The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 30, 1909, Image 4

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Entered as second-class matter, at the post-
yr. w. wood, - - manager and sect
FRIDAY APRIL, 30, 1009.
Republican StAto Convention
To the Republican Electors of Penn
sylvanla: I am directed by the Republican
State Committee to announce that
the Republicans of Pennsylvania,
by their duly chosen representatives,
will meet In convention at the Ma
jestic Theatre in the city of Har-
rlsburg, on Wednesday, June 16,
1909, at 10:30 o'clock a. in., for
the purpose of. nominating candi
dates for the following offices, to
Quo person for the office of State
One person for the office of Au
ditor General.
One person for the offlce of Judge
Ot tho Sunremo Court.
Also for the transaction of such
other business as may be presented
In accordance with the rules gov
erning the Republican party in
Pennsylvania, ihe representation in
the State convention will be based
on tho vote polled at the last presi
dcntial election; under tho rules
each legislative district is entitled
to one' delegate for every two
thousand votes cast for the presi
dential electors In 1908, and an
additional delegate for every frac
tion of two thousand votes polled
In excess of one thousand.
v By order of the Republican State
W. R. Andrews, Chairman.
The dispatch from Africa announcing
that Mr. Roosevelt had had the rare
good fortune in his first hunting expedi
tion to kill a gazelle, greatly shocked
many of his admirers, who, remember
ing his record and preachments on the
many-sided higher life, could not bring
themselves to believe that he would
wantonly butcher a lovely, soft eyed
gazelle, happy and free in the glorious
liberty ot its native wilds. They remem-
Dered Moore's beauttuul lines
"I never nursed a dear cazelle.
To glad me with Its deep blue eye,
But when it came to knotf me well
And love me. It was sure to die I"
and to them it was unthinkable that the
ex-president of the United States should
journey, with the eyes of tho world UDOn
.him,. to. distant Africa to make victims
iuubi, wraia ana least harmful-.of
four-footed creatures. If it had been a
lion or tiger that his first bullet laid low,
or a hippopotamus or elephant,, or even
a wild boar, his fame as a mighty hun
ter would have been greatly enhanced
but a gazelle I Small wonder that an
apologist claims that a later dispatch
from the .dark continent declares that
the beast which bit the dust first
from the initial shot of his trusty
rifle was "an undesirable gazabo," and
that a general feeling of relief followed
the announcement ; but what shall be
thought of the last cablegram from Nai
robi, ilritish East Africa, which avers
that on Monday last "Mr. Roosevelt had
a good day's sport at the ranch of Sir
Alfred Pease, on the Athi river. He
killed 18 head of mixed buck, including
two wildebeests (gnus) in 24 hours.
A mixed buck is a small species of deer,
very timid and gentle in even its wild
est state."
It is said that Mr, Roosevelt objected
to having any newspapercorrespondents
in his hunting party. He is wise, at
least, if not merciful.
The Supreme Court in New York has
made an important ruling which ought
to do something to tame the reckless
chauffeur, or at least make the automo
bile owner a little more careful about
the sort of chauffeur he employs. It was
decided that the owner may be held for
the recklessness of a chauffeur, whether
or not thij owner is in the car. In the
case on trial an iron worker was struck
by an automobile going at a high rate
of speed. He was given damages in the
amount of $1,000. The defense was that
the owner of the car was not present
when the accident .happeued. On that
point the judge said : The owner of an
automobile will sometimes take deliber
ately a chauffeur who has been known
to be reckless in his driving, A man is
presumed to intend the ordinary and
usual results of his own acts and the
owner who puts a reckless chauffeur in
an automobile and sends him through
the streets, under Section 20, could
probably be found by you to be equally
guilty with the chauffeur."
The old condition that a bear
could not be killed even though it
was committing mischief and dam
age will be remedied by an
amendment to the game laws, Just
passed, which provides that Bruin
can be shot whenever he becomes
noxious; at any time, although the
legal season Is from October 1 to
January 1.
This provision giving a bear the
option of being regarded either as a
game atilmal or a noxious beaBt was
Inserted In the bill at the Instance
of Senatoi Cochran, of Lycoming
The game bill, as It goes to tho
Governor, specifics that the rabbit
shooting' season shall open' on No
vember 1, or two weeks later than
under the present law, and closo
December. 16. No person may shoot
more than ten rabbits in one day.
Another change from the existing
law is to make the season for wood
cock ' open two weeks earlier. The
new season to extend from October
1 to December 1.
In the fish bill, passed 'finally in
the closing hours of the session, the
open season is left much the same
as at present, the time for catching
trout between April 15, and that for
bass, pickerel, perch, Susquehanna
salmon and other game fish, between
June 15 and December 1.
SunflBh, now protected, are strick
en from the game fish list.
The legal minimum of size for bass
has been raised from seven to eight
Inches, and not more than twelve
bass may be taken dally. The mini
mum size of pickerel and Susquehan
na salmon is made twelve Inches, and
the catch limited to twenty-five
Authorization is given for the uso
of the "wooden minnow" In bass
fishing provided the minnow, has no
more than three trlplo hooks or
Gigging for eels, suckers, carp and
mullets Is permitted by the new fish
act during the months of July, Au
gust and September In streams not
stocked with trout.
In a statement made public by Gover
nor Stuart, he says: "After careful
tabulation of the appropriation bills
messaged to me for approval by the
Legislature I find the amount aggre
gates more than $67,000,000. Upon in
quiry of the fiscal officers of the Com
monwealth, the officers charged with the
responsibility of collecting and disburs
ing the State's revenues, I am informed
-by the Auditor General, in a carefully
prepared statement, that the moneys
available from every source for the pay
ment of these appropriations will not ex
ceed $45,000,000, and by the State Treas-
urer that the amount will not exceed
"In order to prevent a deficit it be-
comes necessary to bring these appro
priations within the revenues of the
State, and owing to the limited time
given to dispose of these bills, I regret
to be compelled to say that it will be
impossible for me to comply with re-
quests for hearings concerning appro-
The Famous Schooley Will Case Not
Yet Settled.
Scranton, Pa., April 20. A. P,
Bahman and C. F. Reidel, subscrib
ing witnesses, to the Schooley will
which was concocted by George B
Schooley in an attempt to get hold
of the estate of the late J. L. Craw
ford, through their attorneys, George
S. Horn and John R. Edwards, will
petition the board of pardons at the
the meeting' of the board Wednesday,
May 19, for a pardon.
District Attorney O'Brien yesterday
received notice from the board of
pardons that application had been
made by Bahman and Reidel for the
cutting down of their sentence. Mr.
O'Brien stated yesterday afternoon
that he had not decided whether he
would oppose the application or not.
He naa not given the matter any
thought, but he said that his mind
would be made up in a day or two.
Bahman and Reidel were subscrib
ing witnesses to a will purporting to
have been made by Mr. Crawford, by
which he left a large portion of his
estate to his cousin, George- R
Schooley, of Noxen, Wyoming coun
ty. The signature of Mr. Crawford
was affixed to the instrument by
Schooley, who pleaded guilty to forg
ery and was sentenced to ten years
in the penitentiary.
At the time Bahman and .Reidel
were sentenced, Judge Edwards told
them there was no doubt in his mind
but that they were subjects of the
designing mind of Schooley. It was
the first time they were arrested and
they were previously farmers in New
Jersey. This will be argued in their
behalf before the board of pardons.
The Permanent Value of Newspapers.
Regarding that learned prejudice
against employing newspapers as his
torical material, I wish to say that,
like all other evidence, they must be
used with care and skepticism, for
one good authority is undoubtedly
better than a dozen poor ones. An
anecdote I heard years ago has been
useful to me In weighing different
historical evidence. A Pennsylvania
Dutch Justice of the peace In one of
the interior townships of Ohio had
a man arraigned before him for
stealing a pig. One witness swore
that he distinctly saw the theft com
mitted; eight swore that they never
saw the accused steal a pig, and the
verdict was worthy of Dogberry. "I
discharge the accused," said the Jus
tice. "The testimony of eight men
Is certainly worth more than the tes
timony of one." James F. Rhodes,
in the Atlantic for May.
Knesel Schalni.
Charles J, Knesel, of Honesdale.
and Emma H. Schalm, of Hawley,
were married at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Schalm, of Hawley, on Tuesday after
noon, April 27, 1909, the ceremony
being performed by Rev. Rudolph
Lucas, of the German Lutheran
church. After a short weddlne trln
Mr. and Mrs. Knesel will reside In
April 24, 1909. Mention was
made in a former 'letter of the fact
that the recent Legislature passed
no acts providing for any new reve
nue, although it found quite a num
ber of such bills beforo it. Besides
avoiding any increase in the reve
nue acts it Is shown that the Legis
lature appropriated far more money
than the State has in sight, more
than was at first supposed. The
first figures given out Bhowed about
162,000,000 appropriated, but the
real figures are nearer J67.000.000,
with less than ? 4 5,000,000 to pay
No little excitement was caused
by an alleged remark on the part
of the Governor that It might be
necessary to call an extra session of
the Legislature for the purpose of
putting through some revenue meas
ures, to keep even with the appro
priations. The other alternative is
for the Governor to cut the appro
priations and this is probably what
will be done, although his Excel
lency Is not at all pleased with the
task he has In hand. The Legislature
Is practically compelling the Governor
to do what it should have done, and
what it was assembled for. In his
message to that body at the begin
ning of the session, he pointed out
very clearly what, In his opinion,
was the proper course, showing how
much revenue could be secured and
how much money should be appro
priated. After being In session over three
months, and getting less than a
hundred bills to the Governor dur
ing that time, adjournment day finds
him with a mass of about 700 bills
of all kinds, which he must dispose
of In thirty days. He must work
unusually hard during that time, be
sides, hearing a lot of arguments, pro
and con, on tho various measures
before him. The Governor will
hall with delight the last day of his
term, but he Is onto his job while
that term lasts.
Among the bills recently signed
are the following: Providing for an
Executive controller in the Execu
tive Department at a- salary of ?3,
000 per annum This officer will
relieve the Governor of a lot of de
tail work in the way of examining
vouchers, etc. Heretofore the
Chief Executive has been burdened
with a lot of tasks properly belong
ing to a clerk, but which the law
imposed on him.
Providing that county commis
sioners may appropriate
law libraries when necessary for
Authorizing the commission to
erect the Homeopathic State Hospi
tal, at Allentown to sell portions of
its land and purchase others.
Authorizing the combining, con
solldatlng and entering a single
Judgment .on a scire facias to re
vive and continue the Hen In cer
tain cases. '
Authorizing the Department ' of
Forestry to .grow and distribute
young forest trees to those who will
take care of them.
Providing for the depositing of
money in lieu of surety of bonds
now required In certain civil cases.
Authorizing a State Fish Hatch
ery on Presque' Isle peninsula.
Imposing a penalty of ?500 for
using the word "trust" as part of
the name of any corporation except
such as are under the supervision
of the Commissioner of Banking.
Providing that the proposed Con
stitutional amendments adopted by
the Legislatures of 1907 and 1909
be submitted to vote of the people
at the general election next Novem
ber. Abolishing the Legislative Record.
Hereafter the Record and the
House and Senate Journals will be
consolidated, the publication to be
known as the Legislative Journal.
It will be printed under the super
vision of the Supt. of Public Print
ing and Binding, the copy to be fur
nished by the chief clerks of the
two houses.
Prescribing stricter methods of
disbursing and accounting for de
partmental appropriations in the
state government.
Providing for the use of borough
and township lock-ups and city
prisons for the detention of persons
arrested by sheriffs, constables, State
Police or other officers.
Authorizing the State Health
Commissioner to assign an office
employe to approve .vouchers.
Providing that the offices of Jus
tice of the peace and notary public
shall not be incompatible.
Requiring all petitions laying out
or vacating public roads to fix defi
nitely the points of beginning and
ending and requiring certification
of the report of a Jury of view to
the State Highway Department.
Fixing fees of constables.
Providing that soldiers, sailors or
marines of the war with Spain or
any procedtng war who die without
sufficient means to' defray thoir bur
ial expenses shall be burled at the
expense of the county, such expense
not to exceed 150.
Providing that borough councils
may fix by ordinance tho salary of
the burgess, such salary not to ex
ceed 100 per 1,000 for the first
5,000 population and 60 for each
additional 1,000 or majority frac
tion thereof.
Authorizing cemeteries owned by
boroughs to be transferred to an in
corporated cemetery company,
Authorizing the chief clerk In the
Auditor General's Department to
perform such official acts as the Au
ditor General may designate.
Relating to acknowledgments of
Permitting Independent 'school dis
tricts to share In the distribution of
appropriations to borough High
Schools. ."
Making It? a misdemeanor, punish
able by a fine of from $600 to $5,000
and Imprisonment for from six
months to five years, for any person
connected' with any financial insti
tution to misapply the funds of such
Making it a felony to receive
stolen goods and providing for the
Imposition upon a person so convict
ed of felony of the same penalties
now by law Imposed upon the per
son who shall have stolen tho
Requiring supervisors to main
tain foot bridges.
Forfeiting charters of banks -or
trust companies which fall to start
in business within two years.
Quieting title of real estate form
erly held by corporations not en
titled to do business in this Stated
Extending tax collectors' liability
for two years.
Providing that opinions on religi
ous matters shall not be a bar to
testimony in court.
Union Loyalty.
On one occasion a shipment worth
one thousand dollars to the firm is
being loaded on teams when .the
clock strikes twelve. Immediately
every man on tho'job quits work.
From 12 to 1 p. m. Is the dinner
hour; It Is so stipulated In the
schedule. The foreman explains to
the men that the shipment will miss
Its train connection and the sale be
canceled If there Is a minute's delay,
But it is useless to -discuss the mat
ter. There is no flexibility to the
schedule. The men explain that if
they work during the noon hour they
will lose their union cards. That
ends the discussion. J. O. Fagan in
the May Atlantic.
How the Wheels Go Round In New
Every second four visitors arrive In
New York.
Every forty-two seconds an Ira
migrant arrives.
Every three minutes some one Is
Every six minutes a child Is born.
Every seven minutes there is
Every thirteen minutes there is a
nivery ioriy-iwo minutes a new
business Arm stars up.
Every forty-eight minutes a ship
leaves tne narbor.
Every forty-eight minutes a build
ing catches fire.
nivery nuy one minutes a new
building is erected.
Every one and three-fourth hours
some one is killed by accident.
The best argument for a Govern
ment savings bank Is that of the need
of absolute security, especially in time
of panic when so many people are
making a bau matter worse by
urawmg meir money out or com
mon banks, and hiding it away.
During the recent panic some persons
took out large postal money orders
Just to let the Government take care
of their money until times became
less unsettled. If there had been a
Government savings bank it would
have reecived most of the money then
withdrawn from the common banks.
the money would have been kept in
circulation and the force of the panic
much reduced. Even in ordinary
times a certain number of people re
fuse to trust ordinary banks and Incur
much risk and loss of Interest by try
ing to hide their savings. Many a
secret hoard has been lost through
are, or rats or thieves. The Govern
ment bank would take safe care of
money and pay a little Interest, It
would be very popular In the country
districts and would encourage the
habit of saving small but regular sums
for deposit. Except an improved sys
tem of parcels post, no measure is In
such general demand among those
who would like to etxend the useful
ness of the postoffice department
Allen Hazen has formulated the
theorem that ror every death from
typhoid fever prevented by the purifi
cation uf public water supplies, two
or three additional deaths from other
causes are prevented. To put the mat
ter upon an economic basis; if, for ex
ample, the city of Pittsburg should by
reason of having Installed a new sys
tem of municipal water-filters, pro
vent one hundred deaths from ty
phoid in a year, two or three hundred
hundred deaths from other causes
would also be prevented by the same
means. Suoh a saving ot life would
equal the saving of two million dol
lars instead of a half million, the loss
entailed by the typhoid deaths alone.
Professor Sedgwick and Scott Mac
Nutt, of the biological department of
the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, state that their observations,
presently to be published In detail,
corroborate Hazen's estimate, which,
they assert, Is a conservative one.
One advantage which China pos
sesses over the United States Is in
the ease with which a reform oan be
started and spread. In this country
nothing can be acompllshed until at
least one-halt tho people are convinced
of the necessity of it; in China it is
necessary to convince only the pow
ers that be and tho reform 1b ordered
forthwith. The following instructions
recently Issued make it clear that 'the
government means business in the
matter of extending the educational
facilities of the empire, and that read
ily to all its narts.
Carrie, daughter of the late Moses
C. Wcstbrook, of Blooming Grove,
Pike county, died Tuesday evening
at the home; of pneumonia at the ago
of 51 years. She was taken sick
Saturday, April 24th. Miss West'
brook is survived by her mother and
four brothers, John C, Milford, Pa.,
Moses C. Jr., Liberty, N. Y., Fred L.
and William B both living at home.
Funeral service will be held. at 2:30
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Anna Houghton died at her
home on Erie street, Thursday morn
ing, April 29, 1909. She was 56
years of age. On Wednesday, while
employed at tho home of A. B.
Transue, 1222 East street, she suf
fered a stroke of apoplexy and was
removed to her home. Mrs. Hough
ton was a daughter of tho lato James
Lamb, and is survived by a daughter,
Mrs. Jessie Covey, and ono son, Eu
gene. Tho funeral will be held on
Saturday morning.
Mrs. Thomas S'lynn, a highly re
spected resident of this place, wife
of the proprietor of tho Plynn Hotel,
died at her home on South Main
street, at five o'clock Tuesday after
noon, April 27, 1909, at the age of
forty-five years. Her death was the
result of a paralytic stroke received
several weeks ago. 'Mrs. Flynn had
resided In Honesdale for several
years and during her residence here
had made a large number of friends.
Besides her husband she is survived
by the following children: William,
John, Simon, Rose, Mary, Margaret,
and Winifred; also by one sister,
Miss Mary Keating, and three broth
ers,' Michael, and James Keating, of
Antrim, Tioga county, and John
Keating, of Blossburg. Pa. Tho
funeral will be held Friday morning,
with services at' St. John's Catholic
church, and interment In St. John's
Cornelius Porter Crosbie, an aged and
highly respected citizen of Preston, died
at theho.xie of his daughter, Mrs. Emma
Furie, Monday, April 19th, after a five
days' illness of bronchial pneumonia.
The funeral was held Thursday, April
22d, from St. Juliana's church with a
requiem mass, celebrated by Rev. P. E.
LaValle, who delivered an impressive
sermon, dwelling on the necessity of
always being ready, for we know not
the hourthe grim messengercometh. He
was laid to rest in Rock Lake cemetery
where his parents, wife, five brothers
and one sister preceded him to the
grave. Deceased was born in Preston
township, Wayne county, December 6,
1839, and was therefore in the seventieth
year of his age. He was a life-long
resident of the town in which he was
born. Mr. Crosbie possessed a rare dis
position ; always loving and obliging,
alike to his. friends and relatives, who
will deeply mourn their loss, and he will
be sadly missed in the home of his only
daughter, Mrs. Emma Furie. The other
survivors are four sisters, Mrs. Mary
Fitzsimmona, of Rock Lake ; Mrs. M.
E. Mullady and Mrs. J. M. Duffy, of
Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. Charles
Meechan,of.Payette, Idaho, and a num
ber of nieces and nephews, who will al
ways cherish his memory.
We briefly announced the death of
Mrs. William GUlmore Is our last Is
sue. The remains were brought to
Honesdale on the 4:10 gravity train
on Wednesday; and accompanied by
a number of friends who were in
waiting at the depot, and others who
accompanied the body from Dun
more, were taken directly to Glen
Dyberry cemetery, and interred by
the side of her husband, -Rev. Dr.
Swift officiating at the grave. The
pall bearers were Joseph N. Welch,
William J. Ward, Joseph A. Bodle,
Oscar T. Chambers, William H. Ham,
and Thomas J. Ham. The handsome
casket was completely covered with
flowers. Hannah Jane GUlmore was
the daughter of the late Oliver Ham
lin and Nancy Baldwin, his wife, of
Honesdale. Her father belonged to
the Hamlin family, who were very
early settlers in Salem township, and
was for years a merchant in Hones
dale and also an associate judge of
the courts of Wayne county. Hamlln-
ton, Wayne county, was the first home
of the family. Mrs. GUlmore was
born August 9, 1828. During her
early- life she lived in Honesdale and
until the time of her marriage, fifty
two years ago, to the late William
GUlmore, Esq., at that time a mer
chant In Aldenvllle, Wayne couuty.
Afterwards she moved with her hus
band to Hawley, where Mr. GUlmore
entered the employ of the Pennsyl
vana Coal company. Some thirty
years ago he was promoted to a posi
tion in the company's offices in Dun
more where he held a , responsible
offlce until a few years before his
death, twelve years ago. The de
ceased, during her long residence In
Dunmore, had made many close
friends, being a woman of warm and
genial nature. She was a member
of the Ladles' Aid society of the
Presbyterian church, where she will
be missed, especially by the older
people. Besides these friends and
neighbors, who mourn her depart
ure, in her own immediate . family
she is survived by but one sister, Mrs.
H. L. Jewell, of Springfield, Mass.
HARVEY N. PARLEY, late of Buckingham
All persons Ind'ebled'tosald estate are not!
ed to make Immediate payment to the un
ersignea : ana tnose caving claims
the said estate are notified to preset!
duly attested, tor settlement,
Equlmink, Pa April, 1806.
Pi't tttjr.rtftiM price tar font
- totty ; OwTMtsdMtM yM
Only $17.90
For this handsome Sideboard la selected
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lnelndlnir the largo linen drawer, richly
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The mirror Is Mile, beautifully carved
top with shaped standards and side
shelves. This Sideboard Is tho equal In
quality, style and workmanship of side
boards retailing from tts.ou to 125,0a
Carefully paoked and shipped freight
charges prepaid for 117.00.
SEND TODAY for our factory price
catalogue of Furniture FREE.
Was $10, now $7.
Was $9, now $6.
Was $8, now $5.
Was $4, now $2.50
Return of the Favorites
MAY 3, 4, and 5
The Latest New York success.
MAY 6, 7, and 8
Olga Nethereole's Greatest Play
Matinee on Saturday at 2:30
Adults 20c, Children 10c.
PRICES, 10, 20, 30 & 50c.
Diagram opens at the Box
Office at 9 A. M. Satur
day, May 1st.
Menner & Co's Store.
at MENNER & CO'S Store