display her emotional talent oven to greater degree than sho did as "Camille" (If it is possible). It Is hoped that the people of Honesdale will appreciate Manager Dlttrlch's effort to provide them with the best possible, and patronize tne Lyric Theatre during the month of May, Advertite in THE CITIZEN. BASK BALL. Fred Schuerholz pitched for. Villa nova against, and defeated, the Car llslo Indians .by the' score of '8-5. Schuerholz struck out eight men and allowed 9 hits. The Honesdale hlGh Bchool base ball team" play the Damascus high school team on Saturday, May 15. fWsulte of Games Played In National, American and Eastern Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At New York New York, 6; Boston, S. Batteries Raymond and Schlel; Chapelle and Smith. At Philadelphia-Brooklyn, 6; Philadel phia, 1. Batteries Foxen and Dooln; Scanlan and Bergen. At Cincinnati Chicago, 6: Cincinnati, 6. Batteries Reulbach and Moran; Ewlng and Both. At St. Louts St. Louis, 8; Pittsburg, 2. Batteries Maddox, Lelfleld, Wacker and Qlbson; Beebe and Phelps. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.P.. w. I P.O. Boston.... 6 3 .067 New York 4 E .Ui Chicago... 6 4 .600 Brooklyn'. 4 6 .400 Cincinnati 7 .638 St. Louis. 5 9 .357 Pittsburg. 6 6 .500 Phlla'phla.3 4 .300 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Washington Philailelnhln. 2? Wnali. lngton, 2. Batteries Vlckers and Thorn- 3! Groome and Street. At Cleveland Detroit. 8! Cleveland. 1. Batteries Mullin and Schmidt; Young and Easterly. At uoston Boston, 12; New York, 2. Batteries Steele and Corrlcan: Oulnn. Ford and Klelnow. Chlcngo-St. Louis game at Chlcn t?n nnnt. poned. Cold weather. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. w. f. r Detroit.... 0 3 .750 Boston.... 0 5 .645 New York 7 4 .61 St. Louis. 4 7 .391 Phila'phla, 5 4 .555 Cleveland. 4 8 . 333 Chicago... 6 5 .543 Wash' ton. 3 7 .300 EASTERN LEAGUE. At Jersey City Buffalo, 6; Jersey City, 2. At Baltimore Toronto, 4; Baltimore, 3. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. p.c. .833 .800 .000 .500 p.c. .500 .333 .200 .200 Jersey C'y 5 Rochester. 1 Baltimore. 1 Buffalo.... 1 Montreal.. 1 I'rovt encp 3 Toronto... 3 Newark... 2 8EIDL1TZ POWDER CARTRIDGE. A Man's Life Saved After Choking on Tough Beef. How a man's life was saved by a common seldlltz powder is described by a German physician, Dr. Franck, who was called to treat a man who had swallowed a large piece of tough meat, which stuck in his gullet. As It was impossible to dislodge the meat by natural means, and as the patient's condition was critical, the doctor tried the ' efficacy of the gas which is generated when the constitu ents of a seldlltz powder are mixed. He directed the man to swallow the two halves of one of the powders separately, and the resulting pneuma tic pressure, aided by the man,, who shut his mouth and closed the nasal passages, was sufficient to drive the piece of meat out of the gullet into the stomach. A Lazy Boy's Invention. Tho long-handled shovel has mads 'over .three hundred thousand dollars for its Inventor, and the inventor was a lazy, shiftless boy of seventeen, named Reuben Davis, whose father lived In Vermont at the time. He set Reuben to digging dirt and loading It on a wagon, and the short-handled shovel made the boy's back ache. One afternoon when his father was away, he took out the short handle and sub stituted a long one, and found the work much easier. When Mr. Davis reached home Reu ben got a whipping; but after the old gentleman had used the shovel him self, ha saw that it was a good thing, and had it patented. They are now manufactured almost by the million. The Gods of India. India is a land of Idols. It is esti mated that there are three hundred and thirty-three million gods In Hin dustan. The three great and special ly venerated deities are Brahma, Vish nu, and Siva tho Hindu Trimurtl or trinity. Brahma stands first, unap proachable. There are only three temples in all India erected in his honor; he ,1s merely Invoked as tho chief of the Trimurtl, but is not made the object of actual worship, as he is not supposed to take any interest In mundane affairs. He is the cre ator, the giver of all gifts and of all blessings and controls the destines of men, yet at the same time Is com pletely indifferent to them. American Llmburger. It Is now claimed that the United States makes just as good Limburger cheese as does the province in Bel glum, where It originated. The Amer ican method is to take a piece of a calf's stomach and set it away in a warm place in a can of whole milk. In about forty minutes the curdling mess is pounded and then the whey pressed out. Afterward forms are filled and further drainage permitted. Salt is rubbed on the outside until it becomes slippery; then the cheese is set away in the cellar, where it is left to ripen for a month or two, and the germs do the rest. Famous Woman Explorer, Mrs. Marie Robinson Wright ot Georgia is believed to hold the record for having accomplished more In the way of penetrating countries hitherto unknown than any other living wom an, with the possible exception of Mrs, Fanny Bullock Workman. She is called, by some "the Columbus of South America," from the fact that she, undaunted by hardships and per ils in the countries she has visited, has opened to the pioneers of trade and commerce a new paradise that blooms south of. the equator, where untold wealth awaits development at the hands of civilized man. She es timates that she has traveled 200,000 miles (n pursuit ot her work. HYMENEAL. A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. John's Lutheran church, on Wed ncsday afternoon, when MIsb Minnie Wizzard was united in marriage to How ard Bea. The ceremony was performed at 2 o'clock by Rev. W. F. Hopp. The brido was attended, by Mies Mellie Bea, of Hawley, a sister of tho groom, and Andrew Wizzard, a brother of the bride, acted as best man. The -bride's dress was of white albatross cloth, and her maid was attired in a gown of white mohair. After the 'ceremony a reception was held at tho home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Bea, of Hawley. After a short trip to Scran ton nnd other cities Mr. and -Mrs. Bea will reside in Honesdale. Miss Stella Mizler nnd John Mauer, both of White Mills, were united in mar riage at St. Mary Magdalen's Qermau Catholic church Wednesday afternoon, Rev. William Dassel performing the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Stella Gctline and Charles Mizler. Af ter tho ceremony a luncheon was held at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Louis I N t; E R N A T I O N A L T A I L O R I N G is kflotin by the way it makes you look the distinctiveness which it gives you that Well dressed air, which speaks Volumes when success and social "worth are a factor. Don't you know (hat the man who wears an I N TERN A TIO NAL SUIT has always a good chance to become "The Man of the Hour" in his vicinity. THE GOODS THE STYLES THE FIT THE FINISH THE PRICES all together mae that harmonious whole which has made the name "INTERNA TIONAL the stand ard for high class made to measure tai loring. Don't waste money experimenting, when this magnificent, reliable, line is now on view at L. A.'HCLFERSCH j.NBf bader. HONESDALE. PA. OUR STOCK OF HEN'S CLOTH ING IS LARGE ENOUGH TO SUPPLY EVERY NEED! If you want and dignified in cut WE r AVE IT. TAKE THIS COLLEGIAN cut, for instance ; it is one of tho distinguishing models which will be worn by fashion leaders this spring. Two. button, slanted button holes, vent, sidu seams creased. There's a dash of stylo and su periority of finish that at once ttiinips it the product of master tailors I Adler's Collegian Clothing retains Its shape because of a careful and scientific construction, and perfection In work" manshlp. Kr We are sole aronts for tho celebrated Kncx hat ; the Corlls-Coon Collars, In We are also solo agent, for the ICdcrhelme -Hteln clothlnic for children chlldreni'.clotlilniriniaUo In ihecountry, BREGSTEIN BROS., Honesdale. Wagner, of South. Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Mauer will reside in White ' Mills, at which place the groom is em ployed st hla trndo as glassblower. Leslie Brader and Kathryn Hel nlckle were married at St. Mary Magdalen's Gorman Catholic paroch ial residence on Wednesday after noon, April 28, 1909. The ceremony was performed at 5:30, o'clock by Rev. Wm. Dassel. Tho bride was at tended by her sister, Miss Sophia Helnlckle, and David Reese, of Wilkes Barre, was best man. After tho ceremony a wedding dinner was served to a number of relatives and fronds at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Heinicklc, of Tryon street. Mr. and Mrs. Brad er arc both well' known young people of Honesdale and have a large circle of friends in this vicinity. The l groom for several seasona was tho popular third baseman on the local team. They were the recipients of a number of beautiful presents, con sisting of linen, cut glass and silver ware. Mr. and Mrs. Brader will re Bide at Dyberry Place. Dr. C.n.BUADY. Uenti Honesdale, Pa OrricE Hotms-8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Citizens' phone, 33, Residence, No. X. Any evening by appointment. If you want somethlngultra and smart WE HAVE THAT TOO. ,5L"h'tel 2: II