The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 23, 1909, Image 7

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    I The Reward I
I of' s
I Slug Eighteen I
Down In Baltimore tho biggest
atoiy to feature that Is, not count
ing tho big Ore or a meeting of the
Legislature Is the annual shaking
up In the Methodist Episcopal
Church. The followers of John Wes
ley have the biggest hold on religion
In tho Monumental City, and that
fact is,glways kept before the edi
torial rooms by the circulation de
partment. Every year there is a
meeting of theconferenco, and at
the end of it fne presiding bishop
gets to work and moves all the
preachers around, and this is real
excitement for all their congrega
tions. This assignment on the part
of the olshop makes a much-wanted
story, and thero is always a fight
for it between the afternoon and the
morning newspaper men.
Borne years ago the conference
was meeting In Hagerstown, up on
the edge of the Blue Ridge. The
four representatives of the morning
papers who had been'sent up from
Baltimore had put up a combination
on the one reporter that had the
afternoon paper. There was going
to be a big shake-up that year and
the papers were hungry for the facts.
The bishop was sought out by the
n-ornlng men and he gave his sol
emn promise that his list wouldn't
be made public until 4 in the after
noon. The evening paper man had a
eheet going to press at 3 and he was
The day of the story arrived. The
afternoon man was coming up the
main street when he saw tho bishop's
secretary coming out of a Job print
ing office. He knew that meant that
the list he wanted was being put into
type in that rural prlntery. Then
ho thought a while. He knew that
12 o'clock the force would knock
off for dinner. He had learned to
set type down in a Virginia town and
he knew that part of it was easy.
The courthouse clock struck 12.
A lot of printers came out and
went away for the meal. The re
porter went around to the side door
nnd, sneaking quietly into the office,
hung his coat on the wall, rolled up
his sleeves and daubed come ink on
his arms. Then he looked for the
"bank." Here -he found three gal
leys of that precious list. He was
looking it over when he heard a
noise. The only thing to do was to
keep busy, so ho began sticking
leads In between the lines of typo.
Presently he looked up and by his
side was a dirty-faced, coatless boy.
It was not necessary to ask who he
was, for he looked the Ideal picture
of a printer's devil. The boy scdwled
at the reporter. The latter sized up
the. situation at a glance. It would
only take the boy a moment to go
across the street to the saloon where
thero was a nbonday lunch for the
printers and give the alarm. The
boy said nothing, but somehow or
other tho reporter felt that the kid
knew what he was up to.
"Hello, kid!" said the reporter,
still working on tho type.
"What do you want here?" asked
the boy, with the sternness of a
grown man.
The reporter hesitated a moment
to get a good answer, and then re
marked: "Oh, I'm the bishop's secretary. 1
used to be a printer, so I thought
I'd correct this myself."
The boy simply looked at him.
Then a bright Idea hit the reporter,
and with came serious thought.
This list would make three columns
solid, and it would be wise to get
thr wire open and hold It. But be
hadn't a line of copy written. From
the floor he picked up an old paper
and tearing out some reprint stuck
a half column of it on a sheet of pa
per, and headed it with tho name of
the paper he was working for.
"Take this to the telegraph ofilce
and tell them to send It!"
Ho handed the copy to the boy,
and with It a bright live-dollar bill.
The boy was all right, for he opened
not his mouth and made for the
door. When the wire began sending
in a story about the best way to take
care of chickens In winter the news
paper editor Immediately Jumped to
the conclusion that the man on the
conference story was either drunk
or gone mad. But this opinion lat
er changed to a little raise In sal
ary. With the printing ofilce empty
the Job was easy. The reporter tore
up a sheet of paper into proof slips,
w,et them, and laying them over the
type beat off with the proof planer
three nice proofs of the bishop's list.
Then, rolling them quickly, he
made for his coat and rushed for
the telegraph office. The operator
was still sending tho stuff he had
eont over and the wire was his. He
broke In At once, and the man at
the key began on the three-column
Then the reporter went out and
took a long drink of liquor on which
no revenue tax bad ever been paid
and with which the scheming of tue
adulterator had never dallied. Then
In meek simplicity he went ovor to
the church where the other report-
era were waiting for tho list to be
given out. It was to be roady at 4,
and the morning paper men gave blm
tho laugh. That night, when the
afternoon papers came up on the
I (act mall the morning men were sore
on the outside, but they thought he
was all right.
Flve years later the roporter who
stole the list was holding down a
city desk once a week. It was the
last night In the old office. The pa-pe-
had made money and was mov
ing to a new building. There was
sadness up In the composing room;
the old printers were at the case for
ths last time, for the new plant was
equlped with linotypes. As they
filed down the steps a bedraggled
half-drunken chap stepped from the
line and came Into the editorial
rooms. He scanned every man at a
desk and then caught a view of the
city editor's chair. He looked the
man over and then approached him.
"Say, you don't remember me, do
"I can't say that I do," replied the
man at the desk.
"Well, I'm Slug 18. I've set many
galleys full of your copy."
The man looked up, saw that he
had been drinking, and said:
"Well. I von't hold that against
The printer looked at him a mo
ment, and remarked:
"And you don't know me?"
"No, 1 don't," said the other."
"Well, I was the kid you got out
of the way when you pinched tho
bishop's proofs."
The newspaper man goc up and
put on his coat, and he and Slug 18
went out for a talk and a few drinks.
Then they parted, but not before the
reporter had shown his gratitude. It
wasn't much, but paid for a couple
of meals for Slug 18. The Unionist.
A Chameleon Caterpillar.
A Melbourne correspondent states
that an extraordinary amount of de
vastation is being accomplished In the
wheat area between Horsham in Vic
toria and the borders of south Aus
tralia by a grub of the caterpillar
species about an Inch and a half long.
The grub, which attacks the wheat at
the top of the plant and works Its way
right aown to where the stem emerges
from the ground, has the faculty of
changing its color from green or yel
low to the hue of the earth, and on
the approach of a human being the
grubs, warned apparently by the vi
bration of the earth, at ouco fall from
the plant which they may be attack
ing and burrow in tho earth. The
pest only'apears to be able to live In
the loose ground, nnd so far has only
attacked tho late sown crops, which
are moro tender than the early ones.
Hamlet Grimes.
Thomas W. Lawson, at a dinner in
Boston, talked about success.
"Success in finance." he said, "is
due In great measure to prompt ac
tion. The doubting, hesitating, Ham
let type of man had best keep out of
finance. He is sure to be swamped.
The street has no use for him. Such
a man always nakes me think of my
boyhood friend. Grimes. Grimes was
a falterer, a doubter, a Hamlet of the
worst type. One night I dropped in
on him and found him bent in a
brown study over a white vest.
"'Hello, Grimes.' said I. 'What's
tho matter?"
"'This vest,' said he. "It's too dir
ty to wear, and not dirty enough to
send to the wash. I don't know what
to do about it' "
A Profitable Field.
A little known field of profitable em
ployment Is called to the attention ot
young men by the Journal of Account
ancy, which states that one thousand
efficient young men are wanted Imme
diately to perform the well-paid duties
of analyzing the business systems of
cities. Not only municipalities but
private firms and corporations are
having Increased use for the services
of what In England are known as
"chartered accountants," and In some
States of the Union as "certified ac
countants" men who have passed a
state or national examination, and
have received a license or diploma as
expert accountants. The wages are
excellent. Youth's Companion.
The Puzzled Pianist.
Oscar Hammerstein has all appli
cants for his opera companies exam
ined by a throa specialist. Not till
he is assured c an applicant's good
throat machinery does he devote any
time in hearing him or her sing.
"It is a good idea, Is It not?" said
Mr. Hammerstein, the other day. "In
the past I lost many a valuable half
hour listening to worthless singing
singing so bad, In fact well, one
afternoon my pianist turned to a
tenor aspirant and shouted angrily:
" 'I've tried you with the black keys,
I've tried you with the white keys,
and I've tried you with the black and
white mixed, i think you must be
singing between the ticks.'"
OddJ-Fellowshlp cannot be traced to
an earler period than the first halt
of the eighteenth century. The oldest
lodge ot which wo know anything Is
the "Loyal Arlstarchus," 1745, which
met at various places In England, as
the "Noble Master" directed. These
lodges were multiplied, and took the
name of "Patriotic Order," and finally
that of the "Union Order ot Odd-Fel
lows." From this organization there
was ,in 1813, the seceslon which took
the name of "Independent Order ot
Odd-Fellows," or "Manchester unity,
It was from this order that American
Odd-Fellowship sprang.
Partners In Debts.
"My tooth is Just killing mo," she
"Why don't you go to tho dentist
about It?" asked be.
"Because," said she, "I owe htm
' money."
"You and 1 seem to be In hard
luck," said he. "Now, look at me.
Every time I go out In my automobile
it breaks down right in front of some
storo where I owe a lot ot money.,"
how sets squelched him.
Bloodless Duel Betweocn the Sten
ographer and the Superltendent.
"I don't see how you make your
fingers go so fast," said the young
mall-order superintendent to the
young woman stenographer as she
stopped to make an erasure.
"It's quite easy to make your fin
gers go,' said tho stenographer,
quite pointedly.
"You make mistakes, though, I
"I'm but human. If I never made
a mistake I might qualify for your
"But you're doing good work, on
the whole," said the mall-order sup
erintendent, patronizingly.
"You'll get me all puffed up If you
talk like that. Kind words can
never die, can they? Scatter a few
of, them over the office boy. He'd
appreciate 'em."
"I didn't mean to offend you,"
said the young man.
"You couldn't," she retorted calm-,
lly, and resumed her letter. The
mail-order superintendent lingered
until she had completed It.
"I hear a Joke tho other day about
a stenographer who married her
boss," he said. "Before they were
married he dictated to her and after
The stenographer rapped briskly
on the bell of her machine with her
"You've heard It, havo you?"
"Not for some years. Isn't much
business In your department this
morning, is there?"
"Do you want me to go?"
"It doesn't make much difference
to me," said the stenographer. "If
you didn't talk or get In my light
I wouldn't know that you were here."
"Well, If you don't want me to go
I guess I'll stay. I like to watch
"No extra charge," said the sten
ographer. "I'm on exhibition from
9 till 5."
"Where do you go to lunch?"
"Sometimes to one place, but I
often go somewhere else for a
change. Where do you get shaved?"
"I shave myself."
"Do you ever talk to yourself? If
you don't you might go away some
whero and try It sometime. I don't
think you'd learn anything, but I'm
sure you'd appreciate your conver
sation more than some other people
"You're pretty sassy, aren't you?"
"I'm Just as cute as I can be, but
I'm not sassy. Were you going to
ask me to take lunch with you?"
"I was thinking of it."
"You've got another think com
ing. You'd better brace yourself foi
the strain. You're now to It."
"Would you order blue points?"
"Anything I wanted to order?"
"And any place I wanted to go?'
The mail-order superintendent
hc3ltated. "Where do you want to
go?" he asked.
"I'll see where my aunt wants to
go," said the stenographer. "She's
more particular than I am. You
wouldn't mind If I Invited some one
else, would you?"
"What do we want some one else
"To talk to me while you talk to
auntie," replied the stenographer.
"Besides, ho wouldn't like It if 1
went without him."
"I guess we'll call it off," said the
mail-order superintendent as he
moved away.
"Why doesn't he sing any more,
lost his voice?"
"No, his nerve."
"You made a mistake in your pa
per," said an Indignant man, enter
ing the editorial sanctum of a dally
Journal. I was one of the competl
tors at an athletic entertainment
last night, and you referred to me
as the weir "known lightweight cham
"Well, are you not?" inquired the
sporting editor.
"No, I'm nothing of the kind!"
was tho angry response; "and it con
foundodly awkward, because I'm a
coal dealer."
Wounding Deftly,
Bobble That Mrs. Castleton said
something nice about you.
Mrs. Von Blumer (purring)
What was It, Bobble T
"She said you didn't show your
Couldn't Hold It.
"Freddy, you shouldn't laugh out
loud In the school room," exclaimed
the teacher.
"I didn't mean to do It," spoil
fixed Freddy. "I was smiling when
all of a sudden the smile busted."
Bee lizznm.
Bow to Construct Such a Conveni
ence Entirely of Wood.
Tho drawings shown herewith
make the construction of my wax
press plain writes a correspondent
of Gleanings in Bee Culture. To be
gin rendering wax, first put tho
cleated rack Into the bottom of the
press. Take a burlap sack that Is
big enough to hold 100 pounds of
bran and rip the seam In one side
and the bottom. Spread this burlap
sheet over the press; push it down
in and see tnat it fits well Into the
corners, letting the edges hang out
ovor the top. Now take a whole
sack and put It into the press with
a hoop in the top to hold It open.
Now dip Into your tub, full of boiling
comb; take the hoop out of the sack;
push It down with a stick to make
fit on the bottom and in the corners.
Fold up the mouth of the sack and
the sheet over It. Put the follower
on, with the blocks on top. Swing
the cross-bar over and push the
screw up through the hole In It. Put
on the handle and turn both han
dles down, one at a time.
After the wax is pressed out, take
off one handle; let the screw slip
down even with the top of the press
and unfold the first burlap so It
bangs over edges. Now get hold of
the top of the sack and pull It up
some so It can cool a little. Then
empty out the slumgum, put the
sack back, and fill it again as be
fore. To boil the comb, use a four-hole
stove with all the lids off. Put on a
big tub containing two buckets of
water, and add the comb as It boils,
until the tub is nearly full. The
water and free wax flow out of the
press immediately, leaving only the
slumgum to press.
Co-Opcrative Honey Production.
From recent reports received at
the Department of Commerce and
Labor It appears that the honey In
terests of England have found It
worth while to employ experts to
supervise that Industry. Corn-wall,
the best honey-producing county In
that country, was the first to engage
the service of an expert In bee keep
ing, with vast' commercial benefit to
the Duchy. When, three years ago
"foul brood" an Infectious disease
among bees, attacked the. apiaries ot
Cornwall and worked great destruc
tion, the supervisor determined that
It would be nsjessary to destroy hun
dreds of hives where the disease was
prevalent. This forcible extinction
of the hives saved the Industry In the
county. There now remains but a
few traces of the disease.
In order that attention may be
drawn to the success that may at
tend bee keeping the authorities
have instructed their expert inspec
tor to visit all bee keepers In the
county, examine the hives kept by
them, and to give advice as to their
condition and management. It Is
also the duty ot the Inspector to
work up markets tor the product In
all parts of the country.
Selecting Seed Cora.
Select the seed corn In the fall
rather than In the spring, as not only
can better corn be selected then and
with reference to the stalk on which
it yras grown, hut also It will be pos
sible to give It better care and so
preserve its germinating qualities.
I eg, $j f isr1
MARCH 1, 1909.
Georoe W. Pekwarpex, Treasurer. In ac
count wun me uorougn oi nonesaaie,
From O. M. Gcnune Treasurer, $1,109 61
From Conntv Trowa. Heense'feflH. Iflflfl. 2.040 00
T.J. Hani, Uurgess, fines and license
lees, izo uu
State Treasurer, from foreign Fire In
surance Companies. , 294 36
From A. T. Volet, to apply on tax,
1!X)7. 192 13
From A. T. Volgt, Collector, to apply
on taxes, 1908, 8,303 GO
From Dr. Schermerborn, 3 00
From doe tax. 123 70
From Dime Hank, demand note. 100 00
From WayneCounty Savings
Hank, demand note, 3,200 00
From West Street Sewer Company, 200 00
From subscriptions, residents ol Tex
as, toward dam', 45 09
David Fisher, refund, 2 76
Honesdale Electric Light, Heat and
' Power Co., for lumber, If. 75
Leonard uuekenberger, (or lumber, 4 38
$15,761 49
By disbursements as follows:
To Honesdale Con. L. 11. & P. Co. $ 2672 67
To Kraft & Coneer, coal and cartaee, 20!) 10
Police Service, two 00
Street Work, lflHl 46
Kirenicn's Salary, extra watchlne etc., 2KS 02
J. M. Lyons, note, 1.000 uu
T. V- J. l'limerty on note, 500 00
Paid interest on notes and bonds. 677 67
U. 11. Whitney, team for Flro D'pH. 100 00
O. M.Spcttlsue. 20 11
Hulldlng Dam ut foot of Church St.. HOT 1W
Dr. schermerhorn. Salary as Secretary
of Hoard ot Health. GO 00
Dr. Scheriiierhoni, placardlnc and
fumigating. 41 75
Richard 11. llrown, 2 15
Itcna S. Edgctt, notary fees, 2 00
11. Hermann, repairing truck, U 65
H. K. Young, Treasurer, State tax, 49 GO
Kreltner llros.. wood for Fire D'p't. 3 50
Honesdale Uaragc, repairs, 3 00
(iraliam Watts, supplies, 5 30
U.J. .Mueller. Fire Department, Fire
man's Relief Fund, 291 36
Kreltner ltros., lumber, 65 SI
Durland. Thompson Co., gong service, 10 Go
Frank .Mc.Mullen, gong service, 8 00
P. .Murtlia, gong f-ervlce, 6 00
Clark t Bullock, dynamite, etc., 21 61
Citizen Pub. Co., printing, 60
Herald Press Association, printing, 23 60
11. F. Haines, new order book. 9 60
li. F. llolbcrt, damage to horse, 75 00
P. II. Igo, carting, 60
Philip M lller, stone. 23 45
WayneCo.SavingsUank.notcandln.. 3,214 11
Henry Freund, supplies Fire D'p't, 4 26
C. C. Jadwln, supplies, 3 60
Honesdale Consolidated Water Co.. 103 00
Premium on Treasurer's Bond. jo 00
T. J. Ham, Uurgess, salary from Dec. 1,
1907. to March 1. 1908, G2 50
T. Moran, tramp, care and clothing, 39 75
F. K, Alberty, work on Ice, 11 00
F. E. Alberty. cleaning lire plugs, 10 00
Murray te Co., supplies for street work, 12 79
Menncr fc Co.. sundries, 4 70
L. S. Collins, survevlnp. 12 4U
O. A. R. Post, donation for Memorial Day, 15 00
J. J. Canlvan, sundries, 22 00
George P. Ross, making duplicate, 5 00
Erk Hrothcrs, supplies, 27 SI
Katz Hrothers, sundries, 60
C. A. Cortrlght.srtrlnklin? bridge. '07-'OS. 10 00
N. B. Spencer, special police, 10 00
T. if. Fuller, auditor, 4 00
F. J. Varcoe, auditor. 4 00
Frank Schuerholz, auditor, 4 00
Geo. C. Hale, lire hydrants, 17 00
R. M. McClurc, closet, 12 00
John H. Igo, repairs on Town Hall, 35 00
uanu f isner, om iron, iu 'ju
G. W. Pcnwardcn, salary, treasurer, GO 00
F. P, Kimble, salary, secretary, GO 00
H, Wilson, attorney for one year. 25 00
Honesdale Dime Rank, note and Int., 100 60
Harry Deck, work on City Hall, 26 00
$13,747 06
T. it J. Flnnertv. dated Feb. 10. 1S88 at
5 per cent., $2,000 00
jumi ai. i.yous, uuieu Aug. iz, ink, at
6 per cent.. 1,000 00
John Page Estate, at V4 per cent., 1.B00 00
$1.800 00
Nathan Houck Est.,
John L. Miller,
John Watts,
Win, Watts.
John M. Lyons,
John M. Lyons,
John M. Lyons,
Mrs. Chap, lllockbcrgcr.
Louis Dein Est.,
I Amis Dein Est..
Louis Dein Estate
J. D.Houek,
John L. Miller.
$ 250 00
1.600 00
600 00
6110 00
500 00
600 00
600 00
500 00
500 00
600 00
GOO 000
1.000 00
1,000 00 $8,230 00
$13,030 00
Interest paid to Sept. 7, 1908.
Balance due from Collector March
1. 1908, $1,009 7T
ram u, v . ren warden, tus
Scrip redeemed, 27 30
5 per cent, allowed on amt
paid before Sep. 28. '07, 417 90
2 per cent. Collector's fee on
same, 158 S3
5 per cent, collector's fee on
balance. 42 98
Exonerations, 27 23 86 78
Balance duo March 1, 1909,
$ 112 98
Amount of duplicate. $ 9,437 26
ram u. w. renwaraen, uuu uu
2,000 00
4.400 00
" " " ISM 26
4?2 41
Borough scrip redeemed, B6 78
Less G per cent, allowed on
nmt. paid before Sep.
25, 1908, 400 00
2 per cent, fees on same, 156 00
5iereont. collection feeson
balance, 24 87 8,976 35
Balance due, subject to ex
onerations etc., Mch. 1
I herebv certify that tho above and fore'
coin 2 is a correct and true account of thero
eclpts and expenditures for the Borough of
nonesaaie, lor tne year enuing .uarcu i, i;wv
Also oi tne namiines.
GEO. W. PEN WARDEN. Treasurer.
T. M. Fuller, 1
RB U 3 8
1 1 VJt,AUS
s no time to bo regretting your neglect
to get insured, A little sare beforehand
is worth more than any amount of regret.
General Insurance Agents
Attention is called to the STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL OF
HONOR of the 11,470 Stato Ranks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list tho WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States.
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale, I'a Slav 20 1908.,
Holmes Memorial, St. Rose Cemetery,
Carbondale, Fa.
Drhij'ni'd and built lv
Late of Paupnck township, deceased.
The undersigned, an .'nidllnr iimmlntpri in
report distribution or said estate, will attend
to the duties of his appointment, on
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1909,
at lOo'clock, a. niut hlsolllec in the borough
of Honesdale, at which time and place all
claims against said estate must he presented,
or recourse to the fund for distribution will
ue lost.
li. M. SALJIUX, Auditor.
Honesdale, March 29. 1909.. 29t3
To A. M. Henshaw from Wana
maker & Brown,
Dear Sir:
Wo are In receipt of an unlimited num
ber of congratulations from our sales
agents upon the superb assortment of
Spring Clothes. They agreeing with us
In pronouncing them the handsomest
evkr gotten together.
We send forwaid this supplemental
line of Grays and Oxfords from the fact
that it Js being whispered that high
priced merchant tailors are preparing to
Introduce them nstheir leading lines; and
these fortify you In the statement that
you have everything that can be demand
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Ofilce: Second floor .Masonic Build
ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store.
Ono of the best equipped farms In Wayne
county-situated about three miles from
EmiiH Ip-To-Date.Sf
J 3 r In the last five
years In buildings, tools and Improvements.
1 f T 1 .of which 75 acres are good bard-
It)!) M8SWwfntbmSS.ra reasonably.
A Bargain, --For further particulars en--quire
W. W. WOOD, "CltlEn" efflo