Semi-Weekly Founded; Wayne County Organ 1908 of the Weekly Founded, 1844 REPUBLICAN PARTY 66th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE 'CO., PA., FRIDAY, APRIL30, 1909. NO. 35 peace nuns Convention Approves Terms of Agreement. NO RECOGNITION OF THE UNION Sew Three Years' Pact Betweea Anthracite Operators and Work ers Is Very Much Like the Old One. Scranton, Pa., April 2!). . weeks of consideration and much conferring the flual stage In the work of settling the differences existing between the anthracite mine workers nnd their em ployers was reached here. The trldlstrlct, convention of the union miners unanimously approved the three year agreement reached by their representatives with the opera tors and authorized them to sign it in Philadelphia this afternoon. The agreement Is identical with the one signed three years ago in New York with the following additional conditions, which the operators have conceded the men: "The rate which shall be paid for new work shall not be less than the rates paid under the strike commis sions' nward for old work of a similar kind or character. "The arrangement and decisions of the conciliation board, permitting the collection of dues on the company property and the posting of notices thereon, shall continue during the life of this agreement. "An employee discharged for being a member of a union shall have a right to appeal his case to the conciliation board for filial adjustment. "Any dispute arising at a colliery under the terms of this agreement must first be taken up with the mine foreman and superintendent by oro ployee or committee of employees dl-' rectly Interested before it can be taken up with the conciliation board for final adjustment. "Employers shall Issue pay state ments designating the name of the company, the name of the employee, the colliery where employed, the amount of wages and the class of work performed." The United Mine Workers' union under the agreement is not officially recognized, the miners having waived this demand. The agreement will be signed by the members of the miners' committee of seven without nny olllclal reference to the organization. They will sign it simply "on behalf of the representa tives of the anthracite mine workers," as they did in New York three years ago. The employers' committee of seven will sign It "on behalf of the anthracite operators." Owing to the death of a brother of National President Lewis, Vice Presi dent B. S. McCullough will represent Mr. Lewis In the conference with tho operators and will sign the agreement The conference will take place In the Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, lute this afternoon. BUDGET SHORT $78,810,000. England's Chancellor of Exchequer Reports Bad Year For Revenue. London, April 29. David Lloyd George, tho chancellor of the excheq uer. In his budget estimate presented to parliament today estimates the rev enue In 1909-10 ns $741,030,000 nnd the expenditure $820,700,000, showing a deficit of $78,810,000. It is pointed out that the Increased expenditure Is due mainly to old age pensions and appro priations for the navy. Thu chancellor says that nearly nil branches of trade and industry suf fered serious depression, the foreign trade returns showing diminution In value to tho amount of nearly $570, 000,000 as compared with 1007. The revenue for 1008 fell short of tho budget estimate by $7,510,000. TALKS BY FAMOUS MEN. Founder's Day Celebration of Carnegie Institute Brings Them Together. Pittsburg, April 29. This city enter tained distinguished guests today In the persons of Count von Bernstorff, German ambassador to tho United States; Joaqulm Nabuco, the Brazilian ambassador; Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke, director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York city, and Alfred Bast, tho famous English painter. The occasion was the founder's day cele bration of tho Carnegie institute. At tho exercises the first speaker wai Count von Bernstorff, who spoke on "The Constitution of the German Em plre." Mr. Nabuco's, topic was "Social and Political Relations Between North and South America." Director Clarke talked on, "Art and People," and Mr. Bast delivered the final address on "Art Tendencies of the Carnegie Instl ME. WHITLA TO TESTIFY. Boyle Wants Father of Boy as Wit ness For His Defense. Mercer, Pa., April 20. James F. Boyle, the abductor of Willie Whltla, will be called for trial tomorrow, and Jnmcs P. Whltla, father of Willie, will be the principal witness for Doyle. Attorneys Miller and Stranuhnn, for the defense, will call Mr. Whltla and through a line of questioning hope to produce an impression that will result in a minimum punishment. It Is alleged that Mr. Whltla knew Boyle was connected with the abduc tion nt noon of March 25 nnd that he talked with Boyle on a street corner near the store of Mrs. Hendrlckson, where a few moments before he had left tlie package containing the $10,000 ransom money. Further, it is alleged, Mr. Whltla as sured Boyle that all he wanted was the safe return of the boy nnd that he would not interest himself In any pros ecution. Whltla Is said to have in formed Boyle that he could remain in Cleveland or go where he pleased, but In any event "he would be as tight as a clam" if they boy was returned un hnrmed. Following this conversation Willie was safely restored to his fa ther on the evening of that day. NEW SULTAN RECOGNIZED. United States Prompt to Accept Mo- hammed as Ruler. Washington, April 29. Mohammed V., the new sultan of Turkey, was of ficially recognized as the reigning rulet of that empire by the Washington gov ernment. This action followed the communica tion of the fact of the accession to the throne of the new sultan to the stnte department by H. Krazim Bey, the Turkish ambassador, and similar in formation from American Ambassadoi Lclshman at Constantinople. A dis patch according recognition signed by President Taft was forwarded to Con stantinople for presentation by the ambassador there. BEACH H AEGIS GUILTY. dots to Prison For Life For Murder of Hie Father. Irvine, Ky., April 29. On. his sec ond trial for the murder of his father Beach Hnrgls was found guilty, nnd the jury fixed his punishment nt im prisonment for life. Young Hargis showed no, emotion when the verdict was rendered. Nei ther did his mother and sister, by whom he sat. The murder of Judge Hurgls by his son occurred in the judge's store at Jackson, Breathitt county, Feb. 0, 1908. Beacli went to the Hargis store, where his father asked him what he had been doing. It is not known what Beacli answered, but the two clinched. In the struggle Beach shot his father four times. The bullets were fired through Beach's coat, he not having had time, It Is said, to draw the weapon. The pistol belonged to the murdered father, having been tnken from tho store by young Hnrgls. Tho boy's mother made every effort to get his freedom. YALE ATHLETE FOR JUDGE. I President Nominates George W. Wood I ruff For Hawaii Court. 1 Philadelphia, April 29 Geo.-ge W I Woodruff, who was nominated by President Taft to be United States dis trict judge for Hawaii, was during his college enreer a famous Yale athlete, lie was a momber of four Yale var sity football nnd track teams and was a member of four Yale crews. He captnlned the Yale crew In 1889. After being graduated from Ynle he entpred tho law department of the University of Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated and became coach of the university football team. Ho doveloped many plays, ond it was largely through his work that Penn sylvania came to the front in football. PLANNED TO KILL FALLIERES. Anarchist Arrested at Monaco, Where French President Is Visiting. Monte Carlo, April 29. A man named Verdler, who wns arrested here by the French police, admitted that he was nn anarchist and that he had come to Monaco for the purpose of killing President Fnllleres of -France, who is visiting here. A revolver loaded with jacketed bul lets was found on Verdler, as well as a letter addressed to the prefect of the department of Alpes Marltlmes, In which the man explained the mo tive for bis contemplated act. President Fallleres arrived here in an automobile from Nice and was en tertained at luncheon by the Prince of Monaco. Franca Honors Jack Blrins. Paris, April 20. The French govern ment has awarded a first class life saver's medal to John It. Blnns for courage displayed when the White Star line steamer Republic was cut down by the Bteamshlp Florida off Nantucket last January, Blnns was the) Marconi operator on the Republic. CEN. HAf STORY Captain's Father Takes the Stand In Son's Defense. TELLS OF HIS STRANGE ACTIONS Signed Confession of Wife to Be Put In Evidence as Having Caused Army Officer to Go In sane From Grief. Flushing. N. Y., April 29. General Peter C. Hnlns, the defendant's father, was the first witness called today, as the defense for Captain Peter C. Hnlns, Jr., continued its attempt to establish the Insanity of the young army officer who shot and killed Wil liam E. Annls at the Bayslde Yacht club last August. General Halns told of many Irra tional acts by his sou after the latter had received a confession from his wife and prior to the killing of Annls.' General Halns told how as a child his am Peter would wake in the night trembling and screaming with terror. He was different from other children and stammered In his speech and had to bo tenderly watched and guarded during his childhood. He also told how Captain Hnlns fell down a hatchway when twelve years old nnd was rendered unconscious from n blow on his head, from which he did not recover for n long time. In his opening speech for the de fense Mr, Young traced alleged eccen- GENERAL PETER C. HA1NS. trie nctlons of the captain during his army career down to the time he met Annls in 1900 nnd the two families became intlmnte. He spoke of Captain Halns' trip to tho Philippines, where ho heard of his wife's alleged miscon duct and hastened home. "Those who brought him across the continent from San Francisco will tell you of his mad actions," said Mr. Young. "He never slept at nil during the trip and paced the sleeping car, annoying the other passengers night after night." Mr. Young described the family con ferences after the captain arrived from the Pacific coast and tho effect upon the captain of the news of his wife's conduct as told him by his fa ther and brother, who said Claudia had confessed to them that she loved Billy Annls. "He raved, alternately laughing and crying, during this time," said Mr. Young, "and went about singing 'How Happy It Is to Be Married.' The thread had broken, and his mind gave way." Mr. Young said he would put In evi dence the signed confession of Clau dia Halns, the captain's wife, of her relations with Annls nnd a letter writ ten to Annls by her after the captain's return telling Annls that her husband knew everything and warning Anuls not to come to the house. "Captain Halns was told that Annls kept his collars and cuffs in Mrs. Hnlns' dresser while the captain was away and wns called 'Papa' by the captain's own children," said Mr. Young. Mr. Young said tho defense' would show that all these things had caused the defendant to go Into outbreaks of maniacal frenzy at various times, al ways followed by periods of deep, se vere depression. "We will show by officers of the United States army that the defend ant's conduct during several months was decldely erratic and irrational," said Mr. Young. "This man was made insane by grief, shame and mental shock," be added. The lawyer told how the captain used to recite by the hour at his broth er's home Kipling's "Vampire," which begins, "A fool there was." All during Mr. Young's address Cap tain Halns sat immovable, except now and then to bow his head on the coun- General Halns will be followed b.y Major Halns, the captain's brother, and then by some thirty witnesses, mil of whom will testify concerning Cfnp tnln Halns' Irrational acts following the revelation of his wife's alleged in fidelity nnd her associations with An nls, as contended by the prisoner's lawyers. TAFT TO WAR VETERANS. President Dispels Fear That His Atti tude Was Unfriendly. Washington, April 20. Any possible doubt as to President Taft's attltudo toward the veterans of the Spanish American war was removed when In a letter written to Commander Rnusch of the department of the District of Columbia, United Spanish War Veter ans, he expressed the utmost good will and hlgliest appreciation of the work performed by that body of men in the lute conflict with Spain. Commander itnusch had requested from the president an expression of good will for the soldiers of 1893 which could be conveyed to the mem bership throughout the country. Many of the veterans, declared the com mander in his communication to Mr. Taft, especially prior to the last elec tion, expressed doubts ns to the atti tude the president would assume to ward the veterans of the Spanish war and thnt some expression would be appreciated not only by those who were skeptical as to his attitude, but also by those who supported him. "I cannot Imagine," declares the pres ident In response, "the bnsls for the suspicion that my attitude toward the veterans of the Spanish war haB been other than of the utmost good will and the highest appreciation of the work which has been done by them In a war the Importance of which we have hardly yet begun to measure. "The exposure to which those who went' to Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines were subjected, the trials of the campaign In the tropics, the self restraint nnd power of initiative required In the Individual soldier, all entitle tho veterans of the Spanish war, including those in the Philip pines, to the lasting gratitude of dhe country. "-With my knowledge ,or tnetuoBi- tics that tho armies In Cuba, Porto Itlco and the Philippines had to con tend with I nm the last man to mini mize the debt owing to them for the work which was done." ' WEALTHY YOUTH ACQUITTED. Jury Finds Herbert R. Clark Not Guilty of Burglary. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., April 29.-116 bert It. Clark, a wealthy young resl- , i dent of Ithlnebcck. was ncuuittod bv supreme court jury here of burglary. There are five other . Indictments against Clark charging arson. One of them charges Clark with setting fire to the handsome mansion of Robert Huntington nt Rhinebeck, which was destroyed, the loss being $50,000. Tho burglary Indictment chnrged Clark with breaking Into a garage and stealing tools. According to the evi dence of the witnesses for the prose cution, Clark and his alleged accom plices had been reading dime novels of the "Deadwood Dick" caliber pre vious to the robbery. District Attor ney Mack says he will have Clark tried on the arson charge. Clark is twenty-nine years old and Is the son of A. L. Clark, a member of the firm of Clark & Allen, proprietors of a grain elevator' In Now York city. Both father and son have hansomo residences nt Rhinebeck. FOR SUMMER WHITE HOUSE. President Accepts Rooms of Chamber of Commerce at Beverly, Mass. .Washington, April 29. President Tnft hns accepted the offer of the chamber of commerce rooms at Bever ly, Mnss., for use as executive offices during his stay at tho summer "White House" on Salem cove. A member of the White nouse staff Is now at Beverly arranging for the Installation of government telegraph and telephone wires. The chamber of commerce Is con veniently situated both to the Beverly railway stations and to the president's cottage. The date of Mr. Taft's de parture from Washington still Is prob lematical, depending entirely upon the time congress finishes with the new tariff bill. American Princess to Get Divorce Paris, April 29. The suit for divorce brought by Princess Robert do Broglle against her husband on grounds of de sertion came up in court here, and counsel for the prlnco made no de fense. Judgment will be rendered for the princess, who was Estelle Alexan der of San Francisco. Death In Kansas Tornado. Wichita, Kan., April 20. On person was killed and ten were injured by a tornado which wrecked a large por tion of Douglas, Kan. The storm spread over a wldo area, doing: much damage to property. Weather Probabilities. Cloudyfollowed by rain; cast winds. TAFT TOJULTAN. President Congratulates the New Ruler of Turkey. ASSURES HIM OF FRIENDSHIP. Says People of United States Ear nestly Wish For Happiness of His Majesty and the Turkish Nation. Constantinople, April 20. The new sultan Mohammed V. received today, through Ambassador J.elshman, a per sonal message from the president oi the United States which read as fol lows: "I offer to your imperial majesty my congratulations on your accession to the throne with such universal ac claim, voiced by the people's repre sentatives, and at a time so propltous to-sthe highest aspirations of the great nation over which you rule ns the au gust head of a constitutional govern ment. "I assure you of the friendship 'ot the government and of the people of the United States, who earnestly wish for your majesty's happiness and for that of the people within your do minions, and I add my own wishes foi your majesty's health and welfare." The former ruler of the empire, Ab dul Hamld II., Is a prisoner In a largo house with walled grounds on a height overlooking Salorilkl which has lately been occupied by the' Italian com mander of the international gendarme rie. He Is not to be put on triiikinsj has been widely reported In Con7ta&'t& tlnople, for he is. considered to be above the law. - . tiTTib!dlataferer,f:.' generous scale, and his life will be safeguarded, as he earnestly besought when notified of his dethronement. Abdul Hamld, with four wives, five daughters and two of bis younger sons, two eunuchs nnd a comparative ly largo number of female servants, was tnken from the Ylldtz pnlace un der nn escort to Salonlki. The party proceeded by steam launches to the lauding near the railway and were placed on a special train. The constitutionalists would like to I Bet back part of the great sums of money that the former sultan is sup posed to have abroad not only because tho government is in need of the money, but because It is desirable that he should be deprived of the resources for another coup d'etat. Speculation places' Abdul Hnmld's wealth at any thing between $25,000,000 and $200, 000,000. Although this was a holiday, court arums wore neia, nna several or tne principals In tho mutiny of tho troops were condemned to death. Later they were taken outside the walls of the city nnd shot. Prince Sabah Eddlne, , -!' oi iue mumu, who wu the nephew of the sultan, who was orresiou on suspicion or ueing impii- , cnted n tlle llnK. ',R b"en liberated, alld llIs release has caused a good 1m- presslon. Carassa Effendl, a member of the deputation "from the national assembly which conveyed the decree of dcposl- j tlon to the Ylldlz palace, tells a graph ic story df the dramatic scone which closed six centuries' dominion of the boundless power of .the padlshas. i When tho deputation nrrlved at tho palace the scene wns one of utter des olatlon. The Investing army had cut off. the water, gns and electric sup plies nnd hart stopped the ingress of food, so thnt all the palace officials were already suffering from hunger and panic. While waiting to be Introduced to the sultan the members of the deputa tion carefully oxnmlned their holsters and pistols and, according to Carassa, bad Abdul Hamld shown an armed hand ho would have been shot on tho spot. After much delay tho unwelcome visitors, surrounded by twenty black eunuchs, were ushered into the sul tan's apartment, where stood tbe sul tan's" son, Prince Abdur Rahlm. Pres. ently tho sultan entered In a bewil dered manner. Ho was dressed some what negligently, as though his clothes had been hastily donned, In civilian attire. His armB bung at his sides, and bis hands trembled. After a silent salute Essad Pasha pronounced In Blow tones the decree of deposition, at which the sultan shuddered. Tbero was a painful si lence, followed by an equally painful colloquy lasting a quarter of an hour. Abdol Hamld appealed for his life and for tho lives of bis family. He pro tested his devotion to the people and hie Innocence- In recent events. Tbe youthful prince burst into tears and after vain efforts to restrain his feelings retired behind a screen, where he broke tato bitter sobs. For a o ment tears trenablftc In tbe sultaVa eyes. Then he supplicated the sol diers In attendance to swear that they would not take his life. The deputa tion brought the Interview to n close, and Abdul Hnmld humbly salute' them as they departed. Envcr Bey, the Young Turk lender, in an Interview declares that the con viction is forced upon him thnt Abdul Hamld was responsible for the recent mutiny. The garrison at Erzerura. Turkish Armenia, which showed signs of dis affection a few days ago, has changed I its attitude on learning of the deposi tion of Abdul Hamld and the appoint ment of the new sultan and Is now tranquil. The streets of the capital are filled with Macedonian volunteers. They ore being feted by the citizens at the coffee houses and restaurants, which are nil full to overflowing. A brisk business Is being done In the sale of pictures of the sultan and min iature flags Inscribed with "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality and Justice. Hodjas and softas, who have not been seen In recent days, are now reap pearing In the public places, nnd con ditions arc assuming a normal aspect. Mahmoud Schefket Pasha, command ing the forces, in an Interview Intimat ed his intention to purify the capital of all subversive elements nnd to es tablish n salutary example to the army. He said that he would have no half measures, but would thoroughly clear up the situation. For this pur pose the state of siege would be pro longed for probably a month, nlthougb It would be relaxed somewhat In the European quarter very soon. Referring to the deportation of Abdul Hamld, General Schefket expressed: the' opinion that this measure was ab solutely necessary In the interest o future peace1 in ,the empire. Alluding- to the report that the jAlbonlans might attempt to rescue the . the general said he was' i the Albanians would eelp fob,, -wosxir mm ment of. the NanobflDI vTSwittwoB. of which Mrs. Willuflm H, Taf t is hon- orary chairman, men in the WHlara hotel tndnv. The first session ,6f the committee wns devoted to business and was di rected by the chairman, Mrs. Horace Brock of Philadelphia. The second ses sion consisted of a discussion of wel fare work for women tollers and was addressed by Attorney General Wick- 1 crsham. Women from several sections of the United States who are -tnterest- ed in the federation's work nttended the meeting. AGAINST FREE PAPER. Senate Finance Committee Puts Duty on It and Wood Pulp. Washington, April 29. The senate finance committee in Its consideration tt fYia ni-!fP lina nrnpt Ipnllv Ao- cIde(1 t0 lacc a dut of per ton on , rlnH nnrt ,,f 1 as m.r tnn printing paper nnd of $1.38 per ton on wood pulp, which Is a slight reduction from the Dlngley rates In both cases. A canvass of tho senate has, how ever, almost convinced the committee , that ,f wm be difficult, if not im- p0B8lb,e to get nny m,ty through, nnd ftg a consequence the committee is in. ft quimdary as t0 now to proceed fur- thcr. GOLFING AT ATLANTIC CITY. Spring Event on Links Near the Ocean Attracts Enthusiasts. Atlantic City, N. .1., April 29.-Golf-ers from Philadelphia, New York and other 'cities began play today In tbe spring event on tho local links. Play will continue three days. The popularity of the links nenr the ocean always attracts a large number of golfing enthusiasts to Atlantic City, nnd there Is much good natured rival ry between tho Gotham atid Quaker City players. Other parts of the coun try aro also represented in the tourna- manh CHICAGO TO RUN NIAGARA DRY Will Be at Entrance of Great RIvar Flowing From Lake Michigan. Chicago, April 29. Within 3,000 years tho Niagara river will be a dry bed and Chicago will be at the entrance of a great river flowing from Lake Mich igan to the gulf of Mexico, says Pro fessor J. T. Goode. Ha bases his inference on changes of ground at Niagara falls and the erosion of tbe new drainage canal. Senate Chaplain III In Boston Boston, April 20. Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Hale, chaplain of tbe United States senate, was attacked by severe illness while on bis way from Wash ington to this city, Sometimes even the "shrewd politi cian" use a sledge hammer to drive a carpet tack. i former suitsa, ffiffifcVfl convinced ttt, , &Stgm rematatototfw VjDKS