The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 23, 1909, Image 6

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The Former Toughest Town on
Earth Closed as Tight
as a Drum
Th One-Time Terror of the Mining
Country Has "Degenerated" Into the
Prosaic Quiet of a New England
Village Bad Men Tamed.
Deadwood, South Dakota. Dead
wood, once tho toughest town on
earth, has been shorn of the name
which It boasted for almost a quarter
of a century, and the one-time terror
of the mining country has degenerated
into the prosaic quiet of a New Eng
land village. The last step in the
"degradation" of the city came when
all saloons in the town were forced to
close at 11 o'clock, and the proprietors
were notified that no more should
their places of business be opened on
Sunday. At the same time the side
doors were nailed up, and hereafter
the thirsty Deadwood man must use
the front door in reaching a bar.
To be sure Deadwood's citizens nev
er have been accused of being back
ward in their quest for "booze," and
side doors never were considered nec
essary to a saloon location, but the
fact that these doors have been nailed
up only shows the depth to which
the one-time "Toughest Town on
Earth" has fallen. And while the
nails were being driven Into the doors,
the roulette wheels, which for more
than twenty-five years have sung their
song to the accompaniment of the lit
tle white ball, were forced to cease
turning. Even the time-honored games
of stud poker were ordered stopped
and the cards and chips confiscated
and the players dispersed. Faro boxes
were taken possession of by the offi
cers and the faro dealers ordered out
of business.
And all by a "gang" of preachers.
The Deadwood Ministerial Union
got in the game some time ago. It
took six months for the clergymen to
force matters, but this week's action
of the officers Is the result
Heretofore Deadwood has looked al
most with contempt at the laws which
have been passed by the State Leg
islature Jooklng to the government of
gambling and saloons. And such leg
islation was all right for the eastern
portion of the State, but not for Dead-wood
and the Black Hills. That coun
try was a law unto Itself, and the
"personal liberty" loving citizens of
the "Hills" decided that no saloon nor
gambling laws passed by the Leglsla-
ture should interfere with the sweet
will of Deadwood. Consequently the
greatest surprise that Deadwood ever
was up against came when the saloons
and gambling dens were closed by the
"And all by a gang of preachers,"
say the regulars, with supreme dis
gust. Time was when Deadwood boasted
that no preacher did, could or would
live within the limits of the two or
three gulches along whose narrow bot
toms or steep sides the town was
built. It was the boast that no dls-
ease ever Invaded Deadwood, and, as
preachers were only of use to the sick
and dying, they were not necessary in
Deadwood. Those dying In Deadwood
passed away so quickly that a clergy
man never would have 'a chance to
say a word or utter a prayer. There
were some mighty good gun men in
Deadwood in those days.
But one day an odd kind of preach
er came into the gulch. He carried
two guns and he could use them. He
showed that he could drink with any
of the citizens, but he wouldn't drink
except on special occasions. And
when he sat in at a game it always
was on the square. He stayed.
When the saloons were closed, there
were only twenty-four booze shops In
the town. And Deadwood has nearly
4,000 Inhabitants, too. When the city
was far smaller every other building
was either a saloon or gambling den.
In fact, the proportion of saloons to
other business houses was far greater
than an even break. But civilization
caused many of these to eo out ol
Dusmoas. rvmen me time came tnai
"Deadwood the Tough" boasted oi
only twenty-four such places the old
timers began to look upon the town
as a stronghold of prohibition. Yet
the ministerial unfon (think of such
an organization in Deadwood) thought
the liquor laws should be enforced
and the State Attorney General 'was
called Upon. In turn this official no
tified Sheriff Plunkett to "get busy."
But Sheriff Plunkett's round-up was
nothing to a round-up pulled off by the
first sheriff Deadwood evr had. This
took place in the early days of the
mining camp and was engineered by
Captain Seth Bullock, at present Unit
ed States Marshal of South Dakota,
and a great personal friend of of ex-
President Roosevelt. Bullock came
down from Montana somewhere and
was elected Sheriff of Deadwood, not
because he asked for the job, but be
cause he looked like a man who would
itot interfere with the game. So hot a
war did he wage against the "tin
horns" and the criminals that soon
Deadwood was "purified." To be sure,
Bullock did not interfere with the
legitimate saloons and gambling
joints, but he cleaned out the really
had" man.
John Dlebold's Wonderful Yarn About
Why a Fowl Lit on His Neck
In a Storm.
New York City. Just what a Jet
black duck was doing thirty miles at
sea in the middle of the night, with
a storm raging, was a puzzle to most
of the passengers of the Old Dominion
steamship Jefferson until John Die
bold, upon whose shoulder the fowl
landed, came forward with an expla
nation which, if unusual, is at least
Dlebold, who was returning to New
York from Norfolk after serving four
years on the Kearsarge, was walking
along the quarter deck about eleven
o'clock at night when the duck came.
The wind was blowing something like
fifty miles an hour and the steamship
was swinging along through a heavy
sea. The darkness was impenetrable.
Suddenly there was a fluttering about
Dlebold's head. Wings flapped In his
face. He put up his hands and clasped
what turned out to be a duck as black
as coal and about the size of a can-
vasback. The duck seemed satisfied
and Dlebold took it first to the smok
ing room, where he exhibited it to a
score of passengers, and later to his
berth, where he kept it over night.
All day the duck perched upon Dle
bold's shoulder, refusing to let any
one else touch it and aceptlng atten
tion from iebold with all the gra
clousness of a poll parrot.
"There's no mystery to it what
ever," said Dlebold. "This duck is a
friend of mine. I saw it once before
in different circumstances. It flew
aboard the ship one afternoon down
In the Chesapeake and stuck to me
for three days. I fed it and treated it
with all the kindness due to a self re
specting, jet black duck, and when we
steamed out of tho Chesapeake I
tossed it off the side of the ship.
That's all. I don't pretend to be an
authority on ducks, but this bird re
membered me and probably knew I
was on the Jefferson. Anyhow, what
in the world would it have been do
ing out at sea on a night like last
night if it didn't want to see some
one badly?"
Dlebold carried the duck on his
shoulder till the Jefferson reached tls
pier. Then he turned it over to the
steward with instructions to release it
off Cape Charles.
in Time for the Train.
"Am I in time for the overland
limited?" gasped the man with the
valise, hurrying up to the ticket
seller's window in the railway sta
tion at Drearyhurst.
"Yes ,slr."
"When is it due?"
"In five minutes."
"I want a ticket to Kansas City."
"All right, sir."
The stranger bought his ticket and
sat down to wait.
Presently a train whizzed by at
the rate of hfty miles an hour.
"What train was that?" he asked.
"The overland limited."
"Doesn't it stop here?"
"No, sir."
"Great Scott! Why didn't you
tell me?"
"Great Scott! Why didn't you
unit me. sir?" said the ticket seller.
Copyright, 1909, by American Press Asso
ciation. These articles and illustrations
must not be reprinted without special
You may be correct in thinking that
an ambitious cluck draws no distinc
tion between a doorknob and a tin
can, but it's often what hatches out
bothers the hen, so you better "look a
leetle oudt" if you set goose eggs, for
sometimes the mammy hen, horrified
at the little scoop shovelers, will just
proceed to wring their rubbernecks.
People who have only a few geese
and plenty of sitting hens often play
a shell game on the laying goose by
putting a nest egg in and takJbg out
the goose egg. The goose, thus think
ing she has missed laying, keeps at it
and often lays from twenty to sixty
eggs a season.
Six eggs weigh two pounds and are
enough for a large hen, Brahmas, Co
chins and Langshans preferred. Set
hens in sheltered place on the ground
and sprinkle the eggs every day when
It is warm and see that hen covers
them at once, but mother goose will
wet her own eggs nfter her dip in tho
Set a storm shelter over your sitting
goose and give her cut straw with
which to line her nest. She will cover
the eggs with this when she leaves to
fool Skunk, Weasel & Co., who are
especially fond of goose eggnog.
If hatching with incubators, keep
temperature at 101 at center of egg,
as this makes the heat about 103 at
top, as a goose egg is higher than a
hen's egg.
Test on the eighth day. Sprinkle
every day, turn and cool like hens'
If using brooder have the high drum-
less hover style with top heat. Start
at 85 and taper down according to
needs of goslings.
Use dry deep sand on brooder floor
and have water vessels arranged so
that water cannot be slopped and car
ried into nursery.
A hen does not stay long with young
geese, perhaps because acting step
mother to such rubbernecks is a mor
tifying business.
Unlike chicken society, she must
trail along behind the grass grazing
little ganders and is only a two legged
radiator to be honked for when their
little gizzards get chilly. So you must
be Mother Goose and furnish the goose
Don't feed for twenty-four hours nnd
give no grain until they can swallow
Feed four times a day first week,
three second and turn out to pasture
on entire grass ration when a month
First feed sweet, dry breadcrumbs.
Next day add a sprinkle of moist bran
and cornmeal.
Then feed crumbly mash of one
third cornmeal, two-thirds bran and 10
per cent beef scrap with fine grit.
To fatten two weeks before market
place in small pen and feed mash of
three-fourths cornmeal and one-fourth
beef scrap.
Keep market geese from swimming
and don't allow goslings to get wet
When your birds are sick and you
find lice on them, don't jump to tho
conclusion that lice did it all. Lice do
Dot suck blood. They simply eat
feathers and skin scruff and crawl. A
good dust bath la their finish.
A fancier who exhibits borrowed
birds Is a trickster. Lending birds to
a fancier jo increase his entry to win
a cup this year on condition that he
lend you his birds to win next year is
simply a conspiracy to defraud. The
rule Is, "Every exhibitor must own his
birds." Better, every exhibitor must
breed and own his birds.
If you plaster your poultry house be
sure to supply your chickens with oys
ter shell; otherwise they eat the plas
ter off the wall. Leghorns are experts
at It.
A thief In New York stole 18,300
eggs, valued at 3 cents apiece, and
was sent up for five years. Pretty
heavy sentence for stealing storage
eggs. How about those merchants
who sell them for "strictly fresh?"
Government tests on thirty-seven
coals of the Rocky mountain region
succeeded In producing good coke from
all but three. No excuse now for let
ting the thirty-four kinds go to waste.
Thirty forged "old masters" intended
for American buyers were recently
seized by the Paris police, which sim
ply means some more fool money to
spend In some other fool way.
Time to End the Courtship.
"Mandy," said the lovesick Hiram as
he twitched the wax flowers nervous
ly, "won't you be mine?" I swan, it
feels like my heart Is coming through."
"Gracious," exclaimed Mandy appre
hensively, "I reckon I'll have to. Not
only your heart is coming through, but
we have been courting so long two of
the sofa springs are coming through."
Chicago News.
Found He Had Some.
A schoolmaster was one day greatly
annoyed by not getting satisfactory
answers to the questions he put to one
of the schoolboys. At last he called
the dunce to the front and, handing
him twopence, said: "Here's some mon
ey. Go and buy some brains."
The master felt rather small when
the boy turned round with the query,
"And will I tell the shopkeeper they're
for yon?" London Telegraph.
After the Encore.
The bright red phonograph sang long
and loud at an east side cafe. When
It finished the people clapped. It re
plied with an encore, and the people
clapped again.
"What makes you look at it so hard?"
asked the woman's companion, for her
eyes were fixed on the phonograph.
"I am Just waiting," she said, "to
see it get up and bow." New York
"Mildred," murmured a fashionable
young man, sinking gracefully on one
knee, "for your birthday gift I offer
"Thank you," was Mildred's cold and
calculating reply, "but I only accept
useful presents." Philadelphia Inquir
er. "What would you say,"' said the
prophet of woe, "if I were to tell you
that in a very short space of time all
tho rivers in this country would dry
"I would say," replied the patient
man, "go and do thou likewise."
Stray Stories.
Few New Yorkers know that the
great Broadway was once called Great
George stre, In honor of the English
king. It was afterward known as the
Bloomingdale road before It acquired
the name of "the Broadway," which
was subsequently changed to Broad
way. ,
"Now that you are rich, Mrs. Mudger,
do you feel any happier than when you
had to pack your husband's lunch in a
little tin box every morning?"
"Oh, yes much. I know that he will
not blame me for it if his lunch doesn't
happen to appeal to his appetite."
Chicago ltecord-Herald.
The mill occupying the most north
ern location in America is at Ver
milion, 700 miles north of the United
States boundary and within 400 miles
of the nrctlc circle. Hudson Bay com
pany posts in Mackenzie and Peace
river regions obtain their flour from
this mill.
Bcott wnat is your idea of a good
Joke? Mott Any joke that makes you
mad because you didn't think of it
yourself. Boston Transcript.
Features in this Column:
Medal For Saving Lives
Suffrage In Washington
War on the House Fly Pest
Miss Mary McCann of New York
city was presented by Speaker Cannon
March 18 on behalf of the government
life saving service with a gold medal.
The presentation took place in the
room of 'the speaker of tho house of
representatives. The medal was in
recognition of Miss McCnnn's bravery
at the time of the accident to the
steamer General Slocum, in which a
number of lives were lost The young
heroine was recuperating nt a health
resort near New York and was on tho
beach at the time the steamer was dis
covered to be on fire. She saw chil
dren jumping overboard from the 111
fated boat and went Into the water.
She caught up two of the little ones
nnd returned to the shore. She waded
in again and brought others to safety.
She repeated this net until she had res
cued nine in all. Miss McCann is soon
to be graduated from tho Florence Crit
tenton Training school, in New York
tt t
During the campaign for the woman
suffrage bill .in Washington a camp
was established on the summit of
Mount Rainier, and the banner was
carried to the camp by four beautiful
young women, who placed it over the
entrance to the tent Women in Wash
ington were enfranchised by net of the
territorial legislature in 1883. They
were disfranchised by the courts in
1888. Ever since then the women of
tho state have been active In their ef
forts to have a full suffrage bill passed
nnd succeeded in February of this
year. The vote in tho senate was 30 to
0, the bill having previously passed the
house by a vote of 70 to 18. It was
signed by the governor.
st t
Miss Anna Murphy of Des Moines,
la., saved enough from her salary as a
stenographer in a law office to buy a
hotel, which she is conducting with
success. She has hours which sue de
votes to her stenography nnd typewrit
ing. She employs her help, buys the
provisions for her table, keeps the
books and looks after the management
of the entire house, which contains
fifty rooms. Her years of experience
in the law office enabled her to draw
up her own legal papers.
Miss Amerlcus Independence Bell, a
Philadelphia girl who was born July
4, 1892, recently applied to the secre
tary of the navy for permission to en
list In that branch of the government's
service. She was advised that it was
impossible unless she wished to do so
as a nurse. The young woman's fa
ther formerly served in the navy.
L.aay Laurier, wife of the premier of
Canada, says that the 15,000 women
farmers of that country are even more
successful in their work than nlen.
Miss Estelle French Is the first wo
man to be naturalized by tho Japanese
home department. She was born and
reared in tHo United States, but has
been connected with the seamen's mis
sions In Yokosuka.
We have no Insurance against
panics, BUT
We want to sell
Every business man in Warns
county a good sized life or en
dowment policy that he may
use as collateral security for
borrowedmoney tldeyouorer
tight places when sales are
poor and collections slow pos
sibly bead off Insolvency.
We want to sell
Every farmers policy that will
absolutely protect his family
and home.
We want to sell
. Every laborer and mechanic a
saving policy that will be im
possible for him to lapse or
If not Life Insurance
Let us write someof your FIRE
INSURANCE. Standard, re
liable companies only.
General Agents.
In mmnllnnpfl with Kprt.lnn It nt f.h Uni
form Primary Act, page 37. P. L. 1908. notice
is hereby given to the electors of Wayne
county of tbe number of delegates to the
State convention each party is entitled to
elect, the names of party olllces to bo filled,
and for what county offices nominations are
to be made at the Spring Primaries to be held
on Saturday, June 6th, 1909.
1 One person for Jury Commissioner.
1 Two persons for Delegates to State Con
vention. 3 One person in each election district for
member of County Committee.
1 One person for Jury Commissioner.
2 Two persons for Delegates to State Con
1 OneDerson In each! elcctlonTdlstrlet" for
member of County Committee
1 OnfiTrarfinn fnr.Tllrv Cnmmlsslnnor.
12 Four Delegates to State Convention.
0 f our persons tor
State Convention.
1 One person for Party Chairman,
6 One person for Party Secretary.
9 One person for Party Treasurer.
For Jury Commissioner. a'Detltloner must
have no less than fifty signatures of mem
bers of his party who are voters ; for Dele
gates to State Convention, Committeemen
and party olllcers, no less than te igna
All of these netitions must be filed in (tin
Commissioners' oilice on or before Saturday,
May 15, 1909.
.1. K. HOKNHECK, fConi'rs.
Attest : Geo. P. lfoss. Clerk.
Commissioners' Office. Honesdale. Pa. .
April o. IWJ. raw
For New Late N ovelties
SPENCER, The Jeweler
"Guaranteed articles only sold."
We have the sort of tooth brushes that are
made to thoroughly cleanse and save the
They are tbe kind thatclean teeth withost
leaving your mouth fulUof bristles.
We recommend those costing 25 cents or
more, as we can guarantee them and will re
place, free, any that show defectsiof manu
tacture within three months.
Opp.D. & H. Station, HONESDALE, PA.