SCHOOL GROUNDS How the Girls and Boys Would Arrange Them. GREAT HINTS FROM LITTLE FOLKS Suggestions by the Children as to the Host War to Make Them Attractive Competitive Articles. DANIEL WESTBHOOK. The new building as well as the old one would look very fine if ivy was planted along the foot of the building so it could grow up tho side. The walks should be made of concrete or have a flag walk. I think this is better, because if a gravel or ground walk was made it would be muddy in wet weather, which would be carted into the school by the pupils and make a very dirty room. The grounds should be converted Into a nice lawn because there will be a play room and gymnaBlum which will be plenty large enough. If a large flower bed was placed about five yards from the door on Church street, and two smaller ones about five yards from the center one were placed one on each side of it it would improve the beauty of the grounds. The walks could be placed so as to run out as far as the large flower bed, then branch off into two branches, one on each side, so as to meet on the other side of the bed and continue to the sidewalk. On Court street this could be done also, but on a smaller scale. A few trees on the sides of the building would make shade. Also a few on the grounds on Court street, and Church street, would make plenty of shade. The alley way between the old brick building and the church could be used for a quoit ground. Also the alley between the old brick building and the house on Court street could be used for the same purpose. Note. Daniel's essay is accom panied by a neatly drawn diagram of his plan, which we regret our In ability to reproduce. Ed. Citizen. EARL C. TRAN6UE. It would be a great improvement on the new school house and grounds to have the old buildings, that are near it taken away and then have about two-thirds of the ground sown with grass seed, and the other third gravelled, and rolled solid enough to be used as a play-ground. That will make a plenty large enough play ground, as there will be a gym nasium under the school house, which will very likely be used the greater part of the play hours. Concrete walks would be more substantial than gravel walks; but I think gravel walks would look the nicest; and they could be made from the stone walks along the street to the different doors of the school house, and to have some run ning through different parts of the yard would be nice. It would be nice to have a foun tain in the front yard and walks leading up to it and flowers planted around It. And flowers beds In the shape of stars and half-moons, and many other shapes, would look beau tiful, if planted in different parts of the yard. Shade trees, such as maples, bass wood, and some others, would look beautiful, and be useful as shade, if planted along the walks in front and back of the school-house, and along the walks that will lead up to the doors; and it would be very nice, also, to have some planted for shade, in the play-ground. To have ivy climbing up the walls that would look the barest would also be a great Improvement; but to have too much would not look well, and might grow over the win dows so that the sun could not shine In. As It will be too dark to plant flowers or grass seed between tho Methodist church and the old brick building, it would be nice to erect an arbor between them, and have Ivy climbing over it, and the walls underneath it; and I think that af ter the new building and the grounds are finished according to the plan I have given, It will be a very beautiful place. AUGUSTUS BARBERI. I think it would be very nice to have an Ivy vine growing all over the building, and in the front to have a large lawn on both sides with a fountain on each side; and have it surrounded with flowers. Also have a wide, connected walk in front, leading to the entrance of the High School building, with a few benches on both sides of the walk, and a few trees where the benches are, so that it may be shady and a little cooler when you would wish to sit down to have a little rest. And on the side towards Tenth street to have some nlco flowers on the side. You would not want to have any trees on that side, because It would make it too shady for the flowers to grow. For tho back part of tho building I think It would bo nlco to have somo gravel, and also have a couple of Maple trees growing. Be tween the oldest school and tho church to havo a little lawn and a couple of benches, because It would be too shady for flowers, GOOD ROADS. There are tbree tools that are being used in Missouri and elsewhere in- keep ing the dirt roads in good condition) the grader, the drag and the harrow. The grader, costing from two hundred to five hundred dollars, is used in rolling up the roads. This is done or at least should be done in the sorine of the year. If the roads are graded in the fall they get terribly cut up by the travel after the rains in the late fall and sometimes be come almost impassable. To say the least, they are miserably rough. When graded in the spring the roada get bad enough in the winter and spring, and it is only of late 'years that farmers have learned the use of the drag and harrow in putting them in good condition again. The road drag is easily constructed by means oi two timbers of split logs from eight to ten feet in length and about the size of heavy fence posts. They may be fastened together with oak cross pieces or by round spokes extending from the holes in one piece to those in the other. Good chains can be fasten ed to tho pieces to which the double tree can be attached. If the drag is extra heavy, two teams may be used by hitch ing one at each end. When dragging the road one team should be kept a little ahead of the other, so as to pull the dirt toward the middle of the road. It is a good idea to have a sharp cutting blade of steel on the underside of the front timber. If this extends about half an inch below the edge of the timber and slants forward it will help wonder fully in cutting off rough points in the road. The drag, though simple, is a great invention. It is a power for leveling the roads in winter just after a dry freeze or in the early spring when the roads begin to dry. By running the drag over the road, ruts and horse tracks will be easily filled. If they contain water, it will run out and away, then the roads will soon be in good condition The common field horrow, while not as good as the drag, is being used fre quently for leveling roads. Best results are obtained by using the harrow when the roads are rough, but dry. It acts as a leveler, but not as a grader, by raking off the clods and bumps, pulver izing them and filling the depressions. The neighbors in a community, with the use of the drag and harrow, have no trouble keeping the roads about their farms in very good condition during most of the year. Of course there are times in rainy seasons when the roads must be let alone. "HEl'UllLIO SHALL KNIWRE." So Thinks Dr. Charles P. Akeil, of New York. In an interview, published in one of the New York papers, Rev. Aked, who is pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, said: "I am absolutely confident in my own mind that this Republic shall endure;" repeated Dr. Aked. "Dur ing the course of my sermon last Sunday I asked the question, 'How do you know that this republic shall endure?" I stated that no other re public had ever endured, and I went on to show why. Conditions are vastly different now, however, and the stability of the United States is unquestioned. "The Roman Republic was the most powerful nation In the world at one time. It had the greatest fighting force, Its conquests were greater than any that have ever been made since, and yet It fell to pieces. The reason for this is plain. Most people think the stability, the great ness of a nation depends upon its fighting force. As a matter of fact, It does not. "A republic endures for three rea sons. In the first place, its citizens must have mutual confidence. They must have confidence in its laws and Its institutions. Then there must be a spirit of personal service and sacrifice. The Church has a great place in making a nation endure. It does more to promote mutual con fidence confidence in tho law and personal service than any other In fluence. "I havo always been an admirer of America. I have great confidence In Its future. That is why I came here from England two years ago. The only reason I am not an Ameri can citizen is that the law requires a five years' residence here beforo a foreigner can be naturalized. I have filed my application for citizen ship, and I am waiting for the time when I will be an American cltl zen. "There Is a greater, brighter fu ture for this country than any other country In the world. Germany Is progressing very rapidly. She is America's greatest rival. However, I think the future of the entire world lies with tho United States." WHOLE HOQ NOW "CANNED." It was the boast of a great Chicago meat packer that in his stock-yards every part of the pig was utilized ex cept the. squeal. Recently a manager of one of the rural plays wanted some realistic pig squeals for his show, and no accordingly gave a contract fo- the required Lumber to a phonograph deal er, who took a machlno down to the stock-yards, "cannod" the squeals, and turned over the records to the show manager. Those who talk about the extravagance of the present age should remember that with the by-product already mentioned, nothing now goes to watte In the pork Industry. KNAPPJAILURE What It Cost to Exploit . the Knapp Bands. SPECULATED IN WALL STREET. Papers That Show It Claim Against Brokerage company In lianlc ruptcy Schedule. In a statement recently published Charles P. Knapp, is reported to havo repeated the statements that he has made before, that all of the money lost In the Deposit bank went Into the Outing Publishing Com pany. Among the scheduled assets of Charles P. Knapp, filed in his bank ruptcy petition is a claim against a New" York brokerage firm that fail ed two or three years ago. This shows that he had been speculating in stocks. Among the papers, which it is be lieved have been turned over to the District Attorney, or at least which have been reported to him, are some showing that much more money was lost through Wall street by Mr. Knapp. It Is stated that $35,000 more was spent by Mr. Knapp in taking his band about the country last sum mer. Morris Knapp, who was placed In charge of the Deposit bank a few weeks ago, and Florence Knapp Yocum, his sister, had trusted their affairs largely to their uncle, Chas. J. Knapp, head of the firm of pri vate bankers. So much confidence did Mrs. Yocum have In her uncle that a few months ago, when she sold stock she deposited the pro ceeds, $22,000, in the Deposit bank, and she now holds a certificate of deposit for that amount in that in stitution. Inasmuch as C. J. Knapp was the head of the firm, people conversant with the situation say that he could not help knowing the condition of affairs. He knew that the deposits in the two private banks were over a million dollars, and that they had few assets of any value which the BInghamton Trust Company had not rediscounted. An Albany dispatch claims that negotiations are pending between Superintendent Clark Williams, of the State Banking Department, and other parties looking toward a sale of the franchise of the BInghamton Trust Company. The BInghamton Republican of April 16th publishes the following: "The more things come to light in regard to the banking methods of the Knapp Brothers private banks at Deposit and Calllcoon, the more peculiar they appear. It was stated yesterday that some of the larger accounts of the Deposit bank did not appear on the books of that institution. The Investiga tion that was made just before the doors were closed on Thursday brought to light notes against the Outing Publishing Company, under stood to be for about J300.000, which did not appear on the books of the bank. These notes were found in a pocketbook, where they had been left by Charles P. Knapp, who a short time before had retired from the management of the bank. They were regularly made out in favor of the bank by the Outing company, ap pearing to indicate that the bank had loaned the Outing company the amount for which these notes were drawn, In addition to the other large loans that had been made to that company, according to the records of the bank. When the investigation was car ried further it was discovered that these notes did not appear on the books of the Outing company. ' It was this apparent discrepancy that started the investigation that led to the closing of the Deposit and Calllcoon banks. After that action was decided upqn, It was discovered that the Deposit bank owed the Calll coon bank over $200,000, and no record of this appeared on the books of the Deposit bank." "Joy ride" Is a comparatively re cent addition to the language. It owes Its origin to the practice of ir responsible chauffeurs who convert their employers' cars to their own purposes, and usually at hours when the regulation of speed by the police Is out of the question. It is Im possible for the majority of car own ers who have chauffeurs to keep the Keys to the garage in their own cus tody, and hence a certain amount of latitude is permitted to the em ploye. How shamefully that, prlvl lege Is abused In many Instances is the most dally revelation of the police records. Where life has been sacri ficed in these nocturnal expeditions prosecution of the chauffeur has been possible. But whero reckless driving has resulted In nothing more than the destruction of the car the own er has had to pocket his loss and see his erring servant escape scot free. 8LAUQHTER V8. NO SLAUGHTER. Millions of steerage passengers have been landed hero by the company without the loss of a single life, and without a serious accident of any kind, Compare this record with the fright ful loss ot life and the terrible sacrl flee of property on our American rail roads I Talk about the "dangers of the deep I" Water Is safer these days A CRYING NEED. What, la really wonted at the pres ent time la a standard of misconduct We are constantly doing things In doubt, as if wo hadn't' a right to do them. The confusion caused by people do ing things which In their circum stances we had no right to expect Is tho principal cause of our troubles. It ought to be definitely settled, for ex ample, that any millionaire who has, say, over a hundred millions, will thereafter lead an honest life. If he has only fifty millions his life should be semi-honest, and if he has only a paltry ten millions, then It ought to be conceded th-t he can loot a few railroads or so until he gets on his feet. Up to, say, ten thousand a year no man can afford to be dishonest. He ought to get up In the cars and glvo up his seat to women under thirty-five at leaat, and of course he will not take the chance ot robbing any safe. From ten thousand up to one hundred thousand he can engage In little- dis honest flyers by making one of a pool or putting through a land deal or so for variety. When he gets fifty millions or more together, however, every man ought to ask himself plainly the question whether from now on he ought not to be a philanthropist. Doesn't he owe this to his fellow-men? A DREAM OF A bt-TTER CHINA. Sir Robert Hart, after spending for ty years in China In charge of busi ness carried on through the Custom House, probably knows the .country and its people as well as any Euro pean can. He says that China is to have a great future. He says the Chinese are a strangely reasonable people; that they have hated the idea of having soldiers or becoming sol diers, saying, "If right is right. It ought to be recognized by everybody, and we ought not to be required to fight to support it" But in our time foreign nations have forced upon China the neceslty of arming itself, and some day out of the four hundred millions of Chinese a great army may be formed and then Instead of fight ing, China will turn around to face the rest of the world and say, "Gentle men, there muBt be no more fighting." If a country should be attacked, they would defend It, and so, with their vast momentum and great numbers, make for the peace oi the whole arid. This Is the reverse of the "yellow peril" that so terrifies the German kaiser. A SAILING SHIP SANITARIUM. The salllng-shlp sanitarium for con sumptives projected in England and described by the British Medical Jour nal seems an admirable scheme. If a patient is to be sequestrated and kept in a long chair out of doors, why not' aleviate his lot by the Interest of sea life and glimpses of pleasant coasts? The ship projected would be of about 2000 tons, with ample deck space for cots In the open air. The plan would be to cruise in the neighborhood of the Canaries, taking advantage of trade winds and an equable climate, and seeking port In bad weather. The cost to each patient Ie not stated, but there must be a good many Invalids who could afford -j pay handsomely, and with fifty patients It might be pos sible to keep a 2000-ton schooner In commission. EATING UP SHEEP. The world is eating up its sheep. The number on toot is steadily being diminished and the same Is true of cattle and poultry, says the London Meat Trades Journal. From the avail able statistics it Is said that in three years should there bo no increase, at the present rate of consumption every head of cattle, every hog. every sheep and every chicken In the barnyards would be eaten up. It has been no ticeable for several years that the number of food animals raised throughout the world was steadily de creasing. The question is, unless conditions are modified, and that shortly, from where are the meats of the future to come? "LETTER" GRAMS. The French government has defi nitely adopted the scheme of "letter telegrams", which has been under dis cussion in France tor some time. The jiew system provides that letters may be telegraphed between any two points In France at night at a cost ot one-fifth of a cent a word, and that they will be delivered the next morn ing. LUXURY AND POVERTY. A thoughtful clergyman has re marked that "luxury is as great a curse to the human race as is abject poverty." This Is dreadfully true when tho two go together. For where they go together the luxury of some spells poverty for the rest But tho luxury that all might have by earning It, would that be a curse? Colorado has the best laws for the protection of women and children of any state in the Union. Colorado has undoubtedly the best juvenile court In the world, and It Is tho only court holding the parents responsible for the deeds ot their children. And the women vote In Colorado. Grievous wrong Is committed when society surrounds children with such Influences that by the age of. sixteen boys and girls almost thoughtlessly commit crimes such as ought to be Impossible except to deliberate vll Unv of the most hardened tro. WAR ON THE HOUSEFLY. ' Only a few years ago scientists and observers declared that the little housefly was a useful Insect; that he absorbed foul air, made way, with' filth and was an all-round purifier. A meeting was held in New York in which eloquent orators of both sexes defended the buzzer agatnBt certain people who wanted to make war on the fly as a general nuisance. But now sentiment has changed in re gard to the fly. Health officers all over the coun try are uniting in a campaign against the housefly, declared to be one of the most Important agents in the spread of typhoid fever and tuber culosis. If the statements of a com mittee of the New York Merchants' association, which has compiled tes timony on this subject from various parts of the United States, are to be credited, it Is evident that the aver age person has failed to realize what a dangerous foe to humankind the In nocent appearing little fly really Is. To quote the committee's own words the fly is "more dangerous than the tiger or the cobra, and may easily be classed as the most dangerous animal on earth," which certainly is "going some," if one may employ a flippant colloquialism, in treating of so serious a subject. Clearly, the housefly Is a monster, and it makes little difference where wo find it, provided it has the freedom of the town. It Is evident that It is time to get after the housefly in this town. Ow ing to his activity the policy of ex termination is apt to be slow when an attempt is made to wipe out the species one at a time. The only way that any progress can be made Is by stamping out the breeding places of the fly. Let the same tactics be pursued in fighting the fly that have been employed in battling against the New Jersey mosquito. Cover the compost heaps about stables; wipe out the other unclean conditions which enable the fly to exist and multiply in countless numbers; and the question of fly disposal will be half solved. In this zone it is not too early to begin the work for the present year. No Rest For the Druggist. A boy with no respect for pro priety got a druggist out of Med at midnight, a few nights ago. "I want a bottle of magnesia," announced the youngster, "and, say, do you give anything for the empty bottle?" "Yes, 5 cents." growled the drug man, grudgingly serving the article Then he went back to bed. About half an hour later the bell rang again. When the druggist got to the door there stood the lad. "Hero's that bottle, mister," said hfi. "Glv us the .fl'nence." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of H. C. HAND, President. W. B. HOLMES, Vice Pres. We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY of WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OP - - - $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - 355,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 455.000.00 EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost It has conducted a growing and successful business ior over io yenrs, serving an increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction. Its cash funds are protected by JUUDKUM STJSUL vaults. All of these things, coupled with conservative management. Insured by the CAREFUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly given the Bank's affairs by a notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons of that SUPREME SAFETY which Is the prime esseutlal of a good Dank. Total Assets, DEPOSITS MAY -DIRECTORS CHAS. J. SMITH, H. J. CONGER. W. F. SUYDAM. H. C. HAND. A. T. SEARLE, T. li. CLARK Is Your Money Around Idle? 1 Lying Hiii mill mi Right away you will get the desire to enlarge it. Then it furnishes the very best lesson in economy, weans a person from habits of extravagance and is ono of the greatest comforts in the world. It is not' safe in these days of hold-ups and robberies to have money lying around idle in your home or pocket. It is safe in tho bank where it works for you day and night. The modern burglar proof safo and vault of' this bank afford the greatest protection for your money, and its safety deposit boxes for all other valuables. Active or savings accounts received, Three per cent, paid on savings deposits. Its drafts nro the safest and cheapest method of sending money to foreign countries. Call and get a pocket check book. Money loaned on good security to home people to whom preference Is always given. OFFICERS: W. F. RIEFLElt, ice President. DIRECTORS: W. II. KRANTK E. 0. MUMFORD, President. R.O.M TIIOMj FORP . I. IIAHLHY .fAnoii K. P. pb; iV. (DEN W. THE CONJURER CONFESSED, He Is Deliberate In ActlsrvThus Pro duclng Deceptive Effects. That "the hand Is quicker than the eye" is ono of those accepted sayings invented by some one who know noth lag ot conjuring or, as is more likely. by seme cunning conjurer who aimed still further to hoodwink a gullible public. Tho fact Is that tho best con jurer seldom makes a rapid motion, for that attracts attention, even though It be not understood. The true artist In this line 1b deliberate In' every movement, and It is mainly by his actions that he leads his audi ence to look not where they ought, but in an entirely different -direction. Mr. David Devant, who for a number of consecutive years has entertained London with his Ingenious tricks, has said: 'The conjuror must be an ac tor. By the expression of his face, by his gestures, by the tone of his voice, In short, by his acting, he must produce his effects." To the Point At Cripple Creek, Colo., that great mining camp, tho miners signed a pe tition to a railroad corporation to re duce freight on flour, saying they didn't have money enough at the end ot the month to pay their grocery bills. The railroad corporation made an Investigation, and found that the freight on leer to Cripple Creek was ro re than all the freight on flour, and replied: "Boys, drink less beer, and you will have no trouble in paying your grocery bills." TUC PITI7CU HaB made ar" I llC. bl I IlCH rangements for A FIVE MILE FQOT RACE AFTER THE MARATHON PLAN WHICH WILL TAKE PLACE ON Dec,at,o Jy 31 5 Handsome Gold and Silver Medals will be Awarded the Winners ! : ENTRANCE FREEHS To all competitors living In the county, exclusive of professionals : entries to be made at anv time prior to May 20th. ALL CONTESTANTS will be re quired to submit to a physical examin ation by competent physicians, to Insure proper endurance condition for race. FURTHER DETAILS Includlne In structions lor proper training, will ap pear in succeeding Issues of The Citizen. CITIZEN JOB PRINT means STYLE, QUALIT , and PROMPTNESS. Try it. II. S. SALMON, Cabhier W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier this Bank. before any depositor can lose al'iSJNJN Y $2,733ooo.oo BE MADE BY MAIL. St W. B. HOLMES V. P. KIMBLE H. S. SALMON Nobody knows without trying it how easy it is to make money save money when an account is opened in the JOS. A.FISOH, Cashier. K. PK1UIAM