The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 23, 1909, Image 5

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    THERE WILL BE a Rummage sale In the
Wednesday and Thursday, April .28 and 2),
unuer mo auspices 01 me w . v. i. u.
NOTICE. Important annual meet Ine of
the Wayne County Co-operative Association
at oi. ueonre-s Jiau. uonneii Duuainr. w eu.-
ncsuay, April zs, oou
olds tor ttao construction ot concrete floors on
iwo oriages near it. 11. ixuyarcrg. ah. rieas
ant. will bn rpwtivMl nt the County Com
mlssloners' office until 10 a. m., Tuesday, May
, ihuj. i-inns on nie at ine commissioners
ofllce. The right Ja reserved to reject all
ROOMS TO RENT. Apply at Bregsteln
uroiners' store, mu
T1RAMAN has some splendid Native and
western norses ior saie an in excellent, con
itlon at Allen House Barn. 25tf
SPECIAL attention given to children at
at uuarieswortns stuuio. a
FOR RENT OR SALE.-Dwelllng house,
corner Court and Eighth streets,
26 II. Z. Russell,
CLEVELAND Rny Horse, six years old, 16
Bands aim one-nan men uiin,iiuu iuukihk,
Dorel. right every way. rrice,
26 I)b. Norle, Wnymart
$50.00 REWARD.-You can make even more
than this on your goods by getting me to do
your selling. Write for date. A. O. Blake,
Auctioneer, jieuany.
FOR BALE. A house and lot, 1314 West
street, Jlonesaaie. is rooms, with an con-
onnlnn re a 1na I rnnla trm a hno iH Inn hnnaa
r two families. Inquire on the premises of
Mrs. E. O. Secor, or ot her attorney, A.T.
aeane. zuu
FOR BALE Ray East Extension
street, jargeiofwitn sixty icetiront.,
Simons. 38eoltf
SCHOOL TEACHERS If you have a few
hours each day that you can spare from you
work we will snow you how to Increase your
earnings. urawero nonesaaie ra.
FARM of 1(2 acres for sale. Good house, a
barn that will accommodated cows, fiborses
and 100 tons of hay. Farm well watered.
New chicken house, that will accommodate
200 chickens. Large silo. No better form in
Wayne county. Situated one-hulf mile from
village, inquire at hie uitizen omce.
During the last two weeks
nearly 3,000,000 fish fry have been
Bblpped from lit. Pleasant for the
stocking of streams and lakes
throughout Luzerne county and for
points on the Lehigh' Valley railroad
between Sayre and Easton, as well
as points along the Pennsylvania
and D., L. & W. roads as far south
as Sunbury and Northumberland.
The Pennsylvania Live Stock
Breeders' Association announces a
list of prizes for a corn-growing con
test In which yield of corn per acre
is the chief consideration. Contest
ants are given the liberty to select
any acre, and to fertilize, plant and
cultivate the crop as they please. A
?50 Silver Cup and ten cash prizes
are offered, Cor the, best, acre, of corn.
For information as to the conditions
of the contest, prizes, etc., corn
growers should drop a postal card to
B. S. Bayard, Secretary, 203 Shady
Ave., Pittsburg. Competition Is open
to all Pennsylvania farmers and
their families or employes.
John Latourette, of Lebanon town
ship, was arrested by detective N. B.
Ppencer on Wednesday last on informa
tion furnished by Jasper Burdick, watch
man for the Wayne Hunting and Fish
ing Club, charging that he was a tres
passer on the lands of that corporation.
He was given a hearing before Justice
Robert A. Smith, in Honesdale, and
fined two dollars and costs ; the defend
ant admitted that he had fished in a
stream leased to the prosecuting com
pany. His claim that he was not on the
lands of the company, but in a public
highway, while doing his fishing, failed
to save him from the penalty of the
Marriage licenses have been grant
ed to Leslie A. Brader and Katherine
M. Heinickle, both of Honesdale ; Geo.
Seely and Lillian L. Hazen, both of
Dunmore ; Sidney M. Woodley and
Emma Wegst, of Beach Lake.
The Seelyville Pinochle club
will play the Knights of Columbus a
series of games Thursday evening.
In a recent issue we gaye some idea
of our townsman's (Homer Greene's)
interesting new book, "A Lincoln Con
script." In the Stroller's department
of the Scranton Tribune the appended
article appears, to which we may add,
that, with such change of names as
seemed advisable the scenes of Mr.
Greene's new story are located in this
county, and the characters are easily
recognizable people of Salem township,
and the vicinity of his boyhood home :
"I .have just received a copy of "A
Lincoln Conscript," a charming story
of the War of the Rebellion, from the
pen of the well known author, Homer
Greene of Honesdale. It deals with the
experiences of a southern sympathizer,
who wap drafted during the war and re
fused to respond to the nation's call.
Through the interference of President
Lincoln the stubborn individual is sav
ed from court martial and death, and
becomes one of the most enthusiastic
admirers of Lincoln and a falthtul sol
dier in the Union army. The principal
scenes are laid in Pennsylvania and tho
characters of war tlmo live in the pen
pictures given in tho author's fascinat
ing vein. The volume, which is pub
lished by tho Houghton Mifflin company,
of Boston, is profusely illustrated with
drawings by T. DeThulstrup, and sells
for $1.60. it is not only an appropriate
tribute to the memory of the great Lin
coln, but is, a correct story of war tlmo
conditions, and its historical features
and moral trend make "A Lincoln Con
script" one of the best books that could
be placed in the hands of tho young
reader. In theso days of vicious, im-
. I lit i II Ml I i , ' .
worm oesi genera, mat outrage' cte
cenoy and pervert the Mind of youth,
Mr. Greene's latest effort affords a re
freshing and uplifting diversion."
On Thursday cvenlnsr. April 29,
at the Lyric Theatre, under the aus
pices of the .Amity Social Club, Bar
bara Frietchie, , tho Frederick Girl,
a very beautiful southern play in
four acts will be presente'd by an
exceptionally capable cast of local
talent. Tho drama is being re
hearsed under the direction of Mrs.
Eleanor Kimble Dlttrlch, who is
programmed to play the title role
"Baftara Frietchie," and BenJ. H.
Dlttrlch, Manager of the Lyric, is
staging the production. Besides
the1 'large cast of nineteen, many
6tUer"Teople will be used as citi
zens,' soldiers, etc., making the com
pany number about fifty. This will
be the first play, by local talent, to
take place in the Lyric ' Theatre,
and, as the Amity boys have always
given our people the best of amuse
ments, even under the most dis
couraging and disadvantageous con
ditions, in the past; we naturally,
now look for them to surpass any
thing that they ever heretofore pre
sented to the public Seat sale starts
at the box office at 9 a. m. Wednes
day morning, April 28th. All tick
ets purchased before that time must
be exchanged for reserved seat
Freedom Lodge, No. 88, I. O.
O. F., of Honesdale,. will observe
the ninetieth anniversary of the
Order as follows: On Sunday even
ing, April 25th, all members of the
Order will assemble in Freedom
Hall at 7 o'clock sharp, to attend
services at Grace Episcopal Church,
Rev. A. L. Whittaker, Pastor. On
Monday evening. April 26th. the
annual banquet w(ll be served from
5:30 to 7:00, followed by a musi
cal and literary programme and
social intercourse. Each member
is entitled to bring but one lady (no
children) because of the limited
seating capacity. Outside invita
tions will be restricted to clergy
men and representatives of the press
and their wives.
The Carbondale Leader of
Monday last, among its "One Min
ute Interviews," has the following
which seems to cloud the claim of
priority of Mr. Kenworthy as a
Honesdale-Carbondale stage driver:
"In the Leader of April 16th I
noticed an article stating that Wm.
Kenworthy, of Honesdale, was the
only surviving driver of tho Hones
dale stage. From a reliable source
I am informed that Mr. Kenworthy
commenced driving the stage on
this route in 1875, succeeding Mr.
Townsend. Issacher Heacock, at
present a resident of Carbondale.
commenced driving on this same
line Nov. 12, 1857. This would
make him 18 years older in that
line of business, than Mr. Ken
worthy." Mr. Heacock's son is
now the office clerk of the Allen
Under . the Auspices . of the W.
C. T. U. there will, be a Silver Medal
Oratorical Contest In the Presbyter
ian Chapel on Tuesday evening,
April 27th, to begin at eight o'clock.
Miss Ruth Kennedy has trained the
class and will have charge of it.
The contestants are: Coe Lemnit-
zer, Albert Krantz, Roy Lelnbach,
Emeline Wells, Bertha Garrett, Ma
tilda Curtis, and Florence Hiller.
Miss Kennedy will also recite. The
recitations will be interspersed with
fine music. Come and enjoy a de
lightful evening for only twenty
five cents.
As Memorial Day, this year,
falls on Sunday, the usual exercises
of the day will be held on Monday,
May 31st. The 30th will be ob
served as Memorial Sunday, by a
sermon commemorative of the war
and Its results. In our borough,
both days will be observed substanti
ally as in the past.
Central park is undergoing its
annual cleaning. Several men are
engaged this week putting the
grounds in shape for the summer.
A ganK of linemen, under the
supervision of Foreman McHugh,
are rebuilding the Pennsylvania
telephone company lines at this
place, The company expect to make
a number of improvements about
their plant in Honesdale.
W. F, Loftus, an emplove in the
office of the county commissioners is be
ing boomed for a Carnegie medal by B,
T. Jayne, of Scranton, and Frank Mc-
Dermott, of Carbondale, as the result
of an -heroic act performed by him Sat
urday in saving Charlotte Stiles, a daugh
ter of Christopher Stiles. The three men
were lishmg in the Lackawaxen at
Creamton, Wayne county, when the
girl fell into the river. Loftus dove right
in after her and caught her in his arms.
Tho child struggled so fiercely that the
young man" was all but drowned him
self. He finally got her close to shore
and the other fishermen helped him
struggle to tho bank. Scranton Repub
-An Eauinunk corresnondent
writing of tho death of Hon. H. A.
Farley of that nlace. aavs thnt hn
had bpen attending to his duties at
his store, and, after waiting on a
customer, closed his store and
started for his home, but few
hundred feet distant, and had trnnn
about "half the way when he fell
dead in his path. The immediate
aliment Js not known, though it
was probably heart trouble.
Edward Weist was arrested Tues
day by officer Can! van, for cruelty to
animals. He nleadcd ciiiltv before
Squire Smith and was released after
paying the fine and charges.
Munson McDermott has accent.
ed a position with the Honesdale
Electric Company. Mr. McDermott
ana wire will remove to this nlace
dt an early date,'
W. J. Ferher, of Honesdale, hits
been drawn as a, petit Juror,' and
William Sutton, of Seelyville, as, a
grand Juror to sorvo at the next
term of tho United States Court
which will convene in Harrlsburg
the first week In May.
Lewis Dain and wife, of Port Jervis,
returned to their home Wednesday, af
ter a few days visit with Mrs. Dain's
Miss Vera Rickcrt returned on Tues
day after a ten days, visit with friends
in Bmghamtbn.
A. M. Henshaw, of Indian Or
chard, was a Citizen office visitor on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pragnell,
of Newton, N. J are the guests of
relatives in Seelyville.
Dr. J. C. Bateson, formerly of this
county, returned to his home in Scran
ton, on Saturday last, from a tour of the
South, that has taken him through the
Carolinas, Virginias, Maryland and Del
aware. During the past two years, in
the capacity of a representative of the
American Medical Association, he has
visited nearly every State in the Union,
and now begins to feel that there is no
place like home. He expects to resume
his practice in Scranton, and will ac
cept his recent appointment as a mem
ber of the board of health.
Clinton I. Dow, of Manchester, N.
II., was the guest of R. Milton Salmon,
of North Main street, a few days this
Leon Katz attended the wed
ding of a relative in New York city
William F. Keisel, of South
Irving avenue, South Side, Scran
ton, a nephew of .William T. Heft,
of this place, fell from the four
story machine shop of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western railroad,
between South Washington and
Cedar avenues, in that city, on
Tuesday last and was Instantly
killed. The funeral will be held
this, Friday, afternoon. Mr. Keisel
was very popular and his tragical
death was a great shock to a large
circle of friends.
Albert H. Klnnie, brewer for
the A. Hartung Brewing Co., has
rented the old Gilbert White prop
erty on Church street and will move
his family from Hazelton about May
George W. Nope, of Scranton,
Factory Inspector for this district,
is in town.
Harry Ludlon, formerly em
ployed at T. B. Clark's Co's, left
yesterday for Corning, N. Y., where
he has accepted a position with an
insurance company.
The Dow--Russell Wedding.
A very pretty wedding was sol
emnized at Grace Episcopal church
Thursday evening, April 22, 1909,
when Miss Sophie Menner, daughter
of Henry Z. Russell, was united in
marriage to Clinton I. Dow, of
Manchester, N. H. The ceremony
was performed at 7:30 p. m., by Rev.
Dr. Henry C. Swentzel, of Brook
lyn, N. Y. The maid of honor was
Miss Marietta Russell, a sister of
the bride; and Zenas H. Russell, of
Manchester, N. H acted as best
man. The bride's maids were
Misses Dorothy Menner, Antoinette
Durland, and Lucy Russell, of Hones
dale, and Alison Wyeth, of St.
Josephs, Mo., Louise Means and
Mrs. Zenas H. Russell, of Manches
ter, N. H. The bride was attired in
a beautiful white lace robe, and
carried a bouquet of lilies of the
valley and orchids. The gown of
the maid of honor was of yellow
crepe de chine and she carried a
bouquet of white lilacs. The brides
maids were attired in gowns of
white point d'esprlt over satin, and
they carried bouquets of Easter
As the bridal party entered the
church the wedding march from
Lohengrin was rendered by the or
ganist, Mrs. Jessie B. Dolmetsch, as
sisted by Sonner's orchestra.
The ushers at the church were
R. Milton Salmon, and James Mum
ford, of Honesdale; Charles L. Bau
sher, James Felton, and Remsen
Varlck, of Manchester, N. H., and
Harry M. Mitchell, of Cleveland,
The bride is one of Honesdale's
charming young ladles, and has a
large circle of friends in this city.
The groom is a prominent resident
of Manchester, N. H., and holds a
responsible position with the Amos
keag Manufacturing Co.
The decorations at the home and
church were alike, consisting of
palms, Easter lilies and cut flowers,
and were In charge of Clarke & Co.,
After the ceremony a reception
was held at the homo of the bride's
father, at tho corner of Eighth and
Ohurch streets. The catering was
In charge of Maresla & Co., of New
York city.
Among tho out-of-town guests in
attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Perry
H, Dow, and William G. Parker, of
Manchester, N. H Mrs. George S.
Slone of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Crooker, Miss Story, and Mrs.
Fuchs, of Mount Vernon, N. Y.
Undo fvisltlnir Ma atnilonf nonViaroX
Glad to seo you hard at work, my boy;
wnat are you aoing there?
Nenhow Chemical atiwH mnnfa tin.
cle combining acids with metal.' By
tho VTBV. rtpnr nnplo Ar ft nn An
to have any metal about you T Meg
gendorfcr Blatter,-
Application for Receiver
for Pa. Cent. Brewing Co.
Charges of Mismanagement and
Extravagance Not Sustained by
the Evidence Company
Will Probably Go on
as of Old.
Tho application for a receiver for
the Pennsylvania Central Brewing
company, which is pending in the
United States Court in Scranton, is
likely to be refused by Judge Arch
bald, and It Is expected that the
company, with which the A. Hart
ung brewery of this place Is con
nected, wlil go on as It has been do
ing. A bill in equity was filed three
weeks ago in 'United States court
against the company by J. Edward
Ackley, as plaintiff, charging gross
mismanagement by the officers and
alleging that the company Is in
The hearing on the bill was set
down for 10 o'clock Wednesday
forenoon and instead of calling wit
nesses, the evidence was in the
form of affidavits on both sides for
the purpose of confining tho issue
to the material facts, and dispos
ing of the case quickly.
It was averred in several affidav
its for the defendant that the suit
was Instigated by John G. Persch,
of New York, with the sole purpose
of forcing a combination of all the
brewery interests in Lackawanna,
Luzerne and Wayne counties, and
that" the plaintiff Ackley, is a New
York lawyer who has been Persch's
counsel for a good many years, and
who is but a nominal stockholder
of the company at present and only
so to give him a standing in court
which he otherwise would not have.
Judge Wheaton and George Lle
wellyn, of Wilkes-Barre, and Judge
Carpenter, of Scranton, appeared
for the plaintiff, and Judges Knapp
and Kelly and M. J. Martin, for the
Judge Archbald said at noon that
he would dispose of the matter
forthwith, If he could see his way
clear to do so, and from an incident
which cropped out during the hear
ing it was thought probable that
his decision would be in favor of
the company.
The judge Incidentally inquired if
any attempt had been made by the
plaintiff to have some of the mat
ters'' complained of adjusted with
out going to the extent of making
the move for a receiver.
To throw a company or any busi
ness into the hands of a receiver, it
is necessary to affirmatively show
that it is insolvent. While the
plaintiff makes allegations to this
effect in his bill by averring that
the sinking fund provision for the
fifty thousand dollars worth of bonds
due "this year has not been met,
the company shows that It got the
consent of a majority of the bond
holders; and that every bill, note,
claim and obligation of every sort
and kind from the first day the
company was organized to the pres
ent has been met and that now the
company has sixty-five thousand
dollars in .bank to its credit and to
tal assets readily convertible into
cash in the sum of four hundred
thousand dollars.
To put the matter into a nutshell
the company claims, by affidavit of
its treasurer that it has two dollars
to pay every dollar of claims or ob
ligations. The bill asking for the receiver
complains that a large and extrava
gant sum is paid to officers for
work done by subordinates, that
the company has run behind two
hundred thousand dollars in 1908,
that it failed to make the last sink
ing fund provision for fifty thous
and dollars of its bonds, and in ad
dition to the excessive salaries to
the officers large sums are expend
ed in expense accounts under the
guise of being on business trips to
other cities.
The affiants In the affidavits for
the plaintiff are George G. Brown
and Thomas B. McMann".
As we go to press we learn that,
as was anticipated, Judge Archbald
denied the application for the ap
pointment of a receiver, saying in
concluding a long opinion that he
saw no grounds whatever for grant
ing the petition.
Visits President and 8tcretary Mac
Veagh on Smuggling Casta.
Washington, April 22. William Loeb,
Jr., collector of the port of New York,
had a conference with President Taft
and Secretary of tho Treasury 'Mac
Veagh regarding the alleged New York
smuggling cases.
It is said that three of the most fash
ionable New York dressmakers are In
volved In the smuggling of more than
10,000,000 worth of robes and laces
from Paris and that their operations
havo been going on for years.
Harrlman'a Cousin Diss In Paris.
Paris, April 22. James Anion Harrl
man, a first cousin of B. H. Harrlman
of New York and son of James Harrl
man of Washington, died suddenly
here. He was a banker In Wall street
and UVad at Pleasantville, N. Y.
Mrs. Bridget Moran died at her home
on Forest street Tuesday evening' last,
after two, weeks' illness with the grippe.
Deceased was sixty years of age; Was
born in Honesdale and resided in this
place for a number of years. She is
survived by the following children:
John, Thomas, William, Frank, James,
nnd Andrew; also by the following
brothers: William, of Honesdale;
Thomas, of Scranton, and John, resid
ing in the west. The funeral will be
held this Friday morning, from- St.
John's church and Jinterment will be
made in St. John's Catholic cemetery.
Rev. Dr. Charles M. Glffin, who for
nine years was pastor of Elm Park
Methodist Episcopal church, in Scran
ton, died suddenly last Tuesdav even-
ing after dining at the home of R. D.
Armstrong, No. 17 Prospect Park, West
Brooklyn, N. Y., with whose family,
Dr. and Mrs. Giflin were SDendine the
evening. Dr. Giffin and family had
spent the past two months In Egypt and
the Holy Land, only arriving home on
the steamship Baltic on Sunday evenine.
Monday was spent with his son, Wm.
nflin, in Brooklyn, and on Tuesday,
after calling ,on other friends thev were
to enjoy the evening with the Armstrong
lamiiy. wmie there, Rev. Giffin was
suddenly prostrated and died within
fifteen minutes, before a physician could
reach his side. Rev. Dr. Giffin was
sixty-nine years old, and had been a
Methodist preacher for half century.
He was among the foremost ministers
of that denomination, and during his
active years in the servico had filled
some of the biggest pulpits of the coun
try. He was twice pastor of. Grace M.
E. church, Brooklyn, N. Y.. and four
years ago went to the First church at
If you want
someti ing con
servative and
dignified In cut
TAKE THIS COLLEGIAN cut, for initance; it is one of the distinguishing
models which will be worn by fashion leaders this snrinc. Two button.
slanted button holes, vent, side seams creased. There's a dash of style and su
periority of finish that at once stamps it the product of master tailors I
Adler's Collegian Clothing retains its
shape because of a careful and scientific
construction, and perfection in workmanship.
S- We arc sole agents for tho celebrated Knox
j i .1 j ,u jiucriu'iiiier-Bteiii cunning ior cmiaren. ine Desi
chlldrens'.clotmngmaile In thecountry.
Is Your Money
Lying Around Idle?
iii minium
Right away you will get the desire to enlarge it. Then it
furnishes the very best lesson in economy, weans a person from
habits of extravagance and is one of the greatest comforts in the
world. It is not safe in theso days of hold-ups and robberies td
have money lying around idle in
in the bank where it works for you day and night.
The modern burclar nroof safe and vault of thin hunk nfford tlm crcntcnt,
protection for your money, and its safety deposit boxes for all other valuables.
Active pr savings accounts received. Three per cent, paid on savings deposits.
Its drafts are tho safest and cheapest method of sending money to foreign
countries. Call and get a pocket check book. Money loaned on good security
to home people to whom preference is always given.
Vice President.
j , -
Asbdry Park, N; J., where his ministry
continued to this time. He was an ex
ceptionally strong man in the pulpit,
and as a pastor, endeared all to him.
His widow and two sons survive tho
latter both being Methodist ministers
located in charges near Now York city.
A manufacturing concorn In which
only one-half of the employees work
In the daytime haB a twenty-four-hour
clock In the timekeeper's ofllce, by
which the work record is noted. The
business day begins at 1 o'clock In
the morning, and when other clocks
Indicate midnight this factory time
piece shows that It Is 24 o'clock. The
men who go to work at tho time ordi
narily known as 6 p. m. are recorded
as having started at 1 o'clock. The
people in charge of the work say that
this change in the timekeeping meth
od has prevented many errors, and al
though it took the men a little while
to become accustomed to It they now
speak of 14 and 16 o'clock in a matter
of fact way and without the smile
which at first the strange figures provoked.
Her waist begins just below her
neck. Her hips have been planed off
even with the rest of her body. She
Is usually buttoned up the back, and
around her neck she wears a section
of barbed wire covered with lace. She
wears on her head a blond haystack
of hair and on top ot this a central
dome with rings about the same size
as those of Saturn. She is sawthed
In jar gown Uko an Indian papoose,
and on the end of her feet are dabs
of patent leather. She walks on stilt
like heels with the expertness of a
tight-rope dancer. The poreB of her
skin are full of fine white powder.
This is a woman.
if you want
and smart
hat : tho Corlls-Coon Collars, In K sizes.
Nobody knows without trying it how easy
it is to make money save money when
an account is opened in the
your home or pocket. It is safe
11. 13. KLY, M, D.